Пример #1
 def has_interface(self, pose: pyrosetta.Pose, interface: str) -> bool:
     if pose is None:
         pose = self.pose
     pose2pdb = pose.pdb_info().pose2pdb
     have_chains = {pose2pdb(r).split()[1] for r in range(1, pose.total_residue() + 1)}
     want_chains = set(interface.replace('_', ''))
     return have_chains == want_chains
Пример #2
def add_bfactor_from_score(pose: pyrosetta.Pose):
    Adds the bfactors from total_score.
    Snippet for testing in Jupyter

    >>> import nglview as nv
    >>> view = nv.show_rosetta(pose)
    >>> # view = nv.show_file('test.cif')
    >>> view.clear_representations()
    >>> view.add_tube(radiusType="bfactor", color="bfactor", radiusScale=0.10, colorScale="RdYlBu")
    >>> view

    ``replace_res_remap_bfactors`` may have been a cleaner strategy. This was quicker to write.

    If this fails, it may be because the pose was not scored first.
    if pose.pdb_info().obsolete():
        raise ValueError(
            'Pose pdb_info is flagged as obsolete (change `pose.pdb_info().obsolete(False)`)'
    # scores
    energies = pose.energies()

    def get_res_score(res):
        total_score = pyrosetta.rosetta.core.scoring.ScoreType.total_score
        # if pose.residue(res).is_polymer()
            return energies.residue_total_energies(res)[total_score]
            return float('nan')

    # the array goes from zero (nan) to n_residues
    total_scores = np.array(
        [float('nan')] +
        [get_res_score(res) for res in range(1,
                                             pose.total_residue() + 1)])
    mask = np.isnan(total_scores)
    total_scores -= np.nanmin(total_scores)
    total_scores *= 100 / np.nanmax(total_scores)
    total_scores = np.nan_to_num(total_scores, nan=100)
    total_scores[mask] = 0.
    # add to pose
    pdb_info = pose.pdb_info()
    for res in range(pose.total_residue()):
        for i in range(pose.residue(res + 1).natoms()):
            pdb_info.bfactor(res + 1, i + 1, total_scores[res + 1])
Пример #3
def pose_from_sequence( seq , res_type = 'fa_standard' , name = '' , chain_id = 'A' ):
    Returns a pose generated from amino acid single letters in  <seq>  using
    the  <res_type>  ResidueType, the new pose's PDBInfo is named  <name>
    and all residues have chain ID  <chain_id>

    See also:
    #pdb_info = rosetta.core.pose.PDBInfo(pose.total_residue())    # actual, for other code
    pdb_info = PDBInfo(pose.total_residue())    # create a PDBInfo object
    for i in range(0,pose.total_residue()):
        if pose.residue(i+1).is_protein():
            # set to a more reasonable default
            # set PDBInfo info for chain and number
    #### you can alternatively use the deprecated method set_extended_torsions
    ####    which requires a Pose and a Loop object...so make a large loop
    #set_extended_torsions( pose , Loop ( 1 , pose.total_residue() ) )
    # set the PDBInfo
    # default name to first 3 letters
    if not name:
        name = seq[:4]
#	print pose
    return pose
Пример #4
    default='',  # default to the median residue number
    help='the (pose numbered) residues to inspect carefully')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

# PDB file option
pdb_filename = options.pdb_filename
# create a pose from the desired PDB file
# create an empty Pose object
pose = Pose()
# load the data from pdb_file into the pose
pose_from_file(pose, pdb_filename)
# default to the median residue number
residues = options.residues
if not options.residues:
    residues = [int(pose.total_residue() / 2)]
elif options.residues == 'all':
    # accept the word 'all' in place of a residue list
    residues = range(1, pose.total_residue() + 1)
    # please provide the residues of interest as, delimited
    residues = [int(r) for r in options.residues.split(',')]

pose_structure(pose, residues)


# Obtaining and Editing PDB files
Пример #5
def packer_task(pose, PDB_out=False):
    Demonstrates the syntax necessary for basic usage of the PackerTask object
		performs demonstrative sidechain packing and selected design
		using  <pose>  and writes structures to PDB files if  <PDB_out>
		is True

    # create a copy of the pose
    test_pose = Pose()

    # this object is contained in PyRosetta v2.0 and above
    pymover = PyMOLMover()

    # create a standard ScoreFunction
    scorefxn = get_fa_scorefxn(
    )  #  create_score_function_ws_patch('standard', 'score12')

    # PackerTask
    # a PackerTask encodes preferences and options for sidechain packing, an
    #    effective Rosetta methodology for changing sidechain conformations, and
    #    design (mutation)
    # a PackerTask stores information on a per-residue basis
    # each residue may be packed or designed
    # PackerTasks are handled slightly differently in PyRosetta
    ####pose_packer = PackerTask()    # this line will not work properly
    pose_packer = standard_packer_task(test_pose)
    # the pose argument tells the PackerTask how large it should be

    # sidechain packing "optimizes" a pose's sidechain conformations by cycling
    #    through (Dunbrack) rotamers (sets of chi angles) at a specific residue
    #    and selecting the rotamer which achieves the lowest score,
    #    enumerating all possibilities for all sidechains simultaneously is
    #    impractically expensive so the residues to be packed are individually
    #    optimized in a "random" order
    # packing options include:
    #    -"freezing" the residue, preventing it from changing conformation
    #    -including the original sidechain conformation when determining the
    #        lowest scoring conformation
    pose_packer.restrict_to_repacking()  # turns off design
    pose_packer.or_include_current(True)  # considers original conformation

    # packing and design can be performed by a PackRotamersMover, it requires
    #    a ScoreFunction, for optimizing the sidechains and a PackerTask,
    #    setting the packing and design options
    packmover = protocols.minimization_packing.PackRotamersMover(
        scorefxn, pose_packer)

    scorefxn(pose)  # to prevent verbose output on the next line
    print('\nPre packing score:', scorefxn(test_pose))
    test_pose.pdb_info().name('original')  # for PyMOLMover

    print('Post packing score:', scorefxn(test_pose))
    test_pose.pdb_info().name('packed')  # for PyMOLMover
    if PDB_out:

    # since the PackerTask specifies how the sidechains change, it has been
    #    extended to include sidechain constitutional changes allowing
    #    protein design, this method of design is very similar to sidechain
    #    packing; all rotamers of the possible mutants at a single residue
    #    are considered and the lowest scoring conformation is selected
    # design options include:
    #    -allow all amino acids
    #    -allow all amino acids except cysteine
    #    -allow specific amino acids
    #    -prevent specific amino acids
    #    -allow polar amino acids only
    #    -prevent polar amino acids
    #    -allow only the native amino acid
    # the myriad of packing and design options can be set manually or, more
    #    commonly, using a specific file format known as a resfile
    #    resfile syntax is explained at:
    #    http://www.rosettacommons.org/manuals/archive/rosetta3.1_user_guide/file_resfiles.html
    # manually setting deign options is tedious, the methods below are handy
    #    for creating resfiles
    # mutate the "middle" residues
    center = test_pose.total_residue() // 2
    specific_design = {}
    for i in range(center - 2, center + 3):
        specific_design[i] = 'ALLAA'
    # write a resfile to perform these mutations

    # setup the design PackerTask, use the generated resfile
    pose_design = standard_packer_task(test_pose)
    rosetta.core.pack.task.parse_resfile(test_pose, pose_design,

    # prepare a new structure

    # perform design
    designmover = protocols.minimization_packing.PackRotamersMover(
        scorefxn, pose_design)
        '\nDesign with all proteogenic amino acids at (pose numbered)\
        residues', center - 2, 'to', center + 2)
    print('Pre-design score:', scorefxn(test_pose))
    print( 'Pre-design sequence: ...' + \
        test_pose.sequence()[center - 5:center + 4] + '...' )

    designmover.apply(test_pose)  # perform design
    print('\nPost-design score:', scorefxn(test_pose))
    print( 'Post-design sequence: ...' + \
        test_pose.sequence()[center - 5:center + 4] + '...' )
    test_pose.pdb_info().name('designed')  # for PyMOLMover
    if PDB_out:
Пример #6
# TODO: rename pose_from_file or make_pose_from_sequence to be parallel

print('Building Pose from sequence...')
pose3 = pose_from_sequence("DSEEKFLRRIGRFGYGYGPYE", 'centroid')

pose4 = pose_from_sequence("ARNDCEQGHILKMFPSTWYV", 'fa_standard')

print('Dump PDB...')
dump_pdb(pose, "T110_Basic._.pdb")

print('accessing pose attributes')
# TODO: remove extra blank lines at end
print('there are ', pose.total_residue(), 'residues in this pose object')
print('phi of residue 5 is ', pose.phi(5))
print('psi of residue 5 is ', pose.psi(5))

print('set phi of residue 5 to -60')
pose.set_phi(1, -60)
print('set psi of residue 5 to -50')
pose.set_psi(1, -50)

print('accessing residue 5 from pose')
res5 = pose.residue(5)

print('accessing atoms from residue 5')
at5N = res5.atom('N')
at5CA = res5.atom("CA")
Пример #7
def calc_binding_energy(pose, scorefxn, center, cutoff=8.0):
    # create a copy of the pose for manipulation
    test_pose = Pose()

    # setup packer options
    # the sidechain conformations of residues "near the interface", defined as
    #    within  <cutoff>  Angstroms of an interface residue, may change and
    #    must be repacked, if all residues are repacked, aberrant sidechain
    #    conformations near the interface, but independent of complex
    #    interactions, will be repacked for the mutant and wild-type structures
    #    preventing them from adding noise to the score difference
    # this method of setting up a PackerTask is different from packer_task.py
    tf = standard_task_factory()  # create a TaskFactory
                 )  # restrict it to repacking

    # this object contains repacking options, instead of turning the residues
    #    "On" or "Off" directly, this will create an object for these options
    #    and assign it to the TaskFactory
    prevent_repacking = core.pack.task.operation.PreventRepacking()

    # the "center" (nbr_atom) of the mutant residue, for distance calculation
    center = test_pose.residue(center).nbr_atom_xyz()
    for i in range(1, test_pose.total_residue() + 1):
        # the .distance_squared method is (a little) lighter than .norm
        # if the residue is further than <cutoff> Angstroms away, do not repack
        if center.distance_squared(
                test_pose.residue(i).nbr_atom_xyz()) > cutoff**2:

    # apply these settings to the TaskFactory

    # setup a PackRotamersMover
    packer = protocols.minimization_packing.PackRotamersMover(scorefxn)

    #### create a Mover for performing translation
    #### RigidBodyTransMover is SUPPOSED to translate docking partners of a
    ####    pose based on an axis and magnitude
    #### test it using the PyMOLMover, it does not perform a simple translation
    ####    I also observed a "Hbond Tripped" error when packing after applying
    ####    the Mover, it appears to store inf and NaN values into hbonds
    #transmover = RigidBodyTransMover()
    # calc_interaction_energy separates the chains by 500.0 Angstroms,
    #    so does this Mover
    # if using this Mover, the step_size MUST be a float
    # if this setting is left to default, it will move the proteins
    #    VERY far apart
    #transmover.step_size( 5.0 )

    # repack the test_pose

    # score this structure
    before = scorefxn(test_pose)

    # separate the docking partners
    #### since RigidBodyTransMover DOES NOT WORK, it is not used

    # here are two methods for applying a translation onto a pose structure
    # both require an xyzVector
    xyz = rosetta.numeric.xyzVector_double_t()  # a Vector for coordinates
    xyz.x = 500.0  # arbitrary separation magnitude, in the x direction
    xyz.y = 0.0  #...I didn't have this and it defaulted to 1e251...?
    xyz.z = 0.0  #...btw thats like 1e225 light years,
    #    over 5e245 yrs at Warp Factor 9.999 (thanks M. Pacella)

    #### here is a hacky method for translating the downstream partner of a
    #    pose protein-protein complex (must by two-body!)
    chain2starts = len(pose.chain_sequence(1)) + 1
    for r in range(chain2starts, test_pose.total_residue() + 1):
        for a in range(1, test_pose.residue(r).natoms() + 1):
            test_pose.residue(r).set_xyz(a, test_pose.residue(r).xyz(a) + xyz)

    # here is an elegant way to do it, it assumes that jump number 1
    #    defines the docking partners "connectivity"
    # the pose.jump method returns a jump object CREATED from the pose jump
    #    data, the pose itself does not own a Jump object, thus you can use
    #    Jump methods, such as pose.jump(1).set_translation, however the object
    #    has not been properly constructed for manipulation, thus performing
    #    a change does not cause any problems, but is not permanently applied
    #translate = test_pose.jump( 1 )    # copy this information explicitly
    # adjust its translation via vector addition
    #translate.set_translation( translate.get_translation() + xyz )
    #test_pose.set_jump( 1 , translate )
    # as explained above, this call will NOT work
    #test_pose.jump(1).set_translation( test_pose.get_translation() + xyz )

    # repack the test_pose after separation

    # return the change in score
    return before - scorefxn(test_pose)
Пример #8
def scanning(pdb_filename,
    Performs "scanning" at an interface within  <pdb_filename>  between
        <partners>  by mutating relevant residues to  <mutant_aa>  and repacking
        residues within  <pack_radius>  Angstroms, further repacking all
        residues within  <interface_cutoff>  of the interface residue, scoring
        the complex and subtracting the score of a pose with the partners
        separated by 500 Angstroms.
        <trials>  scans are performed (to average results) with summaries written
        to  <trial_output>_(trial#).txt.
        Structures are exported to a PyMOL instance.

    # 1. create a pose from the desired PDB file
    pose = Pose()
    pose_from_file(pose, pdb_filename)

    # 2. setup the docking FoldTree and other related parameters
    dock_jump = 1
    movable_jumps = Vector1([dock_jump])
    protocols.docking.setup_foldtree(pose, partners, movable_jumps)

    # 3. create ScoreFuncions for the Interface and "ddG" calculations
    # the pose's Energies objects MUST be updated for the Interface object to
    #    work normally
    scorefxn = get_fa_scorefxn()  #  create_score_function('standard')
    scorefxn(pose)  # needed for proper Interface calculation

    # setup a "ddG" ScoreFunction, custom weights
    ddG_scorefxn = ScoreFunction()
    ddG_scorefxn.set_weight(core.scoring.fa_atr, 0.44)
    ddG_scorefxn.set_weight(core.scoring.fa_rep, 0.07)
    ddG_scorefxn.set_weight(core.scoring.fa_sol, 1.0)
    ddG_scorefxn.set_weight(core.scoring.hbond_bb_sc, 0.5)
    ddG_scorefxn.set_weight(core.scoring.hbond_sc, 1.0)

    # 4. create an Interface object for the pose
    interface = Interface(dock_jump)

    # 5. create a PyMOLMover for sending output to PyMOL (optional)
    pymover = PyMOLMover()
    pymover.keep_history(True)  # for multiple trajectories

    # 6. perform scanning trials
    # the large number of packing operations introduces a lot of variability,
    #    for best results, perform several trials and average the results,
    #    these score changes are useful to QUALITATIVELY defining "hotspot"
    #    residues
    # this script does not use a PyJobDistributor since no PDB files are output
    for trial in range(trials):
        # store the ddG values in a dictionary
        ddG_mutants = {}
        for i in range(1, pose.total_residue() + 1):
            # for residues at the interface
            if interface.is_interface(i) == True:
                # this way you can TURN OFF output by providing False arguments
                #    (such as '', the default)
                filename = ''
                if output:
                    filename = pose.pdb_info().name()[:-4] + '_' +\
                        pose.sequence()[i-1] +\
                        str(pose.pdb_info().number(i)) + '->' + mutant_aa
                # determine the interace score change upon mutation
                ddG_mutants[i] = interface_ddG(pose, i, mutant_aa,
                                               movable_jumps, ddG_scorefxn,
                                               interface_cutoff, filename)

        # output results
        print('=' * 80)
        print('Trial', str(trial + 1))
            'Mutants (PDB numbered)\t\"ddG\" (interaction dependent score change)'
        residues = list(ddG_mutants.keys()
                        )  # list(...) conversion is for python3 compatbility
        residues.sort()  # easier to read
        display = [
            pose.sequence()[i - 1] + str(pose.pdb_info().number(i)) +
            mutant_aa + '\t' + str(ddG_mutants[i]) + '\n' for i in residues
        print('=' * 80)

        # write to file
        f = open(trial_output + '_' + str(trial + 1) + '.txt', 'w')

    #### alternate output using scanning_analysis (see below), only display
    ####    mutations with "deviant" score changes
    print('Likely Hotspot Residues')
    for hotspot in scanning_analysis(trial_output):
    print('=' * 80)