Пример #1
 def get_wannier(self, supercell = [1,1,1], grid = [50,50,50]):
     Evaluate the MLWF using a periodic grid
     grids_coor, weights = periodic_grid(self.cell, grid, supercell = [1,1,1], order = 'C')    
     kpts = self.cell.get_abs_kpts(self.kpt_latt_loc)          
     ao_kpts = np.asarray([numint.eval_ao(self.cell, grids_coor, kpt = kpt) for kpt in kpts]) 
     u_mo  = []            
     for k_id in range(self.num_kpts_loc):
         mo_included = self.mo_coeff_kpts[k_id][:,self.band_included_list]
         mo_in_window = self.lwindow[k_id]
         C_opt = mo_included[:,mo_in_window].dot(self.U_matrix_opt[k_id].T)          
         C_tildle = C_opt.dot(self.U_matrix[k_id].T)  
         kpt = kpts[k_id]
         ao = numint.eval_ao(self.cell, grids_coor, kpt = kpt)            
         u_ao = np.einsum('x,xi->xi', np.exp(-1j*np.dot(grids_coor, kpt)), ao, optimize = True)   
         u_mo.append(np.einsum('xi,in->xn', u_ao, C_tildle, optimize = True))      
     u_mo = np.asarray(u_mo)
     WF0 = libwannier90.get_WF0s(self.kpt_latt_loc.shape[0],self.kpt_latt_loc, supercell, grid, u_mo) 
     # Fix the global phase following the pw2wannier90 procedure
     max_index = (WF0*WF0.conj()).real.argmax(axis=0)
     norm_wfs = np.diag(WF0[max_index,:])
     norm_wfs = norm_wfs/np.absolute(norm_wfs)
     WF0 = WF0/norm_wfs/self.num_kpts_loc    
     # Check the 'reality' following the pw2wannier90 procedure
     for WF_id in range(self.num_wann_loc):
         ratio_max = np.abs(WF0[np.abs(WF0[:,WF_id].real) >= 0.01,WF_id].imag/WF0[np.abs(WF0[:,WF_id].real) >= 0.01,WF_id].real).max(axis=0)        
         print('The maximum imag/real for wannier function ', WF_id,' : ', ratio_max)
     return WF0
Пример #2
def aux_e2_grid(cell, auxcell, grids=None):
    '''3-center AO integrals (ij|L), where L is the auxiliary basis.

    Implements double summation over lattice vectors: \sum_{lm} (i[l]j[m]|L[0]).
    if grids is None:
        grids = gen_grid.BeckeGrids(cell)
    elif grids.weights is None:
        raise RuntimeError('grids is not initialized')

    ao = numpy.asarray(numint.eval_ao(cell, grids.coords).real, order='C')
    auxao = numpy.asarray(numint.eval_ao(auxcell, grids.coords).real, order='C')
    if isinstance(grids.weights, numpy.ndarray):
        auxao *= grids.weights.reshape(-1,1)
        auxao *= grids.weights
    ng, nao = ao.shape
    naoaux = auxao.shape[1]
    #aux_e2 = numpy.einsum('ri,rj,rk',ao,ao,auxao)
    aux_e2 = numpy.zeros((nao*nao,naoaux))
    for p0, p1 in prange(0, ng, 240):
        tmp = numpy.einsum('ri,rj->rij', ao[p0:p1], ao[p0:p1])
        pyscf.lib.dot(tmp.reshape(p1-p0,-1).T, auxao[p0:p1], 1, aux_e2, 1)
    return aux_e2.reshape(nao,nao,-1)
Пример #3
def get_jk(mf, cell, dm, hermi=1, vhfopt=None, kpt=np.zeros(3), kpts_band=None):
    dm = np.asarray(dm)
    nao = dm.shape[-1]

    coords = gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell)
    if kpts_band is None:
        kpt1 = kpt2 = kpt
        aoR_k1 = aoR_k2 = numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt)
        kpt1 = kpts_band
        kpt2 = kpt
        aoR_k1 = numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt1)
        aoR_k2 = numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt2)

    vkR_k1k2 = get_vkR(mf, cell, aoR_k1, aoR_k2, kpt1, kpt2)

    ngrids, nao = aoR_k1.shape
    def contract(dm):
        vjR_k2 = get_vjR(cell, dm, aoR_k2)
        vj = (cell.vol/ngrids) * np.dot(aoR_k1.T.conj(), vjR_k2.reshape(-1,1)*aoR_k1)

        #:vk = (cell.vol/ngrids) * np.einsum('rs,Rp,Rqs,Rr->pq', dm, aoR_k1.conj(),
        #:                                vkR_k1k2, aoR_k2)
        aoR_dm_k2 = np.dot(aoR_k2, dm)
        tmp_Rq = np.einsum('Rqs,Rs->Rq', vkR_k1k2, aoR_dm_k2)
        vk = (cell.vol/ngrids) * np.dot(aoR_k1.T.conj(), tmp_Rq)
        return vj, vk

    if dm.ndim == 2:
        vj, vk = contract(dm)
        jk = [contract(x) for x in dm.reshape(-1,nao,nao)]
        vj = lib.asarray([x[0] for x in jk])
        vk = lib.asarray([x[1] for x in jk])
    return vj.reshape(dm.shape), vk.reshape(dm.shape)
Пример #4
def get_jk(mf, cell, dm, hermi=1, vhfopt=None, kpt=np.zeros(3), kpt_band=None):
    dm = np.asarray(dm)
    nao = dm.shape[-1]

    coords = gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell)
    if kpt_band is None:
        kpt1 = kpt2 = kpt
        aoR_k1 = aoR_k2 = numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt)
        kpt1 = kpt_band
        kpt2 = kpt
        aoR_k1 = numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt1)
        aoR_k2 = numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt2)

    vkR_k1k2 = get_vkR(mf, cell, aoR_k1, aoR_k2, kpt1, kpt2)

    ngs, nao = aoR_k1.shape
    def contract(dm):
        vjR_k2 = get_vjR(cell, dm, aoR_k2)
        vj = (cell.vol/ngs) * np.dot(aoR_k1.T.conj(), vjR_k2.reshape(-1,1)*aoR_k1)

        #:vk = (cell.vol/ngs) * np.einsum('rs,Rp,Rqs,Rr->pq', dm, aoR_k1.conj(),
        #:                                vkR_k1k2, aoR_k2)
        aoR_dm_k2 = np.dot(aoR_k2, dm)
        tmp_Rq = np.einsum('Rqs,Rs->Rq', vkR_k1k2, aoR_dm_k2)
        vk = (cell.vol/ngs) * np.dot(aoR_k1.T.conj(), tmp_Rq)
        return vj, vk

    if dm.ndim == 2:
        vj, vk = contract(dm)
        jk = [contract(x) for x in dm.reshape(-1,nao,nao)]
        vj = lib.asarray([x[0] for x in jk])
        vk = lib.asarray([x[1] for x in jk])
    return vj.reshape(dm.shape), vk.reshape(dm.shape)
Пример #5
def get_j(cell, dm, hermi=1, vhfopt=None, kpt=np.zeros(3), kpts_band=None):
    dm = np.asarray(dm)
    nao = dm.shape[-1]

    coords = gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell)
    if kpts_band is None:
        kpt1 = kpt2 = kpt
        aoR_k1 = aoR_k2 = numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt)
        kpt1 = kpts_band
        kpt2 = kpt
        aoR_k1 = numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt1)
        aoR_k2 = numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt2)
    ngs, nao = aoR_k1.shape

    def contract(dm):
        vjR_k2 = get_vjR(cell, dm, aoR_k2)
        vj = (cell.vol / ngs) * np.dot(aoR_k1.T.conj(),
                                       vjR_k2.reshape(-1, 1) * aoR_k1)
        return vj

    if dm.ndim == 2:
        vj = contract(dm)
        vj = lib.asarray([contract(x) for x in dm.reshape(-1, nao, nao)])
    return vj.reshape(dm.shape)
Пример #6
def get_j(cell, dm, hermi=1, vhfopt=None, kpt=np.zeros(3), kpt_band=None):
    dm = np.asarray(dm)
    nao = dm.shape[-1]

    coords = gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell)
    if kpt_band is None:
        kpt1 = kpt2 = kpt
        aoR_k1 = aoR_k2 = numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt)
        kpt1 = kpt_band
        kpt2 = kpt
        aoR_k1 = numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt1)
        aoR_k2 = numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt2)
    ngs, nao = aoR_k1.shape

    def contract(dm):
        vjR_k2 = get_vjR(cell, dm, aoR_k2)
        vj = (cell.vol/ngs) * np.dot(aoR_k1.T.conj(), vjR_k2.reshape(-1,1)*aoR_k1)
        return vj

    if dm.ndim == 2:
        vj = contract(dm)
        vj = lib.asarray([contract(x) for x in dm.reshape(-1,nao,nao)])
    return vj.reshape(dm.shape)
Пример #7
 def get_wannier(self, supercell = [1,1,1], grid = [50,50,50]):
     Evaluate the MLWF using a periodic grid
     grids_coor, weights = periodic_grid(self.cell, grid, supercell = [1,1,1], order = 'C')    
     kpts = self.cell.get_abs_kpts(self.kpt_latt_loc)          
     ao_kpts = np.asarray([numint.eval_ao(self.cell, grids_coor, kpt = kpt) for kpt in kpts]) 
     u_mo  = []            
     for k_id in range(self.num_kpts_loc):
         mo_included = self.mo_coeff_kpts[k_id][:,self.band_included_list]
         mo_in_window = self.lwindow[k_id]
         C_opt = mo_included[:,mo_in_window].dot(self.U_matrix_opt[k_id].T)          
         C_tildle = C_opt.dot(self.U_matrix[k_id].T)  
         kpt = kpts[k_id]
         ao = numint.eval_ao(self.cell, grids_coor, kpt = kpt)            
         u_ao = np.einsum('x,xi->xi', np.exp(-1j*np.dot(grids_coor, kpt)), ao, optimize = True)   
         u_mo.append(np.einsum('xi,in->xn', u_ao, C_tildle, optimize = True))      
     u_mo = np.asarray(u_mo)
     WF0 = libwannier90.get_WF0s(self.kpt_latt_loc.shape[0],self.kpt_latt_loc, supercell, grid, u_mo) 
     # Fix the global phase following the pw2wannier90 procedure
     max_index = (WF0*WF0.conj()).real.argmax(axis=0)
     norm_wfs = np.diag(WF0[max_index,:])
     norm_wfs = norm_wfs/np.absolute(norm_wfs)
     WF0 = WF0/norm_wfs/self.num_kpts_loc    
     # Check the 'reality' following the pw2wannier90 procedure
     for WF_id in range(self.num_wann_loc):
         ratio_max = np.abs(WF0[np.abs(WF0[:,WF_id].real) >= 0.01,WF_id].imag/WF0[np.abs(WF0[:,WF_id].real) >= 0.01,WF_id].real).max(axis=0)        
         print('The maximum imag/real for wannier function ', WF_id,' : ', ratio_max)
     return WF0
Пример #8
def get_mo_pairs_G_old(cell, mo_coeffs, kpts=None, q=None):
    '''Calculate forward (G|ij) and "inverse" (ij|G) FFT of all MO pairs.

    TODO: - Implement simplifications for real orbitals.

        mo_coeff: length-2 list of (nao,nmo) ndarrays
            The two sets of MO coefficients to use in calculating the
            product |ij).

        mo_pairs_G, mo_pairs_invG : (ngrids, nmoi*nmoj) ndarray
            The FFTs of the real-space MO pairs.
    coords = gen_uniform_grids(cell)
    if kpts is None:
        q = np.zeros(3)
        aoR = eval_ao(cell, coords)
        ngrids = aoR.shape[0]

        if np.array_equal(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1]):
            nmoi = nmoj = mo_coeffs[0].shape[1]
            moiR = mojR = einsum('ri,ia->ra', aoR, mo_coeffs[0])
            nmoi = mo_coeffs[0].shape[1]
            nmoj = mo_coeffs[1].shape[1]
            moiR = einsum('ri,ia->ra', aoR, mo_coeffs[0])
            mojR = einsum('ri,ia->ra', aoR, mo_coeffs[1])

        if q is None:
            q = kpts[1] - kpts[0]
        aoR_ki = eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt=kpts[0])
        aoR_kj = eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt=kpts[1])
        ngrids = aoR_ki.shape[0]

        nmoi = mo_coeffs[0].shape[1]
        nmoj = mo_coeffs[1].shape[1]
        moiR = einsum('ri,ia->ra', aoR_ki, mo_coeffs[0])
        mojR = einsum('ri,ia->ra', aoR_kj, mo_coeffs[1])

    mo_pairs_R = np.einsum('ri,rj->rij', np.conj(moiR), mojR)
    mo_pairs_G = np.zeros([ngrids, nmoi * nmoj], np.complex128)
    mo_pairs_invG = np.zeros([ngrids, nmoi * nmoj], np.complex128)

    fac = np.exp(-1j * np.dot(coords, q))
    for i in range(nmoi):
        for j in range(nmoj):
            mo_pairs_G[:, i * nmoj + j] = tools.fftk(mo_pairs_R[:, i, j],
                                                     cell.mesh, fac)
            mo_pairs_invG[:, i * nmoj + j] = np.conj(
                tools.fftk(np.conj(mo_pairs_R[:, i, j]), cell.mesh,

    return mo_pairs_G, mo_pairs_invG
Пример #9
def get_mo_pairs_G_old(cell, mo_coeffs, kpts=None, q=None):
    '''Calculate forward (G|ij) and "inverse" (ij|G) FFT of all MO pairs.

    TODO: - Implement simplifications for real orbitals.

        mo_coeff: length-2 list of (nao,nmo) ndarrays
            The two sets of MO coefficients to use in calculating the
            product |ij).

        mo_pairs_G, mo_pairs_invG : (ngs, nmoi*nmoj) ndarray
            The FFTs of the real-space MO pairs.
    coords = gen_uniform_grids(cell)
    if kpts is None:
        q = np.zeros(3)
        aoR = eval_ao(cell, coords)
        ngs = aoR.shape[0]

        if np.array_equal(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1]):
            nmoi = nmoj = mo_coeffs[0].shape[1]
            moiR = mojR = einsum('ri,ia->ra', aoR, mo_coeffs[0])
            nmoi = mo_coeffs[0].shape[1]
            nmoj = mo_coeffs[1].shape[1]
            moiR = einsum('ri,ia->ra', aoR, mo_coeffs[0])
            mojR = einsum('ri,ia->ra', aoR, mo_coeffs[1])

        if q is None:
            q = kpts[1]-kpts[0]
        aoR_ki = eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt=kpts[0])
        aoR_kj = eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt=kpts[1])
        ngs = aoR_ki.shape[0]

        nmoi = mo_coeffs[0].shape[1]
        nmoj = mo_coeffs[1].shape[1]
        moiR = einsum('ri,ia->ra', aoR_ki, mo_coeffs[0])
        mojR = einsum('ri,ia->ra', aoR_kj, mo_coeffs[1])

    mo_pairs_R = np.einsum('ri,rj->rij', np.conj(moiR), mojR)
    mo_pairs_G = np.zeros([ngs,nmoi*nmoj], np.complex128)
    mo_pairs_invG = np.zeros([ngs,nmoi*nmoj], np.complex128)

    fac = np.exp(-1j*np.dot(coords, q))
    for i in xrange(nmoi):
        for j in xrange(nmoj):
            mo_pairs_G[:,i*nmoj+j] = tools.fftk(mo_pairs_R[:,i,j], cell.gs, fac)
            mo_pairs_invG[:,i*nmoj+j] = np.conj(tools.fftk(np.conj(mo_pairs_R[:,i,j]), cell.gs,

    return mo_pairs_G, mo_pairs_invG
Пример #10
def get_wannier(w90, supercell=[1, 1, 1], grid=[50, 50, 50]):
    Evaluate the MLWF using a periodic grid
    import sys
    import libwannier90
    import pywannier90
    from pyscf.pbc.dft import gen_grid, numint

    grids_coor, weights = pywannier90.periodic_grid(w90.cell,
                                                    supercell=[1, 1, 1],
    kpts = w90.cell.get_abs_kpts(w90.kpt_latt_loc)
    ao_kpts = np.asarray(
        [numint.eval_ao(w90.cell, grids_coor, kpt=kpt) for kpt in kpts])

    u_mo = []
    for k_id in range(w90.num_kpts_loc):
        mo_included = w90.mo_coeff_kpts[k_id][:, w90.band_included_list]
        mo_in_window = w90.lwindow[k_id]
        C_opt = mo_included[:, mo_in_window].dot(w90.U_matrix_opt[k_id].T)
        C_tildle = C_opt.dot(w90.U_matrix[k_id].T)
        kpt = kpts[k_id]
        ao = numint.eval_ao(w90.cell, grids_coor, kpt=kpt)
        u_ao = np.einsum('x,xi->xi',
                         np.exp(-1j * np.dot(grids_coor, kpt)),
        u_mo.append(np.einsum('xi,in->xn', u_ao, C_tildle, optimize=True))

    u_mo = np.asarray(u_mo)

    nimgs = [kpt // 2 for kpt in w90.mp_grid_loc]
    Ts = lib.cartesian_prod(
        (np.arange(-nimgs[0], nimgs[0] + 1), np.arange(-nimgs[1],
                                                       nimgs[1] + 1),
         np.arange(-nimgs[2], nimgs[2] + 1)))

    Ts = np.asarray(
        order='C')  #lib.cartesian_prod store array in Fortran order in memory
    WFs = libwannier90.get_WFs(w90.kpt_latt_loc.shape[0], w90.kpt_latt_loc,
                               Ts.shape[0], Ts, supercell, grid, u_mo)

    return WFs
Пример #11
def get_j_kpts(mf, cell, dm_kpts, kpts, kpt_band=None):
    coords = gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell)
    nkpts = len(kpts)
    ngs = len(coords)
    dm_kpts = np.asarray(dm_kpts)
    nao = dm_kpts.shape[-1]

    ni = numint._KNumInt(kpts)
    aoR_kpts = ni.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts)
    if kpt_band is not None:
        aoR_kband = numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt_band)

    dms = dm_kpts.reshape(-1,nkpts,nao,nao)
    nset = dms.shape[0]

    vjR = [get_vjR(cell, dms[i], aoR_kpts) for i in range(nset)]
    if kpt_band is not None:
        vj_kpts = [cell.vol/ngs * lib.dot(aoR_kband.T.conj()*vjR[i], aoR_kband)
                   for i in range(nset)]
        if dm_kpts.ndim == 3:  # One set of dm_kpts for KRHF
            vj_kpts = vj_kpts[0]
        return lib.asarray(vj_kpts)
        vj_kpts = []
        for i in range(nset):
            vj = [cell.vol/ngs * lib.dot(aoR_k.T.conj()*vjR[i], aoR_k)
                  for aoR_k in aoR_kpts]
        return lib.asarray(vj_kpts).reshape(dm_kpts.shape)
Пример #12
def get_j_kpts(mf, cell, dm_kpts, kpts, kpts_band=None):
    coords = gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell)
    nkpts = len(kpts)
    ngs = len(coords)
    dm_kpts = np.asarray(dm_kpts)
    nao = dm_kpts.shape[-1]

    ni = numint._KNumInt(kpts)
    aoR_kpts = ni.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts)
    if kpts_band is not None:
        aoR_kband = numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts_band)

    dms = dm_kpts.reshape(-1, nkpts, nao, nao)
    nset = dms.shape[0]

    vjR = [get_vjR(cell, dms[i], aoR_kpts) for i in range(nset)]
    if kpts_band is not None:
        vj_kpts = [
            cell.vol / ngs * lib.dot(aoR_kband.T.conj() * vjR[i], aoR_kband)
            for i in range(nset)
        if dm_kpts.ndim == 3:  # One set of dm_kpts for KRHF
            vj_kpts = vj_kpts[0]
        return lib.asarray(vj_kpts)
        vj_kpts = []
        for i in range(nset):
            vj = [
                cell.vol / ngs * lib.dot(aoR_k.T.conj() * vjR[i], aoR_k)
                for aoR_k in aoR_kpts
        return lib.asarray(vj_kpts).reshape(dm_kpts.shape)
Пример #13
    def get_wannier(self, grid=[50, 50, 50]):
		Evaluate the MLWF using a general grid

        grids_coor = general_grid(self.cell, grid)

        WFs = 0

        for k_id in range(self.num_kpts_loc):  #self.num_kpts_loc
            kpt = self.cell.get_abs_kpts(self.kpt_latt_loc[k_id])
            ao = numint.eval_ao(self.cell, grids_coor, kpt=kpt)
            mo_included = np.dot(
                self.mo_coeff_kpts[k_id])[:, self.band_included_list]
            mo_in_window = self.lwindow[k_id]
            C_opt = mo_included[:, mo_in_window].dot(self.U_matrix_opt[k_id].T)
            C_tildle = C_opt.dot(self.U_matrix[k_id].T)
            WFs = WFs + np.einsum('xi,in->xn', ao, C_tildle, optimize=True)

        # Fix the global phase following the pw2wannier90 procedure, todo: why?
        max_index = (WFs * WFs.conj()).real.argmax(axis=0)
        norm_wfs = np.diag(WFs[max_index, :])
        norm_wfs = norm_wfs / np.absolute(norm_wfs)
        WFs = WFs / norm_wfs / self.num_kpts_loc

        # Check the 'reality' following the pw2wannier90 procedure
        for WF_id in range(self.num_wann_loc):
            ratio_max = np.abs(
                WFs[(WFs[:, WF_id].real > 0.01), WF_id].imag /
                WFs[(WFs[:, WF_id].real > 0.01), WF_id].real).max(axis=0)
            print('The maximum imag/real for wannier function ', WF_id, ' : ',

        return WFs
Пример #14
    def export_unk(self, grid=[50, 50, 50]):
		Export the periodic part of BF in a real space grid for plotting with wannier90

        from scipy.io import FortranFile
        grids_coor = general_grid(self.cell, grid)

        for k_id in range(self.num_kpts_loc):
            kpt = self.cell.get_abs_kpts(self.kpt_latt_loc[k_id])
            ao = numint.eval_ao(self.cell, grids_coor, kpt=kpt)
            u_ao = np.einsum('x,xi->xi',
                             np.exp(-1j * np.dot(grids_coor, kpt)),
            unk_file = FortranFile('UNK0000' + str(k_id + 1) + '.1', 'w')
                    [grid[0], grid[1], grid[2], k_id + 1, self.num_bands_loc],
            mo_included = np.dot(
                self.mo_coeff_kpts[k_id])[:, self.band_included_list]
            u_mo = np.einsum('xi,in->xn', u_ao, mo_included, optimize=True)
            for band in range(len(self.band_included_list)):
                    np.asarray(u_mo[:, band], dtype=np.complex))
Пример #15
    def get_A_mat(self):
        Construct the projection matrix: A_{m,n}^{\mathbf{k}}
        Equation (62) in MV, Phys. Rev. B 56, 12847 or equation (22) in SMV, Phys. Rev. B 65, 035109

        A_matrix_loc = np.empty([self.num_kpts_loc, self.num_wann_loc, self.num_bands_loc], dtype = np.complex)

        if self.use_bloch_phases == True:
            for k_id in range(self.num_kpts_loc):
                Amn = np.zeros([self.num_wann_loc, self.num_bands_loc])
                np.fill_diagonal(Amn, 1)
                A_matrix_loc[k_id,:,:] = Amn
            grids = gen_grid.UniformGrids(self.cell)

            for k_id in range(self.num_kpts_loc):
                kpt = self.cell.get_abs_kpts(self.kpt_latt_loc[k_id])
                ao = numint.eval_ao(self.cell, grids.coords, kpt = kpt)
                for ith_wann in range(self.num_wann_loc):
                    frac_site = self.proj_site[ith_wann]
                    abs_site = frac_site.dot(self.real_lattice_loc) / param.BOHR
                    l = self.proj_l[ith_wann]
                    mr = self.proj_m[ith_wann]
                    r = self.proj_radial[ith_wann]
                    zona = self.proj_zona[ith_wann]
                    x_axis = self.proj_x[ith_wann]
                    z_axis = self.proj_z[ith_wann]
                    gr = g_r(grids.coords, abs_site, l, mr, r, zona, x_axis, z_axis, unit = 'B')
                    C = np.dot(self.U[k_id], self.mo_coeff_kpts[k_id])[:,self.band_included_list]
                    s_ao = np.einsum('i,iu,i->u', grids.weights, ao.conj(), gr, optimize = True)
                    A_matrix_loc[k_id,ith_wann,:] = np.einsum('um,u->m', C, s_ao, optimize = True)

        return A_matrix_loc
Пример #16
    def get_A_mat(self):
        Construct the projection matrix: A_{m,n}^{\mathbf{k}}
        Equation (62) in MV, Phys. Rev. B 56, 12847 or equation (22) in SMV, Phys. Rev. B 65, 035109

        A_matrix_loc = np.empty(
            [self.num_kpts_loc, self.num_wann_loc, self.num_bands_loc],

        if self.use_bloch_phases == True:
            Amn = np.zeros([self.num_wann_loc, self.num_bands_loc])
            np.fill_diagonal(Amn, 1)
            A_matrix_loc[:, :, :] = Amn
            from pyscf.dft import numint, gen_grid
            grids = gen_grid.Grids(self.cell).build()
            coords = grids.coords
            weights = grids.weights
            for ith_wann in range(self.num_wann_loc):
                frac_site = self.proj_site[ith_wann]
                abs_site = frac_site.dot(self.real_lattice_loc) / param.BOHR
                l = self.proj_l[ith_wann]
                mr = self.proj_m[ith_wann]
                r = self.proj_radial[ith_wann]
                zona = self.proj_zona[ith_wann]
                x_axis = self.proj_x[ith_wann]
                z_axis = self.proj_z[ith_wann]
                gr = g_r(coords,
                ao_L0 = numint.eval_ao(self.cell, coords)
                s_aoL0_g = np.einsum('i,i,iv->v',
                for k_id in range(self.num_kpts_loc):
                    kpt = self.cell.get_abs_kpts(self.kpt_latt_loc[k_id])
                    mo_included = self.mo_coeff_kpts[k_id][:, self.
                    s_kpt = self.cell.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp',
                    s_ao = np.einsum('uv,v->u', s_kpt, s_aoL0_g, optimize=True)
                    A_matrix_loc[k_id, ith_wann, :] = np.einsum(

        return A_matrix_loc
Пример #17
    def export_unk(self, grid=[50, 50, 50]):
        Export the periodic part of BF in a real space grid for plotting with wannier90

        from scipy.io import FortranFile
        grids_coor, weights = periodic_grid(self.cell, grid, order='F')

        for k_id in range(self.num_kpts_loc):
            spin = '.1'
            if self.spin_up != None and self.spin_up == False: spin = '.2'
            kpt = self.cell.get_abs_kpts(self.kpt_latt_loc[k_id])
            ao = numint.eval_ao(self.cell, grids_coor, kpt=kpt)
            u_ao = np.einsum('x,xi->xi',
                             np.exp(-1j * np.dot(grids_coor, kpt)),
            unk_file = FortranFile('UNK' + "%05d" % (k_id + 1) + spin, 'w')
                    [grid[0], grid[1], grid[2], k_id + 1, self.num_bands_loc],
            mo_included = self.mo_coeff_kpts[k_id][:, self.band_included_list]
            u_mo = np.einsum('xi,in->xn', u_ao, mo_included, optimize=True)
            for band in range(len(self.band_included_list)):
                    np.asarray(u_mo[:, band], dtype=np.complex128))
Пример #18
def get_jk_kpts(mf, cell, dm_kpts, kpts, kpts_band=None):
    coords = gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell)
    nkpts = len(kpts)
    ngrids = len(coords)
    dm_kpts = np.asarray(dm_kpts)
    nao = dm_kpts.shape[-1]

    dms = dm_kpts.reshape(-1,nkpts,nao,nao)
    nset = dms.shape[0]

    ni = numint.KNumInt(kpts)
    aoR_kpts = ni.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts)
    if kpts_band is not None:
        aoR_kband = numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts_band)

# J
    vjR = [get_vjR_kpts(cell, dms[i], aoR_kpts) for i in range(nset)]
    if kpts_band is not None:
        vj_kpts = [cell.vol/ngrids * lib.dot(aoR_kband.T.conj()*vjR[i], aoR_kband)
                   for i in range(nset)]
        vj_kpts = []
        for i in range(nset):
            vj = [cell.vol/ngrids * lib.dot(aoR_k.T.conj()*vjR[i], aoR_k)
                  for aoR_k in aoR_kpts]
    vj_kpts = lib.asarray(vj_kpts)
    vjR = None

# K
    weight = 1./nkpts * (cell.vol/ngrids)
    vk_kpts = np.zeros_like(vj_kpts)
    if kpts_band is not None:
        for k2, kpt2 in enumerate(kpts):
            aoR_dms = [lib.dot(aoR_kpts[k2], dms[i,k2]) for i in range(nset)]
            vkR_k1k2 = get_vkR(mf, cell, aoR_kband, aoR_kpts[k2],
                               kpts_band, kpt2)
            #:vk_kpts = 1./nkpts * (cell.vol/ngrids) * np.einsum('rs,Rp,Rqs,Rr->pq',
            #:            dm_kpts[k2], aoR_kband.conj(),
            #:            vkR_k1k2, aoR_kpts[k2])
            for i in range(nset):
                tmp_Rq = np.einsum('Rqs,Rs->Rq', vkR_k1k2, aoR_dms[i])
                vk_kpts[i] += weight * lib.dot(aoR_kband.T.conj(), tmp_Rq)
            vkR_k1k2 = None
        if dm_kpts.ndim == 3:
            vj_kpts = vj_kpts[0]
            vk_kpts = vk_kpts[0]
        return lib.asarray(vj_kpts), lib.asarray(vk_kpts)
        for k2, kpt2 in enumerate(kpts):
            aoR_dms = [lib.dot(aoR_kpts[k2], dms[i,k2]) for i in range(nset)]
            for k1, kpt1 in enumerate(kpts):
                vkR_k1k2 = get_vkR(mf, cell, aoR_kpts[k1], aoR_kpts[k2],
                                   kpt1, kpt2)
                for i in range(nset):
                    tmp_Rq = np.einsum('Rqs,Rs->Rq', vkR_k1k2, aoR_dms[i])
                    vk_kpts[i,k1] += weight * lib.dot(aoR_kpts[k1].T.conj(), tmp_Rq)
            vkR_k1k2 = None
        return vj_kpts.reshape(dm_kpts.shape), vk_kpts.reshape(dm_kpts.shape)
Пример #19
def get_jk_kpts(mf, cell, dm_kpts, kpts, kpt_band=None):
    coords = gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell)
    nkpts = len(kpts)
    ngs = len(coords)
    dm_kpts = np.asarray(dm_kpts)
    nao = dm_kpts.shape[-1]

    dms = dm_kpts.reshape(-1,nkpts,nao,nao)
    nset = dms.shape[0]

    ni = numint._KNumInt(kpts)
    aoR_kpts = ni.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts)
    if kpt_band is not None:
        aoR_kband = numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt_band)

# J
    vjR = [get_vjR_kpts(cell, dms[i], aoR_kpts) for i in range(nset)]
    if kpt_band is not None:
        vj_kpts = [cell.vol/ngs * lib.dot(aoR_kband.T.conj()*vjR[i], aoR_kband)
                   for i in range(nset)]
        vj_kpts = []
        for i in range(nset):
            vj = [cell.vol/ngs * lib.dot(aoR_k.T.conj()*vjR[i], aoR_k)
                  for aoR_k in aoR_kpts]
    vj_kpts = lib.asarray(vj_kpts)
    vjR = None

# K
    weight = 1./nkpts * (cell.vol/ngs)
    vk_kpts = np.zeros_like(vj_kpts)
    if kpt_band is not None:
        for k2, kpt2 in enumerate(kpts):
            aoR_dms = [lib.dot(aoR_kpts[k2], dms[i,k2]) for i in range(nset)]
            vkR_k1k2 = get_vkR(mf, cell, aoR_kband, aoR_kpts[k2],
                               kpt_band, kpt2)
            #:vk_kpts = 1./nkpts * (cell.vol/ngs) * np.einsum('rs,Rp,Rqs,Rr->pq',
            #:            dm_kpts[k2], aoR_kband.conj(),
            #:            vkR_k1k2, aoR_kpts[k2])
            for i in range(nset):
                tmp_Rq = np.einsum('Rqs,Rs->Rq', vkR_k1k2, aoR_dms[i])
                vk_kpts[i] += weight * lib.dot(aoR_kband.T.conj(), tmp_Rq)
            vkR_k1k2 = None
        if dm_kpts.ndim == 3:
            vj_kpts = vj_kpts[0]
            vk_kpts = vk_kpts[0]
        return lib.asarray(vj_kpts), lib.asarray(vk_kpts)
        for k2, kpt2 in enumerate(kpts):
            aoR_dms = [lib.dot(aoR_kpts[k2], dms[i,k2]) for i in range(nset)]
            for k1, kpt1 in enumerate(kpts):
                vkR_k1k2 = get_vkR(mf, cell, aoR_kpts[k1], aoR_kpts[k2],
                                   kpt1, kpt2)
                for i in range(nset):
                    tmp_Rq = np.einsum('Rqs,Rs->Rq', vkR_k1k2, aoR_dms[i])
                    vk_kpts[i,k1] += weight * lib.dot(aoR_kpts[k1].T.conj(), tmp_Rq)
            vkR_k1k2 = None
        return vj_kpts.reshape(dm_kpts.shape), vk_kpts.reshape(dm_kpts.shape)
Пример #20
def get_ovlp(cell, grids=None):
    if grids is None:
        grids = gen_grid.BeckeGrids(cell)
        grids.level = 3

    aoR = numint.eval_ao(cell, grids.coords)
    s = numpy.dot(aoR.T.conj(), grids.weights.reshape(-1, 1) * aoR).real
    return s
Пример #21
def get_ovlp(cell, grids=None):
    if grids is None:
        grids = gen_grid.BeckeGrids(cell)
        grids.level = 3

    aoR = numint.eval_ao(cell, grids.coords)
    s = numpy.dot(aoR.T.conj(), grids.weights.reshape(-1,1)*aoR).real
    return s
Пример #22
def orbital(cell, outfile, coeff, nx=60, ny=60, nz=60):
    '''Calculate orbital value on real space grid and write out in
    CHGCAR format.

        cell : Cell
            pbc Cell
        outfile : str
            Name of Cube file to be written.
        dm : ndarray
            Density matrix of molecule.

        nx : int
            Number of grid point divisions in x direction.
            Note this is function of the molecule's size; a larger molecule
            will have a coarser representation than a smaller one for the
            same value.
        ny : int
            Number of grid point divisions in y direction.
        nz : int
            Number of grid point divisions in z direction.

        No return value. This function outputs a VASP chgcarlike file
        (with phase if desired)...it can be opened in VESTA or VMD or
        many other softwares

        >>> # generates the first MO from the list of mo_coefficents 
        >>> from pyscf.pbc import gto, scf
        >>> from pyscf.tools import chgcar
        >>> cell = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1', a=numpy.eye(3)*3)
        >>> mf = scf.RHF(cell).run()
        >>> chgcar.orbital(cell, 'h2_mo1.CHGCAR', mf.mo_coeff[:,0])

    assert (isinstance(cell, pbcgto.Cell))

    cc = CHGCAR(cell, nx=nx, ny=ny, nz=nz)

    coords = cc.get_coords()
    ngrids = cc.get_ngrids()
    blksize = min(8000, ngrids)
    orb_on_grid = numpy.empty(ngrids)
    for ip0, ip1 in lib.prange(0, ngrids, blksize):
        ao = numint.eval_ao(cell, coords[ip0:ip1])
        orb_on_grid[ip0:ip1] = numpy.dot(ao, coeff)
    orb_on_grid = orb_on_grid.reshape(nx, ny, nz)

             comment='Orbital value in real space (1/Bohr^3)')
Пример #23
 def test_eval_mat(self):
     cell, grids = make_grids(30)
     ng = grids.weights.size
     rho = np.random.random(ng)
     rho *= 1/np.linalg.norm(rho)
     vrho = np.random.random(ng)
     ao1 = numint.eval_ao(cell, grids.coords)
     mat1 = numint.eval_mat(cell, ao1, grids.weights, rho, vrho)
     w = np.arange(mat1.size) * .01
     self.assertAlmostEqual(np.dot(w,mat1.ravel()), (.14777107967912118+0j), 8)
Пример #24
 def test_eval_mat(self):
     cell, grids = make_grids([61]*3)
     ng = grids.weights.size
     rho = np.random.random(ng)
     rho *= 1/np.linalg.norm(rho)
     vrho = np.random.random(ng)
     ao1 = numint.eval_ao(cell, grids.coords)
     mat1 = numint.eval_mat(cell, ao1, grids.weights, rho, vrho)
     w = np.arange(mat1.size) * .01
     self.assertAlmostEqual(np.dot(w,mat1.ravel()), (.14777107967912118+0j), 8)
Пример #25
def get_pp_nl(cell, kpt=np.zeros(3)):
    coords = gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell)
    aoR = numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt)
    nao = cell.nao_nr()
    SI = cell.get_SI()
    aokG = tools.fftk(np.asarray(aoR.T, order='C'),
                      cell.gs, np.exp(-1j*np.dot(coords, kpt))).T
    ngs = len(aokG)

    fakemol = pyscf.gto.Mole()
    fakemol._atm = np.zeros((1,pyscf.gto.ATM_SLOTS), dtype=np.int32)
    fakemol._bas = np.zeros((1,pyscf.gto.BAS_SLOTS), dtype=np.int32)
    ptr = pyscf.gto.PTR_ENV_START
    fakemol._env = np.zeros(ptr+10)
    fakemol._bas[0,pyscf.gto.NPRIM_OF ] = 1
    fakemol._bas[0,pyscf.gto.NCTR_OF  ] = 1
    fakemol._bas[0,pyscf.gto.PTR_EXP  ] = ptr+3
    fakemol._bas[0,pyscf.gto.PTR_COEFF] = ptr+4
    Gv = np.asarray(cell.Gv+kpt)
    G_rad = lib.norm(Gv, axis=1)

    vppnl = np.zeros((nao,nao), dtype=np.complex128)
    for ia in range(cell.natm):
        symb = cell.atom_symbol(ia)
        if symb not in cell._pseudo:
        pp = cell._pseudo[symb]
        for l, proj in enumerate(pp[5:]):
            rl, nl, hl = proj
            if nl > 0:
                hl = np.asarray(hl)
                fakemol._bas[0,pyscf.gto.ANG_OF] = l
                fakemol._env[ptr+3] = .5*rl**2
                fakemol._env[ptr+4] = rl**(l+1.5)*np.pi**1.25
                pYlm_part = pyscf.dft.numint.eval_ao(fakemol, Gv, deriv=0)

                pYlm = np.empty((nl,l*2+1,ngs))
                for k in range(nl):
                    qkl = pseudo.pp._qli(G_rad*rl, l, k)
                    pYlm[k] = pYlm_part.T * qkl
                # pYlm is real
                SPG_lmi = np.einsum('g,nmg->nmg', SI[ia].conj(), pYlm)
                SPG_lm_aoG = np.einsum('nmg,gp->nmp', SPG_lmi, aokG)
                tmp = np.einsum('ij,jmp->imp', hl, SPG_lm_aoG)
                vppnl += np.einsum('imp,imq->pq', SPG_lm_aoG.conj(), tmp)
    vppnl *= (1./ngs**2)

    if aoR.dtype == np.double:
        return vppnl.real
        return vppnl
Пример #26
def get_pp_nl(cell, kpt=np.zeros(3)):
    coords = gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell)
    aoR = numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt)
    nao = cell.nao_nr()
    SI = cell.get_SI()
    aokG = tools.fftk(np.asarray(aoR.T, order='C'), cell.gs,
                      np.exp(-1j * np.dot(coords, kpt))).T
    ngs = len(aokG)

    fakemol = pyscf.gto.Mole()
    fakemol._atm = np.zeros((1, pyscf.gto.ATM_SLOTS), dtype=np.int32)
    fakemol._bas = np.zeros((1, pyscf.gto.BAS_SLOTS), dtype=np.int32)
    ptr = pyscf.gto.PTR_ENV_START
    fakemol._env = np.zeros(ptr + 10)
    fakemol._bas[0, pyscf.gto.NPRIM_OF] = 1
    fakemol._bas[0, pyscf.gto.NCTR_OF] = 1
    fakemol._bas[0, pyscf.gto.PTR_EXP] = ptr + 3
    fakemol._bas[0, pyscf.gto.PTR_COEFF] = ptr + 4
    Gv = np.asarray(cell.Gv + kpt)
    G_rad = lib.norm(Gv, axis=1)

    vppnl = np.zeros((nao, nao), dtype=np.complex128)
    for ia in range(cell.natm):
        symb = cell.atom_symbol(ia)
        if symb not in cell._pseudo:
        pp = cell._pseudo[symb]
        for l, proj in enumerate(pp[5:]):
            rl, nl, hl = proj
            if nl > 0:
                hl = np.asarray(hl)
                fakemol._bas[0, pyscf.gto.ANG_OF] = l
                fakemol._env[ptr + 3] = .5 * rl**2
                fakemol._env[ptr + 4] = rl**(l + 1.5) * np.pi**1.25
                pYlm_part = pyscf.dft.numint.eval_ao(fakemol, Gv, deriv=0)

                pYlm = np.empty((nl, l * 2 + 1, ngs))
                for k in range(nl):
                    qkl = pseudo.pp._qli(G_rad * rl, l, k)
                    pYlm[k] = pYlm_part.T * qkl
                # pYlm is real
                SPG_lmi = np.einsum('g,nmg->nmg', SI[ia].conj(), pYlm)
                SPG_lm_aoG = np.einsum('nmg,gp->nmp', SPG_lmi, aokG)
                tmp = np.einsum('ij,jmp->imp', hl, SPG_lm_aoG)
                vppnl += np.einsum('imp,imq->pq', SPG_lm_aoG.conj(), tmp)
    vppnl *= (1. / ngs**2)

    if aoR.dtype == np.double:
        return vppnl.real
        return vppnl
Пример #27
def get_nuc(cell, kpt=np.zeros(3)):
    '''Get the bare periodic nuc-el AO matrix, with G=0 removed.

    See Martin (12.16)-(12.21).
    coords = gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell)
    aoR = numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt)

    chargs = cell.atom_charges()
    SI = cell.get_SI()
    coulG = tools.get_coulG(cell)
    vneG = -np.dot(chargs, SI) * coulG
    vneR = tools.ifft(vneG, cell.gs).real

    vne = np.dot(aoR.T.conj(), vneR.reshape(-1, 1) * aoR)
    return vne
Пример #28
def get_nuc(cell, kpt=np.zeros(3)):
    '''Get the bare periodic nuc-el AO matrix, with G=0 removed.

    See Martin (12.16)-(12.21).
    coords = gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell)
    aoR = numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt)

    chargs = cell.atom_charges()
    SI = cell.get_SI()
    coulG = tools.get_coulG(cell)
    vneG = -np.dot(chargs,SI) * coulG
    vneR = tools.ifft(vneG, cell.gs).real

    vne = np.dot(aoR.T.conj(), vneR.reshape(-1,1)*aoR)
    return vne
Пример #29
    def aoR_loop(self, cell, gs=None, kpts=None, kpt_band=None):
        if kpts is None: kpts = self.kpts
        kpts = numpy.asarray(kpts)

        if gs is None:
            gs = self.gs
            self.gs = gs
        ngrids = numpy.prod(numpy.asarray(gs) * 2 + 1)

        if (self._numint.cell is None or id(cell) != id(self._numint.cell)
                or self._numint._deriv != 0
                or self._numint._kpts.shape != kpts.shape
                or abs(self._numint._kpts - kpts).sum() > 1e-9
                or self._numint._coords.shape[0] != ngrids
                or (gs is not None and numpy.any(gs != self.gs))):

            nkpts = len(kpts)
            coords = gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell, gs)
            nao = cell.nao_nr()
            blksize = int(self.max_memory * 1e6 /
                          (nkpts * nao * 16 * numint.BLKSIZE)) * numint.BLKSIZE
            blksize = min(max(blksize, numint.BLKSIZE), ngrids)
                self._numint.cache_ao(cell, kpts, 0, coords, nao, blksize)
            except IOError as e:
                    'HDF5 file cannot be opened twice in different mode.\n')
                raise e

        with h5py.File(self._numint._ao.name, 'r') as f:
            if kpt_band is None:
                for k in range(len(kpts)):
                    aoR = f['ao/%d' % k].value
                    yield k, aoR
                kpt_band = numpy.reshape(kpt_band, 3)
                where = numpy.argmin(pyscf.lib.norm(kpts - kpt_band, axis=1))
                if abs(kpts[where] - kpt_band).sum() > 1e-9:
                    where = None
                    coords = gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell, gs)
                    yield 0, numint.eval_ao(cell,
                    yield where, f['ao/%d' % where].value
Пример #30
    def aoR_loop(self, gs=None, kpts=None, kpt_band=None):
        cell = self.cell
        if kpts is None:
            kpts = self.kpts
        kpts = numpy.asarray(kpts)

        if gs is None:
            gs = self.gs
            self.gs = gs
        ngrids = numpy.prod(numpy.asarray(gs) * 2 + 1)

        if (
            self._numint.cell is None
            or id(cell) != id(self._numint.cell)
            or self._numint._deriv != 0
            or self._numint._kpts.shape != kpts.shape
            or abs(self._numint._kpts - kpts).sum() > 1e-9
            or self._numint._coords.shape[0] != ngrids
            or (gs is not None and numpy.any(gs != self.gs))

            nkpts = len(kpts)
            coords = cell.gen_uniform_grids(gs)
            nao = cell.nao_nr()
            blksize = int(self.max_memory * 1e6 / (nkpts * nao * 16 * numint.BLKSIZE)) * numint.BLKSIZE
            blksize = min(max(blksize, numint.BLKSIZE), ngrids)
                self._numint.cache_ao(cell, kpts, 0, coords, nao, blksize)
            except IOError as e:
                sys.stderr.write("HDF5 file cannot be opened twice in different mode.\n")
                raise e

        with h5py.File(self._numint._ao.name, "r") as f:
            if kpt_band is None:
                for k in range(len(kpts)):
                    aoR = f["ao/%d" % k].value
                    yield k, aoR
                kpt_band = numpy.reshape(kpt_band, 3)
                where = numpy.argmin(lib.norm(kpts - kpt_band, axis=1))
                if abs(kpts[where] - kpt_band).sum() > 1e-9:
                    where = None
                    coords = cell.gen_uniform_grids(gs)
                    yield 0, numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt_band, deriv=0)
                    yield where, f["ao/%d" % where].value
Пример #31
def get_pp(cell, kpt=np.zeros(3)):
    '''Get the periodic pseudotential nuc-el AO matrix, with G=0 removed.
    coords = gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell)
    aoR = numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt)
    nao = cell.nao_nr()

    SI = cell.get_SI()
    vlocG = pseudo.get_vlocG(cell)
    vlocG[:, 0] = 0
    vpplocG = -np.sum(SI * vlocG, axis=0)

    # vpploc evaluated in real-space
    vpplocR = tools.ifft(vpplocG, cell.mesh)
    vpploc = np.dot(aoR.T.conj(), vpplocR.reshape(-1, 1) * aoR)

    # vppnonloc evaluated in reciprocal space
    aokG = np.empty(aoR.shape, np.complex128)
    expmikr = np.exp(-1j * np.dot(coords, kpt))
    for i in range(nao):
        aokG[:, i] = tools.fftk(aoR[:, i], cell.mesh, expmikr)
    ngrids = len(aokG)

    vppnl = np.zeros((nao, nao), dtype=np.complex128)
    hs, projGs = pseudo.get_projG(cell, kpt)
    for ia, [h_ia, projG_ia] in enumerate(zip(hs, projGs)):
        for l, h in enumerate(h_ia):
            nl = h.shape[0]
            for m in range(-l, l + 1):
                SPG_lm_aoG = np.zeros((nl, nao), dtype=np.complex128)
                for i in range(nl):
                    SPG_lmi = SI[ia, :] * projG_ia[l][m][i]
                    SPG_lm_aoG[i, :] = np.einsum('g,gp->p', SPG_lmi.conj(),
                for i in range(nl):
                    for j in range(nl):
                        # Note: There is no (-1)^l here.
                        vppnl += h[i, j] * np.einsum('p,q->pq',
                                                     SPG_lm_aoG[i, :].conj(),
                                                     SPG_lm_aoG[j, :])
    vppnl *= (1. / ngrids**2)

    ovlp = cell.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp_sph', hermi=1, kpts=kpt)
    vpploc += 1. / cell.vol * np.sum(pseudo.get_alphas(cell)) * ovlp
    return vpploc + vppnl
Пример #32
def get_pp(cell, kpt=np.zeros(3)):
    '''Get the periodic pseudotential nuc-el AO matrix, with G=0 removed.
    coords = gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell)
    aoR = numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt)
    nao = cell.nao_nr()

    SI = cell.get_SI()
    vlocG = pseudo.get_vlocG(cell)
    vlocG[:,0] = 0
    vpplocG = -np.sum(SI * vlocG, axis=0)

    # vpploc evaluated in real-space
    vpplocR = tools.ifft(vpplocG, cell.mesh)
    vpploc = np.dot(aoR.T.conj(), vpplocR.reshape(-1,1)*aoR)

    # vppnonloc evaluated in reciprocal space
    aokG = np.empty(aoR.shape, np.complex128)
    expmikr = np.exp(-1j*np.dot(coords,kpt))
    for i in range(nao):
        aokG[:,i] = tools.fftk(aoR[:,i], cell.mesh, expmikr)
    ngrids = len(aokG)

    vppnl = np.zeros((nao,nao), dtype=np.complex128)
    hs, projGs = pseudo.get_projG(cell, kpt)
    for ia, [h_ia,projG_ia] in enumerate(zip(hs,projGs)):
        for l, h in enumerate(h_ia):
            nl = h.shape[0]
            for m in range(-l,l+1):
                SPG_lm_aoG = np.zeros((nl,nao), dtype=np.complex128)
                for i in range(nl):
                    SPG_lmi = SI[ia,:] * projG_ia[l][m][i]
                    SPG_lm_aoG[i,:] = np.einsum('g,gp->p', SPG_lmi.conj(), aokG)
                for i in range(nl):
                    for j in range(nl):
                        # Note: There is no (-1)^l here.
                        vppnl += h[i,j]*np.einsum('p,q->pq',
    vppnl *= (1./ngrids**2)

    ovlp = cell.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp_sph', hermi=1, kpts=kpt)
    vpploc += 1./cell.vol * np.sum(pseudo.get_alphas(cell)) * ovlp
    return vpploc + vppnl
Пример #33
 def export_unk(self, grid = [50,50,50]):
     Export the periodic part of BF in a real space grid for plotting with wannier90
     from scipy.io import FortranFile
     grids_coor, weights = periodic_grid(self.cell, grid, order = 'F')        
     for k_id in range(self.num_kpts_loc):
         spin = '.1'
         if self.spin_up != None and self.spin_up == False : spin = '.2'
         kpt = self.cell.get_abs_kpts(self.kpt_latt_loc[k_id])    
         ao = numint.eval_ao(self.cell, grids_coor, kpt = kpt)
         u_ao = np.einsum('x,xi->xi', np.exp(-1j*np.dot(grids_coor, kpt)), ao, optimize = True)
         unk_file = FortranFile('UNK' + "%05d" % (k_id + 1) + spin, 'w')
         unk_file.write_record(np.asarray([grid[0], grid[1], grid[2], k_id + 1, self.num_bands_loc], dtype = np.int32))    
         mo_included = self.mo_coeff_kpts[k_id][:,self.band_included_list]        
         u_mo = np.einsum('xi,in->xn', u_ao, mo_included, optimize = True)
         for band in range(len(self.band_included_list)):    
             unk_file.write_record(np.asarray(u_mo[:,band], dtype = np.complex128))                    
Пример #34
 def get_A_mat(self):
     Construct the projection matrix: A_{m,n}^{\mathbf{k}}
     Equation (62) in MV, Phys. Rev. B 56, 12847 or equation (22) in SMV, Phys. Rev. B 65, 035109
     A_matrix_loc = np.empty([self.num_kpts_loc, self.num_wann_loc, self.num_bands_loc], dtype = np.complex128)
     if self.use_bloch_phases == True:
         Amn = np.zeros([self.num_wann_loc, self.num_bands_loc])
         np.fill_diagonal(Amn, 1)
         A_matrix_loc[:,:,:] = Amn
         from pyscf.dft import numint,gen_grid
         grids = gen_grid.Grids(self.cell).build()
         coords = grids.coords
         weights = grids.weights  
         for ith_wann in range(self.num_wann_loc):
             frac_site = self.proj_site[ith_wann] 
             abs_site = frac_site.dot(self.real_lattice_loc) / param.BOHR
             l = self.proj_l[ith_wann]
             mr = self.proj_m[ith_wann]
             r = self.proj_radial[ith_wann]
             zona = self.proj_zona[ith_wann]
             x_axis = self.proj_x[ith_wann]
             z_axis = self.proj_z[ith_wann]                                
             gr = g_r(coords, abs_site, l, mr, r, zona, x_axis, z_axis, unit = 'B')
             ao_L0 = numint.eval_ao(self.cell, coords) 
             s_aoL0_g = np.einsum('i,i,iv->v', weights, gr, ao_L0, optimize = True)
             for k_id in range(self.num_kpts_loc):
                 kpt = self.cell.get_abs_kpts(self.kpt_latt_loc[k_id])              
                 mo_included = self.mo_coeff_kpts[k_id][:,self.band_included_list] 
                 s_kpt = self.cell.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp', hermi=1, kpts=kpt, pbcopt=lib.c_null_ptr())                    
                 s_ao = np.einsum('uv,v->u', s_kpt, s_aoL0_g, optimize = True)
                 A_matrix_loc[k_id,ith_wann,:] = np.einsum('v,vu,um->m', s_aoL0_g, s_kpt, mo_included, optimize = True).conj()
     return A_matrix_loc
Пример #35
def get_pp_loc_part2(cell, kpt=np.zeros(3)):
    coords = gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell)
    aoR = numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt)
    nao = cell.nao_nr()

    SI = cell.get_SI()
    G = lib.norm(cell.Gv, axis=1)
    vlocG = np.zeros((cell.natm,len(G)))
    for ia in range(cell.natm):
        Zia = cell.atom_charge(ia)
        symb = cell.atom_symbol(ia)
        if symb not in cell._pseudo:
            vlocG[ia] = 0
        pp = cell._pseudo[symb]
        rloc, nexp, cexp = pp[1:3+1]

        G_red = G*rloc
        cfacs = np.array(
                 3 - G_red**2,
                 15 - 10*G_red**2 + G_red**4,
                 105 - 105*G_red**2 + 21*G_red**4 - G_red**6])

        with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
            # Note the signs -- potential here is positive
            vlocG[ia,:] = (# 4*np.pi * Zia * np.exp(-0.5*G_red**2)/G**2
                           - (2*np.pi)**(3/2.)*rloc**3*np.exp(-0.5*G_red**2)*(
                                np.dot(cexp, cfacs[:nexp])) )

    vpplocG = -np.sum(SI * vlocG, axis=0)
    vpplocR = tools.ifft(vpplocG, cell.gs).real
    vpploc = np.dot(aoR.T.conj(), vpplocR.reshape(-1,1)*aoR)
    if aoR.dtype == np.double:
        return vpploc.real
        return vpploc
Пример #36
def get_ao_pairs_G(cell, kpt=np.zeros(3)):
    '''Calculate forward (G|ij) and "inverse" (ij|G) FFT of all AO pairs.

        cell : instance of :class:`Cell`

        ao_pairs_G, ao_pairs_invG : (ngrids, nao*(nao+1)/2) ndarray
            The FFTs of the real-space AO pairs.

    coords = gen_uniform_grids(cell)
    aoR = eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt)  # shape = (coords, nao)
    ngrids, nao = aoR.shape
    gamma_point = abs(kpt).sum() < 1e-9
    if gamma_point:
        npair = nao * (nao + 1) // 2
        ao_pairs_G = np.empty([ngrids, npair], np.complex128)

        ij = 0
        for i in range(nao):
            for j in range(i + 1):
                ao_ij_R = np.conj(aoR[:, i]) * aoR[:, j]
                ao_pairs_G[:, ij] = tools.fft(ao_ij_R, cell.mesh)
                #ao_pairs_invG[:,ij] = ngrids*tools.ifft(ao_ij_R, cell.mesh)
                ij += 1
        ao_pairs_invG = ao_pairs_G.conj()
        ao_pairs_G = np.zeros([ngrids, nao, nao], np.complex128)
        for i in range(nao):
            for j in range(nao):
                ao_ij_R = np.conj(aoR[:, i]) * aoR[:, j]
                ao_pairs_G[:, i, j] = tools.fft(ao_ij_R, cell.mesh)
        ao_pairs_invG = ao_pairs_G.transpose(0, 2,
                                             1).conj().reshape(-1, nao**2)
        ao_pairs_G = ao_pairs_G.reshape(-1, nao**2)
    return ao_pairs_G, ao_pairs_invG
Пример #37
def get_pp_loc_part2(cell, kpt=np.zeros(3)):
    coords = gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell)
    aoR = numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt)
    nao = cell.nao_nr()

    SI = cell.get_SI()
    G = lib.norm(cell.Gv, axis=1)
    vlocG = np.zeros((cell.natm,len(G)))
    for ia in range(cell.natm):
        Zia = cell.atom_charge(ia)
        symb = cell.atom_symbol(ia)
        if symb not in cell._pseudo:
            vlocG[ia] = 0
        pp = cell._pseudo[symb]
        rloc, nexp, cexp = pp[1:3+1]

        G_red = G*rloc
        cfacs = np.array(
                 3 - G_red**2,
                 15 - 10*G_red**2 + G_red**4,
                 105 - 105*G_red**2 + 21*G_red**4 - G_red**6])

        with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
            # Note the signs -- potential here is positive
            vlocG[ia,:] = (# 4*np.pi * Zia * np.exp(-0.5*G_red**2)/G**2
                           - (2*np.pi)**(3/2.)*rloc**3*np.exp(-0.5*G_red**2)*(
                                np.dot(cexp, cfacs[:nexp])) )

    vpplocG = -np.sum(SI * vlocG, axis=0)
    vpplocR = tools.ifft(vpplocG, cell.gs).real
    vpploc = np.dot(aoR.T.conj(), vpplocR.reshape(-1,1)*aoR)
    if aoR.dtype == np.double:
        return vpploc.real
        return vpploc
Пример #38
def get_ao_pairs_G(cell, kpt=np.zeros(3)):
    '''Calculate forward (G|ij) and "inverse" (ij|G) FFT of all AO pairs.

        cell : instance of :class:`Cell`

        ao_pairs_G, ao_pairs_invG : (ngs, nao*(nao+1)/2) ndarray
            The FFTs of the real-space AO pairs.

    coords = gen_uniform_grids(cell)
    aoR = eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt) # shape = (coords, nao)
    ngs, nao = aoR.shape
    gamma_point = abs(kpt).sum() < 1e-9
    if gamma_point:
        npair = nao*(nao+1)//2
        ao_pairs_G = np.empty([ngs, npair], np.complex128)

        ij = 0
        for i in range(nao):
            for j in range(i+1):
                ao_ij_R = np.conj(aoR[:,i]) * aoR[:,j]
                ao_pairs_G[:,ij] = tools.fft(ao_ij_R, cell.gs)
                #ao_pairs_invG[:,ij] = ngs*tools.ifft(ao_ij_R, cell.gs)
                ij += 1
        ao_pairs_invG = ao_pairs_G.conj()
        ao_pairs_G = np.zeros([ngs, nao,nao], np.complex128)
        for i in range(nao):
            for j in range(nao):
                ao_ij_R = np.conj(aoR[:,i]) * aoR[:,j]
                ao_pairs_G[:,i,j] = tools.fft(ao_ij_R, cell.gs)
        ao_pairs_invG = ao_pairs_G.transpose(0,2,1).conj().reshape(-1,nao**2)
        ao_pairs_G = ao_pairs_G.reshape(-1,nao**2)
    return ao_pairs_G, ao_pairs_invG
Пример #39
    # end if

    # grid density for molecular orbital
    mydgs = 16
    dgs = np.array([mydgs] * 3)
    moR_fname = 'gs%d_' % mydgs + moR_fname
    # run or load moR
    if os.path.isfile(moR_fname):
        moR = np.loadtxt(moR_fname)
        from pyscf.pbc.gto.cell import gen_uniform_grids
        from pyscf.pbc.dft.numint import eval_ao
        coords = gen_uniform_grids(cell, gs=dgs)
        aoR = eval_ao(cell, coords)
        moR = np.dot(aoR, mf.mo_coeff)
        np.savetxt(moR_fname, moR)
    # end if

    mo_to_plot = [0, 1, 3, 4]
    from qharv.inspect import volumetric
    from skimage import measure
    for iorb in mo_to_plot:

        val = moR[:, iorb].reshape(2 * dgs + 1)
        fval = volumetric.spline_volumetric(val)
        grid = volumetric.axes_func_on_grid3d(axes, fval, grid_shape)

        myup = default_up
        mydn = default_dn
Пример #40
def kernel(mp, mo_energy=None, mo_coeff=None, verbose=logger.NOTE):

    nao = mp.nmo
    nocc = mp.nocc
    nvirt = nao - nocc
    ngs = mp.ngs
    if mo_energy is None: mo_energy = mp.mo_energy  #[nmo]
    if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = mp.mo_coeff  #[nao x nmo]
    mo_energy = mo_energy.reshape(1, -1)

    cell = mp._scf.cell
    mesh = cell.mesh
    smallmesh = mesh.copy()
    smallmesh[-1] = int(numpy.floor(smallmesh[-1] / 2.0)) + 1

    print "mesh: ", mesh
    print "smallmesh: ", smallmesh

    coulG = pbctools.get_coulG(cell, mesh=mesh)  #[ngs]
    coulG = coulG.reshape(mesh)  #[mesh[0] x mesh[1] x mesh[2]]
    coulG = coulG[:, :, :smallmesh[-1]].reshape([
    ])  #[ngssmall]

    coords = cell.gen_uniform_grids(mesh=mesh)  #[ngs x 3]

    (tauarray, weightarray, NLapPoints) = get_LT_data()

     grid_batch_num, grid_batch) = get_batch(mp.max_memory,
                                             override=0)  #batching grid
     mo_occ_batch_num, mo_occ_batch) = get_batch(mp.max_memory,
                                                 override=0)  #batching occ MOs
    (max_mo_virt_batch_size, mo_virt_batch_num,
     mo_virt_batch) = get_batch(mp.max_memory, nvirt, num_mat=2,
                                override=0)  #batching virt MOs

    (max_ao_batch_size, _, _) = get_batch(mp.max_memory,
                                          override=0)  #batching AOs
     ao_occ_batch) = get_ao_batch(cell.ao_loc_nr(),
                                  max_ao_batch_size)  #batching "occ" AOs
     ao_virt_batch) = get_ao_batch(cell.ao_loc_nr(),
                                   max_ao_batch_size)  #batching "virt" AOs

    if grid_batch_num > 1:
        print "Splitting the grid into ", grid_batch_num, " batches of max size ", max_grid_batch_size
    if mo_occ_batch_num > 1:
        print "Splitting the occupied MOs into ", mo_occ_batch_num, " batches of max size ", max_mo_occ_batch_size
    if mo_virt_batch_num > 1:
        print "Splitting the virtual MOs into ", mo_virt_batch_num, " batches of max size ", max_mo_virt_batch_size

    Jtime = time.time()
    EMP2J = 0.0
    for i in range(numpy.amin([NLapPoints, mp.lt_points])):
        Jint = 0.0
        mo_occ = mo_coeff[:, :nocc] * numpy.exp(
            -mo_energy[:, :nocc] * tauarray[i] / 2.)  #[nao x nocc]
        mo_virt = mo_coeff[:, nocc:] * numpy.exp(
            mo_energy[:, nocc:] * tauarray[i] / 2.)  #[nao x nvirt]
        for b1 in range(grid_batch_num):
            gbs = grid_batch[b1 + 1] - grid_batch[b1]
            g_o = numpy.zeros((gbs, ngs), dtype='float64')  #[gbs x ngs]
            for a1 in range(mo_occ_batch_num):
                mbs = mo_occ_batch[a1 + 1] - mo_occ_batch[a1]
                moR_b = numpy.zeros((ngs, mbs), dtype='float64')  #[ngs x mbs]
                for a2 in range(len(shell_occ_batch) - 1):
                    aoR_b = numint.eval_ao(
                            shell_occ_batch[a2 +
                                            1]))  #[ngs x shell_batch_size]
                    mo_occ_b = mo_occ[ao_occ_batch[a2]:ao_occ_batch[a2 + 1],
                                          a1 + 1]]  #[shell_batch_size x mbs]
                    pylib.dot(aoR_b, mo_occ_b, alpha=1, c=moR_b,
                              beta=1)  #[ngs x mbs]
                aoR_b = mo_occ_b = None
                pylib.dot(moR_b[grid_batch[b1]:grid_batch[b1 + 1]],
                          beta=1)  #[gbs x ngs]
                moR_b = None
            F = numpy.zeros((gbs, ngs), dtype='float64')  #[gbs x ngs]
            for a1 in range(mo_virt_batch_num):
                mbs = mo_virt_batch[a1 + 1] - mo_virt_batch[a1]
                moR_b = numpy.zeros((ngs, mbs), dtype='float64')  #[ngs x mbs]
                for a2 in range(len(shell_virt_batch) - 1):
                    aoR_b = numint.eval_ao(
                            shell_virt_batch[a2 +
                                             1]))  #[ngs x shell_batch_size]
                    mo_virt_b = mo_virt[ao_virt_batch[a2]:ao_virt_batch[a2 +
                                            a1 + 1]]  #[shell_batch_size x mbs]
                    pylib.dot(aoR_b, mo_virt_b, alpha=1, c=moR_b,
                              beta=1)  #[ngs x mbs]
                aoR_b = mo_virt_b = None
                pylib.dot(moR_b[grid_batch[b1]:grid_batch[b1 + 1]],
                          beta=1)  #[gbs x ngs]
                moR_b = None
            F *= g_o  #[gbs x ngs]
            g_o = None
            if mp.optimization == "Cython":
                fft_cython.getJ(gbs, F, coulG, mesh, smallmesh)
            elif mp.optimization == "Python":
                for j in range(gbs):
                    F[j] = compute_fft(F[j], coulG, mesh, smallmesh)
                raise RuntimeError('Only Cython and Python implemented!')
            if grid_batch_num > 1:
                for b2 in range(grid_batch_num):
                    if b2 != b1:
                        gbs_in = grid_batch[b2 + 1] - grid_batch[b2]
                        g_o = numpy.zeros((gbs_in, ngs),
                                          dtype='float64')  #[gbs_in x ngs]
                        for a1 in range(mo_occ_batch_num):
                            mbs = mo_occ_batch[a1 + 1] - mo_occ_batch[a1]
                            moR_b = numpy.zeros((ngs, mbs),
                                                dtype='float64')  #[ngs x mbs]
                            for a2 in range(len(shell_occ_batch) - 1):
                                aoR_b = numint.eval_ao(
                                                shell_occ_batch[a2 + 1]
                                                ))  #[ngs x shell_batch_size]
                                mo_occ_b = mo_occ[
                                    ao_occ_batch[a2]:ao_occ_batch[a2 + 1],
                                        a1 + 1]]  #[shell_batch_size x mbs]
                                          beta=1)  #[ngs x mbs]
                            aoR_b = mo_occ_b = None
                            pylib.dot(moR_b[grid_batch[b2]:grid_batch[b2 + 1]],
                                      beta=1)  #[gbs_in x ngs]
                            moR_b = None
                        F_in = numpy.zeros((gbs_in, ngs),
                                           dtype='float64')  #[gbs_in x ngs]
                        for a1 in range(mo_virt_batch_num):
                            mbs = mo_virt_batch[a1 + 1] - mo_virt_batch[a1]
                            moR_b = numpy.zeros((ngs, mbs),
                                                dtype='float64')  #[ngs x mbs]
                            for a2 in range(len(shell_virt_batch) - 1):
                                aoR_b = numint.eval_ao(
                                                shell_virt_batch[a2 + 1]
                                                ))  #[ngs x shell_batch_size]
                                mo_virt_b = mo_virt[
                                    ao_virt_batch[a2]:ao_virt_batch[a2 + 1],
                                        a1 + 1]]  #[shell_batch_size x mbs]
                                          beta=1)  #[ngs x mbs]
                            aoR_b = mo_virt_b = None
                            pylib.dot(moR_b[grid_batch[b2]:grid_batch[b2 + 1]],
                                      beta=1)  #[gbs_in x ngs]
                            moR_b = None
                        F_in *= g_o  #[gbs_in x ngs]
                        g_o = None
                        if mp.optimization == "Cython":
                            fft_cython.getJ(gbs_in, F_in, coulG, mesh,
                        elif mp.optimization == "Python":
                            for k in range(gbs_in):
                                F_in[k] = compute_fft(F_in[k], coulG, mesh,
                            raise RuntimeError(
                                'Only Cython and Python implemented!')
                        Jint += numpy.einsum(
                            'ij,ji->', F[:, grid_batch[b2]:grid_batch[b2 + 1]],
                            F_in[:, grid_batch[b1]:grid_batch[b1 + 1]])
                        F_in = None
                        Jint += numpy.einsum(
                            'ij,ji->', F[:, grid_batch[b1]:grid_batch[b1 + 1]],
                            F[:, grid_batch[b1]:grid_batch[b1 + 1]])
                F = None
                Jint += numpy.einsum('ij,ji->', F, F)
                F = None
        moRoccW = moRvirtW = None
        EMP2J -= 2. * weightarray[i] * Jint * (cell.vol / ngs)**2.
    print "Took this long for J: ", time.time() - Jtime
    EMP2J = EMP2J.real

    return EMP2J
Пример #41
def test_components(pseudo=None):
    # The molecular calculation
    mol = gto.Mole()
    mol.unit = 'B'
    L = 60
        ['He', (L / 2., L / 2., L / 2.)],
    mol.basis = 'sto-3g'

    m = rks.RKS(mol)
    m.xc = 'LDA,VWN_RPA'
    print(m.scf())  # -2.90705411168
    dm = m.make_rdm1()

    # The periodic calculation
    cell = pbcgto.Cell()
    cell.unit = 'B'
    cell.a = np.diag([L, L, L])
    cell.gs = np.array([80, 80, 80])

    cell.atom = mol.atom
    cell.basis = mol.basis
    cell.pseudo = pseudo

    # These should match reasonably well (roughly with accuracy of normalization)
    print "Kinetic energy"
    tao = pbchf.get_t(cell)
    tao2 = mol.intor_symmetric('cint1e_kin_sph')
    print np.dot(np.ravel(tao), np.ravel(dm))  # 2.82793077196
    print np.dot(np.ravel(tao2), np.ravel(dm))  # 2.82352636524

    print "Overlap"
    sao = pbchf.get_ovlp(cell)
    print np.dot(np.ravel(sao), np.ravel(dm))  # 1.99981725342
    print np.dot(np.ravel(m.get_ovlp()), np.ravel(dm))  # 2.0

    # The next two entries should *not* match, since G=0 component is removed
    print "Coulomb (G!=0)"
    jao = pbchf.get_j(cell, dm)
    print np.dot(np.ravel(dm), np.ravel(jao))  # 4.03425518427
    print np.dot(np.ravel(dm), np.ravel(m.get_j(dm)))  # 4.22285177049

    # The next two entries should *not* match, since G=0 component is removed
    print "Nuc-el (G!=0)"
    if cell.pseudo:
        vppao = pbchf.get_pp(cell)
        print np.dot(np.ravel(dm), np.ravel(vppao))
        neao = pbchf.get_nuc(cell)
        print np.dot(np.ravel(dm), np.ravel(neao))  # -6.50203360062
    vne = mol.intor_symmetric('cint1e_nuc_sph')
    print np.dot(np.ravel(dm), np.ravel(vne))  # -6.68702326551

    print "Normalization"
    coords = gen_uniform_grids(cell)
    aoR = eval_ao(cell, coords)
    rhoR = eval_rho(cell, aoR, dm)
    print cell.vol / len(rhoR) * np.sum(rhoR)  # 1.99981725342 (should be 2.0)

    print "(Hartree + vne) * DM"
    print np.dot(np.ravel(dm), np.ravel(m.get_j(dm))) + np.dot(
        np.ravel(dm), np.ravel(vne))
    if cell.pseudo:
        print np.einsum("ij,ij", dm, vppao + jao + pbchf.get_jvloc_G0(cell))
        print np.einsum("ij,ij", dm, neao + jao)

    ew_cut = (40, 40, 40)
    ew_eta = 0.05
    for ew_eta in [0.1, 0.5, 1.]:
        ew = pbchf.ewald(cell, ew_eta, ew_cut)
        print "Ewald (eta, energy)", ew_eta, ew  # should be same for all eta

    print "Ewald divergent terms summation", ew

    # These two should now match if the box is reasonably big to
    # remove images, and ngs is big.
    print "Total coulomb (analytic) ",
    print(.5 * np.dot(np.ravel(dm), np.ravel(m.get_j(dm))) +
          np.dot(np.ravel(dm), np.ravel(vne)))  # -4.57559738004
    if not cell.pseudo:
        print "Total coulomb (fft coul + ewald)",
        print np.einsum("ij,ij", dm, neao + .5 * jao) + ew  # -4.57948259115

    # Exc
    cell.ew_eta, cell.ew_cut = ew_eta, ew_cut
    mf = pbcdft.RKS(cell)
    mf.xc = 'LDA,VWN_RPA'

    rks.get_veff(mf, cell, dm)
    print "Exc", mf._exc  # -1.05967570089
Пример #42
def get_pp(cell, kpt=np.zeros(3)):
    '''Get the periodic pseudotential nuc-el AO matrix
    import pyscf.dft
    from pyscf.pbc import tools
    from pyscf.pbc.dft import gen_grid
    from pyscf.pbc.dft import numint
    coords = gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell)
    aoR = numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt)
    nao = cell.nao_nr()

    SI = cell.get_SI()
    vlocG = get_vlocG(cell)
    vpplocG = -np.sum(SI * vlocG, axis=0)
    vpplocG[0] = np.sum(get_alphas(cell))  # from get_jvloc_G0 function

    # vpploc evaluated in real-space
    vpplocR = tools.ifft(vpplocG, cell.gs).real
    vpploc = np.dot(aoR.T.conj(), vpplocR.reshape(-1, 1) * aoR)

    # vppnonloc evaluated in reciprocal space
    aokG = tools.fftk(np.asarray(aoR.T, order='C'), cell.gs,
                      np.exp(-1j * np.dot(coords, kpt))).T
    ngs = len(aokG)

    fakemol = pyscf.gto.Mole()
    fakemol._atm = np.zeros((1, pyscf.gto.ATM_SLOTS), dtype=np.int32)
    fakemol._bas = np.zeros((1, pyscf.gto.BAS_SLOTS), dtype=np.int32)
    ptr = pyscf.gto.PTR_ENV_START
    fakemol._env = np.zeros(ptr + 10)
    fakemol._bas[0, pyscf.gto.NPRIM_OF] = 1
    fakemol._bas[0, pyscf.gto.NCTR_OF] = 1
    fakemol._bas[0, pyscf.gto.PTR_EXP] = ptr + 3
    fakemol._bas[0, pyscf.gto.PTR_COEFF] = ptr + 4
    Gv = np.asarray(cell.Gv + kpt)
    G_rad = lib.norm(Gv, axis=1)

    vppnl = np.zeros((nao, nao), dtype=np.complex128)
    for ia in range(cell.natm):
        symb = cell.atom_symbol(ia)
        if symb not in cell._pseudo:
        pp = cell._pseudo[symb]
        for l, proj in enumerate(pp[5:]):
            rl, nl, hl = proj
            if nl > 0:
                hl = np.asarray(hl)
                fakemol._bas[0, pyscf.gto.ANG_OF] = l
                fakemol._env[ptr + 3] = .5 * rl**2
                fakemol._env[ptr + 4] = rl**(l + 1.5) * np.pi**1.25
                pYlm_part = pyscf.dft.numint.eval_ao(fakemol, Gv, deriv=0)

                pYlm = np.empty((nl, l * 2 + 1, ngs))
                for k in range(nl):
                    qkl = _qli(G_rad * rl, l, k)
                    pYlm[k] = pYlm_part.T * qkl
                # pYlm is real
                SPG_lmi = np.einsum('g,nmg->nmg', SI[ia].conj(), pYlm)
                SPG_lm_aoG = np.einsum('nmg,gp->nmp', SPG_lmi, aokG)
                tmp = np.einsum('ij,jmp->imp', hl, SPG_lm_aoG)
                vppnl += np.einsum('imp,imq->pq', SPG_lm_aoG.conj(), tmp)
    vppnl *= (1. / ngs**2)

    if aoR.dtype == np.double:
        return vpploc.real + vppnl.real
        return vpploc + vppnl
Пример #43
S_{k1,k2} = \int AO(k1,r) AO(k2,r) dr

import numpy as np
from pyscf.pbc import gto
from pyscf.pbc import df

cell = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 1 0 1; H 0 1 0; H 1 .5 .5',
             basis=[[0, (1, 1)], [1, (1.2, 1)]],
k1, k2 = np.random.random((2,3))

# This is analytic FT to mimic this overlap integration
s_ft = df.ft_ao.ft_aopair(cell, -k1+k2, kpti_kptj=[k1,k2], q=np.zeros(3))

# Test the overlap using numerical integration
from pyscf.pbc.dft import gen_grid, numint
grids = gen_grid.UniformGrids(cell)
ao = numint.eval_ao(cell, grids.coords, kpt=k1)
u_k1 = np.einsum('x,xi->xi', np.exp(-1j*np.dot(grids.coords, k1)), ao)
ao = numint.eval_ao(cell, grids.coords, kpt=k2)
u_k2 = np.einsum('x,xi->xi', np.exp(-1j*np.dot(grids.coords, k2)), ao)
s_ref = np.einsum('x,xi,xj->ij', grids.weights, u_k1.conj(), u_k2)

print('max. Diff', abs(s_ref-s_ft).max())
Пример #44
def test_components(pseudo=None):
    # The molecular calculation
    mol = gto.Mole()
    mol.unit = 'B'
    L = 60
    mol.atom.extend([['He', (L/2.,L/2.,L/2.)], ])
    mol.basis = 'sto-3g'

    m = rks.RKS(mol)
    m.xc = 'LDA,VWN_RPA'
    print(m.scf()) # -2.90705411168
    dm = m.make_rdm1()

    # The periodic calculation
    cell = pbcgto.Cell()
    cell.unit = 'B'
    cell.a = np.diag([L,L,L])
    cell.gs = np.array([80,80,80])

    cell.atom = mol.atom
    cell.basis = mol.basis
    cell.pseudo = pseudo

    # These should match reasonably well (roughly with accuracy of normalization)
    print "Kinetic energy" 
    tao = pbchf.get_t(cell) 
    tao2 = mol.intor_symmetric('cint1e_kin_sph') 
    print np.dot(np.ravel(tao), np.ravel(dm))  # 2.82793077196
    print np.dot(np.ravel(tao2), np.ravel(dm)) # 2.82352636524
    print "Overlap"
    sao = pbchf.get_ovlp(cell)
    print np.dot(np.ravel(sao), np.ravel(dm)) # 1.99981725342
    print np.dot(np.ravel(m.get_ovlp()), np.ravel(dm)) # 2.0

    # The next two entries should *not* match, since G=0 component is removed
    print "Coulomb (G!=0)"
    jao = pbchf.get_j(cell, dm)
    print np.dot(np.ravel(dm),np.ravel(jao))  # 4.03425518427
    print np.dot(np.ravel(dm),np.ravel(m.get_j(dm))) # 4.22285177049

    # The next two entries should *not* match, since G=0 component is removed
    print "Nuc-el (G!=0)"
    if cell.pseudo:
        vppao = pbchf.get_pp(cell)
        print np.dot(np.ravel(dm), np.ravel(vppao)) 
        neao = pbchf.get_nuc(cell)
        print np.dot(np.ravel(dm), np.ravel(neao))  # -6.50203360062
    vne = mol.intor_symmetric('cint1e_nuc_sph') 
    print np.dot(np.ravel(dm), np.ravel(vne))   # -6.68702326551

    print "Normalization" 
    coords = gen_uniform_grids(cell)
    aoR = eval_ao(cell, coords)
    rhoR = eval_rho(cell, aoR, dm)
    print cell.vol/len(rhoR)*np.sum(rhoR) # 1.99981725342 (should be 2.0)
    print "(Hartree + vne) * DM"
    print np.dot(np.ravel(dm),np.ravel(m.get_j(dm)))+np.dot(np.ravel(dm), np.ravel(vne))
    if cell.pseudo:
        print np.einsum("ij,ij", dm, vppao + jao + pbchf.get_jvloc_G0(cell))
        print np.einsum("ij,ij", dm, neao + jao)

    ew_cut = (40,40,40)
    ew_eta = 0.05
    for ew_eta in [0.1, 0.5, 1.]:
        ew = pbchf.ewald(cell, ew_eta, ew_cut)
        print "Ewald (eta, energy)", ew_eta, ew # should be same for all eta

    print "Ewald divergent terms summation", ew

    # These two should now match if the box is reasonably big to
    # remove images, and ngs is big.
    print "Total coulomb (analytic) ", 
    print (.5*np.dot(np.ravel(dm), np.ravel(m.get_j(dm))) 
            + np.dot(np.ravel(dm), np.ravel(vne)) ) # -4.57559738004
    if not cell.pseudo:
        print "Total coulomb (fft coul + ewald)", 
        print np.einsum("ij,ij", dm, neao + .5*jao) + ew # -4.57948259115

    # Exc
    cell.ew_eta, cell.ew_cut = ew_eta, ew_cut
    mf = pbcdft.RKS(cell)
    mf.xc = 'LDA,VWN_RPA'

    rks.get_veff(mf, cell, dm)
    print "Exc", mf._exc # -1.05967570089
Пример #45
def ao_on_grid(cell):
    from pyscf.pbc.dft import gen_grid, numint
    coords = gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell)
    aoR = numint.eval_ao(cell, coords)
    return aoR
Пример #46
def get_pp(cell, kpt=np.zeros(3)):
    '''Get the periodic pseudotential nuc-el AO matrix
    import pyscf.dft
    from pyscf.pbc import tools
    from pyscf.pbc.dft import gen_grid
    from pyscf.pbc.dft import numint
    coords = gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell)
    aoR = numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt)
    nao = cell.nao_nr()

    SI = cell.get_SI()
    vlocG = get_vlocG(cell)
    vpplocG = -np.sum(SI * vlocG, axis=0)
    vpplocG[0] = np.sum(get_alphas(cell)) # from get_jvloc_G0 function

    # vpploc evaluated in real-space
    vpplocR = tools.ifft(vpplocG, cell.gs).real
    vpploc = np.dot(aoR.T.conj(), vpplocR.reshape(-1,1)*aoR)

    # vppnonloc evaluated in reciprocal space
    aokG = tools.fftk(np.asarray(aoR.T, order='C'),
                      cell.gs, np.exp(-1j*np.dot(coords, kpt))).T
    ngs = len(aokG)

    fakemol = pyscf.gto.Mole()
    fakemol._atm = np.zeros((1,pyscf.gto.ATM_SLOTS), dtype=np.int32)
    fakemol._bas = np.zeros((1,pyscf.gto.BAS_SLOTS), dtype=np.int32)
    ptr = pyscf.gto.PTR_ENV_START
    fakemol._env = np.zeros(ptr+10)
    fakemol._bas[0,pyscf.gto.NPRIM_OF ] = 1
    fakemol._bas[0,pyscf.gto.NCTR_OF  ] = 1
    fakemol._bas[0,pyscf.gto.PTR_EXP  ] = ptr+3
    fakemol._bas[0,pyscf.gto.PTR_COEFF] = ptr+4
    Gv = np.asarray(cell.Gv+kpt)
    G_rad = lib.norm(Gv, axis=1)

    vppnl = np.zeros((nao,nao), dtype=np.complex128)
    for ia in range(cell.natm):
        symb = cell.atom_symbol(ia)
        if symb not in cell._pseudo:
        pp = cell._pseudo[symb]
        for l, proj in enumerate(pp[5:]):
            rl, nl, hl = proj
            if nl > 0:
                hl = np.asarray(hl)
                fakemol._bas[0,pyscf.gto.ANG_OF] = l
                fakemol._env[ptr+3] = .5*rl**2
                fakemol._env[ptr+4] = rl**(l+1.5)*np.pi**1.25
                pYlm_part = pyscf.dft.numint.eval_ao(fakemol, Gv, deriv=0)

                pYlm = np.empty((nl,l*2+1,ngs))
                for k in range(nl):
                    qkl = _qli(G_rad*rl, l, k)
                    pYlm[k] = pYlm_part.T * qkl
                # pYlm is real
                SPG_lmi = np.einsum('g,nmg->nmg', SI[ia].conj(), pYlm)
                SPG_lm_aoG = np.einsum('nmg,gp->nmp', SPG_lmi, aokG)
                tmp = np.einsum('ij,jmp->imp', hl, SPG_lm_aoG)
                vppnl += np.einsum('imp,imq->pq', SPG_lm_aoG.conj(), tmp)
    vppnl *= (1./ngs**2)

    if aoR.dtype == np.double:
        return vpploc.real + vppnl.real
        return vpploc + vppnl
Пример #47
    alat = 4.0
    orbs_to_show = set((('2s', ''), ('2p', 'x'), ('3d', 'xy'), ('3d', 'z^2')))
    assert len(orbs_to_show) == 4  # !!!! hard-code 4 plots

    gs = np.array([mygs] * 3)
    basis = bfd_basis()

    cell = gto.M(a=alat * np.eye(3),
                 atom='C 2.0 2.0 2.0',
                 pseudo={'C': 'bfd'},

    coords = gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell)
    aoR = numint.eval_ao(cell, coords)

    grid_shape = 2 * gs + 1

    fig = plt.figure()
    iplot = 0
    bas_labels = cell.ao_labels(fmt=False)
    for ibas in range(len(bas_labels)):

        iatom, alabel, b_l, b_m = bas_labels[ibas]
        if (b_l, b_m) not in orbs_to_show:
        iplot += 1

        ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, iplot, projection='3d')
        ax.set_title('%s %s %s' % (alabel, b_l, b_m))