Пример #1
 def call(self, space, __args__):
     with handles.using(space, __args__.arguments_w[0]) as h_self:
         n = len(__args__.arguments_w) - 1
         with lltype.scoped_alloc(rffi.CArray(llapi.HPy), n) as args_h:
             i = 0
             while i < n:
                 args_h[i] = handles.new(space, __args__.arguments_w[i + 1])
                 i += 1
             h_kw = 0
             if __args__.keywords:
                 w_kw = space.newdict()
                 for i in range(len(__args__.keywords)):
                     key = __args__.keywords[i]
                     w_value = __args__.keywords_w[i]
                     space.setitem_str(w_kw, key, w_value)
                 h_kw = handles.new(space, w_kw)
             fptr = llapi.cts.cast('HPyFunc_initproc', self.cfuncptr)
             state = space.fromcache(State)
                 result = fptr(state.ctx, h_self, args_h, n, h_kw)
                 if h_kw:
                     handles.close(space, h_kw)
                 for i in range(n):
                     handles.close(space, args_h[i])
     if rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, result) < 0:
         # If we're here, it means no exception was set
         raise oefmt(space.w_SystemError,
             "Function returned an error result without setting an exception")
     return space.w_None
Пример #2
def HPy_Bytes(space, ctx, h_obj):
    # XXX: cpyext checks and returns <NULL>. Add a test to HPy and fix here
    w_obj = handles.deref(space, h_obj)
    if space.type(w_obj) is space.w_bytes:
        # XXX write a test for this case
        return handles.dup(space, h_obj)
    w_result = invoke_bytes_method(space, w_obj)
    if w_result is not None:
        return handles.new(space, w_result)
    # return PyBytes_FromObject(space, w_obj)
    # XXX: write a test for this case
    buffer = space.buffer_w(w_obj, space.BUF_FULL_RO)
    w_res = space.newbytes(buffer.as_str())
    return handles.new(space, w_res)
Пример #3
def _HPy_New(space, ctx, h_type, data):
    w_type = handles.deref(space, h_type)
    w_result = _create_instance(space, w_type)
    data = llapi.cts.cast('void**', data)
    data[0] = w_result.hpy_data
    h = handles.new(space, w_result)
    return h
Пример #4
def HPyModule_Create(space, ctx, hpydef):
    modname = rffi.constcharp2str(hpydef.c_m_name)
    w_mod = Module(space, space.newtext(modname))
    # add the functions defined in hpydef.c_legacy_methods
    if hpydef.c_legacy_methods:
        if space.config.objspace.hpy_cpyext_API:
            pymethods = rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, hpydef.c_legacy_methods)
            attach_legacy_methods(space, pymethods, w_mod, modname)
            raise oefmt(
                "Module %s contains legacy methods, but _hpy_universal "
                "was compiled without cpyext support", modname)
    # add the native HPy defines
    if hpydef.c_defines:
        p = hpydef.c_defines
        i = 0
        while p[i]:
            # hpy native methods
            hpymeth = p[i].c_meth
            name = rffi.constcharp2str(hpymeth.c_name)
            sig = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, hpymeth.c_signature)
            doc = get_doc(hpymeth.c_doc)
            w_extfunc = interp_extfunc.W_ExtensionFunction(
                space, name, sig, doc, hpymeth.c_impl, w_mod)
            space.setattr(w_mod, space.newtext(w_extfunc.name), w_extfunc)
            i += 1
    return handles.new(space, w_mod)
Пример #5
    def call_varargs_kw(self, space, h_self, __args__, skip_args,
        # this function is more or less the equivalent of
        # ctx_CallRealFunctionFromTrampoline in cpython-universal
        n = len(__args__.arguments_w) - skip_args

        # XXX this looks inefficient: ideally, we would like the equivalent of
        # alloca(): do we have it in RPython? The alternative is to wrap
        # arguments_w in a tuple, convert to handle and pass it to a C
        # function whichs calls alloca() and the forwards everything to the
        # functpr
        with lltype.scoped_alloc(rffi.CArray(llapi.HPy), n) as args_h:
            i = 0
            while i < n:
                args_h[i] = handles.new(space,
                                        __args__.arguments_w[i + skip_args])
                i += 1

            if has_keywords:
                h_result = self.call_keywords(space, h_self, args_h, n,
                h_result = self.call_varargs(space, h_self, args_h, n)

            # XXX this should probably be in a try/finally. We should add a
            # test to check that we don't leak handles
            for i in range(n):
                handles.close(space, args_h[i])

        return handles.consume(space, h_result)
Пример #6
def HPy_InPlacePower(space, ctx, h1, h2, h3):
    # CPython seems to have a weird semantics for InPlacePower: if __ipow__ is
    # defined, the 3rd argument is always ignored (contrarily to what the
    # documentation says). If now, it falls back to pow, so the 3rd arg is
    # handled correctly. Here we try to be bug-to-bug compatible
    w_o1 = handles.deref(space, h1)
    w_o2 = handles.deref(space, h2)
    w_o3 = handles.deref(space, h3)
    w_ipow = space.lookup(w_o1, '__ipow__')
    if w_ipow is None:
        w_res = space.pow(w_o1, w_o2, w_o3)
        w_res = space.inplace_pow(w_o1, w_o2)
    return handles.new(space, w_res)
Пример #7
def HPyUnicode_FromWideChar(space, ctx, wchar_p, size):
    # remove the "const", else we can't call wcharpsize2utf8 later
    wchar_p = rffi.cast(rffi.CWCHARP, wchar_p)
    if wchar_p:
        if size == -1:
            size = wcharplen(wchar_p)
        # WRITE TEST: this automatically raises "character not in range", but
        # we don't have any test for it
        s = wcharpsize2utf8(space, wchar_p, size)
        w_obj = space.newutf8(s, size)
        return handles.new(space, w_obj)
        # cpyext returns an empty string, we need a test
        raise NotImplementedError("WRITE TEST")
Пример #8
    def call_keywords(self, space, h_self, args_h, n, __args__):
        state = space.fromcache(State)
        # XXX: if there are no keywords, should we pass HPy_NULL or an empty
        # dict?
        h_kw = 0
        if __args__.keywords:
            w_kw = space.newdict()
            for i in range(len(__args__.keywords)):
                key = __args__.keywords[i]
                w_value = __args__.keywords_w[i]
                space.setitem_str(w_kw, key, w_value)
            h_kw = handles.new(space, w_kw)

        fptr = llapi.cts.cast('HPyFunc_keywords', self.cfuncptr)
            return fptr(state.ctx, h_self, args_h, n, h_kw)
            if h_kw:
                handles.consume(space, h_kw)
Пример #9
def HPyType_FromSpec(space, ctx, spec, params):
    dict_w = {}
    specname = rffi.constcharp2str(spec.c_name)
    dotpos = specname.rfind('.')
    if dotpos < 0:
        name = specname
        modname = None
        name = specname[dotpos + 1:]
        modname = specname[:dotpos]

    if modname is not None:
        dict_w['__module__'] = space.newtext(modname)

    bases_w = get_bases_from_params(space, ctx, params)
    basicsize = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, spec.c_basicsize)

    w_result = _create_new_type(space, space.w_type, name, bases_w, dict_w,
    if spec.c_legacy_slots:
        attach_legacy_slots_to_type(space, w_result, spec.c_legacy_slots)
    if spec.c_defines:
        add_slot_defs(space, ctx, w_result, spec.c_defines)
    return handles.new(space, w_result)
Пример #10
def HPy_GetAttr(space, ctx, h_obj, h_name):
    w_obj = handles.deref(space, h_obj)
    w_name = handles.deref(space, h_name)
    w_res = space.getattr(w_obj, w_name)
    return handles.new(space, w_res)
Пример #11
def HPy_RichCompare(space, ctx, v, w, op):
    w_o1 = handles.deref(space, v)
    w_o2 = handles.deref(space, w)
    w_result = rich_compare(space, w_o1, w_o2, op)
    return handles.new(space, w_result)
Пример #12
def HPy_ASCII(space, ctx, h_obj):
    w_obj = handles.deref(space, h_obj)
    w_res = operation.ascii(space, w_obj)
    return handles.new(space, w_res)
Пример #13
def HPyLong_FromSsize_t(space, ctx, v):
    # XXX: cpyext uses space.newlong: is there any difference?
    w_obj = space.newlong_from_rarith_int(v)
    return handles.new(space, w_obj)
Пример #14
def HPyLong_FromSize_t(space, ctx, v):
    w_obj = space.newlong_from_rarith_int(v)
    return handles.new(space, w_obj)
Пример #15
def HPyTupleBuilder_New(space, ctx, initial_size):
    w_builder = W_TupleBuilder(initial_size)
    h = handles.new(space, w_builder)
    return h
Пример #16
def HPyUnicode_FromString(space, ctx, utf8):
    w_obj = _maybe_utf8_to_w(space, utf8)
    return handles.new(space, w_obj)
Пример #17
def HPy_GetItem_i(space, ctx, h_obj, idx):
    w_obj = handles.deref(space, h_obj)
    w_key = space.newint(idx)
    w_res = space.getitem(w_obj, w_key)
    return handles.new(space, w_res)
Пример #18
def HPy_Float(space, ctx, h1):
    w_obj1 = handles.deref(space, h1)
    w_res = space.call_function(space.w_float, w_obj1)
    return handles.new(space, w_res)
Пример #19
def HPyUnicode_AsUTF8String(space, ctx, h):
    w_unicode = handles.deref(space, h)
    # XXX: what should we do if w_unicode is not a str?
    w_bytes = unicodeobject.encode_object(space, w_unicode, 'utf-8', 'strict')
    return handles.new(space, w_bytes)
Пример #20
 def HPy_binary(space, ctx, h1, h2):
     w_obj1 = handles.deref(space, h1)
     w_obj2 = handles.deref(space, h2)
     meth = getattr(space, spacemeth)
     w_res = meth(w_obj1, w_obj2)
     return handles.new(space, w_res)
Пример #21
 def HPy_unary(space, ctx, h1):
     w_obj1 = handles.deref(space, h1)
     meth = getattr(space, spacemeth)
     w_res = meth(w_obj1)
     return handles.new(space, w_res)
Пример #22
def HPyTupleBuilder_Build(space, ctx, builder):
    w_builder = handles.deref(space, builder)
    assert isinstance(w_builder, W_TupleBuilder)
    w_tuple = space.newtuple(w_builder.items_w)
    return handles.new(space, w_tuple)
Пример #23
def HPy_GetAttr_s(space, ctx, h_obj, name):
    w_obj = handles.deref(space, h_obj)
    w_name = API.ccharp2text(space, name)
    w_res = space.getattr(w_obj, w_name)
    return handles.new(space, w_res)
Пример #24
def HPyTracker_New(space, ctx, size):
    w_tracker = W_Tracker(size)
    return handles.new(space, w_tracker)
Пример #25
def HPy_GetItem(space, ctx, h_obj, h_key):
    w_obj = handles.deref(space, h_obj)
    w_key = handles.deref(space, h_key)
    w_res = space.getitem(w_obj, w_key)
    return handles.new(space, w_res)
Пример #26
def HPyLong_FromLong(space, ctx, value):
    # XXX: cpyext does space.newlong: write a test and fix
    w_obj = space.newint(rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, value))
    return handles.new(space, w_obj)
Пример #27
def HPy_GetItem_s(space, ctx, h_obj, key):
    w_obj = handles.deref(space, h_obj)
    w_key = API.ccharp2text(space, key)
    w_res = space.getitem(w_obj, w_key)
    return handles.new(space, w_res)
Пример #28
def HPy_Str(space, ctx, h_obj):
    # XXX: cpyext checks and returns <NULL>. Add a test to HPy and fix here
    w_obj = handles.deref(space, h_obj)
    w_res = space.str(w_obj)
    return handles.new(space, w_res)
Пример #29
def HPy_Power(space, ctx, h1, h2, h3):
    w_o1 = handles.deref(space, h1)
    w_o2 = handles.deref(space, h2)
    w_o3 = handles.deref(space, h3)
    w_res = space.pow(w_o1, w_o2, w_o3)
    return handles.new(space, w_res)
Пример #30
def HPyListBuilder_Build(space, ctx, builder):
    w_builder = handles.deref(space, builder)
    assert isinstance(w_builder, W_ListBuilder)
    w_list = space.newlist(w_builder.items_w)
    return handles.new(space, w_list)