Пример #1
def common_iprefix(*strings):
    """Return the length of the common prefix of strings"""
    i = 0
    for i in xrange(0, min(len(s) for s in strings)):
        if not eq(*(s[i] for s in strings)):
            return i
    return i
Пример #2
def common_isuffix(*strings):
    """Return the length of the common suffix of strings"""
    i = -1
    for i in xrange(0, min(len(s) for s in strings)):
        if not eq(*(s[len(s) - i - 1] for s in strings)):
            return i
    return i + 1
Пример #3
def write_and_check(path, size, filler, checksum, padding='\0'):
    original = checksum()
    final = checksum()
    if len(padding) != 1:
        raise ValueError(lang.WRONG_ONE_CHAR_STRING % padding)
    with fd.File.open(path, fd.FO_WRNEW) as fp:
        written = 0
        for data in filler:
            data = str(data)
            data_len = len(data)
            if written + data_len > size:
                data = data[:size-written]
            written += data_len
        if written < size:
            for _ in xrange(0, size - written):
    with fd.File.open(path, fd.FO_READEX) as fp:
        if len(fp) != size:
            return 0
        read = 0
        while read < size:
            chunk = fp.read(BUFSIZE)
            if not chunk:
                return 0
            read += len(chunk)
        if size % BUFSIZE:
            chunk = fp.read(BUFSIZE)
        if fp.read(1):
            return 0
    return original.digest() == final.digest()
Пример #4
 def chunks(self, size,  start=0, stop=None):
     """Divides FD's content in chunk of length *size* starting from *start*
     and stopping at *stop*, if *stop* is None it'll stop at end of FD's
     size = int(size)
     for offset in xrange(*slice(int(start),
                          None if stop is None
                          else int(stop), size).indices(len(self))):
         yield self.pread(size, offset)
Пример #5
def clear_all_opened_fds(exclude = None):
    """Close all open file descriptors in current process by violence way

    This function will try to close file descriptors from 0 to maximum value in current process whatever available or not
    maxfd = FD.get_maximum_value()
    for fd in xrange(0, maxfd):
        if exclude is None or fd not in exclude:
Пример #6
 def chunks(self, size, start=0, stop=None):
     """Divides FD's content in chunk of length *size* starting from *start*
     and stopping at *stop*, if *stop* is None it'll stop at end of FD's
     size = int(size)
     for offset in xrange(
             *slice(int(start), None if stop is None else int(stop),
         yield self.pread(size, offset)
Пример #7
def ioc(seq, shift=1):
    """Return the index of coincidence"""
    match = 0
    seq_len = len(seq)
    for i in xrange(0, seq_len):
        j = (i + shift) % seq_len
        if seq[i] == seq[j]:
            match += 1
    return float(match) / float(seq_len)
Пример #8
def ioc(seq, shift=1):
    """Return the index of coincidence"""
    match = 0
    seq_len = len(seq)
    for i in xrange(0, seq_len):
        j = (i + shift) % seq_len
        if seq[i] == seq[j]:
            match += 1
    return float(match) / float(seq_len)
Пример #9
def _main():
    path = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])
    fno = 0
    with fd.File.open(path, fd.FO_READEX) as txt:
        # split and sort
        prev_end = offset = 0
        for lineno, (start, end) in enumerate(txt.xlines(keep_eol=1, size=BUFSIZE)):
            if end - offset > MAX_MEMORY_SORT:
                if end - prev_end > MAX_MEMORY_SORT:
                    print >> sys.stderr, "[ERROR]"
                    print >> sys.stderr,  "Line %d bigger than MAX_MEMORY_SORT limit" % lineno
                    print >> sys.stderr,  "Line's length: %d" % (end - prev_end)
                    print >> sys.stderr,  "MAX_MEMORY_SORT limit: %d" % MAX_MEMORY_SORT
                    return 1
                with fd.File.open(os.path.join(TMP_DIR, '%s.srt' % str(fno)), fd.FO_WRITE) as fout:
                    for line in sort_in_memory(txt, offset, prev_end):
                fno += 1
                offset = end
            prev_end = end
            with fd.File.open(os.path.join(TMP_DIR, '%s.srt' % str(fno)), fd.FO_WRITE) as fout:
                for line in sort_in_memory(txt, offset, prev_end):
            fno += 1
        splits = fno
        # merge and sort
        files = [fd.File.open(os.path.join(TMP_DIR, '%s.srt' % str(fno)), fd.FO_READ).lines()
                 for fno in xrange(0, splits)]
        lines = [f.next() for f in files]
        while files:
            fno, line = min(enumerate(lines), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
            print line
                lines[fno] = files[fno].next()
            except StopIteration:
                del lines[fno]
                del files[fno]
        for i in xrange(0, splits):
            os.unlink(os.path.join(TMP_DIR, '%s.srt' % str(i)))
Пример #10
 def __getitem__(self, index):
     if isinstance(index, int):
         return self.pread(1, index)
     elif isinstance(index, slice):
         start, stop, step = index.indices(len(self))
         if step == 1:
             return self.pread(stop - start, start)
             return ''.join(self.pread(1, pos) for pos
                            in xrange(start, stop, step))
     raise IndexError('wrong index type: %s' % type(index))
Пример #11
 def __getitem__(self, index):
     if isinstance(index, int):
         return self.pread(1, index)
     elif isinstance(index, slice):
         start, stop, step = index.indices(len(self))
         if step == 1:
             return self.pread(stop - start, start)
             return ''.join(
                 self.pread(1, pos) for pos in xrange(start, stop, step))
     raise IndexError('wrong index type: %s' % type(index))
Пример #12
def rk(source, pattern, start=0, stop=None, checksum=adler32):
    """Return a generator that yields all oocurrencies of pattern in
    source[start:stop] using the Rabin-Karp algorithm.
    hasher is a callable that returns the object checksum."""
    if stop is None:
        stop = len(source)
    src_len = stop - start
    pat_len = len(pattern)
    pat_checksum = checksum(pattern)
    if pat_len > src_len or start > stop:
        return iter(())
    return (i for i in xrange(start, src_len - pat_len + 1)
            if checksum(source[i:i + pat_len]) == pat_checksum
            and source[i:i + pat_len] == pattern)
Пример #13
def rk(source, pattern, start=0, stop=None, checksum=adler32):
    """Return a generator that yields all oocurrencies of pattern in
    source[start:stop] using the Rabin-Karp algorithm.
    hasher is a callable that returns the object checksum."""
    if stop is None:
        stop = len(source)
    src_len = stop - start
    pat_len = len(pattern)
    pat_checksum = checksum(pattern)
    if pat_len > src_len or start > stop:
        return iter(())
    return (i for i in xrange(start, src_len - pat_len + 1)
            if checksum(source[i:i + pat_len]) == pat_checksum and
               source[i:i + pat_len] == pattern)
Пример #14
def split_newlines(string):
    """Generator of lines in *string* ending with '\r\n', '\n', '\n'"""
    newline_chars = 0
    line_start = 0
    for i in xrange(0, len(string)):
        if string[i] in ('\r', '\n'):
            if not newline_chars:
                yield string[line_start:i]
                newline_chars = 1
            if newline_chars:
                line_start = i
                newline_chars = 0
    if not newline_chars:
        yield string[line_start:]
Пример #15
def knp(source, pattern, start=0, stop=None):
    """Yields all occurrences of pattern in source[start:stop]"""
    shifts = [1] * (len(pattern) + 1)
    shift = 1
    for pos in xrange(0, len(pattern)):
        while pattern[pos] != pattern[pos - shift] and shift <= pos:
            shift += shifts[pos - shift]
        shifts[pos + 1] = shift
    # search pattern
    mlen = 0
    plen = len(pattern)
    for sub in islice(source, start, stop):
        while mlen == plen or mlen >= 0 and pattern[mlen] != sub:
            sl = shifts[mlen]
            start += sl
            mlen -= sl
        mlen += 1
        if mlen == plen:
            yield start
Пример #16
def knp(source, pattern, start=0, stop=None):
    """Yields all occurrences of pattern in source[start:stop]"""
    shifts = [1] * (len(pattern) + 1)
    shift = 1
    for pos in xrange(0, len(pattern)):
        while pattern[pos] != pattern[pos - shift] and shift <= pos:
            shift += shifts[pos - shift]
        shifts[pos + 1] = shift
    # search pattern
    mlen = 0
    plen = len(pattern)
    for sub in islice(source, start, stop):
        while mlen == plen or mlen >= 0 and pattern[mlen] != sub:
            sl = shifts[mlen]
            start += sl
            mlen -= sl
        mlen += 1
        if mlen == plen:
            yield start