Пример #1
    def annual_parallax(self, time_to_treat):
        """Compute the position shift due to the Earth movement. Please have a look on :
        "Resolution of the MACHO-LMC-5 Puzzle: The Jerk-Parallax Microlens Degeneracy"
        Gould, Andrew 2004. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2004ApJ...606..319G

        :param  time_to_treat: a numpy array containing the time where you want to compute this
        :return: the shift induce by the Earth motion around the Sun
        :rtype: array_like

        **WARNING** : this is a geocentric point of view.
                      slalib use MJD time definition, which is MJD = JD-2400000.5

        to_par_mjd = self.to_par - 2400000.5
        Earth_position_time_reference = slalib.sla_epv(to_par_mjd)
        Sun_position_time_reference = -Earth_position_time_reference[0]
        Sun_speed_time_reference = -Earth_position_time_reference[1]
        delta_Sun = []

        for time in time_to_treat:
            time_mjd = time - 2400000.5

            Earth_position = slalib.sla_epv(time_mjd)
            Sun_position = -Earth_position[0]
            delta_sun = Sun_position - (time_mjd - to_par_mjd) * Sun_speed_time_reference - Sun_position_time_reference


        delta_Sun = np.array(delta_Sun)

        delta_Sun_projected = np.array(
            [np.dot(delta_Sun, self.North), np.dot(delta_Sun, self.East)])

        return delta_Sun_projected
Пример #2
    def annual_parallax(self, time_to_treat):
        """Compute the position shift due to the Earth movement. Please have a look on :
        "Resolution of the MACHO-LMC-5 Puzzle: The Jerk-Parallax Microlens Degeneracy"
        Gould, Andrew 2004. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2004ApJ...606..319G

        :param  time_to_treat: a numpy array containing the time where you want to compute this
        :return: the shift induce by the Earth motion around the Sun
        :rtype: array_like

        **WARNING** : this is a geocentric point of view.
                      slalib use MJD time definition, which is MJD = JD-2400000.5

        to_par_mjd = self.to_par - 2400000.5
        Earth_position_time_reference = slalib.sla_epv(to_par_mjd)
        Sun_position_time_reference = -Earth_position_time_reference[0]
        Sun_speed_time_reference = -Earth_position_time_reference[1]
        delta_Sun = []

        for time in time_to_treat:
            time_mjd = time - 2400000.5

            Earth_position = slalib.sla_epv(time_mjd)
            Sun_position = -Earth_position[0]
            delta_sun = Sun_position - (time_mjd - to_par_mjd) * Sun_speed_time_reference - Sun_position_time_reference


        delta_Sun = np.array(delta_Sun)

        delta_Sun_projected = np.array(
            [np.dot(delta_Sun, self.North), np.dot(delta_Sun, self.East)])

        return delta_Sun_projected
Пример #3
def jd_to_hjd(t, target_position, debug=False):
    """Calculate the HJD timestamp corresponding to the JD given for the
    current event. 
        t is an astropy Time object
        target_position is a tuple of (RA, Dec) in decimal degrees
        hjd  float
    if debug == True:
        print 'TIME JD: ',t, t.jd
    # Calculate the MJD (UTC) timestamp:
    mjd_utc = t.jd - 2400000.5
    if debug == True:
        print 'TIME MJD_UTC: ',mjd_utc
    # Correct the MJD to TT:
    mjd_tt = mjd_utc2mjd_tt(mjd_utc)
    if debug == True:
        print 'TIME MJD_TT: ',mjd_tt, t.tt.jd
    # Calculate Earth's position and velocity, both heliocentric
    # and barycentric for this date
    (earth_helio_position, vh, pb, vb) = S.sla_epv( mjd_tt )
    if debug == True:
        print 'Earth Cartesian position: ',earth_helio_position
        print 'Target cartesian position: ', target_position
    # Calculate the light travel time delay from the target to 
    # the Sun:
    dv = S.sla_dvdv( earth_helio_position, target_position )            
    tcorr = dv * ( constants.au.value / constants.c.value )
    if debug == True:
        print 'TIME tcorr: ', tcorr, 's', (tcorr/60.0),'mins'
    # Calculating the HJD:
    hjd = mjd_tt + tcorr/86400.0 + 2400000.5
    if debug == True:
        print 'TIME HJD: ',hjd,'\n'

    return hjd
Пример #4
    def HJD_to_JD(self, time_to_transform):
        """Transform the input time from HJD to JD.

        :param array_like time_to_transform: the numpy array containing the time in HJD you want
        to transform in JD.
        :return: the time in JD
        :rtype: array_like
        AU = self.AU
        light_speed = self.speed_of_light

        time_correction = []
        # DTT=[]

        for time in time_to_transform:

            count = 0
            jd = np.copy(time)

            while count < 3:
                Earth_position = slalib.sla_epv(jd)
                Sun_position = -Earth_position[0]

                Sun_angles = slalib.sla_dcc2s(Sun_position)
                target_angles_in_the_sky = self.target_angles_in_the_sky

                Time_correction = np.sqrt(
                    Sun_position[0] ** 2 + Sun_position[1] ** 2 + Sun_position[
                        2] ** 2) * AU / light_speed * (
                                      np.sin(Sun_angles[1]) * np.sin(
                                          target_angles_in_the_sky[1]) + np.cos(
                                          Sun_angles[1]) * np.cos(
                                          target_angles_in_the_sky[1]) * np.cos(
                                          target_angles_in_the_sky[0] - Sun_angles[0])) / (
                                      3600 * 24.0)
                count = count + 1

        # DTT.append(slalib.sla_dtt(jd)/(3600*24))

        JD = time_to_transform + np.array(time_correction)

        return JD
Пример #5
def jd_to_hjd(t, target_position, debug=False):
    """Calculate the HJD timestamp corresponding to the JD given for the
    current event.
        t is an astropy Time object
        target_position is a tuple of (RA, Dec) in decimal degrees
        hjd  float

    if debug == True:
        print('TIME JD: ', t, t.jd)

    # Calculate the MJD (UTC) timestamp:
    mjd_utc = t.jd - 2400000.5
    if debug == True:
        print('TIME MJD_UTC: ', mjd_utc)

    # Correct the MJD to TT:
    mjd_tt = mjd_utc2mjd_tt(mjd_utc)
    if debug == True:
        print('TIME MJD_TT: ', mjd_tt, t.tt.jd)

    # Calculate Earth's position and velocity, both heliocentric
    # and barycentric for this date
    (earth_helio_position, vh, pb, vb) = S.sla_epv(mjd_tt)
    if debug == True:
        print('Earth Cartesian position: ', earth_helio_position)
        print('Target cartesian position: ', target_position)

    # Calculate the light travel time delay from the target to
    # the Sun:
    dv = S.sla_dvdv(earth_helio_position, target_position)
    tcorr = dv * (constants.au.value / constants.c.value)

    if debug == True:
        print('TIME tcorr: ', tcorr, 's', (tcorr / 60.0), 'mins')

    # Calculating the HJD:
    hjd = mjd_tt + tcorr / 86400.0 + 2400000.5
    if debug == True:
        print('TIME HJD: ', hjd, '\n')

    return hjd
Пример #6
    def HJD_to_JD(self, time_to_transform):
        """Transform the input time from HJD to JD.

        :param array_like time_to_transform: the numpy array containing the time in HJD you want
        to transform in JD.
        :return: the time in JD
        :rtype: array_like
        AU = self.AU
        light_speed = self.speed_of_light

        time_correction = []
        # DTT=[]

        for time in time_to_transform:

            count = 0
            jd = np.copy(time)

            while count < 3:
                Earth_position = slalib.sla_epv(jd)
                Sun_position = -Earth_position[0]

                Sun_angles = slalib.sla_dcc2s(Sun_position)
                target_angles_in_the_sky = self.target_angles_in_the_sky

                Time_correction = np.sqrt(
                    Sun_position[0] ** 2 + Sun_position[1] ** 2 + Sun_position[
                        2] ** 2) * AU / light_speed * (
                                      np.sin(Sun_angles[1]) * np.sin(
                                          target_angles_in_the_sky[1]) + np.cos(
                                          Sun_angles[1]) * np.cos(
                                          target_angles_in_the_sky[1]) * np.cos(
                                          target_angles_in_the_sky[0] - Sun_angles[0])) / (
                                      3600 * 24.0)
                count = count + 1

        # DTT.append(slalib.sla_dtt(jd)/(3600*24))

        JD = time_to_transform + np.array(time_correction)

        return JD