Пример #1
    def run(self):
        """Fine-tune Squeezenet model and record patched versions."""
        network = self.load_network("squeezenet")
        assert not isinstance(network.layers[-1], ReluLayer)
        # Add a normalize layer to the start to take the images to the
        # Squeezenet format.
        normalize = NormalizeLayer(means=np.array([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]),
                                       [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]))
        network = Network([normalize] + network.layers)

        # Get the trainset and record it.
        train_inputs, train_labels = self.get_train(n_labels=9)

        sorted_labels = sorted(set(train_labels))
        train_labels = list(map(sorted_labels.index, train_labels))

        self.record_artifact(train_inputs, f"train_inputs", "pickle")
        self.record_artifact(sorted_labels, f"sorted_labels", "pickle")
        self.record_artifact(train_labels, f"train_labels", "pickle")

        # Add a final layer which maps it into the subset of classes
        # considered.
        final_weights = np.zeros((1000, len(sorted_labels)))
        final_biases = np.zeros(len(sorted_labels))
        for new_label, old_label in enumerate(sorted_labels):
            final_weights[old_label, new_label] = 1.
        final_layer = FullyConnectedLayer(final_weights, final_biases)
        network = Network(network.layers + [final_layer])

        # Record the network before patching.
        self.record_artifact(network, f"pre_patching", "network")

        which_params = int(input("Which fine-tuning params? (1 or 2): "))
        assert which_params in {1, 2}
        n_rows = int(
            input("How many rows of Table 1 to generate (1, 2, 3, or 4): "))
        for n_points in [100, 200, 400, 800][:n_rows]:
            print("~~~~", "Points:", n_points, "~~~~")
            key = f"{n_points}_-1"

            patcher = FTRepair(network, train_inputs[:n_points],
            patcher.lr = 0.0001
            patcher.momentum = 0.0
            # This is just a maximum epoch timeout, it will stop once the
            # constraints are met.
            patcher.epochs = 500
            if which_params == 1:
                patcher.batch_size = 2
                patcher.batch_size = 16

            patched = patcher.compute()

            self.record_artifact(patcher.timing, f"{key}/timing", "pickle")
                patched, f"{key}/patched",
                "network" if patched is not None else "pickle")
Пример #2
    def run(self):
        """Repair Squeezenet model and record patched versions."""
        network = self.load_network("squeezenet")
        assert not isinstance(network.layers[-1], ReluLayer)
        # Add a normalize layer to the start to take the images to the
        # Squeezenet format.
        normalize = NormalizeLayer(means=np.array([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]),
                                       [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]))
        network = Network([normalize] + network.layers)

        # Get the trainset and record it.
        train_inputs, train_labels = self.get_train(n_labels=9)

        sorted_labels = sorted(set(train_labels))
        train_labels = list(map(sorted_labels.index, train_labels))

        self.record_artifact(train_inputs, f"train_inputs", "pickle")
        self.record_artifact(sorted_labels, f"sorted_labels", "pickle")
        self.record_artifact(train_labels, f"train_labels", "pickle")

        # Add a final layer which maps it into the subset of classes
        # considered.
        final_weights = np.zeros((1000, len(sorted_labels)))
        final_biases = np.zeros(len(sorted_labels))
        for new_label, old_label in enumerate(sorted_labels):
            final_weights[old_label, new_label] = 1.
        final_layer = FullyConnectedLayer(final_weights, final_biases)
        network = Network(network.layers + [final_layer])

        # Record the network before patching.
        self.record_artifact(network, f"pre_patching", "network")

        # All the layers we can patch.
        patchable = [
            i for i, layer in enumerate(network.layers)
            if isinstance(layer, (FullyConnectedLayer, Conv2DLayer))
        n_rows = int(
            input("How many rows of Table 1 to generate (1, 2, 3, or 4): "))
        for n_points in [100, 200, 400, 800][:n_rows]:
            print("~~~~", "Points:", n_points, "~~~~")
            for layer in patchable:
                print("::::", "Layer:", layer, "::::")
                key = f"{n_points}_{layer}"

                patcher = ProvableRepair(network, layer,
                patcher.batch_size = 8
                patcher.gurobi_timelimit = (n_points // 10) * 60
                patcher.gurobi_crossover = 0

                patched = patcher.compute()

                self.record_artifact(patcher.timing, f"{key}/timing", "pickle")
                    patched, f"{key}/patched",
                    "ddnn" if patched is not None else "pickle")
Пример #3
 def patchable_network(cls):
     """Returns the network used in the patching section.
     A1 = np.array([[-1., 1.], [1., 0.], [0., 1.]]).T
     b1 = np.array([-0.5, 0., 0.])
     A2 = np.array([[1., 1., 1.], [0., -1., -1.]]).T
     b2 = np.array([0., 1.])
     return Network([
         FullyConnectedLayer(A1, b1),
         FullyConnectedLayer(A2, b2)
Пример #4
    def run(self):
        """Runs the corruption-patching experiment."""
        network = self.load_network("mnist_relu_3_100")

        assert isinstance(network.layers[-1], ReluLayer)
        network = Network(network.layers[:-1])

        self.record_artifact(network, "original", "network")

        n_rows = int(
            input("How many rows of Table 2 to generate (1, 2, 3, or 4): "))
        for n_lines in [10, 25, 50, 100][:n_rows]:
            print(f"Running with {n_lines} lines")
            self.run_for(network, n_lines)
Пример #5
    def load_network(network_name, maxify_acas=True):
        """Loads an experiment network given by @network_name.

        Currently supports models of the form:
        - acas_#_# (ACAS Xu models translated from the ReluPlex format)
        - {cifar10,mnist}_relu_#_# (fully-connected ReLU models from ERAN)
        - {cifar10,mnist}_relu_conv{small,medium,big}{_diffai,_pgd}
          (convolutional ReLU models from ERAN).

        And should be referenced in BUILD rule experiments:models.

        maxify_acas controlls whether the ACAS model is "cleaned" before
        returned; cleaning removes the unnecessary ReLU layer at the end as
        well as inverts the outputs so the recommended action becomes the
        maximal score.
        if "acas_" in network_name:
            _, i, j = network_name.split("_")
            network = Network.from_file("experiments/models/acas_%s_%s.eran" %
                                        (i, j))
            if maxify_acas:
                # We remove ReLU layers from the end of the model as they don't
                # actually change the classification (when one exists).
                assert not hasattr(network.layers[:-1], "weights")
                network.layers = network.layers[:-1]

                # ACAS Xu networks use the minimal score as the class instead
                # of the more-standard maximum score; this inverts the last
                # layer so the minimal score becomes the max.
                network.layers[-1].weights *= -1.0
                network.layers[-1].biases *= -1.0
            return network
        if "squeezenet" in network_name:
            return Network.from_file(
        return Network.from_file("external/%s_model/file/model.eran" %
Пример #6
    def read_artifact(self, key):
        """Reads an artifact from the loaded artifact store indexed by @key.

        Experiment.open() *MUST* be called before using read_artifact(...).
        This method is intended to be used only by the analyze() method (not
        run, which should be calling record_artifact).
        assert self.artifacts is not None
            artifact = next(artifact for artifact in self.artifacts
                            if artifact["key"] == key)
        except StopIteration:
            raise KeyError

        def read_pb(path, pb_type):
            """Deserializes protobuf data stored to a file.

            @path is the file path, @pb_type is the Protobuf descriptor to
            parse as.
            with open(path, "rb") as from_file:
                string_rep = from_file.read()
            serialized = pb_type()
            return serialized

        if artifact["type"] == "rgb_image":
            return imageio.imread(artifact["path"])
        if artifact["type"] == "np_array":
            return np.load(artifact["path"], allow_pickle=True)
        if artifact["type"] == "pickle":
            with open(artifact["path"], "rb") as from_file:
                return pickle.load(from_file)
        if artifact["type"] == "rawpath":
            return artifact["path"]
        if artifact["type"] == "csv":
            return self.read_csv(artifact["path"])
        if artifact["type"] == "network":
            return Network.deserialize(
                read_pb(artifact["path"], syrenn_pb.Network))
        if artifact["type"] == "masking_network":
            return MaskingNetwork.deserialize(
                read_pb(artifact["path"], syrenn_pb.MaskingNetwork))
        raise NotImplementedError
Пример #7
    def habitability_network(cls, params=False):
        """Returns the habitability network from the overview.

        If @params=True, returns a list of the parameters of the network. This
        option is used to linearize the network around a point in .linearize(),
        which is in turn used to explicitly state the maps in LaTeX.
        A1 = np.array([[-1.0, 0.25, 1], [+1.0, 0.5, 1], [0, 1, 0],
                       [0.5, 0.5, 2]]).T
        b1 = np.array([1, -1, -1, -5])
        A2 = np.array([[-2, 1.0, 1.0, 1], [1.0, 2.0, -1.0, 2]]).T
        b2 = np.array([1, 0])
        if params:
            return [A1, b1, A2, b2]
        return Network([
            FullyConnectedLayer(A1, b1),
            FullyConnectedLayer(A2, b2)