Пример #1
def group_param_rot_spec(robo, symo, j, lam, antRj):
    """Internal function. Groups inertia parameters according to the
    special rule for a rotational joint.

    robo is the output paramete
    chainj = robo.chain(j)
    r1, r2, orthog = Transform.find_r12(robo, chainj, antRj, j)
    kRj, all_paral = Transform.kRj(robo, antRj, r1, chainj)
    Kj = robo.get_inert_param(j)
    to_replace = {0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7}
    if Transform.z_paral(kRj):
        Kj[0] = 0  # XX
        Kj[1] = 0  # XY
        Kj[2] = 0  # XZ
        Kj[4] = 0  # YZ
        to_replace -= {0, 1, 2, 4}
    joint_axis = antRj[chainj[-1]].col(2)
    if all_paral and robo.G.norm() == sympy.Abs(joint_axis.dot(robo.G)):
        Kj[6] = 0  # MX
        Kj[7] = 0  # MY
        to_replace -= {6, 7}
    if j == r1 or (j == r2 and orthog):
        Kj[5] += robo.IA[j]  # ZZ
        robo.IA[j] = 0
    for i in to_replace:
        Kj[i] = symo.replace(Kj[i], inert_names[i], j)
    robo.put_inert_param(Kj, j)
Пример #2
def group_param_rot_spec(robo, symo, j, lam, antRj, antPj):
    """Internal function. Groups inertia parameters according to the
    special rule for a rotational joint.

    robo is the output paramete
    chainj = robo.chain(j)
    r1, r2, orthog = Transform.find_r12(robo, chainj, antRj, j)
    kRj, all_paral = Transform.kRj(robo, antRj, r1, chainj)
    r1_Px_j, r1_Py_j, r1_Pz_j = Transform.kPj(
        robo, antPj, antRj, r1, chainj
    Kj = robo.get_inert_param(j)
    to_replace = {0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7}
    if Transform.z_paral(kRj):
        Kj[0] = 0   # XX
        Kj[1] = 0   # XY
        Kj[2] = 0   # XZ
        Kj[4] = 0   # YZ
        to_replace -= {0, 1, 2, 4}
    joint_axis = antRj[chainj[-1]].col(2)
    if all_paral and \
        (robo.G.norm() == sympy.Abs(joint_axis.dot(robo.G))) and \
        (r1_Px_j == 0) and (r1_Py_j == 0):
        Kj[6] = 0   # MX
        Kj[7] = 0   # MY
        to_replace -= {6, 7}
    if j == r1 or(j == r2 and orthog):
        Kj[5] += robo.IA[j]   # ZZ
        robo.IA[j] = 0
    for i in to_replace:
        Kj[i] = symo.replace(Kj[i], inert_names[i], j)
    robo.put_inert_param(Kj, j)
Пример #3
def group_param_prism_spec(robo, symo, j, antRj, antPj):
    """Internal function. Groups inertia parameters according to the
    special rule for a prismatic joint.

    robo is the output paramete
    chainj = robo.chain(j)
    r1, r2, orthog = Transform.find_r12(robo, chainj, antRj, j)
    Kj = robo.get_inert_param(j)
    kRj, all_paral = Transform.kRj(robo, antRj, r1, chainj)
    to_replace = {6, 7, 8, 9}
    if r1 < j and j < r2:
        if Transform.z_paral(kRj):
            Kj[8] = 0  # MZ
            for i in (6, 7):
                Kj[i] = symo.replace(Kj[i], inert_names[i], j)
            robo.MS[robo.ant[j]] += antRj[j] * Matrix([Kj[6], Kj[7], 0])
            robo.JJ[2, 2] -= Kj[6] * antPj[j][0] + Kj[7] * antPj[j][1]
            Kj[6] = 0  # MX
            Kj[7] = 0  # MY
            to_replace -= {6, 7, 8}
            jar1 = kRj.row(2)
            if jar1[2] != 0:
                Kj[6] -= jar1[0] / jar1[2] * Kj[8]
                Kj[7] -= jar1[1] / jar1[2] * Kj[8]
                Kj[8] = 0  # MZ
                to_replace -= {8}
            elif jar1[0] * jar1[1] != 0:
                Kj[6] -= jar1[0] / jar1[1] * Kj[7]
                Kj[7] = 0  # MY
                to_replace -= {7}
            elif jar1[0] != 0:
                Kj[7] = 0  # MY
                to_replace -= {7}
                Kj[6] = 0  # MX
                to_replace -= {6}
    elif j < r1:
        Kj[6] = 0  # MX
        Kj[7] = 0  # MY
        Kj[8] = 0  # MZ
        to_replace -= {6, 7, 8}
    #TOD: rewrite
    dotGa = Transform.sna(antRj[j])[2].dot(robo.G)
    if dotGa == tools.ZERO:
        revol_align = robo.ant[robo.ant[j]] == 0 and robo.ant[j] == tools.ZERO
        if robo.ant[j] == 0 or revol_align:
            Kj[9] += robo.IA[j]
            robo.IA[j] = 0
    for i in to_replace:
        Kj[i] = symo.replace(Kj[i], inert_names[i], j)
    robo.put_inert_param(Kj, j)
Пример #4
def group_param_prism_spec(robo, symo, j, antRj, antPj):
    """Internal function. Groups inertia parameters according to the
    special rule for a prismatic joint.

    robo is the output paramete
    chainj = robo.chain(j)
    r1, r2, orthog = Transform.find_r12(robo, chainj, antRj, j)
    Kj = robo.get_inert_param(j)
    kRj, all_paral = Transform.kRj(robo, antRj, r1, chainj)
    to_replace = {6, 7, 8, 9}
    if r1 < j and j < r2:
        if Transform.z_paral(kRj):
            Kj[8] = 0   # MZ
            for i in (6, 7):
                Kj[i] = symo.replace(Kj[i], inert_names[i], j)
            robo.MS[robo.ant[j]] += antRj[j]*Matrix([Kj[6], Kj[7], 0])
            robo.JJ[2, 2] -= Kj[6]*antPj[j][0] + Kj[7]*antPj[j][1]
            Kj[6] = 0   # MX
            Kj[7] = 0   # MY
            to_replace -= {6, 7, 8}
            jar1 = kRj.row(2)
            if jar1[2] != 0:
                Kj[6] -= jar1[0]/jar1[2]*Kj[8]
                Kj[7] -= jar1[1]/jar1[2]*Kj[8]
                Kj[8] = 0   # MZ
                to_replace -= {8}
            elif jar1[0]*jar1[1] != 0:
                Kj[6] -= jar1[0]/jar1[1]*Kj[7]
                Kj[7] = 0   # MY
                to_replace -= {7}
            elif jar1[0] != 0:
                Kj[7] = 0   # MY
                to_replace -= {7}
                Kj[6] = 0   # MX
                to_replace -= {6}
    elif j < r1:
        Kj[6] = 0   # MX
        Kj[7] = 0   # MY
        Kj[8] = 0   # MZ
        to_replace -= {6, 7, 8}
    #TOD: rewrite
    dotGa = Transform.sna(antRj[j])[2].dot(robo.G)
    if dotGa == tools.ZERO:
        revol_align = robo.ant[robo.ant[j]] == 0 and robo.ant[j] == tools.ZERO
        if robo.ant[j] == 0 or revol_align:
            Kj[9] += robo.IA[j]
            robo.IA[j] = 0
    for i in to_replace:
        Kj[i] = symo.replace(Kj[i], inert_names[i], j)
    robo.put_inert_param(Kj, j)
Пример #5
def _jac(robo, symo, n, i, j, chain=None, forced=False, trig_subs=False):
    Computes jacobian of frame n (with origin On in Oj) projected to frame i
    #  symo.write_geom_param(robo, 'Jacobian')
    # TODO: Check projection frames, rewrite DGM call for higher efficiency
    J_col_list = []
    if chain is None:
        chain = robo.chain(n)
    # chain_ext = chain + [robo.ant[min(chain)]]
    # if not i in chain_ext:
    #     i = min(chain_ext)
    # if not j in chain_ext:
    #     j = max(chain_ext)
    kTj_dict = dgm(robo, symo, chain[0], j, key='left', trig_subs=trig_subs)
    kTj_tmp = dgm(robo, symo, chain[-1], j, key='left', trig_subs=trig_subs)
    iTk_dict = dgm(robo, symo, i, chain[0], key='right', trig_subs=trig_subs)
    iTk_tmp = dgm(robo, symo, i, chain[-1], key='right', trig_subs=trig_subs)
    for k in chain:
        kTj = kTj_dict[k, j]
        iTk = iTk_dict[i, k]
        isk, ink, iak = Transform.sna(iTk)
        sigm = robo.sigma[k]
        if sigm == 1:
            dvdq = iak
            J_col = dvdq.col_join(Matrix([0, 0, 0]))
        elif sigm == 0:
            dvdq = kTj[0, 3] * ink - kTj[1, 3] * isk
            J_col = dvdq.col_join(iak)
            J_col = Matrix([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
    Jac = Matrix(J_col_list).T
    Jac = Jac.applyfunc(symo.simp)
    iRj = Transform.R(iTk_dict[i, j])
    jTn = dgm(robo, symo, j, n, fast_form=False, trig_subs=trig_subs)
    jPn = Transform.P(jTn)
    L = -tools.skew(iRj * jPn)
    L = L.applyfunc(trigsimp)
    if forced:
        symo.mat_replace(Jac, 'J', '', forced)
        L = symo.mat_replace(L, 'L', '', forced)
    return Jac, L
Пример #6
def _jac(robo, symo, n, i, j, chain=None, forced=False, trig_subs=False):
    Computes jacobian of frame n (with origin On in Oj) projected to frame i
    #  symo.write_geom_param(robo, 'Jacobian')
    # TODO: Check projection frames, rewrite DGM call for higher efficiency
    J_col_list = []
    if chain is None:
        chain = robo.chain(n)
    # chain_ext = chain + [robo.ant[min(chain)]]
    # if not i in chain_ext:
    #     i = min(chain_ext)
    # if not j in chain_ext:
    #     j = max(chain_ext)
    kTj_dict = dgm(robo, symo, chain[0], j, key='left', trig_subs=trig_subs)
    kTj_tmp = dgm(robo, symo, chain[-1], j, key='left', trig_subs=trig_subs)
    iTk_dict = dgm(robo, symo, i, chain[0], key='right', trig_subs=trig_subs)
    iTk_tmp = dgm(robo, symo, i, chain[-1], key='right', trig_subs=trig_subs)
    for k in chain:
        kTj = kTj_dict[k, j]
        iTk = iTk_dict[i, k]
        isk, ink, iak = Transform.sna(iTk)
        sigm = robo.sigma[k]
        if sigm == 1:
            dvdq = iak
            J_col = dvdq.col_join(Matrix([0, 0, 0]))
        elif sigm == 0:
            dvdq = kTj[0, 3]*ink-kTj[1, 3]*isk
            J_col = dvdq.col_join(iak)
            J_col = Matrix([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
    Jac = Matrix(J_col_list).T
    Jac = Jac.applyfunc(symo.simp)
    iRj = Transform.R(iTk_dict[i, j])
    jTn = dgm(robo, symo, j, n, fast_form=False, trig_subs=trig_subs)
    jPn = Transform.P(jTn)
    L = -tools.skew(iRj*jPn)
    L = L.applyfunc(trigsimp)
    if forced:
        symo.mat_replace(Jac, 'J', '', forced)
        L = symo.mat_replace(L, 'L', '', forced)
    return Jac, L
Пример #7
 def test_jac(self):
     print "######## test_jac ##########"
     kinematics.jacobian(self.robo, 6, 3, 6)
     for j in xrange(1, 7):
         print "######## Jac validation through DGM ##########"
         #compute Jac
         J, l = kinematics._jac(self.robo, self.symo, j, 0, j)
         jacj = self.symo.gen_func('JacRX90', J, self.robo.q_vec)
         #compute DGM
         T = geometry.dgm(self.robo, self.symo, 0, j,
                          fast_form=True, trig_subs=True)
         T0j = self.symo.gen_func('DGM_generated1', T, self.robo.q_vec)
         for i in xrange(10):
             dq = random.normal(size=6, scale=1e-7)
             q = random.normal(size=6)
             dX = matrix(jacj(q)) * matrix(dq[:j]).T
             T = (matrix(T0j(q+dq)) - T0j(q))
             self.assertLess(amax(dX[:3] - trns.P(T)), 1e-12)