Пример #1
def CPHASE(angle, control, target):
    """Produces a controlled-phase instruction::

        CPHASE(phi) = diag([1, 1, 1, exp(1j * phi)])

    This gate applies to two qubit arguments to produce the variant of the controlled phase
    instruction that affects the state 11.

    Compare with the :py:func:`CPHASExx` variants. This variant is the most common and does
    not have a suffix, although you can think of it as ``CPHASE11`.

    :param angle: The input phase angle to apply when both qubits are in the ``|1>`` state.
    :param control: Qubit 1.
    :param target: Qubit 2.
    :returns: A Gate object.
    qubits = [unpack_qubit(q) for q in (control, target)]
    return Gate(name="CPHASE", params=[angle], qubits=qubits)
Пример #2
    def gate(self, name, params, qubits):
        Add a gate to the program.

        .. note::

            The matrix elements along each axis are ordered by bitstring. For two qubits the order
            is ``00, 01, 10, 11``, where the the bits **are ordered in reverse** by the qubit index,
            i.e., for qubits 0 and 1 the bitstring ``01`` indicates that qubit 0 is in the state 1.
            See also :ref:`the related documentation section in the QVM Overview <basis-ordering>`.

        :param string name: The name of the gate.
        :param list params: Parameters to send to the gate.
        :param list qubits: Qubits that the gate operates on.
        :return: The Program instance
        :rtype: Program
        return self.inst(Gate(name, params, [unpack_qubit(q) for q in qubits]))
Пример #3
def CNOT(control, target):
    """Produces a controlled-NOT (controlled-X) gate::

        CNOT = [[1, 0, 0, 0],
                [0, 1, 0, 0],
                [0, 0, 0, 1],
                [0, 0, 1, 0]]

    This gate applies to two qubit arguments to produce the controlled-not gate instruction.

    :param control: The control qubit.
    :param target: The target qubit. The target qubit has an X-gate applied to it if the control
        qubit is in the ``|1>`` state.
    :returns: A Gate object.
    return Gate(name="CNOT",
                qubits=[unpack_qubit(q) for q in (control, target)])
Пример #4
def ISWAP(q1, q2):
    """Produces an ISWAP instruction.

    ISWAP = [[1, 0,  0,  0],
             [0, 0,  1j, 0],
             [0, 1j, 0,  0],
             [0, 0,  0,  1]]

    This gate swaps the state of two qubits, applying a -i phase to q1 when it
    is in the excited state and a -i phase to q2 when it is in the ground state.

    :param q1: Qubit 1.
    :param q2: Qubit 2.
    :returns: A Gate object.
    return Gate(name="ISWAP",
                qubits=[unpack_qubit(q) for q in (q1, q2)])
Пример #5
def PSWAP(angle, q1, q2):
    """Produces a parameterized SWAP gate::

        PSWAP(phi) = [[1, 0,             0,             0],
                      [0, 0,             exp(1j * phi), 0],
                      [0, exp(1j * phi), 0,             0],
                      [0, 0,             0,             1]]

    :param angle: The angle of the phase to apply to the swapped states. This phase is applied to
        q1 when it is in the 1 state and to q2 when it is in the 0 state.
    :param q1: Qubit 1.
    :param q2: Qubit 2.
    :returns: A Gate object.
    return Gate(name="PSWAP",
                qubits=[unpack_qubit(q) for q in (q1, q2)])
Пример #6
def ISWAP(q1: QubitDesignator, q2: QubitDesignator) -> Gate:
    """Produces an ISWAP gate::

        ISWAP = [[1, 0,  0,  0],
                 [0, 0,  1j, 0],
                 [0, 1j, 0,  0],
                 [0, 0,  0,  1]]

    This gate swaps the state of two qubits, applying a -i phase to q1 when it
    is in the 1 state and a -i phase to q2 when it is in the 0 state.

    :param q1: Qubit 1.
    :param q2: Qubit 2.
    :returns: A Gate object.
    return Gate(name="ISWAP",
                qubits=[unpack_qubit(q) for q in (q1, q2)])
Пример #7
    def dagger(self, inv_dict=None, suffix="-INV"):
        Creates the conjugate transpose of the Quil program. The program must not
        contain any irreversible actions (measurement, control flow, qubit allocation).

        :return: The Quil program's inverse
        :rtype: Program

        if not self.is_protoquil():
            raise ValueError("Program must be valid Protoquil")

        daggered = Program()

        for gate in self._defined_gates:
            if inv_dict is None or gate.name not in inv_dict:
                if gate.parameters:
                    raise TypeError(
                        "Cannot auto define daggered version of parameterized gates"
                daggered.defgate(gate.name + suffix, gate.matrix.T.conj())

        for gate in reversed(self._instructions):
            if gate.name in QUANTUM_GATES:
                if gate.name == "S":
                    daggered.inst(QUANTUM_GATES["PHASE"](-pi / 2,
                elif gate.name == "T":
                    daggered.inst(QUANTUM_GATES["RZ"](pi / 4, *gate.qubits))
                elif gate.name == "ISWAP":
                    daggered.inst(QUANTUM_GATES["PSWAP"](pi / 2, *gate.qubits))
                    negated_params = list(map(lambda x: -1 * x, gate.params))
                    daggered.inst(QUANTUM_GATES[gate.name](*(negated_params +
                if inv_dict is None or gate.name not in inv_dict:
                    gate_inv_name = gate.name + suffix
                    gate_inv_name = inv_dict[gate.name]

                daggered.inst(Gate(gate_inv_name, gate.params, gate.qubits))

        return daggered
Пример #8
def CZ(control, target):
    """Produces a CZ instruction.

    CZ = [[1, 0, 0, 0],
          [0, 1, 0, 0],
          [0, 0, 1, 0],
          [0, 0, 0, -1]]

    This gate applies to two qubit arguments to produce the controlled-Z gate instruction.

    :param control: The control qubit.
    :param target: The target qubit. The target qubit has an Z-gate applied to it if the control
        qubit is in the excited state.
    :returns: A Gate object.
    return Gate(name="CZ",
                qubits=[unpack_qubit(q) for q in (control, target)])
Пример #9
def CSWAP(control, target_1, target_2):
    """Produces a controlled-SWAP gate. This gate conditionally swaps the state of two qubits::

        CSWAP = [[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                 [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                 [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                 [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                 [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
                 [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
                 [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
                 [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]]

    :param control: The control qubit.
    :param target-1: The first target qubit.
    :param target-2: The second target qubit. The two target states are swapped if the control is
        in the ``|1>`` state.
    qubits = [unpack_qubit(q) for q in (control, target_1, target_2)]
    return Gate(name="CSWAP", params=[], qubits=qubits)
Пример #10
def CSWAP(control, target_1, target_2):
    CSWAP = [[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
             [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
             [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
             [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
             [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
             [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
             [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
             [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]]

    Produces a CSWAP instruction. This gate swaps the state of two qubits.

    :param control: The control qubit.
    :param target-1: The first target qubit.
    :param target-2: The second target qubit. The two target states are swapped if the control is
        in the excited state.
    qubits = [unpack_qubit(q) for q in (control, target_1, target_2)]
    return Gate(name="CSWAP", params=[], qubits=qubits)
Пример #11
def apply_noise_model(prog: "Program", noise_model: NoiseModel) -> "Program":
    Apply a noise model to a program and generated a 'noisy-fied' version of the program.

    :param prog: A Quil Program object.
    :param noise_model: A NoiseModel, either generated from an ISA or
        from a simple decoherence model.
    :return: A new program translated to a noisy gateset and with noisy readout as described by the
    new_prog = _noise_model_program_header(noise_model)
    for i in prog:
        if isinstance(i, Gate) and noise_model.gates:
                _, new_name = get_noisy_gate(i.name, tuple(i.params))
                new_prog += Gate(new_name, [], i.qubits)
            except NoisyGateUndefined:
                new_prog += i
            new_prog += i
    return new_prog
Пример #12
def _apply_noise_model(prog, noise_model):
    Apply a noise model to a program and generated a 'noisy-fied' version of the program.

    :param Program prog: A Quil Program object.
    :param NoiseModel noise_model: A NoiseModel, either generated from an ISA or
        from a simple decoherence model.
    :return: A new program translated to a noisy gateset and with noisy readout as described by the
    :rtype: Program
    gates = _get_program_gates(prog)
    noisy_names = _get_noisy_names(gates)
    new_prog = _noise_model_program_header(noise_model,
                                           lambda g: noisy_names.get(g, g))
    for i in prog:
        if isinstance(i, Gate):
            new_prog += Gate(noisy_names[i], i.params, i.qubits)
            new_prog += i
    return new_prog
Пример #13
    def gate(
        name: str,
        params: Iterable[ParameterDesignator],
        qubits: Iterable[Union[Qubit, QubitPlaceholder]],
    ) -> "Program":
        Add a gate to the program.

        .. note::

            The matrix elements along each axis are ordered by bitstring. For two qubits the order
            is ``00, 01, 10, 11``, where the the bits **are ordered in reverse** by the qubit index,
            i.e., for qubits 0 and 1 the bitstring ``01`` indicates that qubit 0 is in the state 1.
            See also :ref:`the related docs in the WavefunctionSimulator Overview <basis_ordering>`.

        :param name: The name of the gate.
        :param params: Parameters to send to the gate.
        :param qubits: Qubits that the gate operates on.
        :return: The Program instance
        return self.inst(Gate(name, params, [unpack_qubit(q) for q in qubits]))
Пример #14
def gates_in_isa(isa):
    Generate the full gateset associated with an ISA.

    :param ISA isa: The instruction set architecture for a QPU.
    :return: A sequence of Gate objects encapsulating all gates compatible with the ISA.
    :rtype: Sequence[Gate]
    gates = []
    for q in isa.qubits:
        if q.dead:
            # TODO: dead qubits may in the future lead to some implicit re-indexing
        if q.type in ["Xhalves"]:
                Gate("I", [], [unpack_qubit(q.id)]),
                Gate("RX", [np.pi / 2], [unpack_qubit(q.id)]),
                Gate("RX", [-np.pi / 2], [unpack_qubit(q.id)]),
                Gate("RZ", [THETA], [unpack_qubit(q.id)]),
        else:  # pragma no coverage
            raise ValueError("Unknown qubit type: {}".format(q.type))

    for e in isa.edges:
        if e.dead:
        targets = [unpack_qubit(t) for t in e.targets]
        if e.type in ["CZ", "ISWAP"]:
            gates.append(Gate(e.type, [], targets))
            gates.append(Gate(e.type, [], targets[::-1]))
        elif e.type in ["CPHASE"]:
            gates.append(Gate(e.type, [THETA], targets))
            gates.append(Gate(e.type, [THETA], targets[::-1]))
        else:  # pragma no coverage
            raise ValueError("Unknown edge type: {}".format(e.type))
    return gates
Пример #15
def tk_to_pyquil(circ: Union[Circuit, PhysicalCircuit]) -> Program:
       Convert a :math:`\\mathrm{t|ket}\\rangle` :py:class:`Circuit` to a :py:class:`pyquil.Program` .
    :param circ: A circuit to be converted

    :return: The converted circuit
    p = Program()
    ro = p.declare('ro', 'BIT', circ.n_qubits)
    for command in circ:
        op = command.op
        optype = op.get_type()
        if optype == OpType.Input or optype == OpType.Output:
        elif optype == OpType.Measure:
            reg = op.get_desc()
            if str.isnumeric(reg):
                reg = int(reg)
                reg = command.qubits[0]
            p += Measurement(Qubit(command.qubits[0]), ro[reg])
            gatetype = _known_quil_gate_rev[optype]
        except KeyError as error:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Cannot convert tket Op to pyquil gate: " +
                op.get_name()) from error
        params = []
        for par in op.get_params():
                params.append(par.evalf() * PI)
                params.append(par * PI)
        g = Gate(gatetype, params, [Qubit(q) for q in command.qubits])
        p += g
    return p
Пример #16
def apply_noise_model(prog, noise_model):
    Apply a noise model to a program and generated a 'noisy-fied' version of the program.

    :param Program prog: A Quil Program object.
    :param NoiseModel noise_model: A NoiseModel, either generated from an ISA or
        from a simple decoherence model.
    :return: A new program translated to a noisy gateset and with noisy readout as described by the
    :rtype: Program
    new_prog = _noise_model_program_header(noise_model)
    for i in prog:
        if isinstance(i, Gate):
            key = (i.name, tuple(i.params))
            if key in NOISY_GATES:
                _, new_name = NOISY_GATES[key]
                new_prog += Gate(new_name, [], i.qubits)
                new_prog += i
            new_prog += i
    return new_prog
Пример #17
def CCNOT(control1, control2, target):
    """Produces a CCNOT instruction.

    CCNOT = [[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
             [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
             [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
             [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
             [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
             [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
             [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
             [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]]

    This gate applies to three qubit arguments to produce the controlled-controlled-not gate

    :param control1: The first control qubit.
    :param control2: The second control qubit.
    :param target: The target qubit. The target qubit has an X-gate applied to it if both control
        qubits are in the excited state.
    :returns: A Gate object.
    qubits = [unpack_qubit(q) for q in (control1, control2, target)]
    return Gate(name="CCNOT", params=[], qubits=qubits)
Пример #18
def test_gate():
    tg = Gate("TEST", qubits=[Qubit(1), Qubit(2)], params=[])
    assert tg.out() == "TEST 1 2"
Пример #19
def rewrite_arithmetic(prog: Program) -> RewriteArithmeticResponse:
    """Rewrite compound arithmetic expressions.

    The basic motivation is that a parametric program may have gates with
    compound arguments which cannot be evaluated natively on the underlying
    control hardware. The solution provided here is to translate a program like

      DECLARE theta REAL
      DECLARE beta REAL
      RZ(3 * theta) 0
      RZ(beta+theta) 0

    into something like

      DECLARE theta REAL
      DECLARE beta REAL
      DECLARE __P REAL[2]
      RZ(__P[0]) 0
      RZ(__P[1]) 0

    along with a "recalculation table" mapping new memory references to their
    corresponding arithmetic expressions,

        ParameterAref('__P', 0): "((3.0)*theta[0])",
        ParameterAref('__P', 1): "(beta[0]+theta[0])"

    When executing the parametric program with specific values for `theta` and
    `beta`, the PyQuil client will patch in values for `__P` by evaluating the
    expressions in the recalculation table.

    :param prog: A program.
    :returns: A RewriteArithmeticResponse, containing the updated program along
      with its memory descriptors and a recalculation table.

    def spec(inst: Declare) -> ParameterSpec:
        return ParameterSpec(type=inst.memory_type, length=inst.memory_size)

    def aref(ref: MemoryReference) -> ParameterAref:
        return ParameterAref(name=ref.name, index=ref.offset)

    updated = prog.copy_everything_except_instructions()
    old_descriptors = {
        inst.name: spec(inst)
        for inst in prog if isinstance(inst, Declare)
    recalculation_table = {}
    seen_exprs = {}

    # generate a unique name. it's nice to do this in a deterministic fashion
    # rather than globbing in a UUID
    suffix = len(old_descriptors)
    while f"__P{suffix}" in old_descriptors:
        suffix += 1
    mref_name = f"__P{suffix}"
    mref_idx = 0

    for inst in prog:
        if isinstance(inst, Gate):
            new_params = []
            for param in inst.params:
                if isinstance(param, (Real, MemoryReference)):
                elif isinstance(param, Expression):
                    expr = str(param)
                    if expr in seen_exprs:
                        new_mref = MemoryReference(mref_name, mref_idx)
                        seen_exprs[expr] = new_mref
                        mref_idx += 1
                        recalculation_table[aref(new_mref)] = expr
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"Unknown parameter type {type(param)} in {inst}.")
            updated.inst(Gate(inst.name, new_params, inst.qubits))

    if mref_idx > 0:
        updated._instructions.insert(0, Declare(mref_name, "REAL", mref_idx))

    return RewriteArithmeticResponse(
Пример #20
def tk_to_pyquil(
    tkcirc: Circuit,
    active_reset: bool = False,
    return_used_bits: bool = False
) -> Union[Program, Tuple[Program, List[Bit]]]:
       Convert a tket :py:class:`Circuit` to a :py:class:`pyquil.Program` .

    :param tkcirc: A circuit to be converted

    :return: The converted circuit
    p = Program()
    qregs = set()
    for qb in tkcirc.qubits:
        if len(qb.index) != 1:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "PyQuil registers must use a single index")
    if len(qregs) > 1:
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Cannot convert circuit with multiple quantum registers to pyQuil")
    creg_sizes: Dict = {}
    for b in tkcirc.bits:
        if len(b.index) != 1:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "PyQuil registers must use a single index")
        if (b.reg_name
                not in creg_sizes) or (b.index[0] >= creg_sizes[b.reg_name]):
            creg_sizes.update({b.reg_name: b.index[0] + 1})
    cregmap = {}
    for reg_name, size in creg_sizes.items():
        name = reg_name
        if name == "c":
            name = "ro"
        quil_reg = p.declare(name, "BIT", size)
        cregmap.update({reg_name: quil_reg})
    for sym in tkcirc.free_symbols():
        p.declare(str(sym), "REAL")
    if active_reset:
    measures = []
    measured_qubits: List[Qubit] = []
    used_bits: List[Bit] = []
    for command in tkcirc:
        op = command.op
        optype = op.type
        if optype == OpType.Measure:
            qb = Qubit_(command.args[0].index[0])
            if qb in measured_qubits:
                raise NotImplementedError("Cannot apply gate on qubit " +
                                          qb.__repr__() + " after measurement")
            bit = command.args[1]
            b = cregmap[bit.reg_name][bit.index[0]]
            measures.append(Measurement(qb, b))
        elif optype == OpType.Barrier:
            continue  # pyQuil cannot handle barriers
        qubits = [Qubit_(qb.index[0]) for qb in command.args]
        for qb in qubits:
            if qb in measured_qubits:
                raise NotImplementedError("Cannot apply gate on qubit " +
                                          qb.__repr__() + " after measurement")
            gatetype = _known_quil_gate_rev[optype]
        except KeyError as error:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Cannot convert tket Op to pyQuil gate: " +
                op.get_name()) from error
        params = [param_to_pyquil(p) for p in op.params]
        g = Gate(gatetype, params, qubits)
        p += g
    for m in measures:
        p += m
    if return_used_bits:
        return p, used_bits
    return p
Пример #21
    first = DefCalibration("X", [], [Qubit(0)], ["foo"])
    second = DefCalibration("X", [], [Qubit(0)], ["bar"])
    prog = Program(first, second)
    match = prog.match_calibrations(Gate("X", [], [Qubit(0)]))
    assert match == CalibrationMatch(cal=second, settings={})

DEFCAL RZ(%theta) q:
    SHIFT-PHASE q "rf" -%theta
            Gate("RZ", [np.pi], [Qubit(0)]),
            Program('SHIFT-PHASE 0 "rf" -pi'),
DEFCAL A(%theta) q:
    SHIFT-PHASE q "rf" -%theta

DEFCAL RZ(%theta) q:
    SHIFT-PHASE q "rf" -%theta
    A(%theta) q
            Gate("RZ", [np.pi], [Qubit(0)]),
            Program('SHIFT-PHASE 0 "rf" -pi', 'SHIFT-PHASE 0 "rf" -pi'),
Пример #22
def test_program_match_last():
    first = DefCalibration("X", [], [Qubit(0)], ["foo"])
    second = DefCalibration("X", [], [Qubit(0)], ["bar"])
    prog = Program(first, second)
    match = prog.match_calibrations(Gate("X", [], [Qubit(0)]))
    assert match == CalibrationMatch(cal=second, settings={})
Пример #23
def test_program_calibrate_cyclic_error(program_text):
    prog = Program(program_text)
    with pytest.raises(CalibrationError):
        prog.calibrate(Gate("RZ", [np.pi], [Qubit(0)]))
Пример #24
def test_gate():
    tg = Gate("TEST", qubits=(DirectQubit(1), DirectQubit(2)), params=[])
    assert tg.out() == "TEST 1 2"
Пример #25
def address_qubits(program, qubit_mapping=None):
    Takes a program which contains placeholders and assigns them all defined values.

    Either all qubits must be defined or all undefined. If qubits are
    undefined, you may provide a qubit mapping to specify how placeholders get mapped
    to actual qubits. If a mapping is not provided, integers 0 through N are used.

    This function will also instantiate any label placeholders.

    :param program: The program.
    :param qubit_mapping: A dictionary-like object that maps from :py:class:`QubitPlaceholder`
        to :py:class:`Qubit` or ``int`` (but not both).
    :return: A new Program with all qubit and label placeholders assigned to real qubits and labels.
    fake_qubits, real_qubits, qubits = _what_type_of_qubit_does_it_use(program)
    if real_qubits:
        if qubit_mapping is not None:
                "A qubit mapping was provided but the program does not "
                "contain any placeholders to map!")
        return program

    if qubit_mapping is None:
        qubit_mapping = {qp: Qubit(i) for i, qp in enumerate(qubits)}
        if all(isinstance(v, Qubit) for v in qubit_mapping.values()):
            pass  # we good
        elif all(isinstance(v, int) for v in qubit_mapping.values()):
            qubit_mapping = {k: Qubit(v) for k, v in qubit_mapping.items()}
            raise ValueError(
                "Qubit mapping must map to type Qubit or int (but not both)")

    result = []
    for instr in program:
        # Remap qubits on Gate, Measurement, and ResetQubit instructions
        if isinstance(instr, Gate):
            remapped_qubits = [qubit_mapping[q] for q in instr.qubits]
            gate = Gate(instr.name, instr.params, remapped_qubits)
            gate.modifiers = instr.modifiers
        elif isinstance(instr, Measurement):
                Measurement(qubit_mapping[instr.qubit], instr.classical_reg))
        elif isinstance(instr, ResetQubit):
        elif isinstance(instr, Pragma):
            new_args = []
            for arg in instr.args:
                # Pragmas can have arguments that represent things besides qubits, so here we
                # make sure to just look up the QubitPlaceholders.
                if isinstance(arg, QubitPlaceholder):
                Pragma(instr.command, new_args, instr.freeform_string))
        # Otherwise simply add it to the result

    new_program = program.copy()
    new_program._instructions = result

    return new_program
Пример #26
def rewrite_arithmetic(prog: Program) -> RewriteArithmeticResponse:
    """Rewrite compound arithmetic expressions.

    The basic motivation is that a parametric program may have gates with
    compound arguments which cannot be evaluated natively on the underlying
    control hardware. The solution provided here is to translate a program like

      DECLARE theta REAL
      DECLARE beta REAL
      RZ(3 * theta) 0
      RZ(beta+theta) 0

    into something like

      DECLARE theta REAL
      DECLARE beta REAL
      DECLARE __P REAL[2]
      RZ(__P[0]) 0
      RZ(__P[1]) 0

    along with a "recalculation table" mapping new memory references to their
    corresponding arithmetic expressions,

        ParameterAref('__P', 0): "((3.0)*theta[0])",
        ParameterAref('__P', 1): "(beta[0]+theta[0])"

    When executing the parametric program with specific values for `theta` and
    `beta`, the PyQuil client will patch in values for `__P` by evaluating the
    expressions in the recalculation table.

    :param prog: A program.
    :returns: A RewriteArithmeticResponse, containing the updated program along
      with its memory descriptors and a recalculation table.

    def spec(inst: Declare) -> ParameterSpec:
        return ParameterSpec(type=inst.memory_type, length=inst.memory_size)

    def aref(ref: MemoryReference) -> ParameterAref:
        return ParameterAref(name=ref.name, index=ref.offset)

    updated = prog.copy_everything_except_instructions()
    old_descriptors = {
        inst.name: spec(inst)
        for inst in prog if isinstance(inst, Declare)
    recalculation_table: Dict[ParameterAref, str] = {}
    seen_exprs: Dict[str, MemoryReference] = {}

    # generate a unique name. it's nice to do this in a deterministic fashion
    # rather than globbing in a UUID
    suffix = len(old_descriptors)
    while f"__P{suffix}" in old_descriptors:
        suffix += 1
    mref_name = f"__P{suffix}"
    mref_idx = 0

    def expr_mref(expr: object) -> MemoryReference:
        """ Get a suitable MemoryReference for a given expression. """
        nonlocal mref_idx
        expr = str(expr)
        if expr in seen_exprs:
            return seen_exprs[expr]
        new_mref = MemoryReference(mref_name, mref_idx)
        seen_exprs[expr] = new_mref
        mref_idx += 1
        recalculation_table[aref(new_mref)] = expr
        return new_mref

    for inst in prog:
        if isinstance(inst, Gate):
            new_params: List[Union[Real, MemoryReference]] = []
            for param in inst.params:
                if isinstance(param, Real):
                elif isinstance(param, Expression):
                    # Quil gate angles are in radians,
                    # but downstream processing expects revolutions
                    expr = str(Div(param, 2 * np.pi))
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"Unknown parameter type {type(param)} in {inst}.")
            updated.inst(Gate(inst.name, new_params, inst.qubits))
        elif isinstance(inst, (SetFrequency, ShiftFrequency)):
            if isinstance(inst.freq, Real):
                fdefn = prog.frames[inst.frame]
            except KeyError:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Unable to rewrite {inst} without DEFFRAME {inst.frame}.")
            if fdefn.sample_rate is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Unable to rewrite {inst} on frame with undefined SAMPLE-RATE."
            if fdefn.center_frequency:
                expr = Sub(inst.freq, fdefn.center_frequency)
                expr = inst.freq
            expr = Div(expr, fdefn.sample_rate)
            expr = str(expr)
            updated.inst(inst.__class__(inst.frame, expr_mref(expr)))
        elif isinstance(inst, (SetPhase, ShiftPhase)):
            if isinstance(inst.phase, Real):
                # Quil phases are in radians
                # but downstream processing expects revolutions
                expr = str(Div(inst.phase, 2 * np.pi))
                updated.inst(inst.__class__(inst.frame, expr_mref(expr)))
        elif isinstance(inst, SetScale):
            if isinstance(inst.scale, Real):
                # scale is in [-4,4)
                # binary patching assumes periodic with period 1
                # so we divide by 8...
                expr = str(Div(inst.scale, 8))
                updated.inst(SetScale(inst.frame, expr_mref(expr)))

    if mref_idx > 0:
        updated._instructions.insert(0, Declare(mref_name, "REAL", mref_idx))

    return RewriteArithmeticResponse(