Пример #1
 def __init__(self, name, svn_root, svn_username, svn_password,
     self.name = name
     self.svn_root = svn_root
     self.svn_username = svn_username
     self.svn_password = svn_password
     self.client = Client()
     self.client.callback_get_login = self._credentials
     self.parser = ConfigParser()
     self.config_file = config_file
Пример #2
def testPythonSvn():
    log = logging.getLogger("testPythonSvn")
        'If this script immediately exists with "Segmentation fault" or "Illegal instruction", see http://wiki/wiki/python-svn'
    c = Client()
        c.mkdir('svn+ssh://svn/wm/sandbox/bug25523', 'testing mkdir')
    except ClientError:
        # already exists
Пример #3
def checkout_v8():
    if svn_name:
        print("INFO: we will try to update v8 to %s at <%s>" %
              (svn_name, V8_SVN_URL))
            "INFO: we will try to checkout and build a private v8 build from <%s>."
            % V8_SVN_URL)

    print("=" * 20)
    print("INFO: Checking out or Updating Google V8 code from SVN...\n")

    update_code = os.path.isdir(V8_HOME) and os.path.exists(
        os.path.join(V8_HOME, 'include', 'v8.h'))

        from pysvn import Client, Revision, opt_revision_kind

        svnClient = Client()
        rev = Revision(opt_revision_kind.number,
                       V8_SVN_REVISION) if V8_SVN_REVISION else Revision(

        if update_code:
            r = svnClient.update(V8_HOME, revision=rev)
            r = svnClient.checkout(V8_SVN_URL, V8_HOME, revision=rev)

        if r: return

        print("ERROR: Failed to export from V8 svn repository")
    except ImportError:
        #print "WARN: could not import pysvn. Ensure you have the pysvn package installed."
        #print "      on debian/ubuntu, this is called 'python-svn'; on Fedora/RHEL, this is called 'pysvn'."

            "INFO: we will try to use the system 'svn' command to checkout/update V8 code"

    if update_code:
        args = ["svn", "up", V8_HOME]

        args = ["svn", "co", V8_SVN_URL, V8_HOME]

        args += ['-r', str(V8_SVN_REVISION)]

    cmdline = ' '.join(args)

    exec_cmd(cmdline, "checkout or update Google V8 code from SVN")
Пример #4
def makemovie(url, size):
    client = Client()
    images = []
    r1 = ""
    log = client.log(url)
    versions = sorted([l['revision'].number for l in log])

    for rev in versions:
        (r2, diff) = getrev(client, url, rev)
        if r2 and not diff:
            #really wish I had multiple dispatch here
            images.append(gen_one(r2, size))
        elif r2 and diff:
            images.extend(gen_diff(r1, r2, diff, size))
        r1 = r2
        raw_input('<enter> to continue')
Пример #5
    def checkout_v8(self):
        update_code = os.path.isdir(V8_HOME) and os.path.exists(
            os.path.join(V8_HOME, 'include', 'v8.h'))

            from pysvn import Client, Revision, opt_revision_kind

            svnClient = Client()
            rev = Revision(opt_revision_kind.number,
                           V8_SVN_REVISION) if V8_SVN_REVISION else Revision(

            if update_code:
                r = svnClient.update(V8_HOME, revision=rev)
                r = svnClient.checkout(V8_SVN_URL, V8_HOME, revision=rev)

            if r: return

            print "ERROR: Failed to export from V8 svn repository"
        except ImportError:
            #print "WARN: could not import pysvn. Ensure you have the pysvn package installed."
            #print "      on debian/ubuntu, this is called 'python-svn'; on Fedora/RHEL, this is called 'pysvn'."

            print "INFO: we will try to use the system 'svn' command to checkout/update V8 code"

        if update_code:
            args = ["svn", "up", V8_HOME]

            args = ["svn", "co", V8_SVN_URL, V8_HOME]

        if V8_SVN_REVISION:
            args += ['-r', str(V8_SVN_REVISION)]

            proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr)


            if proc.returncode != 0:
                print "WARN: fail to checkout or update Google v8 code from SVN, error code: ", proc.returncode
        except Exception, e:
            print "ERROR: fail to invoke 'svn' command, please install it first: %s" % e
Пример #6
def unrelease(project, version, options):
    """Undoes the project release for the specified project/version"""

    log = logging.getLogger("unrelease")

    client = Client()

    # calculate version with and without patch number
    matchPatch = re.compile(r'([1-9][0-9.]+)p([1-9][0-9.]*)')
    m = matchPatch.match(version)
    if m:
        baseVersion = m.group(1)
        fullVersion = version
        patch = m.group(2)
        baseVersion = version
        fullVersion = version
        patch = None

    basePath = '/ext/build/%s/%s' % (project, baseVersion)
    releaseLinkPath = basePath + '/releases/' + fullVersion
    if not os.path.exists(releaseLinkPath):
        raise Exception('Could not find link to release %s for %s at %s' %
                        (version, project, releaseLinkPath))

    # get canonical path
    releasePath = os.path.realpath(releaseLinkPath)

    # sanity check
    if releasePath.find('releases') == -1:
        raise Exception(
            'Symlink %s in releases directory points to non-release path %s - something is wrong. You'
            'll have to fix that manually.' % (releaseLinkPath, releasePath))
    # Determine if this is SVN or git
    scmgit = False
    scmsvn = False
    if os.path.exists(releasePath + '/git-checkout.log'):
        scmgit = True
        if os.path.exists(releasePath + '/svn-checkout.log'):
            scmsvn = True
            raise Exception('Could not determine SVN or GIT')

    # get timestamp name
    timestamp = getTimestamp(releasePath)

    snapPath = basePath + '/snap/' + timestamp

    # remove existing best link, decide whether to fix it at the end
    # logic here is:
    #  - if we are told not to modify best, don't.
    #  - otherwise, if best link doesn't exists
    #     or if it exists and points to this build
    #     or if it points nowhere
    #    then fix it to point to the snapshot after we've moved it.
    updateBest = False
    bestLinkPath = basePath + '/best'
    if options.best:
        if (not os.path.exists(bestLinkPath)
                or os.path.realpath(bestLinkPath) == releasePath
                or (not os.path.exists(os.path.realpath(bestLinkPath)))):
            log.info('removing old best link')
            ssh('rm -f ' + bestLinkPath, options)
            updateBest = True

    log.info('Removing release links')
    cmd = 'rm /ext/build/%s/%s/releases/%s' % (project, baseVersion,
    ssh(cmd, options)
    cmd = 'rm /ext/build/%s/releases/%s' % (project, fullVersion)
    ssh(cmd, options)

    # get tag path
    if scmsvn:
        tagUrl = getFileContents(log, releasePath + '/TAG')
        log.info("tag URL is '%s'" % (tagUrl))

        # delete tag
        log.info('deleting SVN tag')
        msg = 'Removing tag from reversed release of project %s, version %s' % (
            project, version)
        escapedMessage = msg.replace("'", "\\'")
        shell('svn rm %s -m \'%s\'' % (tagUrl, escapedMessage), options)

        # write UNTAG file, remove TAG file
        log.info('removing TAG file, writing to UNTAG file')
        cmd = "rm %s/TAG ; echo '%s' >> %s/UNTAG" % (releasePath, tagUrl,
        ssh(cmd, options)
    if scmgit:
        cmd = 'ssh git@git deltag ' + project + ' ' + version
            shell(cmd, options)
        except ShellException, e:
            raise Exception(
                'Something went wrong with the deltag command. Check the log to see what the error was'
Пример #7
def release(project, version, build, options):
    """Release a project/version"""

    log = logging.getLogger("release")
    log.info('Beginning release')

    client = Client()

    # Check to make sure version will be legal as a tag
    reg = re.compile('[-a-zA-Z0-9_.]+')
    for x in range(len(version)):
        if reg.match(version[x]) == None:
            raise Exception(
                "The version specified has characters that are not legal for setting a tag."

    basePath = '/ext/build/' + project + '/' + version

    # resolve path to snapshot

    if (build == 'best'):
        log.info("Resolving best link:")
        log.info("Resolving link to snapshot '%s':" % (build))

    if build:
        # try snapshot first
        snapPath = basePath + '/snap/' + build
        snapSource = 'SNAP'
        if not os.path.exists(snapPath):
            # try tinderbuilds
            snapPath = basePath + '/tinderbuilds/' + build
            snapSource = 'TINDERBUILD'
        if not os.path.exists(snapPath):
            # try base
            snapPath = basePath + '/' + build
            snapSource = 'BASE'

        if not os.path.exists(snapPath):
            raise Exception("Could not find specified build %s for %s %s" %
                            (build, project, version))
        snapPath = basePath + '/best'
        snapSource = 'BEST'
        if not os.path.exists(snapPath):
            raise Exception(
                'Could not find best link at %s - either create a best link or retry with "--build".'
                % (snapPath))

    if options.paranoid and snapSource == 'TINDERBUILD':
        raise Exception(
            'Specified build found at %s. Direct release of tinderbuild is not recommended. Rerun with "-sv" to snapshot your build first, or use "--relaxed" to disable this check.'
            % snapPath)

    # get canonical path
    path = os.path.realpath(snapPath)
    # parse timestamp
    timestamp = getTimestamp(path)

    # determine tag
    project_xml = path + '/src/project.xml'
    if not os.path.exists(project_xml):
        project_xml = path + '/src/' + project + '_project/project.xml'
    if not os.path.exists(project_xml):
        raise Exception('Could not find project.xml at: ' + project_xml)

    proj = Project(project_xml)

    tag = version
    patch = None
    if proj.patch:
        patch = proj.patch

    if options.override_patch:
        patch = options.override_patch

    if patch:
        # It would be reasonable / intuitive for a user to include a leading p in override_patch.
        # Remove any leading ps or spaces to normalize expectations.
        patch = patch.strip('p \t')

        tag += 'p' + patch

    if options.override_patch:
            'using tag %s, including override patch number instead of value from project.xml (%s)'
            % (tag, proj.patch))

    # Determine if this is SVN or git
    scmgit = False
    scmsvn = False
    if os.path.exists(path + '/git-checkout.log'):
        scmgit = True
        if os.path.exists(path + '/svn-checkout.log'):
            scmsvn = True
            raise Exception('Could not determine SVN or GIT')

    # determine checkout revision and path
    if scmsvn:
        info = client.info(path + "/src")
        rev = info.revision
        svnpath = info.url.replace("svn://", "svn+ssh://")

        if options.paranoid:
            if svnpath.find(project) == -1:
                raise Exception(
                    'The project you'
                    're trying to release doesn'
                    't contain its project name %s in its SVN path %s. Something is horribly wrong. (Use "--relaxed" to disable this check.)'
                    % (project, svnPath))

    # Determine tag path
    tagDir = 'svn+ssh://svn/wm/project/' + project + '/tags'
    tagPath = tagDir + '/' + tag
    # For git, make sure the repo is writable by the current user
    if scmgit:
        cmd = 'ssh git@git'
        results = shell(cmd, options)
        repo_match = False
        repo_writable = False
        for x in range(len(results)):
            if results[x].lstrip('@_RW \t\r\n').rstrip('\r\n') == project:
                repo_match = True
                if results[x][9] == 'W':
                    repo_writable = True
                    raise Exception(
                        'You dont have right to make changes to the repo for this project, therefore you cannot set the tag.'

    # check that tag doesn't already exist
    if not options.notag:
        if scmsvn:

                # tag exists already! Oops!
                raise Exception(
                    'Tag path %s already exists! Halting. (You can use --notag to disable tag creation and this check.)'
                    % (tagPath))
            except ClientError:
                # this is expected, as we haven't created it yet.

    log.info(" build: %s", path)
    if scmsvn:
        log.info(" svn:   -r %d %s", rev.number, svnpath)
    if scmgit:
        log.info(" git")
    log.info(" tag:   %s", tag)

    # Make release dirs
    log.info("Ensuring that release directories exist")
    releasesDir = basePath + '/releases'
    allReleasesDir = '/ext/build/' + project + '/releases'

    ssh('mkdir -p ' + releasesDir, options)
    ssh('mkdir -p ' + allReleasesDir, options)

    # Copy to releases
    log.info("Moving snap to releases")

    cmd = 'test -d ' + path + ' && mv ' + path + ' ' + releasesDir
    ssh(cmd, options)

    # Create soft links
    log.info("Create soft links")

    cmd = 'cd ' + releasesDir + '; test -e ' + tag + ' || ln -s ' + timestamp + ' ' + tag
    ssh(cmd, options)
    cmd = 'cd ' + allReleasesDir + '; test -e ' + tag + ' || ln -s ../' + version + '/releases/' + tag + ' ' + tag
    ssh(cmd, options)

    # recursively find dependencies and record
    # this will overwrite any previous instances (e.g. from a snapshot)
    findDepends(log, releasesDir + "/" + timestamp, options)

    # Edit save file
    log.info("Appending to SAVE file")

    msg = '%s %s RELEASE' % (project, version)
    writeSave(log, releasesDir + '/' + tag, msg, options)

    # Create project tags directory
    if scmsvn:
            log.info("Project tags directory already exists")
        except ClientError:
            # does not exist, so create it
            log.info("Creating project tags directory")
            if not options.dryrun:
                    'release-project: make tag directory for ' + project)

        if options.notag:
            log.notice('skippping tag creation, as --notag is set')

            # may want to write tag file, if svn path has a tag in it already.
            if svnpath.find('/tags/') != -1:
                    'src svnpath is a tag already, writing that to TAG path')
                cmd = 'cd ' + releasesDir + '/' + tag + '; echo ' + svnpath + ' >> TAG'
                ssh(cmd, options)
            # Make tag
            log.info("Tagging project")
            log.info(" > svn copy -r%d %s %s", rev.number, svnpath, tagPath)
            message = 'release-project: saving release tag'

            def get_log_message():
                return True, message

            client.callback_get_log_message = get_log_message
            if not options.dryrun:
                client.copy(svnpath, tagPath, rev)
            client.callback_get_log_message = None

            # Log to TAG file
            log.info("Creating TAG file")

            cmd = 'cd ' + releasesDir + '/' + tag + '; echo ' + tagPath + ' >> TAG'
            ssh(cmd, options)

        #Create tag for git
    if scmgit:
        cmd = 'cd ' + releasesDir + '/' + tag + '/src && git show --format=oneline --summary | cut -d \' \' -f 1'
        githash = shell(cmd, options)
        cmd = 'ssh git@git addtag ' + project + ' ' + version + ' ' + githash[0]
            shell(cmd, options)
        except ShellException, e:
            raise Exception(
                'Something went wrong with the addtag command. Check the log to see what the error was'
        cmd = 'cd ' + releasesDir + '/' + tag + '/src && git fetch'
        ssh(cmd, options)
Пример #8
def checkout_v8():
    if svn_name:
        print("INFO: we will try to update v8 to %s at <%s>" %
              (svn_name, V8_SVN_URL))
            "INFO: we will try to checkout and build a private v8 build from <%s>."
            % V8_SVN_URL)

    print("=" * 20)
    print("INFO: Checking out or Updating Google V8 code from SVN...\n")

    update_code = os.path.isdir(V8_HOME) and os.path.exists(
        os.path.join(V8_HOME, 'include', 'v8.h'))

        from pysvn import Client, Revision, opt_revision_kind

        svnClient = Client()
        rev = Revision(opt_revision_kind.number,
                       V8_SVN_REVISION) if V8_SVN_REVISION else Revision(

        if update_code:
            r = svnClient.update(V8_HOME, revision=rev)
            r = svnClient.checkout(V8_SVN_URL, V8_HOME, revision=rev)

        if r:
            print("%s Google V8 code (r%d) from SVN to %s" %
                  ("Update" if update_code else "Checkout", r[-1].number,

            with open(v8_svn_rev_file, 'w') as f:


        print("ERROR: Failed to export from V8 svn repository")
    except ImportError:
        #print "WARN: could not import pysvn. Ensure you have the pysvn package installed."
        #print "      on debian/ubuntu, this is called 'python-svn'; on Fedora/RHEL, this is called 'pysvn'."

            "INFO: we will try to use the system 'svn' command to checkout/update V8 code"

    if update_code:
        args = ["svn", "up", V8_HOME]

        args = ["svn", "co", V8_SVN_URL, V8_HOME]

        args += ['-r', str(V8_SVN_REVISION)]

    if exec_cmd(' '.join(args), "checkout or update Google V8 code from SVN"):
        if not V8_SVN_REVISION:
            ok, out, err = exec_cmd(
                ' '.join(["svn", "info", V8_HOME]),
                "save the current V8 SVN revision to REVISION file",

            if ok:
                with open(v8_svn_rev_file, 'w') as f:
                        re.search(r'Revision:\s(?P<rev>\d+)', out,
                print("ERROR: fail to fetch SVN info, %s", err)
Пример #9
def _get_svn_info():
        from pysvn import Client, ClientError
            info = Client().info(".")
            return info["url"].split("/")[-1], info["revision"].number

        except ClientError:
            # Not an svn working dir
            #sys.stderr.write("""Hmm, doesn't look like an SVN repo""")

    except ImportError:
        #sys.stderr.write(" * please consider installing pysvn\n")
        #sys.stderr.write("""*** please install pysvn:
        #- debian: sudo apt-get install python-svn
        #- windows: http://pysvn.tigris.org/project_downloads.html

    branch_name = None
    revision = None
        platform = plat_id()
        # svn executable is found, either linux or win with svn
        if re.match('^linux.*', platform) or which('svn'):
            svn_proc = subprocess.Popen(['svn','info'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
            svn_stdout = svn_proc.communicate()[0]
            if svn_proc.returncode == 0:
                for l in re.split('(?:\r\n|\n)',svn_stdout):
                    m = re.match('([^:]+): (.*)',l)
                    if m:
                        if m.group(1) == 'URL':
                            url = m.group(2)
                            purl = urlparse(url)
                            (head,tail) = os.path.split(purl.path)
                            branch_name = tail
                        elif m.group(1) == 'Revision':
                            revision = m.group(2)

                        #print 'nomatch', l

        # Try tortoise
        elif re.match('^win.*', platform):
            svn_proc = subprocess.Popen([SUBWCREV,'.'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
            svn_stdout = svn_proc.communicate()[0]
            if svn_proc.returncode == 0:
                for l in re.split('(?:\r\n|\n)',svn_stdout):
                    m = re.match('Updated to revision (\d+)',l)
                    if m:
                        revision = m.group(1)

                (head, tail) = os.path.split(os.getcwd())
                branch_name = tail

    except OSError, e:
        #errmsg = sys.argv[0] + ': couldn\'t find branch name\n'
Пример #10
 def __init__(self, repo):
     self.repo = repo
     self.client = Client()
Пример #11
 def __init__(self, address):
     self.conn = pymongo.Connection(host=address)
     self.db = self.conn.ttengine
     self.svnClient = Client()
Пример #12
def main(options):
    """docstring for main"""
    client = Client()
    client.callback_ssl_server_trust_prompt = ssl_trust_prompt
    if (options.verbose > 1):
        client.callback_notify = notify
    retcode = 0
    # check out branch from subversion
    if (test_skip(options.branch_flags, update)):
        getSourceTree(options.workingDir + os.sep + "branch",
                      options.branchUrl, client, options)
    elif (options.verbose):
        print "Skipping branch update"

    # compile branch
    if (test_skip(options.branch_flags, build)):
        print "Compiling branch"
        retcode = doCompile(options.workingDir + os.sep + "branch" + os.sep +
    elif (options.verbose):
        print "Skipping branch compile"

    # If compile successful, Run autotest
    if (retcode != 0):
        print "Failed to compile branch"
        return retcode

    if (test_skip(options.branch_flags, autotest)):
        print "Running branch autotest"
        retcode = doAutotest(options.workingDir + os.sep + "branch")
    elif (options.verbose):
        print "Skipping branch autotest"

    if (retcode != 0):
        print "Failed branch autotest"
        return retcode

    if (test_skip(options.trunk_flags, update)):
        getSourceTree(options.workingDir + os.sep + "trunk", options.trunkUrl,
                      client, options)
    elif (options.verbose):
        print "Skipping trunk update"

    # Determine the revision number of the head of the branch
    if (options.endrev == 'HEAD'):
        if (options.verbose):
            print "Getting last revision number of branch"
        messages = client.log(branchUrl,
                                  pysvn.opt_revision_kind.number, startrev))
        endrev = messages[0].revision.number
        options.endrev = str(endrev)

    if (options.verbose):
        print "Revisions to merge", options.startrev + ":" + options.endrev

    # Merge changes from branch to trunk
    if (not options.skip_merge):
        if (options.verbose):
            print "Merging branch changes to trunk working directory"
        (retcode, conflicts) = doMerge(options.workingDir + os.sep + "trunk",
                                       endrev, options)
    elif (options.verbose):
        print "Skipping merge"

    # How do we tell if there were merge errors?!?
    if (retcode != 0):
        print "Merge to working directory failed with conflicts."
        return retcode

    # Compile trunk
    if (test_skip(options.trunk_flags, build)):
        print "Compiling trunk"
        retcode = doCompile(options.workingDir + os.sep + "trunk" + os.sep +
    elif (options.verbose):
        print "Skipping trunk compile"

    if (retcode != 0):
        print "Failed to compile merged trunk"
        return retcode

    # If compile successful, run autotest
    if (test_skip(options.trunk_flags, autotest)):
        print "Running trunk autotest"
        retcode = doAutotest(options.workingDir + os.sep + "trunk")
    elif (options.verbose):
        print "Skipping trunk autotest"

    if (retcode != 0):
        print "Failed in merged autotest"
        return retcode

    # TODO: If successful, commit.
    if (not options.skip_commit):

    # Write out new lastrev.py file
    fp = open("lastrev.py", 'w')
    fp.write("startrev = " + str(endrev) + "\n")
    fp.write("prevrev = " + str(startrev))