class ScanPlotWidget(PlotWidget): """ Extend the PlotWidget Class with more functionality used for qudi scan images. Supported features: - draggable/static crosshair with optional range and size constraints. - zoom feature by rubberband selection - rubberband area selection This class depends on the ScanViewBox class defined further below. This class can be promoted in the Qt designer. """ sigMouseAreaSelected = QtCore.Signal( QtCore.QRectF) # mapped rectangle mouse cursor selection sigCrosshairPosChanged = QtCore.Signal(QtCore.QPointF) sigCrosshairDraggedPosChanged = QtCore.Signal(QtCore.QPointF) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['viewBox'] = ScanViewBox() # Use custom pg.ViewBox subclass super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.getViewBox().sigMouseAreaSelected.connect( self.sigMouseAreaSelected) self._min_crosshair_factor = 0.02 self._crosshair_size = (0, 0) self._crosshair_range = None self.getViewBox().sigRangeChanged.connect( self._constraint_crosshair_size) self.crosshair = ROI((0, 0), (0, 0), pen={ 'color': '#00ff00', 'width': 1 }) self.hline = InfiniteLine(pos=0, angle=0, movable=True, pen={ 'color': '#00ff00', 'width': 1 }, hoverPen={ 'color': '#ffff00', 'width': 1 }) self.vline = InfiniteLine(pos=0, angle=90, movable=True, pen={ 'color': '#00ff00', 'width': 1 }, hoverPen={ 'color': '#ffff00', 'width': 1 }) self.vline.sigDragged.connect(self._update_pos_from_line) self.hline.sigDragged.connect(self._update_pos_from_line) self.crosshair.sigRegionChanged.connect(self._update_pos_from_roi) self.sigCrosshairDraggedPosChanged.connect(self.sigCrosshairPosChanged) @property def crosshair_enabled(self): items = self.items() return (self.vline in items) and (self.hline in items) and (self.crosshair in items) @property def crosshair_movable(self): return bool(self.crosshair.translatable) @property def crosshair_position(self): pos = self.vline.pos() pos[1] = self.hline.pos()[1] return tuple(pos) @property def crosshair_size(self): return tuple(self._crosshair_size) @property def crosshair_min_size_factor(self): return float(self._min_crosshair_factor) @property def crosshair_range(self): if self._crosshair_range is None: return None return tuple(self._crosshair_range) @property def selection_enabled(self): return bool(self.getViewBox().rectangle_selection) @property def zoom_by_selection_enabled(self): return bool(self.getViewBox().zoom_by_selection) def toggle_selection(self, enable): """ De-/Activate the rectangular rubber band selection tool. If active you can select a rectangular region within the ViewBox by dragging the mouse with the left button. Each selection rectangle in real-world data coordinates will be emitted by sigMouseAreaSelected. By using activate_zoom_by_selection you can optionally de-/activate zooming in on the selection. @param bool enable: Toggle selection on (True) or off (False) """ return self.getViewBox().toggle_selection(enable) def toggle_zoom_by_selection(self, enable): """ De-/Activate automatic zooming into a selection. See also: toggle_selection @param bool enable: Toggle zoom upon selection on (True) or off (False) """ return self.getViewBox().toggle_zoom_by_selection(enable) def _update_pos_from_line(self, obj): """ Called each time the position of the InfiniteLines has been changed by a user drag. Causes the crosshair rectangle to follow the lines. """ if obj not in (self.hline, self.vline): return pos = self.vline.pos() pos[1] = self.hline.pos()[1] size = self.crosshair.size() self.crosshair.blockSignals(True) self.crosshair.setPos((pos[0] - size[0] / 2, pos[1] - size[1] / 2)) self.crosshair.blockSignals(False) self.sigCrosshairDraggedPosChanged.emit(QtCore.QPointF(pos[0], pos[1])) return def _update_pos_from_roi(self, obj): """ Called each time the position of the rectangular ROI has been changed by a user drag. Causes the InfiniteLines to follow the ROI. """ if obj is not self.crosshair: return pos = self.crosshair.pos() size = self.crosshair.size() pos[0] += size[0] / 2 pos[1] += size[1] / 2 self.vline.setPos(pos[0]) self.hline.setPos(pos[1]) self.sigCrosshairDraggedPosChanged.emit(QtCore.QPointF(pos[0], pos[1])) return def toggle_crosshair(self, enable, movable=True): """ Disable/Enable the crosshair within the PlotWidget. Optionally also toggle if it can be dragged by the user. @param bool enable: enable crosshair (True), disable crosshair (False) @param bool movable: enable user drag (True), disable user drag (False) """ if not isinstance(enable, bool): raise TypeError('Positional argument "enable" must be bool type.') if not isinstance(movable, bool): raise TypeError('Optional argument "movable" must be bool type.') self.toggle_crosshair_movable(movable) is_enabled = self.crosshair_enabled if enable and not is_enabled: self.addItem(self.vline) self.addItem(self.hline) self.addItem(self.crosshair) elif not enable and is_enabled: self.removeItem(self.vline) self.removeItem(self.hline) self.removeItem(self.crosshair) return def toggle_crosshair_movable(self, enable): """ Toggle if the crosshair can be dragged by the user. @param bool enable: enable (True), disable (False) """ self.crosshair.translatable = bool(enable) self.vline.setMovable(enable) self.hline.setMovable(enable) return def set_crosshair_pos(self, pos): """ Set the crosshair center to the given coordinates. @param QPointF|float[2] pos: (x,y) position of the crosshair """ try: pos = tuple(pos) except TypeError: pos = (pos.x(), pos.y()) size = self.crosshair.size() self.crosshair.blockSignals(True) self.vline.blockSignals(True) self.hline.blockSignals(True) self.crosshair.setPos(pos[0] - size[0] / 2, pos[1] - size[1] / 2) self.vline.setPos(pos[0]) self.hline.setPos(pos[1]) self.crosshair.blockSignals(False) self.vline.blockSignals(False) self.hline.blockSignals(False) self.sigCrosshairPosChanged.emit(QtCore.QPointF(*pos)) return def set_crosshair_size(self, size, force_default=True): """ Set the default size of the crosshair rectangle (x, y) and update the display. @param QSize|float[2] size: the (x,y) size of the crosshair rectangle @param bool force_default: Set default crosshair size and enforce minimal size (True). Enforce displayed crosshair size while keeping default size untouched (False). """ try: size = tuple(size) except TypeError: size = (size.width(), size.height()) if force_default: if size[0] <= 0 and size[1] <= 0: self._crosshair_size = (0, 0) else: self._crosshair_size = size # Check if actually displayed size needs to be adjusted due to minimal size size = self._get_corrected_crosshair_size(size) pos = self.vline.pos() pos[1] = self.hline.pos()[1] - size[1] / 2 pos[0] -= size[0] / 2 if self._crosshair_range: crange = self._crosshair_range self.crosshair.maxBounds = QtCore.QRectF( crange[0][0] - size[0] / 2, crange[1][0] - size[1] / 2, crange[0][1] - crange[0][0] + size[0], crange[1][1] - crange[1][0] + size[1]) self.crosshair.blockSignals(True) self.crosshair.setSize(size) self.crosshair.setPos(pos) self.crosshair.blockSignals(False) return def set_crosshair_min_size_factor(self, factor): """ Sets the minimum crosshair size factor. This will determine the minimum size of the smallest edge of the crosshair center rectangle. This minimum size is calculated by taking the smallest visible axis of the ViewBox and multiplying it with the scale factor set by this method. The crosshair rectangle will be then scaled accordingly if the set crosshair size is smaller than this minimal size. @param float factor: The scale factor to set. If <= 0 no minimal crosshair size enforced. """ if factor <= 0: self._min_crosshair_factor = 0 elif factor <= 1: self._min_crosshair_factor = float(factor) else: raise ValueError('Crosshair min size factor must be a value <= 1.') return def set_crosshair_range(self, new_range): """ Sets a range boundary for the crosshair position. @param float[2][2] new_range: two min-max range value tuples (for x and y axis). If None set unlimited ranges. """ if new_range is None: self.vline.setBounds([None, None]) self.hline.setBounds([None, None]) self.crosshair.maxBounds = None else: self.vline.setBounds(new_range[0]) self.hline.setBounds(new_range[1]) size = self.crosshair.size() pos = self.crosshair_position self.crosshair.maxBounds = QtCore.QRectF( new_range[0][0] - size[0] / 2, new_range[1][0] - size[1] / 2, new_range[0][1] - new_range[0][0] + size[0], new_range[1][1] - new_range[1][0] + size[1]) self.crosshair.setPos(pos[0] - size[0] / 2, pos[1] - size[1] / 2) self._crosshair_range = new_range return def set_crosshair_pen(self, pen): """ Sets the pyqtgraph compatible pen to be used for drawing the crosshair lines. @param pen: pyqtgraph compatible pen to use """ self.crosshair.setPen(pen) self.vline.setPen(pen) self.hline.setPen(pen) return def _constraint_crosshair_size(self): if self._min_crosshair_factor == 0: return if self._crosshair_size[0] == 0 or self._crosshair_size[1] == 0: return corr_size = self._get_corrected_crosshair_size(self._crosshair_size) if corr_size != tuple(self.crosshair.size()): self.set_crosshair_size(corr_size, force_default=False) return def _get_corrected_crosshair_size(self, size): try: size = tuple(size) except TypeError: size = (size.width(), size.height()) min_size = min(size) if min_size == 0: return size vb_size = self.getViewBox().viewRect().size() short_index = int(vb_size.width() > vb_size.height()) min_vb_size = vb_size.width() if short_index == 0 else vb_size.height() min_vb_size *= self._min_crosshair_factor if min_size < min_vb_size: scale_factor = min_vb_size / min_size size = (size[0] * scale_factor, size[1] * scale_factor) return size
class Aditi(QMainWindow): def __init__(self): QMainWindow.__init__(self) # title self.setWindowTitle("Aditi") self.setDockOptions(QMainWindow.VerticalTabs | QMainWindow.AnimatedDocks) #self.showMaximized() # model self.rawfiles_by_short_path = {} self.xic_by_rawfile_short_path = {} self.tic_by_rawfile_short_path = {} self.spec_by_rawfile_short_path = {} self.inf_line_tic_item = None self.curr_scan_id_by_short_path = {} # menu self.file_menu = self.menuBar().addMenu('&File') #self.file_menu.setTearOffEnabled(False) open_action = QAction("&Open...", self) open_action.setToolTip("Open a rawfile") open_action.setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt.CTRL + Qt.Key_O)) self.file_menu.addAction(open_action) open_action.triggered.connect(self.show_open_dialog) exit_action = QAction("&Exit", self) exit_action.setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt.CTRL + Qt.Key_Q)) self.file_menu.addAction(exit_action) exit_action.triggered.connect(self.quit) self.tab_widget = QTabWidget(self) # spectrum plot Widget self.graphics_layout_widget = GraphicsLayoutWidget(parent=self.tab_widget) self.graphics_layout_widget.keyPressEvent = self.handle_key_press_event self.graphics_layout_widget.useOpenGL(False) self.graphics_layout_widget.setAntialiasing(False) self.plot_widget_tic = self.graphics_layout_widget.addPlot(title="TIC(s)", labels={'left': "Intensity", 'bottom': "Retention Time (sec)"}) self.plot_widget_tic.showGrid(x=True, y=True) self.graphics_layout_widget.nextRow() self.plot_widget_spectrum = self.graphics_layout_widget.addPlot(title="Spectrum", labels={'left': "Intensity", 'bottom': "m/z"}) self.plot_widget_spectrum.showGrid(x=True, y=True) # finally add tab self.tab_widget.addTab(self.graphics_layout_widget, "Spectrum") # Xic plotWidget self.plot_widget_xic = PlotWidget(name="MainPlot", labels={'left': "Intensity", 'bottom': "Retention Time (sec)"}) self.plot_widget_xic.showGrid(x=True, y=True) self.tab_widget.addTab(self.plot_widget_xic, "Xic extraction") self.setCentralWidget(self.tab_widget) self.statusBar().showMessage("Ready") # dock 1 self.rawfile_dock_widget = QDockWidget("Rawfiles") self.rawfile_table_view = QTableView() self.rawfile_table_view.horizontalHeader().setVisible(False) self.rawfile_table_view.horizontalHeader().setResizeMode(QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) self.rawfile_dock_widget.setWidget(self.rawfile_table_view) self.rawfile_model = QStandardItemModel() self.rawfile_model.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(["Rawfiles"]) self.rawfile_table_view.setModel(self.rawfile_model) self.rawfile_model.itemChanged.connect(self.item_changed) self.addDockWidget(0x2, self.rawfile_dock_widget) # xic dock widget extraction parameter self.xic_dock_widget = QDockWidget("Xic extraction") self.xic_widget = XicWidget() self.xic_widget.plotButton.clicked.connect(self.plot) self.xic_dock_widget.setWidget(self.xic_widget) self.addDockWidget(0x2, self.xic_dock_widget) def handle_key_press_event(self, evt): if self.inf_line_tic_item is None: return times = [] if evt.key() == Qt.Key_Left: for rawfile in self.rawfiles_by_short_path.values()[:1]: if not rawfile.is_checked: continue curr_scan_id = self.curr_scan_id_by_short_path[rawfile.short_path] scan_ids = rawfile.reader.rt_by_scan_id_by_ms_level[1].keys() idx = scan_ids.index(curr_scan_id) times.append(rawfile.reader.rt_by_scan_id_by_ms_level[1][scan_ids[idx - 1]]) self.curr_scan_id_by_short_path[rawfile.short_path] = scan_ids[idx - 1] elif evt.key() == Qt.Key_Right: for rawfile in self.rawfiles_by_short_path.values()[:1]: if not rawfile.is_checked: continue curr_scan_id = self.curr_scan_id_by_short_path[rawfile.short_path] scan_ids = rawfile.reader.rt_by_scan_id_by_ms_level[1].keys() idx = scan_ids.index(curr_scan_id) times.append(rawfile.reader.rt_by_scan_id_by_ms_level[1][scan_ids[idx + 1]]) self.curr_scan_id_by_short_path[rawfile.short_path] = scan_ids[idx + 1] self._plot_spectrum() if times: self.inf_line_tic_item.setPos(sum(times) / float(len(times))) def _plot_spectrum(self): self.plot_widget_spectrum.clear() min_mz, max_mz = 1e9, 0 min_int, max_int = 1e10, 0 for rawfile in self.rawfiles_by_short_path.values(): if not rawfile.is_checked: continue scan_id, mzs, intensities = rawfile.reader.get_scan(self.curr_scan_id_by_short_path[rawfile.short_path]) min_mz = min(min_mz, mzs[0]) max_mz = max(max_mz, mzs[-1]) min_int = min(min_int, min(intensities)) max_int = max(max_int, max(intensities)) item = BarGraphItem(x=mzs, height=intensities, width=0.01, pen=rawfile.qcolor, brush=rawfile.qcolor) self.plot_widget_spectrum.addItem(item) self.plot_widget_spectrum.setLimits(xMin=min_mz, xMax=max_mz, yMin=min_int, yMax=max_int) def plot_spectrum(self, ev): #clear if ev.button() == Qt.RightButton: return self.plot_widget_spectrum.clear() vb = self.plot_widget_tic.vb mouse_point = vb.mapSceneToView(ev.scenePos()) t = mouse_point.x() if self.inf_line_tic_item is None: self.inf_line_tic_item = InfiniteLine(pos=t, angle=90) self.plot_widget_tic.addItem(self.inf_line_tic_item) self.inf_line_tic_item.setMovable(True) else: self.inf_line_tic_item.setPos(t) min_mz, max_mz = 1e9, 0 min_int, max_int = 1e10, 0 for rawfile in self.rawfiles_by_short_path.values(): if not rawfile.is_checked: continue scan_id, mzs, intensities = rawfile.reader.get_scan_for_time(t) self.curr_scan_id_by_short_path[rawfile.short_path] = scan_id min_mz = min(min_mz, mzs[0]) max_mz = max(max_mz, mzs[-1]) min_int = min(min_int, min(intensities)) max_int = max(max_int, max(intensities)) item = BarGraphItem(x=mzs, height=intensities, width=0.01, pen=rawfile.qcolor, brush=rawfile.qcolor) self.plot_widget_spectrum.addItem(item) self.plot_widget_spectrum.setLimits(xMin=min_mz, xMax=max_mz, yMin=min_int, yMax=max_int) def item_changed(self, item): print "item changed", item.text() s = item.text() if item.checkState(): self.rawfiles_by_short_path[s].is_checked = True else: self.rawfiles_by_short_path[s].is_checked = False #self.qApp.emit(SIGNAL('redraw()')) self.update_plot_() def show_open_dialog(self): files = QFileDialog(self).getOpenFileNames() if files: preload = Preloader(files, self) preload.loaded.connect(self.update_rawfile_model) preload.start() def update_rawfile_model(self, obj): files, r = obj[0], obj[1] n = len(files) not_database = [] min_time, max_time = 1e9, 0 min_int, max_int = 1e9, 0 for i, f in enumerate(files): i_f = float(i) c = WithoutBlank.get_color(i_f / n, asQColor=True) c_ = WithoutBlank.get_color(i_f / n, asQColor=True) filename = f.split("\\")[-1] abs_path = str(f.replace("\\", "\\\\")) if r[i]: rawfile = Rawfile(abs_path, c, filename) self.rawfiles_by_short_path[filename] = rawfile #[MzDBReader(abs_path), c, True] self.rawfile_model.appendRow(Aditi.get_coloured_root_item(filename, c, c_)) times, intensities = rawfile.reader.get_tic() min_time = min(min_time, min(times)) max_time = max(max_time, max(times)) min_int = min(min_int, min(intensities)) max_int = max(max_int, max(intensities)) self.plot_widget_tic.plot(times, intensities, pen=mkPen(color=rawfile.qcolor, width=1.3)) else: not_database.append(str(filename)) self.plot_widget_tic.setLimits(xMin=min_time, xMax=max_time, yMin=min_int, yMax=max_int) self.plot_widget_tic.scene().sigMouseClicked.connect(self.plot_spectrum) if not_database: v = "\n".join(not_database) QMessageBox.information(self, "Error", "The following files are not valid sqlite database:\n" + v) @staticmethod def get_coloured_root_item(filepath, color, colorr): root = QStandardItem(filepath) gradient = QLinearGradient(-100, -100, 100, 100) gradient.setColorAt(0.7, colorr) gradient.setColorAt(1, color) root.setBackground(QBrush(gradient)) root.setEditable(False) root.setCheckState(Qt.Checked) root.setCheckable(True) return root def quit(self): res = QMessageBox.warning(self, "Exiting...", "Are you sure ?", QMessageBox.Ok | QMessageBox.Cancel) if res == QMessageBox.Cancel: return QtGui.qApp.quit() def plot(self): #clear pw self.plot_widget_xic.clear() # check sample checked checked_files = [rawfile for rawfile in self.rawfiles_by_short_path.values() if rawfile.is_checked] mz = self.xic_widget.mzSpinBox.value() mz_tol = self.xic_widget.mzTolSpinBox.value() mz_diff = mz * mz_tol / 1e6 min_mz, max_mz = mz - mz_diff, mz + mz_diff #Thread implementation not as fast # args = [(data[0], min_mz, max_mz, data[2]) for data in checked_files] # extractor_thread = Extractor(args, self) # extractor_thread.extracted.connect(self._plot) # extractor_thread.start() min_time_val, max_time_val = 10000, 0 min_int_val, max_int_val = 1e9, 0 for rawfile in checked_files: t1 = time.clock() times, intensities = rawfile.reader.get_xic(min_mz, max_mz) print "elapsed: ", time.clock() - t1 # min_time_val = min(min_time_val, times[0]) # max_time_val = max(max_time_val, times[-1]) # min_int_val = min(min_int_val, min(intensities)) # max_int_val = max(max_int_val, max(intensities)) item = self.plot_widget_xic.plot(times, intensities, pen=mkPen(color=rawfile.qcolor, width=1.3)) item.curve.setClickable(True) def on_curve_clicked(): if not rawfile.is_highlighted: item.setPen(mkPen(color=rawfile.qcolor, width=4)) rawfile.is_highlighted = True else: item.setPen(mkPen(color=rawfile.qcolor, width=2)) rawfile.is_highlighted = False item.sigClicked.connect(on_curve_clicked) #item.sigHovered = on_curve_clicked self.xic_by_rawfile_short_path[rawfile.short_path] = item self.plot_widget_xic.setTitle(title="Xic@" + str(mz)) #self.plot_widget_xic.setLimits(xMin=min_time_val, xMax=max_time_val, yMin=min_int_val, yMax=max_int_val) def update_plot_(self): for rawfile in self.rawfiles_by_short_path.viewvalues(): if rawfile.is_checked: try: self.plot_widget_xic.addItem(self.xic_by_rawfile_short_path[rawfile.short_path]) except KeyError: mz = self.xic_widget.mzSpinBox.value() mz_tol = self.xic_widget.mzTolSpinBox.value() mz_diff = mz * mz_tol / 1e6 min_mz, max_mz = mz - mz_diff, mz + mz_diff times, intensities = rawfile.reader.get_xic(min_mz, max_mz) item = self.plot_widget_xic.plot(times, intensities, pen=mkPen(color=rawfile.qcolor, width=2)) self.xic_by_rawfile_short_path[rawfile.short_path] = item else: try: #self.plot_widget_xic.removeItem(self.xic_by_rawfile_short_path[rawfile.short_path]) self.xic_by_rawfile_short_path[rawfile.short_path].hide() except KeyError: pass
class ScanPlotWidget(PlotWidget): """ Extend the PlotWidget Class with more functionality used for qudi scan images. Supported features: - draggable/static crosshair with optional range and size constraints. - zoom feature by rubberband selection - rubberband area selection This class depends on the ScanViewBox class defined further below. This class can be promoted in the Qt designer. """ sigMouseAreaSelected = QtCore.Signal(QtCore.QRectF) # mapped rectangle mouse cursor selection sigCrosshairPosChanged = QtCore.Signal(QtCore.QPointF) sigCrosshairDraggedPosChanged = QtCore.Signal(QtCore.QPointF) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['viewBox'] = ScanViewBox() # Use custom pg.ViewBox subclass super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.getViewBox().sigMouseAreaSelected.connect(self.sigMouseAreaSelected) self._min_crosshair_factor = 0.02 self._crosshair_size = (0, 0) self._crosshair_range = None self.getViewBox().sigRangeChanged.connect(self._constraint_crosshair_size) self.crosshair = ROI((0, 0), (0, 0), pen={'color': '#00ff00', 'width': 1}) self.hline = InfiniteLine(pos=0, angle=0, movable=True, pen={'color': '#00ff00', 'width': 1}, hoverPen={'color': '#ffff00', 'width': 1}) self.vline = InfiniteLine(pos=0, angle=90, movable=True, pen={'color': '#00ff00', 'width': 1}, hoverPen={'color': '#ffff00', 'width': 1}) self.vline.sigDragged.connect(self._update_pos_from_line) self.hline.sigDragged.connect(self._update_pos_from_line) self.crosshair.sigRegionChanged.connect(self._update_pos_from_roi) self.sigCrosshairDraggedPosChanged.connect(self.sigCrosshairPosChanged) @property def crosshair_enabled(self): items = self.items() return (self.vline in items) and (self.hline in items) and (self.crosshair in items) @property def crosshair_movable(self): return bool(self.crosshair.translatable) @property def crosshair_position(self): pos = self.vline.pos() pos[1] = self.hline.pos()[1] return tuple(pos) @property def crosshair_size(self): return tuple(self._crosshair_size) @property def crosshair_min_size_factor(self): return float(self._min_crosshair_factor) @property def crosshair_range(self): if self._crosshair_range is None: return None return tuple(self._crosshair_range) @property def selection_enabled(self): return bool(self.getViewBox().rectangle_selection) @property def zoom_by_selection_enabled(self): return bool(self.getViewBox().zoom_by_selection) def toggle_selection(self, enable): """ De-/Activate the rectangular rubber band selection tool. If active you can select a rectangular region within the ViewBox by dragging the mouse with the left button. Each selection rectangle in real-world data coordinates will be emitted by sigMouseAreaSelected. By using activate_zoom_by_selection you can optionally de-/activate zooming in on the selection. @param bool enable: Toggle selection on (True) or off (False) """ return self.getViewBox().toggle_selection(enable) def toggle_zoom_by_selection(self, enable): """ De-/Activate automatic zooming into a selection. See also: toggle_selection @param bool enable: Toggle zoom upon selection on (True) or off (False) """ return self.getViewBox().toggle_zoom_by_selection(enable) def _update_pos_from_line(self, obj): """ Called each time the position of the InfiniteLines has been changed by a user drag. Causes the crosshair rectangle to follow the lines. """ if obj not in (self.hline, self.vline): return pos = self.vline.pos() pos[1] = self.hline.pos()[1] size = self.crosshair.size() self.crosshair.blockSignals(True) self.crosshair.setPos((pos[0] - size[0] / 2, pos[1] - size[1] / 2)) self.crosshair.blockSignals(False) self.sigCrosshairDraggedPosChanged.emit(QtCore.QPointF(pos[0], pos[1])) return def _update_pos_from_roi(self, obj): """ Called each time the position of the rectangular ROI has been changed by a user drag. Causes the InfiniteLines to follow the ROI. """ if obj is not self.crosshair: return pos = self.crosshair.pos() size = self.crosshair.size() pos[0] += size[0] / 2 pos[1] += size[1] / 2 self.vline.setPos(pos[0]) self.hline.setPos(pos[1]) self.sigCrosshairDraggedPosChanged.emit(QtCore.QPointF(pos[0], pos[1])) return def toggle_crosshair(self, enable, movable=True): """ Disable/Enable the crosshair within the PlotWidget. Optionally also toggle if it can be dragged by the user. @param bool enable: enable crosshair (True), disable crosshair (False) @param bool movable: enable user drag (True), disable user drag (False) """ if not isinstance(enable, bool): raise TypeError('Positional argument "enable" must be bool type.') if not isinstance(movable, bool): raise TypeError('Optional argument "movable" must be bool type.') self.toggle_crosshair_movable(movable) is_enabled = self.crosshair_enabled if enable and not is_enabled: self.addItem(self.vline) self.addItem(self.hline) self.addItem(self.crosshair) elif not enable and is_enabled: self.removeItem(self.vline) self.removeItem(self.hline) self.removeItem(self.crosshair) return def toggle_crosshair_movable(self, enable): """ Toggle if the crosshair can be dragged by the user. @param bool enable: enable (True), disable (False) """ self.crosshair.translatable = bool(enable) self.vline.setMovable(enable) self.hline.setMovable(enable) return def set_crosshair_pos(self, pos): """ Set the crosshair center to the given coordinates. @param QPointF|float[2] pos: (x,y) position of the crosshair """ try: pos = tuple(pos) except TypeError: pos = (pos.x(), pos.y()) size = self.crosshair.size() self.crosshair.blockSignals(True) self.vline.blockSignals(True) self.hline.blockSignals(True) self.crosshair.setPos(pos[0] - size[0] / 2, pos[1] - size[1] / 2) self.vline.setPos(pos[0]) self.hline.setPos(pos[1]) self.crosshair.blockSignals(False) self.vline.blockSignals(False) self.hline.blockSignals(False) self.sigCrosshairPosChanged.emit(QtCore.QPointF(*pos)) return def set_crosshair_size(self, size, force_default=True): """ Set the default size of the crosshair rectangle (x, y) and update the display. @param QSize|float[2] size: the (x,y) size of the crosshair rectangle @param bool force_default: Set default crosshair size and enforce minimal size (True). Enforce displayed crosshair size while keeping default size untouched (False). """ try: size = tuple(size) except TypeError: size = (size.width(), size.height()) if force_default: if size[0] <= 0 and size[1] <= 0: self._crosshair_size = (0, 0) else: self._crosshair_size = size # Check if actually displayed size needs to be adjusted due to minimal size size = self._get_corrected_crosshair_size(size) pos = self.vline.pos() pos[1] = self.hline.pos()[1] - size[1] / 2 pos[0] -= size[0] / 2 if self._crosshair_range: crange = self._crosshair_range self.crosshair.maxBounds = QtCore.QRectF(crange[0][0] - size[0] / 2, crange[1][0] - size[1] / 2, crange[0][1] - crange[0][0] + size[0], crange[1][1] - crange[1][0] + size[1]) self.crosshair.blockSignals(True) self.crosshair.setSize(size) self.crosshair.setPos(pos) self.crosshair.blockSignals(False) return def set_crosshair_min_size_factor(self, factor): """ Sets the minimum crosshair size factor. This will determine the minimum size of the smallest edge of the crosshair center rectangle. This minimum size is calculated by taking the smallest visible axis of the ViewBox and multiplying it with the scale factor set by this method. The crosshair rectangle will be then scaled accordingly if the set crosshair size is smaller than this minimal size. @param float factor: The scale factor to set. If <= 0 no minimal crosshair size enforced. """ if factor <= 0: self._min_crosshair_factor = 0 elif factor <= 1: self._min_crosshair_factor = float(factor) else: raise ValueError('Crosshair min size factor must be a value <= 1.') return def set_crosshair_range(self, new_range): """ Sets a range boundary for the crosshair position. @param float[2][2] new_range: two min-max range value tuples (for x and y axis). If None set unlimited ranges. """ if new_range is None: self.vline.setBounds([None, None]) self.hline.setBounds([None, None]) self.crosshair.maxBounds = None else: self.vline.setBounds(new_range[0]) self.hline.setBounds(new_range[1]) size = self.crosshair.size() pos = self.crosshair_position self.crosshair.maxBounds = QtCore.QRectF(new_range[0][0] - size[0] / 2, new_range[1][0] - size[1] / 2, new_range[0][1] - new_range[0][0] + size[0], new_range[1][1] - new_range[1][0] + size[1]) self.crosshair.setPos(pos[0] - size[0] / 2, pos[1] - size[1] / 2) self._crosshair_range = new_range return def set_crosshair_pen(self, pen): """ Sets the pyqtgraph compatible pen to be used for drawing the crosshair lines. @param pen: pyqtgraph compatible pen to use """ self.crosshair.setPen(pen) self.vline.setPen(pen) self.hline.setPen(pen) return def _constraint_crosshair_size(self): if self._min_crosshair_factor == 0: return if self._crosshair_size[0] == 0 or self._crosshair_size[1] == 0: return corr_size = self._get_corrected_crosshair_size(self._crosshair_size) if corr_size != tuple(self.crosshair.size()): self.set_crosshair_size(corr_size, force_default=False) return def _get_corrected_crosshair_size(self, size): try: size = tuple(size) except TypeError: size = (size.width(), size.height()) min_size = min(size) if min_size == 0: return size vb_size = self.getViewBox().viewRect().size() short_index = int(vb_size.width() > vb_size.height()) min_vb_size = vb_size.width() if short_index == 0 else vb_size.height() min_vb_size *= self._min_crosshair_factor if min_size < min_vb_size: scale_factor = min_vb_size / min_size size = (size[0] * scale_factor, size[1] * scale_factor) return size
class Cursor(QObject): moved = pyqtSignal(list, name='moved') def __init__(self, parent, curveIndex, xLine, yLine, symb, cPen, curve=None): super(Cursor, self).__init__() self.parent = parent if abs(curveIndex) > len(self.parent.curves): raise ValueError('The curve you selected does not exist') self.refPlot = self.parent.curves[ curveIndex] if curve is None else curve xStart = self.refPlot.xData[0] yStart = self.refPlot.yData[0] self.xRef = None self.yRef = None self.singleLine = '' if not xLine and not yLine: raise ValueError( 'You cannot create a cursor without a reference Line') if xLine: self.xRef = InfiniteLine( pos=xStart, angle=90, movable=True, pen=cPen, bounds=[min(self.refPlot.xData), max(self.refPlot.xData)]) self.parent.addItem(self.xRef) self.xRef.sigPositionChanged.connect(self.updateCursor) if not yLine: self.singleLine = 'self.refPlot.xData' if yLine: self.yRef = InfiniteLine( pos=yStart, angle=0, movable=not xLine, pen=cPen, bounds=[min(self.refPlot.yData), max(self.refPlot.yData)]) self.parent.addItem(self.yRef) if not xLine: self.yRef.sigPositionChanged.connect(self.updateCursor) self.singleLine = 'self.refPlot.yData' self.point = self.parent.plot([self.refPlot.xData[0]], [self.refPlot.yData[0]], pen=None, symbol=symb, symbolPen=cPen, symbolBrush=cPen) self.color = cPen self.symbol = symb if xLine and yLine: self.whoMovesWho = { self.xRef: [self.yRef, 'self.refPlot.xData', 0], self.yRef: [self.xRef, 'self.refPlot.yData', 1] } def updateCursor(self, evt): culprit = evt.sender() changedPos = culprit.pos() utilStr = 'where(array(' newPoint = [0, 0] if self.xRef is not None and self.yRef is not None: utilStr2 = ')>=changedPos[self.whoMovesWho[culprit][2]])[0][0]' toMove = self.whoMovesWho[culprit][0] baseStr = self.whoMovesWho[culprit][1] approxInd = eval(utilStr + baseStr + utilStr2) newValCulp = eval(baseStr + '[' + str(approxInd) + ']') newValMove = eval(self.whoMovesWho[toMove][1] + '[' + str(approxInd) + ']') newPoint[self.whoMovesWho[culprit][2]] = newValCulp newPoint[self.whoMovesWho[toMove][2]] = newValMove toMove.setPos(newPoint) culprit.sigPositionChanged.disconnect() culprit.setPos(newPoint) culprit.sigPositionChanged.connect(self.updateCursor) else: baseStr = self.singleLine utilStr2 = ')>=changedPos[' + str( int(self.xRef is None)) + '])[0][0]' approxInd = eval(utilStr + baseStr + utilStr2) newPoint[0] = self.refPlot.xData[approxInd] newPoint[1] = self.refPlot.yData[approxInd] self.point.setData([newPoint[0]], [newPoint[1]]) self.moved.emit(newPoint) def pos(self): return [self.point.xData[0], self.point.yData[0]] def trafficLight(self, xLight, yLight): if self.xRef is not None: self.xRef.setMovable(xLight) if self.yRef is not None: self.yRef.setMovable(yLight) def suicide(self): if self.xRef is not None: self.parent.removeItem(self.xRef) if self.yRef is not None: self.parent.removeItem(self.yRef) self.parent.removeItem(self.point)