Пример #1
def _h_core(mol: gto.Mole, mm_mol: Union[None, gto.Mole]) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, \
                                                                   np.ndarray, Union[None, np.ndarray]]:
        this function returns the components of the core hamiltonian
        # kinetic integrals
        kin = mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_kin')
        # coordinates and charges of nuclei
        coords = mol.atom_coords()
        charges = mol.atom_charges()
        # individual atomic potentials
        sub_nuc = np.zeros([mol.natm, mol.nao_nr(), mol.nao_nr()], dtype=np.float64)
        for k in range(mol.natm):
            with mol.with_rinv_origin(coords[k]):
                sub_nuc[k] = -1. * mol.intor('int1e_rinv') * charges[k]
        # total nuclear potential
        nuc = np.sum(sub_nuc, axis=0)
        # possible mm potential
        if mm_mol is not None:
            mm_pot = _mm_pot(mol, mm_mol)
            mm_pot = None
        return kin, nuc, sub_nuc, mm_pot
Пример #2
  def nr_uks(self,
             mol: gto.Mole,
             grids: dft.Grids,
             xc_code: str,
             dms: Union[Sequence[np.ndarray], Sequence[Sequence[np.ndarray]]],
             relativity: int = 0,
             hermi: int = 0,
             max_memory: float = 20000,
             verbose=None) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, float, np.ndarray]:
    """Calculates UKS XC functional and potential matrix on a given grid.

      mol: PySCF molecule.
      grids: grid on which to evaluate the functional.
      xc_code: XC code. Unused. NeuralNumInt hard codes the XC functional
        based upon the functional argument given to the constructor.
      dms: the density matrix or sequence of density matrices for each spin
        channel. Multiple density matrices for each spin channel are not
        currently supported. Each density matrix is shape (nao, nao), where nao
        is the number of atomic orbitals.
      relativity: Unused. (pyscf.dft.numint.NumInt.nr_rks does not currently use
        this argument.)
      hermi: 0 if the density matrix is Hermitian, 1 if the density matrix is
      max_memory: the maximum cache to use, in MB.
      verbose: verbosity level. Unused. (PySCF currently does not handle the
        verbosity level passed in here.)

      nelec, excsum, vmat, where
        nelec is the number of alpha, beta electrons obtained by numerical
        integration of the density matrix as an array of size 2.
        excsum is the functional's XC energy.
        vmat is the functional's XC potential matrix, shape (2, nao, nao), where
        vmat[0] and vmat[1] are the potential matrices for the alpha and beta
        spin channels respectively.

      NotImplementedError: if multiple density matrices for each spin channel
      are supplied.
    # Wrap nr_uks so we can store internal variables required to evaluate the
    # contribution to the XC potential from local Hartree-Fock features.
    # See pyscf.dft.numint.nr_uks for more details.
    if isinstance(dms, np.ndarray) and dms.ndim == 2:  # RHF DM
      ndms = _get_number_of_density_matrices(dms)
      ndms = _get_number_of_density_matrices(dms[0])
    if ndms > 1:
      raise NotImplementedError(
          'NeuralNumInt does not support multiple density matrices. '
          'Only ground state DFT calculations are currently implemented.')

    nao = mol.nao_nr()
    self._vmat_hf = np.zeros((2, nao, nao))
    self._system_state = _SystemState(mol=mol, dms=dms)
    nelec, excsum, vmat = super().nr_uks(
    vmat[0] += self._vmat_hf[0] + self._vmat_hf[0].T
    vmat[1] += self._vmat_hf[1] + self._vmat_hf[1].T

    # Clear internal state to prevent accidental re-use.
    self._system_state = None
    self._grid_state = None
    self._vmat_hf = None
    return nelec, excsum, vmat