Пример #1
 def test_btor_get_non_bool_value(self):
     with Solver(name="btor") as s:
         x = Symbol("x", BVType(16))
         s.add_assertion(Equals(x, BV(1, 16)))
         self.assertEqual(s.get_value(Equals(x, BV(1, 16))), TRUE())
         self.assertEqual(s.get_value(BVAdd(x, BV(1, 16))), BV(2, 16))
def overlaps(i,j):
    Returns True if two instructions i,j overlap in their encoding.

    TODO: Add operand constraints into the solver formula.
    if(i.pseudo or j.pseudo):
        return False

    instr   = Symbol("instr"    , BVType(width=ILEN))
    imask   = Symbol("imask"    , BVType(width=ILEN))
    imatch  = Symbol("imatch"   , BVType(width=ILEN))
    jmask   = Symbol("jmask"    , BVType(width=ILEN))
    jmatch  = Symbol("jmatch"   , BVType(width=ILEN))

    domains = And([
        EQ(imask , BV(i.mask() ,width=ILEN)),
        EQ(imatch, BV(i.match(),width=ILEN)),
        EQ(jmask , BV(j.mask() ,width=ILEN)),
        EQ(jmatch, BV(j.match(),width=ILEN))

    problem = And([
        EQ(instr & imask, imatch),
        EQ(instr & jmask, jmatch)

    formula = And(domains, problem)

    return is_sat(formula)
Пример #3
    def Orr(in_, out):
        # INVAR: (in = 0) -> (out = 0) & (in != 0) -> (out = 1)
        vars_ = [in_, out]
        comment = "Orr (in, out) = (%s, %s)" % (tuple(
            [x.symbol_name() for x in vars_]))
        Logger.log(comment, 3)

        if (in_.symbol_type() == BOOL) and (out.symbol_type() == BOOL):
            invar = EqualsOrIff(in_, out)

            if out.symbol_type() == BOOL:
                out0 = Not(out)
                out1 = out
                out0 = EqualsOrIff(out, BV(0, 1))
                out1 = EqualsOrIff(out, BV(1, 1))

            true_res = Implies(
                EqualsOrIff(in_, BV(0,
                                    in_.symbol_type().width)), out0)
            false_res = Implies(
                Not(EqualsOrIff(in_, BV(0,
                                        in_.symbol_type().width))), out1)

            invar = And(true_res, false_res)

        ts = TS(comment)
        ts.vars, ts.invar = set(vars_), invar
        return ts
Пример #4
    def Mux(in0, in1, sel, out):
        # if Modules.functional
        # INVAR: out' = Ite(sel = 0, in0, in1)
        # else
        # INVAR: ((sel = 0) -> (out = in0)) & ((sel = 1) -> (out = in1))
        vars_ = [in0, in1, sel, out]
        comment = "Mux (in0, in1, sel, out) = (%s, %s, %s, %s)" % (tuple(
            [x.symbol_name() for x in vars_]))
        Logger.log(comment, 3)

        if sel.symbol_type() == BOOL:
            sel0 = Not(sel)
            sel1 = sel
            sel0 = EqualsOrIff(sel, BV(0, 1))
            sel1 = EqualsOrIff(sel, BV(1, 1))

        if Modules.functional:
            invar = And(EqualsOrIff(out, Ite(sel0, in0, in1)))
            invar = And(Implies(sel0, EqualsOrIff(in0, out)),
                        Implies(sel1, EqualsOrIff(in1, out)))

        ts = TS(comment)
        ts.vars, ts.invar = set(vars_), invar
        return ts
Пример #5
    def Neq(in0, in1, out):
        # INVAR: (((in0 != in1) -> (out = #b1)) & ((in0 == in1) -> (out = #b0)))
        vars_ = [in0, in1, out]
        comment = "Eq (in0, in1, out) = (%s, %s, %s)" % (tuple(
            [x.symbol_name() for x in vars_]))
        Logger.log(comment, 3)

        # TODO: Create functional encoding
        if Modules.functional:
            if out.symbol_type() == BOOL:
                invar = EqualsOrIff(out, Not(EqualsOrIff(in0, in1)))
                invar = EqualsOrIff(out, BVNot(BVComp(in0, in1)))
            eq = EqualsOrIff(in0, in1)

            if out.symbol_type() == BOOL:
                out0 = Not(out)
                out1 = out
                out0 = EqualsOrIff(out, BV(0, 1))
                out1 = EqualsOrIff(out, BV(1, 1))

            invar = And(Implies(Not(eq), out1), Implies(eq, out0))

        ts = TS(comment)
        ts.vars, ts.invar = set(vars_), invar
        return ts
Пример #6
    def resize_bvs(self, formula):
        """ Resize the bitvector variables wrt to the maximum domain size """
        subs_map = {}
        for (fvar, max_value) in self.fvars_maxval.iteritems():
            old_enc_var = self.fvars2encvars.lookup_a(fvar)
            bv_size = self.get_size(max_value+1)
            new_enc_var = FreshSymbol(BVType(bv_size))

            self.fvars2encvars.add(fvar, new_enc_var)

            val2val = self.fvars2values[fvar]

            for i in range(max_value + 1):
                old_value = BV(i, SymbolicGrounding.MAX_BV)
                new_value = BV(i, bv_size)

                fval = val2val.lookup_b(old_value)
                val2val.add(fval, new_value)

                old_f = Equals(old_enc_var,  old_value)
                new_f = Equals(new_enc_var,  new_value)
                subs_map[old_f] = new_f

        formula = substitute(formula, subs_map)
        return formula
Пример #7
def make_bv(val, typ):
    if isinstance(val, int):
        val = BV(val, typ.width)
        val = simplify(val)
    assert val.get_type() == typ
    return val
Пример #8
    def Clock(clk):
        # INIT: clk = 0
        # TRANS: clk' = !clk
        comment = "Clock (clk) = (" + clk.symbol_name() + ")"

        if clk.symbol_type() == BOOL:
            clk0 = Not(clk)
            clk1 = clk
            clk0 = EqualsOrIff(clk, BV(0, 1))
            clk1 = EqualsOrIff(clk, BV(1, 1))

        init = clk0

        invar = TRUE()

        if False:
            trans = EqualsOrIff(clk0, TS.to_next(clk1))
            # Implementation that leverages on the boolean propagation
            trans1 = Implies(clk0, TS.to_next(clk1))
            trans2 = Implies(clk1, TS.to_next(clk0))
            trans = And(trans1, trans2)

        if Modules.abstract_clock:
            invar = clk0
            init = TRUE()
            trans = TRUE()

        ts = TS(comment)
        ts.vars, ts.state_vars = set([clk]), set([clk])
        ts.set_behavior(init, trans, invar)
        return ts
Пример #9
 def Negedge(self, x):
     if get_type(x).is_bool_type():
         if (self.encoder_config is not None) and (self.encoder_config.abstract_clock):
             return Not(x)
         return And(x, Not(TS.to_next(x)))
     if (self.encoder_config is not None) and (self.encoder_config.abstract_clock):
         return EqualsOrIff(x, BV(0,1))
     return And(BV2B(x), EqualsOrIff(TS.to_next(x), BV(0,1)))
Пример #10
 def Posedge(self, x):
     if get_type(x).is_bool_type():
         if (self.encoder_config is not None) and (self.encoder_config.abstract_clock):
             return x
         return And(Not(x), TS.to_next(x))
     if (self.encoder_config is not None) and (self.encoder_config.abstract_clock):
         return EqualsOrIff(x, BV(1,1))
     return And(EqualsOrIff(x, BV(0,1)), BV2B(TS.to_next(x)))
Пример #11
    def MemAcc(self, left, right):
        ltype = left.get_type()
        assert ltype.is_array_type()

        if right.is_constant() and right.get_type().is_int_type():
            right = BV(right.constant_value(), ltype.index_type.width)

        return Select(left, right)
Пример #12
    def __recombine_constants(self, first, second, zeros, ones):

        inds_z0 = []
        inds_o0 = []
        inds_z1 = []
        inds_o1 = []

        if zeros is not None:
            inds_z0 = [i[0] for i in zeros if i[0] is not None]
            inds_z1 = [i[1] for i in zeros if i[1] is not None]
        if ones is not None:
            inds_o0 = [i[0] for i in ones if i[0] is not None]
            inds_o1 = [i[1] for i in ones if i[1] is not None]

        c_inds0 = list(set(inds_z0 + inds_o0))
        c_inds1 = list(set(inds_z1 + inds_o1))

        if (len(c_inds0) > 1) and (len(c_inds1) == 0):

            min_1 = min(c_inds0)
            max_1 = max(c_inds0)

            if len(c_inds0) == ((max_1 - min_1) + 1):

                inds_z = [(i, 0) for i in inds_z0]
                inds_o = [(i, 1) for i in inds_o0]
                inds = inds_z + inds_o
                value = [str(v[1]) for v in inds]
                bvval = bin_to_dec("".join(value))

                bvlen = len(c_inds0)
                new_second = BV(bvval, bvlen)
                return (first, new_second, ((min_1, max_1), (0, bvlen - 1)))

        return (first, second, None)

        # Bit Constant e.g. var[0] = 0, var[1] = 0, ...
        if (second.is_symbol()):
            return (first, second, None)

        if (len(inds_1) > 1) and (len(inds_2) == 0):

            min_1 = min(inds_1)
            max_1 = max(inds_1)

            if len(inds_1) == ((max_1 - min_1) + 1):
                val = second.constant_value()
                bvlen = len(inds_1)
                bvval = val if val == 0 else (2**bvlen) - 1
                new_second = BV(bvval, bvlen)
                return (first, new_second, ((min_1, max_1), (0, bvlen - 1)))

        return (first, second, None)
Пример #13
def scan_const5_f(scan_var_5):
    if 16 not in og_design_free_vars:
        og_design_free_vars[16] = Symbol("x_max_og_design", BVType(16))
    x16 = og_design_free_vars[16]
    x76 = BV(1, 16)
    x77 = BVSubExtend(x16, x76)
    x78 = BVEqualsExtend(scan_var_5, x77)
    x79 = BV(0, 16)
    x80 = BV(1, 16)
    x81 = BVAddExtend(scan_var_5, x80)
    x82 = IteExtend(x78, x79, x81)
    return x82
Пример #14
def scan_const10_f(scan_var_10):
    if 16 not in op_design_free_vars:
        op_design_free_vars[16] = Symbol("x_max_op_design", BVType(16))
    x16 = op_design_free_vars[16]
    x40 = BV(1, 16)
    x41 = BVSubExtend(x16, x40)
    x42 = BVEqualsExtend(scan_var_10, x41)
    x43 = BV(0, 16)
    x44 = BV(1, 16)
    x45 = BVAddExtend(scan_var_10, x44)
    x46 = IteExtend(x42, x43, x45)
    return x46
Пример #15
 def Andr(in_, out):
     # INVAR: (in = 2**width - 1) -> (out = 1) & (in != 2**width - 1) -> (out = 0)
     vars_ = [in_, out]
     comment = "Andr (in, out) = (%s, %s)"%(tuple([x.symbol_name() for x in vars_]))
     Logger.log(comment, 3)
     width = in_.symbol_type().width
     eq_all_ones = EqualsOrIff(in_, BV(2**width - 1,width))
     true_res = Implies(eq_all_ones, EqualsOrIff(out, BV(1,1)))
     false_res = Implies(Not(eq_all_ones), EqualsOrIff(out, BV(0,1)))
     invar = And(true_res, false_res)
     ts = TS(comment)
     ts.vars, ts.invar = set(vars_), invar
     return ts
Пример #16
    def test_complex_types(self):
        with self.assertRaises(PysmtTypeError):
            # Not(Store(Array<Real,BV8>(8d_0), 1.0, 8d_5) =
            #     Store(Array<Int,BV8>(8d_0), 1, 8d_5))
                Equals(Store(Array(REAL, BV(0, 8)), Real(1), BV(5, 8)),
                       Store(Array(INT, BV(0, 8)), Int(1), BV(5, 8))))

        nested_a = Symbol("a_arb_aii",
                          ArrayType(ArrayType(REAL, BV8), ARRAY_INT_INT))
        with self.assertRaises(PysmtTypeError):
            # This is wrong, because the first elemnt of Array must be a Type
            Equals(nested_a, Array(Array(REAL, BV(0, 8)), Array(INT, Int(7))))
Пример #17
def scan_const7_f(scan_var_7):
    x53 = scan_const5
    if 16 not in og_design_free_vars:
        og_design_free_vars[16] = Symbol("x_max_og_design", BVType(16))
    x16 = og_design_free_vars[16]
    x54 = BV(1, 16)
    x55 = BVSubExtend(x16, x54)
    x56 = BVEqualsExtend(x53, x55)
    x57 = BV(0, 16)
    if 18 not in og_design_free_vars:
        og_design_free_vars[18] = Symbol("x_stride_og_design", BVType(16))
    x18 = og_design_free_vars[18]
    x58 = BVAddExtend(scan_var_7, x18)
    x59 = IteExtend(x56, x57, x58)
    return x59
Пример #18
def mem_access(addr, locations, width_idx, idx=0):
    first_loc = min(2**width_idx, len(locations)) - 1
    ite_chain = locations[first_loc]
    for i in reversed(range(0, first_loc)):
        location = BV(i, width_idx)
        ite_chain = Ite(EqualsOrIff(addr, location), locations[i], ite_chain)
    return ite_chain
Пример #19
def main():
    # example = counter(4)

    # bmcind = BMCInduction(example[0])
    # pdr = PDR(example[0])

    # for prop in example[1]:
    #     bmcind.check_property(prop)
    #     pdr.check_property(prop)
    #     print("")

    from pysmt.typing import BVType
    x = Symbol("x", BVType(4))
    xprime = next_var(x)
    y = Symbol("y", BVType(4))
    yprime = next_var(y)
    var = [x, y]
    nvar = [xprime, yprime]
    init = x.Equals(0) & y.Equals(1)
    trans = xprime.Equals(x.Equals(15).Ite(BV(
        15, 4), x + 1)) & yprime.Equals(x + y.BVULT(y).Ite(y, x + y))
    prop = y.BVUGT(0)
    system = TransitionSystem(var, init, trans)
    bmcind = BMCInduction(system)
    pdr = PDR(system)
Пример #20
    def test_normalization(self):
        from pysmt.environment import Environment

        env2 = Environment()
        mgr2 = env2.formula_manager

        ty = ArrayType(BOOL, REAL)
        x = FreshSymbol(ty)
        fty = FunctionType(BOOL, (ty, ))
        f = FreshSymbol(fty)
        g = Function(f, (x, ))
        self.assertNotIn(g, mgr2)
        g2 = mgr2.normalize(g)
        self.assertIn(g2, mgr2)
        # Since the types are from two different environments, they
        # should be different.
        x2 = g2.arg(0)
        ty2 = x2.symbol_type()
        self.assertFalse(ty2 is ty, ty)
        fname = g2.function_name()
        fty2 = fname.symbol_type()
        self.assertFalse(fty2 is fty, fty)

        # Test ArrayValue
        h = Array(BVType(4), BV(0, 4))
        h2 = mgr2.normalize(h)
        self.assertFalse(h.array_value_index_type() is \
Пример #21
    def get_domain_formula(self):
        """ Returns the formula that encodes the domains of each
        variable in the encoding.

        Note: the size of the BV is not enough.
        domain = TRUE_PYSMT()
        for (fvar, max_value) in self.fvars_maxval.iteritems():
            enc_var = self.fvars2encvars.lookup_a(fvar)
            bv_size = self.get_size(max_value+1)
            # WARNING: must use the unsigned comparison of bitvectors
            lb = BVUGE(enc_var, BV(self.init_val, bv_size))
            ub = BVULE(enc_var, BV(max_value, bv_size))

            domain = And(domain, And(ub,lb))

        return domain
Пример #22
    def get_sts(self, params):
        if len(params) != len(self.interface.split()):
            Logger.error("Invalid parameters for clock behavior \"%s\"" %
        clk = params[0]
        valuepar = params[1]

        if (not type(clk) == FNode) or (not clk.is_symbol()):
            Logger.error("Clock symbol \"%s\" not found" % (str(clk)))

        if (type(valuepar) == FNode) and (valuepar.is_bv_constant()):
            value = valuepar.constant_value()
                value = int(valuepar)
                    "Clock value should be an integer number instead of \"%s\""
                    % valuepar)

        init = []
        invar = []
        trans = []
        vars = set([])

        if clk.symbol_type().is_bv_type():
            pos_clk = EqualsOrIff(clk, BV(1, 1))
            neg_clk = EqualsOrIff(clk, BV(0, 1))
            pos_clk = clk
            neg_clk = Not(clk)

        if value == 1:

        ts = TS("Clock Behavior")
        ts.vars, ts.init, ts.invar, ts.trans = vars, And(init), And(
            invar), And(trans)

            "Adding clock behavior \"%s(%s)\"" %
            (self.name, ", ".join([str(p) for p in params])), 1)

        return ts
Пример #23
    def get_behavior(self, input_var, output_var):
        vartype = get_type(output_var)
        if vartype.is_bool_type():
            return FALSE()

        assert vartype.is_bv_type()
        return BV(0, vartype.width)
Пример #24
 def test_btor_bitwidth_bug_in_shift(self):
     # (384, 384, 9)
     # (x69 >> 1_384)
     s = Solver(name="btor")
     x69 = Symbol("x69", BVType(384))
     # BVLShr
     f = BVLShr(x69, BV(1, 384))
     c = s.converter.convert(f)
     # BVLShl
     f = BVLShl(x69, BV(1, 384))
     c = s.converter.convert(f)
     # BVAShr
     f = BVAShr(x69, BV(1, 384))
     c = s.converter.convert(f)
Пример #25
    def Const(out, value):
        if value is None:
            return None
        if out.symbol_type() == BOOL:
            const = TRUE() if value == 1 else FALSE()
            const = BV(value, out.symbol_type().width)

        return (out, const)
Пример #26
    def get_behavior(self, input_var, output_var):
        vartype = get_type(output_var)
        if vartype.is_bool_type():
            return TRUE()

        assert vartype.is_bv_type()

        width = vartype.width
        return BV((2**width)-1, width)
Пример #27
 def all_binary(self):
     for l in self.all_bv_numbers():
         for r in self.all_bv_numbers():
             for op in self.bin_operators:
                     self.check(op(l, r))
                 except AssertionError:
                     if op in [BVUDiv, BVSDiv] and r == BV(0, r.bv_width()):
                         print("Warning: Division value mismatch.")
                         print(l, op, r)
Пример #28
    def Dec2BV(self, left, right):
        if right.is_int_constant():
            size = right.constant_value()
            size = get_type(right).width

        if not left.is_int_constant():
            Logger.error("Left argument of dec2bv should be a number")

        return BV(left.constant_value(), size)
Пример #29
 def test_parse_bvx_var(self):
     """bvX is a valid identifier."""
     smtlib_input = """
     (declare-fun bv1 () (_ BitVec 8))
     (assert (bvult (_ bv0 8) (bvmul (bvadd bv1 (_ bv1 8)) (_ bv5 8))))
     parser = SmtLibParser()
     buffer_ = cStringIO(smtlib_input)
     script = parser.get_script(buffer_)
     # Check Parsed result
     iscript = iter(script)
     cmd = next(iscript)
     self.assertEqual(cmd.name, DECLARE_FUN)
     bv1 = cmd.args[0]
     self.assertEqual(bv1.symbol_type().width, 8)
     cmd = next(iscript)
     parsed_f = cmd.args[0]
     target_f = BVULT(BV(0, 8), BVMul(BVAdd(bv1, BV(1, 8)), BV(5, 8)))
     self.assertEqual(parsed_f, target_f)
Пример #30
def generate_constraint_for_input_partition(input_partition):
    formula = None
    for var_name in input_partition:
        sym_array = Symbol(var_name, ArrayType(BV32, BV8))
        sym_var = BVConcat(
            Select(sym_array, BV(3, 32)),
                Select(sym_array, BV(2, 32)),
                BVConcat(Select(sym_array, BV(1, 32)),
                         Select(sym_array, BV(0, 32)))))
        constant_info = input_partition[var_name]
        upper_bound = int(constant_info['upper-bound'])
        lower_bound = int(constant_info['lower-bound'])
        sub_formula = And(BVSGE(SBV(upper_bound, 32), sym_var),
                          BVSLE(SBV(lower_bound, 32), sym_var))
        if formula is None:
            formula = sub_formula
            formula = And(formula, sub_formula)
    return formula