def addLayerControl(self, item, name, tip=''): ''' add color button in parameter menu if an overlay is added ''' aExport = QtGui.QAction('Export to new display', self._menu.p) aExport.triggered.connect( lambda c, n=name: self._exportLayerToNewDisplay(n)) p = self._menu.p.addChild({ 'name': name, 'highlight': True, 'type': 'color', 'tip': tip, 'removable': True, 'autoIncrementName': True, 'addToContextMenu': [aExport], #TODO: # 'sliding':True 'item': item }) p.setValue(item.getQColor()) p.sigValueChanged.connect( lambda param, val: param.opts['item'].setQColor(val)) self.setChecked(True)
def _fillMenuDuplicateToOtherWS(self): c = self.centralWidget() self._m_duplDisp.clear() for i in range(c.count()): if i != c.currentIndex(): t = '[%s]' % str(i + 1) a = QtGui.QAction(t, self._m_duplDisp) a.triggered.connect(lambda clicked, i=i, self=self: self. _moveCurrentDiplayToWorkspace(i)) self._m_duplDisp.addAction(a)
def __init__(self, display): Tool.__init__(self, display) self.n_slices = 0 self._ROIs = [] a_show = QtGui.QAction('show', self) a_show.setCheckable(True) a_show.setChecked(True) a_show.toggled.connect(self.toggleShow) self.addAction(a_show)
def __init__(self, imageDisplay): Tool.__init__(self, imageDisplay) self.scene = self.view.scene() #MENU: self.a_newDisplay = QtGui.QAction('result in new display', self) self.a_newDisplay.setCheckable(True) self.addAction(self.a_newDisplay) a_show = QtGui.QAction('show', self) a_show.setCheckable(True) a_show.setChecked(True) a_show.toggled.connect(self.toggleShow) self.addAction(a_show) self.n_slices = 0 self.slave = None self._POIS = []
def __init__(self, display): Tool.__init__(self, display) self.poiTextList = [] self.scene = self.view.scene() self._first_time = True self.actionHide = QtGui.QAction('show', self) self.actionHide.setCheckable(True) self.actionHide.setChecked(True) self.actionHide.triggered.connect(self.toggleShow) self.addAction(self.actionHide) areset = QtGui.QAction('reset', self) areset.triggered.connect(self.reset) self.addAction(areset) self.actionShowCoord = QtGui.QAction('show coordinates', self) self.actionShowCoord.setCheckable(True) self.actionShowCoord.setChecked(True) self.addAction(self.actionShowCoord)
def _openContextMenu(self, pos): #show toolbar name and action[remove] on right click m = QtGui.QMenu() #title: a = QtGui.QAction('Toolbar: %s' %, self) a.setSoftKeyRole(QtGui.QAction.NoSoftKey) f = a.font() f.setBold(True) a.setFont(f) m.addAction(a) m.addSeparator() m.addAction("Remove").triggered.connect(self.actionSelect.trigger) m.exec_(self.mapToGlobal(pos))
def _buildMenu(self): self._menu.clear() self._actions = [] for d in self.display.otherDisplaysOfSameType(): # add an action for all imageDisplays: # if d != self.display and d.__class__ == self.display.__class__: a = QtGui.QAction(,self._menu, checkable=True) self._menu.addAction(a) self._actions.append(a) if d in self._linked_displays: a.setChecked(True) a.triggered.connect(lambda checked, d=d, self=self: self._linkColorbar(d, checked))
def _buildMenu(self): ''' Add an action for all other displays and connect it to self._linkView ''' self._menu.clear() ag = QtGui.QActionGroup(self._menu, exclusive=True) for d in self.display.workspace.displays(): if d != self.display: a = ag.addAction(QtGui.QAction(,self._menu, checkable=True)) self._menu.addAction(a) a.triggered.connect(lambda checked, d=d, self=self: self._linkView(d, checked)) if d == self._linked_display: a.setChecked(True)
def __init__(self, name, widget, pkg, toolClasses): QtGui.QToolBar.__init__(self, name) self.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self._openContextMenu) #make ToolBar smaller: self.setIconSize(QtCore.QSize(16, 16)) self.layout().setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.setAllowedAreas(QtCore.Qt.TopToolBarArea) #measure toolbar width in order to find best place when added self.width = 9 #9=handle width # whether position of toolbar should be #found depending on available space: # self.needPositioning = False name[0].islower() f = name[0] if f.islower(): name = f.upper() + name[1:] = name self.widget = widget self.toolClasses = toolClasses self._toolsCreated = False # there is a central setup for the visibility of all # toolbars that have the same display widget: show = getattr(pkg, 'show', True) if isinstance(show, dict): #whether to show/hide a toolbar depends on the chosen profile: session = QtGui.QApplication.instance().session profile = session.app_opts.get('profile', None) show = show.get(profile, False) if self.widget.__class__.selectedToolbars.get(name, None) is None: self.widget.__class__.selectedToolbars[name] = [ show, # QtCore.Qt.TopToolBarArea, # TO_QT_POSITION[getattr(pkg, 'position','top')], False ] #->hasBreak # #add logo to toolbar: # icon = getattr(pkg, 'icon', None) # if icon: # #icon can ge given as direct path # if not os.path.exists(icon): # #otherwise it is assumed that # #the icon is to be found in the icon directory: # icon = ICONFOLDER.join(icon) # s = ToolBarIcon(self, icon) tip = getattr(pkg, '__doc__', None) ttname = name if tip: ttname += '\n\t%s' % tip self.setToolTip(ttname) #BACKGROUND COLOR: c = getattr(pkg, 'color', None) if not c is None: #create a semi-transparent colour from #normal background color (grey) #and given color: a = 0.9 b = 1 - a p = self.palette() bg = p.color(self.backgroundRole()) c = QtGui.QColor(c) bg.setRed(a * + b * bg.setGreen(a * + b * bg.setBlue(a * + b * self.setBackgroundRole(QtGui.QPalette.Window) p.setColor(self.backgroundRole(), bg) self.setPalette(p) self.setAutoFillBackground(True) self.actionSelect = a = QtGui.QAction(name, self) s = 'contains...' for cls in self.toolClasses: s += '\n %s' % cls.__name__ a.setToolTip(s) a.setCheckable(True) a.setChecked(show) a.triggered.connect(self.setSelected)
def buildLayer(self, fname, label, name, data, origin=None, index=None, info=None, changes=None): ''' for every layer of the stack add a parameter containing ... * it's stack value * an layer info field * a layer changed field ''' info, changes = self._extractFromOrigin(origin, index, info, changes) try: self.sigChildAdded.disconnect(self._fnInsertRemovedLayer) except TypeError: pass #ADD OPTIONS TO THE CONTEXT MENU: mCopy = QtGui.QMenu('Copy') mMove = QtGui.QMenu('Move') if not fname or not PathStr(fname).isfile(): fname = None menu_entries = [mCopy, mMove] if self.display.reader is not None: aFile = QtGui.QAction('Change File', self) aFile.triggered.connect(lambda checked, i=len(self.childs): self. display.changeLayerFile(i)) menu_entries.append(aFile) #CREATE AND ADD COPY-LAYER-TO OPTION TO PARAMETER: pLayer = self.addChild({ 'type': 'float', 'highlight': True, 'name': name, 'value': self.display.axes.stackAxis.getNextStackValue( PathStr(fname).basename()), 'expanded': False, 'removable': True, 'autoIncrementName': True, 'renamable': True, 'readonly': True, 'addToContextMenu': menu_entries, 'filename': fname, 'layername': label, }) mCopy.aboutToShow.connect( lambda pLayer=pLayer, mCopy=mCopy, self=self: self. buildCopyToDisplayMenu(mCopy, pLayer, 'copy')) mMove.aboutToShow.connect( lambda pLayer=pLayer, mMove=mMove, self=self: self. buildCopyToDisplayMenu(mMove, pLayer, 'move')) #UPDATE STACK VALUES: pLayer.sigValueChanged.connect(self._valuesChanged) #EMIT LAYERNAMESCHANGED: pLayer.sigNameChanged.connect( lambda param, val, self=self: self.sigLayerNameChanged.emit( param.parent().children().index(param), val)) #CHECK WHETHER INSERTED LAYER COMES FROM A MOVED ONE: self.sigChildAdded.connect(self._fnInsertRemovedLayer) #ADD LAYER INFO if info is None: finfo = '' if fname is not None: try: #read info from file: finfo += self.getFileInfo( fname) + '\n' # + self.getMetaData(name) except AttributeError: pass # finfo = '' #not possible to read from file because maybe not a filename dinfo = '' if data is not None: try: dinfo = 'shape:\t%s\ndtype:\t%s' % (data.shape, data.dtype) except AttributeError: #data in not array dinfo = 'length: %s' % len(data) info = '%s---\n%s' % (finfo, dinfo) if isinstance(info, Parameter): #CASE: layer was duplicated and [info] is a parameter for ch in info.children(): pLayer.addChild(ch.duplicate()) else: #info is given as text #LAYER INFO pLayer.addChild({ 'type': 'text', 'name': 'Info', 'value': info if info != None else '', 'readonly': True }) #LAYER CHANGES pLayer.addChild({ 'type': 'text', 'name': 'Changes', #'TODO: every change through a tool/scripts operation to be added here', 'value': changes if changes else '', #'readonly':True 'expanded': bool(changes) })
def _appendMenubarAndPreferences(self): m = self.menuBar() m.setFixedHeight(25) # m.setMaximumHeight(25) m.aboutWidget.setModule(dataArtist) m.aboutWidget.setInstitutionLogo( MEDIA_FOLDER.join('institution_logo.svg')) #hide the menu so toolbars can only be show/hidden via gui->view->toolbars: m.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.PreventContextMenu) self.undoRedo = UndoRedo(MEDIA_FOLDER) self.gTools = GlobalTools() self.gTools.addWidget(self.undoRedo) m.setCornerWidget(self.gTools) #APPEND PREFERENCES t = m.file_preferences.tabs t.addTab(PreferencesView(self), 'View') t.addTab(self.pref_import, 'Import') t.addTab(PreferencesCommunication(self), 'Communication') #APPEND MENUBAR #MENU - FILE f = m.menu_file p = f.action_preferences action_file = QtGui.QAction('&Import', f) action_file.triggered.connect(self.openFile) action_file.setShortcut( QtGui.QKeySequence(QtCore.Qt.CTRL + QtCore.Qt.Key_I)) f.insertAction(p, action_file) f.insertSeparator(p) #MENU VIEW v = m.menu_view #ACTION PRINT VIEW aPrintView = QtGui.QAction('Print view', v) aPrintView.setCheckable(True) aPrintView.triggered.connect( lambda checked: self.currentWorkspace().setPrintView(checked)) v.addAction(aPrintView) #SHOW/HIDE history aHistory = QtGui.QAction('Program history', v) aHistory.setShortcut(QtCore.Qt.Key_F4) aHistory.setCheckable(True) def showhideHistory(checked): s = self.currentWorkspace().middle_splitter r = s.getRange(1)[1] if checked: r /= 1.5 return s.moveSplitter(r, 1) def isHistoryVisible(): s = self.currentWorkspace().middle_splitter aHistory.setChecked(s.sizes()[1] != 0) aHistory.triggered.connect(showhideHistory) v.aboutToShow.connect(isHistoryVisible) v.addAction(aHistory) #SHOW/HIDE preferences aPref = QtGui.QAction('Dock preferences', v) aPref.setShortcut(QtCore.Qt.Key_F3) aPref.setCheckable(True) def showhidePref(checked): s = self.currentWorkspace().vert_splitter r = s.getRange(1)[1] if checked: r /= 3 else: r = 0 return s.moveSplitter(r, 1) def isPrefVisible(): w = self.currentWorkspace() s = w.vert_splitter aPref.setChecked(s.sizes()[0] != 0) aPref.setEnabled(w.displayPrefTabs.isVisible()) aPref.triggered.connect(showhidePref) v.aboutToShow.connect(isPrefVisible) v.addAction(aPref) #ACTION VIEW2CLIPBOARD aClipboard = QtGui.QAction('Copy view to clipboard', v) aClipboard.triggered.connect( lambda checked: self.currentWorkspace().copyViewToClipboard()) v.addAction(aClipboard) #ACTION Display2CLIPBOARD aClipboard = QtGui.QAction('Copy active display to clipboard', v) aClipboard.triggered.connect(lambda checked: self.currentWorkspace(). copyCurrentDisplayToClipboard()) v.addAction(aClipboard) #MENU - TOOLS t = m.menu_tools = QtGui.QMenu('Dock') m.insertMenuBefore(m.menu_workspace, t) #ADD DISPLAY mDisplay = t.addMenu('Add Display') for i, name in ( #(1, 'Dot'), (2, 'Graph'), (3, 'Image/Video'), #(4, 'Surface') #TODO: #(4, 'TODO: Surface'), #(5, 'TODO: Volume') ): mDisplay.addAction('%sD - %s' % (i - 1, name)).triggered.connect( lambda checked, i=i: self.currentWorkspace().addDisplay(axes=i )) #ADD TABLE t.addAction('Add Table').triggered.connect( lambda: self.currentWorkspace().addTableDock()) #ADD NOTEPAD t.addAction('Add Notepad').triggered.connect( lambda: self.currentWorkspace().addTextDock()) t.addSeparator() #DUPLICATE CURRENT DOCK t.addAction('Duplicate current display').triggered.connect( self._duplicateCurrentDiplay) self._m_duplDisp = t.addMenu('Move current display to other workspace') self._m_duplDisp.aboutToShow.connect(self._fillMenuDuplicateToOtherWS) #MENU - TOOLBARS self.menu_toolbars = QtGui.QMenu('Toolbars', m) self.connect(self.menu_toolbars, QtCore.SIGNAL("hovered(QAction *)"), lambda action, m=self.menu_toolbars: _showActionToolTipInMenu(m, action)) #SHOW ALL TOOLBARS - ACTION a = self.menu_toolbars.a_show = QtGui.QAction('show', m) f = a.font() f.setBold(True) a.setFont(f) a.setCheckable(True) a.setChecked(True) a.triggered.connect(self._toggleShowSelectedToolbars) self.menu_toolbars.aboutToShow.connect(self._listToolbarsInMenu) m.insertMenuBefore(m.menu_workspace, self.menu_toolbars) #MENU HELP m.menu_help.addAction('User manual').triggered.connect( lambda checked: os.startfile(HELP_FILE)) #TUTORIALS ####not used at the moment # self.m_tutorials = TutorialMenu( # tutorialFolder=PathStr.getcwd('dataArtist').join('tutorials'), # openFunction=self._openFnForTutorial, # # m.menu_help.addMenu(self.m_tutorials) m.menu_help.addAction('Online tutorials').triggered.connect( lambda checked: os.startfile( '')) m.menu_help.addAction('Support').triggered.connect( lambda checked: os.startfile( ''))