def resolve_doi(doi):
    Gets the paper and references information from an article DOI.

    doi : str
        DOI = digital object identifier.
        Unique ID assigned to a journal article.
        Example: 10.1002/biot.201400046

    paper_info : PaperInfo
        See resolve_citation for description.

    doi_prefix = doi[0:7]

    # Same steps as in resolve_citation
    saved_info = get_saved_info(doi)
    if saved_info is not None:
        saved_paper_info = PaperInfo()
        for k, v in saved_info.items():
            setattr(saved_paper_info, k, v)
        return saved_paper_info

    paper_info = doi_to_info(doi)
    idnum = assign_id()
    paper_info.idnum = idnum


    return paper_info
def resolve_citation(citation):
    Gets the paper and references information from
    a plaintext citation.

    Uses a search to to retrive paper DOI.

    citation : str
        Full journal article citation.
        Example: Senís, Elena, et al. "CRISPR/Cas9‐mediated genome
                engineering: An adeno‐associated viral (AAV) vector
                toolbox. Biotechnology journal 9.11 (2014): 1402-1412.

    paper_info : PaperInfo
        Class containing relevant paper meta-information and
        references list.
        Information about the paper itself is in 'entry' value, and is a dict
        (with str and dict values). References list is in 'references'
        value and is a list of dicts (each with str and dict values).
        Must call .__dict__ to be JSON-serializable

    # Encode raw citation
    citation = urllib_quote(citation)

    # Search for citation on to try to get a DOI link
    api_search_url = '' + citation
    response = requests.get(api_search_url).json()
    doi = response[0]['doi']

    # If crossref returns a link, retrieve the doi from it
    # and save the URL to pass to doi_to_info
    url = None
    if doi[0:18] == '':
        url = doi
        doi = doi[18:]
    doi_prefix = doi[0:7]

    # Check if this DOI has been searched and saved before.
    # If it has, return saved information
    saved_info = get_saved_info(doi)
    if saved_info is not None:
        saved_paper_info = PaperInfo()
        for k, v in saved_info.items():
            setattr(saved_paper_info, k, v)
        return saved_paper_info

    paper_info = doi_to_info(doi, doi_prefix, url)

    idnum = assign_id()
    paper_info.idnum = idnum


    return paper_info