Пример #1
def iso_time_string(val, show_tzinfo=False):
    Takes either a date, datetime or a string, and returns the standard ISO
    formatted string for that date/time, with any fractional second portion
    if not val:
        return ""
    if isinstance(val, basestring):
        dt = None
        for fmt in ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", "%Y-%m-%d"):
                dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(val, fmt)
            except ValueError:
        if dt is None:
            raise exc.InvalidDateTimeString("The supplied value '%s' does not "
              "match either of the formats 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' or "
              "'YYYY-MM-DD'." % val)
        dt = val
    if not isinstance(dt, datetime.datetime):
        dt = datetime.datetime.fromordinal(dt.toordinal())
    has_tz = (dt.tzinfo is not None)
    if show_tzinfo and has_tz:
        # Need to remove the colon in the TZ portion
        ret = "".join(dt.isoformat().rsplit(":", 1))
    elif show_tzinfo and not has_tz:
        ret = "%s+0000" % dt.isoformat().split(".")[0]
    elif not show_tzinfo and has_tz:
        ret = dt.isoformat()[:-6]
    elif not show_tzinfo and not has_tz:
        ret = dt.isoformat().split(".")[0]
    return ret
Пример #2
def _parse_datetime_string(val):
    Attempts to parse a string representation of a date or datetime value, and
    returns a datetime if successful. If not, a InvalidDateTimeString exception
    will be raised.
    dt = None
    lenval = len(val)
    fmt = {19: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", 10: "%Y-%m-%d"}.get(lenval)
    if fmt is None:
        # Invalid date
        raise exc.InvalidDateTimeString("The supplied value '%s' does not "
              "match either of the formats 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' or "
              "'YYYY-MM-DD'." % val)
    return datetime.datetime.strptime(val, fmt)