Пример #1
    def __init__(self, connectionManager, logger=None):
        * connectionManager -- An instance of the ConnectionManager
        * logger -- The LogData object

        self.__dict__ = self.__shared_state

        # If plugins have not been loaded, then load them
        if getattr(self, "_plugins", False) == False:
            self._connectionManager = connectionManager

            # Get data pertaining to the directory containing plugins
            self.PluginsDirectory = Options.get(Sections.General, Ids.PluginsDir)
            self.PluginsDirectoryName = split(self.PluginsDirectory)[-1]

            # Create a logger if one was not given
            if logger is None:
                logger = LogData()
            self.log = logger.get("PluginManager")
            self._logger = logger

            self._pluginMap = {}

            self._options = Options()

            # The Response object waiting for a response from Siri
            self._response = None
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, connectionManager, logger=None):
        * connectionManager -- An instance of the ConnectionManager
        * logger -- The LogData object

        self.__dict__ = self.__shared_state

        # If plugins have not been loaded, then load them
        if getattr(self, "_plugins", False) == False:
            self._connectionManager = connectionManager

            # Get data pertaining to the directory containing plugins
            self.PluginsDirectory = Options.get(Sections.General,
            self.PluginsDirectoryName = split(self.PluginsDirectory)[-1]

            # Create a logger if one was not given
            if logger is None:
                logger = LogData()
            self.log = logger.get("PluginManager")
            self._logger = logger

            self._pluginMap = {}

            self._options = Options()

            # The Response object waiting for a response from Siri
            self._response = None
Пример #3
def main():
    # Ensure that the pysiriproxy configuration files exist in the
    # user's home directory

    # Create a logger just for the options loading
    logger = LogData(LogLevel.DEBUG, 5)

    # Parse the configuration options object
    options = Options(logger)
    options.parse(argv[1:], Files.ConfigFile)

    # Determine if the user wants to generate certificates
    if options.getCl(Ids.GenCerts, False):
        # Generate certificates in the configuration directory
        # Grab the log level and debug level from the configured options
        logLevel = options.get(Sections.Logging, Ids.LogLevel)
        debugLevel = options.get(Sections.Logging, Ids.DebugLevel)

        # Use an empty prefix if the timestamp property is an empty string
        timestampFormat = options.get(Sections.Logging, Ids.Timestamp, "")
        if len(timestampFormat.strip()) == 0:
            timePrefix = Prefix()
            timePrefix = TimePrefix(timestampFormat)

        # Create a new logger using the loaded configuration settings
        logger = LogData(logLevel, debugLevel, prefix=timePrefix)

        # Start the SiriProxy server

Пример #4
class PluginManager:
    """The PluginManager is responsible for loading all of the available
    plugins as well as processing the object filters and speech rules for
    each of the loaded plugins.


    # Implement the borg pattern
    __shared_state = {}

    # The class name that all plugins must have
    PluginClassName = "Plugin"

    def __init__(self, connectionManager, logger=None):
        * connectionManager -- An instance of the ConnectionManager
        * logger -- The LogData object

        self.__dict__ = self.__shared_state

        # If plugins have not been loaded, then load them
        if getattr(self, "_plugins", False) == False:
            self._connectionManager = connectionManager

            # Get data pertaining to the directory containing plugins
            self.PluginsDirectory = Options.get(Sections.General, Ids.PluginsDir)
            self.PluginsDirectoryName = split(self.PluginsDirectory)[-1]

            # Create a logger if one was not given
            if logger is None:
                logger = LogData()
            self.log = logger.get("PluginManager")
            self._logger = logger

            self._pluginMap = {}

            self._options = Options()

            # The Response object waiting for a response from Siri
            self._response = None

    ##### Interacting with Siri #####

    def showDirections(self, directionsType, source, destination, utterance=None):
        """Show the given type of directions between the two locations to the

        * directionsType -- The type of directions
        * source -- The source location
        * destination -- The destination location
        * utterance -- The utterance to speak

        server = Directions.From_Server
        connection = self._connectionManager.getConnection(server)

        if connection is not None:
            self.log.debug("Making directions [%s]" % directionsType, level=3)
            refId = connection.getRefId()

            directions = ResponseFactory.directions(refId, directionsType, source, destination, utterance=utterance)

    def showDrivingDirections(self, source, destination, utterance=None):
        """Show driving directions between the two locations to the user.

        * source -- The source location
        * destination -- The destination location
        * utterance -- The utterance to speak

        self.showDirections(DirectionTypes.Driving, source, destination, utterance=utterance)

    def showWalkingDirections(self, source, destination, utterance=None):
        """Show walking directions between the two locations to the user.

        * source -- The source location
        * destination -- The destination location
        * utterance -- The utterance to speak

        self.showDirections(DirectionTypes.Walking, source, destination, utterance=utterance)

    def showPublicTransitDirections(self, source, destination, utterance=None):
        """Show public transportation directions between the two locations to
        the user.

        * source -- The source location
        * destination -- The destination location
        * utterance -- The utterance to speak

        self.showDirections(DirectionTypes.PublicTransit, source, destination, utterance=utterance)

    def makeView(self, views):
        """Create a view and send it to the iPhone.

        * views -- The list of views to create

        server = Directions.From_Server
        connection = self._connectionManager.getConnection(server)
        if connection is not None:
            self.log.debug("Making view", level=3)
            refId = connection.getRefId()

            view = ResponseFactory.view(refId, views)

    def ask(self, question, spoken=None):
        """Command Siri to ask the user a question.

        * question -- The question to ask
        * spoken -- The text Siri will say

        self.say(question, spoken, prompt=True)

        # Complete the request, otherwise Siri will freeze,
        # but be sure not to reset the context

    def completeRequest(self, refId=None, resetContext=True):
        """Complete a request to Siri.

        * refId -- The reference ID

        server = Directions.From_Server
        connection = self._connectionManager.getConnection(server)
        if connection is not None:
            self.log.debug("Sending Request Completed", level=3)

            refId = connection.getRefId() if refId is None else refId
            completed = ResponseFactory.requestCompleted(refId)

            # Reset the connection context
            if resetContext:

    def resetContext(self):
        """Reset the context."""

        # Clear the current plugin that is waiting for a response
        if self._response is not None:
            self._response = None

    def say(self, text, spoken=None, prompt=False, refId=None):
        """Command Siri to speak a piece of text.

        * text -- The text that Siri will display
        * spoken -- The text that Siri will speak
        * prompt -- True to have Siri prompt for a response

        server = Directions.From_Server
        connection = self._connectionManager.getConnection(server)

        if connection is not None:
            self.log.debug("Saying:", level=3, text=text, spoken=spoken, prompt=prompt)

            refId = connection.getRefId() if refId is None else refId

            # Create the utterance
            utterance = ResponseFactory.utterance(refId, text, spoken, prompt)

    ##### Plugin processing functions #####

    def processFilters(self, obj, direction):
        """Process all the plugin filters for this object and data direction.

        * obj -- The object
        * direction -- The data direction

        response = None
            response = self.__processFilters(obj, direction)
            self.log.error("Failed processing filters")

        # Determine if the response should be used
        if response is not None:
            # If the response is False, then the object should be dropped
            # If the object has the same class as the original object, then
            # it should be returning
            if response == False:
                obj = None
            elif response.get("class") == obj.get("class"):
                obj = response

        return obj

    def processSpeechRules(self, text):
        """Process all the plugin speech rules for this recognized text.

        * text -- The recognized text

            # Speech rules return True to indicate that the response from
            # Apple's server should be overriden. The speech rules return
            # False to indicate that the response from Apple's server should
            # be used.
            return self.__processSpeechRules(text)
            self.log.error("Failed processing speech rules")

            # Have Siri respond with the the error response
            self.say(self._options.get(Sections.Responses, Ids.ErrorResponse))
            return True

    def loadPlugins(self, directory):
        """Load all of the plugins from the plugins directory.

        * directory -- The plugins directory


        # Traverse through all of the plugins
        for filename in listdir(directory):
            if not filename.startswith("__") and filename.endswith(".py"):
                # Get the module name from the filename by removing the
                # file extension
                pluginName = splitext(filename)[0]

                    self.log.debug("Loading plugin [%s]" % pluginName, level=10)

                    # Get the plugin class, and create the plugin object
                    pluginClass = self.__importPlugin(pluginName)
                    plugin = pluginClass(self, self._logger)

                    # Ensure that all plugins subclass the base plugin
                    if isinstance(plugin, BasePlugin):
                        # Force plugins to have unique names
                        if plugin.name not in self._pluginMap:
                            self._pluginMap[plugin.name] = plugin
                                "Plugin in file [%s] has name " "[%s] which already exists!" % (pluginName, plugin.name)
                        self.log.error("Plugin [%s] must be a subclass of " "the BasePlugin class!" % plugin.name)
                    self.log.error("Failed to load plugin [%s]" % pluginName)

    ##### Private functions #####

    def __processFilters(self, obj, direction):
        """Process all the plugin filters for this object and data direction.

        * obj -- The object
        * direction -- The data direction

        responses = []
        for plugin in self._pluginMap.values():
            response = plugin.processFilters(obj, direction)

            # Plugins return False to drop the packet, None to ignore
            # the packet, or an object to respond to the packet
            if response == False:
                return False
            elif response is not None:

        # Now, we need to rank the responses by their corresponding scores
        # to determine the best response to push forward
        # @todo: for now return the first response....later rank by score
        retResponses = (responses + [None])[0]
        return retResponses

    def __processSpeechRules(self, text):
        """Process all the plugin speech rules for this recognized text.

        * text -- The recognized text

        # If a response is waiting, pass it the text
        if self._response is not None:
            self.log.debug("Calling yield response function", level=3)

                return False
            except StopIteration:
                # Get rid of the response once it is through yielding
                self._response = None
                return True

        for plugin in self._pluginMap.values():
            # If any plugin returns True, then one of its speech rules
            # matched the given text, otherwise it has not been matched yet
            response = plugin.processSpeechRules(text)

            # If the speech rule returned True, then we are done, otherwise
            # it might have returned a response type
            if response == True:
                self.log.info("Plugin [%s] matched the recognized speech." % plugin.name)
                return True
                # Create the actual response type from the given response
                self._response = handleResponse(self, response)

                # Stop processing speech rules if one is waiting for a response
                if self._response is not None:
                    self.log.info("Plugin [%s] matched the recognized " "speech." % plugin.name)

        # None of the plugins had speech rules that applied to this text
        return False

    def __addPluginsToPath(self, directory):
        """Add the plugins directory to the path.

        * directory -- The plugins directory

        baseDirectory = split(directory)[0]

        # Only add the base directory (directory which contains the plugins
        # directory) to the path once
        if baseDirectory not in path:
            path.insert(0, baseDirectory)
            import plugins

    def __importPlugin(self, pluginName):
        """Import the plugin with the given name and load the given class.

        * pluginName -- The name of the plugin

        module = __import__(self.PluginsDirectoryName, fromlist=[pluginName])
        pluginModule = getattr(module, pluginName)
        return getattr(pluginModule, self.PluginClassName)
Пример #5
class PluginManager:
    '''The PluginManager is responsible for loading all of the available
    plugins as well as processing the object filters and speech rules for
    each of the loaded plugins.

    # Implement the borg pattern
    __shared_state = {}

    # The class name that all plugins must have
    PluginClassName = "Plugin"

    def __init__(self, connectionManager, logger=None):
        * connectionManager -- An instance of the ConnectionManager
        * logger -- The LogData object

        self.__dict__ = self.__shared_state

        # If plugins have not been loaded, then load them
        if getattr(self, "_plugins", False) == False:
            self._connectionManager = connectionManager

            # Get data pertaining to the directory containing plugins
            self.PluginsDirectory = Options.get(Sections.General,
            self.PluginsDirectoryName = split(self.PluginsDirectory)[-1]

            # Create a logger if one was not given
            if logger is None:
                logger = LogData()
            self.log = logger.get("PluginManager")
            self._logger = logger

            self._pluginMap = {}

            self._options = Options()

            # The Response object waiting for a response from Siri
            self._response = None

    ##### Interacting with Siri #####

    def showDirections(self,
        '''Show the given type of directions between the two locations to the

        * directionsType -- The type of directions
        * source -- The source location
        * destination -- The destination location
        * utterance -- The utterance to speak

        server = Directions.From_Server
        connection = self._connectionManager.getConnection(server)

        if connection is not None:
            self.log.debug("Making directions [%s]" % directionsType, level=3)
            refId = connection.getRefId()

            directions = ResponseFactory.directions(refId,

    def showDrivingDirections(self, source, destination, utterance=None):
        '''Show driving directions between the two locations to the user.

        * source -- The source location
        * destination -- The destination location
        * utterance -- The utterance to speak


    def showWalkingDirections(self, source, destination, utterance=None):
        '''Show walking directions between the two locations to the user.

        * source -- The source location
        * destination -- The destination location
        * utterance -- The utterance to speak


    def showPublicTransitDirections(self, source, destination, utterance=None):
        '''Show public transportation directions between the two locations to
        the user.

        * source -- The source location
        * destination -- The destination location
        * utterance -- The utterance to speak


    def makeView(self, views):
        '''Create a view and send it to the iPhone.

        * views -- The list of views to create

        server = Directions.From_Server
        connection = self._connectionManager.getConnection(server)
        if connection is not None:
            self.log.debug("Making view", level=3)
            refId = connection.getRefId()

            view = ResponseFactory.view(refId, views)

    def ask(self, question, spoken=None):
        '''Command Siri to ask the user a question.

        * question -- The question to ask
        * spoken -- The text Siri will say

        self.say(question, spoken, prompt=True)

        # Complete the request, otherwise Siri will freeze,
        # but be sure not to reset the context

    def completeRequest(self, refId=None, resetContext=True):
        '''Complete a request to Siri.

        * refId -- The reference ID

        server = Directions.From_Server
        connection = self._connectionManager.getConnection(server)
        if connection is not None:
            self.log.debug("Sending Request Completed", level=3)

            refId = connection.getRefId() if refId is None else refId
            completed = ResponseFactory.requestCompleted(refId)

            # Reset the connection context
            if resetContext:

    def resetContext(self):
        '''Reset the context.'''

        # Clear the current plugin that is waiting for a response
        if self._response is not None:
            self._response = None

    def say(self, text, spoken=None, prompt=False, refId=None):
        '''Command Siri to speak a piece of text.

        * text -- The text that Siri will display
        * spoken -- The text that Siri will speak
        * prompt -- True to have Siri prompt for a response

        server = Directions.From_Server
        connection = self._connectionManager.getConnection(server)

        if connection is not None:

            refId = connection.getRefId() if refId is None else refId

            # Create the utterance
            utterance = ResponseFactory.utterance(refId, text, spoken, prompt)

    ##### Plugin processing functions #####

    def processFilters(self, obj, direction):
        '''Process all the plugin filters for this object and data direction.

        * obj -- The object
        * direction -- The data direction

        response = None
            response = self.__processFilters(obj, direction)
            self.log.error("Failed processing filters")

        # Determine if the response should be used
        if response is not None:
            # If the response is False, then the object should be dropped
            # If the object has the same class as the original object, then
            # it should be returning
            if response == False:
                obj = None
            elif response.get('class') == obj.get('class'):
                obj = response

        return obj

    def processSpeechRules(self, text):
        '''Process all the plugin speech rules for this recognized text.

        * text -- The recognized text

            # Speech rules return True to indicate that the response from
            # Apple's server should be overriden. The speech rules return
            # False to indicate that the response from Apple's server should
            # be used.
            return self.__processSpeechRules(text)
            self.log.error("Failed processing speech rules")

            # Have Siri respond with the the error response
            self.say(self._options.get(Sections.Responses, Ids.ErrorResponse))
            return True

    def loadPlugins(self, directory):
        '''Load all of the plugins from the plugins directory.

        * directory -- The plugins directory


        # Traverse through all of the plugins
        for filename in listdir(directory):
            if not filename.startswith("__") and filename.endswith(".py"):
                # Get the module name from the filename by removing the
                # file extension
                pluginName = splitext(filename)[0]

                    self.log.debug("Loading plugin [%s]" % pluginName,

                    # Get the plugin class, and create the plugin object
                    pluginClass = self.__importPlugin(pluginName)
                    plugin = pluginClass(self, self._logger)

                    # Ensure that all plugins subclass the base plugin
                    if isinstance(plugin, BasePlugin):
                        # Force plugins to have unique names
                        if plugin.name not in self._pluginMap:
                            self._pluginMap[plugin.name] = plugin
                            self.log.error("Plugin in file [%s] has name " \
                                               "[%s] which already exists!" % \
                                               (pluginName, plugin.name))
                        self.log.error("Plugin [%s] must be a subclass of " \
                                            "the BasePlugin class!" % \
                    self.log.error("Failed to load plugin [%s]" % pluginName)

    ##### Private functions #####

    def __processFilters(self, obj, direction):
        '''Process all the plugin filters for this object and data direction.

        * obj -- The object
        * direction -- The data direction

        responses = []
        for plugin in self._pluginMap.values():
            response = plugin.processFilters(obj, direction)

            # Plugins return False to drop the packet, None to ignore
            # the packet, or an object to respond to the packet
            if response == False:
                return False
            elif response is not None:

        # Now, we need to rank the responses by their corresponding scores
        # to determine the best response to push forward
        # @todo: for now return the first response....later rank by score
        retResponses = (responses + [None])[0]
        return retResponses

    def __processSpeechRules(self, text):
        '''Process all the plugin speech rules for this recognized text.

        * text -- The recognized text

        # If a response is waiting, pass it the text
        if self._response is not None:
            self.log.debug("Calling yield response function", level=3)

                return False
            except StopIteration:
                # Get rid of the response once it is through yielding
                self._response = None
                return True

        for plugin in self._pluginMap.values():
            # If any plugin returns True, then one of its speech rules
            # matched the given text, otherwise it has not been matched yet
            response = plugin.processSpeechRules(text)

            # If the speech rule returned True, then we are done, otherwise
            # it might have returned a response type
            if response == True:
                self.log.info("Plugin [%s] matched the recognized speech." %
                return True
                # Create the actual response type from the given response
                self._response = handleResponse(self, response)

                # Stop processing speech rules if one is waiting for a response
                if self._response is not None:
                    self.log.info("Plugin [%s] matched the recognized " \
                                      "speech." % plugin.name)

        # None of the plugins had speech rules that applied to this text
        return False

    def __addPluginsToPath(self, directory):
        '''Add the plugins directory to the path.

        * directory -- The plugins directory

        baseDirectory = split(directory)[0]

        # Only add the base directory (directory which contains the plugins
        # directory) to the path once
        if baseDirectory not in path:
            path.insert(0, baseDirectory)
            import plugins

    def __importPlugin(self, pluginName):
        '''Import the plugin with the given name and load the given class.

        * pluginName -- The name of the plugin

        module = __import__(self.PluginsDirectoryName, fromlist=[pluginName])
        pluginModule = getattr(module, pluginName)
        return getattr(pluginModule, self.PluginClassName)