def plot(self, depth_range=(0, 60000.), ddepth=100., ddbin=2000., vel_range=None, dvbin=100., percent=False, plot_mode=True, plot_median=True, plot_mean=False, show_cbar=True, aspect=.02, phase='p', axes=None): ''' Plot a two 2D Histogram of seismic velocities :param depth_range: Depth range, ``(dmin, dmax)``, defaults to ``(0, 60)`` :type depth_range: tuple :param vel_range: Velocity range, ``(vmin, vmax)`` :type vel_range: tuple :param ddepth: Stepping in [m], defaults to ``.1`` :type ddepth: float :param dvbin: Bin size in velocity dimension [m/s], defaults to .1 :type dvbin: float :param dvbin: Bin size in depth dimension [m], defaults to 2000. :type dvbin: float :param phase: Phase to calculate ``p`` or ``s``, defaults to ``p`` :type phase: str :param plot_mode: Plot the Mode :type plot_mode: bool :param plot_mean: Plot the Mean :type plot_mean: bool :param plot_median: Plot the Median :type plot_median: bool :param axes: Axes to plot into, defaults to None :type axes: :class:`matplotlib.Axes` ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = _getCanvas(axes) ax = fig.gca() if vel_range is not None: vmin, vmax = vel_range dmin, dmax = depth_range vfield, vedg, dedg = self.histogram2d(vel_range=vel_range, depth_range=depth_range, ddepth=ddepth, dvbin=dvbin, ddbin=ddbin, phase=phase) vfield /= (ddbin / ddepth) if percent: vfield /= vfield.sum(axis=1)[num.newaxis, :] grid_ext = [vedg[0], vedg[-1], dedg[-1], dedg[0]] histogram = ax.imshow(vfield.swapaxes(0, 1), interpolation='nearest', extent=grid_ext, aspect=aspect) if show_cbar: cticks = num.unique( num.arange(0, vfield.max(), vfield.max() // 10).round()) cbar = fig.colorbar(histogram, ticks=cticks, format='%1i', orientation='horizontal') if percent: cbar.set_label('Percent') else: cbar.set_label('Number of Profiles') if plot_mode: sdepth, vel_mode, _ = self.modeVelocity(depth_range=depth_range, ddepth=ddepth) ax.plot(vel_mode[sdepth < dmax] + ddepth / 2, sdepth[sdepth < dmax], alpha=.8, color='w', label='Mode') if plot_mean: sdepth, vel_mean, _ = self.meanVelocity(depth_range=depth_range, ddepth=ddepth) ax.plot(vel_mean[sdepth < dmax] + ddepth / 2, sdepth[sdepth < dmax], alpha=.8, color='w', linestyle='--', label='Mean') if plot_median: sdepth, vel_median, _ = self.medianVelocity( depth_range=depth_range, ddepth=ddepth) ax.plot(vel_median[sdepth < dmax] + ddepth / 2, sdepth[sdepth < dmax], alpha=.8, color='w', linestyle=':', label='Median') ax.grid(True, which="both", color="w", linewidth=.8, alpha=.4) ax.text(.025, .025, '%d Profiles' % self.nprofiles, color='w', alpha=.7, transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=9, va='bottom', ha='left') ax.set_title('Crustal Velocity Distribution') ax.set_xlabel('%s [km/s]' % vel_labels[phase]) ax.set_ylabel('Depth [km]') yscaled(1. / km, ax) xoffset_scale(dvbin / 2, 1. / km, ax) ax.set_xlim(vel_range) if is not None: ax.set_title('%s for %s' % (ax.get_title(), if plot_mode or plot_mean or plot_median: leg = ax.legend(loc=1, fancybox=True, prop={'size': 10.}) leg.get_frame().set_alpha(.6) if axes is None:
def command_tttview(args): import numpy as num import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pyrocko.plot.cake_plot import mpl_init, labelspace, xscaled, yscaled mpl_init() def setup(parser): parser.add_option('--source-depth', dest='depth', type=float, help='Source depth in km') parser, options, args = cl_parse( 'tttview', args, setup=setup, details="Comma seperated <phase-ids>, eg. 'fomosto tttview Pdiff,S'.") try: phase_ids = args.pop().split(',') except Exception: parser.error('cannot get <phase-ids> argument') np = 1 store_dir = get_store_dir(args) for phase_id in phase_ids: try: store = gf.Store(store_dir) phase = store.get_stored_phase(phase_id) axes = plt.subplot(2, len(phase_ids), np) labelspace(axes) xscaled(1. / km, axes) yscaled(1. / km, axes) phase.plot_2d(axes) axes.set_title(phase_id) np += 1 except gf.StoreError as e: die(e) axes = plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) num_d = 100 distances = num.linspace(store.config.distance_min, store.config.distance_max, num_d) if options.depth: depth = options.depth depth *= 1000 else: depth = store.config.source_depth_min + ( store.config.source_depth_max - store.config.source_depth_min) / 2. if isinstance(store.config, gf.ConfigTypeA): arrivals = num.empty(num_d) for phase_id in phase_ids: arrivals[:] = num.NAN for i, d in enumerate(distances): arrivals[i] = store.t(phase_id, (depth, d)) axes.plot(distances / 1000, arrivals, label=phase_id) axes.set_title('source depth %s km' % (depth / 1000)) axes.set_xlabel('distance [km]') axes.set_ylabel('TT [s]') axes.legend() plt.tight_layout()
def command_modelview(args): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as num from pyrocko.plot.cake_plot import mpl_init, labelspace, xscaled, yscaled mpl_init() neat_labels = { 'vp': '$v_p$', 'vs': '$v_s$', 'qp': '$Q_p$', 'qs': '$Q_s$', 'rho': '$\\rho$' } def setup(parser): parser.add_option( '--parameters', dest='parameters', default='vp,vs', metavar='vp,vs,....', help='select one or several of vp, vs, rho, qp, qs, vp/vs, qp/qs') units = {'vp': '[km/s]', 'vs': '[km/s]', 'rho': '[g/cm^3]'} parser, options, args = cl_parse('modelview', args, setup=setup) store_dirs = get_store_dirs(args) parameters = options.parameters.split(',') fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, len(parameters), sharey=True, figsize=(len(parameters) * 3, 5)) if not isinstance(axes, num.ndarray): axes = [axes] axes = dict(zip(parameters, axes)) for store_id in store_dirs: try: store = gf.Store(store_id) mod = store.config.earthmodel_1d z = mod.profile('z') for p in parameters: ax = axes[p] labelspace(ax) if '/' in p: p1, p2 = p.split('/') profile = mod.profile(p1) / mod.profile(p2) else: profile = mod.profile(p) ax.plot(profile, -z, label=store_id.split('/')[-1]) if p in ['vs', 'vp', 'rho']: xscaled(1. / 1000., ax) yscaled(1. / km, ax) except gf.StoreError as e: die(e) for p, ax in axes.items(): ax.grid() if p in neat_labels: lab = neat_labels[p] elif all(x in neat_labels for x in p.split('/')): lab = '/'.join(neat_labels[x] for x in p.split('/')) else: lab = p ax.set_title(lab, y=1.02) if p in units: lab += ' ' + units[p] ax.autoscale() ax.set_xlabel(lab) axes[parameters[0]].set_ylabel('Depth [km]') handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() if len(store_dirs) > 1: ax.legend(handles, labels, bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 0.12), bbox_transform=fig.transFigure, ncol=3, loc='upper center', fancybox=True) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.22, wspace=0.05)
def command_tttview(args): import numpy as num import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pyrocko.plot.cake_plot import mpl_init, labelspace, xscaled, yscaled mpl_init() def setup(parser): parser.add_option( '--source-depth', dest='depth', type=float, help='Source depth in km') parser, options, args = cl_parse( 'tttview', args, setup=setup, details="Comma seperated <phase-ids>, eg. 'fomosto tttview Pdiff,S'.") try: phase_ids = args.pop().split(',') except Exception: parser.error('cannot get <phase-ids> argument') np = 1 store_dir = get_store_dir(args) for phase_id in phase_ids: try: store = gf.Store(store_dir) phase = store.get_stored_phase(phase_id) axes = plt.subplot(2, len(phase_ids), np) labelspace(axes) xscaled(1./km, axes) yscaled(1./km, axes) phase.plot_2d(axes) axes.set_title(phase_id) np += 1 except gf.StoreError as e: die(e) axes = plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) num_d = 100 distances = num.linspace(store.config.distance_min, store.config.distance_max, num_d) if options.depth: depth = options.depth depth *= 1000 else: depth = store.config.source_depth_min + ( store.config.source_depth_max - store.config.source_depth_min)/2. if isinstance(store.config, gf.ConfigTypeA): arrivals = num.empty(num_d) for phase_id in phase_ids: arrivals[:] = num.NAN for i, d in enumerate(distances): arrivals[i] = store.t(phase_id, (depth, d)) axes.plot(distances/1000, arrivals, label=phase_id) axes.set_title('source depth %s km' % (depth/1000)) axes.set_xlabel('distance [km]') axes.set_ylabel('TT [s]') axes.legend() plt.tight_layout()
def command_modelview(args): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as num from pyrocko.plot.cake_plot import mpl_init, labelspace, xscaled, yscaled mpl_init() neat_labels = { 'vp': '$v_p$', 'vs': '$v_s$', 'qp': '$Q_p$', 'qs': '$Q_s$', 'rho': '$\\rho$'} def setup(parser): parser.add_option( '--parameters', dest='parameters', default='vp,vs', metavar='vp,vs,....', help='select one or several of vp, vs, rho, qp, qs, vp/vs, qp/qs') units = {'vp': '[km/s]', 'vs': '[km/s]', 'rho': '[g/cm^3]'} parser, options, args = cl_parse('modelview', args, setup=setup) store_dirs = get_store_dirs(args) parameters = options.parameters.split(',') fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, len(parameters), sharey=True, figsize=(len(parameters)*3, 5)) if not isinstance(axes, num.ndarray): axes = [axes] axes = dict(zip(parameters, axes)) for store_id in store_dirs: try: store = gf.Store(store_id) mod = store.config.earthmodel_1d z = mod.profile('z') for p in parameters: ax = axes[p] labelspace(ax) if '/' in p: p1, p2 = p.split('/') profile = mod.profile(p1)/mod.profile(p2) else: profile = mod.profile(p) ax.plot(profile, -z, label=store_id.split('/')[-1]) if p in ['vs', 'vp', 'rho']: xscaled(1./1000., ax) yscaled(1./km, ax) except gf.StoreError as e: die(e) for p, ax in axes.items(): ax.grid() if p in neat_labels: lab = neat_labels[p] elif all(x in neat_labels for x in p.split('/')): lab = '/'.join(neat_labels[x] for x in p.split('/')) else: lab = p ax.set_title(lab, y=1.02) if p in units: lab += ' ' + units[p] ax.autoscale() ax.set_xlabel(lab) axes[parameters[0]].set_ylabel('Depth [km]') handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() if len(store_dirs) > 1: ax.legend( handles, labels, bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 0.12), bbox_transform=fig.transFigure, ncol=3, loc='upper center', fancybox=True) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.22, wspace=0.05)
def plot(self, depth_range=(0, 60000.), ddepth=100., ddbin=2000., vel_range=None, dvbin=100., percent=False, plot_mode=True, plot_median=True, plot_mean=False, show_cbar=True, aspect=.02, phase='p', axes=None): ''' Plot a two 2D Histogram of seismic velocities :param depth_range: Depth range, ``(dmin, dmax)``, defaults to ``(0, 60)`` :type depth_range: tuple :param vel_range: Velocity range, ``(vmin, vmax)`` :type vel_range: tuple :param ddepth: Stepping in [m], defaults to ``.1`` :type ddepth: float :param dvbin: Bin size in velocity dimension [m/s], defaults to .1 :type dvbin: float :param dvbin: Bin size in depth dimension [m], defaults to 2000. :type dvbin: float :param phase: Phase to calculate ``p`` or ``s``, defaults to ``p`` :type phase: str :param plot_mode: Plot the Mode :type plot_mode: bool :param plot_mean: Plot the Mean :type plot_mean: bool :param plot_median: Plot the Median :type plot_median: bool :param axes: Axes to plot into, defaults to None :type axes: :class:`matplotlib.Axes` ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = _getCanvas(axes) ax = fig.gca() if vel_range is not None: vmin, vmax = vel_range dmin, dmax = depth_range vfield, vedg, dedg = self.histogram2d(vel_range=vel_range, depth_range=depth_range, ddepth=ddepth, dvbin=dvbin, ddbin=ddbin, phase=phase) vfield /= (ddbin / ddepth) if percent: vfield /= vfield.sum(axis=1)[num.newaxis, :] grid_ext = [vedg[0], vedg[-1], dedg[-1], dedg[0]] histogram = ax.imshow(vfield.swapaxes(0, 1), interpolation='nearest', extent=grid_ext, aspect=aspect) if show_cbar: cticks = num.unique( num.arange(0, vfield.max(), vfield.max() // 10).round()) cbar = fig.colorbar(histogram, ticks=cticks, format='%1i', orientation='horizontal') if percent: cbar.set_label('Percent') else: cbar.set_label('Number of Profiles') if plot_mode: sdepth, vel_mode, _ = self.modeVelocity(depth_range=depth_range, ddepth=ddepth) ax.plot(vel_mode[sdepth < dmax] + ddepth/2, sdepth[sdepth < dmax], alpha=.8, color='w', label='Mode') if plot_mean: sdepth, vel_mean, _ = self.meanVelocity(depth_range=depth_range, ddepth=ddepth) ax.plot(vel_mean[sdepth < dmax] + ddepth/2, sdepth[sdepth < dmax], alpha=.8, color='w', linestyle='--', label='Mean') if plot_median: sdepth, vel_median, _ = self.medianVelocity( depth_range=depth_range, ddepth=ddepth) ax.plot(vel_median[sdepth < dmax] + ddepth/2, sdepth[sdepth < dmax], alpha=.8, color='w', linestyle=':', label='Median') ax.grid(True, which="both", color="w", linewidth=.8, alpha=.4) ax.text(.025, .025, '%d Profiles' % self.nprofiles, color='w', alpha=.7, transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=9, va='bottom', ha='left') ax.set_title('Crustal Velocity Distribution') ax.set_xlabel('%s [km/s]' % vel_labels[phase]) ax.set_ylabel('Depth [km]') yscaled(1./km, ax) xoffset_scale(dvbin/2, 1./km, ax) ax.set_xlim(vel_range) if is not None: ax.set_title('%s for %s' % (ax.get_title(), if plot_mode or plot_mean or plot_median: leg = ax.legend(loc=1, fancybox=True, prop={'size': 10.}) leg.get_frame().set_alpha(.6) if axes is None: