Пример #1
def get_boundary_in_color(roi_2D, Trans, extrinsics_device, color_internal):
    roi_color = np.zeros((3, 4))  #roi_2D[x-,x+,y-,y+]
    roi_color[0, :2] = roi_2D[0]
    roi_color[0, 2:4] = roi_2D[1]
    roi_color[1, [0, 3]] = roi_2D[2]
    roi_color[1, [1, 2]] = roi_2D[3]
    roi_color[2, :] = 0

    transform = Transformation(Trans[4], Trans[5])
    roi_color = transform.apply_transformation(roi_color)

    roi_color = roi_color.transpose().tolist()
    color_pixel = []
    for point in roi_color:
        cloud_point = rs.rs2_transform_point_to_point(extrinsics_device, point)
            rs.rs2_project_point_to_pixel(color_internal, cloud_point))
    color_boundary_point = np.row_stack(color_pixel).T

    # transform = Transformation(Trans[2],Trans[3].flatten())
    # roi_point = transform.apply_transformation(roi_color)
    # color_boundary_point=get_point_3D_2D(roi_point,Trans[0])
    # print(np.shape(color_boundary_point))

    return color_boundary_point
Пример #2
    def point_to_image(self, bb_data, circle_color=(0, 255, 0)):
        """Draws a 3D point on the color image.

        Converts the given 3D point back to a pixel 
        and draws it on the color image as a small circle.

        bb_data : tuple
            A sextuple that contains the x, y, z 
            and the respective dimensions of a bounding box.
            Only the first three elements (x, y, z) are needed.
        circle_color : tuple, optional
            by default green (0, 255, 0) 

        pixel = rs2.rs2_project_point_to_pixel(self.intrinsics, bb_data[:3])
        if self.debug:
            rospy.loginfo("BB median center xy:" + str(round(pixel[0])) + " " +
Пример #3
 def torso3DToPixel(self,
                    toRobTranslation=np.array([0, 0, 0])):
     position = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(toRobRotation),
                       (position - toRobTranslation))
     return rs.rs2_project_point_to_pixel(depth_intrin, position.tolist())
Пример #4
def get_object_points(color_frame, depth_frame):
    """Short summary.

    color_frame : type
        Description of parameter `color_frame`.
    depth_frame : type
        Description of parameter `depth_frame`.

        Description of returned object.

    pc = rs.pointcloud()
    pointcloud = pc.calculate(depth_frame)
    v = pointcloud.get_vertices()
    verts = np.asanyarray(v).view(np.float32).reshape(-1, 3)
    cloud = pcl.PointCloud(verts)
    filtered_cloud = do_passthrough_filter(point_cloud=cloud,
    downsampled_cloud = do_voxel_grid_filter(point_cloud=filtered_cloud,

    table_cloud, objects_cloud = do_ransac_plane_segmentation(
        downsampled_cloud, max_distance=0.01)
    # project_inliers = objects_cloud.make_ProjectInliers()
    # project_inliers.set_model_type(pcl.SACMODEL_NORMAL_PARALLEL_PLANE)
    # plane = project_inliers.filter()
    colorless_cloud = XYZRGB_to_XYZ(objects_cloud)
    clusters = get_clusters(objects_cloud,

    colored_points = get_cloud_clusters(clusters, colorless_cloud)
    # Create a cloud with each cluster of points having the same color
    clusters_cloud = pcl.PointCloud()
    color_intrin = color_frame.profile.as_video_stream_profile().intrinsics
    depth_to_color_extrin = depth_frame.profile.get_extrinsics_to(
    Pixel_Coord = []
    for data in clusters_cloud:
        if np.round(data[2], 2) > 0.1:
            color_point = rs.rs2_transform_point_to_point(
                depth_to_color_extrin, list(data))
                rs.rs2_project_point_to_pixel(color_intrin, color_point))
    # pcl.save(downsampled_cloud, "12.ply")
    # if clusters_cloud.size > 0:
    #     pcl.save(clusters_cloud, "13.ply")
    return Pixel_Coord
Пример #5
def project_color_pix_to_depth(color_intrin, depth_intrin, color_to_depth_extrin, depth_scale, color_pix):

    color_point = rs.rs2_deproject_pixel_to_point(color_intrin, color_pix, 1.0 / depth_scale)
    depth_point = rs.rs2_transform_point_to_point(color_to_depth_extrin, color_point)
    depth_pix = rs.rs2_project_point_to_pixel(depth_intrin, depth_point)

    depth_pix = [int(x) for x in depth_pix]

    return depth_pix
Пример #6
def compute_feedback_vector(depth_frame: rs.depth_frame, pos3d: (float, float,
    depth_intrin = depth_frame.profile.as_video_stream_profile().intrinsics
    x, y = rs.rs2_project_point_to_pixel(depth_intrin, pos3d)
    plane_depth = depth_frame.as_depth_frame().get_distance(int(x),
                                                            int(y)) * 1000

    if plane_depth > pos3d[2]:
        return np.array((0, 0, 0))

    dist_beyond = pos3d[2] - plane_depth
    return dist_beyond * compute_normal_vector(depth_frame, x, y)
Пример #7
    def depth_distance(self, x, y):
        depth_intrin = self.depth_intrin
        #ix, iy = self.ix, self.iy
        #depth_scale = self.depth_sensor.get_depth_scale()
        udist = self.depth_frame.get_distance(x, y)  #in meters

        point = rs.rs2_deproject_pixel_to_point(depth_intrin, [x, y], udist)
        point_array = np.asanyarray(point)

        point_to_pixel = rs.rs2_project_point_to_pixel(depth_intrin, point)

        return point_array
Пример #8
def generate_frame_flat_surface(width: float, height: float, distance: float, intrinsics: rs2.intrinsics) -> np.ndarray:

    :param width: The width of the flat surface in meters
    :param height: The height of the flat surface in meters
    :param distance: The distance of the object from the camera
    :param intrinsics: The intrinsics of the camera that the object should be 'captured' from
    :return: The frame that should have been captured if that surface was captured from that camera from that distance
    frame = np.zeros(shape=(intrinsics.height, intrinsics.width))

    max_j, max_i = rs2.rs2_project_point_to_pixel(intrinsics, [width / 2, height / 2, distance])
    max_i, max_j = int(min(max_i, intrinsics.height)), int(min(max_j, intrinsics.width))
    for i in range(intrinsics.height - max_i, max_i):
        for j in range(intrinsics.width - max_j, max_j):
            frame[i][j] = distance
    return frame
Пример #9
def convert_pc_to_frame(pc: np.ndarray, intrinsics: rs2.intrinsics) -> np.ndarray:

    :param pc: A point cloud
    :param intrinsics: The intrinsics of the camera that the object should be 'captured' from
    :return: The frame that would give that point cloud if it was captured from that camera
    assert len(pc.shape) == 2
    assert pc.shape[1] == 3

    frame = np.zeros(shape=(intrinsics.width, intrinsics.height))

    for (x, y, z) in pc:
        j, i = rs2.rs2_project_point_to_pixel(intrinsics, [x, y, z])
        # Maybe should use int(i),int(j) because of collisions
        i, j = round(i), round(j)
        frame[i][j] = z

    return frame
def deproject_ros_point_to_frame_point(target_point, frame_set, camera_frame):
    Converts a 3-D camera-relative point to a 2-D pixel coordinate in frame
    @param target_point - ROS point that is being converted.
    @param frame_set - the latest VisionFrameSet object
    @param camera_frame - the TF frame that represents the camera's frame of reference
    @return the 3-D point in ROS coordinates: +x forward, +y left, +z up
    global cameraInfo
    target_point_cam_rel = transform_to_frame(target_point, camera_frame)
    if not target_point_cam_rel:
        return None
    rs2_point = [
        # convert from right-handed z-up to right-handed z-forward
        -target_point_cam_rel.point.y * 1000,
        -target_point_cam_rel.point.z * 1000,
        target_point_cam_rel.point.x * 1000,
    return tuple(
Пример #11
 def project(self, Pc):
     Project a 3D camera coordinates point Pc [X Y Z] into the picture frame coordinates pixel (x,y)
     return tuple([ int(x) for x in rs.rs2_project_point_to_pixel(self.intrinsics, list(Pc)) ])
Пример #12
    def markerprocess(self):

        # Capture the frame first
        color_image, depth_image, depth_frame, color_frame = self._capture()

        # Aruco marker part
        # Detect the markers in the image
        markerCorners, markerIds, rejectedCandidates = cv2.aruco.detectMarkers(
            color_image, self.dictionary, parameters=self.parameters)

        aruco_list = {}
        # centre= {}
        result_center = {}
        # orient_centre= {}
        if markerIds is not None:
            # Print corners and ids to the console
            # result=zip(markerIds, markerCorners)
            for k in range(len(markerCorners)):
                temp_1 = markerCorners[k]
                temp_1 = temp_1[0]
                temp_2 = markerIds[k]
                temp_2 = temp_2[0]
                aruco_list[temp_2] = temp_1
            key_list = aruco_list.keys()
            font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX
            # print(key_list)
            for key in key_list:
                dict_entry = aruco_list[key]
                centre = dict_entry[0] + dict_entry[1] + dict_entry[
                    2] + dict_entry[3]
                centre[:] = [int(x / 4) for x in centre]
                # orient_centre = centre + [0.0,5.0]
                centre = tuple(centre)
                result_center[key] = centre
                # orient_centre = tuple((dict_entry[0]+dict_entry[1])/2)
                cv2.circle(color_image, centre, 1, (0, 0, 255), 8)

            # Compute distance when matching the conditions
            # print(result_center)
            # print(len(result_center))
            if len(result_center) < 4:
                print("No enough marker detected")

            if len(result_center) >= 4:
                # To avoid keyerror
                # start = time.time()
                    # Moving object localization marker
                    x_id0 = result_center[0][0]
                    y_id0 = result_center[0][1]
                    p_0 = [x_id0, y_id0]

                    # Target object localization marker
                    # Single ID-5
                    x_id5 = result_center[5][0]
                    y_id5 = result_center[5][1]
                    p_5 = [x_id5, y_id5]

                    # Dual ID-4 and ID-3
                    x_id4 = result_center[4][0]
                    y_id4 = result_center[4][1]
                    p_4 = [x_id4, y_id4]

                    x_id3 = result_center[3][0]
                    y_id3 = result_center[3][1]
                    p_3 = [x_id3, y_id3]

                    # Deproject pixel to 3D point
                    point_0 = self.pixel2point(depth_frame, p_0)
                    point_5 = self.pixel2point(depth_frame, p_5)
                    point_4 = self.pixel2point(depth_frame, p_4)
                    point_3 = self.pixel2point(depth_frame, p_3)
                    # Calculate target point
                    point_target = [
                        point_4[0] + point_3[0] - point_5[0],
                        point_4[1] + point_3[1] - point_5[1],
                        point_4[2] + point_3[2] - point_5[2]
                    # Compute distance
                    # dis=distance_3dpoints(point_target,point_0)

                    # Display target and draw a line between them
                    color_intrin = color_frame.profile.as_video_stream_profile(
                    target_pixel = rs.rs2_project_point_to_pixel(
                        color_intrin, point_target)
                    target_pixel[0] = int(target_pixel[0])
                    target_pixel[1] = int(target_pixel[1])
                    cv2.circle(color_image, tuple(target_pixel), 1,
                               (0, 0, 255), 8)
                    cv2.line(color_image, tuple(p_0), tuple(target_pixel),
                             (0, 255, 0), 2)

                    # Euclidean distance
                    dis_obj2target = self.distance_3dpoints(
                        point_0, point_target)
                    dis_obj2target_goal = dis_obj2target * np.sin(
                        np.arccos(0.02 / dis_obj2target))

                    # print(dis_obj2target_goal)
                    # images = cv2.aruco.drawDetectedMarkers(images, markerCorners, borderColor=(0, 0, 255))
                    # end = time.time()
                    # print(str(end-start))

                except KeyError:

            # Outline all of the markers detected in our image
            # images = cv2.aruco.drawDetectedMarkers(images, markerCorners, borderColor=(0, 0, 255))
            # self.images = color_image
        self.images = cv2.aruco.drawDetectedMarkers(color_image,
                                                    borderColor=(0, 0, 255))

        return self.images
Пример #13
    def extract_based_pixel(self, color_pixel):
        self.depth_to_color_extrin = self.depth.profile.get_extrinsics_to(
        self.color_to_depth_extrin = self.color.profile.get_extrinsics_to(

        # Depth scale - units of the values inside a depth frame, i.e how to convert the value to units of 1 meter
        depth_sensor = self.profile.get_device().first_depth_sensor()
        depth_scale = depth_sensor.get_depth_scale()

        # depth = depth_frame.get_distance(j, i)
        # depth_point = rs.rs2_deproject_pixel_to_point(
        #     depth_intrin, [j, i], depth)
        # text = "%.5lf, %.5lf, %.5lf\n" % (
        #     depth_point[0], depth_point[1], depth_point[2])

        color_pixel1 = [color_pixel[0], color_pixel[1]]
        color_pixel2 = [
            color_pixel[0] + color_pixel[2], color_pixel[1] + color_pixel[3]

        left_top_color_point = rs.rs2_deproject_pixel_to_point(
            self.color_intrin, color_pixel1, 1.0)
        left_top_depth_point = rs.rs2_transform_point_to_point(
            self.color_to_depth_extrin, left_top_color_point)
        left_top_depth_pixel = rs.rs2_project_point_to_pixel(
            self.depth_intrin, left_top_depth_point)

        right_down_color_point = rs.rs2_deproject_pixel_to_point(
            self.color_intrin, color_pixel2, 1.0)
        right_down_depth_point = rs.rs2_transform_point_to_point(
            self.color_to_depth_extrin, right_down_color_point)
        right_down_depth_pixel = rs.rs2_project_point_to_pixel(
            self.depth_intrin, right_down_depth_point)

        depth_image = np.asanyarray(self.depth.get_data()).T
        height, width = depth_image.shape
        lx = int(left_top_depth_pixel[0])
        ly = int(left_top_depth_pixel[1])
        rx = int(right_down_depth_pixel[0])
        ry = int(right_down_depth_pixel[1])

        depth_bbox = [
            left_top_depth_pixel[0], left_top_depth_pixel[1],
            right_down_depth_pixel[0], right_down_depth_pixel[1]

        scale1 = depth_image[lx, ly]
        scale2 = depth_image[rx, ry]

        scale_max = np.max(depth_image[lx:rx, ly:ry])
        scale_mean = np.median(depth_image[lx:rx, ly:ry])
        #scale_mean = np.mean(depth_image[lx:rx,ly:ry])
        #rs.depth_frame.get_distance(x, y)
        high = max(scale1, scale2)
        low = min(scale1, scale2)
        num = (rx - lx) * (ry - ly)
        points = np.zeros([num, 3]).astype(np.float32)
        index = 0
        for i in range(lx, rx):
            for j in range(ly, ry):
                scale = depth_image[i, j]
                if scale > 0.01 and scale < scale_mean * 1.1:
                    point = rs.rs2_deproject_pixel_to_point(
                        self.depth_intrin, [i, j], scale)
                    points[index, 0] = point[0]
                    points[index, 1] = point[1]
                    points[index, 2] = point[2]

                    index = index + 1

        points = points[0:index, :] * depth_scale
        # centroid = np.mean(points, axis=0, keepdims=True)
        # furthest_distance = np.amax(np.sqrt(np.sum((points - centroid) ** 2, axis=-1)), keepdims=True)
        # points = (points - centroid) / furthest_distance
        # points[:, 1:3] = -points[:, 1:3]

        return points
Пример #14
def calculate_boundingbox_points(point_cloud, calibration_info_devices, depth_threshold = 0.01):
	Calculate the top and bottom bounding box corner points for the point cloud in the image coordinates of the color imager of the realsense device
	point_cloud : ndarray
		The (3 x N) array containing the pointcloud information
	calibration_info_devices : dict
		keys: str
			Serial number of the device
		values: [transformation_devices, intrinsics_devices, extrinsics_devices]
			transformation_devices: Transformation object
					The transformation object containing the transformation information between the device and the world coordinate systems
			intrinsics_devices: rs.intrinscs
					The intrinsics of the depth_frame of the realsense device
			extrinsics_devices: rs.extrinsics
					The extrinsics between the depth imager 1 and the color imager of the realsense device
	depth_threshold : double
		The threshold for the depth value (meters) in world-coordinates beyond which the point cloud information will not be used
		Following the right-hand coordinate system, if the object is placed on the chessboard plane, the height of the object will increase along the negative Z-axis
	bounding_box_points_color_image : dict
		The bounding box corner points in the image coordinate system for the color imager
		keys: str
				Serial number of the device
			values: [points]
				points: list
					The (8x2) list of the upper corner points stacked above the lower corner points 
	length : double
		The length of the bounding box calculated in the world coordinates of the pointcloud
	width : double
		The width of the bounding box calculated in the world coordinates of the pointcloud
	height : double
		The height of the bounding box calculated in the world coordinates of the pointcloud
	# Calculate the dimensions of the filtered and summed up point cloud
	# Some dirty array manipulations are gonna follow
	if point_cloud.shape[1] > 500:
		# Get the bounding box in 2D using the X and Y coordinates
		coord = np.c_[point_cloud[0,:], point_cloud[1,:]].astype('float32')
		min_area_rectangle = cv2.minAreaRect(coord)
		bounding_box_world_2d = cv2.boxPoints(min_area_rectangle)
		# Caculate the height of the pointcloud
		height = max(point_cloud[2,:]) - min(point_cloud[2,:]) + depth_threshold

		# Get the upper and lower bounding box corner points in 3D
		height_array = np.array([[-height], [-height], [-height], [-height], [0], [0], [0], [0]])
		bounding_box_world_3d = np.column_stack((np.row_stack((bounding_box_world_2d,bounding_box_world_2d)), height_array))

		# Get the bounding box points in the image coordinates
		for (device, calibration_info) in calibration_info_devices.items():
			# Transform the bounding box corner points to the device coordinates
			bounding_box_device_3d = calibration_info[0].inverse().apply_transformation(bounding_box_world_3d.transpose())
			# Obtain the image coordinates in the color imager using the bounding box 3D corner points in the device coordinates
			bounding_box_device_3d = bounding_box_device_3d.transpose().tolist()
			for bounding_box_point in bounding_box_device_3d: 
				bounding_box_color_image_point = rs.rs2_transform_point_to_point(calibration_info[2], bounding_box_point)			
				color_pixel.append(rs.rs2_project_point_to_pixel(calibration_info[1][rs.stream.color], bounding_box_color_image_point))
			bounding_box_points_color_image[device] = np.row_stack( color_pixel )
		return bounding_box_points_color_image, min_area_rectangle[1][0], min_area_rectangle[1][1], height
	else : 
		return {},0,0,0
Пример #15
# Depth scale - units of the values inside a depth frame, i.e how to convert the value to units of 1 meter
depth_sensor = profile.get_device().first_depth_sensor()
depth_scale = depth_sensor.get_depth_scale()
print('depth_scale:', depth_scale)
#depth_scale = depth_sensor.get_option(rs.option.depth_units)
# Map depth to color
color_pixel = [396, 270]
pixel_distance_in_meters = aligned_depth_frame.get_distance(
    color_pixel[0], color_pixel[1])
print("pixel distance in meters:", pixel_distance_in_meters)
color_point = rs.rs2_deproject_pixel_to_point(color_intrin, color_pixel,
depth_point = rs.rs2_transform_point_to_point(color_to_depth_extrin,
depth_pixel = rs.rs2_project_point_to_pixel(depth_intrin, depth_point)

print('depth_intrinsic', depth_intrin)
print('color_intrinsic', color_intrin)
print('depth and color extrinsic', color_to_depth_extrin)
print('depth_pixel', depth_pixel)
print('depth_point', depth_point)
print('color_pixel', color_pixel)
print('color_point', color_point)
cv2.namedWindow('Align Example', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
#cv2.imshow('Align Example', images)
cv2.imshow('Align Example', aligned_color_image)
cv2.namedWindow('depth example', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
cv2.imshow('depth example', aligned_color_depth_image)
Пример #16
def calculate_boundingbox_points(point_cloud,
	Calculate the top and bottom bounding box corner points for the point cloud in the image coordinates of the color imager of the realsense device
	point_cloud : ndarray
		The (3 x N) array containing the pointcloud information
	calibration_info_devices : dict
		keys: str
			Serial number of the device
		values: [transformation_devices, intrinsics_devices, extrinsics_devices]
			transformation_devices: Transformation object
					The transformation object containing the transformation information between the device and the world coordinate systems
			intrinsics_devices: rs.intrinscs
					The intrinsics of the depth_frame of the realsense device
			extrinsics_devices: rs.extrinsics
					The extrinsics between the depth imager 1 and the color imager of the realsense device
	depth_threshold : double
		The threshold for the depth value (meters) in world-coordinates beyond which the point cloud information will not be used
		Following the right-hand coordinate system, if the object is placed on the chessboard plane, the height of the object will increase along the negative Z-axis
	bounding_box_points_color_image : dict
		The bounding box corner points in the image coordinate system for the color imager
		keys: str
				Serial number of the device
			values: [points]
				points: list
					The (8x2) list of the upper corner points stacked above the lower corner points 
	length : double
		The length of the bounding box calculated in the world coordinates of the pointcloud
	width : double
		The width of the bounding box calculated in the world coordinates of the pointcloud
	height : double
		The height of the bounding box calculated in the world coordinates of the pointcloud
    # Calculate the dimensions of the filtered and summed up point cloud
    # Some dirty array manipulations are gonna follow
    if point_cloud.shape[1] > 500:
        # Get the bounding box in 2D using the X and Y coordinates
        coord = np.c_[point_cloud[0, :], point_cloud[1, :]].astype('float32')
        min_area_rectangle = cv2.minAreaRect(coord)
        bounding_box_world_2d = cv2.boxPoints(min_area_rectangle)
        # Caculate the height of the pointcloud
        height = max(point_cloud[2, :]) - min(
            point_cloud[2, :]) + depth_threshold

        # Get the upper and lower bounding box corner points in 3D
        height_array = np.array([[-height], [-height], [-height], [-height],
                                 [0], [0], [0], [0]])
        bounding_box_world_3d = np.column_stack((np.row_stack(
            (bounding_box_world_2d, bounding_box_world_2d)), height_array))

        # Get the bounding box points in the image coordinates
        bounding_box_points_color_image = {}
        for (device, calibration_info) in calibration_info_devices.items():
            # Transform the bounding box corner points to the device coordinates
            bounding_box_device_3d = calibration_info[0].inverse(

            # Obtain the image coordinates in the color imager using the bounding box 3D corner points in the device coordinates
            color_pixel = []
            bounding_box_device_3d = bounding_box_device_3d.transpose().tolist(
            for bounding_box_point in bounding_box_device_3d:
                bounding_box_color_image_point = rs.rs2_transform_point_to_point(
                    calibration_info[2], bounding_box_point)

            bounding_box_points_color_image[device] = np.row_stack(color_pixel)
        return bounding_box_points_color_image, min_area_rectangle[1][
            0], min_area_rectangle[1][1], height
        return {}, 0, 0, 0
Пример #17
    def __detect(self, save_img=False):
        # Declare pointcloud object, for calculating pointclouds and texture mappings
        pc = rs.pointcloud()

        # Create an align object
        # rs.align allows us to perform alignment of depth frames to others frames
        # The "align_to" is the stream type to which we plan to align depth frames.
        align_to = rs.stream.color
        align = rs.align(align_to)

        frames = self.__pipeline.wait_for_frames()
        aligned_frames = align.process(frames)
        depth_frame = aligned_frames.get_depth_frame()
        color_frame = aligned_frames.get_color_frame()
        # time.sleep(8)
        img_color = np.array(color_frame.get_data())
        img_depth = np.array(depth_frame.get_data())
        cv2.imwrite(opt.source, img_color)

        # detection section
        img_size = (
            320, 192
        ) if ONNX_EXPORT else opt.img_size  # (320, 192) or (416, 256) or (608, 352) for (height, width)
        out, source, weights, half, view_img, save_txt = opt.output, opt.source, opt.weights, opt.half, opt.view_img, opt.save_txt
        webcam = source == '0' or source.startswith(
            'rtsp') or source.startswith('http') or source.endswith('.txt')

        # Initialize
        device = torch_utils.select_device(
            device='cpu' if ONNX_EXPORT else opt.device)
        if os.path.exists(out):
            shutil.rmtree(out)  # delete output folder
        os.makedirs(out)  # make new output folder

        # Initialize model
        model = Darknet(opt.cfg, img_size)

        # Load weights
        if weights.endswith('.pt'):  # pytorch format
                torch.load(weights, map_location=device)['model'])
        else:  # darknet format
            load_darknet_weights(model, weights)

        # Second-stage classifier
        classify = False
        if classify:
            modelc = torch_utils.load_classifier(name='resnet101',
                                                 n=2)  # initialize
                           map_location=device)['model'])  # load weights

        # Eval mode

        # Fuse Conv2d + BatchNorm2d layers
        # model.fuse()

        # Export mode
        if ONNX_EXPORT:
            img = torch.zeros((1, 3) + img_size)  # (1, 3, 320, 192)
            f = opt.weights.replace(opt.weights.split('.')[-1],
                                    'onnx')  # *.onnx filename
            torch.onnx.export(model, img, f, verbose=False, opset_version=11)

            # Validate exported model
            import onnx
            model = onnx.load(f)  # Load the ONNX model
            onnx.checker.check_model(model)  # Check that the IR is well formed
                  )  # Print a human readable representation of the graph

        # Half precision
        half = half and device.type != 'cpu'  # half precision only supported on CUDA
        if half:

        # Set Dataloader
        vid_path, vid_writer = None, None
        if webcam:
            view_img = True
            torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True  # set True to speed up constant image size inference
            dataset = LoadStreams(source, img_size=img_size)
            save_img = True
            dataset = LoadImages(source, img_size=img_size)

        # Get names and colors
        names = load_classes(opt.names)
        colors = [[random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(3)]
                  for _ in range(len(names))]

        # Run inference
        t0 = time.time()
        _ = model(torch.zeros(
            (1, 3, img_size, img_size),
            device=device)) if device.type != 'cpu' else None  # run once
        for path, img, im0s, vid_cap in dataset:
            img = torch.from_numpy(img).to(device)
            img = img.half() if half else img.float()  # uint8 to fp16/32
            img /= 255.0  # 0 - 255 to 0.0 - 1.0
            if img.ndimension() == 3:
                img = img.unsqueeze(0)

            # Inference
            t1 = torch_utils.time_synchronized()
            pred = model(img, augment=opt.augment)[0]
            t2 = torch_utils.time_synchronized()

            # to float
            if half:
                pred = pred.float()

            # Apply NMS
            pred = non_max_suppression(pred,

            # Apply Classifier
            if classify:
                pred = apply_classifier(pred, modelc, img, im0s)

            # Process detections
            for i, det in enumerate(pred):  # detections per image
                if webcam:  # batch_size >= 1
                    p, s, im0 = path[i], '%g: ' % i, im0s[i]
                    p, s, im0 = path, '', im0s

                save_path = str(Path(out) / Path(p).name)
                s += '%gx%g ' % img.shape[2:]  # print string
                position_result = geometry_msgs.msg.PointStamped()
                if det is not None and len(det):
                    # Rescale boxes from img_size to im0 size
                    det[:, :4] = scale_coords(img.shape[2:], det[:, :4],

                    # Print results
                    for c in det[:, -1].unique():
                        n = (det[:, -1] == c).sum()  # detections per class
                        s += '%g %ss, ' % (n, names[int(c)])  # add to string
                    # stop_num = 0
                    # print('c = ',len(det))
                    target_detected = False
                    # Write results
                    for *xyxy, conf, cls in det:
                        # c1, c2 = (int(xyxy[0]), int(xyxy[1])), (int(xyxy[2]), int(xyxy[3]))
                        # c0 = ((int(xyxy[0])+int(xyxy[2]))/2, (int(xyxy[1])+int(xyxy[3]))/2)
                        if save_txt:  # Write to file
                            with open(save_path + '.txt', 'a') as file:
                                    ('%g ' * 6 + '\n') % (*xyxy, cls, conf))

                        if save_img or view_img:  # Add bbox to image
                            label = '%s %.2f' % (names[int(cls)], conf)

                        # print(c0)

                        if int(cls) == self.targetclass:
                            x_center = int((int(xyxy[0]) + int(xyxy[2])) / 2)
                            y_center = int((int(xyxy[1]) + int(xyxy[3])) / 2)

                            # Intrinsics and Extrinsics
                            depth_intrin = depth_frame.profile.as_video_stream_profile(
                            color_intrin = color_frame.profile.as_video_stream_profile(
                            depth_to_color_extrin = depth_frame.profile.get_extrinsics_to(

                            # Depth scale: units of the values inside a depth frame, how to convert the value to units of 1 meter
                            depth_sensor = self.__pipe_profile.get_device(
                            depth_scale = depth_sensor.get_depth_scale()

                            # Map depth to color
                            depth_pixel = [240, 320]  # Random pixel
                            depth_point = rs.rs2_deproject_pixel_to_point(
                                depth_intrin, depth_pixel, depth_scale)

                            color_point = rs.rs2_transform_point_to_point(
                                depth_to_color_extrin, depth_point)
                            color_pixel = rs.rs2_project_point_to_pixel(
                                color_intrin, color_point)

                            points = pc.calculate(depth_frame)
                            vtx = np.array(points.get_vertices())
                            tex = np.array(points.get_texture_coordinates())
                            pix_num = 1280 * y_center + x_center

                            point_cloud_value = [
                            print('point_cloud_value:', point_cloud_value,
                                  names[int(cls)], int(cls))
                            if np.float(vtx[pix_num][2]) > 0.11:
                                position_result.header.frame_id = 'camera_color_optical_frame'
                                position_result.point.x = np.float(
                                position_result.point.y = np.float(
                                position_result.point.z = np.float(
                                    position_result)  # publish the result
                                target_detected = True
                                rospy.loginfo('The target has been detected!')
                                break  # only the target class
                                # os.system('rostopic pub -1 /goal_pose geometry_msgs/PointStamped [0,[0,0],zed_left_camera_optical_frame] [%s,%s,%s]' %(np.float(vtx[pix_num][0]),np.float(vtx[pix_num][1]),np.float(vtx[pix_num][2]))
                                # os.system('rostopic pub -1 /start_plan std_msgs/Bool 1')
                            # else:
                            # os.system('rostopic pub -1 /start_plan std_msgs/Bool 0')
                            # print("Can't estimate point cloud at this position.")
                        # stop_num += 1
                        # if stop_num >= len(det):
                        #     os.system('rostopic pub -1 /start_plan std_msgs/Bool 0')
                    if not target_detected:
                        position_result.header.frame_id = 'empty'
                            position_result)  # publish failure topic
                        rospy.logwarn('Fail to detect the target!')
                    position_result.header.frame_id = 'empty'
                        position_result)  # publish failure topic
                    rospy.logwarn('Fail to detect any target!')

                # Print time (inference + NMS)
                print('%sDone. (%.3fs)' % (s, t2 - t1))

                # Stream results
                if view_img:
                    cv2.imshow(p, im0)
                    if cv2.waitKey(1) == ord('q'):  # q to quit
                        raise StopIteration

                # Save results (image with detections)
                if save_img:
                    if dataset.mode == 'images':
                        cv2.imwrite(save_path, im0)
                        if vid_path != save_path:  # new video
                            vid_path = save_path
                            if isinstance(vid_writer, cv2.VideoWriter):
                                )  # release previous video writer

                            fps = vid_cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)
                            w = int(vid_cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH))
                            h = int(vid_cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT))
                            vid_writer = cv2.VideoWriter(
                                save_path, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*opt.fourcc),
                                fps, (w, h))

        if save_txt or save_img:
            print('Results saved to %s' % os.getcwd() + os.sep + out)
            if platform == 'darwin':  # MacOS
                os.system('open ' + out + ' ' + save_path)

        print('Done. (%.3fs)' % (time.time() - t0))
Пример #18
    depth_to_color_extrin = depth_frame.profile.get_extrinsics_to(

    # Depth scale - units of the values inside a depth frame, i.e how to convert the value to units of 1 meter
    depth_sensor = pipe_profile.get_device().first_depth_sensor()
    depth_scale = depth_sensor.get_depth_scale()

    # Map depth to color
    depth_pixel = [240, 320]  # Random pixel
    # depth_pixel = [0,100]
    depth_point = rs.rs2_deproject_pixel_to_point(depth_intrin, depth_pixel,

    color_point = rs.rs2_transform_point_to_point(depth_to_color_extrin,
    color_pixel = rs.rs2_project_point_to_pixel(color_intrin, color_point)
    # print ('depth: ',color_point)
    # print ('depth: ',color_pixel)

    points = pc.calculate(depth_frame)
    vtx = np.asanyarray(points.get_vertices())
    tex = np.asanyarray(points.get_texture_coordinates())
    img_color, top, bottle, right, left = circle_fit.my_fun(img_color)
    i_top = 640 * int(top[1]) + int(top[0])
    print("i_top = ", i_top)
    if top[1] > 0 and top[1] < 640 and top[0] > 0 and top[
            0] < 480 and i_top < 300000:
Пример #19
    def extract_based_pixel2(self, color_pixel):
        self.depth_to_color_extrin = self.depth.profile.get_extrinsics_to(
        self.color_to_depth_extrin = self.color.profile.get_extrinsics_to(

        # Depth scale - units of the values inside a depth frame, i.e how to convert the value to units of 1 meter
        depth_sensor = self.profile.get_device().first_depth_sensor()
        depth_scale = depth_sensor.get_depth_scale()

        color_pixel1 = [color_pixel[0], color_pixel[1]]
        color_pixel2 = [
            color_pixel[0] + color_pixel[2], color_pixel[1] + color_pixel[3]

        left_top_color_point = rs.rs2_deproject_pixel_to_point(
            self.color_intrin, color_pixel1, 1.0)
        left_top_depth_point = rs.rs2_transform_point_to_point(
            self.color_to_depth_extrin, left_top_color_point)
        left_top_depth_pixel = rs.rs2_project_point_to_pixel(
            self.depth_intrin, left_top_depth_point)

        right_down_color_point = rs.rs2_deproject_pixel_to_point(
            self.color_intrin, color_pixel2, 1.0)
        right_down_depth_point = rs.rs2_transform_point_to_point(
            self.color_to_depth_extrin, right_down_color_point)
        right_down_depth_pixel = rs.rs2_project_point_to_pixel(
            self.depth_intrin, right_down_depth_point)

        depth_image = np.asanyarray(self.depth.get_data())
        height, width = depth_image.shape
        lx = int(left_top_depth_pixel[0])
        ly = int(left_top_depth_pixel[1])
        rx = int(right_down_depth_pixel[0])
        ry = int(right_down_depth_pixel[1])

        index_max = np.argmax(depth_image[lx:rx + 1, ly:ry + 1])
        index_min = np.argmin(depth_image[lx:rx + 1, ly:ry + 1])
        print('index_max', index_max)
        print('index_min', index_min)
        index_max = lx * width + ly + index_max
        index_min = lx * width + ly + index_min

        pixel_max = [int(index_max / width), int(index_max % width)]
        pixel_min = [int(index_min / width), int(index_min % width)]
        scale1 = depth_image[lx, ly]
        scale2 = depth_image[rx, ry]
        scale3 = depth_image[pixel_max[0], pixel_max[1]]
        scale4 = depth_image[pixel_min[0], pixel_min[1]]

        print('scale1', scale1)
        print('scale2', scale2)
        print('scale3', scale3)
        print('scale4', scale4)
        point1 = rs.rs2_deproject_pixel_to_point(self.depth_intrin,
                                                 left_top_depth_pixel, scale1)
        point2 = rs.rs2_deproject_pixel_to_point(self.depth_intrin,
        point3 = rs.rs2_deproject_pixel_to_point(self.depth_intrin, pixel_max,
        point4 = rs.rs2_deproject_pixel_to_point(self.depth_intrin, pixel_min,

        l1 = min(point1[0], point2[0]) * depth_scale
        r1 = max(point1[0], point2[0]) * depth_scale
        l2 = min(point1[1], point2[1]) * depth_scale
        r2 = max(point1[1], point2[1]) * depth_scale
        l3 = min(point1[2], point2[2]) * depth_scale
        r3 = max(point1[2], point2[2]) * depth_scale

        bounding_cube = [l1, r1, l2, r2, l3, r3]

        depth_bbox = [
            left_top_depth_pixel[0], left_top_depth_pixel[1],
            right_down_depth_pixel[0], right_down_depth_pixel[1]

        # return [left_top_depth_pixel[0],left_top_depth_pixel[1],right_down_depth_pixel[0],right_down_depth_pixel[1]]

        return bounding_cube
Пример #20
 def point_projection(self, pixel_3d):
     depth_intrin = self.filtered.profile.as_video_stream_profile(
     return rs.rs2_project_point_to_pixel(depth_intrin, pixel_3d)
Пример #21
def start_pipeline():
    save_path = "./out"
    pipeline = rs.pipeline()
    config = rs.config()

    config.enable_stream(rs.stream.depth, 1280, 720, rs.format.z16, 30)
    config.enable_stream(rs.stream.color, 1280, 720, rs.format.rgb8, 30)
    print('[INFO] Starting pipeline')

    profile = pipeline.get_active_profile()
    # profile = pipeline.start(config)
    depth_profile = rs.video_stream_profile(profile.get_stream(

    depth_intrinsics = depth_profile.get_intrinsics()
    w, h = depth_intrinsics.width, depth_intrinsics.height
    print("[INFO] Width: ", w, "Height: ", h)

    fx, fy, = depth_intrinsics.fx, depth_intrinsics.fy
    print("[INFO] Focal length X: ", fx)
    print("[INFO] Focal length Y: ", fy)

    ppx, ppy = depth_intrinsics.ppx, depth_intrinsics.ppy
    print("[INFO] Principal point X: ", ppx)
    print("[INFO] Principal point Y: ", ppy)

    # Identifying depth scaling factor
    depth_sensor = profile.get_device().first_depth_sensor()
    depth_scale = depth_sensor.get_depth_scale()

    pc = rs.pointcloud()
    decimate = rs.decimation_filter()
    spatial = rs.spatial_filter
    hole = rs.hole_filling_filter
    temporal = rs.temporal_filter()
    colorizer = rs.colorizer()

    align_to = rs.stream.color
    align = rs.align(align_to)
    frame_counter = 0
        print("[INFO] Starting pipeline stream with frame {:d}".format(
        while True:
            frames = pipeline.wait_for_frames()
            aligned_frames = align.process(frames)

            aligned_depth_frame = aligned_frames.get_depth_frame()
            aligned_color_frame = aligned_frames.get_color_frame()

            depth_colormap = np.asanyarray(
            color_image = np.asanyarray(aligned_color_frame.get_data())

            pts = pc.calculate(aligned_depth_frame)

            if not aligned_depth_frame or not aligned_color_frame:
                print("No depth or color frame, try again...")

            depth_image = np.asanyarray(aligned_depth_frame.get_data())

            images = np.hstack(
                (cv2.cvtColor(color_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB), depth_colormap))
            cv2.imshow(str(frame_counter), images)
            key = cv2.waitKey(1)
            if key == ord("d"):
                landmarks = landmark_detector(color_image)
                for n, px in landmarks.items():
                    z = aligned_depth_frame.get_distance(px[0], px[1])
                    # Test Landmarks px = [width, height]
                    pt = rs.rs2_deproject_pixel_to_point(
                        depth_intrinsics, [px[0], px[1]], z)
                    w, h = rs.rs2_project_point_to_pixel(depth_intrinsics, pt)
                    print("Original Pixel:", px)
                    print("Deprojected  Pixel:", [w, h])
                    return px, w, h
    except Exception as ex:
Пример #22
def calculate_boundingbox_points(pipeline, pipeline_profile, point_cloud,
                                 Trans, extrinsics_device, color_internal):
    dimensions = []
    color_images = []
    depth_value0 = point_cloud[2].reshape(720, 1280)
    if len(depth_value0 > 0.001) > 500:
        depth_value1 = np.int0(
            np.where(depth_value0 < 0.005, 0, depth_value0) * 1000)

        mask = np.where(depth_value1 > 0, 255, depth_value1).astype(np.uint8)

        contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(mask, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,
        contours_0 = []
        # 寻找满足的轮
        for j in range(len(contours)):
            cnt = contours[j]
            area = cv2.contourArea(cnt)
            length = cv2.arcLength(cnt, True)
            if area > 100 and length > 200:


        for i in range(len(contours_0)):
            index = []
            for j in range(len(contours_0[i])):
                x = contours_0[i][j][0][0]
                y = contours_0[i][j][0][1]
                index.append(x + y * 1280)

            hull = cv2.convexHull(contours_0[i])
            angle_0 = cv2.minAreaRect(hull)[2]
            point_cloud0 = point_cloud[:, index]
            if point_cloud0.shape[1] > 100:
                coord = np.c_[point_cloud0[0, :],
                              point_cloud0[1, :]].astype('float32')
                min_area_rectangle = cv2.minAreaRect(coord)
                angle_1 = min_area_rectangle[2]
                bounding_box_world_2d = cv2.boxPoints(min_area_rectangle)
                # print("debug111")
                # print(bounding_box_world_2d)

                height = max(point_cloud0[
                    2, :])  # - min(point_cloud[2, :]) + depth_threshold
                height_array = np.array([[-height], [-height], [-height],
                                         [-height], [0], [0], [0], [0]])
                bounding_box_world_3d = np.column_stack((np.row_stack(
                    (bounding_box_world_2d, bounding_box_world_2d)),
                trans = Transformation(Trans[4], Trans[5])
                bounding_box_device_3d = trans.apply_transformation(
                    bounding_box_world_3d.transpose())  #

                # print("debug222")
                # print(bounding_box_device_3d)

                # trans = Transformation(Trans[2],Trans[3])
                # bounding_box_color_image_point=trans.apply_transformation(bounding_box_device_3d)
                # print("debug333")
                # print(bounding_box_color_image_point) #
                # color_pixel=get_point_3D_2D(bounding_box_color_image_point, Trans[0]).T
                # color_images.append(color_pixel)
                # print("debug444")
                # print(color_pixel)

                bounding_box_device_3d = bounding_box_device_3d.transpose(
                color_pixel = []
                for bounding_box_point in bounding_box_device_3d:
                    bounding_box_color_image_point = rs.rs2_transform_point_to_point(
                        extrinsics_device, bounding_box_point)
                            color_internal, bounding_box_color_image_point))
                color_image = np.row_stack(color_pixel)
                    min_area_rectangle[1][0], min_area_rectangle[1][1], height,

        # cv2.imshow("depth11", mask)
        # cv2.waitKey(1)
        return color_images, dimensions
        return color_images, dimensions
Пример #23
                            point_5 = pixel2point(depth_frame, p_5)
                            point_4 = pixel2point(depth_frame, p_4)
                            point_3 = pixel2point(depth_frame, p_3)
                            # Calculate target point
                            point_target = [
                                point_4[0] + point_3[0] - point_5[0],
                                point_4[1] + point_3[1] - point_5[1],
                                point_4[2] + point_3[2] - point_5[2]
                            # Compute distance
                            # dis=distance_3dpoints(point_target,point_0)

                            # Display target and draw a line between them
                            color_intrin = color_frame.profile.as_video_stream_profile(
                            target_pixel = rs.rs2_project_point_to_pixel(
                                color_intrin, point_target)
                            target_pixel[0] = int(target_pixel[0])
                            target_pixel[1] = int(target_pixel[1])
                            cv2.circle(images, tuple(target_pixel), 1,
                                       (0, 0, 255), 8)
                            cv2.line(images, tuple(p_0), tuple(target_pixel),
                                     (0, 255, 0), 2)

                            # Euclidean distance
                            dis_obj2target = distance_3dpoints(
                                point_0, point_target)
                            dis_obj2target_goal = dis_obj2target * np.sin(
                                np.arccos(0.02 / dis_obj2target))

                            useful_color_image = color_image