Пример #1
    def test_mst_matrix_as_array(self):
        # Verifies MST matrix func returns array with dict/trees in each cell
        for i in self.ifgs[3:]:
            i.phase_data[0, 1] = 0  # partial stack of NODATA to one cell

        for i in self.ifgs:
            i.convert_to_nans()  # zeros to NaN/NODATA

        epochs = algorithm.get_epochs(self.ifgs)[0]
        res = mst._mst_matrix_as_array(self.ifgs)
        ys, xs = res.shape

        for y, x in product(range(ys), range(xs)):
            r = res[y, x]
            num_nodes = len(r)
            self.assertTrue(num_nodes < len(epochs.dates))

            stack = array([i.phase_data[y, x]
                           for i in self.ifgs])  # 17 ifg stack
                0 == nsum(stack == 0))  # all 0s should be converted
            nc = nsum(isnan(stack))
            exp_count = len(epochs.dates) - 1

            if nc == 0:
                self.assertEqual(num_nodes, exp_count)
            elif nc > 5:
                # rough test: too many nans must reduce the total tree size
                self.assertTrue(num_nodes <= (17 - nc))
Пример #2
    def test_all_nan_pixel_stack(self):
        # ensure full stack of NaNs in an MST pixel classifies to NaN
        mock_ifgs = [MockIfg(i, 1, 1) for i in self.ifgs]
        for m in mock_ifgs:
            m.phase_data[:] = nan

        res = mst._mst_matrix_as_array(mock_ifgs)
        exp = empty((1, 1))  #, dtype=object)
        exp[:] = nan

        shape = (mock_ifgs[0].nrows, mock_ifgs[0].ncols)
        self.assertTrue(res.shape == shape)
        self.assertTrue(res.shape == exp.shape)
        self.assertTrue(isnan(res[0][0]) and isnan(exp[0][0]))
Пример #3
 def assert_equal():
     res = mst._mst_matrix_as_array(mock_ifgs)
     self.assertEqual(len(res[0, 0]), num_coherent)