def _getIdleTime(server): """ This function calculates the total time spent idle on a server. @type server: pyrc_irc_abstract.irc_server.Server @param server: The pyrc_irc_abstract.irc_server.Server object for which idle time is being calculated. @rtype: unicode @return: A string in the form '[[x hour(s), ][x minute(s), ]and ]x second(s)' """ idle_time = server.getIdleTime() hours = int(idle_time / 3600) idle_time = idle_time % 3600 minutes = int(idle_time / 60) idle_time = idle_time % 60 seconds = int(round(idle_time, 1)) timestamp = "" if hours: timestamp = "%i %s, " % (hours, C_FUNCS.pluralizeQuantity(hours, 'hour')) if minutes: timestamp = "%s %i %s, " % (timestamp, minutes, C_FUNCS.pluralizeQuantity(minutes, 'minute')) if timestamp: timestamp = "%s and " % timestamp return u"%s %i %s" % (timestamp, seconds, C_FUNCS.pluralizeQuantity(seconds, 'second'))
def getPlugins(): """ This function is used to get a list of the plugins registered for use with PyRC. @rtype: tuple @return: A tuple containing the names of all plugins registered for use with PyRC. Its elements have the following form:: (<module_name:unicode>, <load:bool>) """ try: _xml_handler.lock() plugins = [] for i in _xml_handler.getNodes("/settings/plugins/plugin"): value = parsers.xml_getAttributeValue(i, "load") if value: value = C_FUNCS.evaluateTruth(value) else: value = True plugins.append((parsers.xml_getNodeValue(i), value)) return tuple(plugins) finally: _xml_handler.unlock()
def _processCTCPString(data, user, server): """ This function replaces %-prefixed substrings by the following table:: %% -> % %n -> current nick %c -> user sending the CTCP request %p -> local IP %i -> time spent idle %r -> realname %u -> username %d -> current day %t -> current month %y -> current year %h -> current hour %m -> current minute %s -> current second @type data: basestring @param data: The CTCP response string to be processed. @type user: basestring @param user: The nickname of the user who requested this response. @type server: pyrc_irc_abstract.irc_server.Server @param server: The pyrc_irc_abstract.irc_server.Server object that received the request for which this response is being prepared. @rtype: basestring @return: The processed CTCP response. """ current_time = time.localtime() data = data.replace("%%", "\x00") data = data.replace("%c", user) data = data.replace("%d", str(current_time[2])) data = data.replace("%t", str(current_time[1])) data = data.replace("%y", str(current_time[0])) data = data.replace("%h", str(current_time[3])) data = data.replace("%d", C_FUNCS.padInteger(current_time[4], 2)) data = data.replace("%s", C_FUNCS.padInteger(current_time[5], 2)) data = data.replace("%i", _getIdleTime(server)) data = data.replace("%r", server.getRealName()) data = data.replace("%u", server.getIdent()) data = data.replace("%p", server.getLocalIP()) data = data.replace("%n", server.getNickname()) return data.replace("\x00", "%")
def getCTCPs(): """ This function is used to get a list of static CTCPs for use by PyRC. @rtype: tuple @return: A tuple containing a list of all CTCPs defined for use by PyRC. Its elements have the following form:: (<request:unicode>, <response:unicode>, <final:bool>) """ try: _xml_handler.lock() ctcps = [] for i in _xml_handler.getNodes("/settings/ctcps/ctcp"): value = C_FUNCS.evaluateTruth(parsers.xml_getAttributeValue(i, "final")) request = parsers.xml_getSubNodeValue(i, "request") response = parsers.xml_getSubNodeValue(i, "response") ctcps.append((request, response, value)) return tuple(ctcps) finally: _xml_handler.unlock()
#Initialisation is done, so dereference the setup resource. del pyrc_init print "Complete" #Load PyRC's settings ######################################## print "Loading settings...", try: settings.load() GLOBAL.USR_VARIABLES['userinfo'] = settings.getOption("irc.userinfo") GLOBAL.USR_VARIABLES['quitmessage'] = settings.getOption("irc.defaultquitmessage") GLOBAL.IRC_AUTO_RECONNECT = settings.getOption("irc.autoreconnect") GLOBAL.ENV_PSYCO = C_FUNCS.evaluateTruth(settings.getOption("pyrc.usepsyco")) GLOBAL.USR_SERVER_THREADS = int(settings.getOption("pyrc.serverworkerthreads")) ial_worker_threads = int(settings.getOption("pyrc.workerthreads")) #Validate IPv4. local_ip ="(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})", settings.getOption("dcc.localip")) if local_ip: if int( <= 255 and int( <= 255 and int( <= 255 and int( <= 255: GLOBAL.DCC_LOCAL_IP = '.'.join(local_ip.groups()) del local_ip GLOBAL.USR_FORMATS['timestamp'] = settings.getFormat("timestamp") GLOBAL.USR_FORMATS['datestamp'] = settings.getFormat("datestamp") GLOBAL.USR_FORMATS['timedatestamp'] = settings.getFormat("timedatestamp") if not interface:
def _getNetworkDetailsFromNode(node): """ This function is used to process a <network/> node from the XML tree and return the details it contains. @type node: Node|None @param node: The node retrieved from the XML tree. This may be None. @rtype: dict|None @return: The information stored in the <network/> node, represented as a dictionary, or None if the node does not exist. The dictionary's structure follows:: { 'id': <network_id:unicode>, 'name': <user-specified_network_name:unicode|None>, 'description': <user-specified_network_description:unicode|None>, 'autoconnect': <auto_connect:bool>, 'workerthreads': <worker_threads:int>, 'proxy': <proxy_identifier:unicode|None>, 'addresses': <(randomize_addresses:bool, addresses_data:list)>, 'profiles': <(use_all:bool, profile_data:tuple)>, 'channels': <channel_names:tuple> } """ if node: #Get network data. id = parsers.xml_getAttributeValue(node, 'id') autoconnect = C_FUNCS.evaluateTruth(parsers.xml_getAttributeValue(node, 'autoconnect')) workerthreads = parsers.xml_getAttributeValue(node, 'workerthreads') if workerthreads: workerthreads = int(workerthreads) else: workerthreads = GLOBAL.USR_SERVER_THREADS proxy = parsers.xml_getAttributeValue(node, 'proxy') name = parsers.xml_getSubNodeValue(node, "name") description = parsers.xml_getSubNodeValue(node, "description") #Get address data. address_node = node.xpath("addresses")[0] addresses_random = parsers.xml_getAttributeValue(address_node, 'randomorder') if not addresses_random or C_FUNCS.evaluateTruth(addresses_random): addresses_random = True else: addresses_random = False addresses = [] for i in address_node.xpath("address"): addresses.append(( parsers.xml_getSubNodeValue(i, "url"), int(parsers.xml_getSubNodeValue(i, "port")), C_FUNCS.evaluateTruth(parsers.xml_getAttributeValue(i, 'secure')), parsers.xml_getAttributeValue(i, 'proxy') )) #Get profile data. profiles_use_all = True profiles = [] profile_nodes = node.xpath("profiles") if profile_nodes: profile_node = profile_nodes[0] profiles_use_all = parsers.xml_getAttributeValue(profile_node, 'useall') if not profiles_use_all or C_FUNCS.evaluateTruth(profiles_use_all): profiles_use_all = True else: profiles_use_all = False for i in profile_node.xpath("profile"): profiles.append(parsers.xml_getNodeValue(i)) #Get channel data. channels = [] channel_nodes = node.xpath("channels") if channel_nodes: channel_node = channel_nodes[0] for i in channel_node.xpath("channel"): channels.append(parsers.xml_getNodeValue(i)) return { 'id': id, 'name': name, 'description': description, 'autoconnect': autoconnect, 'workerthreads': workerthreads, 'proxy': proxy, 'addresses': (addresses_random, addresses), 'profiles': (profiles_use_all, tuple(profiles)), 'channels': tuple(channels) } return None