def choose_file(self): """ Opens a file dialog and sets the file text box to the chosen path """ from pyspec.spec import SpecDataFile filename, _ = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Open file', os.path.expanduser('~')) self.filename.setText(str(filename)) self.SPECfile = SpecDataFile(self.get_filename()) self.spectra = self.SPECfile.findex.keys() self.scanmin.setText(str(self.spectra[0])) self.scanmax.setText(str(self.spectra[-1]))
def compute(self): spec_params = self.get_input("spec_file_params") spec_file_root = spec_params.spec_file_root data_folder_path = spec_params.data_folder_path scan_no = spec_params.scan_number print spec_file_root print data_folder_path sf = SpecDataFile(spec_file_root, ccdpath=data_folder_path) scan = sf[scan_no] fp = FileProcessor(spec=scan) fp.process() arr_2d_stack = fp.getImage() self.set_output("spec_img_stack", arr_2d_stack) self.set_output("spec_file", self) self.fp = fp self.sf = sf self.scan = scan
class ImportDialog(BaseImportDialog): """Dialog to import SPEC Scans""" def __init__(self, parent=None): super(ImportDialog, self).__init__(parent) self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.layout.addLayout(self.filebox()) self.layout.addLayout(self.scanbox()) self.layout.addWidget(self.buttonbox()) self.setLayout(self.layout) self.setWindowTitle("Import "+str(filetype)) def scanbox(self): scanbox = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() scanminlabel = QtGui.QLabel("Min. Scan") self.scanmin = QtGui.QLineEdit() self.scanmin.setFixedWidth(100) self.scanmin.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight) scanmaxlabel = QtGui.QLabel("Max. Scan") self.scanmax = QtGui.QLineEdit() self.scanmax.setFixedWidth(100) self.scanmax.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight) scanbox.addWidget(scanminlabel) scanbox.addWidget(self.scanmin) scanbox.addWidget(scanmaxlabel) scanbox.addWidget(self.scanmax) return scanbox def choose_file(self): """ Opens a file dialog and sets the file text box to the chosen path """ from pyspec.spec import SpecDataFile filename, _ = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Open file', os.path.expanduser('~')) self.filename.setText(str(filename)) self.SPECfile = SpecDataFile(self.get_filename()) self.spectra = self.SPECfile.findex.keys() self.scanmin.setText(str(self.spectra[0])) self.scanmax.setText(str(self.spectra[-1])) def get_spectra(self): try: specrange = sorted([int(self.scanmin.text()), int(self.scanmax.text())]) specmin = self.spectra.index(specrange[0]) specmax = self.spectra.index(specrange[1]) + 1 return specmin, specmax except ValueError(error_message): QtGui.QMessageBox.critical( self, "Invalid spectra", str(error_message), QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok, QtGui.QMessageBox.NoButton) def get_data(self): root = NXroot() specmin, specmax = self.get_spectra() for i in self.spectra[0:specmax]: scan = self.SPECfile.getScan(i) if i < self.spectra[specmin]: continue title, entry, scan_type, cols, axis = self.parse_scan(scan) root[entry] = NXentry() root[entry].title = title root[entry].comments = scan.comments root[entry].data = NXdata() if isinstance(axis,list): scan_shape = (axis[1][1].size, axis[0][1].size) scan_size = j = 0 for col in cols: root[entry].data[col] = NXfield(reshape_data([:,j], scan_shape)) j += 1 else: j = 0 for col in cols: root[entry].data[col] = NXfield([:,j]) j += 1 root[entry].data.nxsignal = root[entry].data[cols[-1]] root[entry].data.errors = NXfield(np.sqrt(root[entry].data.nxsignal)) if isinstance(axis,list): root[entry].data[axis[0][0]] = axis[0][1] root[entry].data[axis[1][0]] = axis[1][1] root[entry].data.nxaxes = [root[entry].data[axis[1][0]], root[entry].data[axis[0][0]]] else: root[entry].data.nxaxes = root[entry].data[axis] return root def parse_scan(self, scan): title = scan.header.splitlines()[0] words = title.split() scan_number = 's%s' % words[1] scan_type = words[2] cols = [lower(col.replace(' ', '_')) for col in scan.cols] axis = cols[0] try: if scan_type == "hscan": axis = 'H' elif scan_type == "kscan": axis = 'K' elif scan_type == "lscan": axis = 'L' elif scan_type == "hklscan": Hstart, Hend, Kstart, Kend, Lstart, Lend = words[3:8] if Hstart <> Hend: axis = 'H' elif Kstart <> Kend: axis = 'K' else: axis = 'L' elif scan_type == "hklmesh": Q0, Q0start, Q0end, NQ0 = words[3], float(words[4]), float(words[5]), int(words[6])+1 Q1, Q1start, Q1end, NQ1 = words[7], float(words[8]), float(words[9]), int(words[10])+1 axis = [(Q0, np.linspace(Q0start, Q0end, NQ0)), (Q1, np.linspace(Q1end, Q1start, NQ1))] else: if words[3] in motors.keys(): axis = motors[words[3]] finally: return title, scan_number, scan_type, cols, axis