def find_objects(inputImage): """ Find the objects in the field use DAOfind """ output_locations= inputImage + ".stars" #best to set this if you're scripting #check if a file already exists and remove it if os.access(output_locations,os.F_OK): print "Removing previous star location file" os.remove(output_locations) #set up some finding parameters, you can make this more explicit iraf.daophot.findpars.threshold=3.0 #3sigma detections only iraf.daophot.findpars.nsigma=1.5 #width of convolution kernal in sigma iraf.daophot.findpars.ratio=1.0 #ratio of gaussian axes iraf.daophot.findpars.theta=0. iraf.daophot.findpars.sharplo=0.2 #lower bound on feature iraf.daophot.findpars.sharphi=1.0 #upper bound on feature iraf.daophot.findpars.roundlo=-1.0 #lower bound on roundness iraf.daophot.findpars.roundhi=1.0 #upper bound on roundness iraf.daophot.findpars.mkdetections="no" #assume the science extension sci="[SCI,1]" message(inputImage + sci) iraf.daofind(image=inputImage+sci,output=output_locations,interactive="no",verify="no",verbose="no") print "Saved output locations to %s"%(output_locations) return output_locations #return the name of the saved file
def run_daofind(image, wht='NA', extension=0, outfile='default',dthreshold=3.0, fwhmpsf=2.5, backsigma=-1.0,rdnoise=-1.0): '''RUN DAOFIND ON INPUT IMAGE''' # Parse input parameters if outfile == 'default': outfile = image+'0.coo.1' # Read in fits header f = fheader = f[0].header # Extract relevant info from the header (exposure, filter, input/output pixel scale) exptime = fheader['exptime'] instr = fheader['INSTRUME'] if instr == 'WFC3': filter = fheader['FILTER'] else: #assuming ACS filter = fheader['FILTER1'] if filter[0] == 'C': filter == fheader['FILTER2'] opxscl=0.03962 ipxscl=0.03962 f.close() # Assign number of flt images (IR/calibration images only have 1 chip; NDRIZIM keyword includes both chips from single FLT) if (fheader['detector'] == 'IR'): nchips = 1.0 # IR elif (fheader['subarray'] == True) and (len(fheader['CCDAMP']) == 1): nchips = 1.0 # UVIS sub-array elif (fheader['detector'] == 'UVIS') and (fheader['subarray'] == False): nchips = 2.0 # UVIS full-frame else: raise exception('Image type is not defined.') num_flts = 1.0 # Perform read noise correction if rdnoise < 0.0: amps = fheader['CCDAMP'] rdnoise = np.zeros(len(amps)) for namp in xrange(len(amps)): rdnoise[namp] = fheader['READNSE'+amps[namp]] rdnoise_corr = np.sqrt(num_flts * (np.average(rdnoise) * opxscl/ipxscl)**2) # Perform background noise calculation if backsigma < 0.0: backstats=iraf.imstatistics(image+'[0]', fields='stddev', lower = -100, upper = 100, nclip=5, \ lsigma=3.0, usigma=3.0, cache='yes', format='no',Stdout=1) backsigma=float(backstats[0]) # remove old daofind files file_query = os.access(outfile, os.R_OK) if file_query == True: os.remove(outfile) iraf.daofind.unlearn() iraf.daofind(image=image+'[0]', interactive='no', verify='no',output=outfile, fwhmpsf=fwhmpsf, sigma=backsigma, \ readnoise=rdnoise_corr, itime=exptime, threshold=dthreshold, datamin=-10, datamax=100000) # Display results of daofind (***WORK IN PROGRESS***) #os.system('ds9&') #tmp=image.split('_cnts') #iraf.display(tmp[0]+'.fits',1, zscale='no', zrange='no', z1=0, z2=100,ztrans='log') #iraf.tvmark(1,outfile,mark = 'circle', radii = 8, color = 205) return outfile # return name of coordinate file
def daofind(filelist): iraf.datapars.setParam("exposure", "EXPTIME") iraf.datapars.setParam("airmass", "AIRMASS") iraf.datapars.setParam("filter", "INSFILTE") iraf.datapars.setParam("ccdread", "RDNOISE") iraf.datapars.setParam("gain", "GAIN") iraf.centerpars.setParam("calgorithm", "centroid") iraf.photpars.setParam("apertures", "17.56") iraf.fitskypars.setParam("annulus", "20.56") iraf.fitskypars.setParam("dannulus", "5") with open(filelist) as file1: for line in file1: filename = line.strip() print("Filename %s" % filename) y,z = np.loadtxt(filename + "-daoedit", usecols=[3,4], unpack=True) sigma = np.mean(y) fwhm = np.mean(z) iraf.datapars.setParam("fwhmpsf", "%s" % str(fwhm) ) iraf.datapars.setParam("sigma", "%s" % str(sigma) ) iraf.daofind.setParam("mode", "h") iraf.phot.setParam("mode", "h") iraf.datapars.setParam("mode", "h") iraf.centerpars.setParam("mode", "h") iraf.fitskypars.setParam("mode", "h") iraf.photpars.setParam("mode", "h") iraf.daofind(filename, filename + "-daofind", mode='h') iraf.phot(filename, coords=(filename + "-daofind"), output=(filename+".mag"), mode='h')
def identify_objects(fnlist,skysiglist,fwhmlist,suffix=".coo"): """Runs the IRAF routine 'daofind' to locate objects in a series of images, creating coordinate files. Inputs: fnlist -> List of strings, each the path to a fits image. skysiglist -> List of floats, each the sky background sigma for an image. fwhmlist -> List of floats, each the FWHM of objects in an image. suffix -> Suffix for the coordinate files. '.coo' by default. Outputs: coolist -> List of strings, each the path to the coordinate files created. """ print "Identifying objects in images..." coolist = [] #Open IRAF packages iraf.noao(_doprint=0) iraf.digiphot(_doprint=0) iraf.apphot(_doprint=0) for i in range(len(fnlist)): coolist.append(fnlist[i]+suffix) iraf.daofind(image=fnlist[i], output=fnlist[i]+suffix, fwhmpsf=fwhmlist[i], sigma=skysiglist[i], threshold=4.0, datamin='INDEF', datamax='INDEF', verify='N') return coolist
def run_daofind(image, wht='NA', extension=0, outfile='default',dthreshold=3.0, fwhmpsf=2.5, backsigma=-1.0,rdnoise=-1.0): '''RUN DAOFIND ON INPUT IMAGE''' # Parse input parameters if outfile == 'default': outfile = image+'0.coo.1' # Read in fits header f = fheader = f[0].header # Extract relevant info from the header (exposure, filter, input/output pixel scale) exptime = fheader['exptime'] instr = fheader['INSTRUME'] if instr == 'WFC3': filter = fheader['FILTER'] else: #assuming ACS filter = fheader['FILTER1'] if filter[0] == 'C': filter == fheader['FILTER2'] opxscl=0.03962 ipxscl=0.03962 f.close() # Assign number of flt images (IR/calibration images only have 1 chip; NDRIZIM keyword includes both chips from single FLT) if (fheader['detector'] == 'IR'): nchips = 1.0 # IR elif (fheader['subarray'] == True) and (len(fheader['CCDAMP']) == 1): nchips = 1.0 # UVIS sub-array elif (fheader['detector'] == 'UVIS') and (fheader['subarray'] == False): nchips = 2.0 # UVIS full-frame else: raise exception('Image type is not defined.') num_flts = 1.0 # Perform read noise correction if rdnoise < 0.0: amps = fheader['CCDAMP'] rdnoise = np.zeros(len(amps)) for namp in xrange(len(amps)): rdnoise[namp] = fheader['READNSE'+amps[namp]] rdnoise_corr = np.sqrt(num_flts * (np.average(rdnoise) * opxscl/ipxscl)**2) # Perform background noise calculation if backsigma < 0.0: backstats=iraf.imstatistics(image+'[1]', fields='stddev', lower = -100, upper = 100, nclip=5, \ lsigma=3.0, usigma=3.0, cache='yes', format='no',Stdout=1) backsigma=float(backstats[0]) # remove old daofind files file_query = os.access(outfile, os.R_OK) if file_query == True: os.remove(outfile) iraf.daofind.unlearn() iraf.daofind(image=image+'[1]', interactive='no', verify='no',output=outfile, fwhmpsf=fwhmpsf, sigma=backsigma, \ readnoise=rdnoise_corr, itime=exptime, threshold=dthreshold, datamin=-10, datamax=100000) # Display results of daofind (***WORK IN PROGRESS***) #os.system('ds9&') #tmp=image.split('_cnts') #iraf.display(tmp[0]+'.fits',1, zscale='no', zrange='no', z1=0, z2=100,ztrans='log') #iraf.tvmark(1,outfile,mark = 'circle', radii = 8, color = 205) return outfile # return name of coordinate file
def aperture_photometry(image,photfilesuffix,threshold=4.,wcs='logical',mode='small', telescope='Pairitel'): '''perform aperture photometry on a given image This procedure perfrom IRAF/DAOPHOT aperture phtometry on (all extensions of) a fits image. It sets some global daophot parameters, then perfroms daophot.daofind and daophot.phot The output .mag file is filtered for valid magnitudes and a file computed, where all coordinates are transformed to sexagesimal coordinates. input: image: filename keywords: threshold=4 :daofind detection threshold in sigma_sky wcs='logical' :working wcs system, can be 'logical','physical' or 'tv' in any case an additional sexagesimal output file will be computed mode='small' : 'standard' = 'large' or 'psf' = 'small' choses a pre-defined aperture size for aperture photometry of standards or just as starting point for psf photometry ''' print 'Performing aperture photometry on '+image if telescope == 'Pairitel': set_Pairitel_params() elif telescope == 'FLWO': set_FLWO_params() else: print 'No parameters found for this telescope!' iraf.mscred(_doprint=0) iraf.digiphot(_doprint=0) iraf.daophot(_doprint=0) iraf.daophot.verify = False iraf.daophot.wcsin = wcs iraf.daophot.wcsout = wcs iraf.daophot.wcspsf = wcs iraf.centerpars.cbox=2.*iraf.datapars.fwhmpsf iraf.fitskypars.annulus=20 # usually one would use 5.*iraf.datapars.fwhmpsf #annulus must be wide enough to have good sky statistics iraf.fitskypars.dannulus=10. # this is standard if 'standard'.find(mode.lower()) != -1 or 'large'.find(mode.lower()) != -1: iraf.photpars.aperture = 4.*iraf.datapars.fwhmpsf iraf.centerpars.calgorithm = 'centroid' elif 'small'.find(mode.lower()) != -1 or 'psf'.find(mode.lower()) != -1: iraf.photpars.aperture = 4. # close in for crowded regions iraf.centerpars.calgorithm = 'none' else: print '''use: aperture_photometry(image,threshold=4.,wcs="logical",mode="small") The following mode keywords are implemented: standard, large, psf, small''' raise NotImplementedError #for imagebi in fits_ext(image): sky,skydev=get_sky(image) iraf.datapars.datamin=sky-5*skydev iraf.datapars.sigma=skydev #this could be changed to use Stdin and Stdout so that fewer files are written (saves space and time), but for debug purposes better keep all that iraf.daofind(image, output='default', verbose=False, verify=False, threshold=threshold) iraf.daophot.phot(image, coords='default', output=image+photfilesuffix, verbose=False, verify=False, interactive=False, wcsout=wcs)
def run_daofind(image, extension=0,outfile='default',dthreshold=3.0, fwhmpsf=2.5, backsigma=-1.0,rdnoise=5.2): '''THIS PROCEDURE RUNS DAOFIND ON INPUT IMAGE''' # Parse input parameters if outfile == 'default': outfile = image+'0.coo.1' # Read in fits header f = fheader = f[0].header f.close() # Extract relevant info from the header exptime = fheader['texptime'] instr = fheader['INSTRUME'] if instr == 'WFC3': filter = fheader['FILTER'] else: #assuming ACS filter = fheader['FILTER1'] if filter[0] == 'C': filter == fheader['FILTER2'] ipxscl = fheader['D001ISCL'] opxscl = fheader['D001SCAL'] num_flts = float(fheader['NDRIZIM'])/2.0 #df_max = 10000000. # upper limit for "good" pixels (sometimes used to ID bad pixels)---Not used here. # Perform read noise correction rdnoise_corr = np.sqrt(num_flts * (rdnoise * opxscl/ipxscl)**2) # Perform background noise calculation if backsigma < 0.0: backrms=iraf.imstatistics(image+'[0]', fields='stddev', nclip=10, lsigma=3.0, usigma=3.0, cache='yes', format='no',Stdout=1) backsigma=float(backrms[0]) '''Run daofind''' # remove old daofind files file_query = os.access(outfile, os.R_OK) if file_query == True: os.remove(outfile) iraf.daofind.unlearn() iraf.daofind(image=image+'[0]', interactive='no', verify='no',output=outfile, fwhmpsf=fwhmpsf, sigma=backsigma, \ readnoise=rdnoise_corr, itime=exptime, threshold=dthreshold) # Display results of daofind (***WORK IN PROGRESS***) #!ds9 & #iraf.display(file+'['+exten+']',1) #iraf.tvmark(1,ofile+'0.coo.1',mark = 'circle', radii = 8, color = 205) return outfile # return name of coordinate file
def detect_stars(f,params): print 'Detecting stars in', print 'Current directory is', os.getcwd() fp = params.loc_output+os.path.sep fn = f.fullname iraf.digiphot() iraf.daophot() print 'FWHM = ',f.fw nstars = 0 thresh = 100 while (nstars < 2*params.nstamps) and (thresh > 1.5): print 'thresh = ',thresh for d in ['temp.stars','temp.phot']: if os.path.exists(fp+d): os.system('/bin/rm '+fp+d) iraf.daofind(image=fn,output=fp+'temp.stars',interactive='no',verify='no', threshold=thresh,sigma=30,fwhmpsf=f.fw, datamin=params.pixel_min,datamax=params.pixel_max, epadu=params.gain,readnoise=params.readnoise, noise='poisson') iraf.phot(image=fn,output=fp+'temp.phot',coords=fp+'temp.stars',interactive='no', verify='no', sigma=30,fwhmpsf=f.fw,datamin=params.pixel_min, datamax=params.pixel_max,epadu=params.gain, readnoise=params.readnoise,noise='poisson',Stdout='/dev/null') nstars = 0 if os.path.exists(fp+'temp.phot'): iraf.psort(infiles=fp+'temp.phot',field='MAG') iraf.prenumber(infile=fp+'temp.phot') s = iraf.pdump(infiles=fp+'temp.phot',Stdout=1,fields='ID,XCENTER,YCENTER,MAG', expr='yes') stars = np.zeros([len(s),3]) i = 0 for line in s: mag = line.split()[3] if not(mag == 'INDEF'): stars[i,:] = np.array(map(float,line.split()[1:4])) i += 1 nstars = i thresh = thresh*0.5 if nstars == 0: print 'Error: could not detect stars in',fn return None stars = stars[:i,:].copy() sys.old_stdout = sys.stdout return stars
def source_find(self): ''' Uses iraf.daofind to find sources. datapars and findpars parameters are hardcoded here. ''' cntlist = glob.glob(self.root + '/*counts.fits') for image, fwhm, sigma in zip(cntlist, self.fwhmlist, self.sigmalist): iraf.datapars.fwhmpsf = fwhm iraf.datapars.sigma = sigma iraf.datapars.gain = 'ccdgain' iraf.datapars.datamax = 60000 iraf.findpars.threshold = self.threshold iraf.daofind(image=image, output=image[:-12] + '_sources.dat', \ verify='no', verbose='no')
def run_daofind(input_image,output_coo,verbosity): ### Find bksigma data = pyfits.getdata(input_image) oned = [] for i in range(len(data)): for j in range(len(data)): oned.append(data[i,j]) niter = 5 sig = 2.0 for i in range(niter): bksigma = std(oned) med = median(oned) temp = [] for n in oned: if abs(n-med) < sig*bksigma: temp.append(n) if len(temp) > 1: oned = temp bksigma = std(oned) os.system("rm "+output_coo) iraf.unlearn(iraf.daofind) set_datapars(bksigma) set_findpars() iraf.daofind( image = input_image,\ output = output_coo,\ starmap = "",\ skymap = "",\ boundary = "nearest",\ constant = 0.0,\ interactive = 0,\ icommands = "",\ gcommands = "",\ wcsout = "logical",\ cache = 0,\ verify = 0,\ update = 0,\ verbose = verbosity)
def findStars(frame,fwhm,sigma,thresh,extra="",overwrite=True,interactive=True): if overwrite: if os.path.isfile(frame+".fullcoo"): os.system("rm "+frame+".fullcoo") iraf.noao() iraf.digiphot() iraf.daophot() iraf.datapars.setParam("fwhmpsf",fwhm) iraf.datapars.setParam("sigma",sigma) iraf.findpars.setParam("thresh",thresh) foo = iraf.daofind(image=frame+extra,output=frame+".fullcoo",Stdin=cr,Stdout=1)
def daofind(): print 'FIND' """Identifies and computes approximate centroids for small luminous objects in the field. Read out noise and gain in photons (or electrons) must be defined, and a significance level (in standard deviations) given, above which an object is considered real. Find computes the actual brightness enhancment of an object in data numbers above the local sky brightness. Searches the image for local density maxima, which have a fwhm = datapars.fwhmpsf and a peak amplitude greater than findpars.threshold * datapars.sigma Image = input image Output = output name. Default is .coo ratio = 1 : The ratio of the sigma of the Gaussian convolution kernel along the minor axis direction to the sigma along the major axis direction. Ratio defaults to 1.0 in which case the image is convolved with a circular Gaussian. theta = 0 : The position of the major axis of the elliptical Gaussian. Theta is measured counter-clockwise from the x axis. nsigma = 1.5 The semi-major axis of the Gaussian convolution kernel used to computed the density enhancement and mean density images in Gaussian sigma. This semi- major axis is equal to min (2.0, 0.42466 * nsigma * datapars.fwhmpsf / datapars.scale) pixels. """ iraf.daofind(image=img_fpath, output=daofind_out, fwhmpsf=fwhm, ratio=1, theta=0, verify='no', verbose='no') print 'Created', daofind_out print
def daofind(filelist): iraf.datapars.setParam("exposure", "EXPTIME") iraf.datapars.setParam("airmass", "AIRMASS") iraf.datapars.setParam("filter", "INSFILTE") iraf.datapars.setParam("ccdread", "RDNOISE") iraf.datapars.setParam("gain", "GAIN") iraf.centerpars.setParam("calgorithm", "centroid") iraf.photpars.setParam("apertures", "17.56") iraf.fitskypars.setParam("annulus", "20.56") iraf.fitskypars.setParam("dannulus", "5") with open(filelist) as file1: for line in file1: filename = line.strip() print("Filename %s" % filename) y, z = np.loadtxt(filename + "-daoedit", usecols=[3, 4], unpack=True) sigma = np.mean(y) fwhm = np.mean(z) iraf.datapars.setParam("fwhmpsf", "%s" % str(fwhm)) iraf.datapars.setParam("sigma", "%s" % str(sigma)) iraf.daofind.setParam("mode", "h") iraf.phot.setParam("mode", "h") iraf.datapars.setParam("mode", "h") iraf.centerpars.setParam("mode", "h") iraf.fitskypars.setParam("mode", "h") iraf.photpars.setParam("mode", "h") iraf.daofind(filename, filename + "-daofind", mode='h') iraf.phot(filename, coords=(filename + "-daofind"), output=(filename + ".mag"), mode='h')
iraf.datapars.sigma = sig iraf.centerpars.cbox = max(5, 2*fwhm) iraf.fitskypars.skyvalu = bg iraf.fitskypars.annulus = 4*fwhm iraf.fitskypars.dannulus = 3*fwhm #iraf.photpars.aperture = max(3, fwhm) iraf.photpars.aperture = max(3, 91) # from 24" diameter from Smith+06 iraf.photpars.zmag = zmag iraf.daopars.fitrad = fwhm # Fitting radius in scale units. Only pixels within the fitting radius of the center of a star will contribute to # the fits computed by the PEAK, NSTAR and ALLSTAR tasks. ##### Get Coordiates and Magnitudes Stars ################# # Run DAOFIND to get coordinates and PHOT to get magnitudes ########################################################### iraf.daofind(fn+'['+str(i)+']', '../'+dates[k]+'_phot/'+fn[:-5]+'.coo.'+str(i),verify='no',verbose='no') # generate coo.1 file iraf.phot(fn+'['+str(i)+']', '../'+dates[k]+'_phot/'+fn[:-5]+'.coo.'+str(i),'../'+dates[k]+'_phot/'+fn[:-5]+'.mag.'+str(i),verify='no',verbose='no') # generate mag.1 file ##### MAKE PSF STAR LIST FILE 'pst.1' ####### # read coordinates and magnitudes of the stars selected based # on the catalog generated by Source Extractor and make # 'pst.1' file to use for running PSF task ####################################################### # coo1 =[:-5]+'.coo.'+str(i)) # mag1 =[:-5]+'.mag.'+str(i)) # coo1.sort('ID') # mag1.sort('ID') # pst1 = Table(names=('ID','XCENTER','YCENTER','MAG','MSKY'),dtype=('i4','f8','f8','f8','f8')) # for j in range(min(len(mag1),len(coo1))): # ind = np.where((abs(mag1['XCENTER'][j]-coo1['XCENTER']) < tol_star_match) & \ # (abs(mag1['Ycenter'][j]-coo1['YCENTER']) < tol_star_match))[0]
def maskStars(imageName): #read in the fits data and header imageHeader = + ".fits")[0] #Read in the skysigma, skyv, and seeing (fwhm) from the header and set up other relevant values sigma = imageHeader.header['SKYSIGMA'] threshold = 3.0 * sigma skyv = imageHeader.header['SKY'] fwhm = imageHeader.header['SEEING'] aper = 3.0 * fwhm annul = 5 * fwhm #Read in the galcut file galcut = open("galcut.file") galcutString = galcut.close() #Parse the galcut file into its variables galList = galcutString.split(' ') xCenter = float(galList[0]) yCenter = float(galList[1]) a = float(galList[2]) #Semimajor Axis eccent = float(galList[3]) #Eccentricity posAngle = float(galList[4]) #Position angle posAngleRad = (posAngle + 90) * 3.14159 / 180 b = a * eccent #Semiminor Axis na = -1 * a nb = -1 * b #Create a version of the r image with the sky added back in for the daofind procedure iraf.imdelete("withsky") iraf.imarith(imageName, '+', skyv, "withsky") # Load daophot package iraf.digiphot() iraf.daophot() print("A. Find stars using daofind") #DAOFIND searches the IRAF images image for local density maxima, # with a full-width half-maxima of datapars.fwhmpsf, and a peak # amplitude greater than findpars.threshold * datapars.sigma above # the local background, and writes a list of detected objects in the # file output. # Here we set the fwhm and sigma equal to those listed in the header. # We set the datamin to -3*sigma = -1*threshold defined above # The findpars.threshold is set to 4.5*sigma by default. You may have # to alter this value for images where too few/many stars are found. #Configure 'datapars', 'findpars', and 'daofind' iraf.datapars.fwhmpsf = fwhm iraf.datapars.sigma = sigma iraf.datapars.datamax = 'indef' iraf.datapars.datamin = (-1) * threshold iraf.datapars.ccdread = 'RDNOISE' iraf.datapars.gain = "GAIN" iraf.datapars.exposure = "EXPTIME" iraf.datapars.airmass = "AIRMASS" iraf.datapars.filter = "FILTER" iraf.datapars.obstime = "TIME-OBS" iraf.findpars.threshold = 4.5 iraf.findpars.roundhi = 3 iraf.findpars.roundlo = -3 iraf.daofind.verify = 'no' iraf.daofind.verbose = 'no' #create the variable for the coordinate file allStars = imageName + '.coo' #Remove a previous coordinate file if one exists silentDelete(imageName + '.coo') #Find the stars in the aligned R image iraf.daofind("withsky", allStars) print( "The file containing the data of the stars in the aligned R-image is ", allStars) print(" ") if os.path.getsize(allStars) > 2239: print("B. Separate stars inside and outside galaxy") #Delete existing files for f in ("temp.file", "maskfile", "maskfile.sat"): silentDelete(f) #Extract the coordinates from the allStars file, redirecting stdout to do so sys.stdout = open("temp.file", "w") iraf.pdump(allStars, "xcenter,ycenter", 'yes') sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ #Read the file to get the xy coordinate pairs in a list coords = open("temp.file") coordList = list(coords) countout = 0 #Create strings of xy pairs to write to files outGalString = "" for pair in coordList: #for each entry in the list, parse it into xy value integer pairs values = pair.split(" ") x = float(values[0]) y = float(values[1]) #Determine if the star lies within the galaxy-centered ellipse inGalaxy = False deltaX = x - xCenter deltaY = y - yCenter cdx = abs(deltaX) cdy = abs(deltaY) if (cdx < a and cdy < a): xt = (deltaX * math.cos(posAngleRad)) + (deltaY * math.sin(posAngleRad)) yt = (deltaY * math.cos(posAngleRad)) - (deltaX * math.sin(posAngleRad)) if (xt <= a and xt >= na and yt <= b and yt >= nb): inGalaxy = True if (not inGalaxy): outGalString += str(x) + " " + str(y) + "\n" countout = countout + 1 #Write the coordinate list to a file mask = open("maskfile", "w") mask.write(outGalString) mask.close() print('') print(" ", countout, " stars found outside galaxy") print('') if countout != 0: print("C. Do photometry to find saturated stars") for f in ("maskfile.mag", "maskfile.satmag", "maskfile.sat"): silentDelete(f) #Configure 'centerpars', 'fitskypars','photpars' iraf.datapars.datamax = 150000 iraf.datapars.datamin = 'indef' iraf.centerpars.calgorithm = "none" iraf.fitskypars.salgorithm = "mode" iraf.fitskypars.annulus = annul iraf.fitskypars.dannulus = 10 iraf.photpars.apertures = fwhm iraf.phot.verify = 'no' iraf.phot.verbose = 'no' #Call 'phot' to get the data of the stars iraf.phot(imageName, "maskfile", "maskfile.mag") boexpr = "PIER==305" iraf.pselect("maskfile.mag", "maskfile.satmag", boexpr) sys.stdout = open("maskfile.sat", "w") iraf.pdump("maskfile.satmag", "xcenter,ycenter", "yes") sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ print("D. Make mask of stars outside galaxy") #Delete the rmask if one exists silentDelete("rmask.fits") #Configure 'imedit' iraf.imedit.cursor = "maskfile" iraf.imedit.display = 'no' iraf.imedit.autodisplay = 'no' iraf.imedit.aperture = "circular" iraf.imedit.value = -1000 iraf.imedit.default = "e" #Replace the pixel values near the star coordinates with value -1000 using imedit iraf.imedit(imageName, "redit", radius=aper) iraf.imcopy.verbose = 'no' #Do the same for the saturated stars, but with larger apertures satMaskSize = os.path.getsize("maskfile.sat") if satMaskSize < 1: print(" No saturated stars found") if (satMaskSize != 0): iraf.imedit.cursor = "maskfile.sat" iraf.imedit.radius = 2 * aper iraf.imedit("redit", "rmask") else: iraf.imcopy("redit", "rmask") #Replace good pixels with value 0 in 'rmask' iraf.imreplace.lower = -999 iraf.imreplace.upper = 'indef' iraf.imreplace("rmask", 0) #Replace bad pixels with value 1 in 'rmask' iraf.imreplace.lower = 'indef' iraf.imreplace.upper = -1000 iraf.imreplace("rmask", 1) #Remove the mask file if one already exists silentDelete(imageName + "mask.fits") iraf.imcopy("rmask", imageName + "mask") print(" ") print("The mask image is ", imageName + "mask") print("The masked image is ", imageName + "Masked") print(" ") else: print("No stars found outside galaxy, no mask created.") if os.path.getsize(allStars) < 2314: print("No stars found, no mask created.") #Delete intermediate images for f in ("rmask.fits", "redit.fits", "maskimage.fits", "maskfile.mag", "maskfile.satmag", "temp.file", "withsky.fits", "mask.fits"): silentDelete(f)
iraf.findpars.setParam('threshold','80') iraf.centerpars.saveParList(filename='~/iraf/uparm/datcentes.par') iraf.datapars.saveParList(filename='~/iraf/uparm/datdataps.par') #Set up daofind to go without prompting for input iraf.daofind.setParam('image','@all_fits_files.txt') #Set filename iraf.daofind.setParam('output','../coo_'+exam_date+'/') iraf.daofind.setParam('verify','no') #Don't verify iraf.daofind.saveParList(filename='daofind.par') #Save values for i in range(num_files-1): #DAOFIND------------------------------------------------------------ iraf.daofind.setParam('image',raw_filenames[i]) daostring=iraf.daofind(mode='h',Stdout=1) #Run DAOFIND hidden lendaostring=len(daostring) #Get Number of Spots print lendaostring filename=daostring[1].split()[1] #Get Filename for spot in range(3,lendaostring-3): cursor.execute("INSERT INTO DAOFIND_"+exam_date+'_'+ Month+'_'+Day+ " VALUES('"+ filename+"','"+ daostring[spot].split()[0]+"','"+ daostring[spot].split()[1]+"','"+ daostring[spot].split()[2]+"','"+ daostring[spot].split()[3]+"','"+
iraf.datapars.fwhmpsf = fwhm iraf.datapars.sigma = sig iraf.centerpars.cbox = max(5, 2 * fwhm) iraf.fitskypars.skyvalu = bg iraf.fitskypars.annulus = 4 * fwhm iraf.fitskypars.dannulus = 3 * fwhm iraf.photpars.aperture = max(3, fwhm) iraf.photpars.zmag = zmag iraf.daopars.fitrad = fwhm # Fitting radius in scale units. Only pixels within the fitting radius of the center of a star will contribute to # the fits computed by the PEAK, NSTAR and ALLSTAR tasks. ##### Get Coordiates and Magnitudes Stars ################# # Run DAOFIND to get coordinates and PHOT to get magnitudes ########################################################### iraf.daofind(fn, fn[:-5] + '.coo.1', verify='no', verbose='no') # generate coo.1 file iraf.phot(fn, fn[:-5] + '.coo.1', fn[:-5] + '.mag.1', skyfile='bkg_' + fn, verify='no', verbose='no') # generate mag.1 file ##### MAKE PSF STAR LIST FILE 'pst.1' ####### # read coordinates and magnitudes of the stars selected based # on the catalog generated by Source Extractor and make # 'pst.1' file to use for running PSF task ####################################################### coo1 =[:-5] + '.coo.1') mag1 =[:-5] + '.mag.1') coo1.sort('ID')
#unless keyword _save=1 was specifiedi #Two simple ways to get entire parameter list updated in uparm copy # 1-Run epar and click on "SAVE" # 2-in script mode saveParList() method for the task #Four methods for getting and setting params # 1-getParam() 2-setParam() # 3- # print iraf.daofind.getParam('image',prompt=0) iraf.daofind.setParam('image','hr5132a_001_raw.fits') print iraf.daofind.getParam('image') iraf.daofind.saveParList(filename='daofind.par') iraf.daofind.getParam('verify',prompt=1) iraf.daofind(ParList="daofind.par") #iraf.daofind(mode="h") #from: """ 2 Writing Python Scripts that Use IRAF/PyRAF Tasks Here is a very simple example to show the essential components of a Python script that calls an IRAF task, in this case imstatistics. The file contains the following:
''' ABOUT: How Python can be used to execute IRAF/PyRAF tasks DEPENDS: Python 2.7.3 AUTHOR: S N Bright for STScI, 2013 HISTORY: 2013: Test program USE: python ''' #Load the packages we need import pyraf, os, glob from pyraf import iraf from iraf import noao, digiphot, daophot #Generate a list of all the fits files file_list = glob.glob('*_ima.fits') print file_list #Loops though all the .fits files for file in file_list: #Test for old files, and remove them if they exist file_query = os.access(file + '1.coo.1', os.R_OK) if file_query == True: os.remove(file + '1.coo.1') #Run daofind on one image iraf.daofind( image = file + '[1]', interactive = 'no', verify = 'no')
def run_daofind(image, outfile='default', dthreshold=3.0, fwhmpsf=2.5, backsigma=None,rdnoise=None): '''RUN DAOFIND ON INPUT IMAGE''' # -- parse output filename if outfile == 'default': outfile = image+'.coo' # -- extract header info prihdr = pyfits.getheader(image) exptime = prihdr['exptime'] instrum = prihdr['INSTRUME'] detector = prihdr['DETECTOR'] SUBARRAY = prihdr['SUBARRAY'] ccdamp = prihdr['CCDAMP'] # -- record filter name, native pixel scale, and no. of chips if instrum == 'WFC3': if detector == 'UVIS': pscale_nat = 0.03962 if ((SUBARRAY == True) & (len(ccdamp) == 1)): nchips = 1.0 elif SUBARRAY == False: nchips = 2.0 else: raise Exception('Image type is not defined.') elif detector == 'IR': pscale_nat = 0.12825 nchips = 1.0 else: raise Exception('Detector '+detector+' not covered in our case list.') elif instrum == 'ACS': if detector == 'WFC': pscale_nat = 0.049 if ((SUBARRAY == True) & (len(ccdamp) == 1)): nchips = 1.0 elif SUBARRAY == False: nchips = 2.0 else: raise Exception('Image type is not defined.') else: raise Exception('Detector '+detector+' not covered in our case list.') else: raise Exception('Instrument '+instrum+' not covered in our case list.') # -- record pixel scale of current image, image type, and number of flts sciext = [] pscale_img = prihdr.get('D001SCAL',default='NA') if pscale_img == 'NA': imtype = 'flt' # we dont distinguish between flt/crclean, i.e., assume pscales are equal pscale_img = pscale_nat num_flts = 1.0 # -- record location of science extension hdulist = for ext in xrange(len(hdulist)): if hdulist[ext].name == 'SCI': sciext.append(ext) hdulist.close() if len(sciext) != 1: raise Exception('We do not handle images with '+str(len(sciext))+' SCI extensions.') else: imtype ='drz' num_flts = prihdr['NDRIZIM']/nchips sciext.append(0) # -- estimate read noise if rdnoise == None: rdnoise = np.zeros(len(ccdamp)) for namp in xrange(len(ccdamp)): rdnoise[namp] = prihdr['READNSE'+ccdamp[namp]] rdnoise_corr = np.sqrt(num_flts * (np.average(rdnoise) * pixscale_img/pixscale_nat)**2) # -- perform rough background noise calculation if backsigma == None: backstats=iraf.imstatistics(image+'['+str(sciext[0])+']', fields='stddev', lower = -100, upper = 100, nclip=5, \ lsigma=3.0, usigma=3.0, cache='yes', format='no',Stdout=1) backsigma=float(backstats[0]) # -- remove old daofind files/run daofind file_query = os.access(outfile, os.R_OK) if file_query == True: os.remove(outfile) iraf.daofind.unlearn() iraf.daofind(image=image+'['+str(sciext[0])+']', interactive='no', verify='no',output=outfile, fwhmpsf=fwhmpsf, \ sigma=backsigma, readnoise=rdnoise_corr, itime=exptime, threshold=dthreshold, datamin=-10, datamax=100000) return outfile
def alignImages(imageName,imageName_Ha): #Read the fwhm and seeing from the image file imageHeader =".fits")[0] fwhm = imageHeader.header['SEEING'] annul = 5.0 * fwhm aper=3.0 * fwhm sigma = imageHeader.header['SKYSIGMA'] iraf.daophot(_doprint=0) #Do 'daofind' on the image to locate the stars print("1. Find stars using 'daofind'") #Configure 'datapars', 'findpars', and 'daofind' iraf.datapars.fwhmpsf=fwhm iraf.datapars.sigma=sigma iraf.datapars.datamin=-10 iraf.datapars.ccdread="RDNOISE" iraf.datapars.gain="GAIN" iraf.datapars.exposure="EXPTIME" iraf.datapars.airmass="AIRMASS" iraf.datapars.filter="FILTER" iraf.datapars.obstime="TIME-OBS" iraf.findpars.threshold=20*sigma iraf.findpars.sharplo=0.2 iraf.findpars.sharphi=1.0 iraf.findpars.roundlo=-1.0 iraf.findpars.roundhi=1.0 iraf.daofind.verify='no' iraf.daofind.verbose='no' #Delete exisiting coordinate,output files of 'phot',file containg data of 'good' stars, old images for f in("coord","mag","psel","R_final.fits","Ha_final.fits"): silentDelete(f) iraf.daofind(imageName,'coord') print("File containing the coordinates of the stars is coord") print(" ") #Configure 'centerpars', 'fitskypars','photpars' iraf.datapars.datamax=150000 iraf.centerpars.calgorithm="centroid" iraf.centerpars.cbox=16 iraf.centerpars.maxshift=3 iraf.fitskypars.salgorithm="mode" iraf.fitskypars.annulus=annul iraf.fitskypars.dannulus=10 iraf.photpars.apertures=aper iraf.phot.verify='no' iraf.phot.verbose='no' print("2. Obtain data of stars using 'phot'") #Call 'phot' to get the data of the stars iraf.phot (imageName,'coord','mag') #sort in order of increasing magnitude of stars iraf.psort('mag',"mag") boundsig=sigma+2 boexpr="CIER==0 && PIER==0 && STDEV <="+str(boundsig) print("File containing the data of the stars in order of decreasing brightness is mag") print (" ") print("3. Select stars with low error, no bad pixels") #Select stars that have no centering error, skyerror <sig+2 and no bad pixels iraf.pselect ("mag" ,"psel" ,boexpr) print("File containing stars with low sky error,low centering error is psel") print(" ") #Renumber the ID number of the stars in order of increasing magnitude iraf.prenumber ("psel") #Delete existing files for f in ("pdump.file","stars25",'alR.fits','rIn.fits','haIn.fits'): silentDelete(f) print("4. Select the 25 brightest stars") iraf.pselect ("psel","stars25", "ID <=25") print("File containing the brightest 25 'good' stars is stars25") print(" ") #Pick out only the required data of stars from the .25 file sys.stdout=open("pdump.file","w") iraf.pdump ("stars25","xcenter,ycenter,flux","yes") sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ print("The coordinates and flux are stored in pdump.file") #Align images iraf.imcopy(imageName,'rIn') iraf.imcopy(imageName_Ha,'haIn') print("Aligning images") #iraf.imalign.verbose='no' iraf.imalign("rIn,haIn", "rIn","pdump.file","R_final,Ha_final")
def unisf(image, fwhm, sigma, thold, zmin='INDEF', zmax='INDEF', path=None, outfile=None): ''' Dada una lista de imágenes, identifica las estrellas de campo y genera un archivo de coordenadas. INPUT image : Archivo .in con los nombres de las imágenes, o la imagen simple. fwmh : Ancho a mitad de intensidad máxima de las estrellas. sigma : Desviación estándar del cielo. thold : Amplitud mínima por encima del valor de fondo. (zmin) : Valor mínimo de cuentas a considerar. (zmax) : Valor máximo de cuentas a considerar. (path) : String que indica el camino a la imagen. (outfile) : Nombre del archivo de salida. Por defecto usa el nombre de la imagen y agrega un .coo . --------------------------------------- Given a images list, identifies field stars and generates a coordinates file. INPUT image : .in file with the name of each image, or a single image. fwmh : Full width half maximum of intensity of stars. sigma : Standard deviation of the sky. thold : Minimum amplitude above background level. (zmin) : Minimum counts value to consider. (zmax) : Maximum counts value to consider. (path) : String that indicates the path do the images. (outfile) : Name of the output file, including .coo. By default, uses image name and adds .coo extension. ''' if path is not None: originalpath = aux.chdir(path, save=True) iraf.noao() #loads noao iraf.digiphot() #loads digiphot iraf.apphot() #loads apphot iraf.unlearn(iraf.daofind) iraf.unlearn(iraf.datapars) iraf.unlearn(iraf.findpars) #unlearns every task required iraf.datapars.fwhmpsf = fwhm iraf.datapars.sigma = sigma iraf.datapars.datamin = zmin iraf.datapars.datamax = zmax #sets meaningful parameters iraf.findpars.thresho = thold #sets meaningful threshold iraf.daofind.verify = "no" #avoid checking parameters given aux.default(outfile, image + '.coo', borrar=True) iraf.daofind.output = outfile iraf.daofind.image = image iraf.daofind() #execute iraf task 'daofind' if path is not None: aux.chdir(originalpath)
iraf.daofind.setParam('fwhmpsf', FWHM) iraf.daofind.setParam('output', outfile) iraf.daofind.setParam('sigma', float(hdr["SKY_STD"])) iraf.daofind.setParam('gain', gaink) iraf.daofind.setParam('readnoise', float(hdr[read_noisek])) iraf.daofind.setParam('roundlo', -0.3) # Minimal roundness (0 is round) iraf.daofind.setParam('roundhi', 0.3 ) iraf.daofind.setParam('airmass', "airmass") iraf.daofind.setParam('filter', filterk) iraf.daofind.setParam('exposure', exptimek) iraf.daofind.setParam('obstime', "date-obs") iraf.daofind.setParam('verify', "no") iraf.daofind.setParam('datamin', 500) iraf.daofind.setParam('datamax', 50000) iraf.daofind.saveParList(filename='daofind.par') iraf.daofind(ParList='daofind.par') print "Reading catalogs, calculating shifts" # List of objects to be aligned. There might be several cigs, several clusters # and several standard fields. types_need_aligning = ["cig", "standards","clusters"] objects_need_aligning = () for current_type in types_need_aligning: whr = np.where(list_images["type"] == current_type) objects_need_aligning = objects_need_aligning +\ tuple(set(list_images["objname"][whr])) # For each object, read x, y, mag from the sextractor catalog, # select the top 15 brightest stars and find the translation between images for current_object in objects_need_aligning: print "Current object", current_object # Open files to store data that imalign will need later on
def get_photometry(filelist, fwhmpsf, thresh, mkiraf=True): """ Performs sextracting by daofind and photometry by daophot filename is WITHOUT suffix .fits fwhmpsf is rough estimation of typical frame FWHM THRESH is signal-to-noise ratio, typically 4 or so Outputs are two files *.coo.1 and *.mag.1 with x-y coordinates """ # Create at execution of the script if flag set to true if mkiraf: proc = subprocess.Popen(['mkiraf'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) outs, errs = proc.communicate('y\nxterm') # Now we make the Pyraf imports from pyraf import iraf from pyraf.iraf import daophot # Parameter to get rid of the faint stars with high magnitude error magnitude_error_threshold = 0.5 iraf.noao iraf.digiphot iraf.daophot iraf.unlearn('phot') iraf.unlearn('datapars') iraf.unlearn('photpars') iraf.unlearn('daopars') iraf.datapars.epadu = 1 iraf.datapars.readnoi = 6 iraf.datapars.datamin = "INDEF" iraf.datapars.datamax = "50000" # fwhm tarot 1.5 oaj 3.5 iraf.datapars.fwhm = fwhmpsf for filename in filelist: IMstatres = iraf.imstat(filename, Stdout=1) IMmean = IMstatres[1].split()[2] iraf.datapars.sigma = math.sqrt( float(IMmean) * float(iraf.datapars.epadu) + float(iraf.datapars.readnoi)**2) / float(iraf.datapars.epadu) print("--- performing daophot sextracting ---") iraf.daofind(filename, output="default", verify="no", verbose="no", threshold=thresh) iraf.datapars.datamax = "INDEF" print("--- performing daophot photometry ---") iraf.daophot.phot(image=filename, coords="default", output="default", interactive="no", sigma="INDEF", airmass="AIRMASS", exposure="EXPOSURE", filter="FILTER", obstime="JD", calgorithm="gauss", verify="no", verbose="no")
def alignImages(imageName, imageName_Ha): #Read the fwhm and seeing from the image file imageHeader = + ".fits")[0] fwhm = imageHeader.header['SEEING'] annul = 5.0 * fwhm aper = 3.0 * fwhm sigma = imageHeader.header['SKYSIGMA'] iraf.daophot(_doprint=0) #Do 'daofind' on the image to locate the stars print("1. Find stars using 'daofind'") #Configure 'datapars', 'findpars', and 'daofind' iraf.datapars.fwhmpsf = fwhm iraf.datapars.sigma = sigma iraf.datapars.datamin = -10 iraf.datapars.ccdread = "RDNOISE" iraf.datapars.gain = "GAIN" iraf.datapars.exposure = "EXPTIME" iraf.datapars.airmass = "AIRMASS" iraf.datapars.filter = "FILTER" iraf.datapars.obstime = "TIME-OBS" iraf.findpars.threshold = 20 * sigma iraf.findpars.sharplo = 0.2 iraf.findpars.sharphi = 1.0 iraf.findpars.roundlo = -1.0 iraf.findpars.roundhi = 1.0 iraf.daofind.verify = 'no' iraf.daofind.verbose = 'no' #Delete exisiting coordinate,output files of 'phot',file containg data of 'good' stars, old images for f in ("coord", "mag", "psel", "R_final.fits", "Ha_final.fits"): silentDelete(f) iraf.daofind(imageName, 'coord') print("File containing the coordinates of the stars is coord") print(" ") #Configure 'centerpars', 'fitskypars','photpars' iraf.datapars.datamax = 150000 iraf.centerpars.calgorithm = "centroid" iraf.centerpars.cbox = 16 iraf.centerpars.maxshift = 3 iraf.fitskypars.salgorithm = "mode" iraf.fitskypars.annulus = annul iraf.fitskypars.dannulus = 10 iraf.photpars.apertures = aper iraf.phot.verify = 'no' iraf.phot.verbose = 'no' print("2. Obtain data of stars using 'phot'") #Call 'phot' to get the data of the stars iraf.phot(imageName, 'coord', 'mag') #sort in order of increasing magnitude of stars iraf.psort('mag', "mag") boundsig = sigma + 2 boexpr = "CIER==0 && PIER==0 && STDEV <=" + str(boundsig) print( "File containing the data of the stars in order of decreasing brightness is mag" ) print(" ") print("3. Select stars with low error, no bad pixels") #Select stars that have no centering error, skyerror <sig+2 and no bad pixels iraf.pselect("mag", "psel", boexpr) print( "File containing stars with low sky error,low centering error is psel") print(" ") #Renumber the ID number of the stars in order of increasing magnitude iraf.prenumber("psel") #Delete existing files for f in ("pdump.file", "stars25", 'alR.fits', 'rIn.fits', 'haIn.fits'): silentDelete(f) print("4. Select the 25 brightest stars") iraf.pselect("psel", "stars25", "ID <=25") print("File containing the brightest 25 'good' stars is stars25") print(" ") #Pick out only the required data of stars from the .25 file sys.stdout = open("pdump.file", "w") iraf.pdump("stars25", "xcenter,ycenter,flux", "yes") sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ print("The coordinates and flux are stored in pdump.file") #Align images iraf.imcopy(imageName, 'rIn') iraf.imcopy(imageName_Ha, 'haIn') print("Aligning images") #iraf.imalign.verbose='no' iraf.imalign("rIn,haIn", "rIn", "pdump.file", "R_final,Ha_final")
bg_g = np.mean(bgsig_g) bg_i = np.mean(bgsig_i) bgm_g = np.mean(bgmean_g) bgm_i = np.mean(bgmean_i) print 'Image mean BG sigma value :: g = {0:5.3f} : i = {1:5.3f}'.format(bg_g,bg_i) print 'Image mean BG median value :: g = {0:5.3f} : i = {1:5.3f}'.format(bgm_g,bgm_i) # daofind steps # find all the sources in the image (threshold value will be data dependent, 4.0 is good for UCHVCs) # g image if not os.path.isfile(fits_g+'.coo.1') : iraf.datapars.setParam('fwhmpsf',fwhm_g,check=1) iraf.datapars.setParam('sigma',bg_g,check=1) iraf.findpars.setParam('threshold',4.0) iraf.daofind(image=fits_g, verbose="no") # i image if not os.path.isfile(fits_i+'.coo.1') : iraf.datapars.setParam('fwhmpsf',fwhm_i,check=1) iraf.datapars.setParam('sigma',bg_i,check=1) iraf.findpars.setParam('threshold',4.0) iraf.daofind(image=fits_i, verbose="no") # now phot the stars found in daofind if not os.path.isfile(fits_g+'.mag.1') : print 'phot-ing g band daofind stars. This is going to take a while...' iraf.unlearn(iraf.apphot.phot,iraf.datapars,iraf.photpars,iraf.centerpars,iraf.fitskypars) iraf.apphot.phot.setParam('interactive',"no")
images = f.readlines() f.close() indx = images[0][::-1].index('/') # find where the image name starts image0 = images[0][-indx:-1] # Loading parameter file and the FWHM iraf.unlearn('daophot') iraf.setimpars('int','yes','no') FWHM = raw_input('What is the stellar FWHM in pixels?\n') skysigma = raw_input('What is the sky sigma in the first image?\n') iraf.datapars.scale = 1/float(FWHM) iraf.datapars.sigma = float(skysigma) # Finding calibration stars os.system('rm *.coo.*') iraf.daofind('../SCIENCE/' + image0,'default',verify='no',verbose='no') os.system('rm *.mag.*') iraf.phot('../SCIENCE/' + image0,'default','default',verify='no',verbose='no') try: os.remove('calibcoords') except: True iraf.txdump(image0 + '.mag.1','xcenter,ycenter',\ "cerror='NoError' && perror='NoError' && serror='NoError' && merr<0.005 && mag>0",Stdout = 'calibcoords') coordarray = [] f = open('calibcoords') calibcoords = f.readlines() f.close() for i in calibcoords: coordarray.append(i)
def run_daofind(image, outfile='default', dthreshold=3.0, fwhmpsf=2.5, backsigma=None, rdnoise=None): '''RUN DAOFIND ON INPUT IMAGE''' # -- parse output filename if outfile == 'default': outfile = image + '.coo' # -- extract header info prihdr = pyfits.getheader(image) exptime = prihdr['exptime'] instrum = prihdr['INSTRUME'] detector = prihdr['DETECTOR'] SUBARRAY = prihdr['SUBARRAY'] ccdamp = prihdr['CCDAMP'] # -- record filter name, native pixel scale, and no. of chips if instrum == 'WFC3': if detector == 'UVIS': pscale_nat = 0.03962 if ((SUBARRAY == True) & (len(ccdamp) == 1)): nchips = 1.0 elif SUBARRAY == False: nchips = 2.0 else: raise Exception('Image type is not defined.') elif detector == 'IR': pscale_nat = 0.12825 nchips = 1.0 else: raise Exception('Detector ' + detector + ' not covered in our case list.') elif instrum == 'ACS': if detector == 'WFC': pscale_nat = 0.049 if ((SUBARRAY == True) & (len(ccdamp) == 1)): nchips = 1.0 elif SUBARRAY == False: nchips = 2.0 else: raise Exception('Image type is not defined.') else: raise Exception('Detector ' + detector + ' not covered in our case list.') else: raise Exception('Instrument ' + instrum + ' not covered in our case list.') # -- record pixel scale of current image, image type, and number of flts sciext = [] pscale_img = prihdr.get('D001SCAL', default='NA') if pscale_img == 'NA': imtype = 'flt' # we dont distinguish between flt/crclean, i.e., assume pscales are equal pscale_img = pscale_nat num_flts = 1.0 # -- record location of science extension hdulist = for ext in xrange(len(hdulist)): if hdulist[ext].name == 'SCI': sciext.append(ext) hdulist.close() if len(sciext) != 1: raise Exception('We do not handle images with ' + str(len(sciext)) + ' SCI extensions.') else: imtype = 'drz' num_flts = prihdr['NDRIZIM'] / nchips sciext.append(0) # -- estimate read noise if rdnoise == None: rdnoise = np.zeros(len(ccdamp)) for namp in xrange(len(ccdamp)): rdnoise[namp] = prihdr['READNSE' + ccdamp[namp]] rdnoise_corr = np.sqrt( num_flts * (np.average(rdnoise) * pixscale_img / pixscale_nat)**2) # -- perform rough background noise calculation if backsigma == None: backstats=iraf.imstatistics(image+'['+str(sciext[0])+']', fields='stddev', lower = -100, upper = 100, nclip=5, \ lsigma=3.0, usigma=3.0, cache='yes', format='no',Stdout=1) backsigma = float(backstats[0]) # -- remove old daofind files/run daofind file_query = os.access(outfile, os.R_OK) if file_query == True: os.remove(outfile) iraf.daofind.unlearn() iraf.daofind(image=image+'['+str(sciext[0])+']', interactive='no', verify='no',output=outfile, fwhmpsf=fwhmpsf, \ sigma=backsigma, readnoise=rdnoise_corr, itime=exptime, threshold=dthreshold, datamin=-10, datamax=100000) return outfile
''' ABOUT: This script will be used to demonstrate how IRAF/PyRAF tasks can be executed in Python. ''' #load needed packages import pyraf, os, glob from pyraf import iraf from iraf import noao, digiphot, daophot #generate list of all fits files in current directory file_list = glob.glob('*_ima.fits') print file_list #loops through all FITS files for file in file_list: #look for old files, and remove if they exist file_query = os.access(file + '1.coo.1', os.R_OK) if file_query == True: os.remove(file + '1.coo.1') #execute daofind on one image iraf.daofind.unlearn() iraf.daofind( image = file + '[1]', output = 'star_catalogue', interactive = 'no', verify = 'no')
def findStars(self): # To look for the stars that exist in the image specified. # It will: # Utilise the IRAF package daofind # be used for this image subtraction package # Gives ouput of co-ords, "#imagename_daofind.coo" output = self._Name.replace(".fits", "_daofind.coo") try: self.cleanOutputFiles(output) except: print "Error cleaning output files" print sys.exc_info()[0] # Load as in IRAF and neglect output: # NOAO # DIGIPHOT # APPHOT # DAOFIND iraf.noao(_doprint=0) iraf.digiphot(_doprint=0) iraf.apphot(_doprint=0) # Set the parameter list # image: input image # output: output co-ordinates # verify: don't know # threshold: sigma above which stars are determined (fixed in this script) # datapar: point to a file with the user input # # ccdread: CCD readout noise (image header keyword) # gain: CCD gain (image header keyword) # readnoi: CCD readout noise in e # epadu: gain in e- per count # # findpar: point to a file with the user input # # threshold: in units of sigma # # centerpars: # # Save the parameter list # Pull information from the header of the FITS image #self.loadHeader() #datapars = iraf.datapars.getParList() #findpars = iraf.findpars.getParList() #ceneterpars = iraf.centerpars.getParList() #for par in datapars: #print par ## Print to user #print "Information on images:" #print "Gain: %s" % self.getHeader('RON') #print "RON: %s" % self.getHeader('RON') # datapar: iraf.datapars.setParam('ccdread', 'RON') iraf.datapars.setParam('gain', 'GAIN') iraf.datapars.setParam('exposur','EXPTIME') iraf.datapars.setParam('airmass','AIRMASS') iraf.datapars.setParam('filter','SUBSET') iraf.datapars.setParam('obstime','HIERARCH ESO OBS START') iraf.datapars.setParam('datamin', '-100') iraf.datapars.setParam('datamax', '60000') # iraf.datapars.saveParList(filename="%s/uparm/datapars.par" % os.getcwd()) # findpar: #threshold = 4.0 #iraf.findpars.setParam('threshold', str(threshold)) #iraf.findpars.saveParList(filename="uparm/findpars.par") #print glob.glob(output) # daofind: iraf.daofind(image=self._Name, output=output, verify=0, verbose=1, sigma=self._skySTDEV, nsigma=1, scale=1, fwhmpsf=self._MEDFWHM, sharplo='0.0', sharphi='1.0', roundlo='-0.9', roundhi='0.9', thresho='6.0', wcsout="logical", Stdout=1, mode='h' ) # 1. Open the .coo file # 2. Pasre the input # 1. take input file filename = "%s" % (self._Name.replace(".fits", "_daofind.coo")) coords = open(filename) coord = coords.readlines() coords.close() # 2. parse out the lines beginning with "#" filename = "%s" % (self._Name.replace(".fits", "_daofind.reg")) coordregfile = open(filename, "w") coobject = [] for co in coord: if co[0] != "#": # 2b. parse each element newCoordObject = imObject() coitem = [i for i in co.replace("\n","").split(" ") if i!= ""] newCoordObject._id = self.giveObjectID() newCoordObject._pixelx = float(coitem[0]) newCoordObject._pixely = float(coitem[1]) newCoordObject._mag = float(coitem[2]) #newCoordObject.printInfo() coordregfile.write("image; circle(%f,%f,4) # color = red\n" % (newCoordObject._pixelx, newCoordObject._pixely)) coobject.append(newCoordObject) coordregfile.close() self._ObjectList = coobject
for i in range(N_loops): #for i in range(2): initimg = flnm + '.sub.0.fits' runnm = flnm + '.sub.' + str(i) print "\n>>> Working on", runnm + '.fits', "<<<\n" print "=========================================" print "...running daofind for", runnm + ".fits" print "=========================================" tds = time.time() if os.path.exists(runnm + '.coo'): print " File found! skipping this step" pass else: iraf.daofind(image=runnm + '.fits', output=runnm + '.coo', verify='no') tde = time.time() times[runnm + '_daofind'] = tde - tds print "=========================================" print "...running phot for", runnm + ".coo" print "=========================================" tps = time.time() if os.path.exists(runnm + '.mag'): print " File found! skipping this step" pass else: iraf.phot(image=runnm + '.fits', coords=runnm + '.coo', output=runnm + '.mag', verify='no') # on subtracted image
def compute_psf_image(params,g,psf_deg=1,psf_rad=8, star_file='phot.mags',psf_image='psf.fits',edge_dist=5): iraf.digiphot() iraf.daophot() fp = params.loc_output+os.path.sep f_im = g.image*g.mask f = fp+'temp.ref.fits' write_image(f_im,f) g.fw = np.max([1.5,g.fw]) g.fw = np.min([0.5*params.psf_max_radius,g.fw]) logfile = fp+'psf.log' fd = fits.getdata(f) xmax = fd.shape[0] - edge_dist ymax = fd.shape[1] - edge_dist for d in ['temp.stars','temp.phot','temp.phot1','temp.phot2','temp.pst', 'temp.opst','temp.opst2', 'temp.psf.fits','temp.psf1.fits','temp.psf2.fits','temp.psg', 'temp.psg2','temp.psg3','temp.psg5','temp.rej','temp.rej2', 'temp.sub.fits','temp.sub1.fits', 'temp.sub2.fits','temp.opst1','temp.opst3','temp.rej3', 'temp.nst','temp.stars1','ref.mags',psf_image,'temp.als', 'temp.als2']: if os.path.exists(fp+d): os.remove(fp+d) # locate stars iraf.daofind(image=f,output=fp+'temp.stars',interactive='no',verify='no', threshold=3,sigma=params.star_detect_sigma,fwhmpsf=g.fw, datamin=1,datamax=params.pixel_max, epadu=params.gain,readnoise=params.readnoise, noise='poisson') if params.star_file: als_recenter = 'no' all_template_stars = np.genfromtxt(params.star_file) all_new_stars = np.genfromtxt(fp+'temp.stars') if all_new_stars.shape[0] > params.star_file_number_match: new_stars = all_new_stars[all_new_stars[:,2].argsort()][:params.star_file_number_match] else: new_stars = all_new_stars if all_template_stars.shape[0] > params.star_file_number_match: template_stars = all_template_stars[all_template_stars[:,3].argsort()][:params.star_file_number_match] else: template_stars = all_template_stars tx, ty = compute_xy_shift(new_stars,template_stars[:,1:3],0.5, degree=params.star_file_transform_degree) if params.star_file_has_magnitudes: star_positions = all_template_stars[:,1:4] xx = (star_positions[:,0]-np.mean(new_stars[:,0]))/np.mean(new_stars[:,0]) yy = (star_positions[:,1]-np.mean(new_stars[:,1]))/np.mean(new_stars[:,1]) for m in range(params.star_file_transform_degree+1): for n in range(params.star_file_transform_degree+1-m): star_positions[:,0] += tx[m,n]* xx**m * yy**n star_positions[:,1] += ty[m,n]* xx**m * yy**n np.savetxt(fp+'temp.stars.1',star_positions,fmt='%10.3f %10.3f %10.3f') else: star_positions = all_template_stars[:,1:3] xx = (star_positions[:,0]-np.mean(new_stars[:,0]))/np.mean(new_stars[:,0]) yy = (star_positions[:,1]-np.mean(new_stars[:,1]))/np.mean(new_stars[:,1]) for m in range(params.star_file_transform_degree+1): for n in range(params.star_file_transform_degree+1-m): star_positions[:,0] += tx[m,n]* xx**m * yy**n star_positions[:,1] += ty[m,n]* xx**m * yy**n np.savetxt(fp+'temp.stars.1',star_positions,fmt='%10.3f %10.3f') all_template_stars[:,1] = star_positions[:,0] all_template_stars[:,2] = star_positions[:,1] else: als_recenter = 'yes' star_positions = np.genfromtxt(fp+'temp.stars') np.savetxt(fp+'temp.stars.1',star_positions[:,:2],fmt='%10.3f %10.3f') iraf.phot(image=f,output=fp+'temp.phot',coords=fp+'temp.stars.1',interactive='no', verify='no', sigma=params.star_detect_sigma,fwhmpsf=g.fw,apertures=g.fw, datamin=1, datamax=2*params.pixel_max,epadu=params.gain,annulus=3*g.fw, dannulus=3.0, readnoise=params.readnoise,noise='poisson') print 'fw = ',g.fw #fw = np.max([4.0,fw]) #print 'fw = ',fw # select PSF stars iraf.pstselect(image=f,photfile=fp+'temp.phot',pstfile=fp+'temp.pst',maxnpsf=40, interactive='no',verify='no',datamin=1,fitrad=2.0, datamax=params.pixel_max,epadu=params.gain,psfrad=np.max([3.0,g.fw]), readnoise=params.readnoise,noise='poisson') if params.star_file and params.star_file_has_magnitudes: # We don't need to do the photometry - only make the PSF # Initial PSF estimate to generate PSF groups #psfrad=3*np.max([g.fw,1.8]) iraf.psf(image=f,photfile=fp+'temp.phot',pstfile=fp+'temp.pst',psfimage=fp+'temp.psf', function=params.psf_profile_type,opstfile=fp+'temp.opst', groupfile=fp+'temp.psg', interactive='no', verify='no',varorder=0 ,psfrad=2*np.max([g.fw,1.8]), datamin=-10000,datamax=0.95*params.pixel_max, scale=1.0) # construct a file of the psf neighbour stars slist = [] psf_stars = np.loadtxt(fp+'temp.opst',usecols=(0,1,2)) for star in range(psf_stars.shape[0]): xp = psf_stars[star,1] yp = psf_stars[star,2] xmin = np.max([*g.fw),0]) xmax = np.min([*g.fw),f_im.shape[0]]) ymin = np.max([*g.fw),0]) ymax = np.min([*g.fw),f_im.shape[1]]) p = star_positions[np.logical_and(np.logical_and(star_positions[:,0]>xmin, star_positions[:,0]<xmax), np.logical_and(star_positions[:,1]>ymin, star_positions[:,1]<ymax))] slist.append(p) group_stars = np.concatenate(slist) np.savetxt(fp+'temp.nst',group_stars,fmt='%10.3f %10.3f %10.3f') # subtract PSF star neighbours iraf.substar(image=f,photfile=fp+'temp.nst',psfimage=fp+'temp.psf', exfile=fp+'temp.opst',fitrad=2.0, subimage=fp+'temp.sub1',verify='no',datamin=1, datamax=params.pixel_max,epadu=params.gain, readnoise=params.readnoise,noise='poisson') # final PSF iraf.psf(image=fp+'temp.sub1',photfile=fp+'temp.phot',pstfile=fp+'temp.opst', psfimage=psf_image,psfrad=2*g.fw, function=params.psf_profile_type,opstfile=fp+'temp.opst2', groupfile=fp+'temp.psg2', interactive='no', verify='no',varorder=0, datamin=1,datamax=0.95*params.pixel_max, scale=1.0) np.savetxt(fp+'ref.mags',all_template_stars,fmt='%7d %10.3f %10.3f %10.3f') stars = all_template_stars else: # initial PSF estimate iraf.psf(image=f,photfile=fp+'temp.phot',pstfile=fp+'temp.pst',psfimage=fp+'temp.psf', function=params.psf_profile_type,opstfile=fp+'temp.opst', groupfile=fp+'temp.psg1', interactive='no', verify='no',varorder=0 ,psfrad=2*g.fw, datamin=1,datamax=0.95*params.pixel_max, scale=1.0) # separation distance of near neighbours separation = np.max([rewrite_psg(fp+'temp.psg1',fp+'temp.psg2'),3]) print 'separation = ',separation # subtract all stars using truncated PSF iraf.allstar(image=f,photfile=fp+'temp.phot',psfimage=fp+'temp.psf', allstarfile=fp+'temp.als',rejfile='', subimage=fp+'temp.sub',verify='no',psfrad=2*g.fw,fitrad=2.0, recenter='yes',groupsky='yes',fitsky='yes',sannulus=7,wsannulus=10, datamin=1,datamax=params.pixel_max, epadu=params.gain,readnoise=params.readnoise, noise='poisson') if params.star_file: os.system('cp '+fp+'temp.phot '+fp+'temp.phot2') else: # locate new stars iraf.daofind(image=fp+'temp.sub',output=fp+'temp.stars1',interactive='no',verify='no', threshold=3,sigma=params.star_detect_sigma,fwhmpsf=2*g.fw, datamin=1,datamax=params.pixel_max, epadu=params.gain,readnoise=params.readnoise, noise='poisson') # magnitudes for new stars iraf.phot(image=fp+'temp.sub',output=fp+'temp.phot1',coords=fp+'temp.stars1', interactive='no', verify='no',sigma=params.star_detect_sigma, fwhmpsf=g.fw,datamin=1, datamax=params.pixel_max,epadu=params.gain, readnoise=params.readnoise,noise='poisson') # join star lists together iraf.pconcat(infiles=fp+'temp.phot,'+fp+'temp.phot1',outfile=fp+'temp.phot2') # new PSF estimate to generate PSF groups iraf.psf(image=f,photfile=fp+'temp.phot2',pstfile=fp+'temp.pst',psfimage=fp+'temp.psf2', function=params.psf_profile_type,opstfile=fp+'temp.opst2', groupfile=fp+'temp.psg3', interactive='no', verify='no',varorder=0 ,psfrad=2*g.fw, datamin=-10000,datamax=0.95*params.pixel_max, scale=1.0) # magnitudes for PSF group stars iraf.nstar(image=f,groupfile=fp+'temp.psg3',psfimage=fp+'temp.psf2', nstarfile=fp+'temp.nst', rejfile='',verify='no',psfrad=2*g.fw,fitrad=2.0, recenter='no', groupsky='yes',fitsky='yes',sannulus=7,wsannulus=10, datamin=1,datamax=params.pixel_max, epadu=params.gain,readnoise=params.readnoise,noise='poisson') # subtract PSF star neighbours iraf.substar(image=f,photfile=fp+'temp.nst',psfimage=fp+'temp.psf2', exfile=fp+'temp.opst2',fitrad=2.0, subimage=fp+'temp.sub1',verify='no',datamin=1, datamax=params.pixel_max,epadu=params.gain, readnoise=params.readnoise,noise='poisson') # final PSF iraf.psf(image=fp+'temp.sub1',photfile=fp+'temp.phot2', pstfile=fp+'temp.opst2', psfimage=psf_image,psfrad=2*g.fw, function=params.psf_profile_type,opstfile=fp+'temp.opst3', groupfile=fp+'temp.psg5', interactive='no', verify='no',varorder=0, datamin=1,datamax=0.95*params.pixel_max, scale=1.0) # final photometry iraf.allstar(image=g.fullname,photfile=fp+'temp.phot2',psfimage=psf_image, allstarfile=fp+'temp.als2',rejfile='', subimage=fp+'temp.sub2',verify='no',psfrad=2*g.fw, recenter=als_recenter,groupsky='yes',fitsky='yes',sannulus=7, wsannulus=10,fitrad=2.0, datamin=params.pixel_min,datamax=params.pixel_max, epadu=params.gain,readnoise=params.readnoise, noise='poisson') psfmag = 10.0 for line in open(fp+'temp.als2','r'): sline = line.split() if sline[1] == 'PSFMAG': psfmag = float(sline[3]) break if params.star_file: iraf.psort(infiles=fp+'temp.als2',field='ID') os.system('cp '+fp+'temp.als2 '+fp+'temp.als3') else: selection = 'XCE >= '+str(edge_dist)+' && XCE <= '+str(xmax)+' && YCE >= '+str(edge_dist)+' && YCE <= '+str(ymax)+' && MAG != INDEF' iraf.pselect(infiles=fp+'temp.als2',outfiles=fp+'temp.als3',expr=selection) iraf.psort(infiles=fp+'temp.als3',field='MAG') iraf.prenumber(infile=fp+'temp.als3') s = iraf.pdump(infiles=fp+'temp.als3',Stdout=1, fields='ID,XCENTER,YCENTER,MAG,MERR,MSKY,SHARPNESS,CHI',expr='yes') sf = [k.replace('INDEF','22.00') for k in s] stars = np.zeros([len(sf),5]) for i, line in enumerate(sf): stars[i,:] = np.array(map(float,sf[i].split()[1:6])) s = iraf.pdump(infiles=fp+'temp.als3',Stdout=1, fields='ID,XCENTER,YCENTER,MAG,MERR,SHARPNESS,CHI,MSKY',expr='yes') sf = [k.replace('INDEF','22.00') for k in s] with open(fp+'ref.mags','w') as fid: for s in sf: fid.write(s+'\n') return stars
def maskStars(imageName): #read in the fits data and header imageHeader =".fits")[0] #Read in the skysigma, skyv, and seeing (fwhm) from the header and set up other relevant values sigma = imageHeader.header['SKYSIGMA'] threshold = 3.0 * sigma skyv = imageHeader.header['SKY'] fwhm = imageHeader.header['SEEING'] aper = 3.0 * fwhm annul = 5 * fwhm #Read in the galcut file galcut = open("galcut.file") galcutString = galcut.close() #Parse the galcut file into its variables galList = galcutString.split(' ') xCenter = float(galList[0]) yCenter = float(galList[1]) a = float(galList[2]) #Semimajor Axis eccent = float(galList[3]) #Eccentricity posAngle = float(galList[4]) #Position angle posAngleRad = (posAngle+90)*3.14159/180 b = a * eccent #Semiminor Axis na = -1*a nb = -1*b #Create a version of the r image with the sky added back in for the daofind procedure iraf.imdelete("withsky") iraf.imarith(imageName,'+',skyv,"withsky") # Load daophot package iraf.digiphot() iraf.daophot() print("A. Find stars using daofind") #DAOFIND searches the IRAF images image for local density maxima, # with a full-width half-maxima of datapars.fwhmpsf, and a peak # amplitude greater than findpars.threshold * datapars.sigma above # the local background, and writes a list of detected objects in the # file output. # Here we set the fwhm and sigma equal to those listed in the header. # We set the datamin to -3*sigma = -1*threshold defined above # The findpars.threshold is set to 4.5*sigma by default. You may have # to alter this value for images where too few/many stars are found. #Configure 'datapars', 'findpars', and 'daofind' iraf.datapars.fwhmpsf=fwhm iraf.datapars.sigma=sigma iraf.datapars.datamax='indef' iraf.datapars.datamin=(-1)*threshold iraf.datapars.ccdread='RDNOISE' iraf.datapars.gain="GAIN" iraf.datapars.exposure="EXPTIME" iraf.datapars.airmass="AIRMASS" iraf.datapars.filter="FILTER" iraf.datapars.obstime="TIME-OBS" iraf.findpars.threshold=4.5 iraf.findpars.roundhi=3 iraf.findpars.roundlo=-3 iraf.daofind.verify='no' iraf.daofind.verbose='no' #create the variable for the coordinate file allStars = imageName+'.coo' #Remove a previous coordinate file if one exists silentDelete(imageName+'.coo') #Find the stars in the aligned R image iraf.daofind("withsky",allStars) print("The file containing the data of the stars in the aligned R-image is ",allStars) print(" ") if os.path.getsize(allStars) > 2239 : print("B. Separate stars inside and outside galaxy") #Delete existing files for f in ("temp.file","maskfile","maskfile.sat"): silentDelete(f) #Extract the coordinates from the allStars file, redirecting stdout to do so sys.stdout=open("temp.file","w") iraf.pdump(allStars,"xcenter,ycenter",'yes') sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ #Read the file to get the xy coordinate pairs in a list coords = open("temp.file") coordList = list(coords) countout=0 #Create strings of xy pairs to write to files outGalString = "" for pair in coordList: #for each entry in the list, parse it into xy value integer pairs values = pair.split(" ") x = float(values[0]) y = float(values[1]) #Determine if the star lies within the galaxy-centered ellipse inGalaxy = False deltaX = x - xCenter deltaY = y - yCenter cdx = abs(deltaX) cdy = abs(deltaY) if (cdx < a and cdy < a): xt=(deltaX*math.cos(posAngleRad))+(deltaY*math.sin(posAngleRad)) yt=(deltaY*math.cos(posAngleRad))-(deltaX*math.sin(posAngleRad)) if(xt <= a and xt >= na and yt <= b and yt >= nb): inGalaxy = True if (not inGalaxy): outGalString += str(x) + " " + str(y) + "\n" countout=countout+1 #Write the coordinate list to a file mask = open("maskfile","w") mask.write(outGalString) mask.close() print('') print(" ",countout," stars found outside galaxy") print('') if countout!=0 : print("C. Do photometry to find saturated stars") for f in ("maskfile.mag","maskfile.satmag","maskfile.sat"): silentDelete(f) #Configure 'centerpars', 'fitskypars','photpars' iraf.datapars.datamax=150000 iraf.datapars.datamin='indef' iraf.centerpars.calgorithm="none" iraf.fitskypars.salgorithm="mode" iraf.fitskypars.annulus=annul iraf.fitskypars.dannulus=10 iraf.photpars.apertures=fwhm iraf.phot.verify='no' iraf.phot.verbose='no' #Call 'phot' to get the data of the stars iraf.phot (imageName,"maskfile","maskfile.mag") boexpr="PIER==305" iraf.pselect("maskfile.mag","maskfile.satmag",boexpr) sys.stdout=open("maskfile.sat","w") iraf.pdump("maskfile.satmag","xcenter,ycenter","yes") sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ print("D. Make mask of stars outside galaxy") #Delete the rmask if one exists silentDelete("rmask.fits") #Configure 'imedit' iraf.imedit.cursor="maskfile" iraf.imedit.display='no' iraf.imedit.autodisplay='no' iraf.imedit.aperture="circular" iraf.imedit.value=-1000 iraf.imedit.default="e" #Replace the pixel values near the star coordinates with value -1000 using imedit iraf.imedit(imageName,"redit",radius=aper) iraf.imcopy.verbose='no' #Do the same for the saturated stars, but with larger apertures satMaskSize = os.path.getsize("maskfile.sat") if satMaskSize < 1 : print(" No saturated stars found") if (satMaskSize!=0): iraf.imedit.cursor="maskfile.sat" iraf.imedit.radius=2*aper iraf.imedit("redit","rmask") else: iraf.imcopy("redit","rmask") #Replace good pixels with value 0 in 'rmask' iraf.imreplace.lower=-999 iraf.imreplace.upper='indef' iraf.imreplace("rmask",0) #Replace bad pixels with value 1 in 'rmask' iraf.imreplace.lower='indef' iraf.imreplace.upper=-1000 iraf.imreplace("rmask",1) #Remove the mask file if one already exists silentDelete(imageName+"mask.fits") iraf.imcopy("rmask",imageName+"mask") print(" ") print("The mask image is ",imageName+"mask") print("The masked image is ",imageName+"Masked") print(" ") else : print("No stars found outside galaxy, no mask created.") if os.path.getsize(allStars) < 2314 : print("No stars found, no mask created.") #Delete intermediate images for f in ("rmask.fits","redit.fits","maskimage.fits","maskfile.mag","maskfile.satmag","temp.file","withsky.fits","mask.fits"): silentDelete(f)
import pyraf, os, glob from pyraf import iraf from iraf import noao, digiphot, daophot if __name__ == '__main__': #generate list of all fits files in current directory file_list = glob.glob('*_cts.fits') print file_list #loops through all FITS files for file in file_list: #look for old files, and remove if they exist file_query = os.access('starlist_' + file.replace('.fits', \ ''), os.R_OK) if file_query == True: os.remove('starlist_' + file.replace('.fits', '')) #execute daofind on one image print 'DAOFind on image ', file outfile = 'starlist_' + file.replace('.fits', '') iraf.daofind.unlearn() iraf.daofind( image = file, output = outfile, fwhmpsf = 3, readnoise = 7.6424, itime = 7024., threshold = 4.0, interactive = 'no', verify = 'no')
pars = {} print 'Calculating sky and sigma values ...' sigma, sky = findsky(FitsFileName,10) print 'Skyvalue: ',sky print 'Stdv_sky: ',sigma iraf.datapars.setParam('sigma',sigma) iraf.fitskypars.setParam('skyvalu',sky) pars['gain'] = gain pars['rdnoise'] = rdnoise pars['sigma'] = sigma pars['sky'] = sky iraf.datapars.setParam('fwhmpsf',4.0) iraf.daofind.setParam('image',FitsFileName) iraf.daofind.setParam('output',base+'im'+ext+'.guess.coo') iraf.daofind(mode='h',Stdout=1) iraf.txdump(textfile=base+'im'+ext+'.guess.coo',fields='xcenter,ycenter,sharpness',expr='sharpness!=INDEF', Stdout=base+'daofindtmp') daofind = np.loadtxt(base+'daofindtmp') if os.path.exists(base+'im'+ext+'.guess.coo') == True: os.remove(base+'im'+ext+'.guess.coo') i = (daofind[:,2] < np.median(daofind[:,2]) + 0.12) & (daofind[:,2] > np.median(daofind[:,2]) - 0.12) np.savetxt(base+'im'+ext+'.guess.coo',daofind[i,0:2],fmt=['%-10.3f','%-10.3f']) iraf.fitpsf.setParam('image',FitsFileName) iraf.fitpsf.setParam('coords',base+'im'+ext+'.guess.coo') val = linspace(2.,6.,11.) best = 0.0 res = 99999.99 for i in val: iraf.datapars.setParam('fwhmpsf',i)