def add_static_route(config, package, subdir, cache_max_age=3600, **add_route_args): """Add a route and view to serve static files from a directory. I create a catchall route that serves all URLs from a directory of static files if the corresponding file exists. Subdirectories are also handled. For example, the URL "/robots.txt" corresponds to file "PACKAGE/SUBDIR/robots.txt", and "/images/header/logo.png" corresponds to "PACKAGE/SUBDIR/images/header/logo.png". If the file doesn't exist, the route won't match the URL, and Pyramid will continue to the next route or traversal. The route name is 'static', which must not conflict with your application's other routes. Usage in the application's from akhet.static import add_static_route add_static_route(config, "myapp", "static") Or, more conveniently:: config.include("akhet") config.add_static_route("myapp", "static") This serves URLs from the "static" directory in package "myapp". Arguments: * ``config``: a ``pyramid.config.Configurator`` instance. * ``package``: the name of the Python package containing the static files. * ``subdir``: the subdirectory in the package that contains the files. This should be a relative directory with '/' separators regardless of platform. * ``cache_max_age``: influences the ``Expires`` and ``Max-Age`` response headers returned by the view (default is 3600 seconds or five minutes). * ``**add_route_args``: additional arguments to ``config.add_route``. 'name' defaults to "static" but can be overridden. (Every route in your application must have a unique name.) 'pattern' and 'view' may not be specified and will raise TypeError if they are. """ for bad_arg in ["pattern", "view"]: if bad_arg in add_route_args: raise TypeError("keyword arg '%s' is not allowed") name = add_route_args.pop("name", "static") pattern = "/*subpath" asset = "%s:%s" % (package, subdir) view = static(asset, cache_max_age) pred = StaticViewPredicate(package, subdir) custom_predicates = add_route_args.pop("custom_predicates", []) custom_predicates = list(custom_predicates) custom_predicates.insert(0, pred) config.add_route(name, pattern, view=view, custom_predicates=custom_predicates, **add_route_args)
def _makeOne(self, path, package_name): from pyramid.view import static return static(path, package_name)
def test_scanned(self): from pyramid.interfaces import IRequest from pyramid.interfaces import IView from pyramid.interfaces import IViewClassifier from pyramid.configuration import Configurator from pyramid.tests import test_integration config = Configurator() config.scan(test_integration) reg = config.registry view = reg.adapters.lookup( (IViewClassifier, IRequest, INothing), IView, name='') self.assertEqual(view, wsgiapptest) here = os.path.dirname(__file__) staticapp = static(os.path.join(here, 'fixtures')) class TestStaticApp(unittest.TestCase): def test_it(self): from webob import Request context = DummyContext() from StringIO import StringIO request = Request({'PATH_INFO':'', 'SCRIPT_NAME':'', 'SERVER_NAME':'localhost', 'SERVER_PORT':'80', 'REQUEST_METHOD':'GET', 'wsgi.version':(1,0), 'wsgi.url_scheme':'http', 'wsgi.input':StringIO()}) request.subpath = ['']
from pyramid.view import static static_view = static('oerpub.rhaptoslabs.cnxml2htmlpreview:preview_css')
from cone.tile import registerTile from import ProtectedContentTile from import ( C3SApp, Band, Track, ) from pyramid.view import static static_view = static('static') registerTile('content', '', interface=C3SApp, class_=ProtectedContentTile, permission='login', strict=False) registerTile('content', '', interface=Band, class_=ProtectedContentTile, permission='login', strict=False) registerTile('content', '', interface=Track, class_=ProtectedContentTile,
from pyramid.interfaces import IView from pyramid.interfaces import IViewClassifier from pyramid.config import Configurator from pyramid.tests import test_integration config = Configurator() config.scan(test_integration) config.commit() reg = config.registry view = reg.adapters.lookup((IViewClassifier, IRequest, INothing), IView, name='') self.assertEqual(view, wsgiapptest) here = os.path.dirname(__file__) staticapp = static(os.path.join(here, 'fixtures')) class TestStaticApp(unittest.TestCase): def test_it(self): from webob import Request context = DummyContext() from StringIO import StringIO request = Request({ 'PATH_INFO': '', 'SCRIPT_NAME': '', 'SERVER_NAME': 'localhost', 'SERVER_PORT': '80', 'REQUEST_METHOD': 'GET', 'wsgi.version': (1, 0), 'wsgi.url_scheme': 'http',
from pyramid.interfaces import IRequest from pyramid.interfaces import IView from pyramid.interfaces import IViewClassifier from pyramid.config import Configurator from pyramid.tests import test_integration config = Configurator() config.scan(test_integration) config.commit() reg = config.registry view = reg.adapters.lookup((IViewClassifier, IRequest, INothing), IView, name="") self.assertEqual(view, wsgiapptest) here = os.path.dirname(__file__) staticapp = static(os.path.join(here, "fixtures")) class TestStaticApp(unittest.TestCase): def test_it(self): from webob import Request context = DummyContext() from StringIO import StringIO request = Request( { "PATH_INFO": "", "SCRIPT_NAME": "", "SERVER_NAME": "localhost", "SERVER_PORT": "80",
from pyramid.config import Configurator from plingback.resources import TripleStore from pyramid.view import static static_view = static("plingback:static") def main(global_config, **settings): """ This function returns a Pyramid WSGI application. """ config = Configurator(settings=settings) # Set up the output api config.add_route( "pling_attribute", "/api/plings/{id}/{attribute}", view="plingback.output.views.handler", view_renderer="json", request_method="GET", factory=TripleStore, ) config.add_route( "scoped_attribute", "/api/{scope}/{id}/{attribute}", view="plingback.output.views.handler", view_renderer="json", request_method="GET", factory=TripleStore,