Пример #1
def init_guess_by_chkfile(cell, chkfile_name, project=True, kpts=None):
    '''Read the KHF results from checkpoint file, then project it to the
    basis defined by ``cell``

        Density matrix, 3D ndarray
    chk_cell, scf_rec = chkfile.load_scf(chkfile_name)

    if kpts is None:
        kpts = scf_rec['kpts']

    if 'kpt' in scf_rec:
        chk_kpts = scf_rec['kpt'].reshape(-1, 3)
    elif 'kpts' in scf_rec:
        chk_kpts = scf_rec['kpts']
        chk_kpts = np.zeros((1, 3))

    mo = scf_rec['mo_coeff']
    mo_occ = scf_rec['mo_occ']
    if 'kpts' not in scf_rec:  # gamma point or single k-point
        if mo.ndim == 2:
            mo = mo.reshape((1, ) + mo.shape)
            mo_occ = mo_occ.reshape((1, ) + mo_occ.shape)
        else:  # UHF
            mo = mo.reshape((2, 1) + mo.shape[1:])
            mo_occ = mo_occ.reshape((2, 1) + mo_occ.shape[1:])

    def fproj(mo, kpt):
        if project:
            return addons.project_mo_nr2nr(chk_cell, mo, cell, kpt)
            return mo

    if kpts.shape == chk_kpts.shape and np.allclose(kpts, chk_kpts):

        def makedm(mos, occs):
            mos = [fproj(mo, None) for mo in mos]
            return make_rdm1(mos, occs)
        where = [np.argmin(lib.norm(chk_kpts - kpt, axis=1)) for kpt in kpts]

        def makedm(mos, occs):
            mos = [
                fproj(mos[w], chk_kpts[w] - kpts[i])
                for i, w in enumerate(where)
            return make_rdm1(mos, occs[where])

    if mo.ndim == 3:  # KRHF
        dm = makedm(mo, mo_occ)
    else:  # KUHF
        dm = makedm(mo[0], mo_occ[0]) + makedm(mo[1], mo_occ[1])

    # Real DM for gamma point
    if np.allclose(kpts, 0):
        dm = dm.real
    return dm
Пример #2
def init_guess_by_chkfile(cell, chkfile_name, project=True, kpts=None):
    '''Read the KHF results from checkpoint file, then project it to the
    basis defined by ``cell``

        Density matrix, 3D ndarray
    chk_cell, scf_rec = chkfile.load_scf(chkfile_name)

    if kpts is None:
        kpts = scf_rec['kpts']

    if 'kpt' in scf_rec:
        chk_kpts = scf_rec['kpt'].reshape(-1,3)
    elif 'kpts' in scf_rec:
        chk_kpts = scf_rec['kpts']
        chk_kpts = np.zeros((1,3))

    mo = scf_rec['mo_coeff']
    mo_occ = scf_rec['mo_occ']
    if 'kpts' not in scf_rec:  # gamma point or single k-point
        if mo.ndim == 2:
            mo = mo.reshape((1,)+mo.shape)
            mo_occ = mo_occ.reshape((1,)+mo_occ.shape)
        else:  # UHF
            mo = mo.reshape((2,1)+mo.shape[1:])
            mo_occ = mo_occ.reshape((2,1)+mo_occ.shape[1:])

    def fproj(mo, kpt):
        if project:
            return addons.project_mo_nr2nr(chk_cell, mo, cell, kpt)
            return mo

    if kpts.shape == chk_kpts.shape and np.allclose(kpts, chk_kpts):
        def makedm(mos, occs):
            mos = [fproj(mo, None) for mo in mos]
            return make_rdm1(mos, occs)
        where = [np.argmin(lib.norm(chk_kpts-kpt, axis=1)) for kpt in kpts]
        def makedm(mos, occs):
            mos = [fproj(mos[w], chk_kpts[w]-kpts[i]) for i,w in enumerate(where)]
            return make_rdm1(mos, occs[where])

    if mo.ndim == 3:  # KRHF
        dm = makedm(mo, mo_occ)
    else:  # KUHF
        dm = makedm(mo[0], mo_occ[0]) + makedm(mo[1], mo_occ[1])

    # Real DM for gamma point
    if np.allclose(kpts, 0):
        dm = dm.real
    return dm
Пример #3
def init_guess_by_chkfile(cell, chkfile_name, project=None, kpt=None):
    '''Read the HF results from checkpoint file and make the density matrix
    for UHF initial guess.

        Density matrix, (nao,nao) ndarray
    from pyscf import gto
    chk_cell, scf_rec = chkfile.load_scf(chkfile_name)
    if project is None:
        project = not gto.same_basis_set(chk_cell, cell)

    mo = scf_rec['mo_coeff']
    mo_occ = scf_rec['mo_occ']
    if kpt is None:
        kpt = np.zeros(3)
    if 'kpt' in scf_rec:
        chk_kpt = scf_rec['kpt']
    elif 'kpts' in scf_rec:
        kpts = scf_rec['kpts']  # the closest kpt from KRHF results
        where = np.argmin(lib.norm(kpts - kpt, axis=1))
        chk_kpt = kpts[where]
        if getattr(mo[0], 'ndim', None) == 2:  # KRHF
            mo = mo[where]
            mo_occ = mo_occ[where]
        else:  # KUHF
            mo = [mo[0][where], mo[1][where]]
            mo_occ = [mo_occ[0][where], mo_occ[1][where]]
    else:  # from molecular code
        chk_kpt = np.zeros(3)

    if project:
        s = cell.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp', kpt=kpt)

    def fproj(mo):
        if project:
            mo = addons.project_mo_nr2nr(chk_cell, mo, cell, chk_kpt - kpt)
            norm = np.einsum('pi,pi->i', mo.conj(), s.dot(mo))
            mo /= np.sqrt(norm)
        return mo

    if getattr(mo, 'ndim', None) == 2:
        mo = fproj(mo)
        mo_occa = (mo_occ > 1e-8).astype(np.double)
        mo_occb = mo_occ - mo_occa
        dm = mol_uhf.make_rdm1([mo, mo], [mo_occa, mo_occb])
    else:  # UHF
        dm = mol_uhf.make_rdm1([fproj(mo[0]), fproj(mo[1])], mo_occ)

    # Real DM for gamma point
    if kpt is None or np.allclose(kpt, 0):
        dm = dm.real
    return dm
Пример #4
def init_guess_by_chkfile(cell, chkfile_name, project=None, kpt=None):
    '''Read the HF results from checkpoint file and make the density matrix
    for UHF initial guess.

        Density matrix, (nao,nao) ndarray
    from pyscf import gto
    chk_cell, scf_rec = chkfile.load_scf(chkfile_name)
    if project is None:
        project = not gto.same_basis_set(chk_cell, cell)

    mo = scf_rec['mo_coeff']
    mo_occ = scf_rec['mo_occ']
    if kpt is None:
        kpt = np.zeros(3)
    if 'kpt' in scf_rec:
        chk_kpt = scf_rec['kpt']
    elif 'kpts' in scf_rec:
        kpts = scf_rec['kpts'] # the closest kpt from KRHF results
        where = np.argmin(lib.norm(kpts-kpt, axis=1))
        chk_kpt = kpts[where]
        if getattr(mo[0], 'ndim', None) == 2:  # KRHF
            mo = mo[where]
            mo_occ = mo_occ[where]
        else:  # KUHF
            mo = [mo[0][where], mo[1][where]]
            mo_occ = [mo_occ[0][where], mo_occ[1][where]]
    else:  # from molecular code
        chk_kpt = np.zeros(3)

    if project:
        s = cell.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp', kpt=kpt)
    def fproj(mo):
        if project:
            mo = addons.project_mo_nr2nr(chk_cell, mo, cell, chk_kpt-kpt)
            norm = np.einsum('pi,pi->i', mo.conj(), s.dot(mo))
            mo /= np.sqrt(norm)
        return mo

    if getattr(mo, 'ndim', None) == 2:
        mo = fproj(mo)
        mo_occa = (mo_occ>1e-8).astype(np.double)
        mo_occb = mo_occ - mo_occa
        dm = mol_uhf.make_rdm1([mo,mo], [mo_occa,mo_occb])
    else:  # UHF
        dm = mol_uhf.make_rdm1([fproj(mo[0]),fproj(mo[1])], mo_occ)

    # Real DM for gamma point
    if kpt is None or np.allclose(kpt, 0):
        dm = dm.real
    return dm
Пример #5
def init_guess_by_chkfile(cell, chkfile_name, project=True, kpt=None):
    '''Read the HF results from checkpoint file, then project it to the
    basis defined by ``cell``

        Density matrix, (nao,nao) ndarray
    chk_cell, scf_rec = chkfile.load_scf(chkfile_name)
    mo = scf_rec['mo_coeff']
    mo_occ = scf_rec['mo_occ']
    if kpt is None:
        kpt = np.zeros(3)
    if 'kpt' in scf_rec:
        chk_kpt = scf_rec['kpt']
    elif 'kpts' in scf_rec:
        kpts = scf_rec['kpts']  # the closest kpt from KRHF results
        where = np.argmin(lib.norm(kpts - kpt, axis=1))
        chk_kpt = kpts[where]
        if mo[0].ndim == 2:  # KRHF
            mo = mo[where]
            mo_occ = mo_occ[where]
            mo = mo[:, where]
            mo_occ = mo_occ[:, where]
    else:  # from molecular code
        chk_kpt = np.zeros(3)

    def fproj(mo):
        if project:
            return addons.project_mo_nr2nr(chk_cell, mo, cell, chk_kpt - kpt)
            return mo

    if mo.ndim == 2:
        mo = fproj(mo)
        mo_occa = (mo_occ > 1e-8).astype(np.double)
        mo_occb = mo_occ - mo_occa
        dm = mol_uhf.make_rdm1([mo, mo], [mo_occa, mo_occb])
    else:  # UHF
        dm = mol_uhf.make_rdm1([fproj(mo[0]), fproj(mo[1])], mo_occ)

    # Real DM for gamma point
    if kpt is None or np.allclose(kpt, 0):
        dm = dm.real
    return dm
Пример #6
def init_guess_by_chkfile(cell, chkfile_name, project=True, kpt=None):
    '''Read the HF results from checkpoint file, then project it to the
    basis defined by ``cell``

        Density matrix, (nao,nao) ndarray
    chk_cell, scf_rec = chkfile.load_scf(chkfile_name)
    mo = scf_rec['mo_coeff']
    mo_occ = scf_rec['mo_occ']
    if kpt is None:
        kpt = np.zeros(3)
    if 'kpt' in scf_rec:
        chk_kpt = scf_rec['kpt']
    elif 'kpts' in scf_rec:
        kpts = scf_rec['kpts']  # the closest kpt from KRHF results
        where = np.argmin(lib.norm(kpts - kpt, axis=1))
        chk_kpt = kpts[where]
        if mo.ndim == 3:  # KRHF:
            mo = mo[where]
            mo_occ = mo_occ[where]
            mo = mo[:, where]
            mo_occ = mo_occ[:, where]
        chk_kpt = np.zeros(3)

    def fproj(mo):
        if project:
            return addons.project_mo_nr2nr(chk_cell, mo, cell, chk_kpt - kpt)
            return mo

    if mo.ndim == 2:
        dm = pyscf.scf.hf.make_rdm1(fproj(mo), mo_occ)
    else:  # UHF
        dm = np.asarray((pyscf.scf.hf.make_rdm1(fproj(mo[0]), mo_occ[0]),
                         pyscf.scf.hf.make_rdm1(fproj(mo[1]), mo_occ[1])))

    # Real DM for gamma point
    if kpt is None or np.allclose(kpt, 0):
        dm = dm.real
    return dm
Пример #7
def init_guess_by_chkfile(cell, chkfile_name, project=True, kpt=None):
    '''Read the HF results from checkpoint file, then project it to the
    basis defined by ``cell``

        Density matrix, (nao,nao) ndarray
    chk_cell, scf_rec = chkfile.load_scf(chkfile_name)
    mo = scf_rec['mo_coeff']
    mo_occ = scf_rec['mo_occ']
    if kpt is None:
        kpt = np.zeros(3)
    if 'kpt' in scf_rec:
        chk_kpt = scf_rec['kpt']
    elif 'kpts' in scf_rec:
        kpts = scf_rec['kpts'] # the closest kpt from KRHF results
        where = np.argmin(lib.norm(kpts-kpt, axis=1))
        chk_kpt = kpts[where]
        if mo.ndim == 3:  # KRHF:
            mo = mo[where]
            mo_occ = mo_occ[where]
            mo = mo[:,where]
            mo_occ = mo_occ[:,where]
        chk_kpt = np.zeros(3)

    def fproj(mo):
        if project:
            return addons.project_mo_nr2nr(chk_cell, mo, cell, chk_kpt-kpt)
            return mo
    if mo.ndim == 2:
        dm = pyscf.scf.hf.make_rdm1(fproj(mo), mo_occ)
    else:  # UHF
        dm = np.asarray((pyscf.scf.hf.make_rdm1(fproj(mo[0]), mo_occ[0]),
                         pyscf.scf.hf.make_rdm1(fproj(mo[1]), mo_occ[1])))

    # Real DM for gamma point
    if kpt is None or np.allclose(kpt, 0):
        dm = dm.real
    return dm
Пример #8
def init_guess_by_chkfile(cell, chkfile_name, project=None, kpts=None):
    '''Read the KHF results from checkpoint file, then project it to the
    basis defined by ``cell``

        Density matrix, 3D ndarray
    from pyscf import gto
    chk_cell, scf_rec = chkfile.load_scf(chkfile_name)
    if project is None:
        project = not gto.same_basis_set(chk_cell, cell)

    if kpts is None:
        kpts = scf_rec['kpts']

    if 'kpt' in scf_rec:
        chk_kpts = scf_rec['kpt'].reshape(-1, 3)
    elif 'kpts' in scf_rec:
        chk_kpts = scf_rec['kpts']
        chk_kpts = np.zeros((1, 3))

    mo = scf_rec['mo_coeff']
    mo_occ = scf_rec['mo_occ']
    if 'kpts' not in scf_rec:  # gamma point or single k-point
        if mo.ndim == 2:
            mo = np.expand_dims(mo, axis=0)
            mo_occ = np.expand_dims(mo_occ, axis=0)
        else:  # UHF
            mo = [np.expand_dims(mo[0], axis=0), np.expand_dims(mo[1], axis=0)]
            mo_occ = [
                np.expand_dims(mo_occ[0], axis=0),
                np.expand_dims(mo_occ[1], axis=0)

    if project:
        s = cell.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp', kpts=kpts)

    def fproj(mo, kpts):
        if project:
            mo = addons.project_mo_nr2nr(chk_cell, mo, cell, kpts)
            for k, c in enumerate(mo):
                norm = np.einsum('pi,pi->i', c.conj(), s[k].dot(c))
                mo[k] /= np.sqrt(norm)
        return mo

    if kpts.shape == chk_kpts.shape and np.allclose(kpts, chk_kpts):

        def makedm(mos, occs):
            moa, mob = mos
            mos = ([fproj(mo, None)
                    for mo in moa], [fproj(mo, None) for mo in mob])
            return make_rdm1(mos, occs)

        def makedm(mos, occs):
            where = [
                np.argmin(lib.norm(chk_kpts - kpt, axis=1)) for kpt in kpts
            moa, mob = mos
            occa, occb = occs
            dkpts = [chk_kpts[w] - kpts[i] for i, w in enumerate(where)]
            mos = (fproj([moa[w] for w in where],
                         dkpts), fproj([mob[w] for w in where], dkpts))
            occs = ([occa[i] for i in where], [occb[i] for i in where])
            return make_rdm1(mos, occs)

    if getattr(mo[0], 'ndim', None) == 2:  # KRHF
        mo_occa = [(occ > 1e-8).astype(np.double) for occ in mo_occ]
        mo_occb = [occ - mo_occa[k] for k, occ in enumerate(mo_occ)]
        dm = makedm((mo, mo), (mo_occa, mo_occb))
    else:  # KUHF
        dm = makedm(mo, mo_occ)

    # Real DM for gamma point
    if np.allclose(kpts, 0):
        dm = dm.real
    return dm
Пример #9
def init_guess_by_chkfile(cell, chkfile_name, project=None, kpts=None):
    '''Read the KHF results from checkpoint file, then project it to the
    basis defined by ``cell``

        Density matrix, 3D ndarray
    from pyscf import gto
    chk_cell, scf_rec = chkfile.load_scf(chkfile_name)
    if project is None:
        project = not gto.same_basis_set(chk_cell, cell)

    if kpts is None:
        kpts = scf_rec['kpts']

    if 'kpt' in scf_rec:
        chk_kpts = scf_rec['kpt'].reshape(-1,3)
    elif 'kpts' in scf_rec:
        chk_kpts = scf_rec['kpts']
        chk_kpts = np.zeros((1,3))

    mo = scf_rec['mo_coeff']
    mo_occ = scf_rec['mo_occ']
    if 'kpts' not in scf_rec:  # gamma point or single k-point
        if mo.ndim == 2:
            mo = np.expand_dims(mo, axis=0)
            mo_occ = np.expand_dims(mo_occ, axis=0)
        else:  # UHF
            mo = [np.expand_dims(mo[0], axis=0),
                  np.expand_dims(mo[1], axis=0)]
            mo_occ = [np.expand_dims(mo_occ[0], axis=0),
                      np.expand_dims(mo_occ[1], axis=0)]

    if project:
        s = cell.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp', kpts=kpts)
    def fproj(mo, kpts):
        if project:
            mo = addons.project_mo_nr2nr(chk_cell, mo, cell, kpts)
            for k, c in enumerate(mo):
                norm = np.einsum('pi,pi->i', c.conj(), s[k].dot(c))
                mo[k] /= np.sqrt(norm)
        return mo

    if kpts.shape == chk_kpts.shape and np.allclose(kpts, chk_kpts):
        def makedm(mos, occs):
            moa, mob = mos
            mos =([fproj(mo, None) for mo in moa],
                  [fproj(mo, None) for mo in mob])
            return make_rdm1(mos, occs)
        def makedm(mos, occs):
            where = [np.argmin(lib.norm(chk_kpts-kpt, axis=1)) for kpt in kpts]
            moa, mob = mos
            occa, occb = occs
            dkpts = [chk_kpts[w]-kpts[i] for i,w in enumerate(where)]
            mos = (fproj([moa[w] for w in where], dkpts),
                   fproj([mob[w] for w in where], dkpts))
            occs = ([occa[i] for i in where], [occb[i] for i in where])
            return make_rdm1(mos, occs)

    if getattr(mo[0], 'ndim', None) == 2:  # KRHF
        mo_occa = [(occ>1e-8).astype(np.double) for occ in mo_occ]
        mo_occb = [occ-mo_occa[k] for k,occ in enumerate(mo_occ)]
        dm = makedm((mo, mo), (mo_occa, mo_occb))
    else:  # KUHF
        dm = makedm(mo, mo_occ)

    # Real DM for gamma point
    if np.allclose(kpts, 0):
        dm = dm.real
    return dm