Пример #1
    def __init__(self, shapefile, distance_metric=EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE):
        if issubclass(type(shapefile), basestring):  #Path
            self.shp = shp = pysal.open(shapefile, 'r')
            raise TypeError, "Expecting a string, shapefile should the path to shapefile"
        if shp.type != pysal.cg.shapes.Chain:
            raise ValueError, "Shapefile must contain polyline features"
        self.dbf = dbf = pysal.open(shapefile[:-4] + '.dbf', 'r')
        header = dbf.header
        if (('FNODE' not in header) or ('TNODE' not in header)
                or ('ONEWAY' not in header)):
            raise ValueError, "DBF must contain: FNODE,TNODE,ONEWAY"

        oneway = [{'F': False, 'T': True}[x] for x in dbf.by_col('ONEWAY')]
        fnode = dbf.by_col('FNODE')
        tnode = dbf.by_col('TNODE')
        if distance_metric == EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE:
            lengths = [x.len for x in shp]
        elif distance_metric == ARC_DISTANCE:
            lengths = [x.arclen for x in shp]
            raise ValueError, "distance_metric must be either EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE or ARC_DISTANCE"
        self.lengths = lengths
        if any(oneway):
            G = networkx.MultiDiGraph()
            #def isoneway(x):
            #    return x[-1]
            #def isnotoneway(x):
            #    if(x[-1]):
            #        return False
            #    return True
            #A = filter(isoneway,zip(fnode,tnode,oneway))
            #B = filter(isnotoneway,zip(fnode,tnode,oneway))
            #C = filter(isnotoneway,zip(tnode,fnode,oneway))
            G = networkx.MultiGraph()
        self.G = G
        self._locator = Polyline_Shapefile_SegmentLocator(shp)
Пример #2
 def __init__(self,shapefile,distance_metric=EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE):
     if issubclass(type(shapefile),basestring): #Path
         self.shp = shp = pysal.open(shapefile,'r')
         raise TypeError,"Expecting a string, shapefile should the path to shapefile"
     if shp.type != pysal.cg.shapes.Chain:
         raise ValueError,"Shapefile must contain polyline features"
     self.dbf = dbf = pysal.open(shapefile[:-4]+'.dbf','r')
     header = dbf.header
     if (('FNODE' not in header) or ('TNODE' not in header) or ('ONEWAY' not in header)):
         raise ValueError,"DBF must contain: FNODE,TNODE,ONEWAY"
     oneway = [{'F':False,'T':True}[x] for x in dbf.by_col('ONEWAY')]
     fnode = dbf.by_col('FNODE')
     tnode = dbf.by_col('TNODE')
     if distance_metric == EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE:
         lengths = [x.len for x in shp]
     elif distance_metric == ARC_DISTANCE:
         lengths = [x.arclen for x in shp]
         raise ValueError,"distance_metric must be either EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE or ARC_DISTANCE"
     self.lengths = lengths
     if any(oneway):
         G = networkx.MultiDiGraph()
         #def isoneway(x):
         #    return x[-1]
         #def isnotoneway(x):
         #    if(x[-1]):
         #        return False
         #    return True
         #A = filter(isoneway,zip(fnode,tnode,oneway))
         #B = filter(isnotoneway,zip(fnode,tnode,oneway))
         #C = filter(isnotoneway,zip(tnode,fnode,oneway))
         G = networkx.MultiGraph()
     self.G = G
     self._locator = Polyline_Shapefile_SegmentLocator(shp)
Пример #3
class SpatialNetwork(object):
    SpatialNetwork -- Represents a Spatial Network. 

    A Spatial Network in PySAL is a graph who's nodes and edges are represented by geographic features 
    such as Points for nodes and Lines for edges.
    An example of a spatial network is a road network.

    shapefile -- Shapefile contains the geographic represention of the network.
                 The shapefile must be a polyline type and the associated DBF MUST contain the following fields:
                    FNODE -- source node -- ID of the source node, the first vertex in the polyline feature.
                    TNODE -- destination node -- ID of the destination node, the last vertex in the polyline feature.
                    ONEWAY -- bool -- If True, the edge will be marked oneway starting at FNODE and ending at TNODE
    distance_metric -- EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE or ARC_DISTANCE
    def __init__(self,shapefile,distance_metric=EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE):
        if issubclass(type(shapefile),basestring): #Path
            self.shp = shp = pysal.open(shapefile,'r')
            raise TypeError,"Expecting a string, shapefile should the path to shapefile"
        if shp.type != pysal.cg.shapes.Chain:
            raise ValueError,"Shapefile must contain polyline features"
        self.dbf = dbf = pysal.open(shapefile[:-4]+'.dbf','r')
        header = dbf.header
        if (('FNODE' not in header) or ('TNODE' not in header) or ('ONEWAY' not in header)):
            raise ValueError,"DBF must contain: FNODE,TNODE,ONEWAY"
        oneway = [{'F':False,'T':True}[x] for x in dbf.by_col('ONEWAY')]
        fnode = dbf.by_col('FNODE')
        tnode = dbf.by_col('TNODE')
        if distance_metric == EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE:
            lengths = [x.len for x in shp]
        elif distance_metric == ARC_DISTANCE:
            lengths = [x.arclen for x in shp]
            raise ValueError,"distance_metric must be either EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE or ARC_DISTANCE"
        self.lengths = lengths
        if any(oneway):
            G = networkx.MultiDiGraph()
            #def isoneway(x):
            #    return x[-1]
            #def isnotoneway(x):
            #    if(x[-1]):
            #        return False
            #    return True
            #A = filter(isoneway,zip(fnode,tnode,oneway))
            #B = filter(isnotoneway,zip(fnode,tnode,oneway))
            #C = filter(isnotoneway,zip(tnode,fnode,oneway))
            G = networkx.MultiGraph()
        self.G = G
        self._locator = Polyline_Shapefile_SegmentLocator(shp)
    def snap(self,pt):
        i,p,j = self._locator.nearest(pt) #shpID,partID,segmentID
        segment = self.shp[i].segments[p][j] #grab segment
        d,pct = pysal.cg.get_segment_point_dist(segment,pt) #find pct along segment
        x0,x1 = segment.p1[0],segment.p2[0]
        x2 = x0 + (x1-x0)*pct # find x location of snap
        y2 = segment.line.y(x2) # find y location of snap

        #dbf = self.dbf
        #rec = dict(zip(dbf.header,dbf[i][0]))
        #edge = (rec['FNODE'],rec['TNODE'])
        #TODO: Calculate location along edge and distance to edge"
        #return edge
        return x2,y2
Пример #4
class SpatialNetwork(object):
    SpatialNetwork -- Represents a Spatial Network. 

    A Spatial Network in PySAL is a graph who's nodes and edges are represented by geographic features 
    such as Points for nodes and Lines for edges.
    An example of a spatial network is a road network.

    shapefile -- Shapefile contains the geographic represention of the network.
                 The shapefile must be a polyline type and the associated DBF MUST contain the following fields:
                    FNODE -- source node -- ID of the source node, the first vertex in the polyline feature.
                    TNODE -- destination node -- ID of the destination node, the last vertex in the polyline feature.
                    ONEWAY -- bool -- If True, the edge will be marked oneway starting at FNODE and ending at TNODE
    distance_metric -- EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE or ARC_DISTANCE
    def __init__(self,shapefile,distance_metric=EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE):
        if issubclass(type(shapefile),str): #Path
            self.shp = shp = pysal.open(shapefile,'r')
            raise TypeError("Expecting a string, shapefile should the path to shapefile")
        if shp.type != pysal.cg.shapes.Chain:
            raise ValueError("Shapefile must contain polyline features")
        self.dbf = dbf = pysal.open(shapefile[:-4]+'.dbf','r')
        header = dbf.header
        if (('FNODE' not in header) or ('TNODE' not in header) or ('ONEWAY' not in header)):
            raise ValueError("DBF must contain: FNODE,TNODE,ONEWAY")
        oneway = [{'F':False,'T':True}[x] for x in dbf.by_col('ONEWAY')]
        fnode = dbf.by_col('FNODE')
        tnode = dbf.by_col('TNODE')
        if distance_metric == EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE:
            lengths = [x.len for x in shp]
        elif distance_metric == ARC_DISTANCE:
            lengths = [x.arclen for x in shp]
            raise ValueError("distance_metric must be either EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE or ARC_DISTANCE")
        self.lengths = lengths
        if any(oneway):
            G = networkx.MultiDiGraph()
            #def isoneway(x):
            #    return x[-1]
            #def isnotoneway(x):
            #    if(x[-1]):
            #        return False
            #    return True
            #A = filter(isoneway,zip(fnode,tnode,oneway))
            #B = filter(isnotoneway,zip(fnode,tnode,oneway))
            #C = filter(isnotoneway,zip(tnode,fnode,oneway))
            G = networkx.MultiGraph()
        self.G = G
        self._locator = Polyline_Shapefile_SegmentLocator(shp)
    def snap(self,pt):
        i,p,j = self._locator.nearest(pt) #shpID,partID,segmentID
        segment = self.shp[i].segments[p][j] #grab segment
        d,pct = pysal.cg.get_segment_point_dist(segment,pt) #find pct along segment
        x0,x1 = segment.p1[0],segment.p2[0]
        x2 = x0 + (x1-x0)*pct # find x location of snap
        y2 = segment.line.y(x2) # find y location of snap

        #dbf = self.dbf
        #rec = dict(zip(dbf.header,dbf[i][0]))
        #edge = (rec['FNODE'],rec['TNODE'])
        #TODO: Calculate location along edge and distance to edge"
        #return edge
        return x2,y2