Пример #1
    def extract_metric(self, trip, metric):
        """ method to extract 'metric' from dict 'trip' returned by QPX API
        must support all metrics defined in self.supported_metrics """

        if metric == 'Sale Total, USD':
            return np.float(trip['saleTotal'][3:])
        elif metric == 'Number of Layovers':
            return len(trip['slice'][0]['segment']) - 1
        elif metric == 'Total Flight Duration, Hours':
            return trip['slice'][0]['duration'] / 60
        elif metric == 'Hours In Air':
        elif metric == 'Hours In Layover':
Пример #2
    def init_results(self):
        """ method to intialize the results tab from currrent selection, runs:
        -- when flight-results tab is pressed
        -- when flight origin combo is changed
        -- when flight metric combo box is changed

        # set local hooks for data and selected flight configurations
        # (flight data is guaranteed to exist at this point)
        data = self.flight_data
        config = self.getContents(checked=True)

        # update the origin combo box if necessary, unwire the combo action
        # temporarily to avoid a recursive call while the combo updates
        if len(config[0]) != self.origin_combo.count():

        # get current selected origin, selected dests, selected dates, and
        # current selected flight metric
        origin = config[0][self.origin_combo.currentIndex()]
        dests = config[1]
        dates = [time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.strptime(x, self.format)) for x in config[2]]
        metric = self.supported_metrics[self.metric_combo.currentIndex()]

        # get numpy 3-dimensional array, where each number is the 'metric' for:
        # dim-0 -> destination
        # dim-1 -> date
        # dim-2 -> flight number, from 0 to self.n_flights-1
        plot_data = np.full((len(dests), len(dates), self.n_flights), np.nan)
        for i, dest in enumerate(dests):
            for j, date in enumerate(dates):
                trips = data[origin][dest][date]['trips']['tripOption']
                for k, trip in enumerate(trips):
                    plot_data[i, j, k] = self.extract_metric(trip, metric)

        # find the maximum number of trip options available for all flights
        # set the radio button with the appropriate text label
        n = [[len(data[origin][dest][date]['trips']['tripOption']) for dest \
               in dests] for date in dates]
        n_min = min([min(x) for x in n])
        if str(n_min)[-1:] == 1:
            n_min = str(n_min) + 'st'
        if str(n_min)[-1:] == 2:
            n_min = str(n_min) + 'nd'
        if str(n_min)[-1:] == 3:
            n_min = str(n_min) + 'rd'
            n_min = str(n_min) + 'th'
        self.radio_button_n.setText('Show 1st to {}\nLeast Expensive Flights'.

        # clear the current figure, create a new axes
        ax = self.figure.add_subplot(111)

        # set the x-axis as the dates, set the width of the bars
        xdata = np.arange(len(dates))
        frac_width = 0.8
        width = frac_width / len(dests)

        # get a matplotlib color cycle
        colors = [plt.cm.gist_heat(x) for x in np.linspace(0, 0.9, len(dests))]

        # create a different plot type based on the 1 or 1 to n flight selection
        if self.radio_button_1.isChecked():

            # initialize a numpy array for the bar plot objects, then create them
            bars = np.empty(len(dests), dtype='O')
            for i, dest in enumerate(dests):
                bars[i] = ax.bar(xdata+width*i, plot_data[i, :, 0], width, color=colors[i])

        elif self.radio_button_1.isChecked():

        # clean up
        ax.set_xlim((xdata[0] - width/2, xdata[-1] + len(dests)*width + width/2))
        ax.legend(bars, dests, loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(0.985, 1.025),
                  title='Flight\nDestination', fontsize=16, fancybox=True,
                  shadow=True, frameon=True).get_title().set_fontsize(16)
        ax.set_title(metric, fontsize=20, fontweight='bold')
        ax.set_xticks(xdata + frac_width / 2)
        xticks = [time.strftime(r'%-d %b%n%Y', time.strptime(x, self.format)) for x in config[2]]
        ax.grid(False, axis='x')
        plt.subplots_adjust(right=0.79, bottom=0.10)

        # update the figure canvas