Пример #1
	def getProjectHelp(self):
		help = Project.getInstance().projectHelp
		if not help: return None

		lines = help.rstrip().split('\n')
		# delete blank lines at start
		while lines and not lines[0].strip():
			del lines[0]
		if not lines: return None
		# strip initial indentation and convert tabs to spaces
		for i in range(len(lines)):
			l = lines[i].replace('\t', ' '*3) # this is the amount of indentation we use for the standard help message
			if i == 0:
				indenttostrip = len(l) - len(l.lstrip())
				indenttoadd = ''
				if l.strip().startswith('-'):
					# align everything with existing content
					indenttoadd = ' '*3
			if len(l)-len(l.lstrip()) >= indenttostrip:
				l = indenttoadd+l[indenttostrip:]
			lines[i] = l
		# if user hasn't provided their own heading, add ours
		if '----' not in help:
			lines = ['Project help', '-'*12]+lines
		return '\n'.join(lines)
Пример #2
def loadDescriptors(dir=None):
	"""Load descriptor objects representing a set of tests to run for 
	the current project, returning the list.
	:meta private: Deprecated and since 1.5.1 also hidden; use `pysys.config.descriptor.DescriptorLoader` instead.
	:param dir: The parent directory to search for runnable tests
	:return: List of L{pysys.config.descriptor.TestDescriptor} objects. 
		Caller must sort this list to ensure deterministic behaviour. 
	:rtype: list
	:raises UserError: Raised if no testcases can be found.
	if dir is None: dir = os.getcwd()
	loader = Project.getInstance().descriptorLoaderClass(Project.getInstance())
	return loader.loadDescriptors(dir)
Пример #3
def makeTest(args):

    cls = Project.getInstance().makerClassname.split('.')
    module = importlib.import_module('.'.join(cls[:-1]))
    maker = getattr(module, cls[-1])("make")

    except UserError as e:
        sys.stderr.write("ERROR: %s\n" % e)
Пример #4
def runTest(args):
		launcher = ConsoleLaunchHelper(os.getcwd(), "run")
		args = launcher.parseArgs(args)
		cls = Project.getInstance().runnerClassname.split('.')
		module = importlib.import_module('.'.join(cls[:-1]))
		runner = getattr(module, cls[-1])(*args)
		for cycledict in runner.results.values():
			for outcome in OUTCOMES:
				if outcome.isFailure() and cycledict.get(outcome, None): sys.exit(2)
	except Exception as e:
		sys.stderr.write('\nPYSYS FATAL ERROR: %s\n' % e)
		if not isinstance(e, UserError): traceback.print_exc()
Пример #5
 def __init__(self, name="make", **kwargs):
     self.name = name
     self.parentDir = os.getcwd()
     self.project = Project.getInstance()
     self.skipValidation = False
Пример #6
	def parseArgs(self, args, printXOptions=None):
		# add any default args first; shlex.split does a great job of providing consistent parsing from str->list, 
		# but need to avoid mangling \'s on windows; since this env var will be different for each OS no need for consistent win+unix behaviour
		if os.getenv('PYSYS_DEFAULT_ARGS',''):
			log.info('Using PYSYS_DEFAULT_ARGS = %s'%os.environ['PYSYS_DEFAULT_ARGS'])
			args = shlex.split(os.environ['PYSYS_DEFAULT_ARGS'].replace(os.sep, os.sep*2 if os.sep=='\\' else os.sep)) + args

		printLogsDefault = PrintLogs.ALL
		ci ='--ci' in args
		if ci:
			# to ensure identical behaviour, set these as if on the command line
			# (printLogs we don't set here since we use the printLogsDefault mechanism to allow it to be overridden 
			# by CI writers and/or the command line)
			# Also we don't set --modes=ALL here to allow for it to be overridden explicitly if needed
			args = ['--purge', '--record', '-j0', '--type=auto', '--exclude=manual', '-XcodeCoverage']+args
			printLogsDefault = PrintLogs.FAILURES

			optlist, self.arguments = getopt.gnu_getopt(args, self.optionString, self.optionList)
		except Exception:
			log.warning("Error parsing command line arguments: %s" % (sys.exc_info()[1]))

		log.debug('PySys arguments: tests=%s options=%s', self.arguments, optlist)

		EXPR1 = re.compile(r"^[\w\.]*=.*$")
		EXPR2 = re.compile(r"^[\w\.]*$")

		printLogs = None
		defaultAbortOnError = None


		# as a special case, set a non-DEBUG log level for the implementation of assertions 
		# so that it doesn't get enabled with -vDEBUG only -vassertions=DEBUG 
		# as it is incredibly verbose and slow and not often useful
		for option, value in optlist:
			if option in ("-h", "--help"):

			elif option in ['--ci']:
				continue # handled above

			elif option in ("-r", "--record"):
				self.record = True

			elif option in ("-p", "--purge"):
				self.purge = True		  

			elif option in ("-v", "--verbosity"):
				verbosity = value
				if '=' in verbosity:
					loggername, verbosity = value.split('=')
					if loggername.startswith('python:'): # this is weird but was documented, so leave it in place just in case someone is using it
						loggername = loggername[len('python:'):]
						assert not loggername.startswith('pysys'), 'Cannot use python: with pysys.*' # would produce a duplicate log handler
					loggername = None
				if verbosity.upper() == "DEBUG":
					verbosity = logging.DEBUG
				elif verbosity.upper() == "INFO":
					verbosity = logging.INFO
				elif verbosity.upper() == "WARN":
					verbosity = logging.WARN
				elif verbosity.upper() == "CRIT":					
					verbosity = logging.CRITICAL
					log.warning('Invalid log level "%s"'%verbosity)
				if loggername is None:
					# when setting global log level to a higher level like WARN etc we want to affect stdout but 
					# not necessarily downgrade the root level (would make run.log less useful and break 
					# some PrintLogs behaviour)
					if verbosity == logging.DEBUG: 
					# for specific level setting we need the opposite - only change stdoutHandler if we're 
					# turning up the logging (since otherwise it wouldn't be seen) but also change the specified level
					# make the user of "pysys." prefix optional
			elif option in ("-a", "--type"):
				self.type = value
				if self.type not in ["auto", "manual"]:
					log.warning("Unsupported test type - valid types are auto and manual")

			elif option in ("-t", "--trace"):
				self.trace = value
			elif option in ("-i", "--include"):

			elif option in ("-e", "--exclude"):
			elif option in ("-c", "--cycle"):
					self.cycle = int(value)
				except Exception:
					print("Error parsing command line arguments: A valid integer for the number of cycles must be supplied")

			elif option in ("-o", "--outdir"):
				value = os.path.normpath(value)
				if os.path.isabs(value) and not value.startswith('\\\\?\\'): value = fromLongPathSafe(toLongPathSafe(value))
				self.outsubdir = value
			elif option in ("-m", "--mode", "--modeinclude"):
				self.modeinclude = self.modeinclude+[x.strip() for x in value.split(',')]

			elif option in ["--modeexclude"]:
				self.modeexclude = self.modeexclude+[x.strip() for x in value.split(',')]

			elif option in ["-n", "-j", "--threads"]:
					N_CPUS = len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)) # as recommended in Python docs, use the allocated CPUs for current process multiprocessing.cpu_count()
				except Exception: # no always available, e.g. on Windows
					N_CPUS = os.cpu_count()
				if value.lower()=='auto': value='0'
				if value.lower().startswith('x'):
					self.threads = max(1, int(float(value[1:])*N_CPUS))
					self.threads = int(value)
					if self.threads <= 0: self.threads = int(os.getenv('PYSYS_DEFAULT_THREADS', N_CPUS))

			elif option in ("-b", "--abort"):
				defaultAbortOnError = str(value.lower()=='true')
			elif option in ["-g", "--progress"]:
				self.progress = True

			elif option in ["--printLogs"]:
				printLogs = getattr(PrintLogs, value.upper(), None)
				if printLogs is None: 
					print("Error parsing command line arguments: Unsupported --printLogs value '%s'"%value)

			elif option in ["-X"]:
				if '=' in value:
					key, value = value.split('=', 1)
					key, value = value, 'true'
				# best not to risk unintended consequences with matching of other types, but for boolean 
				# it's worth it to resolve the inconsistent behaviour of -Xkey=true and -Xkey that existed until 1.6.0, 
				# and because getting a bool where you expected a string is a bit more likely to give an exception 
				# and be noticed that getting a string where you expected a boolean (e.g. the danger of if "false":)
				if value.lower() == 'true':
					value = True
				elif value.lower() == 'false':
					value = False
				self.userOptions[key] = value
			elif option in ("-y", "--validateOnly"):
				self.userOptions['validateOnly'] = True

			elif option in ("-G", "--grep"):
				self.grep = value

			elif option in ("-s", "--sort"):
				self.sort = value
				if value not in ['random']:
					print("The only supported sort type for pysys run is currently 'random'")
				print("Unknown option: %s"%option)

		if ci and not self.modeinclude: # only set this if there is no explicit --mode arguments
			self.modeinclude = ['ALL']

		# log this once we've got the log levels setup
		log.debug('PySys is installed at: %s; python from %s', os.path.dirname(pysys.__file__), sys.executable)
		log.debug('Working dir=%s, args=%s', os.getcwd(), " ".join(sys.argv))
		log.debug('Main environment vars: %s', '\n  '.join(f'{envvar}={os.environ[envvar]}' for envvar in sorted(os.environ.keys()) 
			if envvar.endswith('PATH') or envvar.startswith(('PYTHON', 'PYSYS'))))

		# retained for compatibility, but PYSYS_DEFAULT_ARGS is a better way to achieve the same thing
		if os.getenv('PYSYS_PROGRESS','').lower()=='true': self.progress = True
		# special hidden dict of extra values to pass to the runner, since we can't change 
		# the public API now
		self.userOptions['__extraRunnerOptions'] = {
			'printLogs': printLogs,
			'printLogsDefault': printLogsDefault, # to use if not provided by a CI writer or cmdline
			'sort': self.sort
		# load project AFTER we've parsed the arguments, which opens the possibility of using cmd line config in 
		# project properties if needed
		if defaultAbortOnError is not None: setattr(Project.getInstance(), 'defaultAbortOnError', defaultAbortOnError)
		descriptors = createDescriptors(self.arguments, self.type, self.includes, self.excludes, self.trace, self.workingDir, 
			modeincludes=self.modeinclude, modeexcludes=self.modeexclude, expandmodes=True)
		descriptors.sort(key=lambda d: [d.executionOrderHint, d._defaultSortKey])

		# No exception handler above, as any createDescriptors failure is really a fatal problem that should cause us to 
		# terminate with a non-zero exit code; we don't want to run no tests without realizing it and return success

		if self.grep:
			regex = re.compile(self.grep, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
			descriptors = [d for d in descriptors if (regex.search(d.id) or regex.search(d.title))]
		return self.record, self.purge, self.cycle, None, self.threads, self.outsubdir, descriptors, self.userOptions
Пример #7
def createDescriptors(testIdSpecs, type, includes, excludes, trace, dir=None, modeincludes=[], modeexcludes=[], expandmodes=True):
	"""Create a list of descriptor objects representing a set of tests to run, filtering by various parameters, returning the list.
	:meta private: Not for use outside the framwork. 
	:param testIdSpecs: A list of strings specifying the set of testcase identifiers
	:param type: The type of the tests to run (manual | auto)
	:param includes: A list of test groups to include in the returned set
	:param excludes: A list of test groups to exclude in the returned set
	:param trace: A list of requirements to indicate tests to include in the returned set
	:param dir: The parent directory to search for runnable tests
	:param modeincludes: A list specifying the modes to be included. 
	:param modeexcludes: A list specifying the modes to be excluded. 
	:param expandmodes: Set to False to disable expanding a test with multiple
		modes into separate descriptors for each one (used for pysys print). 
	:return: List of L{pysys.config.descriptor.TestDescriptor} objects
	:rtype: list
	:raises UserError: Raised if no testcases can be found or are returned by the requested input parameters
	project = Project.getInstance()
	descriptors = loadDescriptors(dir=dir)
	# must sort by id for range matching and dup detection to work deterministically
	descriptors.sort(key=lambda d: [d.id, d.file])
	# as a convenience support !mode syntax in the includes
	modeexcludes = modeexcludes+[x[1:] for x in modeincludes if x.startswith('!')]
	modeincludes = [x for x in modeincludes if not x.startswith('!')]
	for x in modeexcludes: 
		if x.startswith('!'): raise UserError('Cannot use ! in a mode exclusion: "%s"'%x)
	# populate modedescriptors data structure
	assert MODES_ALL not in modeexcludes, "Cannot exclude all modes, that doesn't make sense"
	if not modeincludes: # pick a useful default
		if modeexcludes:
			modeincludes = [MODES_ALL]
			modeincludes = [MODES_PRIMARY]

	modedescriptors = {} # populate this with testid:[descriptors list]
	allmodes = {} # populate this as we go; could have used a set, but instead use a dict so we can check or capitalization mismatches easily at the same time; 
	#the key is a lowercase version of mode name, value is the canonical capitalized name
	modeincludesnone = ((MODES_ALL in modeincludes or MODES_PRIMARY in modeincludes or '' in modeincludes) and 
				(MODES_PRIMARY not in modeexcludes and '' not in modeexcludes))

	def isregex(m): return re.search(NON_MODE_CHARS, m)

	regexmodeincludes = [re.compile(m, flags=re.IGNORECASE) for m in modeincludes if isregex(m)]
	regexmodeexcludes = [re.compile(m, flags=re.IGNORECASE) for m in modeexcludes if isregex(m)]
	for d in descriptors:
		if not d.modes:
			# for tests that have no modes, there is only one descriptor and it's treated as the primary mode; 
			# user can also specify '' to indicate no mode
			if modeincludesnone:
				if expandmodes: d.mode = None
				modedescriptors[d.id] = [d]
				modedescriptors[d.id] = []
			thisdescriptorlist = []
			modedescriptors[d.id] = thisdescriptorlist # even if it ends up being empty
			# create a copy of the descriptor for each selected mode
			for m in d.modes: 
					canonicalmodecapitalization = allmodes[m.lower()]
				except KeyError:
					allmodes[m.lower()] = m
					if m != canonicalmodecapitalization:
						# this is useful to detect early; it's almost certain to lead to buggy tests 
						# since people would be comparing self.mode to a string that might have different capitalization
						raise UserError('Cannot have multiple modes with same name but different capitalization: "%s" and "%s"'%(m, canonicalmodecapitalization))
				# apply modes filter
				isprimary = getattr(m, 'isPrimary', False) # use getattr in case a pre-2.0 str has crept in from a custom DescriptorLoader
				# excludes 
				if isprimary and MODES_PRIMARY in modeexcludes: continue
				if m in modeexcludes or any(regex.match(m) for regex in regexmodeexcludes): continue
				# includes
				if not (MODES_ALL in modeincludes or 
					m in modeincludes or 
					any(regex.match(m) for regex in regexmodeincludes) or
					(isprimary and MODES_PRIMARY in modeincludes)

		if m.lower() in allmodes: raise UserError('The mode name "%s" is reserved, please select another mode name'%m)
	# don't permit the user to specify a non existent mode by mistake
	for m in modeincludes+modeexcludes:
		if (not m) or m.upper() in [MODES_ALL, MODES_PRIMARY]: continue
		if isregex(m):
			if any(re.search(m, x, flags=re.IGNORECASE) for x in allmodes): continue
			if allmodes.get(m.lower(),None) == m: continue
		raise UserError('Unknown mode (or mode regex) "%s"; the available modes for descriptors in this directory are: %s'%(
			m, ', '.join(sorted(allmodes.values() or ['<none>']))))
	# first check for duplicate ids
	ids = {}
	dups = []
	d = None
	for d in descriptors:
		if d.id in ids:
			dups.append('%s - in %s and %s'%(d.id, ids[d.id], d.file))
			ids[d.id] = d.file
	if dups:
		dupmsg = 'Found %d duplicate descriptor ids: %s'%(len(dups), '\n'.join(dups))
		if os.getenv('PYSYS_ALLOW_DUPLICATE_IDS','').lower()=='true':
			logging.getLogger('pysys').warning(dupmsg) # undocumented option just in case anyone complains
			raise UserError(dupmsg)

	# trim down the list for those tests in the test specifiers 
	# unless user the testspec includes a mode suffix, this stage ignores modes, 
	# and then we expand the modes out afterwards
	tests = []
	if testIdSpecs == []:
		tests = descriptors
		testids = {d.id: index for index, d in enumerate(descriptors)}
		def findMatchingIndex(specId): # change this to return the match, rather than whether it matches
			# optimize the case where we specify the full id; no need to iterate
			index = testids.get(specId, None)
			if index is not None: return index
			if specId.isdigit():
				regex = re.compile('.+_0*'+(specId.lstrip('0') if (len(specId)>0) else specId)+'$')
				matches = [index for index, d in enumerate(descriptors) if regex.match(d.id)]
				# permit specifying suffix at end of testcase, which is 
				# important to allow shell directory completion to be used if an id-prefix is 
				# being added onto the directory id; but only do this if spec is non-numeric 
				# since we don't want to match test_104 against spec 04
				matches = [index for index, d in enumerate(descriptors) if d.id.endswith(specId)]
			if len(matches) == 1: return matches[0]			
			if len(matches) == 0: raise UserError('No tests found matching id: "%s"'%specId)
			# as a special-case, see if there's an exact match with the dirname
			dirnameMatches = [index for index, d in enumerate(descriptors) if os.path.basename(d.testDir)==specId]
			if len(dirnameMatches)==1: return dirnameMatches[0]
			# nb: use space not comma as the delimiter so it's easy to copy paste it
			raise UserError('Multiple tests found matching "%s"; please specify which one you want: %s'%(specId, 
				' '.join([descriptors[index].id for index in matches[:20] ])))

		for t in testIdSpecs:
				matches = None
				index = index1 = index2 = None
				t = t.rstrip('/\\')

				if re.search(r'^[%s]*$'%MODE_CHARS, t): # single test id (not a range or regex)
					if '~' in t:
						testspecid, testspecmode = t.split('~')
						index = findMatchingIndex(testspecid)
						# first match the id, then the mode
						matchingmode = next((m for m in descriptors[index].modes if m == testspecmode), None)
						if matchingmode is None:
							raise UserError('Unknown mode "%s": the available modes for this test are: %s'%(
								testspecmode, ', '.join(sorted(descriptors[index].modes or ['<none>']))))

						matches = [descriptors[index]._createDescriptorForMode(matchingmode)]
						# note test id+mode combinations selected explicitly like this way are included regardless of what modes are enabled/disabled

					else: # normal case where it's not a mode
						index = findMatchingIndex(t)
						matches = descriptors[index:index+1]
						if not modedescriptors[matches[0].id]:
							# if user explicitly specified an individual test and excluded all modes it can run in, 
							# we shouldn't silently skip/exclude it as they clearly made a mistake
							raise UserError('Test "%s" cannot be selected with the specified mode(s).'%matches[0].id)
				elif '~' in t:
					# The utility of this would be close to zero and lots more to implement/test, so not worth it
					raise UserError('A ~MODE test mode selector can only be use with a test id, not a range or regular expression')
				elif re.search('^:[%s]*'%TEST_ID_CHARS, t):
					index = findMatchingIndex(t.split(':')[1])
					matches = descriptors[:index+1]

				elif re.search('^[%s]*:$'%TEST_ID_CHARS, t):
					index = findMatchingIndex(t.split(':')[0])
					matches = descriptors[index:]

				elif re.search('^[%s]*:[%s]*$'%(TEST_ID_CHARS,TEST_ID_CHARS), t):
					index1 = findMatchingIndex(t.split(':')[0])
					index2 = findMatchingIndex(t.split(':')[1])
					if index1 > index2:
						index1, index2 = index2, index1
					matches = descriptors[index1:index2+1]

					# regex match
						matches = [descriptors[i] for i in range(0,len(descriptors)) if re.search(t, descriptors[i].id)]
					except Exception as ex:
						raise UserError('"%s" contains characters not valid in a test id, but isn\'t a valid regular expression either: %s'%(t, ex))
					if not matches: raise UserError("No test ids found matching regular expression: \"%s\""%t)

				if not matches: raise UserError("No test ids found matching: \"%s\""%st)

			except UserError:
			except Exception:
				raise # this shouldn't be possible so no need to sugar coat the error message

	# trim down the list based on the type
	if type:
		index = 0
		while index != len(tests):
			if type != tests[index].type:
				index = index + 1
	# trim down the list based on the include and exclude groups
	if len(excludes) != 0:
		index = 0
		while index != len(tests):
			remove = False

			for exclude in excludes:
				if exclude in tests[index].groups:
					remove = True

			if remove:
				index = index +1
	if includes != []:
		index = 0
		while index != len(tests):
			keep = False
			for include in includes:
				if include in tests[index].groups:
					keep = True

			if not keep:
				index = index +1

	# trim down the list based on the traceability
	if trace:
		index = 0
		while index != len(tests):
			if trace not in tests[index].traceability :
				index = index + 1

	# expand based on modes (unless we're printing without any mode filters in which case expandmodes=False)
	if expandmodes: 
		expandedtests = []
		for t in tests:
			if hasattr(t, 'mode'): 
				# if mode if set it has no modes or has a test id~mode that was explicitly specified in a testspec, so does not need expanding
		tests = expandedtests
	# combine execution order hints from descriptors with global project configuration; 
	# we only need to do this if there are any executionOrderHints defined (may be pure group hints not for modes) 
	# or if there are any tests with multiple modes (since then the secondary hint mode delta applies)
	if (len(allmodes)>0) or project.executionOrderHints:
		def calculateNewHint(d, mode):
			hint = d.executionOrderHint
			for hintdelta, hintmatcher in project.executionOrderHints:
				if hintmatcher(d.groups, mode): hint += hintdelta
			if mode and not getattr(mode, 'isPrimary', False): # bit of a fudge in the case of isPrimary!=(index==0) but good enough
				hint += project.executionOrderSecondaryModesHintDelta * (d.modes.index(mode))
			return hint
		for d in tests:
			hintspermode = []
			if expandmodes: # used for pysys run; d.mode will have been set
				d.executionOrderHint = calculateNewHint(d, d.mode)
				modes = [None] if len(d.modes)==0 else d.modes
				# set this for the benefit of pysys print
				d.executionOrderHintsByMode = [calculateNewHint(d, m) for m in modes]
				d.executionOrderHint = d.executionOrderHintsByMode[0]
	if len(tests) == 0:
		raise UserError("The supplied options did not result in the selection of any tests")
		return tests