Пример #1
    def _get_actions(self, marines, minerals):
        if not minerals:
            return FUNCTIONS.no_op()

        selected_marine = None
        for m in marines:
            if m[1]['is_selected']:
                selected_marine = m

        if selected_marine:
            marine_tag = selected_marine[0]['tag']
            if marine_tag not in self.pairs:
                distances = get_distances(selected_marine, minerals)
                mineral = minerals[np.argmin(distances)]
                self.pairs[marine_tag] = mineral[0]['tag']
                return self._move_marine_to_minarel(selected_marine, mineral)

        in_working_marines = set(self.pairs.keys())
        idle_marines = []
        for marine in marines:
            if marine[0]['tag'] not in in_working_marines:

        if not idle_marines:
            return FUNCTIONS.no_op()

        return select_unit(idle_marines[0])
Пример #2
 def upgrade(self, obs, upgrade):
     if not self.unit_type_is_selected(units.Zerg.SpawningPool):
         spawningPool = self.get_buildings(obs, units.Zerg.SpawningPool)
         return FUNCTIONS.select_point(
             (spawningPool[-1].x * 2, spawningPool[-1].y * 2))
         return FUNCTIONS.Research_ZerglingMetabolicBoost_quick("now")
     return FUNCTIONS.no_op()
Пример #3
    def test_equal(self):
        act1 = Action()
        act2 = Action()
        act3 = Action()

        act1.addCommand(FUNCTIONS.select_point("select", [1, 2]))
        act3.addCommand(FUNCTIONS.select_point("select", [3, 4]))

        assert act1 != act2
        assert act1 == act3
Пример #4
    def get_sc2_action(self, gym_action) -> List[FunctionCall]:
        if FUNCTIONS.Move_screen.id not in self.available_actions:
            return [FUNCTIONS.select_army("select")]

        # For restricting the action space for A2C, does not break DQN
        gym_action %= self.action_space.n

        # Find mean coordinates of all currently active player units
        player_units_xy = [(unit.x, unit.y)
                           for unit in self.state["player_units"]]
        arr = np.asarray(player_units_xy)
        length = arr.shape[0]
        x_sum = np.sum(arr[:, 0])
        y_sum = np.sum(arr[:, 1])
        centroid = (int(x_sum / length), int(y_sum / length))

        #  0: Up
        #  1: Down
        #  2: Left
        #  3: Right
        #  4: Up + Left
        #  5: Up + Right
        #  6: Down + Left
        #  7: Down + Right

        target_xy = list(centroid)
        x_max = self.screen_shape[0] - 1
        y_max = self.screen_shape[1] - 1
        # Determine target position, diff => min(abs(x_diff), abs(y_diff))
        if gym_action == 0: target_xy[1] = 0
        elif gym_action == 1: target_xy[1] = y_max
        elif gym_action == 2: target_xy[0] = 0
        elif gym_action == 3: target_xy[0] = x_max
        elif gym_action == 4:
            diff = min(centroid[0], centroid[1])
            target_xy = [target_xy[0] - diff, target_xy[1] - diff]
        elif gym_action == 5:
            diff = min(x_max - centroid[0], centroid[1])
            target_xy = [target_xy[0] + diff, target_xy[1] - diff]
        elif gym_action == 6:
            diff = min(centroid[0], y_max - centroid[1])
            target_xy = [target_xy[0] - diff, target_xy[1] + diff]
        elif gym_action == 7:
            diff = min(x_max - centroid[0], y_max - centroid[1])
            target_xy = [target_xy[0] + diff, target_xy[1] + diff]

        # Assign action function
        # Move_screen
        action = FUNCTIONS.Move_screen("now", target_xy)

        return [action]
Пример #5
    def build_unit(self, obs, unit_type):
        # Queen
        if (unit_type == units.Zerg.Queen):
            if (self.unit_type_is_selected(obs, units.Zerg.Hatchery)
                    or self.unit_type_is_selected(obs, units.Zerg.Hive)
                    or self.unit_type_is_selected(obs, units.Zerg.Lair)):
                if (self.can_do(obs, FUNCTIONS.Train_Queen_quick.id)):
                    return FUNCTIONS.Train_Queen_quick('now')

        if (not self.unit_type_is_selected(obs, units.Zerg.Larva)):
            if (self.can_do(obs, FUNCTIONS.select_larva.id)):
                return FUNCTIONS.select_larva('now')
                bases = self.get_buildings(obs, units.Zerg.Hatchery, False)
                return FUNCTIONS.select_point(
                    'select_all_type', (bases[-1].x * 2, bases[-1].y * 2))
        # Drone
        if (unit_type == units.Zerg.Drone):
            if (self.can_do(obs, FUNCTIONS.Train_Drone_quick.id)):
                return FUNCTIONS.Train_Drone_quick('now')
        # Overlord
        if (unit_type == units.Zerg.Overlord):
            if (self.can_do(obs, FUNCTIONS.Train_Overlord_quick.id)):
                return FUNCTIONS.Train_Overlord_quick('now')
        # Zergling
        if (unit_type == units.Zerg.Zergling):
            if (self.can_do(obs, FUNCTIONS.Train_Zergling_quick.id)):
                return FUNCTIONS.Train_Zergling_quick('now')
        # Roach
        if (unit_type == units.Zerg.Roach):
            if (self.can_do(obs, FUNCTIONS.Train_Roach_quick.id)):
                return FUNCTIONS.Train_Roach_quick('now')
        return FUNCTIONS.no_op()
Пример #6
    def get_sc2_action(self, gym_action) -> List[FunctionCall]:
        # Get coords by unravelling action.
        # How unravel works:
        # Ref: https://www.quora.com/What-is-a-simple-intuitive-example-for-the-unravel_index-in-Python
        coords = np.unravel_index(gym_action, (self.screen_shape[0], self.screen_shape[1]))

        # PySC2 uses different conventions for observations (y,x) and actions (x,y)
        action = FUNCTIONS.Move_screen("now", coords[::-1])  # ::-1 reverses the tuple i.e. (1,2) becomes (2,1)

        if action.function not in self.available_actions:
            # logger.warning("Attempted unavailable action {}.".format(action))
            action = FUNCTIONS.select_army("select")

        return [action]
Пример #7
 def redestribute_workers(self, obs):
     hatcheries = self.get_buildings(obs, units.Zerg.Hatchery)
     extractors = self.get_buildings(obs, units.Zerg.Extractor)
     #Check there's somewhere to put the drones
     for buildings in hatcheries + extractors:
         if buildings.assigned_harvesters - buildings.ideal_harvesters < 0:
             # If there is space, shuffle workers
             for hatch in hatcheries:
                 # If excess harvesters
                 if hatch.assigned_harvesters - hatch.ideal_harvesters > 0:
                     # if we haven't selected a drone or just told a drone to move -> select drone
                     if not self.unit_type_is_selected(
                             obs, units.Zerg.Drone
                     ) or 451 in obs.observation.last_actions:
                         # Get idle workers first
                         if obs.observation.player.idle_worker_count > 0:
                             for worker in self.get_units_by_type(
                                     obs, units.Zerg.Drone):
                                 if worker["order_length"] == 0:
                                     return FUNCTIONS.select_rect(
                                         [0], (worker.x * 2 - 2,
                                               worker.y * 2 - 2),
                                         (worker.x * 2 + 2,
                                          worker.y * 2 + 2))
                         # Else just get excess from hatch
                         drone = self.get_closest_unit_to_pos(
                             obs, hatch.x, hatch.y, units.Zerg.Drone)
                         return FUNCTIONS.select_point(
                             [0], (drone.x * 2, drone.y * 2))
                     # If we have a drone check extractors for empty slots
                         for extractor in extractors:
                             if extractor.assigned_harvesters - extractor.ideal_harvesters < 0:
                                 return FUNCTIONS.Smart_screen(
                                     (extractor.x * 2, extractor.y * 2))
                 # Not excess harvesters -> move drone to this place
                     if self.unit_type_is_selected(
                             obs, units.Zerg.Drone
                     ) and 451 not in obs.observation.last_actions:
                         mineral = self.get_closest_unit_to_pos(
                             obs, buildings.x, buildings.y,
                         return FUNCTIONS.Smart_screen(
                             [0], (mineral.x * 2, mineral.y * 2))
     # If no excess or nowhere to put drone, build drone to continue
     return self.build_unit(obs, units.Zerg.Drone)
Пример #8
    def get_sc2_action(self, gym_action) -> List[FunctionCall]:
        # Get coords by unravelling action.
        # How unravel works:
        # Ref: https://www.quora.com/What-is-a-simple-intuitive-example-for-the-unravel_index-in-Python
        coords = np.unravel_index(gym_action,
                                  (self.screen_shape[0], self.screen_shape[1]))

        # PySC2 uses different conventions for observations (y,x) and actions (x,y)
        # ::-1 reverses the tuple i.e. (1,2) becomes (2,1)
        if self.state['player_unit_stable_tags']:
            tag_to_move = self.state['player_unit_stable_tags'][
            actions = [FUNCTIONS.move_unit(tag_to_move, "now", coords[::-1])]
            actions = [FUNCTIONS.no_op()]

        return actions
Пример #9
    def macro(self, obs):
        if obs.observation.player.idle_worker_count > 0:
            return self.redestribute_workers(obs)
        # if self.unit_type_is_selected(obs, units.Zerg.Overlord):
        #     if 451 not in obs.observation.last_actions:
        #         hatcheries = self.get_buildings(obs, units.Zerg.Hatchery)
        #         if hatcheries[0].y < 100:
        #             return FUNCTIONS.Smart_screen("now", (0, 0))
        #         else:
        #             return FUNCTIONS.Smart_screen("now", (350, 350))

        dronenum = obs.observation.player['food_workers']
        if (obs.observation.player['food_cap'] - obs.observation.player['food_used'] < 2) \
                and FUNCTIONS.Train_Overlord_quick.id not in obs.observation.last_actions:
            return self.build_unit(obs, units.Zerg.Overlord)
        # These buildings are essential and cannot be skipped
        if dronenum > 15:
            if len(self.get_buildings(obs, units.Zerg.Hatchery)) == 1:
                return self.build_building(obs, units.Zerg.Hatchery)
            if len(self.get_buildings(obs, units.Zerg.Extractor)) == 0:
                return self.build_building(obs, units.Zerg.Extractor)
            if len(self.get_buildings(obs, units.Zerg.SpawningPool)) == 0:
                return self.build_building(obs, units.Zerg.SpawningPool)
        if dronenum == 19:
            return self.redestribute_workers(obs)
            print("Drones in gas")
        if dronenum > 20 and \
                len(obs.observation.build_queue) <= 3 and \
                len(self.get_units_by_type(obs, units.Zerg.Queen)) <= 4 and \
                obs.observation.player.minerals > 150:
            return self.build_unit(obs, units.Zerg.Queen)
        if dronenum == 27:
            # if not self.zergSpeed:
            #     return self.upgrade(1)
            if len(self.get_units_by_type(obs, units.Zerg.Zergling)) < 100:
                return self.build_unit(obs, units.Zerg.Zergling)
        if dronenum == 28 and len(self.get_buildings(
                obs, units.Zerg.Hatchery)) == 2:
            return self.build_building(obs, units.Zerg.Hatchery)
        if dronenum == 29:
            return self.redestribute_workers(obs)
        if dronenum == 40:
            if len(self.get_buildings(obs, units.Zerg.Extractor)) < 4:
                return self.build_building(obs, units.Zerg.Extractor)
            if len(self.get_buildings(obs, units.Zerg.SporeCrawler) < 3):
                return self.build_building(obs, units.Zerg.SporeCrawler)
            if len(self.get_buildings(obs, units.Zerg.RoachWarren) < 1):
                return self.build_building(obs, units.Zerg.RoachWarren)
            if len(self.get_buildings(obs, units.Zerg.EvolutionChamber) < 2):
                return self.build_building(obs, units.Zerg.EvolutionChamber)
        if dronenum == 41:
            return self.redestribute_workers(obs)
        if dronenum > 60:
            #ALL UPGRADES
            return self.build_unit(obs, units.Zerg.Roach)
        if dronenum < 80:
            return self.build_unit(obs, units.Zerg.Drone)
        return FUNCTIONS.no_op()
Пример #10
    def get_sc2_action(self, gym_action) -> List[FunctionCall]:
        if FUNCTIONS.Move_screen.id not in self.available_actions:
            return [FUNCTIONS.select_army("select")]

        # 0 = no-op
        if gym_action == 0:
            return [FUNCTIONS.no_op()]

        player_unit_xy = [
            self.state["player_units"][0].x, self.state["player_units"][0].y
        target_xy = player_unit_xy

        #  0: No-op
        #  1: Up
        #  2: Down
        #  3: Left
        #  4: Right
        #  5: Up + Left
        #  6: Up + Right
        #  7: Down + Left
        #  8: Down + Right

        # Determine target position
        if gym_action in (1, 5, 6):
            # Up
            target_xy[1] = max(0, player_unit_xy[1] - 1)

        if gym_action in (2, 7, 8):
            # Down
            target_xy[1] = min(self.screen_shape[1] - 1, player_unit_xy[1] + 1)

        if gym_action in (3, 5, 7):
            # Left
            target_xy[0] = max(0, player_unit_xy[0] - 1)

        if gym_action in (4, 6, 8):
            # Right
            target_xy[0] = min(self.screen_shape[0] - 1, player_unit_xy[0] + 1)

        # Assign action function
        # Move_screen
        action = FUNCTIONS.Move_screen("now", target_xy)

        return [action]
Пример #11
 def step(self, obs, actives, acts):
     timesteps = self.envs.step(obs, actives, acts)
     res = self.wrap_results(timesteps)
     if any(res[2]):  # if done
         self.last_obs = res
         observations, rew, done = res
         next_obs, _, _ = observations['raws']
         timesteps = self.envs.step(next_obs, actives, FUNCTIONS.no_op())
         observations, _, _ = self.wrap_results(timesteps)
         res = (observations, rew, done)
     return res
Пример #12
    def get_sc2_action(self, gym_action) -> List[FunctionCall]:
        # Get coords by unravelling action. DQN only supports returning an integer as action.
        # How unravel works:
        # Ref: https://www.quora.com/What-is-a-simple-intuitive-example-for-the-unravel_index-in-Python
        coords = np.unravel_index(gym_action, self.unravel_shape)
        coords = [(coords[i], coords[i+1]) for i in range(0, len(coords), 2)]

        # PySC2 uses different conventions for observations (y,x) and actions (x,y)
        # ::-1 reverses the tuple i.e. (1,2) becomes (2,1)
        actions = [FUNCTIONS.move_unit(tag, "now", coord[::-1]) for tag, coord in zip(self.state['player_unit_stable_tags'], coords)]

        return actions
Пример #13
    def step(self, obs, *args):
        if obs.last():
        marine = get_units_by_type(obs.observation, units.Terran.Marine)[0]
        beacons = get_units_by_type(obs.observation, 317)
        targets = set((b[1]['x'], b[1]['y']) for b in beacons)

        if not targets:
            return FUNCTIONS.no_op()

        if self.target not in targets:
            self.target = None

        if not marine[1]['is_selected']:
            return select_unit(marine)

        if self.target:
            return FUNCTIONS.no_op()

        distance = get_distances(marine, beacons)
        beacon = beacons[np.argmin(distance)]
        self.target = (beacon[1]['x'], beacon[1]['y'])

        return FUNCTIONS.Move_screen("now", (beacon[1].x, beacon[1].y))
Пример #14
    def get_sc2_action(self, gym_action) -> List[FunctionCall]:
        # Get coords by unravelling action. DQN only supports returning an integer as action.
        # How unravel works:
        # Ref: https://www.quora.com/What-is-a-simple-intuitive-example-for-the-unravel_index-in-Python

        idx = int(gym_action / self.resolution)
        coords = gym_action % self.resolution
        coords = np.unravel_index(coords, self.unravel_shape)
        coords = (coords[0], coords[1])

        target_unit = self.state['player_units_stable'][idx]
        target_tag = target_unit.tag.item()
        player_unit_tags = [
            unit.tag.item() for unit in self.state["player_units"]
        ]  # .item() to convert numpy.int64 to native python type (int)

        # PySC2 uses different conventions for observations (y,x) and actions (x,y)
        # ::-1 reverses the tuple i.e. (1,2) becomes (2,1)
        if target_tag not in player_unit_tags:
            actions = [FUNCTIONS.no_op()]
            actions = [FUNCTIONS.move_unit(target_tag, "now", coords[::-1])]

        return actions
Пример #15
    def build_building(self, obs, building_type):
        if (not self.unit_type_is_selected(obs, units.Zerg.Drone)):
            drones = self.get_units_by_type(obs, units.Zerg.Drone)
            return FUNCTIONS.select_point('select_all_type',
                                          (drones[-1].x * 2, drones[-1].y * 2))
        hatcheries = self.get_units_by_type(obs, units.Zerg.Hatchery)
        if (building_type == units.Zerg.Hatchery):
            if (self.can_do(obs, FUNCTIONS.Build_Hatchery_screen.id)):
                if hatcheries[0].y * 2 < 200:
                    if len(hatcheries) == 1:
                        return FUNCTIONS.Build_Hatchery_screen(
                            "now", [58, 138])
                        return FUNCTIONS.Build_Hatchery_screen(
                            "now", [122, 78])
                    if len(hatcheries) == 1:
                        return FUNCTIONS.Build_Hatchery_screen(
                            "now", [292, 244])
                        return FUNCTIONS.Build_Hatchery_screen(
                            "now", [228, 304])

        if (building_type == units.Zerg.Extractor):
            if (self.can_do(obs, FUNCTIONS.Build_Extractor_screen.id)):
                if hatcheries[0].y < 100:
                    xy = 0
                    xy = 350
                closestExtractor = self.get_closest_unit_to_pos(
                    obs, xy, xy, units.Neutral.VespeneGeyser)
                return FUNCTIONS.Build_Extractor_screen(
                    "now", [closestExtractor.x * 2, closestExtractor.y * 2])

        if (building_type == units.Zerg.SpawningPool):
            if (self.can_do(obs, FUNCTIONS.Build_SpawningPool_screen.id)):
                if hatcheries[0].y * 2 > 200:
                    offset = -10
                    offset = 10
                return FUNCTIONS.Build_SpawningPool_screen(
                    [self.homeHatch.x * 2, (self.homeHatch.y * 2) + offset])

        return FUNCTIONS.no_op()
Пример #16
    def _step(self, action) -> TimeStep:
        actions = self.get_sc2_action(action)

        # Filter for only valid actions in this timestep
        valid_actions = [action for action in actions if (action.function in self.available_actions) or (action.function >= FUNCTIONS.move_unit.id)]

        if len(valid_actions) < len(actions):
            logger.warning("One or more invalid actions were ignored.")

            timestep = self.sc2_env.step(valid_actions)[0]
        except ValueError:
            logger.error("Error occurred when attempting to execute the actions: {}.".format(valid_actions))
            timestep = self.sc2_env.step([FUNCTIONS.no_op()])[0]

        self.available_actions = timestep.observation['available_actions']

        return timestep
Пример #17
    def step(self, obs):
        super(CollectMineralShards, self).step(obs)
        if FUNCTIONS.Move_screen.id in obs.observation.available_actions:
            player_relative = obs.observation.feature_screen.player_relative
            minerals = _xy_locs(player_relative == _PLAYER_NEUTRAL)
            if not minerals:
                return FUNCTIONS.no_op()
            marines = _xy_locs(player_relative == _PLAYER_SELF)
            marine_xy = numpy.mean(marines,
                                   axis=0).round()  # Average location.
            distances = numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.array(minerals) - marine_xy,
            closest_mineral_xy = minerals[numpy.argmin(distances)]
            x, y = closest_mineral_xy

            return 331, [[0], [x, y]]
            return 7, [[0]]
Пример #18
 def step(self, macros, update_observation=None):
     macro = macros[0]
     success = True
     for act_func, arg_func in macro:
         obs = self._last_obs[0]
         act = self.valid_func_call(act_func, arg_func, obs, macro)
         if act is None:
             success = False
             act = (FUNCTIONS.no_op(), )
         obs = super().step(act, update_observation)
         self._last_obs = (self._timestep_factory.update(obs[0]), )
         if not success:
     logging.debug("%s execute %s", macro,
                   "success" if success else "failed")
     self._last_obs[0]._macro_success = success
     if self._last_obs[0].last():
     return self._last_obs
Пример #19
class TestAction:
    def test_equal(self):
        act1 = Action()
        act2 = Action()
        act3 = Action()

        act1.addCommand(FUNCTIONS.select_point("select", [1, 2]))
        act3.addCommand(FUNCTIONS.select_point("select", [3, 4]))

        assert act1 != act2
        assert act1 == act3

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("test_com, expected_id", [
        ("Command_1", None),
        (FUNCTIONS.Train_SCV_quick("now"), 490),
    def test_add_command(self, test_com, expected_id):
        act = Action()


        assert act.commands == [test_com]
        assert act.ids == [expected_id]

    def test_reset(self):
        act = Action()


        assert act.next() == "Command_1"
        assert act.next() == "Command_2"

        assert act.next() == "Command_1"

    def test_repr(self):
        act = Action("abc")
        act.addCommand(FUNCTIONS.select_point("select", [1, 2]))

        assert act.__repr__() == "Action<group=abc, ids={}>".format(
Пример #20
    def step(self, obs):
        super(Overmind, self).step(obs)

        if (not self.loaded):
            self.loaded = True
            self.homeHatch = self.get_buildings(obs, units.Zerg.Hatchery)[0]
            self.model = ks.models.load_model(
                "C:\\Users\\Charlie\Models\\Conv2D-noobs - 1st Gen")
            return FUNCTIONS.move_camera(
                [const.MiniMapSize().x / 2,
                 const.MiniMapSize().y / 2])

        # If nothing to macro
        # if obs.observation.player['food_army'] < 10:
        #     function = self.macro(obs)
        #     print(function)
        #     return function

        T = Translator()

        tFeatureLayers = T.translate_feature_layers(

        featureLayers = (np.moveaxis((np.array(tFeatureLayers)), 0,
                                                 const.ScreenSize().y, 12)
        prediction = self.model.predict(featureLayers)[0]
        action = translate(obs, prediction)
        for pred in prediction:
        if (action[0] in obs.observation.available_actions):
            return actions.FunctionCall(action[0], action[1:])
            print("No-op, Switching to Macro:")
            function = self.macro(obs)
            return function
Пример #21
def select_unit(uint):
    # todo , select_rect with random rect size
    select_action = FUNCTIONS.select_point("select", (uint[1].x, uint[1].y))
    return select_action
Пример #22
 def selectArmy():
     action = Action()
     return action
Пример #23
 def noOp():
     action = Action()
     return action
Пример #24
 def moveScreen(x1, y1):
     action = Action()
     action.addCommand(FUNCTIONS.Move_screen("now", [x1, y1]))
     return action
Пример #25
 def moveCamera(x1, y1):
     action = Action()
     action.addCommand(FUNCTIONS.move_camera([x1, y1]))
     return action
Пример #26
 def buildSCV(x1, y1):
     action = Action()
     action.addCommand(FUNCTIONS.select_point("select", [x1, y1]))
     return action
Пример #27
    def act(self, observations, actives, options):
        actions = []
        obs, firsts, dones = observations['raws']
        terms = np.zeros_like(actives)
        for i, (op, active, ob, first,
                done) in enumerate(zip(options, actives, obs, firsts, dones)):
            # check active
            if not active:

            # reset env info
            if first:
                self.supply_counts[i] = 0  # SupplyDepot counts
                self.prev_foods[i] = ob.player.food_used
                self.coords[i] = []

            # extract subtask info
            map_info = MAP_INFO[op]
            func = map_info['func']
            addon = map_info['add_on']
            is_quick = map_info['cmd_quick']
            if is_quick:
                quick_func = map_info['quick_func']
            _type, target = map_info['type-target']
            avail_acts = np.array(ob.available_actions)

            # compute termination
            if _type == 'build' or addon:
                if self.deselect_flag[i]:
                    self.deselect_flag[i] = False
                    terms[i] = 1
                elif addon:
                    for id, count in ob.unit_counts:
                        if id == target[1]:
                            self.deselect_flag[i] = True
                    for id, count in ob.unit_counts:
                        if id == target:
                            self.deselect_flag[i] = True

                            # allow multiple SupplyDepots
                            if id == 19:
                                if count == self.supply_counts[i]:
                                    self.deselect_flag[i] = False
                                elif count > self.supply_counts[i]:
                                    self.deselect_flag[i] = True
                                    self.supply_counts[i] = count
                                        'Error. SupplyDepot count should not be less than count.'

                # build trial
                if self.build_trials == self.max_build_trials:
                    self.deselect_flag[i] = True
                    self.build_trials = 0
                    self.build_trials += 1

                # reset coords
                if terms[i]:
                    self.coords[i] = []

            elif _type in ['unit', 'idle']:
                if self.deselect_flag[i]:
                    self.deselect_flag[i] = False
                    terms[i] = 1
                    if ob.player.food_used > self.prev_foods[i]:
                        for act in ob.last_actions:
                            if act == func.id:
                                self.deselect_flag[i] = True
                        self.prev_foods[i] = ob.player.food_used
            elif _type == 'select':
                for unit in ob.feature_units:
                    if unit.unit_type == target and unit.is_selected:
                        if unit.unit_type == 45 and unit.order_length == 0:
                            self._selected = True
                            self._selected = True

                # check if the unit is selected or the deselection flag is on
                if self._selected:
                    # if selected, max noop
                    if self.no_op_count == self.max_no_op:
                        self.no_op_count = 0
                        terms[i] = 1
                        self.no_op_count += 1
                    if self.select_trials == self.max_select_trials:
                        self._selected = True
                        self.select_trials = 0
                        self.select_trials += 1
            elif _type == 'gather':
                if self.deselect_flag[i]:
                    self.deselect_flag[i] = False
                    terms[i] = 1
                elif func.id in ob.last_actions:
                    self.deselect_flag[i] = True
            elif _type in ['mineral', 'gas']:
                if _type == 'mineral' and ob.player.minerals >= target:
                    terms[i] = 1
                if _type == 'gas' and ob.player.vespene >= target:
                    terms[i] = 1
            elif _type == 'food':
                if self.deselect_flag[i]:
                    self.deselect_flag[i] = False
                    terms[i] = 1
                    for id, count in ob.unit_counts:
                        if id == target and count > self.supply_counts[i]:
                            self.deselect_flag[i] = True
                            self.supply_counts[i] = count

                if terms[i]:
                    self.coords[i] = []
            elif _type == 'no_op':
                if self.no_op_count == self.max_no_op:
                    self.no_op_count = 0
                    terms[i] = 1
                    self.no_op_count += 1
                raise NotImplementedError

            # check termination
            if terms[i]:

            # execute the subtask
            if self.deselect_flag[i]:
                    FUNCTIONS.select_point("select", self.vespene_coord))
            elif is_quick and quick_func.id in avail_acts:  # Quick actions
                if quick_func == FUNCTIONS.select_idle_worker:
                    if self._selected:
            elif _type == 'build' and func.id in avail_acts:  # Build
                if self._check_vacant(i, ob, func, map_info):
                    actions.append(func("now", self.coords[i]))
                    actions.append(self.build_structure(i, ob, func, map_info))
            elif addon and func.id in avail_acts:  # Addon
                if self._check_vacant(i, ob, func, map_info):
                    actions.append(func("now", self.coords[i]))
                    actions.append(self.build_structure(i, ob, func, map_info))
            elif _type == 'select' and func.id in avail_acts:  # Selection
                if self._selected:  # when unit is selected & is terminating
                    coords, coord_exists = self._get_coord(ob, id=target)
                    if coord_exists and (coords[0] < 0 or coords[1] < 0):
                        print("[ ERROR ] : Got Negative coordinate.")
                        from IPython import embed
                        raise ValueError

                    # if the unit is out-of-screen, then ignore
                    if coord_exists and (coords[0] >= 84 or coords[1] >= 84):
                        self._selected = True

                    # if value error, ignore
                    if coord_exists and (coords[0] is None
                                         or coords[1] is None):
                        self._selected = True

                    # if coord exists return selection action, and if not, take noop
                    if coord_exists:
                        x, y = coords[0], coords[1]
                        actions.append(func(0, [x, y]))
            elif _type in ['mineral', 'gas']:
            elif _type == 'food' and func.id in avail_acts:  # Food supply
                if self._check_vacant(i, ob, func, map_info):
                    actions.append(func("now", self.coords[i]))
                    actions.append(self.build_structure(i, ob, func, map_info))
            elif _type == 'no_op':
                if (_type in ['build', 'food']
                        or addon) and self._check_available(func, avail_acts):

                # if selectSCV suddenly becomes unavailable, then just take noop
                if _type == 'select' and target == 45:
                    self._selected = True

                    '[ ERROR ] : Selected option seems not valid. Check if the condition is correct.'
                import pudb
                pudb.set_trace()  # XXX DEBUG

                raise NotImplementedError
        return actions, terms
Пример #28
 def _move_marine_to_minarel(self, marine, mineral):
     # todo , move to closet position randomly
     spatial_action = FUNCTIONS.Move_screen("now",
                                            (mineral[1].x, mineral[1].y))
     return spatial_action
Пример #29
    def get_sc2_action(self, gym_action) -> List[FunctionCall]:
        if len(self.state["player_units_stable"]) == 0:
            return [FUNCTIONS.no_op()]

        # Get coords by unravelling action. DQN only supports returning an integer as action.
        # How unravel works:
        # Ref: https://www.quora.com/What-is-a-simple-intuitive-example-for-the-unravel_index-in-Python
        coords = np.unravel_index(gym_action, self.unravel_shape)

        # Get gym action for each marine
        gym_action_1, gym_action_2 = (coords[0] % self.number_adjacency,
                                      coords[1] % self.number_adjacency)

        # Get current coordinates for each marine
        marine_1_stable = self.state["player_units_stable"][0]
        marine_2_stable = self.state["player_units_stable"][1]

        # Get tags for each marine
        marine_1_tag = marine_1_stable.tag.item()
        marine_2_tag = marine_2_stable.tag.item()

        # Get target coordinates for each marine
        marine_1_curr_xy = next((unit.x, unit.y)
                                for unit in self.state["player_units"]
                                if unit.tag.item() == marine_1_tag)
        marine_2_curr_xy = next((unit.x, unit.y)
                                for unit in self.state["player_units"]
                                if unit.tag.item() == marine_2_tag)

        def get_target_xy(num, curr_coords):
            #  0: Up
            #  1: Down
            #  2: Left
            #  3: Right
            #  4: Up + Left
            #  5: Up + Right
            #  6: Down + Left
            #  7: Down + Right
            target_xy = list(curr_coords)
            # Determine target position
            if num in (0, 4, 5):
                # Up
                target_xy[1] = max(0, curr_coords[1] - 1)

            if num in (1, 6, 7):
                # Down
                target_xy[1] = min(self.screen_shape[1] - 1,
                                   curr_coords[1] + 1)

            if num in (2, 4, 6):
                # Left
                target_xy[0] = max(0, curr_coords[0] - 1)

            if num in (3, 5, 7):
                # Right
                target_xy[0] = min(self.screen_shape[0] - 1,
                                   curr_coords[0] + 1)

            return tuple(target_xy)

        marine_1_target_xy = get_target_xy(gym_action_1, marine_1_curr_xy)
        marine_2_target_xy = get_target_xy(gym_action_2, marine_2_curr_xy)

        # Assign action functions
        actions = [
            FUNCTIONS.move_unit(marine_1_tag, "now", marine_1_target_xy),
            FUNCTIONS.move_unit(marine_2_tag, "now", marine_2_target_xy)

        return actions
Пример #30
 def get_sc2_action(self, gym_action) -> List[FunctionCall]:
     return [FUNCTIONS.no_op()]