def __init__(self, command, arguments, environs, workingDir, state, timeout, stdout=None, stderr=None, displayName=None, **kwargs): """Create an instance of the process wrapper. @param command: The full path to the command to execute @param arguments: A list of arguments to the command @param environs: A dictionary of environment variables (key, value) for the process context execution @param workingDir: The working directory for the process @param state: The state of the process (L{pysys.constants.FOREGROUND} or L{pysys.constants.BACKGROUND} @param timeout: The timeout in seconds to be applied to the process @param stdout: The full path to the filename to write the stdout of the process @param stderr: The full path to the filename to write the sdterr of the process @param displayName: Display name for this process """ CommonProcessWrapper.__init__(self, command, arguments, environs, workingDir, state, timeout, stdout, stderr, displayName, **kwargs) # private instance variables self.__hProcess = None self.__hThread = None self.__tid = None self.__lock = threading.Lock() # to protect access to the fields that get updated # set the stdout|err file handles self.fStdout = 'nul' self.fStderr = 'nul' try: if stdout is not None: self.fStdout = _stringToUnicode(stdout) except Exception:"Unable to create file to capture stdout - using the null device") try: if stderr is not None: self.fStderr = _stringToUnicode(stderr) except Exception:"Unable to create file to capture stdout - using the null device")
def wait(self, interval): """Wait for a specified period of time. @param interval: The time interval in seconds to wait """'Waiting for %0.1f seconds'%interval) time.sleep(interval)
def getDriver(database): """Downloads database drivers to the staging area, and return the full path to the driver.""" download_dir = os.path.join(REMOTE_STAGING, 'drivers') target = os.path.join(download_dir, database.driver) if not os.path.exists(download_dir): os.makedirs(download_dir) if not os.path.exists(target):'Downloading driver %s' % database.driver) database.copyDriver(download_dir) return target
def __init__(self, requests_queue, results_queue, poll_timeout=5, **kwds): """Class constructor. @param requests_queue: Reference to the threadpool's request queue @param results_queue: Reference to the threadpool's results queue @param poll_timeout: The timeout when trying to obtain a request from the request queue @param kwds: Variable arguments to be passed to the threading.Thread constructor """ threading.Thread.__init__(self, **kwds)"[%s] Creating thread for test execution" % self.getName()) self.setDaemon(1) self._requests_queue = requests_queue self._results_queue = results_queue self._poll_timeout = poll_timeout self._dismissed = threading.Event() self.start()
def clean(self): descriptors = createDescriptors(self.arguments, None, [], [], None, self.workingDir) for descriptor in descriptors: if self.all: if sys.version_info >= (3, ): cache = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(descriptor.module), "__pycache__") if os.path.exists(cache):"Deleting pycache: " + cache) self.purgeDirectory(cache, True) else: path = descriptor.module + ".pyc" try: mode = os.stat(path)[stat.ST_MODE] if stat.S_ISLNK(mode): os.unlink(path) if stat.S_ISREG(mode): os.remove(path)"Deleting compiled module: " + path) except Exception: log.debug("Error deleting compiled module: " + path) pathToDelete = os.path.join(descriptor.output, self.outsubdir) if os.path.exists(pathToDelete):"Deleting output directory: " + pathToDelete) self.purgeDirectory(pathToDelete, True) else: log.debug("Output directory does not exist: " + pathToDelete)
def change_stream_listen(self, log, args): connStr = args[0]"Listen and log") # Connect to mongo client = MongoClient(host=connStr) db = client.get_default_database() coll = db.get_collection('test_coll') total = 0.0 count = 0 # Connect to elastic # elastic_conn_str = [self.project.ELASTIC_URL] # es = Elasticsearch(elastic_conn_str) # index_name = 'mongosearch' # doc_type = 'test' # es.indices.delete(index=index_name, ignore=[400, 404]) self.thread_started = True try: for changed_doc in[{ '$match': { 'operationType': 'insert' } }]): # doc = changed_doc['fullDocument'] # doc.pop('_id') # res = es.index(index=index_name, doc_type=doc_type, id=count, body=doc) # count += 1 #['result']) self.records_to_receive -= 1 except PyMongoError as ex: # The ChangeStream encountered an unrecoverable error or the # resume attempt failed to recreate the cursor. print(ex)
def clean(self): Project.findAndLoadProject(outdir=self.outsubdir) descriptors = createDescriptors(self.arguments, None, [], [], None, self.workingDir, expandmodes=False) supportMultipleModesPerRun = Project.getInstance().getProperty( 'supportMultipleModesPerRun', True) for descriptor in descriptors: if self.all: modulepath = os.path.join(descriptor.testDir, descriptor.module) cache = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(modulepath), "__pycache__") if os.path.isdir(cache):"Deleting pycache: " + cache) deletedir(cache) else: log.debug('__pycache__ does not exist: %s', cache) path = modulepath + ".pyc" if os.path.exists(path):"Deleting compiled Python module: " + path) os.remove(path) else: log.debug('.pyc does not exist: %s', path) for mode in (descriptor.modes or [None]): pathToDelete = os.path.join(descriptor.testDir, descriptor.output, self.outsubdir) if os.path.isabs(self.outsubdir ): # must delete only the selected testcase pathToDelete += "/" + if supportMultipleModesPerRun and mode: pathToDelete += '~' + mode if os.path.exists(pathToDelete):"Deleting output directory: " + pathToDelete) deletedir(pathToDelete) else: log.debug("Output directory does not exist: " + pathToDelete)
def makeTest(self, input=None, output=None, reference=None, descriptor=None, testclass=None, module=None, group="", constantsImport=None, basetestImport=None, basetest=None, teststring=None): if input == None: input = DEFAULT_INPUT if output == None: output = DEFAULT_OUTPUT if reference == None: reference = DEFAULT_REFERENCE if descriptor == None: descriptor = DEFAULT_DESCRIPTOR[0] if testclass == None: testclass = DEFAULT_TESTCLASS if module == None: module = DEFAULT_MODULE if constantsImport == None: constantsImport = "from pysys.constants import *" if basetestImport == None: basetestImport = "from pysys.basetest import BaseTest" if basetest == None: basetest = "BaseTest""Creating testcase %s ..." % self.testId) try: os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId))"Created directory %s" % os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId)) except OSError:"Error creating testcase " + os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId) + " - directory already exists") return else: os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId, input))"Created directory %s " % os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId, input)) os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId, output))"Created directory %s " % os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId, output)) os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId, reference))"Created directory %s " % os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId, reference)) descriptor_fp = open( os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId, descriptor), "w") descriptor_fp.write(DESCRIPTOR_TEMPLATE % (self.type, group, testclass, module)) descriptor_fp.close()"Created descriptor %s " % os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId, descriptor)) testclass_fp = open( os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId, "" % module), "w") if teststring == None: testclass_fp.write( TEST_TEMPLATE % (constantsImport, basetestImport, testclass, basetest)) else: testclass_fp.write(teststring) testclass_fp.close()"Created test class module %s " % os.path.join(self.testdir, self.testId, "" % module))
def parseArgs(self, args, printXOptions=None): # add any default args first; shlex.split does a great job of providing consistent parsing from str->list, # but need to avoid mangling \'s on windows; since this env var will be different for each OS no need for consistent win+unix behaviour if os.getenv('PYSYS_DEFAULT_ARGS', ''):'Using PYSYS_DEFAULT_ARGS = %s' % os.environ['PYSYS_DEFAULT_ARGS']) args = shlex.split(os.environ['PYSYS_DEFAULT_ARGS'].replace( os.sep, os.sep * 2 if os.sep == '\\' else os.sep)) + args printLogsDefault = PrintLogs.ALL if '--ci' in args: # to ensure identical behaviour, set these as if on the command line # (printLogs we don't set here since we use the printLogsDefault mechanism to allow it to be overridden # by CI writers and/or the command line; note that setting --mode=ALL would be incorrect if # supportMultipleModesPerRun=false but that's a legacy options so we raise an exception later if this happened) args = [ '--purge', '--record', '-j0', '--type=auto', '--mode=ALL', '-XcodeCoverage' ] + args printLogsDefault = PrintLogs.FAILURES try: optlist, self.arguments = getopt.gnu_getopt( args, self.optionString, self.optionList) except Exception: log.warn("Error parsing command line arguments: %s" % (sys.exc_info()[1])) sys.exit(1) log.debug('PySys arguments: tests=%s options=%s', self.arguments, optlist) EXPR1 = re.compile("^[\w\.]*=.*$") EXPR2 = re.compile("^[\w\.]*$") printLogs = None ci = False defaultAbortOnError = None logging.getLogger('pysys').setLevel(logging.INFO) # as a special case, set a non-DEBUG log level for the implementation of assertions # so that it doesn't get enabled with -vDEBUG only -vassertions=DEBUG # as it is incredibly verbose and slow and not often useful logging.getLogger('pysys.assertions').setLevel(logging.INFO) for option, value in optlist: if option in ("-h", "--help"): self.printUsage(printXOptions) elif option in ['--ci']: continue # handled above elif option in ("-r", "--record"): self.record = True elif option in ("-p", "--purge"): self.purge = True elif option in ("-v", "--verbosity"): verbosity = value if '=' in verbosity: loggername, verbosity = value.split('=') assert not loggername.startswith( 'pysys.' ), 'The "pysys." prefix is assumed and should not be explicitly specified' if loggername.startswith('python:'): loggername = loggername[len('python:'):] assert not loggername.startswith( 'pysys' ), 'Cannot use python: with pysys.*' # would produce a duplicate log handler # in the interests of performance and simplicity we normally only add the pysys.* category logging.getLogger(loggername).addHandler( pysys.internal.initlogging.pysysLogHandler) else: loggername = 'pysys.' + loggername else: loggername = None if verbosity.upper() == "DEBUG": verbosity = logging.DEBUG elif verbosity.upper() == "INFO": verbosity = logging.INFO elif verbosity.upper() == "WARN": verbosity = logging.WARN elif verbosity.upper() == "CRIT": verbosity = logging.CRITICAL else: log.warn('Invalid log level "%s"' % verbosity) sys.exit(1) if loggername is None: # when setting global log level to a higher level like WARN etc we want to affect stdout but # not necessarily downgrade the root level (would make run.log less useful and break # some PrintLogs behaviour) stdoutHandler.setLevel(verbosity) if verbosity == logging.DEBUG: logging.getLogger('pysys').setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: # for specific level setting we need the opposite - only change stdoutHandler if we're # turning up the logging (since otherwise it wouldn't be seen) but also change the specified level logging.getLogger(loggername).setLevel(verbosity) elif option in ("-a", "--type"): self.type = value if self.type not in ["auto", "manual"]: log.warn( "Unsupported test type - valid types are auto and manual" ) sys.exit(1) elif option in ("-t", "--trace"): self.trace = value elif option in ("-i", "--include"): self.includes.append(value) elif option in ("-e", "--exclude"): self.excludes.append(value) elif option in ("-c", "--cycle"): try: self.cycle = int(value) except Exception: print( "Error parsing command line arguments: A valid integer for the number of cycles must be supplied" ) sys.exit(1) elif option in ("-o", "--outdir"): value = os.path.normpath(value) if os.path.isabs(value) and not value.startswith('\\\\?\\'): value = fromLongPathSafe(toLongPathSafe(value)) self.outsubdir = value elif option in ("-m", "--mode", "--modeinclude"): self.modeinclude = self.modeinclude + [ x.strip() for x in value.split(',') ] elif option in ["--modeexclude"]: self.modeexclude = self.modeexclude + [ x.strip() for x in value.split(',') ] elif option in ["-n", "-j", "--threads"]: N_CPUS = multiprocessing.cpu_count() if value.lower() == 'auto': value = '0' if value.lower().startswith('x'): self.threads = max(1, int(float(value[1:]) * N_CPUS)) else: self.threads = int(value) if self.threads <= 0: self.threads = int( os.getenv('PYSYS_DEFAULT_THREADS', N_CPUS)) elif option in ("-b", "--abort"): defaultAbortOnError = str(value.lower() == 'true') elif option in ["-g", "--progress"]: self.progress = True elif option in ["--printLogs"]: printLogs = getattr(PrintLogs, value.upper(), None) if printLogs is None: print( "Error parsing command line arguments: Unsupported --printLogs value '%s'" % value) sys.exit(1) elif option in ["-X"]: if '=' in value: key, value = value.split('=', 1) else: key, value = value, 'true' # best not to risk unintended consequences with matching of other types, but for boolean # it's worth it to resolve the inconsistent behaviour of -Xkey=true and -Xkey that existed until 1.6.0, # and because getting a bool where you expected a string is a bit more likely to give an exception # and be noticed that getting a string where you expected a boolean (e.g. the danger of if "false":) if value.lower() == 'true': value = True elif value.lower() == 'false': value = False self.userOptions[key] = value elif option in ("-y", "--validateOnly"): self.userOptions['validateOnly'] = True elif option in ("-G", "--grep"): self.grep = value else: print("Unknown option: %s" % option) sys.exit(1) # log this once we've got the log levels setup log.debug('PySys is installed at: %s; python from %s', os.path.dirname(pysys.__file__), sys.executable) # retained for compatibility, but PYSYS_DEFAULT_ARGS is a better way to achieve the same thing if os.getenv('PYSYS_PROGRESS', '').lower() == 'true': self.progress = True # special hidden dict of extra values to pass to the runner, since we can't change # the public API now self.userOptions['__extraRunnerOptions'] = { 'progressWritersEnabled': self.progress, 'printLogs': printLogs, 'printLogsDefault': printLogsDefault, # to use if not provided by a CI writer or cmdline } # load project AFTER we've parsed the arguments, which opens the possibility of using cmd line config in # project properties if needed Project.findAndLoadProject(outdir=self.outsubdir) if defaultAbortOnError is not None: setattr(Project.getInstance(), 'defaultAbortOnError', defaultAbortOnError) if '--ci' in args and not Project.getInstance().getProperty( 'supportMultipleModesPerRun', True): raise UserError( 'Cannot use --ci option with a legacy supportMultipleModesPerRun=false project' ) descriptors = createDescriptors(self.arguments, self.type, self.includes, self.excludes, self.trace, self.workingDir, modeincludes=self.modeinclude, modeexcludes=self.modeexclude, expandmodes=True) descriptors.sort( key=lambda d: [d.executionOrderHint, d._defaultSortKey]) # No exception handler above, as any createDescriptors failure is really a fatal problem that should cause us to # terminate with a non-zero exit code; we don't want to run no tests without realizing it and return success if self.grep: regex = re.compile(self.grep, flags=re.IGNORECASE) descriptors = [ d for d in descriptors if ( or ] runnermode = self.modeinclude[0] if len( self.modeinclude ) == 1 else None # used when supportMultipleModesPerRun=False return self.record, self.purge, self.cycle, runnermode, self.threads, self.outsubdir, descriptors, self.userOptions