Пример #1
class MuninCgminerPlugin(MuninPlugin):
    """Multigraph Munin Plugin for monitoring cgminer.

    plugin_name = 'cgminer_'
    isMultigraph = True
    isMultiInstance = True

    def __init__(self, argv=(), env=None, debug=False):
        """Populate Munin Plugin with MuninGraph instances.
        @param argv:  List of command line arguments.
        @param env:   Dictionary of environment variables.
        @param debug: Print debugging messages if True. (Default: False)
        MuninPlugin.__init__(self, argv, env, debug)
        self._category = 'cgminer'

        if self.arg0 is None:
            raise Exception("Group cannot be determined.")
            self._group = self.arg0

        self._host = self.envGet('host')
        self._ports = self.envGet('ports', "4028")

        self._cgminerInfo = CgminerInfo(self._host, self._ports)

        if self.graphEnabled('accept_shares'):
            graphName = 'accept_shares_%s' % self._group
            graph = MuninGraph('Accepted shares on %s' % self._group,
                info='This graph shows the accepted shares rate as reported by cgminer.',
                args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
            for port, devs in self._cgminerInfo.getAcceptedStats().iteritems():
                for g in devs:
                    fname = "accept_%s_%s" % (port, g['ID'])
                    graph.addField(fname, "%s %d" % (g['Name'], g['ID']), 'DERIVE', 'AREASTACK',
                                   min=0, max=10000,
                                   info="Accepted shares")
            self.appendGraph(graphName, graph)

        if self.graphEnabled('hwerrors'):
            graphName = 'hwerrors_%s' % self._group
            graph = MuninGraph('Hardware Error on %s' % self._group,
                info='This graph shows the amount of errors on the devices',
                args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
            for port, devs in self._cgminerInfo.getHardwareErrorsStats().iteritems():
                for g in devs:
                    fname = "error_%s_%s" % (port, g['ID'])
                    graph.addField(fname, "%s %d" % (g['Name'], g['ID']), 'DERIVE', 'AREASTACK',
                                   min=0, max=10000,
                               info="Hardware Error")
            self.appendGraph(graphName, graph)

        if self.graphEnabled('fan_speed'):
            graphName = 'fan_speed_%s' % self._group
            graph = MuninGraph('Fan speed on %s' % self._group,
                info='This graph shows the rounds per minute of the fans in the devices.',
                args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
            for port, devs in self._cgminerInfo.getFanSpeedStats().iteritems():
                for g in devs:
                    fname = "fan_%s_%s" % (port, g['ID'])
                    graph.addField(fname, "%s %d" % (g['Name'], g['ID']), 'GAUGE', draw='LINE2',
                                   info="Current fan speed")
            self.appendGraph(graphName, graph)

        if self.graphEnabled('hashrate'):
            graphName = 'hashrate_%s' % self._group
            graph = MuninGraph('5sec hashrate on %s' % self._group,
                info='This graph shows the accepted hash rate as reported by cgminer.',
                args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
            for port, devs in self._cgminerInfo.getRateStats().iteritems():
                for g in devs:
                    fname = "hashrate_%s_%s" % (port, g['ID'])
                    graph.addField(fname, "%s %d" % (g['Name'], g['ID']), 'GAUGE', 'AREASTACK',
                                   info="Current mining speed (5s)")
            self.appendGraph(graphName, graph)

        if self.graphEnabled('hashrate_av'):
            graphName = 'hashrate_av_%s' % self._group
            graph = MuninGraph('Avg hashrate on %s' % self._group,
                info='This graph shows the avg hash rate as reported by cgminer.',
                args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
            for port, devs in self._cgminerInfo.getRateAvStats().iteritems():
                for g in devs:
                    fname = "hashrate_%s_%s" % (port, g['ID'])
                    graph.addField(fname, "%s %d" % (g['Name'], g['ID']), 'GAUGE', 'AREASTACK',
                                   info="Current mining speed (5s)")
            self.appendGraph(graphName, graph)

        if self.graphEnabled('rejected'):
            graphName = 'rejected_%s' % self._group
            graph = MuninGraph('Rejected percent on %s' % self._group,
                info='This graph shows the rejected shares percentage',
                args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
            for port, devs in self._cgminerInfo.getRejectedStats().iteritems():
                for g in devs:
                    fname = "reject_%s_%s" % (port, g['ID'])
                    graph.addField(fname, "%s %d" % (g['Name'], g['ID']), 'GAUGE',
                                   info="Reject %")
            self.appendGraph(graphName, graph)

        if self.graphEnabled('temperature'):
            graphName = 'temperature_%s' % self._group
            graph = MuninGraph('Temperature on %s' % self._group,
                vlabel="Degrees C",
                info='This graph shows the temperatures',
                args='--base 1000 --lower-limit 0')
            for port, devs in self._cgminerInfo.getTemperatureStats().iteritems():
                for g in devs:
                    fname = "temp_%s_%s" % (port, g['ID'])
                    graph.addField(fname, "%s %d" % (g['Name'], g['ID']), 'GAUGE',
            self.appendGraph(graphName, graph)

    def _fetchAllValue(self, graphname, fieldname, stats, func = None):
        graph_name = '%s_%s' % (graphname, self._group)
        if self.hasGraph(graph_name):
            for port, devs in stats.iteritems():
                for g in devs:
                    fname = "%s_%s_%s" % (fieldname, port, g['ID'])
                    self.setGraphVal(graph_name, fname, func(g['value']) if func is not None else g['value'])

    def retrieveVals(self):
        """Retrieve values for graphs."""
        self._fetchAllValue('accept_shares', 'accept', self._cgminerInfo.getAcceptedStats(), int)
        self._fetchAllValue('hwerrors', 'error', self._cgminerInfo.getHardwareErrorsStats())
        self._fetchAllValue('fan_speed', 'fan', self._cgminerInfo.getFanSpeedStats())
        self._fetchAllValue('hashrate', 'hashrate', self._cgminerInfo.getRateStats(), int)
        self._fetchAllValue('hashrate_av', 'hashrate', self._cgminerInfo.getRateAvStats(), int)
        self._fetchAllValue('rejected', 'reject', self._cgminerInfo.getRejectedStats())
        self._fetchAllValue('temperature', 'temp', self._cgminerInfo.getTemperatureStats())

    def autoconf(self):
        """Implements Munin Plugin Auto-Configuration Option.

        @return: True if plugin can be  auto-configured, False otherwise.

        return self._cgminerInfo is not None