def __init__(self, task_id, input_info): '''Class to handle the execution of the preprocessing job. Args: task_id (int): Current task ID. input_info (str/path): Path to the database configuration file. Raises: FileNotFoundError: If required input file is not found in database. ''' self._logger = utils.condor_logger('preprocess') self._dest_path = Path('results', str(task_id)) self._dest_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self.task_id = task_id # read database config cf = configparser.ConfigParser() cf.optionxform = str = cf self.db = SixDB(cf['db_info'].items()) db_type = cf['db_info']['db_type'] self.db_type = db_type.lower() mask_keys = list(cf['mask'].keys()) outputs ='preprocess_wu', mask_keys, where=f'task_id={self.task_id}') if not outputs[0]: content = "Data not found for preprocess task %s!" % task_id raise FileNotFoundError(content) self.madx_cfg = cf['madx'] self.mask_cfg = dict(zip(mask_keys, outputs[0])) self._decomp_templates() output_files = self.madx_cfg["output_files"] output_files = json.loads(output_files) self.madx_out = output_files self.oneturn_flag = self.madx_cfg.getboolean('oneturn') self.coll_flag = self.madx_cfg.getboolean('collimation') if self.oneturn_flag: self.six_cfg = cf['sixtrack'] self.fort_cfg = cf['fort3'] else: self.six_cfg = {} self.fort_cfg = {} if self.coll_flag: self.coll_cfg = cf['collimation'] else: self.coll_cfg = {} # close db to avoid unexpected timeouts self.db.close()
self.sixtrack_prep_job(fort_dic, source_prefix=None, output_file='fort.3') self.boinc_submit(job_name) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('task_id', type=str, help='Current work unit ID') parser.add_argument('input_info', type=str, help='Path to the db config file.') args = parser.parse_args() group_name = args.task_id task_ids = group_name.split('-') LOGGER = utils.condor_logger('sixtrack') for task_id in task_ids: job = TrackingJob(task_id, args.input_info, group_name, LOGGER) try: except Exception as e: if job.db_type == 'mysql': job_table = {} where = "task_id" job_table['status'] = 'incomplete' job_table['mtime'] = int(time.time() * 1E7) job.db.update('sixtrack_wu', job_table, where=f'task_id={job.task_id}') raise e finally: