shared.write_unw_from_data_or_geotiff(geotif_or_data=incidence_data, dest_unw=inc_file, ifg_proc=1) shared.write_unw_from_data_or_geotiff(geotif_or_data=elevation_data, dest_unw=elevation_file, ifg_proc=1) header.update(dem_header) header[ifc.PYRATE_TIME_SPAN] = 0 header[ifc.SLAVE_DATE] = 0 header[ifc.DATA_UNITS] = 'degrees' header[ifc.DATA_TYPE] = ifc.INCIDENCE header[ifc.SLAVE_TIME] = 0 shared.write_geotiff(header=header, data_path=elevation_file, dest=dest_lv_theta, nodata=np.nan) shared.write_geotiff(header=header, data_path=inc_file, dest=dest_inc, nodata=np.nan) ds = gdal.Open(dest_lv_theta, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) data_elevation = ds.ReadAsArray() ds = None ds = gdal.Open(dest_inc, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) data_inc = ds.ReadAsArray() ds = None
def crop_resample_average(input_tif, extents: Union[List, Tuple], new_res, output_file, thresh, hdr, out_driver_type='GTiff', match_pyrate=False, coherence_path=None, coherence_thresh=None): """ Crop, resample, and average a geotiff image. :param str input_tif: Path to input geotiff to resample/crop :param tuple extents: Cropping extents (xfirst, yfirst, xlast, ylast) :param list new_res: [xres, yres] resolution of output image :param str output_file: Path to output resampled/cropped geotiff :param float thresh: NaN fraction threshold :param str out_driver_type: The output driver; `MEM` or `GTiff` (optional) :param bool match_pyrate: Match Legacy output (optional) :param dict hdr: dictionary of metadata :return: resampled_average: output cropped and resampled image :rtype: ndarray :return: out_ds: destination gdal dataset object :rtype: gdal.Dataset """ dst_ds, _, _, _ = _crop_resample_setup(extents, input_tif, new_res, output_file, out_bands=2, dst_driver_type='MEM') # make a temporary copy of the dst_ds for PyRate style prepifg if (match_pyrate and new_res[0]): tmp_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM').CreateCopy('', dst_ds) else: tmp_ds = None src_ds, src_ds_mem = _setup_source(input_tif) if coherence_path and coherence_thresh: coherence_masking(src_ds_mem, coherence_path, coherence_thresh) elif coherence_path and not coherence_thresh: raise ValueError("Coherence file provided without a coherence " "threshold. Please ensure you provide 'cohthresh' " "in your config if coherence masking is enabled.") resampled_average, src_ds_mem = gdal_average(dst_ds, src_ds, src_ds_mem, thresh) src_ds = None src_dtype = src_ds_mem.GetRasterBand(1).DataType src_gt = src_ds_mem.GetGeoTransform() # required to match Legacy output if tmp_ds: _alignment(input_tif, new_res, resampled_average, src_ds_mem, src_gt, tmp_ds) # grab metadata from existing geotiff gt = dst_ds.GetGeoTransform() wkt = dst_ds.GetProjection() # insert metadata from the header md = shared.collate_metadata(hdr) # update metadata for output # TODO: Metadata should be updated immediately as a prepifg/process step is applied # move this into the respective steps for k, v in md.items(): if k == ifc.DATA_TYPE: # update data type metadata if (v == ifc.ORIG) and (coherence_path is not None): md.update({ifc.DATA_TYPE: ifc.MLOOKED_COH_MASKED_IFG}) elif (v == ifc.ORIG) and (coherence_path is None): md.update({ifc.DATA_TYPE: ifc.MULTILOOKED}) elif v == ifc.COH: md.update({ifc.DATA_TYPE: ifc.MULTILOOKED_COH}) elif v == ifc.DEM: md.update({ifc.DATA_TYPE: ifc.MLOOKED_DEM}) elif v == ifc.INCIDENCE: md.update({ifc.DATA_TYPE: ifc.MLOOKED_INC}) else: raise TypeError(f'Data Type metadata {v} not recognised') add_looks_and_crop_from_header(hdr, md) # In-memory GDAL driver doesn't support compression so turn it off. creation_opts = ['compress=packbits'] if out_driver_type != 'MEM' else [] out_ds = shared.gdal_dataset(output_file, dst_ds.RasterXSize, dst_ds.RasterYSize, driver=out_driver_type, bands=1, dtype=src_dtype, metadata=md, crs=wkt, geotransform=gt, creation_opts=creation_opts) if out_driver_type != 'MEM': shared.write_geotiff(resampled_average, out_ds, np.nan)"Writing geotiff: {output_file}") else: out_ds.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(resampled_average) return resampled_average, out_ds
def crop_resample_average(input_tif, extents, new_res, output_file, thresh, out_driver_type='GTiff', match_pyrate=False, hdr=None, coherence_path=None, coherence_thresh=None): """ Crop, resample, and average a geotiff image. :param str input_tif: Path to input geotiff to resample/crop :param tuple extents: Cropping extents (xfirst, yfirst, xlast, ylast) :param list new_res: [xres, yres] resolution of output image :param str output_file: Path to output resampled/cropped geotiff :param float thresh: NaN fraction threshold :param str out_driver_type: The output driver; `MEM` or `GTiff` (optional) :param bool match_pyrate: Match Legacy output (optional) :param dict hdr: dictionary of metadata :return: resampled_average: output cropped and resampled image :rtype: ndarray :return: out_ds: destination gdal dataset object :rtype: gdal.Dataset """ dst_ds, _, _, _ = _crop_resample_setup(extents, input_tif, new_res, output_file, out_bands=2, dst_driver_type='MEM') # make a temporary copy of the dst_ds for PyRate style prepifg tmp_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM').CreateCopy('', dst_ds) \ if (match_pyrate and new_res[0]) else None src_ds, src_ds_mem = _setup_source(input_tif) if coherence_path and coherence_thresh: coherence_raster = prepifg_helper.dem_or_ifg(coherence_path) coherence_ds = coherence_raster.dataset coherence_masking(src_ds_mem, coherence_ds, coherence_thresh) elif coherence_path and not coherence_thresh: raise ValueError(f"Coherence file provided without a coherence " f"threshold. Please ensure you provide 'cohthresh' " f"in your config if coherence masking is enabled.") resampled_average, src_ds_mem = \ gdal_average(dst_ds, src_ds, src_ds_mem, thresh) src_dtype = src_ds_mem.GetRasterBand(1).DataType src_gt = src_ds_mem.GetGeoTransform() # required to match Legacy output if tmp_ds: _alignment(input_tif, new_res, resampled_average, src_ds_mem, src_gt, tmp_ds) # grab metadata from existing geotiff gt = dst_ds.GetGeoTransform() wkt = dst_ds.GetProjection() # TEST HERE IF EXISTING FILE HAS PYRATE METADATA. IF NOT ADD HERE if not ifc.DATA_TYPE in dst_ds.GetMetadata() and hdr is not None: md = shared.collate_metadata(hdr) else: md = dst_ds.GetMetadata() # update metadata for output for k, v in md.items(): if k == ifc.DATA_TYPE: # update data type metadata if v == ifc.ORIG and coherence_path: md.update({ifc.DATA_TYPE: ifc.COHERENCE}) elif v == ifc.ORIG and not coherence_path: md.update({ifc.DATA_TYPE: ifc.MULTILOOKED}) elif v == ifc.DEM: md.update({ifc.DATA_TYPE: ifc.MLOOKED_DEM}) elif v == ifc.INCIDENCE: md.update({ifc.DATA_TYPE: ifc.MLOOKED_INC}) elif v == ifc.COHERENCE and coherence_path: pass elif v == ifc.MULTILOOKED and coherence_path: md.update({ifc.DATA_TYPE: ifc.COHERENCE}) elif v == ifc.MULTILOOKED and not coherence_path: pass else: raise TypeError('Data Type metadata not recognised') # In-memory GDAL driver doesn't support compression so turn it off. creation_opts = ['compress=packbits'] if out_driver_type != 'MEM' else [] out_ds = shared.gdal_dataset(output_file, dst_ds.RasterXSize, dst_ds.RasterYSize, driver=out_driver_type, bands=1, dtype=src_dtype, metadata=md, crs=wkt, geotransform=gt, creation_opts=creation_opts) shared.write_geotiff(resampled_average, out_ds, np.nan) return resampled_average, out_ds