Пример #1
class Avant_Rally(object):
	iterations = []
	rally = None

	def __init__(self, project):
		self.project = project

	def connect(self, username, password):
		self.rally = Rally(server, user, password, project=self.project)

	def fetch_Iterations(self):
		self.iterations = []

		response = self.rally.get('Iteration', fetch=True)

		for rls in response:
		    iter = Iteration()
		    rlsStart = rls.StartDate.split('T')[0]  # just need the date part
		    rlsDate  = rls.EndDate.split('T')[0]       # ditto
		    self.iterations.append(iter.set_Iteration(rlsStart, rlsDate, rls.Name, rls.PlannedVelocity, self.rally))

	def display_Iterations(self):
		for i in self.iterations:
		    print "\n\n%s   %s  -->  %s\t" % \
		          (i.name, i.start_date, i.end_date)
def main(args):

    options = [opt for opt in args if opt.startswith('--')]
    args    = [arg for arg in args if arg not in options]
    if not args:
        print  USAGE
    # specify the Rally server and credentials
    server, username, password, workspace, project = rallySettings(options)
    #print " ".join(["|%s|" % opt for opt in [server, username, '********', workspace]])
    rally = Rally(server, user=username, password=password, workspace=workspace, warn=False)
    rally.enableLogging('rally.hist.chgsets')  # name of file you want the logging to go to

    repo_name = args.pop(0)
    since = None
    if args:
        since = args.pop(0)
            days = int(since)
            now = time.time()
            since_ts = now - (days * 86400)
            since = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z", time.gmtime(since_ts))
            since = None

    showRepoItems(rally, repo_name, workspace=workspace, limit=ITEM_LIMIT, since_date=since)
def main(args):
    options = [opt for opt in args if opt.startswith('--')]
    args    = [arg for arg in args if arg not in options]
    server, user, password, workspace, project = rallySettings(options)
    #print " ".join(["|%s|" % item for item in [server, user, '********', workspace, project]])
    rally = Rally(server, user, password, workspace=workspace, warn=False)
    target_workspace, byproject, art_types = processCommandLineArguments(args)
    rally.enableLogging('rally.hist.articount')  # name of file you want logging to go to
    workspaces = rally.getWorkspaces()
    if target_workspace != 'all':
        hits = [wksp for wksp in workspaces if wksp.Name == target_workspace]
        if not hits:
            problem = "The specified target workspace: '%s' either does not exist or is not accessible"
            errout("ERROR: %s\n" % (problem % target_workspace))
        workspaces = hits

    for wksp in workspaces:
        print wksp.Name
        print "=" * len(wksp.Name)
        projects = [None]
        if byproject:
            projects = rally.getProjects(workspace=wksp.Name)
        for project in projects:
            if project:
                print ""
                print "    %s" % project.Name
                print "    %s" % ('-' * len(project.Name))
            for artifact_type in art_types:
                count = getArtifactCount(rally, artifact_type, project=project)
                print "       %-16.16s : %4d items" % (artifact_type, count)
        print ""
def main(args):
    options = [opt for opt in args if opt.startswith('--')]
    args    = [arg for arg in args if arg not in options]
    if len(args) != 1:

    server, username, password, apikey, workspace, project = rallyWorkset(options)
    if apikey:
        rally = Rally(server, apikey=apikey, workspace=workspace, project=project)
        rally = Rally(server, user=username, password=password, workspace=workspace, project=project)

    taskID = args.pop()   # for this example use the FormattedID
    print "attempting to update Task: %s" % taskID

    target_workspace = rally.getWorkspace()
    target_project   = rally.getProject()

    info = {
                "FormattedID"   : taskID,
                "State" : "In-Progress"

##    print info   

        task = rally.update('Task', info)
    except RallyRESTAPIError, details:
        sys.stderr.write('ERROR: %s \n' % details)
def main(args):
    options = [opt for opt in args if opt.startswith('--')]
    args    = [arg for arg in args if arg not in options]
    server, user, password, workspace, project = rallySettings(options)
    #print " ".join(["|%s|" % item for item in [server, user, '********', workspace, project]])
    rally = Rally(server, user, password, workspace=workspace, warn=False)
    rally.enableLogging('rally.hist.articount')  # name of file you want logging to go to
    prog_opts = [opt for opt in args if opt.startswith('-')]
    byproject = False
    if '-byproject' in prog_opts:
        byproject = True
    #if not args:
    #    errout(USAGE)
    #    sys.exit(1)

    print ""
    workspaces = rally.getWorkspaces()
    for wksp in workspaces:
        print wksp.Name
        print "=" * len(wksp.Name)
        projects = [None]
        if byproject:
            projects = rally.getProjects(workspace=wksp.Name)
        for project in projects:
            if project:
                print ""
                print project.Name
                print "    %s" % ('-' * len(project.Name))
            for artifact_type in COUNTABLE_ARTIFACT_TYPES:
                count = getArtifactCount(rally, artifact_type, project=project)
                print "       %-16.16s : %4d items" % (artifact_type, count)
        print ""
def main(args):
    options = [opt for opt in args if opt.startswith('--')]

    server, user, password, workspace, project = rallySettings(options)
    rally = Rally(server, user, password, workspace=workspace)

    for workspace, project in wps:
        print "workspace: %s  project: %s" % (workspace, project)
        response = rally.get('BuildDefinition', fetch=True, 
        if response.errors:
            print response.errors

        for builddef in response:
            if builddef.Project.Name != project:
            if builddef.LastStatus == "NO BUILDS":
                print "NO BUILDS"
            #print builddef.oid, builddef.Name, builddef.LastStatus
            lbt = builddef.LastBuild.CreationDate.split('T')
            last_build_time = "%s %s" % (lbt[0], lbt[1][:5] )
            bd_name = "%-24.24s" % builddef.Name
            status  = "%-10.10s" % builddef.LastStatus
            print builddef.oid, builddef.CreationDate[:10], \
                  bd_name, status, last_build_time, len(builddef.Builds)

        print "\n"
def main(args):
    options = [opt for opt in args if opt.startswith('--')]
    args    = [arg for arg in args if arg not in options]
    server, user, password, workspace, project = rallySettings(options)
    print " ".join(["|%s|" % item for item in [server, user, '********', workspace, project]])
    rally = Rally(server, user, password, workspace=workspace, project=project)
    rally.enableLogging('rally.hist.statecount')  # name of file you want logging to go to

    if not args:


    artifact_type = args[0]
    if artifact_type not in VALID_ARTIFACT_TYPES:
        errout('The artifact_type argument must be one of: %s\n' % ", ".join(VALID_ARTIFACT_TYPES))
    art_type = artifact_type[:]
    state = 'State'  # default to this and change below if necessary
    if artifact_type in ['Story', 'UserStory', 'HierarchicalRequirement']:
        artifact_type = 'HierarchicalRequirement'
        state = 'ScheduleState'

    t_zero = time.time()
    state_values = rally.getAllowedValues(artifact_type, state)
    t_one = time.time()
    av_time = t_one - t_zero

    show_counts(rally, artifact_type, state, state_values, av_time)
def main(args):
    options = [opt for opt in args if opt.startswith('--')]

    server, user, password, workspace, project = rallySettings(options)
    rally = Rally(server, user, password, workspace=workspace)

    for workspace, project in wps:
        print "workspace: %s  project: %s\n" % (workspace, project)
        response = rally.get('BuildDefinition', fetch=True, 
                             query='Project.Name = "%s"' % project, 
                             order='Name', workspace=workspace, project=project)
        if response.errors:
            print response.errors

        print "%-12.12s   %-10.10s  %-36.36s %12s  %-20.20s  %s" % \
              ('BuildDef OID', 'CreateDate', 'BuildDefinition.Name', 'LastStatus', 'LastBuildDateTime', 'NumBuilds')
        print "%-12.12s   %-10.10s  %-36.36s   %10s  %-19.19s   %s" % \
              ('-' * 12, '-' * 10, '-' * 36, '-' * 10, '-' * 19, '-' * 9)
        for builddef in response:
            if builddef.LastStatus == "NO BUILDS":
                print "%s %s %-24.24s NO BUILDS" % \
                      (builddef.oid, builddef.CreationDate[:10], builddef.Name)
            lbt = builddef.LastBuild.CreationDate.split('T')
            last_build_time = "%s %s" % (lbt[0], lbt[1][:8] )
            bdf = "%12.12s   %-10.10s  %-36.36s %12s  %-20.20s    %4s"
            print bdf % (builddef.oid, builddef.CreationDate[:10], 
                  builddef.Name, builddef.LastStatus, last_build_time,
def main(args):

    options = [opt for opt in args if opt.startswith('--')]
    args    = [arg for arg in args if arg not in options]
    if not args:
        print  USAGE
    server, username, password, apikey, workspace, project = rallyWorkset(options)
    if apikey:
        rally = Rally(server, apikey=apikey, workspace=workspace, project=project)
        rally = Rally(server, user=username, password=password, workspace=workspace, project=project)
    rally.enableLogging('rally.hist.chgsets')  # name of file you want the logging to go to

    repo_name = args.pop(0)
    since = None
    if args:
        since = args.pop(0)
            days = int(since)
            now = time.time()
            since_ts = now - (days * 86400)
            since = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z", time.gmtime(since_ts))
            since = None

    showRepoItems(rally, repo_name, workspace=workspace, limit=ITEM_LIMIT, since_date=since)
Пример #10
def get_rally_connection(USER, PASSWORD, PROJECT, VERSION='1.43', SERVER='rally1.rallydev.com'):
    ''' return a rally connection object '''

    # get the rally connection object
    rally = Rally(SERVER, USER, PASSWORD, version=VERSION, project=PROJECT)

    return rally
Пример #11
def get_story(formatted_id):
    r = Rally(server, apikey=apikey, project=project)
    aa = r.get('UserStory',
               query='FormattedID = "' + formatted_id + '"',
    return dict_from_story(aa)
def main(args):
    options = [opt for opt in args if opt.startswith('--')]
    args    = [arg for arg in args if arg not in options]
    server, username, password, apikey, workspace, project = rallyWorkset(options)
    if apikey:
        rally = Rally(server, apikey=apikey, workspace=workspace, project=project)
        rally = Rally(server, user=username, password=password, workspace=workspace, project=project)

    if len(args) < 2:
    test_case_id, tcr_info_filename = args
    if not os.path.exists(tcr_info_filename):
        errout("ERROR:  file argument '%s' does not exist.  Respecify using corrent name or path\n" % tcr_info_filename)
        with open(tcr_info_filename, 'r') as tcif:
            content = tcif.readlines()
        tcr_info = []
        # each line must have Build, Date, Verdict
        for ix, line in enumerate(content):
            fields = line.split(',')
            if len(fields) != 3:
                raise Exception('Line #%d has invalid number of fields: %s' % (ix+1, repr(fields)))
            tcr_info.append([field.strip() for field in fields])
    except Exception:
        errout("ERROR: reading file '%s'.  Check the permissions or the content format for correctness." % tcr_info_filename)

    test_case = rally.get('TestCase', query="FormattedID = %s" % test_case_id,
                          workspace=workspace, project=None, instance=True)
    if not test_case or hasattr(test_case, 'resultCount'):
        print "Sorry, unable to find a TestCase with a FormattedID of %s in the %s workspace" % \
              (test_case_id, workspace)

    wksp = rally.getWorkspace()

    for build, run_date, verdict in tcr_info:
        tcr_data = { "Workspace" : wksp.ref,
                     "TestCase"  : test_case.ref,
                     "Build"     : build,
                     "Date"      : run_date,
                     "Verdict"   : verdict
            tcr = rally.create('TestCaseResult', tcr_data)
        except RallyRESTAPIError, details:
            sys.stderr.write('ERROR: %s \n' % details)
        print "Created  TestCaseResult OID: %s  TestCase: %s  Build: %s  Date: %s  Verdict: %s" % \
               (tcr.oid, test_case.FormattedID, tcr.Build, tcr.Date, tcr.Verdict)
Пример #13
 def rallyLogin(self):
     server = 'rally1.rallydev.com'
     user = '******'
     password = '******'
     project = 'MBH - HNL'
     workspace = 'default'
     rally = Rally(server, user, password, workspace=workspace, project=project)
     return rally
Пример #14
class RallyClient:

	rally = None
	debug = False
	PrefixActionMap = {"US": "HierarchicalRequirement", "DE": "Defect" }

	def __init__(self, config):
		self.rally = Rally(config.rallyUrl, config.username, config.password, workspace="Betfair", project="Betfair")
		self.debug = config.debug

	def retrieveItems(self, itemIds):
		''' Use pyral to retrieve items from Rally. '''
		items = {}
		for itemId in itemIds:
			query_criteria = 'formattedID = "%s"' % itemId
			prefix = itemId[0:2]
			response = self.rally.get(self.PrefixActionMap[prefix], fetch=True, query=query_criteria)
			if self.debug:
				print response.content
			if response.errors:
			    print "ERROR"
			for item in response:  # there should only be one qualifying item
				# items[itemId] = item
			    # print "%s: %s (%s)" % (item.FormattedID, item.Name, item.Project.Name)
			    items[item.FormattedID] = item
		return items

	def info(self, args):
		''' Return information for specified work items, in a variety of formats. '''
		itemIds = args.workItems
		# print "Retrieving items %s..." % (itemIds)
		items = self.retrieveItems(itemIds)
		for itemId, item in items.iteritems():
			if item == None:
				print "ERROR: Could not retrieve item %s from Rally" % itemId
				# print item.attributes()
				# print item.ObjectID
				# @TODO Refactor these into configurable/dynamic values
				baseUrl = "https://rally1.rallydev.com/#"
				workspaceId = "3254856811d"
				itemUrl = "%s/%s/detail/userstory/%s" % (baseUrl, workspaceId, item.ObjectID)
				if args.format == "confluence" :
					print "# [%s: %s|%s]" % (itemId, item.Name, itemUrl)
				elif args.format == "conftable" :
					print "| %s | %s | %s |" % (itemId, item.Name, itemUrl)
				elif args.format == "csv":
					print "%s,%s,%s" % (itemId, item.Name, itemUrl)
				elif args.format == "tsv":
					print "%s\t%s\t%s" % (itemId, item.Name, itemUrl)
					print "%s: %s (%s)" % (itemId, item.Name, itemUrl)
Пример #15
def main(args):

    options = [opt for opt in args if opt.startswith('--')]
    args = [arg for arg in args if arg not in options]
    entity = args.pop(0)
    attributes = args
    server, user, password, apikey, workspace, project = rallyWorkset(options)
    print(" ".join([
        "|%s|" % item
        for item in [server, user, password, apikey, workspace, project]

    #rally = Rally(server, user, password, apikey=apikey, workspace=workspace, project=project, server_ping=False)
    rally = Rally(server, user, password, apikey=apikey, server_ping=False)
        'rally.hist.avl')  # name of file you want the logging to go to

    target = entity
    if entity in ['Story', 'User Story', 'UserStory']:
        entity = "HierarchicalRequirement"
        target = entity
    mo = CAMEL_CASED_NAME_PATT.search(entity)
    if mo:
        txfm = re.sub(CAMEL_CASED_NAME_PATT, r'\1 \2', entity)
        print('transforming query target "%s" to "%s"' % (entity, txfm))
        entity = txfm

    print("%s" % entity)

    response = rally.get('TypeDefinition',
                         query='Name = "%s"' % entity)
    # could check for response.errors here...
    if response.errors:
        print("Errors: %s" % response.errors)
    if response.warnings:
        print("Warnings: %s" % response.warnings)
    td = response.next()

    for attribute in td.Attributes:
        attr_name = attribute.Name.replace(' ', '')
        if attributes and attr_name not in attributes:

        if attribute.AttributeType not in ['STATE', 'RATING', 'STRING']:

        allowed_values = rally.getAllowedValues(target, attr_name)
        if not allowed_values:
        print("    %-28.28s    (%s)" % (attr_name, attribute.AttributeType))
        for av in allowed_values:
            print("        |%s|" % av)
Пример #16
def make_story(story_name, story_detail, username):
    r = Rally(server, apikey=apikey, project=project)
    wksp = r.getWorkspace()
    proj = r.getProject(project)
    info = {"Workspace":   wksp.ref,
            "Project":     proj.ref,
            "Name":        story_name + " (web intake form from " + username + ")",
            "Story Type":  "New Feature",
            "Description": story_detail}
    story = r.put('Story', info)
    return dict_from_story(story)
def main(args):
    options = [opt for opt in args if opt.startswith('--')]
    args    = [arg for arg in args if arg not in options]
    server, username, password, apikey, workspace, project = rallyWorkset(options)
    print " | ".join([server, username, password, workspace, project])
    if apikey:
        rally = Rally(server, apikey=apikey, workspace=workspace, project=project)
        rally = Rally(server, user=username, password=password, workspace=workspace, project=project)
    rally.enableLogging('rally.hist.getattachs') # name of file you want logging to go to

    if len(args) != 2:
    entity_name, ident = args
    if entity_name in STORY_ALIASES:
        entity_name = 'HierarchicalRequirement'

    mo = OID_PATT.match(ident)
    if mo:
        ident_query = 'ObjectID = %s' % ident
        mo = FORMATTED_ID_PATT.match(ident)
        if mo:
            ident_query = 'FormattedID = "%s"' % ident
            errout('ERROR: Unable to determine ident scheme for %s\n' % ident)

    response = rally.get(entity_name, fetch=True, query=ident_query, 
                         workspace=workspace, project=project)

    if response.errors:
        errout("Request could not be successfully serviced, error code: %d\n" % response.status_code)

    if response.resultCount == 0:
        errout('No item found for %s %s\n' % (entity_name, ident))
    elif response.resultCount > 1:
        errout('WARNING: more than 1 item returned matching your criteria\n')

    artifact = response.next()
    attachments = rally.getAttachments(artifact)
    for attachment in attachments:
        print("-" * 32)
        print("~" * len(attachment.Name))
        print("=" *  64)
Пример #18
def main(args):
    options = [opt for opt in args if opt.startswith('--')]
    args    = [arg for arg in args if arg not in options]
    server, username, password, workspace, project = rallySettings(options)
    print "|%s| |%s| |%s| |%s| |%s|" % (server, username, '********', workspace, project)
    rally = Rally(server, username, password, workspace=workspace)     # specify the Rally server and credentials
    rally.enableLogging('rally.hist.periscope')  # name of file for logging content

    for workspace in rally.getWorkspaces():
        print "%s %s" % (workspace.oid, workspace.Name)
        for project in rally.getProjects(workspace=workspace.Name):
            print "    %12.12s  %s" % (project.oid, project.Name)
        print ""
Пример #19
def main(args):
    options = [opt for opt in args if opt.startswith('--')]
    args    = [arg for arg in args if arg not in options]
    server, user, password, apikey, workspace, project = rallyWorkset(options)
    #rally = Rally(server, user, password, apikey=apikey, workspace=workspace)
    rally = Rally(server, user, password, workspace=workspace, project=project)

    if len(args) < 2:

    story_id = args.pop(0)
    tag_names = args[:]
    tags = []

    story = rally.get('Story', fetch="FormattedID,Name,Description,Tags", 
                       query="FormattedID = %s" % story_id,
                       server_ping=False, isolated_workspace=True, instance=True)

    response = rally.get('Tag', fetch="true", order="Name", server_ping=False, isolated_workspace=True)
    for tag in response:
        print("Workspace %s  has tag: %-14.14s created on %s  Name: %s"  % \
              (tag.Workspace.Name, tag.oid, tag.CreationDate[:-5].replace('T', ' '), tag.Name))

        if tag.Name in tag_names:

    print(", ".join([tag.Name for tag in tags]))

    adds = rally.addCollectionItems(story, tags)

    droppable_tags = [tag for tag in tags if tag.Name == VICTIM_TAG_NAME]
    print("dropping Tags %s ..." % ", ".join([tag.Name for tag in droppable_tags]))

    drops = rally.dropCollectionItems(story, droppable_tags)
    if drops.errors:
        print("Problem attempting to drop tags: %s" % drops.errors)

    story = rally.get('Story', fetch="FormattedID,Name,Description,Tags", 
                       query="FormattedID = %s" % story_id,
                       server_ping=False, isolated_workspace=True, instance=True)
    print "story tags after deleting the '%s' Tag" % (droppable_tags[0].Name)

    story_tags = [str(tag.Name) for tag in story.Tags]
def main(args):
    options = [opt for opt in args if opt.startswith('--')]
    args    = [arg for arg in args if arg not in options]
    server, username, password, apikey, workspace, project = rallyWorkset(options)
    if apikey:
        rally = Rally(server, apikey=apikey, workspace=workspace, project=project)
        rally = Rally(server, user=username, password=password, workspace=workspace, project=project)
    rally.enableLogging('rally.hist.periscope')  # name of file for logging content

    for workspace in rally.getWorkspaces():
        print "%s %s" % (workspace.oid, workspace.Name)
        for project in rally.getProjects(workspace=workspace.Name):
            print "    %12.12s  %-36.36s   |%s|" % (project.oid, project.Name, project.State)
        print ""
def main(args):

    options = [opt for opt in args if opt.startswith('--')]
    args    = [arg for arg in args if arg not in options]
    if not args:
        print  USAGE
    # specify the Rally server and credentials
    server, username, password, workspace, project = rallySettings(options)
    #print " ".join(["|%s|" % opt for opt in [server, username, '********', workspace]])
    rally = Rally(server, user=username, password=password, workspace=workspace, warn=False)
    rally.enableLogging('rally.hist.chgsets')  # name of file you want the logging to go to

    repo_name = args.pop()

    showRepoItems(rally, repo_name, workspace=workspace, limit=ITEM_LIMIT)
def main(args):
    options = [opt for opt in args if opt.startswith("--")]
    args = [arg for arg in args if arg not in options]
    server, user, password, apikey, workspace, project = rallyWorkset(options)
    # print(" ".join(["|%s|" % item for item in [server, user, password, apikey[:8], workspace, project]]))

    # If you want to use BasicAuth, use the following form
    rally = Rally(server, user, password, workspace=workspace, project=project)

    # If you want to use API Key, you can use the following form
    # rally = Rally(server, apikey=apikey, workspace=workspace, project=project)

    # the following form of obtaining a Rally instance will use the apikey if it is present (non None)
    # otherwise it will use the user and password for BasicAuth
    # add in the debug=True keyword arg if you want more verbiage ...
    # rally = Rally(server, user, password, apikey=apikey, workspace=workspace, project=project,
    #              debug=True, server_ping=False, isolated_workspace=True)
    specified_workspace = workspace

    workspace = rally.getWorkspace()
    print("Workspace: %s " % workspace.Name)
    if specified_workspace != workspace.Name:
            "    ** The workspace you specified: %s is not a valid workspace name for your account, using your default workspace instead"
            % specified_workspace
    # print "Workspace: %12.12s   %-18.18s    (%s)" % (workspace.oid, workspace.Name, workspace.ref)

    project = rally.getProject()
    print("Project  : %s " % project.Name)

    # uncomment this to see all of your accessible workspaces and projects
    #    workspaces = rally.getWorkspaces()
    #    for workspace in workspaces:
    #        print(" ", workspace.Name)
    #        projects = rally.getProjects(workspace=workspace.Name)
    #        if projects:
    #            print("")
    #            print("    Projects:")
    #            for project in projects:
    #                print("     ", project.Name)
    #        else:
    #            print("  No projects")
    #        print("")

Пример #23
def main():

    #project = rallySettings(options)
    #print " ".join(["|%s|" % item for item in [server, user, '********', workspace, project]])
    rally = Rally(server, user, password)      # specify the Rally server and credentials
    rally.enableLogging('rally.hist.item') # name of file you want logging to go to

    if len(args) != 1:
    ident = 3726723403

    mo = FORMATTED_ID_PATT.match(ident)
    if mo:
        ident_query = 'FormattedID = "%s"' % ident
        entity_name = ARTIFACT_TYPE[mo.group('prefix')]
        errout('ERROR: Unable to determine ident scheme for %s\n' % ident)

    response = rally.get(entity_name, fetch=True, query=ident_query)

    if response.errors:
        errout("Request could not be successfully serviced, error code: %d\n" % response.status_code)

    if response.resultCount == 0:
        errout('No item found for %s %s\n' % (entity_name, ident))
    elif response.resultCount > 1:
        errout('WARNING: more than 1 item returned matching your criteria\n')

    for item in response:
        for attr in COMMON_ATTRIBUTES:
            print "    %-16.16s : %s" % (attr, getattr(item, attr))
        attrs = [attr for attr in item.attributes() if attr not in COMMON_ATTRIBUTES]
        for attr in sorted(attrs):
            attribute = getattr(item, attr)
            cn = attribute.__class__.__name__
            if cn[0] in string.uppercase:
                attribute = attribute.Name if cn != 'NoneType' else None
            print "    %-16.16s : %s" % (attr, attribute)
def main(args):

    options = [opt for opt in args if opt.startswith('--')]
    args    = [arg for arg in args if arg not in options]
    entity = args.pop(0)
    attributes  = args
    server, user, password, apikey, workspace, project = rallyWorkset(options)
    print(" ".join(["|%s|" % item for item in [server, user, password, apikey, workspace, project]]))

    #rally = Rally(server, user, password, apikey=apikey, workspace=workspace, project=project, server_ping=False)
    rally = Rally(server, user, password, apikey=apikey,server_ping=False)
    rally.enableLogging('rally.hist.avl')  # name of file you want the logging to go to

    target = entity
    if entity in ['Story', 'User Story', 'UserStory']:
        entity = "HierarchicalRequirement"
        target = entity
    mo = CAMEL_CASED_NAME_PATT.search(entity)
    if mo:
        txfm = re.sub(CAMEL_CASED_NAME_PATT, r'\1 \2', entity)
        print('transforming query target "%s" to "%s"' % (entity, txfm))
        entity = txfm

    print("%s" % entity)

    response = rally.get('TypeDefinition', fetch="Name,Attributes", query='Name = "%s"' % entity)
    # could check for response.errors here...
    if response.errors:
        print("Errors: %s" % response.errors)
    if response.warnings:
        print("Warnings: %s" % response.warnings)
    td = response.next()

    for attribute in td.Attributes:
        attr_name = attribute.Name.replace(' ', '')
        if attributes and attr_name not in attributes:

        if attribute.AttributeType not in ['STATE', 'RATING', 'STRING']:

        allowed_values = rally.getAllowedValues(target, attr_name)
        if not allowed_values:
        print("    %-28.28s    (%s)" % (attr_name, attribute.AttributeType))
        for av in allowed_values:
            print("        |%s|" % av)
Пример #25
def main(args):
    options = [opt for opt in args if opt.startswith('--')]
    args    = [arg for arg in args if arg not in options]
    server, user, password, workspace, project = rallySettings(options)
    rally = Rally(server, user, password, workspace=workspace, project=project)
    fields    = "FormattedID,State,Name,Severity,Priority", 
    criterion = 'State != Closed'

    response = rally.get('Defect', fetch=fields, query=criterion, order="FormattedID",
                                   pagesize=200, limit=400)

    for defect in response:
        print "%-6.6s  %-46.46s  %s" % (defect.FormattedID, defect.Name, defect.State)

    print "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
    print response.resultCount, "qualifying defects"
Пример #26
def main(args):
    options = [opt for opt in args if opt.startswith('--')]

    server, username, password, apikey, workspace, project = rallyWorkset(
    if apikey:
        rally = Rally(server, apikey=apikey, workspace=workspace)
        rally = Rally(server,

    for workspace, project in wps:
        print("workspace: %s  project: %s\n" % (workspace, project))
        response = rally.get('BuildDefinition',
                             query='Project.Name = "%s"' % project,
        if response.errors:

        print("%-12.12s   %-10.10s  %-36.36s %12s  %-20.20s  %s" % \
              ('BuildDef OID', 'CreateDate', 'BuildDefinition.Name', 'LastStatus', 'LastBuildDateTime', 'NumBuilds'))
        print("%-12.12s   %-10.10s  %-36.36s   %10s  %-19.19s   %s" % \
              ('-' * 12, '-' * 10, '-' * 36, '-' * 10, '-' * 19, '-' * 9))
        for builddef in response:
            if builddef.LastStatus == "NO BUILDS":
                print("%s %s %-24.24s NO BUILDS" % \
                      (builddef.oid, builddef.CreationDate[:10], builddef.Name))
            lbt = builddef.LastBuild.CreationDate.split('T')
            last_build_time = "%s %s" % (lbt[0], lbt[1][:8])
            bdf = "%12.12s   %-10.10s  %-36.36s %12s  %-20.20s    %4s"
            print(bdf %
                  (builddef.oid, builddef.CreationDate[:10], builddef.Name,
                   builddef.LastStatus, last_build_time, len(builddef.Builds)))
def test_query_with_special_chars_in_criteria():
       DE3228 in DEFAULT_WORKSPACE / NON_DEFAULT_PROJECT has Name = Special chars:/!@#$%^&*()-=+[]{};:./<>?/ 
       query for it by looking for it by the name value
    rally = Rally(server=TRIAL, user=TRIAL_USER, password=TRIAL_PSWD)
    criteria = 'Name = "distinctive criteria of -32% degradation in rust protection"'
    response = rally.get('Defect', fetch=True, query=criteria, limit=10)
    assert response.__class__.__name__ == 'RallyRESTResponse'
    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert response.errors   == []
    assert response.warnings == []
    assert response.resultCount == 1

    criteria = 'Name = "Looking for the #blowback hashtag"'
    response = rally.get('Defect', fetch=True, query=criteria, limit=10)
    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert response.errors   == []
    assert response.warnings == []
    assert response.resultCount == 1

    special_chars = "/!@#$%^*_-+=?{}[]:;,<>"
    # characters that break the RallyQueryFormatter and/or WSAPI: ( ) ~ & | backslash
    for character in special_chars:
        criteria = 'Name contains "%s"' % character
        response = rally.get('Defect', fetch=True, query=criteria, limit=10)
        assert response.__class__.__name__ == 'RallyRESTResponse'
        assert response.status_code == 200
        assert response.errors   == []
        assert response.warnings == []
        assert response.resultCount >= 1

    criteria = 'Name = "Special chars:/!@#$%^*-=+[]{};:.<>? in the name field"'
    response = rally.get('Defect', fetch=True, query=criteria, limit=10)
    assert response.__class__.__name__ == 'RallyRESTResponse'
    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert response.errors   == []
    assert response.warnings == []
    assert response.resultCount >= 1
def main(args):
    options = [opt for opt in args if opt.startswith('--')]
    args    = [arg for arg in args if arg not in options]
    server, user, password, workspace, project = rallySettings(options)
    print " ".join(["|%s|" % item for item in [server, user, '********', workspace, project]])
    rally = Rally(server, user, password, workspace=workspace, version="1.30")  # specify the Rally server and credentials
    rally.enableLogging('rally.hist.creattach') # name of file you want logging to go to

    if len(args) != 2:
        errout('ERROR: You must supply an Artifact identifier and an attachment file name')

    target, attachment_file_name = args
    artifact = validateTarget(rally, target)

    me = rally.getUserInfo(username=user).pop(0)
    #print "%s user oid: %s" % (user, me.oid)

    att = rally.addAttachment(artifact, attachment_file_name)
    print "created Attachment: %s for %s" % (attachment_file_name, target)
def main(args):
    options = [opt for opt in args if opt.startswith('--')]
    args    = [arg for arg in args if arg not in options]
    server, username, password, apikey, workspace, project = rallyWorkset(options)
    if apikey:
        rally = Rally(server, apikey=apikey, workspace=workspace, project=project)
        rally = Rally(server, user=username, password=password, workspace=workspace, project=project)
    fields    = "FormattedID,State,Name,Severity,Priority"
    criterion = 'State != Closed'

    response = rally.get('Defect', fetch=fields, query=criterion, order="FormattedID",
                                   pagesize=200, limit=400)

    for defect in response:
        print("%-8.8s  %-52.52s  %s" % (defect.FormattedID, defect.Name, defect.State))

    print(response.resultCount, "qualifying defects")
def test_query_with_matched_parens_in_condition_value():
        'REST Toolkit Testing' / 'Sample Project' has a Release in it whose name contains a matched paren pair
        make sure a query containing a condition looking for the Release by this name succeeds.
    target_workspace = 'REST Toolkit Testing'
    target_project   = 'Sample Project'

    rally = Rally(server=TRIAL, user=TRIAL_USER, password=TRIAL_PSWD, workspace=target_workspace, project=target_project)

    criteria = 'Name = "8.5 (Blah and Stuff)"'
    response = rally.get('Release', fetch=True, query=criteria, limit=10)

    assert response.__class__.__name__ == 'RallyRESTResponse'
    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert response.errors   == []
    assert response.warnings == []
    assert response.resultCount >= 1
    release = response.next()
    assert release.Name == '8.5 (Blah and Stuff)'
Пример #31
def main(args):
    options = [opt for opt in args if opt.startswith('--')]
    args    = [arg for arg in args if arg not in options]
    if len(args) != 1:
    storyID = args[0]

    server, user, password, apikey, workspace, project = rallyWorkset(options)
    if apikey:
        rally = Rally(server, apikey=apikey, workspace=workspace, project=project)
        rally = Rally(server, user=username, password=password, workspace=workspace, project=project)

    # For a task: Workspace, Project, WorkProduct, Name, State, TaskIndex are required;
    # Workspace cannot be specified in the JSON, it defaults to 
    # the logged in account's Workspace setting
    # Project and WorkProduct must be object refs to relevant Rally Entity instances.
    # In this example the WorkProduct is a UserStory (HierarchicalRequirement).

    target_project = rally.getProject()
    target_story   = rally.get('UserStory', query='FormattedID = %s' % storyID, instance=True)
    info = {
             "Project"     : target_project.ref,
             "WorkProduct" : target_story.ref,
             "Name"        : "BigTaters",
             "State"       : "Defined",
             "TaskIndex"   : 1,
             "Description" : "Fly to Chile next week to investigate the home of potatoes.  Find the absolute gigantoidist spuds and bring home the eyes to Idaho.  Plant, water, wonder, harvest, wash, slice, plunge in and out of hot oil, drain and enjoy! Repeat as needed.",
             "Estimate"    : 62.0,
             "Actuals"     :  1.0,
             "ToDo"        : 61.0,
             "Notes"       : "I have really only done some daydreaming wrt this task.  Sorry Jane, I knew you had big plans for Frankie's blowout BBQ next month, but the honeycomb harvest project is taking all my time."

    print "Creating Task ..."
    task = rally.put('Task', info)
    print "Created  Task: %s   OID: %s" % (task.FormattedID, task.oid)
def main(args):
    options = [opt for opt in args if opt.startswith('--')]
    args    = [arg for arg in args if arg not in options]
    server, username, password, apikey, workspace, project = rallyWorkset(options)
    if apikey:
        rally = Rally(server, apikey=apikey, workspace=workspace, project=project)
        rally = Rally(server, user=username, password=password, workspace=workspace, project=project)
    fields    = "FormattedID,Name,Iteration,Feature"
    #criterion = 'Iteration.Name contains "Iteration 7"'
    criterion = '((Iteration.Name contains "Iteration 6")OR(Iteration.Name contains "Iteration 7")) AND (Feature != null)'

    response = rally.get('HierarchicalRequirement', fetch=fields, query=criterion, order="FormattedID",
                                   pagesize=200, limit=400)

    for story in response:
        print "%-8.8s  %-52.52s  %s %s" % (story.FormattedID, story.Name, story.Iteration.Name, story.Feature.Name)

    print "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
    print response.resultCount, "qualifying stories"