Пример #1
 def task_build_cffi_imports(self):
     from pypy.tool.build_cffi_imports import create_cffi_import_libraries
     ''' Use cffi to compile cffi interfaces to modules'''
     exename = mkexename(driver.compute_exe_name())
     basedir = exename
     while not basedir.join('include').exists():
         _basedir = basedir.dirpath()
         if _basedir == basedir:
             raise ValueError('interpreter %s not inside pypy repo', 
         basedir = _basedir
     modules = self.config.objspace.usemodules.getpaths()
     options = Options()
     # XXX possibly adapt options using modules
     failures = create_cffi_import_libraries(exename, options, basedir)
     # if failures, they were already printed
     print  >> sys.stderr, str(exename),'successfully built, but errors while building the above modules will be ignored'
Пример #2
 def task_build_cffi_imports(self):
     from pypy.tool.build_cffi_imports import create_cffi_import_libraries
     ''' Use cffi to compile cffi interfaces to modules'''
     exename = mkexename(driver.compute_exe_name())
     basedir = exename
     while not basedir.join('include').exists():
         _basedir = basedir.dirpath()
         if _basedir == basedir:
             raise ValueError('interpreter %s not inside pypy repo', 
         basedir = _basedir
     modules = self.config.objspace.usemodules.getpaths()
     options = Options()
     # XXX possibly adapt options using modules
     failures = create_cffi_import_libraries(exename, options, basedir)
     # if failures, they were already printed
     print  >> sys.stderr, str(exename),'successfully built (errors, if any, while building the above modules are ignored)'
Пример #3
def create_package(basedir, options, _fake=False):
    retval = 0
    name = options.name
    if not name:
        name = "pypy-nightly"
    assert "/" not in name
    rename_pypy_c = options.pypy_c
    override_pypy_c = options.override_pypy_c

    basedir = py.path.local(basedir)
    if not override_pypy_c:
        basename = "pypy-c"
        if sys.platform == "win32":
            basename += ".exe"
        pypy_c = basedir.join("pypy", "goal", basename)
        pypy_c = py.path.local(override_pypy_c)
    if not _fake and not pypy_c.check():
        raise PyPyCNotFound(
            "Expected but did not find %s."
            " Please compile pypy first, using translate.py,"
            " or check that you gave the correct path"
            " with --override_pypy_c" % pypy_c
    if not _fake and not pypy_runs(pypy_c):
        raise OSError("Running %r failed!" % (str(pypy_c),))
    if not options.no_cffi:
        failures = create_cffi_import_libraries(pypy_c, options, basedir)
        for key, module in failures:
            print >> sys.stderr, """!!!!!!!!!!\nBuilding {0} bindings failed.
                You can either install development headers package,
                add the --without-{0} option to skip packaging this
                binary CFFI extension, or say --without-cffi.""".format(
        if len(failures) > 0:
            return 1, None

    if sys.platform == "win32" and not rename_pypy_c.lower().endswith(".exe"):
        rename_pypy_c += ".exe"
    binaries = [(pypy_c, rename_pypy_c)]

    if sys.platform != "win32" and not _fake and os.path.getsize(str(pypy_c)) < 500000:  # handled below
        # This pypy-c is very small, so it means it relies on libpypy_c.so.
        # If it would be bigger, it wouldn't.  That's a hack.
        libpypy_name = "libpypy-c.so" if not sys.platform.startswith("darwin") else "libpypy-c.dylib"
        libpypy_c = pypy_c.new(basename=libpypy_name)
        if not libpypy_c.check():
            raise PyPyCNotFound("Expected pypy to be mostly in %r, but did " "not find it" % (str(libpypy_c),))
        binaries.append((libpypy_c, libpypy_name))
    builddir = py.path.local(options.builddir)
    pypydir = builddir.ensure(name, dir=True)

    includedir = basedir.join("include")
    shutil.copytree(str(includedir), str(pypydir.join("include")))
    pypydir.ensure("include", dir=True)

    if sys.platform == "win32":
        src, tgt = binaries[0]
        pypyw = src.new(purebasename=src.purebasename + "w")
        if pypyw.exists():
            tgt = py.path.local(tgt)
            binaries.append((pypyw, tgt.new(purebasename=tgt.purebasename + "w").basename))
            print "Picking %s" % str(pypyw)
        # Can't rename a DLL: it is always called 'libpypy-c.dll'
        win_extras = ["libpypy-c.dll", "sqlite3.dll"]
        if not options.no_tk:
            win_extras += ["tcl85.dll", "tk85.dll"]

        for extra in win_extras:
            p = pypy_c.dirpath().join(extra)
            if not p.check():
                p = py.path.local.sysfind(extra)
                if not p:
                    print "%s not found, expect trouble if this is a shared build" % (extra,)
            print "Picking %s" % p
            binaries.append((p, p.basename))
        libsdir = basedir.join("libs")
        if libsdir.exists():
            print "Picking %s (and contents)" % libsdir
            shutil.copytree(str(libsdir), str(pypydir.join("libs")))
            print '"libs" dir with import library not found.'
            print "You have to create %r" % (str(libsdir),)
            print "and copy libpypy-c.lib in there, renamed to python27.lib"
            # XXX users will complain that they cannot compile capi (cpyext)
            # modules for windows, also embedding pypy (i.e. in cffi)
            # will fail.
            # Has the lib moved, was translation not 'shared', or are
            # there no exported functions in the dll so no import
            # library was created?
        if not options.no_tk:
                p = pypy_c.dirpath().join("tcl85.dll")
                if not p.check():
                    p = py.path.local.sysfind("tcl85.dll")
                    if p is None:
                        raise WindowsError("tcl85.dll not found")
                tktcldir = p.dirpath().join("..").join("lib")
                shutil.copytree(str(tktcldir), str(pypydir.join("tcl")))
            except WindowsError:
                print >> sys.stderr, """Packaging Tk runtime failed.
tk85.dll and tcl85.dll found, expecting to find runtime in ..\\lib
directory next to the dlls, as per build instructions."""
                import traceback

                raise MissingDependenciesError("Tk runtime")

    print "* Binaries:", [source.relto(str(basedir)) for source, target in binaries]

    # Careful: to copy lib_pypy, copying just the hg-tracked files
    # would not be enough: there are also ctypes_config_cache/_*_cache.py.
    # XXX ^^^ this is no longer true!
        ignore=ignore_patterns(".svn", "py", "*.pyc", "*~"),
        ignore=ignore_patterns(".svn", "py", "*.pyc", "*~", "*.c", "*.o"),
    for file in ["README.rst"]:
        shutil.copy(str(basedir.join(file)), str(pypydir))
    for file in ["_testcapimodule.c", "_ctypes_test.c"]:
        shutil.copyfile(str(basedir.join("lib_pypy", file)), str(pypydir.join("lib_pypy", file)))
    # Use original LICENCE file
    base_file = str(basedir.join("LICENSE"))
    with open(base_file) as fid:
        license = fid.read()
    with open(str(pypydir.join("LICENSE")), "w") as LICENSE:
    spdir = pypydir.ensure("site-packages", dir=True)
    shutil.copy(str(basedir.join("site-packages", "README")), str(spdir))
    if sys.platform == "win32":
        bindir = pypydir
        bindir = pypydir.join("bin")
    for source, target in binaries:
        archive = bindir.join(target)
        if not _fake:
            shutil.copy(str(source), str(archive))
            open(str(archive), "wb").close()
        os.chmod(str(archive), 0755)

    old_dir = os.getcwd()
        if not options.nostrip:
            for source, target in binaries:
                if sys.platform == "win32":
                elif sys.platform == "darwin":
                    # 'strip' fun: see issue #587 for why -x
                    os.system("strip -x " + str(bindir.join(target)))  # ignore errors
                    os.system("strip " + str(bindir.join(target)))  # ignore errors
            import zipfile

            archive = str(builddir.join(name + ".zip"))
            zf = zipfile.ZipFile(archive, "w", compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
            for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(name):
                for fnname in filenames:
                    filename = os.path.join(dirpath, fnname)
            archive = str(builddir.join(name + ".tar.bz2"))
            if sys.platform == "darwin" or sys.platform.startswith("freebsd"):
                print >> sys.stderr, """Warning: tar on current platform does not suport overriding the uid and gid
for its contents. The tarball will contain your uid and gid. If you are
building the actual release for the PyPy website, you may want to be
using another platform..."""
                e = os.system("tar --numeric-owner -cvjf " + archive + " " + name)
            elif sys.platform == "cygwin":
                e = os.system(
                    "tar --owner=Administrator --group=Administrators --numeric-owner -cvjf " + archive + " " + name
                e = os.system("tar --owner=root --group=root --numeric-owner -cvjf " + archive + " " + name)
            if e:
                raise OSError('"tar" returned exit status %r' % e)
    if options.targetdir:
        print "Copying %s to %s" % (archive, options.targetdir)
        shutil.copy(archive, options.targetdir)
        print "Ready in %s" % (builddir,)
    return retval, builddir  # for tests
Пример #4
def create_package(basedir, options, _fake=False):
    retval = 0
    name = options.name
    if not name:
        name = 'pypy-nightly'
    assert '/' not in name
    rename_pypy_c = options.pypy_c
    override_pypy_c = options.override_pypy_c

    basedir = py.path.local(basedir)
    if not override_pypy_c:
        basename = 'pypy-c'
        if sys.platform == 'win32':
            basename += '.exe'
        pypy_c = basedir.join('pypy', 'goal', basename)
        pypy_c = py.path.local(override_pypy_c)
    if not _fake and not pypy_c.check():
        raise PyPyCNotFound(
            'Expected but did not find %s.'
            ' Please compile pypy first, using translate.py,'
            ' or check that you gave the correct path'
            ' with --override_pypy_c' % pypy_c)
    if not _fake and not pypy_runs(pypy_c):
        raise OSError("Running %r failed!" % (str(pypy_c),))
    if not options.no_cffi:
        failures = create_cffi_import_libraries(pypy_c, options, basedir)
        for key, module in failures:
            print >>sys.stderr, """!!!!!!!!!!\nBuilding {0} bindings failed.
                You can either install development headers package,
                add the --without-{0} option to skip packaging this
                binary CFFI extension, or say --without-cffi.""".format(key)
        if len(failures) > 0:
            return 1, None

    if sys.platform == 'win32' and not rename_pypy_c.lower().endswith('.exe'):
        rename_pypy_c += '.exe'
    binaries = [(pypy_c, rename_pypy_c)]

    if (sys.platform != 'win32' and    # handled below
        not _fake and os.path.getsize(str(pypy_c)) < 500000):
        # This pypy-c is very small, so it means it relies on libpypy_c.so.
        # If it would be bigger, it wouldn't.  That's a hack.
        libpypy_name = ('libpypy-c.so' if not sys.platform.startswith('darwin')
                                       else 'libpypy-c.dylib')
        libpypy_c = pypy_c.new(basename=libpypy_name)
        if not libpypy_c.check():
            raise PyPyCNotFound('Expected pypy to be mostly in %r, but did '
                                'not find it' % (str(libpypy_c),))
        binaries.append((libpypy_c, libpypy_name))
    builddir = py.path.local(options.builddir)
    pypydir = builddir.ensure(name, dir=True)

    includedir = basedir.join('include')
    shutil.copytree(str(includedir), str(pypydir.join('include')))
    pypydir.ensure('include', dir=True)

    if sys.platform == 'win32':
        os.environ['PATH'] = str(basedir.join('externals').join('bin')) + ';' + \
                            os.environ.get('PATH', '')
        src,tgt = binaries[0]
        pypyw = src.new(purebasename=src.purebasename + 'w')
        if pypyw.exists():
            tgt = py.path.local(tgt)
            binaries.append((pypyw, tgt.new(purebasename=tgt.purebasename + 'w').basename))
            print "Picking %s" % str(pypyw)
        # Can't rename a DLL: it is always called 'libpypy-c.dll'
        win_extras = ['libpypy-c.dll', 'sqlite3.dll']
        if not options.no_tk:
            win_extras += ['tcl85.dll', 'tk85.dll']

        for extra in win_extras:
            p = pypy_c.dirpath().join(extra)
            if not p.check():
                p = py.path.local.sysfind(extra)
                if not p:
                    print "%s not found, expect trouble if this is a shared build" % (extra,)
            print "Picking %s" % p
            binaries.append((p, p.basename))
        libsdir = basedir.join('libs')
        if libsdir.exists():
            print 'Picking %s (and contents)' % libsdir
            shutil.copytree(str(libsdir), str(pypydir.join('libs')))
            print '"libs" dir with import library not found.'
            print 'You have to create %r' % (str(libsdir),)
            print 'and copy libpypy-c.lib in there, renamed to python27.lib'
            # XXX users will complain that they cannot compile capi (cpyext)
            # modules for windows, also embedding pypy (i.e. in cffi)
            # will fail.
            # Has the lib moved, was translation not 'shared', or are
            # there no exported functions in the dll so no import
            # library was created?
        if not options.no_tk:
                p = pypy_c.dirpath().join('tcl85.dll')
                if not p.check():
                    p = py.path.local.sysfind('tcl85.dll')
                    if p is None:
                        raise WindowsError("tcl85.dll not found")
                tktcldir = p.dirpath().join('..').join('lib')
                shutil.copytree(str(tktcldir), str(pypydir.join('tcl')))
            except WindowsError:
                print >>sys.stderr, r"""Packaging Tk runtime failed.
tk85.dll and tcl85.dll found in %s, expecting to find runtime in %s
directory next to the dlls, as per build instructions.""" %(p, tktcldir)
                import traceback;traceback.print_exc()
                raise MissingDependenciesError('Tk runtime')

    print '* Binaries:', [source.relto(str(basedir))
                          for source, target in binaries]

    # Careful: to copy lib_pypy, copying just the hg-tracked files
    # would not be enough: there are also ctypes_config_cache/_*_cache.py.
    # XXX ^^^ this is no longer true!
                    ignore=ignore_patterns('.svn', 'py', '*.pyc', '*~'))
                    ignore=ignore_patterns('.svn', 'py', '*.pyc', '*~',
                                           '*_cffi.c', '*.o'))
    for file in ['README.rst',]:
        shutil.copy(str(basedir.join(file)), str(pypydir))
    for file in ['_testcapimodule.c', '_ctypes_test.c']:
        shutil.copyfile(str(basedir.join('lib_pypy', file)),
                        str(pypydir.join('lib_pypy', file)))
    # Use original LICENCE file
    base_file = str(basedir.join('LICENSE'))
    with open(base_file) as fid:
        license = fid.read()
    with open(str(pypydir.join('LICENSE')), 'w') as LICENSE:
    spdir = pypydir.ensure('site-packages', dir=True)
    shutil.copy(str(basedir.join('site-packages', 'README')), str(spdir))
    if sys.platform == 'win32':
        bindir = pypydir
        bindir = pypydir.join('bin')
    for source, target in binaries:
        archive = bindir.join(target)
        if not _fake:
            shutil.copy(str(source), str(archive))
            open(str(archive), 'wb').close()
        os.chmod(str(archive), 0755)

    old_dir = os.getcwd()
        if not _fake:
            for source, target in binaries:
                smartstrip(bindir.join(target), keep_debug=options.keep_debug)
            import zipfile
            archive = str(builddir.join(name + '.zip'))
            zf = zipfile.ZipFile(archive, 'w',
            for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(name):
                for fnname in filenames:
                    filename = os.path.join(dirpath, fnname)
            archive = str(builddir.join(name + '.tar.bz2'))
            if sys.platform == 'darwin':
                print >>sys.stderr, """Warning: tar on current platform does not suport overriding the uid and gid
for its contents. The tarball will contain your uid and gid. If you are
building the actual release for the PyPy website, you may want to be
using another platform..."""
                e = os.system('tar --numeric-owner -cvjf ' + archive + " " + name)
            elif sys.platform.startswith('freebsd'):
                e = os.system('tar --uname=root --gname=wheel -cvjf ' + archive + " " + name)
            elif sys.platform == 'cygwin':
                e = os.system('tar --owner=Administrator --group=Administrators --numeric-owner -cvjf ' + archive + " " + name)
                e = os.system('tar --owner=root --group=root --numeric-owner -cvjf ' + archive + " " + name)
            if e:
                raise OSError('"tar" returned exit status %r' % e)
    if options.targetdir:
        print "Copying %s to %s" % (archive, options.targetdir)
        shutil.copy(archive, options.targetdir)
        print "Ready in %s" % (builddir,)
    return retval, builddir # for tests