def find_cycles(system): from pypy.tool.algo import graphlib vertices = dict.fromkeys(system.modules) edges = {} for m in system.modules: edges[m] = [] for n in system.modules[m]._imports: edges[m].append(graphlib.Edge(m, n)) cycles = [] for component in graphlib.strong_components(vertices, edges): random_vertex = component.iterkeys().next() cycles.extend(graphlib.all_cycles(random_vertex, component, edges)) ncycles = [] for cycle in cycles: packs = {} for edge in cycle: package = edge.source.rsplit('.', 1)[0] packs[package] = True if len(packs) > 1: ncycles.append(cycle) cycles = ncycles for cycle in cycles: l = len(cycle[0].source) print cycle[0].source, '->', cycle[0].target for edge in cycle[1:]: print ' ' * l, '->', print len(cycles), 'inter-package cycles'
def find_cycles(system): from pypy.tool.algo import graphlib vertices = dict.fromkeys(system.modules) edges = {} for m in system.modules: edges[m] = [] for n in system.modules[m]._imports: edges[m].append(graphlib.Edge(m, n)) cycles = [] for component in graphlib.strong_components(vertices, edges): random_vertex = component.iterkeys().next() cycles.extend(graphlib.all_cycles(random_vertex, component, edges)) ncycles = [] for cycle in cycles: packs = {} for edge in cycle: package = edge.source.rsplit('.', 1)[0] packs[package] = True if len(packs) > 1: ncycles.append(cycle) cycles = ncycles for cycle in cycles: l = len(cycle[0].source) print cycle[0].source, '->', cycle[0].target for edge in cycle[1:]: print ' '*l, '->', print len(cycles), 'inter-package cycles'
def definestr_finalizer_order(cls): import random from pypy.tool.algo import graphlib cls.finalizer_order_examples = examples = [] if cls.large_tests_ok: letters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' COUNT = 20 else: letters = 'abcdefghijklm' COUNT = 2 for i in range(COUNT): input = [] edges = {} for c in letters: edges[c] = [] # make up a random graph for c in letters: for j in range(random.randrange(0, 4)): d = random.choice(letters) edges[c].append(graphlib.Edge(c, d)) input.append((c, d)) # find the expected order in which destructors should be called components = list(graphlib.strong_components(edges, edges)) head = {} for component in components: c = component.keys()[0] for d in component: assert d not in head head[d] = c assert len(head) == len(letters) strict = [] for c, d in input: if head[c] != head[d]: strict.append((c, d)) examples.append((input, components, strict)) class State: pass state = State() class A: def __init__(self, key): self.key = key self.refs = [] def __del__(self): assert state.age[self.key] == -1 state.age[self.key] = state.time state.progress = True def build_example(input): state.time = 0 state.age = {} vertices = {} for c in letters: vertices[c] = A(c) state.age[c] = -1 for c, d in input: vertices[c].refs.append(vertices[d]) def f(_): i = 0 while i < len(examples): input, components, strict = examples[i] build_example(input) while state.time < len(letters): state.progress = False llop.gc__collect(lltype.Void) if not state.progress: break state.time += 1 # summarize the finalization order lst = [] for c in letters: lst.append('%s:%d' % (c, state.age[c])) summary = ', '.join(lst) # check that all instances have been finalized if -1 in state.age.values(): return error(i, summary, "not all instances finalized") # check that if a -> b and a and b are not in the same # strong component, then a is finalized strictly before b for c, d in strict: if state.age[c] >= state.age[d]: return error(i, summary, "%s should be finalized before %s" % (c, d)) # check that two instances in the same strong component # are never finalized during the same collection for component in components: seen = {} for c in component: age = state.age[c] if age in seen: d = seen[age] return error(i, summary, "%s and %s should not be finalized" " at the same time" % (c, d)) seen[age] = c i += 1 return "ok" def error(i, summary, msg): return '%d\n%s\n%s' % (i, summary, msg) return f