Пример #1
def computeErrors(jgrid, jalpha,
                  grid1, alpha1,
                  grid2, alpha2,
    Compute some errors to estimate the quality of the
    @param jgrid: Grid, new discretization
    @param jalpha: DataVector, new surpluses
    @param grid1: Grid, old discretization
    @param alpha1: DataVector, old surpluses
    @param grid2: Grid, old discretization
    @param alpha2: DataVector, old surpluses
    @return: tuple(<float>, <float>), maxdrift, l2norm
    jgs = jgrid.getStorage()

    # create control samples
    samples = DataMatrix(np.random.rand(n, jgs.getDimension()))

    # evaluate the sparse grid functions
    jnodalValues = evalSGFunctionMulti(jgrid, jalpha, samples)

    # eval grids
    nodalValues1 = evalSGFunctionMulti(grid1, alpha1, samples)
    nodalValues2 = evalSGFunctionMulti(grid2, alpha2, samples)

    # compute errors
    p = DataVector(jgs.getDimension())
    err = DataVector(n)
    for i in range(n):
        samples.getRow(i, p)
        y = nodalValues1[i] * nodalValues2[i]
        if abs(jnodalValues[i]) > 1e100:
            err[i] = 0.0
            err[i] = abs(y - jnodalValues[i])

    # get error statistics
    # l2
    l2norm = err.l2Norm()
    # maxdrift
    maxdrift = err.max()

    return maxdrift, l2norm
Пример #2
def computeErrors(jgrid, jalpha,
                  grid1, alpha1,
                  grid2, alpha2,
    Compute some errors to estimate the quality of the
    @param jgrid: Grid, new discretization
    @param jalpha: DataVector, new surpluses
    @param grid1: Grid, old discretization
    @param alpha1: DataVector, old surpluses
    @param grid2: Grid, old discretization
    @param alpha2: DataVector, old surpluses
    @return: tuple(<float>, <float>), maxdrift, l2norm
    jgs = jgrid.getStorage()

    # create control samples
    samples = DataMatrix(np.random.rand(n, jgs.dim()))

    # evaluate the sparse grid functions
    jnodalValues = evalSGFunctionMulti(jgrid, jalpha, samples)

    # eval grids
    nodalValues1 = evalSGFunctionMulti(grid1, alpha1, samples)
    nodalValues2 = evalSGFunctionMulti(grid2, alpha2, samples)

    # compute errors
    p = DataVector(jgs.dim())
    err = DataVector(n)
    for i in xrange(n):
        samples.getRow(i, p)
        y = nodalValues1[i] * nodalValues2[i]
        if abs(jnodalValues[i]) > 1e100:
            err[i] = 0.0
            err[i] = abs(y - jnodalValues[i])

    # get error statistics
    # l2
    l2norm = err.l2Norm()
    # maxdrift
    maxdrift = err.max()

    return maxdrift, l2norm
Пример #3
def computeErrors(jgrid, jalpha, grid, alpha, f, n=200):
    Compute some errors to estimate the quality of the
    @param jgrid: Grid, new discretization
    @param jalpha: DataVector, new surpluses
    @param grid: Grid, old discretization
    @param alpha: DataVector, old surpluses
    @param f: function, to be interpolated
    @param n: int, number of Monte Carlo estimates for error estimation
    @return: tuple(<float>, <float>), maxdrift, l2norm
    jgs = jgrid.getStorage()

    # create control samples
    samples = DataMatrix(np.random.rand(n, jgs.dim()))

    # evaluate the sparse grid functions
    jnodalValues = evalSGFunctionMulti(jgrid, jalpha, samples)
    nodalValues = evalSGFunctionMulti(grid, alpha, samples)

    # compute errors
    p = DataVector(jgs.dim())
    err = DataVector(n)
    for i in xrange(n):
        samples.getRow(i, p)
        y = f(p.array(), nodalValues[i])
        err[i] = abs(y - jnodalValues[i])

    # get error statistics
    # l2
    l2norm = err.l2Norm()
    # maxdrift
    maxdrift = err.max()

    return maxdrift, l2norm
Пример #4
def computeErrors(jgrid, jalpha, grid, alpha, f, n=200):
    Compute some errors to estimate the quality of the
    @param jgrid: Grid, new discretization
    @param jalpha: DataVector, new surpluses
    @param grid: Grid, old discretization
    @param alpha: DataVector, old surpluses
    @param f: function, to be interpolated
    @param n: int, number of Monte Carlo estimates for error estimation
    @return: tuple(<float>, <float>), maxdrift, l2norm
    jgs = jgrid.getStorage()

    # create control samples
    samples = DataMatrix(np.random.rand(n, jgs.dim()))

    # evaluate the sparse grid functions
    jnodalValues = evalSGFunctionMulti(jgrid, jalpha, samples)
    nodalValues = evalSGFunctionMulti(grid, alpha, samples)

    # compute errors
    p = DataVector(jgs.dim())
    err = DataVector(n)
    for i in xrange(n):
        samples.getRow(i, p)
        y = f(p.array(), nodalValues[i])
        err[i] = abs(y - jnodalValues[i])

    # get error statistics
    # l2
    l2norm = err.l2Norm()
    # maxdrift
    maxdrift = err.max()

    return maxdrift, l2norm
Пример #5
class TestDataVector(unittest.TestCase):

    # Set up, create random DataVector and corresponding Python data structures.
    # @test DataVector::get(), DataVector::set()
    def setUp(self):
        from pysgpp import DataVector
        import random

        ## number of rows
        self.nrows = 5
        ## number of columns
        self.ncols = 4
        ## number of entries
        self.N = self.nrows*self.ncols
        ## random list of lists
        self.l_rand = [[2*(random.random()-0.5) for j in xrange(self.ncols)] for i in xrange(self.nrows)]
        ## same as l_rand, but flattened
        self.l_rand_total = []
        for li in self.l_rand:
#        ## Data Vector, corresponding to l_rand
#        self.d_rand = DataVector(self.nrows,self.ncols)
#        for i in xrange(self.N):
#            self.d_rand[i] = self.l_rand_total[i]
#        for i in xrange(self.N):
#            self.assertEqual(self.d_rand[i], self.l_rand_total[i])
        ## Data Vector, corresponding to l_rand
        self.d_rand = DataVector(self.N)
        for i in xrange(self.N):
            self.d_rand[i] = self.l_rand_total[i]

        for i in xrange(self.N):
            self.assertEqual(self.d_rand[i], self.l_rand_total[i])

    # Constructors4.
    # @test DataVector::DataVector(size_t size), DataVector::DataVector(size_t size, size_t dim), DataVector::DataVector(DataVectorDefinition &DataVectorDef), DataVector::getSize(), DataVector::getDim(), DataVector::getSize()
    # @todo (pflueged) DataVector::DataVector(double *input, size_t size, size_t dim)
    def testConstructor(self):
        from pysgpp import DataVector
        d = DataVector(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(d), 2) # getSize()
#        d = DataVector(2,3)
#        self.assertEqual(d.getSize(), 2)
#        self.assertEqual(d.getDim(), 3)
#        self.assertEqual(len(d), 2*3) # getSize()
#        d2 = DataVector(self.d_rand)
#        for i in xrange(self.N):
#            self.assertEqual(d2[i], self.d_rand[i])
#        self.assertEqual(d2.getSize(), self.nrows)
#        self.assertEqual(d2.getDim(), self.ncols)
#        self.assertEqual(len(d2), self.N)
#        d2[self.ncols] = -4.0
#        self.assertNotEqual(d2[self.ncols], self.d_rand[self.ncols])

    # Min, Max operations.
    # @test DataVector::min(int d), DataVector::max(int d), DataVector::minmax(int d, double *min, double *max), DataVector::min(), DataVector::max()
    def testMinMax(self):

#        # test dimension-dependent min, max
#        for j in xrange(self.ncols):
#            minj = min([self.l_rand[i][j] for i in xrange(self.nrows)])
#            maxj = max([self.l_rand[i][j] for i in xrange(self.nrows)])
#            self.assertEqual(self.d_rand.min(j), minj)
#            self.assertEqual(self.d_rand.max(j), maxj)
#            mi, ma = self.d_rand.minmax(j)
#            self.assertEqual(mi, minj)
#            self.assertEqual(ma, maxj)

        # test global min, max
        self.assertEqual(self.d_rand.min(), min(self.l_rand_total))
        self.assertEqual(self.d_rand.max(), max(self.l_rand_total))

    # Operations on DataVectors.
    # @test DataVector::sum(), DataVector::sqr(), DataVector::abs(), DataVector::componentwise_mult(), DataVector::componentwise_div()
    def testOps(self):
        from pysgpp import DataVector
        # sum
        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.d_rand.sum(), sum(self.l_rand_total))

        # sqr
        d = DataVector(self.d_rand)
        for i in xrange(self.N):
            self.assertEqual(self.d_rand[i]**2, d[i])

        # abs
        d = DataVector(self.d_rand)
        for i in xrange(self.N):
            self.assertEqual(abs(self.d_rand[i]), d[i])

        # componentwise_mult
        d = DataVector(self.d_rand)
#	d2 = DataVector(self.nrows, self.ncols)
	d2 = DataVector(self.N)
        for i in xrange(self.N):
            d2[i] = i
        for i in xrange(self.N):
            self.assertEqual(self.d_rand[i]*i, d[i])

        # componentwise_div
        d = DataVector(self.d_rand)
        for i in xrange(self.N):
            d2[i] = i+1
        for i in xrange(self.N):
            self.assertEqual(self.d_rand[i]/(i+1), d[i])

    # Vector-Operations
    # @test DataVector::dotProduct(DataVector &vec)
    def testDotProduct(self):
        from pysgpp import DataVector
        x = 0
        d = DataVector(3)
        for i in xrange(len(d)):
            d[i] = i + 1
            x += d[i] * d[i]
        self.assertEqual(d.dotProduct(d), x)
Пример #6
class TestDataVector(unittest.TestCase):

    # Set up, create random DataVector and corresponding Python data structures.
    # @test DataVector::get(), DataVector::set()
    def setUp(self):
        from pysgpp import DataVector
        import random

        ## number of rows
        self.nrows = 5
        ## number of columns
        self.ncols = 4
        ## number of entries
        self.N = self.nrows * self.ncols
        ## random list of lists
        self.l_rand = [[
            2 * (random.random() - 0.5) for j in xrange(self.ncols)
        ] for i in xrange(self.nrows)]
        ## same as l_rand, but flattened
        self.l_rand_total = []
        for li in self.l_rand:
#        ## Data Vector, corresponding to l_rand
#        self.d_rand = DataVector(self.nrows,self.ncols)
#        for i in xrange(self.N):
#            self.d_rand[i] = self.l_rand_total[i]
#        for i in xrange(self.N):
#            self.assertEqual(self.d_rand[i], self.l_rand_total[i])
## Data Vector, corresponding to l_rand
        self.d_rand = DataVector(self.N)
        for i in xrange(self.N):
            self.d_rand[i] = self.l_rand_total[i]

        for i in xrange(self.N):
            self.assertEqual(self.d_rand[i], self.l_rand_total[i])

    # Constructors4.
    # @test DataVector::DataVector(size_t size), DataVector::DataVector(size_t size, size_t dim), DataVector::DataVector(DataVectorDefinition &DataVectorDef), DataVector::getSize(), DataVector::getDim(), DataVector::getSize()
    # @todo (pflueged) DataVector::DataVector(double *input, size_t size, size_t dim)
    def testConstructor(self):
        from pysgpp import DataVector

        d = DataVector(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(d), 2)  # getSize()

#        d = DataVector(2,3)
#        self.assertEqual(d.getSize(), 2)
#        self.assertEqual(d.getDim(), 3)
#        self.assertEqual(len(d), 2*3) # getSize()
#        d2 = DataVector(self.d_rand)
#        for i in xrange(self.N):
#            self.assertEqual(d2[i], self.d_rand[i])
#        self.assertEqual(d2.getSize(), self.nrows)
#        self.assertEqual(d2.getDim(), self.ncols)
#        self.assertEqual(len(d2), self.N)
#        d2[self.ncols] = -4.0
#        self.assertNotEqual(d2[self.ncols], self.d_rand[self.ncols])

# Min, Max operations.
# @test DataVector::min(int d), DataVector::max(int d), DataVector::minmax(int d, double *min, double *max), DataVector::min(), DataVector::max()

    def testMinMax(self):

        #        # test dimension-dependent min, max
        #        for j in xrange(self.ncols):
        #            minj = min([self.l_rand[i][j] for i in xrange(self.nrows)])
        #            maxj = max([self.l_rand[i][j] for i in xrange(self.nrows)])
        #            self.assertEqual(self.d_rand.min(j), minj)
        #            self.assertEqual(self.d_rand.max(j), maxj)
        #            mi, ma = self.d_rand.minmax(j)
        #            self.assertEqual(mi, minj)
        #            self.assertEqual(ma, maxj)

        # test global min, max
        self.assertEqual(self.d_rand.min(), min(self.l_rand_total))
        self.assertEqual(self.d_rand.max(), max(self.l_rand_total))

    # Operations on DataVectors.
    # @test DataVector::sum(), DataVector::sqr(), DataVector::abs(), DataVector::componentwise_mult(), DataVector::componentwise_div()
    def testOps(self):
        from pysgpp import DataVector
        # sum
        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.d_rand.sum(), sum(self.l_rand_total))

        # sqr
        d = DataVector(self.d_rand)
        for i in xrange(self.N):
            self.assertEqual(self.d_rand[i]**2, d[i])

        # abs
        d = DataVector(self.d_rand)
        for i in xrange(self.N):
            self.assertEqual(abs(self.d_rand[i]), d[i])

        # componentwise_mult
        d = DataVector(self.d_rand)
        #	d2 = DataVector(self.nrows, self.ncols)
        d2 = DataVector(self.N)
        for i in xrange(self.N):
            d2[i] = i
        for i in xrange(self.N):
            self.assertEqual(self.d_rand[i] * i, d[i])

        # componentwise_div
        d = DataVector(self.d_rand)
        for i in xrange(self.N):
            d2[i] = i + 1
        for i in xrange(self.N):
            self.assertEqual(self.d_rand[i] / (i + 1), d[i])

    # Vector-Operations
    # @test DataVector::dotProduct(DataVector &vec)
    def testDotProduct(self):
        from pysgpp import DataVector

        x = 0

        d = DataVector(3)
        for i in xrange(len(d)):
            d[i] = i + 1
            x += d[i] * d[i]

        self.assertEqual(d.dotProduct(d), x)