def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="This script will rename all the theme elements to removes duplicated elements." ) parser.add_argument( '-i', '--iniconfig', default='production.ini', help='project .ini config file', ) parser.add_argument( '-n', '--app-name', default="app", help='The application name (optional, default is "app")', ) options = parser.parse_args() # read the configuration get_app(options.iniconfig, options.app_name) from c2cgeoportal.models import DBSession, LayerV1, LayerWMS, LayerWMTS, LayerGroup, Theme for class_ in [LayerV1, LayerWMS, LayerWMTS, LayerGroup, Theme]: names = [] for item in DBSession.query(class_).all(): if in names: i = 2 while "{}-{}".format(, i) in names: i += 1 = "{}-{}".format(, i) names.append( transaction.commit()
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Create and populate the database tables.") parser.add_argument("-i", "--iniconfig", default="production.ini", help="project .ini config file") parser.add_argument("-n", "--app-name", default="app", help='The application name (optional, default is "app")') options = parser.parse_args() # read the configuration get_app(options.iniconfig, options.app_name) from c2cgeoportal.models import DBSession, Interface, OGCServer, Theme, LayerGroup, LayerWMS session = DBSession() interfaces = session.query(Interface).all() ogc_server = session.query(OGCServer).filter( == u"source for image/png").one() layer_borders = LayerWMS(u"Borders", u"borders") layer_borders.interfaces = interfaces layer_borders.ogc_server = ogc_server layer_density = LayerWMS(u"Density", u"density") layer_density.interfaces = interfaces layer_density.ogc_server = ogc_server group = LayerGroup(u"Demo") group.children = [layer_borders, layer_density] theme = Theme(u"Demo") theme.children = [group] theme.interfaces = interfaces transaction.commit()
def run(self): # Check if the pyramid config file is set, if so use paster to manage # imports conf_file = self.pyramid_conf() if conf_file: paster.get_app(conf_file) else: # instantiate a pyramid configurator config = Configurator() module_str = self.arguments[0] # import the module module = import_module(module_str) # check if the module has an `includeme` method and call it # because the base route must be added if hasattr(module, 'includeme'): module.includeme(config) config.commit() # scan the module for services scanner = venusian.Scanner(config=config) scanner.scan(module) rendered = [] # fetch all services services = get_services() # if the services option is set render only the named services names = self.options.get('services') if names: services = [s for s in services if s.baseRouteName in names] for service in services: service_id = "service_%d" % self.serialno('service') rendered.append(ServiceDirective.render(service, service_id)) return rendered
def export_talk_preferences(**kw): parser = ArgumentParser(description='Export talk preferences to CSV') parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', type=str, help='app configuration', default='development.ini') args = vars(parser.parse_args(**kw)) get_app(args['config']).registry.settings from .models import TalkPreference for preference in TalkPreference.query: print ','.join([str(talk_id) for talk_id in preference.talk_ids])
def add_user(**kw): parser = ArgumentParser(description="Create user account") parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", type=str, default="production.ini", help="app configuration file") parser.add_argument("email", type=str, help="email of the user") parser.add_argument("-f", "--firstname", type=str, help="first name of the user") parser.add_argument("-l", "--lastname", type=str, help="last name of the user") parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", type=str, help="password of the user (will be encrypted)") parser.add_argument("-a", "--active", type=bool, default=True, help="is the user active") parser.add_argument("-r", "--global_roles", nargs="*", type=str, help="one or more global roles") data = vars(parser.parse_args(**kw)) get_app(abspath(data.pop("config"))) # setup application Principal(**data) commit()
def main(): # pragma: no cover parser = ArgumentParser( prog=sys.argv[0], add_help=True, description="Tool used to migrate your old layers from the old structure to the new one.", ) parser.add_argument( "-i", "--app-config", default="production.ini", dest="app_config", help="the application .ini config file (optional, default is 'production.ini')" ) parser.add_argument( "-n", "--app-name", default="app", dest="app_name", help="the application name (optional, default is 'app')" ) options = parser.parse_args() app_config = options.app_config app_name = options.app_name if app_name is None and "#" in app_config: app_config, app_name = app_config.split("#", 1) get_app(app_config, name=app_name) # must be done only once we have loaded the project config from c2cgeoportal.models import DBSession, \ ServerOGC, LayerWMS, LayerWMTS, LayerV1 session = DBSession() table_list = [LayerWMTS, LayerWMS, ServerOGC] for table in table_list: print "Emptying table %s." % str(table.__table__) # must be done exactly this way othewise the cascade config in the # models are not used for t in session.query(table).all(): session.delete(t) # list and create all distinct server_ogc server_ogc(session) print "Converting layerv1." for layer in session.query(LayerV1).all(): layer_v1tov2(session, layer) transaction.commit()
def main(): if len(sys.argv) != 3: sys.exit("Usage: python -m test4.scripts.create_db INI_FILE OUT_FILE") ini_file = sys.argv[1] out_path = sys.argv[2] if os.path.exists(out_path): raise Exception("%s already exists" % out_path) logging.config.fileConfig(ini_file) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) app = get_app(ini_file, "PersonalGallery") settings = app.registry.settings config.config = settings s = models.DBSession() if not out_path.endswith(".tar.bz2"): raise Exception("Only .tar.bz2 archives supported") out_name = os.path.basename(out_path) out_name = out_name[:-len(".tar.bz2")] tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: q = s.query(Album).filter_by(id = 1) a = backup_album(tmpdir, s, a) t =, "w:bz2") t.add(tmpdir, out_name, recursive = True) t.close() finally: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Create Elasticsearch mapping on deployment", epilog=EPILOG, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument('config_uri', help="path to configfile") parser.add_argument('--app-name', help="Pyramid app name in configfile") args = parser.parse_args() app = get_app(args.config_uri, args.app_name) # Loading app will have configured from config file. Reconfigure here: set_logging(in_prod=app.registry.settings.get('production'), level=logging.DEBUG) # set_logging(app.registry.settings.get('elasticsearch.server'), app.registry.settings.get('production'), level=logging.DEBUG) # check if staging try: data_env = whodaman() env = app.registry.settings.get('') if 'webprod' in env: if data_env != env:"looks like we are on staging, run create mapping without check first") run_create_mapping(app, check_first=False) return # handle mastertest ... by blowing away all data first if 'mastertest' in env:"looks like we are on mastertest, run create mapping without check first") run_create_mapping(app, check_first=False, purge_queue=True) return"looks like we are NOT on staging or mastertest so run create mapping with check first") except Exception: import traceback log.warning("error checking whodaman: %s " % traceback.format_exc()) log.warning("couldn't get wodaman, so assuming NOT staging")"... using default create mapping case") run_create_mapping(app, check_first=True, purge_queue=True)
def main(): from pyramid.paster import get_app from pyramid.scripting import get_root from ..resources import BlogEntry parser = OptionParser(description=__doc__, usage='usage: %prog [options]') parser.add_option('-c', '--config', dest='config', help='Specify a paster config file.') parser.add_option('-n', '--name', dest='name', default='main', help='The paster config file section indicating the app.') parser.add_option('-i', '--num', dest='num', default='10000', help='Specify the number of blog entries to add.') options, args = parser.parse_args() config = options.config name = num = int(options.num) if config is None: raise ValueError('must supply config file name') config = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(config)) app = get_app(config, name) root, closer = get_root(app) for n in range(0, num): print ("adding", n) entry = BlogEntry('title %s' % n, 'entry %s' % n, 'html', id = 'blogentry_%s' % n root[id] = entry if n % 10000 == 0: print ('committing') transaction.commit() print ('committing') transaction.commit() root._p_jar._db.close() closer()
def start_applications(self, debug=False): settings = get_appsettings(self.config_path) not_found_application = settings.local_conf.pop( 'not_found_application', settings.global_conf.get('not_found_application')) if not_found_application: not_found_application = loadapp( not_found_application, global_conf=settings.global_conf) else: not_found_application = not_found_api_application( settings.global_conf, **settings.local_conf) self.not_found_application = not_found_application self.validate_config_seconds = maybe_integer( settings.local_conf.pop('validate_config_seconds', None)) for path, app_name in settings.local_conf.items(): path = parse_path_expression(path) self[path] = get_app(self.config_path, app_name) if debug: print ( 'Application %s reloaded on pid %s' % (app_name, getpid()))
def setUp(self): from pyramid.paster import get_app app = get_app('test.ini') self.theapp = app from webtest import TestApp self.testapp = TestApp(app) self.jobs_lib = jobslib.get_jobs_lib()
def setUp(self): self.session = _initTestingDB() self.config = testing.setUp() from pyramid.paster import get_app app = get_app('development.ini') from webtest import TestApp self.testapp = TestApp(app)
def setUp(self): """Setup Tests""" from pyramid.paster import get_app app = get_app('test.ini', 'main') from webtest import TestApp self.testapp = TestApp(app) testing.setUp()
def setUp(self): self.config = testing.setUp() import webtest from pyramid import paster from sqlalchemy import create_engine engine = create_engine('sqlite://') myapp = paster.get_app('testing.ini') = webtest.TestApp(myapp) from lingvodoc.models import ( Base, Locale, User, Passhash, Client ) DBSession.configure(bind=engine) Base.metadata.create_all(engine) with transaction.manager: ru_locale = Locale(id=1, shortcut="ru", intl_name="Русский") DBSession.add(ru_locale) en_locale = Locale(id=2, shortcut="en", intl_name="English") DBSession.add(en_locale) DBSession.flush() new_user = User(id=1, login='******', default_locale_id = 1) new_pass = Passhash(password='******') DBSession.add(new_pass) new_user.password = new_pass DBSession.add(new_user) new_client = Client(id=1, user=new_user) DBSession.add(new_client)
def setUpModule(): global browser, server inipath = os.path.abspath( os.environ.get('TEST_INI', 'testing.ini')) if not os.path.isfile(inipath): raise RuntimeError( 'Cannot find INI file to setup selenium tests. ' 'Please specify the path via the TEST_INI environment variable ' 'or by adding a testing.ini file to the current directory.') parser = ConfigParser() config.update(parser.items('testconfig')) config['test_providers'] = splitlines(config['test_providers']) app = get_app(inipath) port = int(config['app_port']) server = StopableWSGIServer.create(app, port=port) driver = config.get('selenium.driver', 'firefox') browser = { 'firefox': webdriver.Firefox, 'chrome': webdriver.Chrome, 'ie': webdriver.Ie, }[driver]()
def main(): ''' Indexes app data loaded to elasticsearch ''' import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Index data in Elastic Search", epilog=EPILOG, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument('--item-type', action='append', help="Item type") parser.add_argument('--record', default=False, action='store_true', help="Record the xmin in ES meta") parser.add_argument('--app-name', help="Pyramid app name in configfile") parser.add_argument('config_uri', help="path to configfile") args = parser.parse_args() logging.basicConfig() options = { 'embed_cache.capacity': '5000', 'indexer': 'true', 'mpindexer': 'true', } app = get_app(args.config_uri, args.app_name, options) # Loading app will have configured from config file. Reconfigure here: logging.getLogger('encoded').setLevel(logging.DEBUG) return run(app, args.item_type, args.record)
def setUp(self): """Launch app using webtest with test settings""" self.appconf = get_app(test_ini) = TestApp(self.appconf) #All auth via BasicAuth - never return the session cookie.[])) # This sets global var "engine" - in the case of SQLite this is a fresh RAM # DB each time. If we only did this on class instantiation the database would # be dirty and one test could influence another. # TODO - add a test that tests this. server.choose_engine("SQLite") # Punch in new user account with direct server call # This will implicitly generate the tables. user_id = self.create_user("testuser") #Here is what the user should look like when inspected self.user_json = { "name" : "testuser testuser", "handle" : "*****@*****.**", "id" : 1, "credits" : 0, "username": "******"} #print("user_id is %s" % str(user_id)) #print("user_from_db_is %s" % server.get_user_id_from_name("testuser")) server.touch_to_add_password(user_id, "asdf") # And log in as this user for all tests (via BasicAuth) # FIXME - switch to token auth to speed up the tests. = ('Basic', ('testuser', 'asdf'))
def setUp(self): '''Create the app''' test_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) testpath_command = "setglobal test_path " + test_path twill.execute_string(testpath_command) fixtures = os.path.join(test_path, 'fixtures') for to_delete in [fname for fname in os.listdir(fixtures) if fname.startswith('Data.fs') or fname in ['blobs']]: _rm(os.path.join(fixtures, to_delete)) os.mkdir(os.path.join(fixtures, 'blobs')) wsgi_app = get_app(os.path.join(test_path, 'fixtures', 'karl.ini'), 'main') def build_app(): return wsgi_app twill.add_wsgi_intercept('localhost', 6543, build_app) # XXX How do we suppress the annoying "AT LINE: " output? twill.set_output(open('/dev/null', 'wb')) twill.execute_string("extend_with karl.twillcommands") # mostly the same as karl3.conf without extending with flunc # and few other adjustments. twill.execute_string("runfile '" + os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) + "/test_twill_wsgi_karl3.conf'")
def main(): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Move attachment blobs to S3", epilog=EPILOG, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument('--app-name', help="Pyramid app name in configfile") parser.add_argument('--abort', action='store_true', help="Rollback transaction") parser.add_argument('config_uri', help="path to configfile") args = parser.parse_args() logging.basicConfig() app = get_app(args.config_uri, args.app_name) # Loading app will have configured from config file. Reconfigure here: logging.getLogger('encoded').setLevel(logging.DEBUG) raised = False try: run(app) except: raised = True raise finally: if raised or args.abort: transaction.abort()'Rolled back.') else: transaction.commit()
def main(port): ini_path = './production.ini' setup_logging(ini_path) app = get_app(ini_path, 'main') server = WSGIServer(('', port), app) server.backlog = 256 server.serve_forever()
def main(): if len(sys.argv) != 2: sys.exit("Usage: python -m test4.scripts.create_db INI_FILE") ini_file = sys.argv[1] logging.config.fileConfig(ini_file) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) app = get_app(ini_file, "PersonalGallery") settings = app.registry.settings config.config = settings # Abort if any tables exist to prevent accidental overwriting for table in models.Base.metadata.sorted_tables: log.debug("checking if table '%s' exists", if table.exists(): raise RuntimeError("database table '%s' exists" % # Create the tables models.Base.metadata.create_all() sess = models.DBSession() sess.commit() album = models.Album(name = "root") sess.add(album) sess.commit()
def setUp(self): """Launch pserve using webtest with test settings""" self.appconf = get_app(test_ini) = TestApp(self.appconf) #For speed, allow cookie setting. #[])) # This sets global var "engine" - in the case of SQLite this is a fresh RAM # DB each time. If we only did this on class instantiation the database would # be dirty and one test could influence another. # TODO - add a test that tests this. server.choose_engine("SQLite") # Punch in new administrator account with direct server call # This will implicitly generate the tables. user_id = server.create_user("administrators", "administrator", "administrator", "administrator") #server.touch_to_add_user_group("administrator", "administrators") server.touch_to_add_password(user_id, "adminpass") = ('Basic', ('administrator', 'adminpass')) # This sorts out the auth token cookie.'/users') = None
def setUp(self): from pyramid.paster import get_app from webtest import TestApp app = get_app("testing.ini") self.testapp = TestApp(app) self.session = _initDB()
def main(): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Migrate files to AWS", epilog=EPILOG, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument('--app-name', help="Pyramid app name in configfile") parser.add_argument('--abort', action='store_true', help="Rollback transaction") parser.add_argument('files_processed', type=argparse.FileType('rb'), help="path to json file") parser.add_argument('config_uri', help="path to configfile") args = parser.parse_args() logging.basicConfig() app = get_app(args.config_uri, args.app_name) # Loading app will have configured from config file. Reconfigure here: logging.getLogger('encoded').setLevel(logging.DEBUG) files_processed = json.load(args.files_processed) good_files = {v['uuid']: v for v in files_processed if 'errors' not in v and 'blacklisted' not in v} raised = False try: run(app, good_files) except: raised = True raise finally: if raised or args.abort: transaction.abort()'Rolled back.') else: transaction.commit()
def fetch_talks(**kw): parser = ArgumentParser(description='Fetch talks from frab') parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', type=str, help='app configuration', default='development.ini') args = vars(parser.parse_args(**kw)) settings = get_app(args['config']).registry.settings sess = requests.Session() new_session_page = sess.get(settings['talks_new_session_url']) tree = etree.HTML(new_session_page.text) auth_token = tree.xpath("//meta[@name='csrf-token']")[0].get("content") login_data = dict() login_data['user[email]'] = settings['talks_user'] login_data['user[password]'] = settings['talks_password'] login_data['user[remember_me]'] = 1 login_data['authenticity_token'] = auth_token['talks_login_url'], login_data, verify=False) talks_json = sess.get(settings['talks_url'], verify=False, stream=True) talks_full = '' with open(settings['talks_full'], 'wb') as fd: for chunk in talks_json.iter_content(1024): fd.write(chunk) talks_full += chunk talks_full = json.loads(talks_full) talks_filtered = [{ key: x[key] for key in [ 'event_id', 'track_id', 'room_id', 'duration', 'start_time', 'title', 'abstract', 'language', 'speaker_names', 'language' ] } for x in talks_full ] with open(settings['talks_local'], 'wb') as fd: json.dump(talks_filtered, fd)
def testapp(request): import transaction from pyramid.paster import get_app app = get_app(TESTS_INI) maker = app.registry['db_sessionmaker'] engine =['bind'] connection = engine.connect() # Start a transaction outside of the transaction manager outer_transaction = connection.begin() # Rebind the connection directly instead of the engine maker.configure(bind=connection) @request.addfinalizer def cleanup(): # Abort the transaction under the manager, from the test transaction.abort() # Rollback the outermost transaction and clean up outer_transaction.rollback() connection.close() from webtest import TestApp return TestApp(app)
def setUp(self): from pyramid.paster import get_app from bookie.tests import BOOKIE_TEST_INI app = get_app(BOOKIE_TEST_INI, 'main') from webtest import TestApp self.testapp = TestApp(app) testing.setUp()
def setUp(self): from pyramid.paster import get_app app = get_app('development.ini') self.testapp = TestApp(app) self.grids = { '21781': getTileGrid(21781), '2056': getTileGrid(2056) }
def customization_app(request, db_session): """ Use this fixture to retreive a TestApp object which can be used as in the test functions. """ = TestApp(get_app(LO_CUSTOMIZATION_TESTS_INI)) request.cls.db_session = db_session return request
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Create and populate the database tables." ) parser.add_argument( '-i', '--iniconfig', default='geoportal/production.ini', help='project .ini config file' ) parser.add_argument( '-n', '--app-name', default="app", help='The application name (optional, default is "app")' ) options = parser.parse_args() # read the configuration fileConfig(options.iniconfig, defaults=os.environ) get_app(options.iniconfig, options.app_name, options=os.environ) from c2cgeoportal_commons.models import DBSession from c2cgeoportal_commons.models.main import Interface, OGCServer, Theme, LayerGroup, LayerWMS session = DBSession() interfaces = session.query(Interface).all() ogc_server = session.query(OGCServer).filter( == "source for image/png").one() layer_borders = LayerWMS("Borders", "borders") layer_borders.interfaces = interfaces layer_borders.ogc_server = ogc_server layer_density = LayerWMS("Density", "density") layer_density.interfaces = interfaces layer_density.ogc_server = ogc_server group = LayerGroup("Demo") group.children = [layer_borders, layer_density] theme = Theme("Demo") theme.children = [group] theme.interfaces = interfaces session.add(theme) transaction.commit()
def setUp(self): from pyramid.paster import get_app app = get_app('development.ini') from webtest import TestApp self.testapp = TestApp(app)
def main(): """ Emergency user create and password reset script exemple, reset toto password to foobar: .build/venv/bin/manage_users -p foobar toto exemple, create user foo with password bar and role admin: .build/venv/bin/manage_users -c -r role_admin -p bar foo to get the options list, do: .build/venv/bin/manage_users -h """ usage = """Usage: %prog [options] USERNAME Reset a user password. The username is used as password if the password is not provided with the corresponding option. User can be created if it doesn't exist yet.""" parser = OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option( "-i", "--app-config", default="production.ini", dest="app_config", help="The application .ini config file (optional, default is " "'production.ini')") parser.add_option("-n", "--app-name", default="app", dest="app_name", help="The application name (optional, default is 'app')") parser.add_option( "-p", "--password", help="Set password (if not set, username is used as password") parser.add_option("-c", "--create", action="store_true", default=False, help="Create user if it doesn't already exist") parser.add_option("-r", "--rolename", default="role_admin", help="The role name which must exist in the database") parser.add_option("-e", "--email", default=None, help="The user email") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: parser.error("You must specify a username") username = args[0] app_config = options.app_config app_name = options.app_name if app_name is None and "#" in app_config: app_config, app_name = app_config.split("#", 1) if not os.path.isfile(app_config): parser.error("Can't find config file: %s" % app_config) # loading schema name from config and setting its value to the # corresponding global variable from c2cgeoportal # Ignores pyramid deprecation warnings warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning) get_app(app_config, name=app_name) # must be done only once we have loaded the project config from c2cgeoportal import models print("\n") # check that User and Role exist in model model_list = ["User", "Role"] for model in model_list: try: getattr(models, model) except AttributeError: print("models.%s not found" % model) # check that user exists sess = models.DBSession() query = sess.query(models.User).filter_by(username=u"%s" % username) result = query.count() if result == 0: if not options.create: # if doesn"t exist and no -c option, throw error raise Exception("User %s doesn't exist in database" % username) else: print("User %s doesn't exist in database, creating" % username) # if doesn't exist and -c option, create user password = options.password if options.password is not None else username email = if is not None else username # get roles query_role = sess.query(models.Role).filter( == u"%s" % options.rolename) if query_role.count() == 0: # role not found in db? raise Exception("Role matching %s doesn't exist in database" % options.rolename) role = query_role.first() user = models.User(username=u"%s" % username, password=u"%s" % password, email=u"%s" % email, role=role) sess.add(user) transaction.commit() print("User %s created with password %s and role %s" % (username, password, options.rolename)) else: # if user exists (assuming username are unique) user = query.first() if options.password is not None: print("Password set to: %s" % options.password) user.password = u"%s" % options.password if is not None: = sess.add(user) transaction.commit() print("Password resetted for user %s" % username)
from pyramid.paster import get_app application = get_app( '/var/www/', 'main')
def setUp(self): from pyramid.paster import get_app app = get_app(BOOKIE_TEST_INI, 'bookie') from webtest import TestApp self.testapp = TestApp(app) testing.setUp()
def main(): parser = ArgumentParser( prog=sys.argv[0], add_help=True, description= "Tool used to migrate your old layers from the old structure to the new one.", ) parser.add_argument( "-i", "--app-config", default="geoportal/production.ini", dest="app_config", help= "the application .ini config file (optional, default is 'production.ini')" ) parser.add_argument( "-n", "--app-name", default="app", dest="app_name", help="the application name (optional, default is 'app')") parser.add_argument("--no-layers", dest="layers", action="store_false", help="do not import the layers") parser.add_argument("--no-groups", dest="groups", action="store_false", help="do not import the groups") parser.add_argument("--no-themes", dest="themes", action="store_false", help="do not import the themes") options = parser.parse_args() app_config = options.app_config app_name = options.app_name if app_name is None and "#" in app_config: app_config, app_name = app_config.split("#", 1) fileConfig(app_config, defaults=os.environ) app = get_app(app_config, app_name, options=os.environ) # must be done only once we have loaded the project config from c2cgeoportal_commons.models import DBSession from c2cgeoportal_commons.models.main import OGCServer, Theme, LayerWMS, LayerWMTS, LayerV1, LayerGroup session = DBSession() if options.layers: table_list = [LayerWMTS, LayerWMS, OGCServer] for table in table_list: print(("Emptying table {0!s}.".format(table.__table__))) # must be done exactly this way othewise the cascade config in the # models are not used for t in session.query(table).all(): session.delete(t) # list and create all distinct ogc_server ogc_server(session, app.registry.settings) print("Converting layerv1.") for layer in session.query(LayerV1).all(): layer_v1tov2(session, layer) if options.groups: print("Converting layer groups.") for group in session.query(LayerGroup).all(): layergroup_v1tov2(session, group) if options.themes: print("Converting themes.") for theme in session.query(Theme).all(): theme_v1tov2(session, theme) transaction.commit()
def lux_get_app(app_config, app_name): environ = escape_variables(os.environ) return get_app(app_config, app_name, options=environ)
def main(): args = parse_args() app = get_app(args.config_uri, args.app_name) with transaction.manager: run(app, args.infile, args.update, args.batch_size)
def main(): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Run development servers", epilog=EPILOG, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument('--app-name', help="Pyramid app name in configfile") parser.add_argument('config_uri', help="path to configfile") parser.add_argument('--clear', action="store_true", help="Clear existing data") parser.add_argument('--init', action="store_true", help="Init database") parser.add_argument('--load', action="store_true", help="Load test set") parser.add_argument('--datadir', default='/tmp/snovault', help="path to datadir") args = parser.parse_args() from snovault.tests import elasticsearch_fixture, postgresql_fixture from snovault.elasticsearch import create_mapping datadir = os.path.abspath(args.datadir) pgdata = os.path.join(datadir, 'pgdata') esdata = os.path.join(datadir, 'esdata') if args.clear: for dirname in [pgdata, esdata]: if os.path.exists(dirname): shutil.rmtree(dirname) if args.init: postgresql_fixture.initdb(pgdata, echo=True) postgres = postgresql_fixture.server_process(pgdata, echo=True) elasticsearch = elasticsearch_fixture.server_process(esdata, echo=True) nginx = nginx_server_process(echo=True) processes = [postgres, elasticsearch, nginx] @atexit.register def cleanup_process(): for process in processes: if process.poll() is None: process.terminate() for process in processes: try: for line in process.stdout: sys.stdout.write(line.decode('utf-8')) except IOError: pass process.wait() if args.init: app = get_app(args.config_uri, args.app_name) if args.load: from pyramid.path import DottedNameResolver load_test_data = app.registry.settings.get('snovault.load_test_data') load_test_data = DottedNameResolver().resolve(load_test_data) load_test_data(app) print('Started. ^C to exit.') stdouts = [p.stdout for p in processes] # Ugly should probably use threads instead while True: readable, writable, err =, [], stdouts, 5) for stdout in readable: for line in iter(stdout.readline, b''): sys.stdout.write(line.decode('utf-8')) if err: for stdout in err: for line in iter(stdout.readline, b''): sys.stdout.write(line.decode('utf-8')) break
do_nothing_script_name = 'gwebdemo_do_nothing' import sys import os from imp import load_source from copy import copy # Grab a copy of the original sys.path calling_sys_path = copy(sys.path) # Work out the do_nothing_script_path loader_py_path = os.path.realpath(__file__) loader_py_path = os.path.abspath(loader_py_path) app_dir = os.path.dirname(loader_py_path) do_nothing_script_path = os.path.join(app_dir, 'bin', do_nothing_script_name) # Load our script if it were a module, this will alter the sys.path to # that of our egg. load_source(do_nothing_script_name, do_nothing_script_path) # Prepend the original calling sys.path so we ensure that # we use GAE paths before ours. sys.path = sys.path + calling_sys_path # Load application from pyramid.paster import get_app application = get_app('gae.ini', 'main')
#!/usr/bin/env python import os from pyramid.config import Configurator from pyramid.response import Response from pyramid.paster import get_app #app = config.make_wsgi_app() path = '/'.join(os.path.abspath(__file__).split('/')[0:-1]) application = get_app(path + '/development.ini', 'main') # # Below for testing only # if __name__ == '__main__': from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server httpd = make_server('', 6543, application) #httpd = make_server('', 3000, application) httpd.serve_forever()
from pyramid.paster import get_app,setup_logging init_path = "production.ini" setup_logging(init_path) app = get_app(init_path, 'main')
from pyramid.paster import get_app, setup_logging import os os.environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE'] = '/tmp/.python-eggs' __here__ = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) __parent__ = os.path.dirname(__here__) ini_path = '%s/development.ini' % (__parent__) setup_logging(ini_path) application = get_app(ini_path, 'main')
def start_simple_wsgi_server(self): from pyramid.paster import get_app application = get_app('development.ini', 'main') from webtest import TestApp = TestApp(application)
def setUp(self): from pyramid.paster import get_app app = get_app('test.ini', 'main') from webtest import TestApp self.testapp = TestApp(app) testing.setUp()
def main(): parser = OptionParser("Create and populate the database tables.") parser.add_option('-i', '--iniconfig', default='production.ini', help='project .ini config file') parser.add_option('-n', '--app-name', default="app", help='The application name (optional, default is "app")') parser.add_option('-d', '--drop', action="store_true", default=False, help='drop the table if already exists') parser.add_option('-p', '--populate', action="store_true", default=False, help='populate the database') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() logging.config.fileConfig(options.iniconfig) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # read the configuration app = get_app(options.iniconfig, options.app_name) # should be import after the configuration is read. from demo import models from c2cgeoportal import models as c2cmodels from c2cgeoportal import schema if options.drop: print "Dropping tables" for table in reversed(c2cmodels.Base.metadata.sorted_tables): if table.schema == schema: print "Dropping table %s" % table.drop(bind=c2cmodels.DBSession.bind, checkfirst=True) print "Creating tables" for table in c2cmodels.Base.metadata.sorted_tables: if table.schema == schema: print "Creating table %s" % table.create(bind=c2cmodels.DBSession.bind, checkfirst=True) sess = c2cmodels.DBSession() admin = c2cmodels.User( username=u'admin', password=u'admin', ) roleadmin = c2cmodels.Role(name=u'role_admin') admin.role = roleadmin sess.add_all([admin, roleadmin]) if options.populate: print "Populate the Database" # add the objects creation there sess.add_all([]) # add the oblect that we want to commit in the array transaction.commit() print "Commited successfully"
from socketio.server import SocketIOServer from pyramid.paster import get_app from gevent import monkey monkey.patch_all() if __name__ == '__main__': app = get_app('development.ini') print 'Listening on port and on port 10843 (flash policy server)' SocketIOServer(('', 8080), app, resource="", policy_server=True, policy_listener=('', 10843)).serve_forever()
def main(): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Run development servers", epilog=EPILOG, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument('--app-name', help="Pyramid app name in configfile") parser.add_argument('config_uri', help="path to configfile") parser.add_argument('--clear', action="store_true", help="Clear existing data") parser.add_argument('--init', action="store_true", help="Init database") parser.add_argument('--load', action="store_true", help="Load test set") parser.add_argument('--datadir', default='/tmp/encoded', help="path to datadir") args = parser.parse_args() logging.basicConfig() # Loading app will have configured from config file. Reconfigure here: logging.getLogger('encoded').setLevel(logging.DEBUG) from encoded.tests import elasticsearch_fixture, postgresql_fixture from encoded.commands import create_mapping datadir = os.path.abspath(args.datadir) pgdata = os.path.join(datadir, 'pgdata') esdata = os.path.join(datadir, 'esdata') if args.clear: for dirname in [pgdata, esdata]: if os.path.exists(dirname): shutil.rmtree(dirname) if args.init: postgresql_fixture.initdb(pgdata, echo=True) postgres = postgresql_fixture.server_process(pgdata, echo=True) elasticsearch = elasticsearch_fixture.server_process(esdata, echo=True) processes = [postgres, elasticsearch] @atexit.register def cleanup_process(): for process in processes: if process.poll() is None: process.terminate() for process in processes: try: for line in process.stdout: sys.stdout.write(line) except IOError: pass process.wait() if args.init: app = get_app(args.config_uri, args.app_name) if args.load: from webtest import TestApp environ = { 'HTTP_ACCEPT': 'application/json', 'REMOTE_USER': '******', } testapp = TestApp(app, environ) from encoded.loadxl import load_all from pkg_resources import resource_filename inserts = resource_filename('encoded', 'tests/data/inserts/') docsdir = [resource_filename('encoded', 'tests/data/documents/')] load_all(testapp, inserts, docsdir) print('Started. ^C to exit.') stdouts = [p.stdout for p in processes] # Ugly should probably use threads instead while True: readable, writable, err =, [], stdouts, 5) for stdout in readable: for line in iter(stdout.readline, ''): sys.stdout.write(line) if err: for stdout in err: for line in iter(stdout.readline, ''): sys.stdout.write(line) break
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- '''Serves MootiroForm using the high-performance CherryPy WSGI server. (I don't think the Paste http server is very good, it has been printing mysterious error messages on the console.) Before running this script, install CherryPy 3.2 or later: easy_install -UZ cherrypy ''' from __future__ import unicode_literals # unicode by default from cherrypy.wsgiserver import CherryPyWSGIServer from pyramid.paster import get_app app = get_app('development.ini', 'mootiro_form') port = 6545 server = CherryPyWSGIServer( ('', port), app, numthreads=10, max=10, request_queue_size=200, timeout=120, ) if __name__ == '__main__': print('Running MootiroForm under CherryPy on http://localhost:{}/' \ .format(port)) try: server.start()
def setUp(self, config_file=None): self.wsgi_app = get_app(default_config_file) = TestApp(self.wsgi_app)
from waitress import serve from pyramid.paster import get_app, setup_logging import os, argparse # custom `` due to os.environs... parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--d', action='store_true', help='run in dev mode') if parser.parse_args().d: print('*' * 10) print('RUNNING IN DEV MODE') print('*' * 10) configfile = 'development.ini' else: configfile = 'production.ini' setup_logging(configfile) app = get_app(configfile, 'main', options={'SQL_URL': os.environ['SQL_URL']}) serve(app, host='', port=8088, threads=50)
def _callFUT(self, config_file, section_name, loadapp): from pyramid.paster import get_app return get_app(config_file, section_name, loadapp)
def create_configuration_files_and_restart_apps(config): app = get_app(abspath(config), name='senic_hub_backend') create_configuration_files_and_restart_apps_(app.registry.settings)
def setUp(self): print 'a' app = paster.get_app('development.ini') from webtest import TestApp self.testapp = TestApp(app)
import os.path from pyramid.paster import get_app here = os.path.dirname(__file__) application = get_app(os.path.join(here, 'production.ini'), 'main')
from pyramid.paster import get_app from waitress import serve appIniPath = 'development.ini' app = get_app(appIniPath) serve(app, host="", port=8080)
print(f'Environment variable {ev}: present') elif environmental[ev] is None: print(f'Environment variable {ev}: skipping') else: print(f'Environment variable {ev}: defaulting to {environmental[ev]}') os.environ[ev] = environmental[ev] # ====================================================================================================================== # custom `` due to os.environs... parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--d', action='store_true', help='run in dev mode') if parser.parse_args().d: print('*' * 10) print('RUNNING IN DEV MODE') print('*' * 10) configfile = 'development.ini' else: configfile = 'production.ini' # ====================================================================================================================== setup_logging(configfile) app = get_app(configfile, 'main', options={'SQL_URL': os.environ['SQL_URL']}) #pyramid.router.Router # ====================================================================================================================== if __name__ == '__main__': serve(app, host='', port=8088, threads=50)
def run(search_url, username='', password=''): url = urlparse(search_url) if url.scheme not in ('http', 'https') or '/search/?type=' not in search_url: raise Exception('Invalid URL supplied.') # Loading app will have configured from config file. Reconfigure here: logging.getLogger('encoded').setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger('wsgi').setLevel(logging.WARNING) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) auth_to_use = (username, password) if username and password else None common_headers = { 'Accept' : "application/json", 'Content-Type' : "application/json" } app = paster.get_app('development.ini', 'app') search_url_to_request = search_url + '&field=@id''Fetching Item @IDs via "' + search_url_to_request + '"') search_response = requests.get(search_url_to_request, auth=auth_to_use, headers=common_headers) search_results = search_response.json().get('@graph', []) search_results_len = len(search_results) counter = { 'count' : 0 } def worker(search_result): def perform_request(uri, attempt = 1): if attempt > 5: raise Exception('Failed 5x to get response for ' + uri) try: object_response = requests.get(item_uri, auth=auth_to_use, headers=common_headers) except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, gaierror) as e:'Encountered connection error during request to "' + item_uri + '"') time.sleep(3 * attempt) return perform_request(uri, attempt + 1) try: item = object_response.json() except JSONDecodeError:'Encountered JSONDecodeError during request to "' + item_uri + '"') time.sleep(0.5 * attempt) return perform_request(uri, attempt + 1) return item item_uri = url.scheme + '://' + url.netloc + search_result['@id'] + '@@object' item = perform_request(item_uri) item_collection = app.registry['collections'][ search_result['@id'].split('/')[1] ] item_schema_properties = item_collection.type_info.schema['properties'] item_keys = list(item.keys()) for item_key in item_keys: if item_key not in item_schema_properties or item_schema_properties[item_key].get('calculatedProperty', False) is True: del item[item_key] elif not item[item_key] or item_key == 'schema_version': del item[item_key] counter['count'] += 1'Got insert for ' + search_result['@id'] + ' - ' + str(counter['count']) + ' / ' + str(search_results_len) ) return item pool = ThreadPool(processes=6) out_list =, search_results) pool.close() pool.join() return out_list
def setUp(self): from pyramid.paster import get_app fname = pkg_resources.resource_filename("reportmob", "../development.ini") app = get_app(fname, 'main') from webtest import TestApp = TestApp(app)
#!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(here, 'demo')) config = os.path.join(here, 'production.ini') from pyramid.paster import get_app application = get_app(config, 'main')
def for_file(settings_file): """Return WSGI application using settings file.""" setup_logging(settings_file) return get_app(settings_file, 'main')