Пример #1
def virtual_root(resource, request):
    Provided any :term:`resource` and a :term:`request` object, return
    the resource object representing the :term:`virtual root` of the
    current :term:`request`.  Using a virtual root in a
    :term:`traversal` -based :app:`Pyramid` application permits
    rooting, for example, the resource at the traversal path ``/cms`` at
    ``http://example.com/`` instead of rooting it at

    If the ``resource`` passed in is a context obtained via
    :term:`traversal`, and if the ``HTTP_X_VHM_ROOT`` key is in the
    WSGI environment, the value of this key will be treated as a
    'virtual root path': the :func:`pyramid.traversal.find_resource`
    API will be used to find the virtual root resource using this path;
    if the resource is found, it will be returned.  If the
    ``HTTP_X_VHM_ROOT`` key is not present in the WSGI environment,
    the physical :term:`root` of the resource tree will be returned instead.

    Virtual roots are not useful at all in applications that use
    :term:`URL dispatch`. Contexts obtained via URL dispatch don't
    really support being virtually rooted (each URL dispatch context
    is both its own physical and virtual root).  However if this API
    is called with a ``resource`` argument which is a context obtained
    via URL dispatch, the resource passed in will be returned
        reg = request.registry
    except AttributeError:
        reg = get_current_registry() # b/c
    urlgenerator = reg.queryMultiAdapter((resource, request), IContextURL)
    if urlgenerator is None:
        urlgenerator = TraversalContextURL(resource, request)
    return urlgenerator.virtual_root()
Пример #2
    def static_url(self, path, **kw):
        Generates a fully qualified URL for a static :term:`asset`.
        The asset must live within a location defined via the
        :term:`configuration declaration` (see :ref:`static_assets_section`).


            request.static_url('mypackage:static/foo.css') =>


        The ``path`` argument points at a file or directory on disk which
        a URL should be generated for.  The ``path`` may be either a
        relative path (e.g. ``static/foo.css``) or an absolute path (e.g.
        ``/abspath/to/static/foo.css``) or a :term:`asset specification`
        (e.g. ``mypackage:static/foo.css``).

        The purpose of the ``**kw`` argument is the same as the purpose of
        the :meth:`pyramid.request.Request.route_url` ``**kw`` argument.  See
        the documentation for that function to understand the arguments which
        you can provide to it.  However, typically, you don't need to pass
        anything as ``*kw`` when generating a static asset URL.

        This function raises a :exc:`ValueError` if a static view
        definition cannot be found which matches the path specification.

        if not os.path.isabs(path):
            if not ':' in path:
                # if it's not a package:relative/name and it's not an
                # /absolute/path it's a relative/path; this means its relative
                # to the package in which the caller's module is defined.
                package = caller_package()
                path = '%s:%s' % (package.__name__, path)

            reg = self.registry
        except AttributeError:
            reg = get_current_registry() # b/c

        info = reg.queryUtility(IStaticURLInfo)
        if info is None:
            raise ValueError('No static URL definition matching %s' % path)

        return info.generate(path, self, **kw)
Пример #3
def traverse(resource, path):
    """Given a resource object as ``resource`` and a string or tuple
    representing a path as ``path`` (such as the return value of
    :func:`pyramid.traversal.resource_path` or
    :func:`pyramid.traversal.resource_path_tuple` or the value of
    ``request.environ['PATH_INFO']``), return a dictionary with the
    keys ``context``, ``root``, ``view_name``, ``subpath``,
    ``traversed``, ``virtual_root``, and ``virtual_root_path``.

    A definition of each value in the returned dictionary:

    - ``context``: The :term:`context` (a :term:`resource` object) found
      via traversal or url dispatch.  If the ``path`` passed in is the
      empty string, the value of the ``resource`` argument passed to this
      function is returned.

    - ``root``: The resource object at which :term:`traversal` begins.
      If the ``resource`` passed in was found via url dispatch or if the
      ``path`` passed in was relative (non-absolute), the value of the
      ``resource`` argument passed to this function is returned.

    - ``view_name``: The :term:`view name` found during
      :term:`traversal` or :term:`url dispatch`; if the ``resource`` was
      found via traversal, this is usually a representation of the
      path segment which directly follows the path to the ``context``
      in the ``path``.  The ``view_name`` will be a Unicode object or
      the empty string.  The ``view_name`` will be the empty string if
      there is no element which follows the ``context`` path.  An
      example: if the path passed is ``/foo/bar``, and a resource
      object is found at ``/foo`` (but not at ``/foo/bar``), the 'view
      name' will be ``u'bar'``.  If the ``resource`` was found via
      urldispatch, the view_name will be the name the route found was
      registered with.

    - ``subpath``: For a ``resource`` found via :term:`traversal`, this
      is a sequence of path segments found in the ``path`` that follow
      the ``view_name`` (if any).  Each of these items is a Unicode
      object.  If no path segments follow the ``view_name``, the
      subpath will be the empty sequence.  An example: if the path
      passed is ``/foo/bar/baz/buz``, and a resource object is found at
      ``/foo`` (but not ``/foo/bar``), the 'view name' will be
      ``u'bar'`` and the :term:`subpath` will be ``[u'baz', u'buz']``.
      For a ``resource`` found via url dispatch, the subpath will be a
      sequence of values discerned from ``*subpath`` in the route
      pattern matched or the empty sequence.

    - ``traversed``: The sequence of path elements traversed from the
      root to find the ``context`` object during :term:`traversal`.
      Each of these items is a Unicode object.  If no path segments
      were traversed to find the ``context`` object (e.g. if the
      ``path`` provided is the empty string), the ``traversed`` value
      will be the empty sequence.  If the ``resource`` is a resource found
      via :term:`url dispatch`, traversed will be None.

    - ``virtual_root``: A resource object representing the 'virtual' root
      of the resource tree being traversed during :term:`traversal`.
      See :ref:`vhosting_chapter` for a definition of the virtual root
      object.  If no virtual hosting is in effect, and the ``path``
      passed in was absolute, the ``virtual_root`` will be the
      *physical* root resource object (the object at which :term:`traversal`
      begins).  If the ``resource`` passed in was found via :term:`URL
      dispatch` or if the ``path`` passed in was relative, the
      ``virtual_root`` will always equal the ``root`` object (the
      resource passed in).

    - ``virtual_root_path`` -- If :term:`traversal` was used to find
      the ``resource``, this will be the sequence of path elements
      traversed to find the ``virtual_root`` resource.  Each of these
      items is a Unicode object.  If no path segments were traversed
      to find the ``virtual_root`` resource (e.g. if virtual hosting is
      not in effect), the ``traversed`` value will be the empty list.
      If url dispatch was used to find the ``resource``, this will be

    If the path cannot be resolved, a :exc:`KeyError` will be raised.

    Rules for passing a *string* as the ``path`` argument: if the
    first character in the path string is the with the ``/``
    character, the path will considered absolute and the resource tree
    traversal will start at the root resource.  If the first character
    of the path string is *not* the ``/`` character, the path is
    considered relative and resource tree traversal will begin at the resource
    object supplied to the function as the ``resource`` argument.  If an
    empty string is passed as ``path``, the ``resource`` passed in will
    be returned.  Resource path strings must be escaped in the following
    manner: each Unicode path segment must be encoded as UTF-8 and
    each path segment must escaped via Python's :mod:`urllib.quote`.
    For example, ``/path/to%20the/La%20Pe%C3%B1a`` (absolute) or
    ``to%20the/La%20Pe%C3%B1a`` (relative).  The
    :func:`pyramid.traversal.resource_path` function generates strings
    which follow these rules (albeit only absolute ones).

    Rules for passing a *tuple* as the ``path`` argument: if the first
    element in the path tuple is the empty string (for example ``('',
    'a', 'b', 'c')``, the path is considered absolute and the resource tree
    traversal will start at the resource tree root object.  If the first
    element in the path tuple is not the empty string (for example
    ``('a', 'b', 'c')``), the path is considered relative and resource tree
    traversal will begin at the resource object supplied to the function
    as the ``resource`` argument.  If an empty sequence is passed as
    ``path``, the ``resource`` passed in itself will be returned.  No
    URL-quoting or UTF-8-encoding of individual path segments within
    the tuple is required (each segment may be any string or unicode
    object representing a resource name).

    Explanation of the conversion of ``path`` segment values to
    Unicode during traversal: Each segment is URL-unquoted, and
    decoded into Unicode. Each segment is assumed to be encoded using
    the UTF-8 encoding (or a subset, such as ASCII); a
    :exc:`pyramid.exceptions.URLDecodeError` is raised if a segment
    cannot be decoded.  If a segment name is empty or if it is ``.``,
    it is ignored.  If a segment name is ``..``, the previous segment
    is deleted, and the ``..`` is ignored.  As a result of this
    process, the return values ``view_name``, each element in the
    ``subpath``, each element in ``traversed``, and each element in
    the ``virtual_root_path`` will be Unicode as opposed to a string,
    and will be URL-decoded.

    if is_nonstr_iter(path):
        # the traverser factory expects PATH_INFO to be a string, not
        # unicode and it expects path segments to be utf-8 and
        # urlencoded (it's the same traverser which accepts PATH_INFO
        # from user agents; user agents always send strings).
        if path:
            path = _join_path_tuple(tuple(path))
            path = ''

    # The user is supposed to pass us a string object, never Unicode.  In
    # practice, however, users indeed pass Unicode to this API.  If they do
    # pass a Unicode object, its data *must* be entirely encodeable to ASCII,
    # so we encode it here as a convenience to the user and to prevent
    # second-order failures from cropping up (all failures will occur at this
    # step rather than later down the line as the result of calling
    # ``traversal_path``).

    path = ascii_native_(path)

    if path and path[0] == '/':
        resource = find_root(resource)

    reg = get_current_registry()

    request_factory = reg.queryUtility(IRequestFactory)
    if request_factory is None:
        from pyramid.request import Request # avoid circdep

        request_factory = Request

    request = request_factory.blank(path)
    request.registry = reg
    traverser = reg.queryAdapter(resource, ITraverser)
    if traverser is None:
        traverser = ResourceTreeTraverser(resource)

    return traverser(request)
Пример #4
    def route_url(self, route_name, *elements, **kw):
        """Generates a fully qualified URL for a named :app:`Pyramid`
        :term:`route configuration`.

        Use the route's ``name`` as the first positional argument.
        Additional positional arguments (``*elements``) are appended to the
        URL as path segments after it is generated.

        Use keyword arguments to supply values which match any dynamic
        path elements in the route definition.  Raises a :exc:`KeyError`
        exception if the URL cannot be generated for any reason (not
        enough arguments, for example).

        For example, if you've defined a route named "foobar" with the path

                               foo='1')             => <KeyError exception>
                               bar='2')             => <KeyError exception>
                               traverse=('a','b'))  => http://e.com/1/2/a/b
                               traverse='/a/b')     => http://e.com/1/2/a/b

        Values replacing ``:segment`` arguments can be passed as strings
        or Unicode objects.  They will be encoded to UTF-8 and URL-quoted
        before being placed into the generated URL.

        Values replacing ``*remainder`` arguments can be passed as strings
        *or* tuples of Unicode/string values.  If a tuple is passed as a
        ``*remainder`` replacement value, its values are URL-quoted and
        encoded to UTF-8.  The resulting strings are joined with slashes
        and rendered into the URL.  If a string is passed as a
        ``*remainder`` replacement value, it is tacked on to the URL
        after being URL-quoted-except-for-embedded-slashes.

        If a keyword argument ``_query`` is present, it will be used to
        compose a query string that will be tacked on to the end of the
        URL.  The value of ``_query`` must be a sequence of two-tuples
        *or* a data structure with an ``.items()`` method that returns a
        sequence of two-tuples (presumably a dictionary).  This data
        structure will be turned into a query string per the documentation
        of :func:`pyramid.encode.urlencode` function.  After the query
        data is turned into a query string, a leading ``?`` is prepended,
        and the resulting string is appended to the generated URL.

        .. note::

           Python data structures that are passed as ``_query`` which are
           sequences or dictionaries are turned into a string under the same
           rules as when run through :func:`urllib.urlencode` with the ``doseq``
           argument equal to ``True``.  This means that sequences can be passed
           as values, and a k=v pair will be placed into the query string for
           each value.

        If a keyword argument ``_anchor`` is present, its string
        representation will be used as a named anchor in the generated URL
        (e.g. if ``_anchor`` is passed as ``foo`` and the route URL is
        ``http://example.com/route/url``, the resulting generated URL will
        be ``http://example.com/route/url#foo``).

        .. note::

           If ``_anchor`` is passed as a string, it should be UTF-8 encoded. If
           ``_anchor`` is passed as a Unicode object, it will be converted to
           UTF-8 before being appended to the URL.  The anchor value is not
           quoted in any way before being appended to the generated URL.

        If both ``_anchor`` and ``_query`` are specified, the anchor
        element will always follow the query element,
        e.g. ``http://example.com?foo=1#bar``.

        If any of the keyword arguments ``_scheme``, ``_host``, or ``_port``
        is passed and is non-``None``, the provided value will replace the
        named portion in the generated URL.  For example, if you pass
        ``_host='foo.com'``, and the URL that would have been generated
        without the host replacement is ``http://example.com/a``, the result
        will be ``https://foo.com/a``.
        Note that if ``_scheme`` is passed as ``https``, and ``_port`` is not
        passed, the ``_port`` value is assumed to have been passed as
        ``443``.  Likewise, if ``_scheme`` is passed as ``http`` and
        ``_port`` is not passed, the ``_port`` value is assumed to have been
        passed as ``80``. To avoid this behavior, always explicitly pass
        ``_port`` whenever you pass ``_scheme``.

        If a keyword ``_app_url`` is present, it will be used as the
        protocol/hostname/port/leading path prefix of the generated URL.
        For example, using an ``_app_url`` of
        ``http://example.com:8080/foo`` would cause the URL
        ``http://example.com:8080/foo/fleeb/flub`` to be returned from
        this function if the expansion of the route pattern associated
        with the ``route_name`` expanded to ``/fleeb/flub``.  If
        ``_app_url`` is not specified, the result of
        ``request.application_url`` will be used as the prefix (the

        If both ``_app_url`` and any of ``_scheme``, ``_host``, or ``_port``
        are passed, ``_app_url`` takes precedence and any values passed for
        ``_scheme``, ``_host``, and ``_port`` will be ignored.

        This function raises a :exc:`KeyError` if the URL cannot be
        generated due to missing replacement names.  Extra replacement
        names are ignored.

        If the route object which matches the ``route_name`` argument has
        a :term:`pregenerator`, the ``*elements`` and ``**kw``
        arguments passed to this function might be augmented or changed.
            reg = self.registry
        except AttributeError:
            reg = get_current_registry() # b/c
        mapper = reg.getUtility(IRoutesMapper)
        route = mapper.get_route(route_name)

        if route is None:
            raise KeyError('No such route named %s' % route_name)

        if route.pregenerator is not None:
            elements, kw = route.pregenerator(self, elements, kw)

        anchor = ''
        qs = ''
        app_url = None
        host = None
        scheme = None
        port = None

        if '_query' in kw:
            query = kw.pop('_query')
            if query:
                qs = '?' + urlencode(query, doseq=True)

        if '_anchor' in kw:
            anchor = kw.pop('_anchor')
            anchor = native_(anchor, 'utf-8')
            anchor = '#' + anchor

        if '_app_url' in kw:
            app_url = kw.pop('_app_url')

        if '_host' in kw:
            host = kw.pop('_host')

        if '_scheme' in kw:
            scheme = kw.pop('_scheme')

        if '_port' in kw:
            port = kw.pop('_port')

        if app_url is None:
            if (scheme is not None or host is not None or port is not None):
                app_url = self._partial_application_url(scheme, host, port)
                app_url = self.application_url

        path = route.generate(kw) # raises KeyError if generate fails

        if elements:
            suffix = _join_elements(elements)
            if not path.endswith('/'):
                suffix = '/' + suffix
            suffix = ''

        return app_url + path + suffix + qs + anchor
Пример #5
    def resource_url(self, resource, *elements, **kw):

        Generate a string representing the absolute URL of the
        :term:`resource` object based on the ``wsgi.url_scheme``,
        ``HTTP_HOST`` or ``SERVER_NAME`` in the request, plus any
        ``SCRIPT_NAME``.  The overall result of this method is always a
        UTF-8 encoded string.


            request.resource_url(resource) =>


            request.resource_url(resource, 'a.html') =>


            request.resource_url(resource, 'a.html', query={'q':'1'}) =>


            request.resource_url(resource, 'a.html', anchor='abc') =>


            request.resource_url(resource, app_url='') =>


        Any positional arguments passed in as ``elements`` must be strings
        Unicode objects, or integer objects.  These will be joined by slashes
        and appended to the generated resource URL.  Each of the elements
        passed in is URL-quoted before being appended; if any element is
        Unicode, it will converted to a UTF-8 bytestring before being
        URL-quoted. If any element is an integer, it will be converted to its
        string representation before being URL-quoted.

        .. warning:: if no ``elements`` arguments are specified, the resource
                     URL will end with a trailing slash.  If any
                     ``elements`` are used, the generated URL will *not*
                     end in trailing a slash.

        If a keyword argument ``query`` is present, it will be used to
        compose a query string that will be tacked on to the end of the URL.
        The value of ``query`` must be a sequence of two-tuples *or* a data
        structure with an ``.items()`` method that returns a sequence of
        two-tuples (presumably a dictionary).  This data structure will be
        turned into a query string per the documentation of
        ``pyramid.url.urlencode`` function.  After the query data is turned
        into a query string, a leading ``?`` is prepended, and the resulting
        string is appended to the generated URL.

        .. note::

           Python data structures that are passed as ``query`` which are
           sequences or dictionaries are turned into a string under the same
           rules as when run through :func:`urllib.urlencode` with the ``doseq``
           argument equal to ``True``.  This means that sequences can be passed
           as values, and a k=v pair will be placed into the query string for
           each value.

        If a keyword argument ``anchor`` is present, its string
        representation will be used as a named anchor in the generated URL
        (e.g. if ``anchor`` is passed as ``foo`` and the resource URL is
        ``http://example.com/resource/url``, the resulting generated URL will
        be ``http://example.com/resource/url#foo``).

        .. note::

           If ``anchor`` is passed as a string, it should be UTF-8 encoded. If
           ``anchor`` is passed as a Unicode object, it will be converted to
           UTF-8 before being appended to the URL.  The anchor value is not
           quoted in any way before being appended to the generated URL.

        If both ``anchor`` and ``query`` are specified, the anchor element
        will always follow the query element,
        e.g. ``http://example.com?foo=1#bar``.

        If any of the keyword arguments ``scheme``, ``host``, or ``port`` is
        passed and is non-``None``, the provided value will replace the named
        portion in the generated URL.  For example, if you pass
        ``host='foo.com'``, and the URL that would have been generated
        without the host replacement is ``http://example.com/a``, the result
        will be ``https://foo.com/a``.
        If ``scheme`` is passed as ``https``, and an explicit ``port`` is not
        passed, the ``port`` value is assumed to have been passed as ``443``.
        Likewise, if ``scheme`` is passed as ``http`` and ``port`` is not
        passed, the ``port`` value is assumed to have been passed as
        ``80``. To avoid this behavior, always explicitly pass ``port``
        whenever you pass ``scheme``.

        If a keyword argument ``app_url`` is passed and is not ``None``, it
        should be a string that will be used as the port/hostname/initial
        path portion of the generated URL instead of the default request
        application URL.  For example, if ``app_url='http://foo'``, then the
        resulting url of a resource that has a path of ``/baz/bar`` will be
        ``http://foo/baz/bar``.  If you want to generate completely relative
        URLs with no leading scheme, host, port, or initial path, you can
        pass ``app_url=''`.  Passing ``app_url=''` when the resource path is
        ``/baz/bar`` will return ``/baz/bar``.

        .. note::

           ``app_url`` is new as of Pyramid 1.3.

        If ``app_url`` is passed and any of ``scheme``, ``port``, or ``host``
        are also passed, ``app_url`` will take precedence and the values
        passed for ``scheme``, ``host``, and/or ``port`` will be ignored.

        If the ``resource`` passed in has a ``__resource_url__`` method, it
        will be used to generate the URL (scheme, host, port, path) that for
        the base resource which is operated upon by this function.  See also

        .. note::

           If the :term:`resource` used is the result of a :term:`traversal`, it
           must be :term:`location`-aware.  The resource can also be the context
           of a :term:`URL dispatch`; contexts found this way do not need to be

        .. note::

           If a 'virtual root path' is present in the request environment (the
           value of the WSGI environ key ``HTTP_X_VHM_ROOT``), and the resource
           was obtained via :term:`traversal`, the URL path will not include the
           virtual root prefix (it will be stripped off the left hand side of
           the generated URL).

        .. note::

           For backwards compatibility purposes, this method is also
           aliased as the ``model_url`` method of request.
            reg = self.registry
        except AttributeError:
            reg = get_current_registry() # b/c

        url_adapter = reg.queryMultiAdapter((resource, self), IResourceURL)
        if url_adapter is None:
            url_adapter = ResourceURL(resource, self)

        virtual_path = getattr(url_adapter, 'virtual_path', None)

        if virtual_path is None:
            # old-style IContextURL adapter (Pyramid 1.2 and previous)
                'Pyramid is using an IContextURL adapter to generate a '
                'resource URL; any "app_url", "host", "port", or "scheme" '
                'arguments passed to resource_url are being ignored.  To '
                'avoid this behavior, as of Pyramid 1.3, register an '
                'IResourceURL adapter instead of an IContextURL '
                'adapter for the resource type(s).  IContextURL adapters '
                'will be ignored in a later major release of Pyramid.',

            resource_url = url_adapter()

            # newer-style IResourceURL adapter (Pyramid 1.3 and after)
            app_url = None
            scheme = None
            host = None
            port = None

            if 'app_url' in kw:
                app_url = kw['app_url']

            if 'scheme' in kw:
                scheme = kw['scheme']

            if 'host' in kw:
                host = kw['host']

            if 'port' in kw:
                port = kw['port']

            if app_url is None:
                if scheme or host or port:
                    app_url = self._partial_application_url(scheme, host, port)
                    app_url = self.application_url

            resource_url = None
            local_url = getattr(resource, '__resource_url__', None)

            if local_url is not None:
                # the resource handles its own url generation
                d = dict(
                # allow __resource_url__ to punt by returning None
                resource_url = local_url(self, d)

            if resource_url is None:
                # the resource did not handle its own url generation or the
                # __resource_url__ function returned None
                resource_url = app_url + virtual_path

        qs = ''
        anchor = ''

        if 'query' in kw:
            query = kw['query']
            if query:
                qs = '?' + urlencode(query, doseq=True)

        if 'anchor' in kw:
            anchor = kw['anchor']
            if isinstance(anchor, text_type):
                anchor = native_(anchor, 'utf-8')
            anchor = '#' + anchor

        if elements:
            suffix = _join_elements(elements)
            suffix = ''

        return resource_url + suffix + qs + anchor