Пример #1
def reparameterized_discrete_model(args, data):
    # Sample global parameters.
    rate_s, prob_i, rho = global_model(args.population)

    # Sequentially sample time-local variables.
    S_curr = torch.tensor(args.population - 1.0)
    I_curr = torch.tensor(1.0)
    for t, datum in enumerate(data):
        # Sample reparameterizing variables.
        # When reparameterizing to a factor graph, we ignored density via
        # .mask(False). Thus distributions are used only for initialization.
        S_prev, I_prev = S_curr, I_curr
        S_curr = pyro.sample("S_{}".format(t),
                             dist.Binomial(args.population, 0.5).mask(False))
        I_curr = pyro.sample("I_{}".format(t),
                             dist.Binomial(args.population, 0.5).mask(False))

        # Now we reverse the computation.
        S2I = S_prev - S_curr
        I2R = I_prev - I_curr + S2I
            dist.ExtendedBinomial(S_prev, -(rate_s * I_prev).expm1()),
                    dist.ExtendedBinomial(I_prev, prob_i),
                    dist.ExtendedBinomial(S2I, rho),
Пример #2
def continuous_model(args, data):
    # Sample global parameters.
    rate_s, prob_i, rho = global_model(args.population)

    # Sample reparameterizing variables.
    S_aux = pyro.sample("S_aux",
                        dist.Uniform(-0.5, args.population + 0.5)
    I_aux = pyro.sample("I_aux",
                        dist.Uniform(-0.5, args.population + 0.5)

    # Sequentially sample time-local variables.
    S_curr = torch.tensor(args.population - 1.)
    I_curr = torch.tensor(1.)
    for t, datum in poutine.markov(enumerate(data)):
        S_prev, I_prev = S_curr, I_curr
        S_curr = quantize("S_{}".format(t), S_aux[..., t], min=0, max=args.population)
        I_curr = quantize("I_{}".format(t), I_aux[..., t], min=0, max=args.population)

        # Now we reverse the computation.
        S2I = S_prev - S_curr
        I2R = I_prev - I_curr + S2I
                    dist.ExtendedBinomial(S_prev, -(rate_s * I_prev).expm1()),
                    dist.ExtendedBinomial(I_prev, prob_i),
                    dist.ExtendedBinomial(S2I, rho),
Пример #3
def test_extended_binomial(tol):
    with set_approx_log_prob_tol(tol):
        total_count = torch.tensor([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 10.0])
        probs = torch.tensor([0.5, 0.5, 0.4, 0.2]).requires_grad_()

        d1 = dist.Binomial(total_count, probs)
        d2 = dist.ExtendedBinomial(total_count, probs)
        # Check on good data.
        data = d1.sample((100, ))
        assert_equal(d1.log_prob(data), d2.log_prob(data))

        # Check on extended data.
        data = torch.arange(-10.0, 20.0).unsqueeze(-1)
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        log_prob = d2.log_prob(data)
        valid = d1.support.check(data)
        assert ((log_prob > -math.inf) == valid).all()
        check_grad(log_prob, probs)

        # Check on shape error.
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            d2.log_prob(torch.tensor([0.0, 0.0]))

        # Check on value error.
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):

        # Check on negative total_count.
        total_count = torch.arange(-10, 0.0)
        probs = torch.tensor(0.5).requires_grad_()
        d = dist.ExtendedBinomial(total_count, probs)
        log_prob = d.log_prob(data)
        assert (log_prob == -math.inf).all()
        check_grad(log_prob, probs)
Пример #4
def vectorized_model(args, data):
    # Sample global parameters.
    rate_s, prob_i, rho = global_model(args.population)

    # Sample reparameterizing variables.
    S_aux = pyro.sample(
        dist.Uniform(-0.5, args.population + 0.5).mask(False).expand(
    I_aux = pyro.sample(
        dist.Uniform(-0.5, args.population + 0.5).mask(False).expand(

    # Manually enumerate.
    S_curr, S_logp = quantize_enumerate(S_aux, min=0, max=args.population)
    I_curr, I_logp = quantize_enumerate(I_aux, min=0, max=args.population)
    # Truncate final value from the right then pad initial value onto the left.
    S_prev = torch.nn.functional.pad(S_curr[:-1], (0, 0, 1, 0),
                                     value=args.population - 1)
    I_prev = torch.nn.functional.pad(I_curr[:-1], (0, 0, 1, 0), value=1)
    # Reshape to support broadcasting, similar to EnumMessenger.
    T = len(data)
    Q = 4
    S_prev = S_prev.reshape(T, Q, 1, 1, 1)
    I_prev = I_prev.reshape(T, 1, Q, 1, 1)
    S_curr = S_curr.reshape(T, 1, 1, Q, 1)
    S_logp = S_logp.reshape(T, 1, 1, Q, 1)
    I_curr = I_curr.reshape(T, 1, 1, 1, Q)
    I_logp = I_logp.reshape(T, 1, 1, 1, Q)
    data = data.reshape(T, 1, 1, 1, 1)

    # Reverse the S2I,I2R computation.
    S2I = S_prev - S_curr
    I2R = I_prev - I_curr + S2I

    # Compute probability factors.
    S2I_logp = dist.ExtendedBinomial(S_prev,
                                     -(rate_s * I_prev).expm1()).log_prob(S2I)
    I2R_logp = dist.ExtendedBinomial(I_prev, prob_i).log_prob(I2R)
    obs_logp = dist.ExtendedBinomial(S2I, rho).log_prob(data)

    # Manually perform variable elimination.
    logp = S_logp + (I_logp + obs_logp) + S2I_logp + I2R_logp
    logp = logp.reshape(-1, Q * Q, Q * Q)
    logp = pyro.distributions.hmm._sequential_logmatmulexp(logp)
    logp = logp.reshape(-1).logsumexp(0)
    logp = logp - math.log(4)  # Account for S,I initial distributions.
    pyro.factor("obs", logp)
Пример #5
def binomial_dist(total_count, probs, *, overdispersion=0.0):
    Returns a Beta-Binomial distribution that is an overdispersed version of a
    Binomial distribution, according to a parameter ``overdispersion``,
    typically set in the range 0.1 to 0.5.

    This is useful for (1) fitting real data that is overdispersed relative to
    a Binomial distribution, and (2) relaxing models of large populations to
    improve inference. In particular the ``overdispersion`` parameter lower
    bounds the relative uncertainty in stochastic models such that increasing
    population leads to a limiting scale-free dynamical system with bounded
    stochasticity, in contrast to Binomial-based SDEs that converge to
    deterministic ODEs in the large population limit.

    This parameterization satisfies the following properties:

    1.  Variance increases monotonically in ``overdispersion``.
    2.  ``overdispersion = 0`` results in a Binomial distribution.
    3.  ``overdispersion`` lower bounds the relative uncertainty ``std_dev /
        (total_count * p * q)``, where ``probs = p = 1 - q``, and serves as an
        asymptote for relative uncertainty as ``total_count → ∞``. This
        contrasts the Binomial whose relative uncertainty tends to zero.
    4.  If ``X ~ binomial_dist(n, p, overdispersion=σ)`` then in the large
        population limit ``n → ∞``, the scaled random variable ``X / n``
        converges in distribution to ``LogitNormal(log(p/(1-p)), σ)``.

    To achieve these properties we set ``p = probs``, ``q = 1 - p``, and::

        concentration = 1 / (p * q * overdispersion**2) - 1

    :param total_count: Number of Bernoulli trials.
    :type total_count: int or torch.Tensor
    :param probs: Event probabilities.
    :type probs: float or torch.Tensor
    :param overdispersion: Amount of overdispersion, in the half open interval
        [0,2). Defaults to zero.
    :type overdispersion: float or torch.tensor
    if _is_zero(overdispersion):
        if _RELAX:
            return _relaxed_binomial(total_count, probs)
        return dist.ExtendedBinomial(total_count, probs)

    p = probs
    q = 1 - p
    od2 = (overdispersion + 1e-8)**2
    concentration1 = 1 / (q * od2 + 1e-8) - p
    concentration0 = 1 / (p * od2 + 1e-8) - q
    # At this point we have
    #   concentration1 + concentration0 == 1 / (p + q + od2 + 1e-8) - 1

    if _RELAX:
        return _relaxed_beta_binomial(concentration1, concentration0,
    return dist.ExtendedBetaBinomial(concentration1, concentration0,
Пример #6
def discrete_model(args, data):
    # Sample global parameters.
    rate_s, prob_i, rho = global_model(args.population)

    # Sequentially sample time-local variables.
    S = torch.tensor(args.population - 1.0)
    I = torch.tensor(1.0)
    for t, datum in enumerate(data):
        S2I = pyro.sample("S2I_{}".format(t),
                          dist.Binomial(S, -(rate_s * I).expm1()))
        I2R = pyro.sample("I2R_{}".format(t), dist.Binomial(I, prob_i))
        S = pyro.deterministic("S_{}".format(t), S - S2I)
        I = pyro.deterministic("I_{}".format(t), I + S2I - I2R)
                    dist.ExtendedBinomial(S2I, rho),