Пример #1
def generate_shot_linearized_data_time(shots, solver, model,
                                       model_perturbation, **kwargs):
    Given a list of shots and a solver, generates linearized seismic data in the time domain. This function will use the function 
    of the linear_forward_model function in the `temporal_modeling.py`

    shots : list of pysit.Shot
        Collection of shots to be processed
    solver : pysit.WaveSolver
        Instance of wave solver to be used.
    model : background model parameters
    model_perturbation : model perturbation
    **kwargs : dict, optional
        Optional arguments.

    `kwargs` may be used to specify `C0` and `wavefields` to    `generate_shot_data`.

    GenerateDataObj = TemporalModeling(solver)
    for shot in shots:
        retval = GenerateDataObj.linear_forward_model(shot,
        shot.receivers.data = retval['simdata']
Пример #2
class TemporalLeastSquares(ObjectiveFunctionBase):
    """ How to compute the parts of the objective you need to do optimization """
    def __init__(self,
        """imaging_period: Imaging happens every 'imaging_period' timesteps. Use higher numbers to reduce memory consumption at the cost of lower gradient accuracy.
            By assigning this value to the class, it will automatically be used when the gradient function of the temporal objective function is called in an inversion context.
        self.solver = solver
        self.modeling_tools = TemporalModeling(solver)
        self.regularization = regularization

        self.parallel_wrap_shot = parallel_wrap_shot

        self.imaging_period = int(imaging_period)  # Needs to be an integer
        self.filter_op = filter_op
        self.normalize_trace = normalize_trace
        self.normalize_obs = normalize_obs

    def _residual(self, shot, m0, dWaveOp=None, wavefield=None):
        """Computes residual in the usual sense.

        shot : pysit.Shot
            Shot for which to compute the residual.
        dWaveOp : list of ndarray (optional)
            An empty list for returning the derivative term required for
            computing the imaging condition.


        # If we will use the second derivative info later (and this is usually
        # the case in inversion), tell the solver to store that information, in
        # addition to the solution as it would be observed by the receivers in
        # this shot (aka, the simdata).
        rp = ['simdata']
        if dWaveOp is not None:
        # If we are dealing with variable density, we want the wavefield returned as well.
        if wavefield is not None:

        # Run the forward modeling step
        retval = self.modeling_tools.forward_model(shot,

        # Compute the residual vector by interpolating the measured data to the
        # timesteps used in the previous forward modeling stage.
        # resid = map(lambda x,y: x.interpolate_data(self.solver.ts())-y, shot.gather(), retval['simdata'])

        dobs = shot.receivers.interpolate_data(self.solver.ts())
        if shot.background_data is not None:
            dpred = retval['simdata'] - shot.background_data
            dpred = retval['simdata']

        if shot.receivers.time_window is None:
            # dpred = retval['simdata']
            dpred = dpred
            resid = dobs - dpred
            # dpred = shot.receivers.time_window(self.solver.ts()) * retval['simdata']
            dpred = shot.receivers.time_window(self.solver.ts()) * dpred
            resid = dobs - dpred

        # if shot.receivers.time_window is None:
        #     resid = shot.receivers.interpolate_data(self.solver.ts()) - retval['simdata']
        # else:
        #     # shot_pred = copy.deepcopy(shot)
        #     # shot_pred.receivers.data = retval['simdata']
        #     dpred = shot.receivers.time_window(self.solver.ts()) * retval['simdata']
        #     resid = shot.receivers.interpolate_data(self.solver.ts()) - dpred

        if self.filter_op is not None:
            dobs = self.filter_op * dobs
            dpred = self.filter_op * dpred
            resid = dobs - dpred
            adjoint_src = self.filter_op.__adj_mul__(resid)
            adjoint_src = resid

        ## Function to normalize each trace
        shape_dobs = np.shape(dobs)
        if self.normalize_trace is True:
            resid = np.zeros(shape_dobs)
            adjoint_src = np.zeros(shape_dobs)
            if self.normalize_obs is not True:
                for i in range(0, shape_dobs[1]):
                    norm_obsi = np.linalg.norm(dobs[:, i])
                    if norm_obsi > 1e-14:
                        dobs_i = dobs[:, i] / norm_obsi
                        norm_predi = np.linalg.norm(dpred[:, i])
                        dpred_i = dpred[:, i] / norm_predi
                        resid[:, i] = dobs_i - dpred_i
                        adjoint_src[:, i] = resid[:, i] / norm_predi - (np.sum(
                            resid[:, i] *
                            dpred[:, i])) / norm_predi**3.0 * dpred[:, i]
                        resid[:, i] = dobs[:, i] - dpred[:, i]
                        adjoint_src[:, i] = dobs[:, i] - dpred[:, i]

                for i in range(0, shape_dobs[1]):
                    norm_obsi = np.linalg.norm(dobs[:, i])
                    if norm_obsi > 1e-14:
                        dobs_i = dobs[:, i] / norm_obsi
                        dpred_i = dpred[:, i] / norm_obsi
                        dobs_i = dobs[:, i]
                        dpred_i = dpred[:, i]
                    resid[:, i] = dobs_i - dpred_i
                    adjoint_src[:, i] = resid[:, i] / norm_obsi
            if self.filter_op is not None:
                adjoint_src = self.filter_op.__adj_mul__(adjoint_src)

        # If the second derivative info is needed, copy it out
        if dWaveOp is not None:
            dWaveOp[:] = retval['dWaveOp'][:]
        if wavefield is not None:
            wavefield[:] = retval['wavefield'][:]

        return resid, adjoint_src

    def evaluate(self, shots, m0, **kwargs):
        """ Evaluate the least squares objective function over a list of shots."""

        r_norm2 = 0
        for shot in shots:
            r, adjoint_src = self._residual(shot, m0)
            r_norm2 += np.linalg.norm(r)**2

        # sum-reduce and communicate result
        if self.parallel_wrap_shot.use_parallel:
            # Allreduce wants an array, so we give it a 0-D array
            new_r_norm2 = np.array(0.0)
            r_norm2 = new_r_norm2[()]  # goofy way to access 0-D array element

        output = 0.5 * r_norm2 * self.solver.dt

        if self.regularization is not None:
            reg_val, reg_grad = self.regularization(m0.data)
            output += reg_val

        return output

    def _gradient_helper(self,
        """Helper function for computing the component of the gradient due to a
        single shot.

        Computes F*_s(d - scriptF_s[u]), in our notation.

        shot : pysit.Shot
            Shot for which to compute the residual.


        # Compute the residual vector and its norm
        dWaveOp = []

        # If this is true, then we are dealing with variable density. In this case, we want our forward solve
        # To also return the wavefield, because we need to take gradients of the wavefield in the adjoint model
        # Step to calculate the gradient of our objective in terms of m2 (ie. 1/rho)
        if hasattr(m0, 'kappa') and hasattr(m0, 'rho'):
            wavefield = []
            wavefield = None

        r, adjoint_src = self._residual(shot,

        # Perform the migration or F* operation to get the gradient component
        g = self.modeling_tools.migrate_shot(shot,

        if not ignore_minus:
            g = -1 * g

        if ret_pseudo_hess_diag_comp:
            return g, r, self._pseudo_hessian_diagonal_component_shot(dWaveOp)
            return g, r

    def _pseudo_hessian_diagonal_component_shot(self, dWaveOp):
        # Shin 2001: "Improved amplitude preservation for prestack depth migration by inverse scattering theory".
        # Basic illumination compensation. In here we compute the diagonal. It is not perfect, it does not include receiver coverage for instance.
        # Currently only implemented for temporal modeling. Although very easy for frequency modeling as well. -> np.real(omega^4*wavefield * np.conj(wavefield)) -> np.real(dWaveOp*np.conj(dWaveOp))

        mesh = self.solver.mesh

        import time
        tt = time.time()
        pseudo_hessian_diag_contrib = np.zeros(
            mesh.unpad_array(dWaveOp[0], copy=True).shape)
        for i in range(
        ):  # Since dWaveOp is a list I cannot use a single numpy command but I need to loop over timesteps. May have been nicer if dWaveOp had been implemented as a single large ndarray I think
            # This will modify dWaveOp[i] ! But that should be okay as it will not be used anymore.
            unpadded_dWaveOp_i = mesh.unpad_array(dWaveOp[i])
            pseudo_hessian_diag_contrib += unpadded_dWaveOp_i * unpadded_dWaveOp_i

        # Compensate for doing fewer summations at higher imaging_period
        pseudo_hessian_diag_contrib *= self.imaging_period

            "Time elapsed when computing pseudo hessian diagonal contribution shot: %e"
            % (time.time() - tt))

        return pseudo_hessian_diag_contrib

    def compute_gradient(self, shots, m0, aux_info={}, **kwargs):
        """Compute the gradient for a set of shots.

        Computes the gradient as
            -F*(d - scriptF[m0]) = -sum(F*_s(d - scriptF_s[m0])) for s in shots

        shots : list of pysit.Shot
            List of Shots for which to compute the gradient.
        m0 : ModelParameters
            The base point about which to compute the gradient

        # compute the portion of the gradient due to each shot
        grad = m0.perturbation()
        r_norm2 = 0.0
        pseudo_h_diag = np.zeros(m0.asarray().shape)
        for shot in shots:
            if ('pseudo_hess_diag'
                    in aux_info) and aux_info['pseudo_hess_diag'][0]:
                g, r, h = self._gradient_helper(shot,
                pseudo_h_diag += h
                g, r = self._gradient_helper(shot,

            grad -= g  # handle the minus 1 in the definition of the gradient of this objective
            r_norm2 += np.linalg.norm(r)**2

        # sum-reduce and communicate result
        if self.parallel_wrap_shot.use_parallel:
            # Allreduce wants an array, so we give it a 0-D array
            new_r_norm2 = np.array(0.0)
            r_norm2 = new_r_norm2[()]  # goofy way to access 0-D array element

            ngrad = np.zeros_like(grad.asarray())
            self.parallel_wrap_shot.comm.Allreduce(grad.asarray(), ngrad)
            grad = m0.perturbation(data=ngrad)

            if ('pseudo_hess_diag'
                    in aux_info) and aux_info['pseudo_hess_diag'][0]:
                pseudo_h_diag_temp = np.zeros(pseudo_h_diag.shape)
                pseudo_h_diag = pseudo_h_diag_temp

        # account for the measure in the integral over time
        r_norm2 *= self.solver.dt
        # The gradient is implemented as a time integral in TemporalModeling.adjoint_model(). I think the pseudo Hessian (F*F in notation Shin) also represents a time integral. So multiply with dt as well to be consistent.
        pseudo_h_diag *= self.solver.dt

        obj_val = 0.5 * r_norm2
        if self.regularization is not None:
            reg_val, reg_grad = self.regularization(m0.data)
            grad.data += reg_grad
            obj_val += reg_val

        # store any auxiliary info that is requested
        if ('residual_norm' in aux_info) and aux_info['residual_norm'][0]:
            aux_info['residual_norm'] = (True, np.sqrt(r_norm2))
        if ('objective_value' in aux_info) and aux_info['objective_value'][0]:
            aux_info['objective_value'] = (True, obj_val)
        if ('pseudo_hess_diag'
                in aux_info) and aux_info['pseudo_hess_diag'][0]:
            aux_info['pseudo_hess_diag'] = (True, pseudo_h_diag)

        return grad

    def apply_hessian(self,

        modes = ['approximate', 'full', 'levenberg']
        if hessian_mode not in modes:
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid Hessian mode.  Valid options for applying hessian are {0}"

        result = m0.perturbation()

        if hessian_mode in ['approximate', 'levenberg']:
            for shot in shots:
                # Run the forward modeling step
                retval = self.modeling_tools.forward_model(
                    shot, m0, return_parameters=['dWaveOp'])
                dWaveOp0 = retval['dWaveOp']

                linear_retval = self.modeling_tools.linear_forward_model(

                d1 = linear_retval['simdata']  # data from F applied to m1
                result += self.modeling_tools.migrate_shot(shot,

        elif hessian_mode == 'full':
            for shot in shots:
                # Run the forward modeling step
                dWaveOp0 = list()  # wave operator derivative wrt model for u_0
                r0, adjoint_src = self._residual(shot,

                linear_retval = self.modeling_tools.linear_forward_model(
                    return_parameters=['simdata', 'dWaveOp1'],
                d1 = linear_retval['simdata']
                dWaveOp1 = linear_retval['dWaveOp1']

                # <q, u1tt>, first adjointy bit
                dWaveOpAdj1 = []
                res1 = self.modeling_tools.migrate_shot(shot,
                result += res1

                # <p, u0tt>
                res2 = self.modeling_tools.migrate_shot(
                result += res2

        # sum-reduce and communicate result
        if self.parallel_wrap_shot.use_parallel:

            nresult = np.zeros_like(result.asarray())
            self.parallel_wrap_shot.comm.Allreduce(result.asarray(), nresult)
            result = m0.perturbation(data=nresult)

        # Note, AFTER the application has been done in parallel do this.
        if hessian_mode == 'levenberg':
            result += levenberg_mu * m1

        return result
Пример #3
class TemporalLeastSquares(ObjectiveFunctionBase):
    """ How to compute the parts of the objective you need to do optimization """

    def __init__(self, solver, parallel_wrap_shot=ParallelWrapShotNull(), imaging_period = 1):
        """imaging_period: Imaging happens every 'imaging_period' timesteps. Use higher numbers to reduce memory consumption at the cost of lower gradient accuracy.
            By assigning this value to the class, it will automatically be used when the gradient function of the temporal objective function is called in an inversion context.
        self.solver = solver
        self.modeling_tools = TemporalModeling(solver)

        self.parallel_wrap_shot = parallel_wrap_shot

        self.imaging_period = int(imaging_period) #Needs to be an integer

    def _residual(self, shot, m0, dWaveOp=None, wavefield=None):
        """Computes residual in the usual sense.

        shot : pysit.Shot
            Shot for which to compute the residual.
        dWaveOp : list of ndarray (optional)
            An empty list for returning the derivative term required for
            computing the imaging condition.


        # If we will use the second derivative info later (and this is usually
        # the case in inversion), tell the solver to store that information, in
        # addition to the solution as it would be observed by the receivers in
        # this shot (aka, the simdata).
        rp = ['simdata']
        if dWaveOp is not None:
        # If we are dealing with variable density, we want the wavefield returned as well.
        if wavefield is not None:

        # Run the forward modeling step
        retval = self.modeling_tools.forward_model(shot, m0, self.imaging_period, return_parameters=rp)

        # Compute the residual vector by interpolating the measured data to the
        # timesteps used in the previous forward modeling stage.
        # resid = map(lambda x,y: x.interpolate_data(self.solver.ts())-y, shot.gather(), retval['simdata'])
        resid = shot.receivers.interpolate_data(self.solver.ts()) - retval['simdata']

        # If the second derivative info is needed, copy it out
        if dWaveOp is not None:
            dWaveOp[:]  = retval['dWaveOp'][:]
        if wavefield is not None:
            wavefield[:] = retval['wavefield'][:]

        return resid

    def evaluate(self, shots, m0, **kwargs):
        """ Evaluate the least squares objective function over a list of shots."""

        r_norm2 = 0
        for shot in shots:
            r = self._residual(shot, m0)
            r_norm2 += np.linalg.norm(r)**2

        # sum-reduce and communicate result
        if self.parallel_wrap_shot.use_parallel:
            # Allreduce wants an array, so we give it a 0-D array
            new_r_norm2 = np.array(0.0)
            self.parallel_wrap_shot.comm.Allreduce(np.array(r_norm2), new_r_norm2)
            r_norm2 = new_r_norm2[()] # goofy way to access 0-D array element

        return 0.5*r_norm2*self.solver.dt

    def _gradient_helper(self, shot, m0, ignore_minus=False, ret_pseudo_hess_diag_comp = False, **kwargs):
        """Helper function for computing the component of the gradient due to a
        single shot.

        Computes F*_s(d - scriptF_s[u]), in our notation.

        shot : pysit.Shot
            Shot for which to compute the residual.


        # Compute the residual vector and its norm

        # If this is true, then we are dealing with variable density. In this case, we want our forward solve
        # To also return the wavefield, because we need to take gradients of the wavefield in the adjoint model
        # Step to calculate the gradient of our objective in terms of m2 (ie. 1/rho)
        if hasattr(m0, 'kappa') and hasattr(m0,'rho'):
        r = self._residual(shot, m0, dWaveOp=dWaveOp, wavefield=wavefield, **kwargs)
        # Perform the migration or F* operation to get the gradient component
        g = self.modeling_tools.migrate_shot(shot, m0, r, self.imaging_period, dWaveOp=dWaveOp, wavefield=wavefield)

        if not ignore_minus:
            g = -1*g

        if ret_pseudo_hess_diag_comp:
            return g, r, self._pseudo_hessian_diagonal_component_shot(dWaveOp)
            return g, r

    def _pseudo_hessian_diagonal_component_shot(self, dWaveOp):
        #Shin 2001: "Improved amplitude preservation for prestack depth migration by inverse scattering theory". 
        #Basic illumination compensation. In here we compute the diagonal. It is not perfect, it does not include receiver coverage for instance.
        #Currently only implemented for temporal modeling. Although very easy for frequency modeling as well. -> np.real(omega^4*wavefield * np.conj(wavefield)) -> np.real(dWaveOp*np.conj(dWaveOp))
        mesh = self.solver.mesh
        import time
        tt = time.time()
        pseudo_hessian_diag_contrib = np.zeros(mesh.unpad_array(dWaveOp[0], copy=True).shape)
        for i in range(len(dWaveOp)):                          #Since dWaveOp is a list I cannot use a single numpy command but I need to loop over timesteps. May have been nicer if dWaveOp had been implemented as a single large ndarray I think
            unpadded_dWaveOp_i = mesh.unpad_array(dWaveOp[i])   #This will modify dWaveOp[i] ! But that should be okay as it will not be used anymore.
            pseudo_hessian_diag_contrib += unpadded_dWaveOp_i*unpadded_dWaveOp_i

        pseudo_hessian_diag_contrib *= self.imaging_period #Compensate for doing fewer summations at higher imaging_period

        print("Time elapsed when computing pseudo hessian diagonal contribution shot: %e"%(time.time() - tt))

        return pseudo_hessian_diag_contrib

    def compute_gradient(self, shots, m0, aux_info={}, **kwargs):
        """Compute the gradient for a set of shots.

        Computes the gradient as
            -F*(d - scriptF[m0]) = -sum(F*_s(d - scriptF_s[m0])) for s in shots

        shots : list of pysit.Shot
            List of Shots for which to compute the gradient.
        m0 : ModelParameters
            The base point about which to compute the gradient

        # compute the portion of the gradient due to each shot
        grad = m0.perturbation()
        r_norm2 = 0.0
        pseudo_h_diag = np.zeros(m0.asarray().shape)
        for shot in shots:
            if ('pseudo_hess_diag' in aux_info) and aux_info['pseudo_hess_diag'][0]:
                g, r, h = self._gradient_helper(shot, m0, ignore_minus=True, ret_pseudo_hess_diag_comp = True, **kwargs)
                pseudo_h_diag += h 
                g, r = self._gradient_helper(shot, m0, ignore_minus=True, **kwargs)
            grad -= g # handle the minus 1 in the definition of the gradient of this objective
            r_norm2 += np.linalg.norm(r)**2

        # sum-reduce and communicate result
        if self.parallel_wrap_shot.use_parallel:
            # Allreduce wants an array, so we give it a 0-D array
            new_r_norm2 = np.array(0.0)
            self.parallel_wrap_shot.comm.Allreduce(np.array(r_norm2), new_r_norm2)
            r_norm2 = new_r_norm2[()] # goofy way to access 0-D array element

            ngrad = np.zeros_like(grad.asarray())
            self.parallel_wrap_shot.comm.Allreduce(grad.asarray(), ngrad)
            if ('pseudo_hess_diag' in aux_info) and aux_info['pseudo_hess_diag'][0]:
                pseudo_h_diag_temp = np.zeros(pseudo_h_diag.shape)
                self.parallel_wrap_shot.comm.Allreduce(pseudo_h_diag, pseudo_h_diag_temp)
                pseudo_h_diag = pseudo_h_diag_temp 

        # account for the measure in the integral over time
        r_norm2 *= self.solver.dt
        pseudo_h_diag *= self.solver.dt #The gradient is implemented as a time integral in TemporalModeling.adjoint_model(). I think the pseudo Hessian (F*F in notation Shin) also represents a time integral. So multiply with dt as well to be consistent.

        # store any auxiliary info that is requested
        if ('residual_norm' in aux_info) and aux_info['residual_norm'][0]:
            aux_info['residual_norm'] = (True, np.sqrt(r_norm2))
        if ('objective_value' in aux_info) and aux_info['objective_value'][0]:
            aux_info['objective_value'] = (True, 0.5*r_norm2)
        if ('pseudo_hess_diag' in aux_info) and aux_info['pseudo_hess_diag'][0]:
            aux_info['pseudo_hess_diag'] = (True, pseudo_h_diag)

        return grad

    def apply_hessian(self, shots, m0, m1, hessian_mode='approximate', levenberg_mu=0.0, *args, **kwargs):

        modes = ['approximate', 'full', 'levenberg']
        if hessian_mode not in modes:
            raise ValueError("Invalid Hessian mode.  Valid options for applying hessian are {0}".format(modes))

        result = m0.perturbation()

        if hessian_mode in ['approximate', 'levenberg']:
            for shot in shots:
                # Run the forward modeling step
                retval = self.modeling_tools.forward_model(shot, m0, return_parameters=['dWaveOp'])
                dWaveOp0 = retval['dWaveOp']

                linear_retval = self.modeling_tools.linear_forward_model(shot, m0, m1, return_parameters=['simdata'], dWaveOp0=dWaveOp0)

                d1 = linear_retval['simdata'] # data from F applied to m1
                result += self.modeling_tools.migrate_shot(shot, m0, d1, dWaveOp=dWaveOp0)

        elif hessian_mode == 'full':
            for shot in shots:
                # Run the forward modeling step
                dWaveOp0 = list() # wave operator derivative wrt model for u_0
                r0 = self._residual(shot, m0, dWaveOp=dWaveOp0, **kwargs)

                linear_retval = self.modeling_tools.linear_forward_model(shot, m0, m1, return_parameters=['simdata', 'dWaveOp1'], dWaveOp0=dWaveOp0)
                d1 = linear_retval['simdata']
                dWaveOp1 = linear_retval['dWaveOp1']

                # <q, u1tt>, first adjointy bit
                res1 = self.modeling_tools.migrate_shot( shot, m0, r0, dWaveOp=dWaveOp1, dWaveOpAdj=dWaveOpAdj1)
                result += res1

                # <p, u0tt>
                res2 = self.modeling_tools.migrate_shot(shot, m0, d1, operand_dWaveOpAdj=dWaveOpAdj1, operand_model=m1, dWaveOp=dWaveOp0)
                result += res2

        # sum-reduce and communicate result
        if self.parallel_wrap_shot.use_parallel:

            nresult = np.zeros_like(result.asarray())
            self.parallel_wrap_shot.comm.Allreduce(result.asarray(), nresult)
            result = m0.perturbation(data=nresult)

        # Note, AFTER the application has been done in parallel do this.
        if hessian_mode == 'levenberg':
            result += levenberg_mu*m1

        return result
Пример #4
class NormalizedAmplitudeWindowedTemporalLeastSquares(TemporalLeastSquares):
    """ How to compute the parts of the objective you need to do optimization """
    def __init__(self,

        self.solver = solver

        self.modeling_tools = TemporalModeling(solver)

        self.parallel_wrap_shot = parallel_wrap_shot

        self.W_model = model_window
        self.W_data = data_window

        TemporalLeastSquares.__init__(self, solver, parallel_wrap_shot,
        self.res_match_obj = res_match_obj  #The residual match object that is used for normalizing the data.
        self.normalize_d_to_u = normalize_d_to_u

        if res_match_obj._synToFld:
            raise Exception(
                "I'm assuming synToFld should be false. It determines the order of synthetic and true data in the call self.res_match_obj.match in the self._residual function. The covmatch option of the match routine will in this case pass fld as first argument and syn as second. The udmatch array contains the scaling factor for the first argument in self.res_match_obj.match to the second this way"

    def set_fixed_model(self, m):
        """ If m is an array, it needs to be in linear form.  Better to pass a ModelParameter."""
        self.base_perturbation = self.W_model.complement_window(m)

    def _residual(self, shot, m0, dWaveOp=None):  #OVERRIDE
        """Computes residual in the usual sense.

        shot : pysit.Shot
            Shot for which to compute the residual.
        dWaveOp : list of ndarray (optional)
            An empty list for returning the derivative term required for
            computing the imaging condition.


        # If we will use the second derivative info later (and this is usually
        # the case in inversion), tell the solver to store that information, in
        # addition to the solution as it would be observed by the receivers in
        # this shot (aka, the simdata).
        rp = ['simdata']
        if dWaveOp is not None:

        # Run the forward modeling step
        retval = self.modeling_tools.forward_model(shot,

        # Compute the residual vector by interpolating the measured data to the
        # timesteps used in the previous forward modeling stage.
        # resid = map(lambda x,y: x.interpolate_data(self.solver.ts())-y, shot.gather(), retval['simdata'])

        interpolated_real_data = shot.receivers.interpolate_data(
            self.solver.ts())  #same sampling rate as simdata now.

        if self.normalize_d_to_u:  #NORMALIZE DATA
            d_modified = match_amp_first_to_second(interpolated_real_data,
            resid = d_modified - retval['simdata']

            #print "??? really working as expected ? At one point I put array in there in a rotated fashion and the results were the same. Maybe bcecause in my tests the scaling was only in the t direction and the algorithm would be insensitive to which direction it would move ?"

            #print "??? will it matter that d_modified is derived from 32 bit data ? Should I write my own 64 bit function ?"

            #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            #receiver_plot_nr = np.round(2.0*n_receiver/3)
            #plt.plot(self.solver.ts(), interpolated_real_data[:,receiver_plot_nr], 'r', label='data true', lw=2)
            #plt.plot(self.solver.ts(), d_modified[:,receiver_plot_nr], 'b', label='data normalized', lw=2)
            #plt.plot(self.solver.ts(), retval['simdata'][:,receiver_plot_nr], 'g', label='simdata', lw=2)

            sim_modified = match_amp_first_to_second(retval['simdata'],
            resid = interpolated_real_data - sim_modified

            #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            #receiver_plot_nr = np.round(2.0*n_receiver/3)
            #plt.plot(self.solver.ts(), interpolated_real_data[:,receiver_plot_nr], 'r', label='data true', lw=2)
            #plt.plot(self.solver.ts(), sim_modified[:,receiver_plot_nr], 'b', label='synthetic normalized', lw=2)
            #plt.plot(self.solver.ts(), retval['simdata'][:,receiver_plot_nr], 'g', label='simdata', lw=2)

        # If the second derivative info is needed, copy it out
        if dWaveOp is not None:
            dWaveOp[:] = retval['dWaveOp'][:]

        return resid

    def evaluate(self, shots, m0, **kwargs):
        """ Evaluate the least squares objective function over a list of shots."""

        m0_ = self._build_true_m0(m0)

        r_norm2 = 0
        for shot in shots:
            r = self._residual(shot, m0_)
            r_windowed = self.W_data.window(shot, r)
            r_norm2 += np.linalg.norm(r_windowed)**2

        # sum-reduce and communicate result
        if self.parallel_wrap_shot.use_parallel:
            # Allreduce wants an array, so we give it a 0-D array
            new_r_norm2 = np.array(0.0)
            r_norm2 = new_r_norm2[()]  # goofy way to access 0-D array element

        return 0.5 * r_norm2 * self.solver.dt

    def _gradient_helper(self,
        """Helper function for computing the component of the gradient due to a
        single shot.

        Computes F*_s(d - scriptF_s[u]), in our notation.

        shot : pysit.Shot
            Shot for which to compute the residual.


        # Compute the residual vector and its norm
        dWaveOp = []
        r = self._residual(shot, m0, dWaveOp=dWaveOp, **kwargs)

        r_windowed = self.W_data.window(shot, r)

        # Perform the migration or F* operation to get the gradient component
        g = self.modeling_tools.migrate_shot(shot,
                                                 shot, r_windowed),

        # %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
        if not ignore_minus:
            g = -1 * g

        if ret_pseudo_hess_diag_comp:
            return g, r, r_windowed, self._pseudo_hessian_diagonal_component_shot(
            return g, r, r_windowed

    def _pseudo_hessian_diagonal_component_shot(self, dWaveOp):
        #Shin 2001: "Improved amplitude preservation for prestack depth migration by inverse scattering theory".
        #Basic illumination compensation. In here we compute the diagonal. It is not perfect, it does not include receiver coverage for instance.
        #Currently only implemented for temporal modeling. Although very easy for frequency modeling as well. -> np.real(omega^4*wavefield * np.conj(wavefield)) -> np.real(dWaveOp*np.conj(dWaveOp))

        mesh = self.solver.mesh

        import time
        tt = time.time()
        pseudo_hessian_diag_contrib = np.zeros(
            mesh.unpad_array(dWaveOp[0], copy=True).shape)
        for i in xrange(
        ):  #Since dWaveOp is a list I cannot use a single numpy command but I need to loop over timesteps. May have been nicer if dWaveOp had been implemented as a single large ndarray I think
            unpadded_dWaveOp_i = mesh.unpad_array(
            )  #This will modify dWaveOp[i] ! But that should be okay as it will not be used anymore.
            pseudo_hessian_diag_contrib += unpadded_dWaveOp_i * unpadded_dWaveOp_i

        pseudo_hessian_diag_contrib *= self.imaging_period  #Compensate for doing fewer summations at higher imaging_period

        print "Time elapsed when computing pseudo hessian diagonal contribution shot: %e" % (
            time.time() - tt)

        return pseudo_hessian_diag_contrib

    def compute_gradient(self, shots, m0, aux_info={}, **kwargs):
        """Compute the gradient for a set of shots.

        Computes the gradient as
            -F*(d - scriptF[m0]) = -sum(F*_s(d - scriptF_s[m0])) for s in shots

        shots : list of pysit.Shot
            List of Shots for which to compute the gradient.
        i : int
            Current time index.


        m0_ = self._build_true_m0(m0)

        # compute the portion of the gradient due to each shot
        grad = m0_.perturbation()
        r_norm2 = 0.0
        r_windowed_norm2 = 0.0
        pseudo_h_diag = np.zeros(m0_.asarray().shape)
        for shot in shots:
            if ('pseudo_hess_diag'
                    in aux_info) and aux_info['pseudo_hess_diag'][0]:
                g, r, r_windowed, h = self._gradient_helper(
                pseudo_h_diag += h
                g, r, r_windowed = self._gradient_helper(shot,

            grad -= g  # handle the minus 1 in the definition of the gradient of this objective
            r_norm2 += np.linalg.norm(r)**2
            r_windowed_norm2 += np.linalg.norm(r_windowed)**2

        # Window in model space
        grad = m0_.perturbation(data=self.W_model.adjoint_window(grad.data))
        if ('pseudo_hess_diag'
                in aux_info) and aux_info['pseudo_hess_diag'][0]:
            pseudo_h_diag = self.W_model.adjoint_window(pseudo_h_diag)

        # sum-reduce and communicate result
        if self.parallel_wrap_shot.use_parallel:
            # Allreduce wants an array, so we give it a 0-D array
            new_r_norm2 = np.array(0.0)
            r_norm2 = new_r_norm2[()]  # goofy way to access 0-D array element

            # Allreduce wants an array, so we give it a 0-D array
            new_r_windowed_norm2 = np.array(0.0)
            r_windowed_norm2 = new_r_windowed_norm2[(
            )]  # goofy way to access 0-D array element

            ngrad = np.zeros_like(grad.asarray())
            self.parallel_wrap_shot.comm.Allreduce(grad.asarray(), ngrad)
            grad = m0_.perturbation(data=ngrad)

            if ('pseudo_hess_diag'
                    in aux_info) and aux_info['pseudo_hess_diag'][0]:
                pseudo_h_diag_temp = np.zeros(pseudo_h_diag.shape)
                pseudo_h_diag = pseudo_h_diag_temp

        # account for the measure in the integral over time
        r_norm2 *= self.solver.dt
        r_windowed_norm2 *= self.solver.dt
        pseudo_h_diag *= self.solver.dt  #The gradient is implemented as a time integral in TemporalModeling.adjoint_model(). I think the pseudo Hessian (F*F in notation Shin) also represents a time integral. So multiply with dt as well to be consistent.

        # store any auxiliary info that is requested
        if ('residual_norm' in aux_info) and aux_info['residual_norm'][0]:
            aux_info['residual_norm'] = (True, np.sqrt(r_norm2))
        if ('objective_value' in aux_info) and aux_info['objective_value'][0]:
            aux_info['objective_value'] = (True, 0.5 * r_windowed_norm2)
        if ('pseudo_hess_diag'
                in aux_info) and aux_info['pseudo_hess_diag'][0]:
            aux_info['pseudo_hess_diag'] = (True, pseudo_h_diag)

        return grad

    def apply_hessian(self,

        modes = ['approximate', 'full', 'levenberg']
        if hessian_mode not in modes:
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid Hessian mode.  Valid options for applying hessian are {0}"

        m0_ = self._build_true_m0(m0)

        result = m0_.perturbation()

        if hessian_mode in ['approximate', 'levenberg']:
            for shot in shots:
                # Run the forward modeling step
                retval = self.modeling_tools.forward_model(
                    shot, m0_, return_parameters=['dWaveOp'])
                dWaveOp0 = retval['dWaveOp']

                linear_retval = self.modeling_tools.linear_forward_model(

                d1 = self.W_data.window(
                    linear_retval['simdata'])  # data from F applied to m1
                d1 = self.W_data.adjoint_window(shot, d1)
                result += self.modeling_tools.migrate_shot(shot,

        elif hessian_mode == 'full':
            raise NotImplementedError('Full Hessian not implemented.')
#           for shot in shots:
#               # Run the forward modeling step
#               dWaveOp0 = list() # wave operator derivative wrt model for u_0
#               r0 = self._residual(shot, m0_, dWaveOp=dWaveOp0, **kwargs)
#               linear_retval = self.modeling_tools.linear_forward_model(shot, m0_, m1, return_parameters=['simdata', 'dWaveOp1'], dWaveOp0=dWaveOp0)
#               d1 = linear_retval['simdata']
#               dWaveOp1 = linear_retval['dWaveOp1']
#               # <q, u1tt>, first adjointy bit
#               dWaveOpAdj1=[]
#               res1 = self.modeling_tools.migrate_shot( shot, m0_, r0, dWaveOp=dWaveOp1, dWaveOpAdj=dWaveOpAdj1)
#               result += res1
#               # <p, u0tt>
#               res2 = self.modeling_tools.migrate_shot(shot, m0_, d1, operand_dWaveOpAdj=dWaveOpAdj1, operand_model=m1, dWaveOp=dWaveOp0)
#               result += res2

        result = m0_.perturbation(

        # sum-reduce and communicate result
        if self.parallel_wrap_shot.use_parallel:

            nresult = np.zeros_like(result.asarray())
            self.parallel_wrap_shot.comm.Allreduce(result.asarray(), nresult)
            result = m0_.perturbation(data=nresult)

        # Note, AFTER the application has been done in parallel do this.
        if hessian_mode == 'levenberg':
            result += levenberg_mu * m1

        return result

    def _build_true_m0(self, m):
        """ Constructs m0 = b + W*m """

        m0 = copy.deepcopy(m)
        m0.data *= np.infty
        m0 += self.base_perturbation
        m0 += self.W_model.window(m)

        if np.any(m0 == np.infty):
            raise ValueError('Prescribed window leaves infinite velocities.')

        return m0
Пример #5
class TemporalGhk(ObjectiveFunctionBase):
    """ How to compute the parts of the objective you need to do optimization """
    def __init__(self,
        """imaging_period: Imaging happens every 'imaging_period' timesteps. Use higher numbers to reduce memory consumption at the cost of lower gradient accuracy.
            By assigning this value to the class, it will automatically be used when the gradient function of the temporal objective function is called in an inversion context.
        self.solver = solver
        self.modeling_tools = TemporalModeling(solver)
        self.parallel_wrap_shot = parallel_wrap_shot

        self.imaging_period = int(imaging_period)  #Needs to be an integer
        self.ghk_epsilon = 0.1
        self.ghk_lamb1 = 10.
        self.ghk_lamb2 = 1.
        self.ghk_niter = 999
        self.ghk_dt = solver.dt
        self.ghk_dx = dx

        #self.ghk_nt = 1801
        #self.ghk_nx = 91

    def _softmax(self, inputs):
        Calculate the softmax for the give inputs (array)
        epsl = 0.001
        softmax1 = epsl * np.log(1 + np.exp(inputs / epsl))
        derivative_softmax1 = np.exp(
            inputs / epsl) / (1 + np.exp(inputs / epsl))
        softmax2 = softmax1 + epsl * np.log(1 + np.exp(-inputs / epsl))
        derivative_softmax2 = derivative_softmax1 - (
            np.exp(-inputs / epsl) / (1 + np.exp(-inputs / epsl)))
        return softmax1, derivative_softmax1

    def _ghk(self, p, q):

        eps = 2.2204e-16
        ep = eps**6
        dx2 = self.ghk_dx**2
        dt2 = self.ghk_dt**2

        ghk_nt = int(np.shape(p)[0])
        ghk_nx = int(np.shape(p)[1])

        linspt1 = np.linspace(0.0, 3.0, ghk_nt)
        linspt2 = np.linspace(
            0.0, 3.0,
            ghk_nt)  # Here we define two linspt for obs and simul separately

        linspx1 = np.linspace(0.1, 1.0, ghk_nx)
        linspx2 = np.linspace(
            0.1, 1.0,
            ghk_nx)  # Here we define two linspx for obs and simul separately

        #print('ghk_dt %f' %self.ghk_dt)
        #print('ghk_dx %f' %self.ghk_dx)
        #print('dt %f' %(3./ghk_nt))
        #print('dx %f' %(0.9/(ghk_nx-1)))

        t1, t2 = np.meshgrid(
            linspt1, linspt2
        )  # T1[Nt,Nt], T2[Nt,Nt] is the meshgrid for loss matrix Ct[Nt, Nt]
        x1, x2 = np.meshgrid(
            linspx1, linspx2
        )  # X1[Nx,Nx], X2[Nt,Nx] is the meshgrid for loss matrix Cx[Nx, Nx]

        ct = (t1 - t2)**2
        cx = (x1 - x2)**2

        def div0(x, y, pw):
            # works for 0 = 0 *x  return element by element
            r = np.zeros(x.flatten().shape)
            ii = np.where(((x.flatten()) >= 0) & ((y.flatten()) > 0))
            r[ii] = (np.divide(x.flatten()[ii], y.flatten()[ii]))**pw
            r = np.reshape(r, (x.shape))
            return r

        p = np.asarray(p, dtype=np.float64)
        q = np.asarray(q, dtype=np.float64)
        ct = np.asarray(ct, dtype=np.float64)
        cx = np.asarray(cx, dtype=np.float64)

        # utilities
        #zp = np.zeros(P.shape)
        op = np.ones(p.shape)
        #zq = np.zeros(Q.shape)
        oq = np.ones(q.shape)

        le1 = self.ghk_lamb1 + self.ghk_epsilon
        pw1 = self.ghk_lamb1 / le1
        le2 = self.ghk_lamb2 + self.ghk_epsilon
        pw2 = self.ghk_lamb2 / le2

        kt = np.exp(-ct / self.ghk_epsilon)
        kx = np.exp(-cx / self.ghk_epsilon)

        # init
        a = op
        b = oq  # a is column and b is line

        cvrgce = np.zeros((1, self.ghk_niter))  # errors
        icv = 1  # iteration for errors

        for i in range(self.ghk_niter):
            a0 = a  # b0 = b

            # sinkhorn iterates here
            #a = (div0(P, dt*dx*(np.dot(Kt.dot(b), Kx)), zp)**pw1)
            #b = (div0(Q, dt*dx*(np.dot(Kt.dot(a), Kx)), zq)**pw2)
            a = div0(p, self.ghk_dt * self.ghk_dx * (np.dot(kt.dot(b), kx)),
            b = div0(q, self.ghk_dt * self.ghk_dx * (np.dot(kt.dot(a), kx)),

            if i % 20 == 0:
                ig = np.where(((a.flatten()) > ep) & ((a0.flatten()) > ep))
                #err = np.linalg.norm((np.log(a.flatten()[Ig])-np.log(a0.flatten()[Ig])), np.inf)
                er = (np.log(a.flatten()[ig]) - np.log(a0.flatten()[ig]))
                err = la.norm(er, np.inf)
                cvrgce[0, icv] = err
                icv = icv + 1

            if cvrgce[0, icv - 1] < 1.0e-6:
                conv = cvrgce[0, icv - 1]
                gamma = a * (np.dot(kt.dot(b), kx))

                aat = np.zeros(a.flatten().shape)
                bbt = np.zeros(b.flatten().shape)
                ia = np.where((a.flatten()) > 0)
                ib = np.where((b.flatten()) > 0)

                aat[ia] = -self.ghk_lamb1 * self.ghk_dx * self.ghk_dt * (
                    a.flatten()[ia]**(-self.ghk_epsilon / self.ghk_lamb1) - 1)
                bbt[ib] = -self.ghk_lamb2 * self.ghk_dx * self.ghk_dt * (
                    b.flatten()[ib]**(-self.ghk_epsilon / self.ghk_lamb2) - 1)

                at = np.reshape(aat, (a.shape))
                bt = np.reshape(bbt, (b.shape))

                distance = np.sum(p * at + bt * q -
                                  self.ghk_epsilon * dt2 * dx2 * gamma)
                print('GHK converged after %d iterations' % i)
                print('Convergence = %f ' % conv)

                return distance, bt

        print('GHK not converge after %d iterations' % self.ghk_niter)
        conv = cvrgce[0, icv - 1]
        gamma = a * (np.dot(kt.dot(b), kx))

        aat = np.zeros(a.flatten().shape)
        bbt = np.zeros(b.flatten().shape)
        ia = np.where((a.flatten()) > 0)
        ib = np.where((b.flatten()) > 0)

        aat[ia] = -self.ghk_lamb1 * self.ghk_dx * self.ghk_dt * (
            a.flatten()[ia]**(-self.ghk_epsilon / self.ghk_lamb1) - 1)
        bbt[ib] = -self.ghk_lamb2 * self.ghk_dx * self.ghk_dt * (
            b.flatten()[ib]**(-self.ghk_epsilon / self.ghk_lamb2) - 1)

        at = np.reshape(aat, (a.shape))
        bt = np.reshape(bbt, (b.shape))

        distance = np.sum(p * at + bt * q -
                          self.ghk_epsilon * dt2 * dx2 * gamma)

        return distance, bt

    def _residual(self, shot, m0, dWaveOp=None, wavefield=None):
        """Computes residual in the usual sense.

        shot : pysit.Shot
            Shot for which to compute the residual.
        dWaveOp : list of ndarray (optional)
            An empty list for returning the derivative term required for
            computing the imaging condition.


        # If we will use the second derivative info later (and this is usually
        # the case in inversion), tell the solver to store that information, in
        # addition to the solution as it would be observed by the receivers in
        # this shot (aka, the simdata).
        rp = ['simdata']
        if dWaveOp is not None:
        # If we are dealing with variable density, we want the wavefield returned as well.
        if wavefield is not None:

        # Run the forward modeling step
        retval = self.modeling_tools.forward_model(shot,

        # Compute the residual vector by interpolating the measured data to the
        # timesteps used in the previous forward modeling stage.
        # resid = map(lambda x,y: x.interpolate_data(self.solver.ts())-y, shot.gather(), retval['simdata'])
        self.dataObs = shot.receivers.interpolate_data(self.solver.ts())
        self.dataCal = retval['simdata']

        dataCalSoftmax, derivative_softmax_dataCal = self._softmax(
        dataObsSoftmax, derivative_softmax_dataObs = self._softmax(

        #resid = dataObsSoftmax - dataCalSoftmax
        #adjoint_source_l2_softmax = - resid * derivative_softmax_dataCal
        #resid = dataCalSoftmax - dataObsSoftmax
        #adjoint_source_l2_softmax = resid * derivative_softmax_dataCal

        #resampled_nt = int(0.5*np.shape(dataCalSoftmax)[0])
        #resampled_nx = int(1.0*np.shape(dataCalSoftmax)[1])
        #dataCalSoftmax_resampled = np.zeros((resampled_nt, resampled_nx))
        #dataObsSoftmax_resampled = np.zeros((resampled_nt, resampled_nx))
        #derivative_softmax_dataCal_resampled = np.zeros((resampled_nt, resampled_nx))
        #for i in range(resampled_nt):
        #    dataCalSoftmax_resampled[i] = dataCalSoftmax[int(2*i)]
        #    dataObsSoftmax_resampled[i] = dataObsSoftmax[int(2*i)]
        #resid, bt = self._ghk(dataCalSoftmax_resampled, dataObsSoftmax_resampled)
        #adjoint_source_ghk = bt * derivative_softmax_dataCal_resampled

        resid, bt = self._ghk(dataCalSoftmax, dataObsSoftmax)
        adjoint_source_ghk = bt * derivative_softmax_dataCal

        # If the second derivative info is needed, copy it out
        if dWaveOp is not None:
            dWaveOp[:] = retval['dWaveOp'][:]
        if wavefield is not None:
            wavefield[:] = retval['wavefield'][:]

        return resid, adjoint_source_ghk

    def evaluate(self, shots, m0, **kwargs):
        """ Evaluate the least squares objective function over a list of shots."""

        r_norm2 = 0
        for shot in shots:
            r, adj = self._residual(shot, m0)
            r_norm2 += np.linalg.norm(r)**2

        # sum-reduce and communicate result
        if self.parallel_wrap_shot.use_parallel:
            # Allreduce wants an array, so we give it a 0-D array
            new_r_norm2 = np.array(0.0)
            r_norm2 = new_r_norm2[()]  # goofy way to access 0-D array element

        #return 0.5*r_norm2*self.solver.dt
        return r

    def _gradient_helper(self,
        """Helper function for computing the component of the gradient due to a
        single shot.

        Computes F*_s(d - scriptF_s[u]), in our notation.

        shot : pysit.Shot
            Shot for which to compute the residual.


        # Compute the residual vector and its norm
        dWaveOp = []

        # If this is true, then we are dealing with variable density. In this case, we want our forward solve
        # To also return the wavefield, because we need to take gradients of the wavefield in the adjoint model
        # Step to calculate the gradient of our objective in terms of m2 (ie. 1/rho)
        if hasattr(m0, 'kappa') and hasattr(m0, 'rho'):
            wavefield = []
            wavefield = None

        r, adj = self._residual(shot,

        # Perform the migration or F* operation to get the gradient component
        #g = self.modeling_tools.migrate_shot(shot, m0, r, self.imaging_period, dWaveOp=dWaveOp, wavefield=wavefield)
        g = self.modeling_tools.migrate_shot(shot,

        #g = g*dsf

        if not ignore_minus:
            g = -1 * g

        if ret_pseudo_hess_diag_comp:
            return g, r, self._pseudo_hessian_diagonal_component_shot(dWaveOp)
            return g, r

    def _pseudo_hessian_diagonal_component_shot(self, dWaveOp):
        #Shin 2001: "Improved amplitude preservation for prestack depth migration by inverse scattering theory".
        #Basic illumination compensation. In here we compute the diagonal. It is not perfect, it does not include receiver coverage for instance.
        #Currently only implemented for temporal modeling. Although very easy for frequency modeling as well. -> np.real(omega^4*wavefield * np.conj(wavefield)) -> np.real(dWaveOp*np.conj(dWaveOp))

        mesh = self.solver.mesh

        import time
        tt = time.time()
        pseudo_hessian_diag_contrib = np.zeros(
            mesh.unpad_array(dWaveOp[0], copy=True).shape)
        for i in xrange(
        ):  #Since dWaveOp is a list I cannot use a single numpy command but I need to loop over timesteps. May have been nicer if dWaveOp had been implemented as a single large ndarray I think
            unpadded_dWaveOp_i = mesh.unpad_array(
            )  #This will modify dWaveOp[i] ! But that should be okay as it will not be used anymore.
            pseudo_hessian_diag_contrib += unpadded_dWaveOp_i * unpadded_dWaveOp_i

        pseudo_hessian_diag_contrib *= self.imaging_period  #Compensate for doing fewer summations at higher imaging_period

        print "Time elapsed when computing pseudo hessian diagonal contribution shot: %e" % (
            time.time() - tt)

        return pseudo_hessian_diag_contrib

    def compute_gradient(self, shots, m0, aux_info={}, **kwargs):
        """Compute the gradient for a set of shots.

        Computes the gradient as
            -F*(d - scriptF[m0]) = -sum(F*_s(d - scriptF_s[m0])) for s in shots

        shots : list of pysit.Shot
            List of Shots for which to compute the gradient.
        m0 : ModelParameters
            The base point about which to compute the gradient

        # compute the portion of the gradient due to each shot
        grad = m0.perturbation()
        r_norm2 = 0.0
        pseudo_h_diag = np.zeros(m0.asarray().shape)
        for shot in shots:
            if ('pseudo_hess_diag'
                    in aux_info) and aux_info['pseudo_hess_diag'][0]:
                g, r, h = self._gradient_helper(shot,
                pseudo_h_diag += h
                g, r = self._gradient_helper(shot,

            grad -= g  # handle the minus 1 in the definition of the gradient of this objective

            r_norm2 += np.linalg.norm(r)**2
            #r_norm2 = r

        # sum-reduce and communicate result
        if self.parallel_wrap_shot.use_parallel:
            # Allreduce wants an array, so we give it a 0-D array
            new_r_norm2 = np.array(0.0)
            r_norm2 = new_r_norm2[()]  # goofy way to access 0-D array element

            ngrad = np.zeros_like(grad.asarray())
            self.parallel_wrap_shot.comm.Allreduce(grad.asarray(), ngrad)
            grad = m0.perturbation(data=ngrad)

            if ('pseudo_hess_diag'
                    in aux_info) and aux_info['pseudo_hess_diag'][0]:
                pseudo_h_diag_temp = np.zeros(pseudo_h_diag.shape)
                pseudo_h_diag = pseudo_h_diag_temp

        # account for the measure in the integral over time
        r_norm2 *= self.solver.dt
        pseudo_h_diag *= self.solver.dt  #The gradient is implemented as a time integral in TemporalModeling.adjoint_model(). I think the pseudo Hessian (F*F in notation Shin) also represents a time integral. So multiply with dt as well to be consistent.

        # store any auxiliary info that is requested
        if ('residual_norm' in aux_info) and aux_info['residual_norm'][0]:
            aux_info['residual_norm'] = (True, np.sqrt(r_norm2))
            #aux_info['residual_norm'] = (True, r_norm2)
        if ('objective_value' in aux_info) and aux_info['objective_value'][0]:
            aux_info['objective_value'] = (True, 0.5 * r_norm2)
            #aux_info['objective_value'] = (True, r_norm2)
        if ('pseudo_hess_diag'
                in aux_info) and aux_info['pseudo_hess_diag'][0]:
            aux_info['pseudo_hess_diag'] = (True, pseudo_h_diag)

        return grad

    def apply_hessian(self,

        modes = ['approximate', 'full', 'levenberg']
        if hessian_mode not in modes:
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid Hessian mode.  Valid options for applying hessian are {0}"

        result = m0.perturbation()

        if hessian_mode in ['approximate', 'levenberg']:
            for shot in shots:
                # Run the forward modeling step
                retval = self.modeling_tools.forward_model(
                    shot, m0, return_parameters=['dWaveOp'])
                dWaveOp0 = retval['dWaveOp']

                linear_retval = self.modeling_tools.linear_forward_model(

                d1 = linear_retval['simdata']  # data from F applied to m1
                result += self.modeling_tools.migrate_shot(shot,

        elif hessian_mode == 'full':
            for shot in shots:
                # Run the forward modeling step
                dWaveOp0 = list()  # wave operator derivative wrt model for u_0
                r0 = self._residual(shot, m0, dWaveOp=dWaveOp0, **kwargs)

                linear_retval = self.modeling_tools.linear_forward_model(
                    return_parameters=['simdata', 'dWaveOp1'],
                d1 = linear_retval['simdata']
                dWaveOp1 = linear_retval['dWaveOp1']

                # <q, u1tt>, first adjointy bit
                dWaveOpAdj1 = []
                res1 = self.modeling_tools.migrate_shot(shot,
                result += res1

                # <p, u0tt>
                res2 = self.modeling_tools.migrate_shot(
                result += res2

        # sum-reduce and communicate result
        if self.parallel_wrap_shot.use_parallel:

            nresult = np.zeros_like(result.asarray())
            self.parallel_wrap_shot.comm.Allreduce(result.asarray(), nresult)
            result = m0.perturbation(data=nresult)

        # Note, AFTER the application has been done in parallel do this.
        if hessian_mode == 'levenberg':
            result += levenberg_mu * m1

        return result