Пример #1
def get_dataset_params(name, model_type='', train_type='', test_type='',

    p = {'name': name, 'model_type': model_type,
         'train_type': train_type, 'test_type': test_type, 'cam_type': cam_type}

    # Path to the folder with datasets
    common_base_path = '/home/meiqua/6DPose/public/datasets/'

    # Path to the T-LESS Toolkit (https://github.com/thodan/t-less_toolkit)
    tless_tk_path = '../t_less_toolkit/'

    if name == 'hinterstoisser':
        p['obj_count'] = 15
        p['scene_count'] = 15
        p['train_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['test_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['base_path'] = pjoin(common_base_path, 'hinterstoisser')
        p['im_id_pad'] = 4
        p['model_texture_mpath'] = None
        p['cam_params_path'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], 'camera.yml')

        # p['test_obj_depth_range'] = (600.90, 1102.35) # [mm] - with original GT
        p['test_obj_depth_range'] = (346.31, 1499.84) # [mm] - with extended GT
        # (there are only 3 occurrences under 400 mm)

        p['test_obj_azimuth_range'] = (0, 2 * math.pi)
        p['test_obj_elev_range'] = (0, 0.5 * math.pi)

    elif name == 'tless':
        p['obj_count'] = 30
        p['scene_count'] = 20

        p['base_path'] = pjoin(common_base_path, 't-less', 't-less_v2')
        p['im_id_pad'] = 4
        p['model_texture_mpath'] = None

        if p['model_type'] == '': p['model_type'] = 'cad'
        if p['train_type'] == '': p['train_type'] = 'primesense'
        if p['test_type'] == '': p['test_type'] = 'primesense'
        if p['cam_type'] == '': p['cam_type'] = 'primesense'

        p['cam_params_path'] = pjoin(tless_tk_path, 'cam',
                                     'camera_' + p['cam_type'] + '.yml')
        if p['test_type'] in ['primesense', 'kinect']:
            p['test_im_size'] = (720, 540)
        elif p['test_type'] == 'canon':
            p['test_im_size'] = (2560, 1920)

        if p['train_type'] in ['primesense', 'kinect']:
            p['train_im_size'] = (400, 400)
        elif p['train_type'] == 'canon':
            p['train_im_size'] = (1900, 1900)
        elif p['train_type'] == 'render_reconst':
            p['train_im_size'] = (1280, 1024)

        if p['test_type'] == 'primesense':
            p['test_obj_depth_range'] = (649.89, 940.04) # [mm]
            p['test_obj_azimuth_range'] = (0, 2 * math.pi)
            p['test_obj_elev_range'] = (-0.5 * math.pi, 0.5 * math.pi)
        if p['test_type'] == 'kinect':
            # Not calculated yet
            p['test_depth_range'] = None
            p['test_obj_azimuth_range'] = None
            p['test_obj_elev_range'] = None
        elif p['test_type'] == 'canon':
            # Not calculated yet
            p['test_depth_range'] = None
            p['test_obj_azimuth_range'] = None
            p['test_obj_elev_range'] = None

    elif name == 'tudlight':
        p['obj_count'] = 3
        p['scene_count'] = 3
        p['train_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['test_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['base_path'] = pjoin(common_base_path, 'tudlight')
        p['im_id_pad'] = 5 # 5
        p['model_texture_mpath'] = None
        p['cam_params_path'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], 'camera.yml')

        p['test_obj_depth_range'] = (851.29, 2016.14) # [mm]
        p['test_obj_azimuth_range'] = (0, 2 * math.pi)
        p['test_obj_elev_range'] = (-0.4363, 0.5 * math.pi) # (-25, 90) [deg]

    elif name == 'toyotalight':
        p['obj_count'] = 21
        p['scene_count'] = 21
        p['train_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['test_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['base_path'] = pjoin(common_base_path, 'toyotalight')
        p['im_id_pad'] = 4 # 5
        p['model_texture_mpath'] = None
        p['cam_params_path'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], 'camera.yml')

        # p['test_obj_depth_range'] = None # [mm]
        # p['test_obj_azimuth_range'] = None
        # p['test_obj_elev_range'] = None # (-25, 90) [deg]

    elif name == 'rutgers':
        p['obj_count'] = 14
        p['scene_count'] = 14
        p['train_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['test_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['base_path'] = pjoin(common_base_path, 'rutgers')
        p['im_id_pad'] = 4
        p['model_texture_mpath'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], 'models', 'obj_{:02d}.png')
        p['cam_params_path'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], 'camera.yml')

        p['test_obj_depth_range'] = (594.41, 739.12) # [mm]
        p['test_obj_azimuth_range'] = (0, 2 * math.pi)
        p['test_obj_elev_range'] = (-0.5 * math.pi, 0.5 * math.pi)

    elif name == 'tejani':
        p['obj_count'] = 6
        p['scene_count'] = 6
        p['train_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['test_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['base_path'] = pjoin(common_base_path, 'tejani')
        p['im_id_pad'] = 4
        p['model_texture_mpath'] = None
        p['cam_params_path'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], 'camera.yml')

        p['test_obj_depth_range'] = (509.12 - 1120.41) # [mm]
        p['test_obj_azimuth_range'] = (0, 2 * math.pi)
        p['test_obj_elev_range'] = (0, 0.5 * math.pi)

    elif name == 'doumanoglou':
        p['obj_count'] = 2
        p['scene_count'] = 3
        p['train_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['test_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['base_path'] = pjoin(common_base_path, 'doumanoglou')
        p['im_id_pad'] = 4
        p['model_texture_mpath'] = None
        p['cam_params_path'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], 'camera.yml')

        p['test_obj_depth_range'] = (454.56 - 1076.29) # [mm]
        p['test_obj_azimuth_range'] = (0, 2 * math.pi)
        p['test_obj_elev_range'] = (-1.0297, 0.5 * math.pi) # (-59, 90) [deg]

        print('Error: Unknown SIXD dataset.')

    models_dir = 'models' if p['model_type'] == '' else 'models_' + p['model_type']
    train_dir = 'train' if p['train_type'] == '' else 'train_' + p['train_type']
    test_dir = 'test' if p['test_type'] == '' else 'test_' + p['test_type']

    # Image ID format
    im_id_f = '{:' + str(p['im_id_pad']).zfill(2) + 'd}'

    # Paths and path masks
    p['model_mpath'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], models_dir, 'obj_{:02d}.ply')
    p['models_info_path'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], models_dir, 'models_info.yml')

    p['obj_info_mpath'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], train_dir, '{:02d}', 'info.yml')
    p['obj_gt_mpath'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], train_dir, '{:02d}', 'gt.yml')
    p['obj_gt_stats_mpath'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], train_dir + '_gt_stats', '{:02d}_delta={}.yml')
    p['train_rgb_mpath'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], train_dir, '{:02d}', 'rgb', im_id_f + '.png')
    p['train_depth_mpath'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], train_dir, '{:02d}', 'depth', im_id_f + '.png')
    p['train_mask_mpath'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], train_dir, '{:02d}', 'mask', im_id_f + '_{:02d}.png')
    p['train_mask_visib_mpath'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], train_dir, '{:02d}', 'mask_visib', im_id_f + '_{:02d}.png')

    p['scene_info_mpath'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], test_dir, '{:02d}', 'info.yml')
    p['scene_gt_mpath'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], test_dir, '{:02d}', 'gt.yml')
    p['scene_gt_stats_mpath'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], test_dir + '_gt_stats', '{:02d}_delta={}.yml')
    p['test_rgb_mpath'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], test_dir, '{:02d}', 'rgb', im_id_f + '.png')
    p['test_depth_mpath'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], test_dir, '{:02d}', 'depth', im_id_f + '.png')
    p['test_mask_mpath'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], test_dir, '{:02d}', 'mask', im_id_f + '_{:02d}.png')
    p['test_mask_visib_mpath'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], test_dir, '{:02d}', 'mask_visib', im_id_f + '_{:02d}.png')

    p['test_set_fpath'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], 'test_set_v1.yml')

    p['cam'] = inout.load_cam_params(p['cam_params_path'])

    return p
Пример #2
    p = dict()
    p['name'] = 'customDataset'
    p['obj_count'] = 2
    p['scene_count'] = 2
    p['train_im_size'] = (640, 480)
    p['test_im_size'] = (640, 480)
    p['base_path'] = join('/home/meiqua/6DPose/public/datasets/', p['name'])

    p['model_mpath'] = join(p['base_path'], 'models', 'obj_{:02d}.ply')
    p['model_texture_mpath'] = join(p['base_path'], 'models', 'obj_{:02d}.png')

    p['cam_params_path'] = join(p['base_path'], 'camera.yml')
    p['cam'] = inout.load_cam_params(p['cam_params_path'])
    # Minimum required number of views on the whole view sphere. The final number of
    # views depends on the sampling method.
    min_n_views = 100

    clip_near = 10  # [mm]
    clip_far = 10000  # [mm]
    ambient_weight = 0.8  # Weight of ambient light [0, 1]
    shading = 'phong'  # 'flat', 'phong'

    # Super-sampling anti-aliasing (SSAA)
    # https://github.com/vispy/vispy/wiki/Tech.-Antialiasing
    # The RGB image is rendered at ssaa_fact times higher resolution and then
    # down-sampled to the required resolution.
    ssaa_fact = 4
Пример #3
def get_dataset_params(name, model_type='', train_type='', test_type='',

    p = {'name': name, 'model_type': model_type,
         'train_type': train_type, 'test_type': test_type, 'cam_type': cam_type}

    # Path to the folder with datasets
    common_base_path = pjoin(top_level_path, 'public/datasets/')

    # Path to the T-LESS Toolkit (https://github.com/thodan/t-less_toolkit)
    tless_tk_path = '../t_less_toolkit/'

    if name == 'hinterstoisser':
        p['obj_count'] = 15
        p['scene_count'] = 15
        p['train_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['test_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['base_path'] = pjoin(common_base_path, 'hinterstoisser')
        p['im_id_pad'] = 4
        p['model_texture_mpath'] = None
        p['cam_params_path'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], 'camera.yml')

        # p['test_obj_depth_range'] = (600.90, 1102.35) # [mm] - with original GT
        p['test_obj_depth_range'] = (346.31, 1499.84) # [mm] - with extended GT
        # (there are only 3 occurrences under 400 mm)

        p['test_obj_azimuth_range'] = (0, 2 * math.pi)
        p['test_obj_elev_range'] = (0, 0.5 * math.pi)

    elif name == 'tless':
        p['obj_count'] = 30
        p['scene_count'] = 20

        p['base_path'] = pjoin(common_base_path, 't-less', 't-less_v2')
        p['im_id_pad'] = 4
        p['model_texture_mpath'] = None

        if p['model_type'] == '': p['model_type'] = 'cad'
        if p['train_type'] == '': p['train_type'] = 'primesense'
        if p['test_type'] == '': p['test_type'] = 'primesense'
        if p['cam_type'] == '': p['cam_type'] = 'primesense'

        p['cam_params_path'] = pjoin(tless_tk_path, 'cam',
                                     'camera_' + p['cam_type'] + '.yml')
        if p['test_type'] in ['primesense', 'kinect']:
            p['test_im_size'] = (720, 540)
        elif p['test_type'] == 'canon':
            p['test_im_size'] = (2560, 1920)

        if p['train_type'] in ['primesense', 'kinect']:
            p['train_im_size'] = (400, 400)
        elif p['train_type'] == 'canon':
            p['train_im_size'] = (1900, 1900)
        elif p['train_type'] == 'render_reconst':
            p['train_im_size'] = (1280, 1024)

        if p['test_type'] == 'primesense':
            p['test_obj_depth_range'] = (649.89, 940.04) # [mm]
            p['test_obj_azimuth_range'] = (0, 2 * math.pi)
            p['test_obj_elev_range'] = (-0.5 * math.pi, 0.5 * math.pi)
        if p['test_type'] == 'kinect':
            # Not calculated yet
            p['test_depth_range'] = None
            p['test_obj_azimuth_range'] = None
            p['test_obj_elev_range'] = None
        elif p['test_type'] == 'canon':
            # Not calculated yet
            p['test_depth_range'] = None
            p['test_obj_azimuth_range'] = None
            p['test_obj_elev_range'] = None

    elif name == 'tudlight':
        p['obj_count'] = 3
        p['scene_count'] = 3
        p['train_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['test_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['base_path'] = pjoin(common_base_path, 'tudlight')
        p['im_id_pad'] = 5 # 5
        p['model_texture_mpath'] = None
        p['cam_params_path'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], 'camera.yml')

        p['test_obj_depth_range'] = (851.29, 2016.14) # [mm]
        p['test_obj_azimuth_range'] = (0, 2 * math.pi)
        p['test_obj_elev_range'] = (-0.4363, 0.5 * math.pi) # (-25, 90) [deg]

    elif name == 'toyotalight':
        p['obj_count'] = 21
        p['scene_count'] = 21
        p['train_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['test_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['base_path'] = pjoin(common_base_path, 'toyotalight')
        p['im_id_pad'] = 4 # 5
        p['model_texture_mpath'] = None
        p['cam_params_path'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], 'camera.yml')

        # p['test_obj_depth_range'] = None # [mm]
        # p['test_obj_azimuth_range'] = None
        # p['test_obj_elev_range'] = None # (-25, 90) [deg]

    elif name == 'rutgers':
        p['obj_count'] = 14
        p['scene_count'] = 14
        p['train_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['test_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['base_path'] = pjoin(common_base_path, 'rutgers')
        p['im_id_pad'] = 4
        p['model_texture_mpath'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], 'models', 'obj_{:02d}.png')
        p['cam_params_path'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], 'camera.yml')

        p['test_obj_depth_range'] = (594.41, 739.12) # [mm]
        p['test_obj_azimuth_range'] = (0, 2 * math.pi)
        p['test_obj_elev_range'] = (-0.5 * math.pi, 0.5 * math.pi)

    elif name == 'tejani':
        p['obj_count'] = 6
        p['scene_count'] = 6
        p['train_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['test_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['base_path'] = pjoin(common_base_path, 'tejani')
        p['im_id_pad'] = 4
        p['model_texture_mpath'] = None
        p['cam_params_path'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], 'camera.yml')

        p['test_obj_depth_range'] = (509.12 - 1120.41) # [mm]
        p['test_obj_azimuth_range'] = (0, 2 * math.pi)
        p['test_obj_elev_range'] = (0, 0.5 * math.pi)

    elif name == 'doumanoglou':
        p['obj_count'] = 2
        p['scene_count'] = 3
        p['train_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['test_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['base_path'] = pjoin(common_base_path, 'doumanoglou')
        p['im_id_pad'] = 4
        p['model_texture_mpath'] = None
        p['cam_params_path'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], 'camera.yml')

        p['test_obj_depth_range'] = (454.56 - 1076.29) # [mm]
        p['test_obj_azimuth_range'] = (0, 2 * math.pi)
        p['test_obj_elev_range'] = (-1.0297, 0.5 * math.pi) # (-59, 90) [deg]

        print('Error: Unknown SIXD dataset.')

    models_dir = 'models' if p['model_type'] == '' else 'models_' + p['model_type']
    train_dir = 'train' if p['train_type'] == '' else 'train_' + p['train_type']
    test_dir = 'test' if p['test_type'] == '' else 'test_' + p['test_type']

    # Image ID format
    im_id_f = '{:' + str(p['im_id_pad']).zfill(2) + 'd}'

    # Paths and path masks
    p['model_mpath'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], models_dir, 'obj_{:02d}.ply')
    p['models_info_path'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], models_dir, 'models_info.yml')

    p['obj_info_mpath'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], train_dir, '{:02d}', 'info.yml')
    p['obj_gt_mpath'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], train_dir, '{:02d}', 'gt.yml')
    p['obj_gt_stats_mpath'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], train_dir + '_gt_stats', '{:02d}_delta={}.yml')
    p['train_rgb_mpath'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], train_dir, '{:02d}', 'rgb', im_id_f + '.png')
    p['train_depth_mpath'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], train_dir, '{:02d}', 'depth', im_id_f + '.png')
    p['train_mask_mpath'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], train_dir, '{:02d}', 'mask', im_id_f + '_{:02d}.png')
    p['train_mask_visib_mpath'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], train_dir, '{:02d}', 'mask_visib', im_id_f + '_{:02d}.png')

    p['scene_info_mpath'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], test_dir, '{:02d}', 'info.yml')
    p['scene_gt_mpath'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], test_dir, '{:02d}', 'gt.yml')
    p['scene_gt_stats_mpath'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], test_dir + '_gt_stats', '{:02d}_delta={}.yml')
    p['test_rgb_mpath'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], test_dir, '{:02d}', 'rgb', im_id_f + '.png')
    p['test_depth_mpath'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], test_dir, '{:02d}', 'depth', im_id_f + '.png')
    p['test_mask_mpath'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], test_dir, '{:02d}', 'mask', im_id_f + '_{:02d}.png')
    p['test_mask_visib_mpath'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], test_dir, '{:02d}', 'mask_visib', im_id_f + '_{:02d}.png')

    p['test_set_fpath'] = pjoin(p['base_path'], 'test_set_v1.yml')

    p['cam'] = inout.load_cam_params(p['cam_params_path'])

    return p
Пример #4
def get_dataset_params(name,

    p = {
        'name': name,
        'model_type': model_type,
        'train_type': train_type,
        'test_type': test_type,
        'cam_type': cam_type

    if name == 'hinterstoisser':
        p['obj_count'] = 3
        p['scene_count'] = 3
        p['test_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['base_path'] = '/local/datasets/tlod/hinterstoisser/'
        p['im_id_pad'] = 4
        p['model_texture_mpath'] = None
        p['cam_params_path'] = p['base_path'] + 'camera.yml'

    elif name == 'rutgers':
        p['obj_count'] = 14
        p['scene_count'] = 14
        p['test_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['base_path'] = '/local/datasets/tlod/rutgers/'
        p['im_id_pad'] = 4
        p['model_texture_mpath'] = p['base_path'] + 'models/obj_{:02d}.png'
        p['cam_params_path'] = p['base_path'] + 'camera.yml'

    elif name == 'tejani':
        p['obj_count'] = 6
        p['scene_count'] = 6
        p['test_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['base_path'] = '/local/datasets/tlod/imperial/tejani/'
        p['im_id_pad'] = 4
        p['model_texture_mpath'] = None
        p['cam_params_path'] = p['base_path'] + 'camera.yml'

    elif name == 'tless':
        p['obj_count'] = 30
        p['scene_count'] = 20

        p['base_path'] = '/local/datasets/tlod/t-less/t-less_v2/'
        p['im_id_pad'] = 4
        p['model_texture_mpath'] = None

        if p['model_type'] == '': p['model_type'] = 'cad'
        if p['train_type'] == '': p['train_type'] = 'primesense'
        if p['test_type'] == '': p['test_type'] = 'primesense'
        if p['cam_type'] == '': p['cam_type'] = 'primesense'

        p['cam_params_path'] = '/home/tom/th_data/cmp/projects/t-less/' \
                               't-less_toolkit/cam/camera_' + p['cam_type'] + '.yml'

        if p['test_type'] in ['primesense', 'kinect']:
            p['test_im_size'] = (720, 540)
        elif p['test_type'] == 'canon':
            p['test_im_size'] = (2560, 1920)

    elif name == 'tudlight':
        p['obj_count'] = 3
        p['scene_count'] = 3
        p['test_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['base_path'] = '/local/datasets/tlod/dresden/tudlight/'
        p['im_id_pad'] = 5
        p['model_texture_mpath'] = None
        p['cam_params_path'] = p['base_path'] + 'camera.yml'

    models_dir = 'models' if p[
        'model_type'] == '' else 'models_' + p['model_type']
    train_dir = 'train' if p['train_type'] == '' else 'train_' + p['train_type']
    test_dir = 'test' if p['test_type'] == '' else 'test_' + p['test_type']

    # Image ID format
    im_id_f = '{:' + str(p['im_id_pad']).zfill(2) + 'd}'

    # Paths and path masks
    p['model_mpath'] = p['base_path'] + models_dir + '/obj_{:02d}.ply'
    p['models_info_path'] = p['base_path'] + models_dir + '/models_info.yml'
    p['obj_info_mpath'] = p['base_path'] + train_dir + '/{:02d}/info.yml'
    p['obj_gt_mpath'] = p['base_path'] + train_dir + '/{:02d}/gt.yml'
    p['train_rgb_mpath'] = p[
        'base_path'] + train_dir + '/{:02d}/rgb/' + im_id_f + '.png'
    p['train_depth_mpath'] = p[
        'base_path'] + train_dir + '/{:02d}/depth/' + im_id_f + '.png'

    p['scene_info_mpath'] = p['base_path'] + test_dir + '/{:02d}/info.yml'
    p['scene_gt_mpath'] = p['base_path'] + test_dir + '/{:02d}/gt.yml'
    p['test_rgb_mpath'] = p[
        'base_path'] + test_dir + '/{:02d}/rgb/' + im_id_f + '.png'
    p['test_depth_mpath'] = p[
        'base_path'] + test_dir + '/{:02d}/depth/' + im_id_f + '.png'

    p['cam'] = inout.load_cam_params(p['cam_params_path'])

    return p
Пример #5
def get_dataset_params(name,

    p = {
        'name': name,
        'model_type': model_type,
        'train_type': train_type,
        'test_type': test_type,
        'cam_type': cam_type

    # Folder with datasets
    common_base_path = '/local/datasets/tlod/'
    # common_base_path = '/datagrid/personal/hodanto2/datasets/sixd/'

    # Path to the T-LESS Toolkit (https://github.com/thodan/t-less_toolkit)
    tless_tk_path = '/home/tom/th_data/cmp/projects/t-less/t-less_toolkit/'
    # tless_tk_path = '/home.dokt/hodanto2/projects/t-less/t-less_toolkit/'

    if name == 'hinterstoisser':
        p['obj_count'] = 15
        p['scene_count'] = 15
        p['train_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['test_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['base_path'] = common_base_path + 'hinterstoisser/'
        p['im_id_pad'] = 4
        p['model_texture_mpath'] = None
        p['cam_params_path'] = p['base_path'] + 'camera.yml'

    elif name == 'tless':
        p['obj_count'] = 30
        p['scene_count'] = 20

        p['base_path'] = common_base_path + 't-less/t-less_v2/'
        p['im_id_pad'] = 4
        p['model_texture_mpath'] = None

        if p['model_type'] == '': p['model_type'] = 'cad'
        if p['train_type'] == '': p['train_type'] = 'primesense'
        if p['test_type'] == '': p['test_type'] = 'primesense'
        if p['cam_type'] == '': p['cam_type'] = 'primesense'

        p['cam_params_path'] = tless_tk_path + 'cam/camera_' + p[
            'cam_type'] + '.yml'
        if p['test_type'] in ['primesense', 'kinect']:
            p['train_im_size'] = (400, 400)
            p['test_im_size'] = (720, 540)
        elif p['test_type'] == 'canon':
            p['train_im_size'] = (1900, 1900)
            p['test_im_size'] = (2560, 1920)

    elif name == 'tudlight':
        p['obj_count'] = 3
        p['scene_count'] = 3
        p['train_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['test_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['base_path'] = common_base_path + 'tudlight/'
        p['im_id_pad'] = 5
        p['model_texture_mpath'] = None
        p['cam_params_path'] = p['base_path'] + 'camera.yml'

    elif name == 'rutgers':
        p['obj_count'] = 14
        p['scene_count'] = 14
        p['train_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['test_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['base_path'] = common_base_path + 'rutgers/'
        p['im_id_pad'] = 4
        p['model_texture_mpath'] = p['base_path'] + 'models/obj_{:02d}.png'
        p['cam_params_path'] = p['base_path'] + 'camera.yml'

    elif name == 'tejani':
        p['obj_count'] = 6
        p['scene_count'] = 6
        p['train_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['test_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['base_path'] = common_base_path + 'tejani/'
        p['im_id_pad'] = 4
        p['model_texture_mpath'] = None
        p['cam_params_path'] = p['base_path'] + 'camera.yml'

    elif name == 'doumanoglou':
        p['obj_count'] = 2
        p['scene_count'] = 3
        p['train_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['test_im_size'] = (640, 480)
        p['base_path'] = common_base_path + 'doumanoglou/'
        p['im_id_pad'] = 4
        p['model_texture_mpath'] = None
        p['cam_params_path'] = p['base_path'] + 'camera.yml'

        print('Error: Unknown SIXD dataset.')

    models_dir = 'models' if p[
        'model_type'] == '' else 'models_' + p['model_type']
    train_dir = 'train' if p['train_type'] == '' else 'train_' + p['train_type']
    test_dir = 'test' if p['test_type'] == '' else 'test_' + p['test_type']

    # Image ID format
    im_id_f = '{:' + str(p['im_id_pad']).zfill(2) + 'd}'

    # Paths and path masks
    p['model_mpath'] = p['base_path'] + models_dir + '/obj_{:02d}.ply'
    p['models_info_path'] = p['base_path'] + models_dir + '/models_info.yml'
    p['obj_info_mpath'] = p['base_path'] + train_dir + '/{:02d}/info.yml'
    p['obj_gt_mpath'] = p['base_path'] + train_dir + '/{:02d}/gt.yml'
    p['train_rgb_mpath'] = p[
        'base_path'] + train_dir + '/{:02d}/rgb/' + im_id_f + '.png'
    p['train_depth_mpath'] = p[
        'base_path'] + train_dir + '/{:02d}/depth/' + im_id_f + '.png'

    p['scene_info_mpath'] = p['base_path'] + test_dir + '/{:02d}/info.yml'
    p['scene_gt_mpath'] = p['base_path'] + test_dir + '/{:02d}/gt.yml'
    p['scene_gt_stats_mpath'] = p[
        'base_path'] + test_dir + '_gt_stats/{:02d}_delta={}.yml'
    p['test_rgb_mpath'] = p[
        'base_path'] + test_dir + '/{:02d}/rgb/' + im_id_f + '.png'
    p['test_depth_mpath'] = p[
        'base_path'] + test_dir + '/{:02d}/depth/' + im_id_f + '.png'

    p['cam'] = inout.load_cam_params(p['cam_params_path'])

    return p
Пример #6
    p = dict()
    p['name'] = 'customDataset'
    p['obj_count'] = 2
    p['scene_count'] = 2
    p['train_im_size'] = (640, 480)
    p['test_im_size'] = (640, 480)
    p['base_path'] = join('/home/meiqua/6DPose/public/datasets/', p['name'])

    p['model_mpath'] = join(p['base_path'], 'models', 'obj_{:02d}.ply')
    p['model_texture_mpath'] = join(p['base_path'], 'models', 'obj_{:02d}.png')

    p['cam_params_path'] = join(p['base_path'], 'camera.yml')
    p['cam'] = inout.load_cam_params(p['cam_params_path'])
    # Minimum required number of views on the whole view sphere. The final number of
    # views depends on the sampling method.
    min_n_views = 100

    clip_near = 10  # [mm]
    clip_far = 10000  # [mm]
    ambient_weight = 0.8  # Weight of ambient light [0, 1]
    shading = 'phong'  # 'flat', 'phong'

    # Super-sampling anti-aliasing (SSAA)
    # https://github.com/vispy/vispy/wiki/Tech.-Antialiasing
    # The RGB image is rendered at ssaa_fact times higher resolution and then
    # down-sampled to the required resolution.
    ssaa_fact = 4