def test_gradient(): """ Test the gradients. """ h = double_gamma_hrf(1.0, 30) n_times = 100 n_times_valid = n_times - len(h) + 1 y = np.random.randn(1, n_times) x0 = np.random.randn(1, n_times_valid) hth = np.convolve(h[::-1], h) htY = np.r_[[np.convolve(h[::-1], y_, mode='valid') for y_ in y]] def grad(x): return _grad_t_analysis(x, hth, htY) def approx_grad(x): def obj(x): return _obj_t_analysis(x, y, h, 0.0) return approx_fprime(x.ravel(), obj, epsilon=1e-10) err = np.linalg.norm(approx_grad(x0) - grad(x0)) err /= np.linalg.norm(approx_grad(x0)) try: assert err < 1.0e-2 except AssertionError as e: plt.figure("[{0}] Failed estimation".format("approx-grad/grad")) plt.plot(approx_grad(x0).T, lw=3.0, label="approx-grad") plt.plot(grad(x0).T, ls='--', lw=3.0, label="grad") plt.title("Approximated gradient / closed-form gradient") plt.legend() raise e
def test_fista_decrease(momentum, max_iter): """ Test that the BOLD-TV cost function deacrease. """ h = double_gamma_hrf(1.0, 30) n_times = 100 n_times_valid = n_times - len(h) + 1 y = np.random.randn(1, n_times) x0 = np.random.randn(1, n_times_valid) hth = np.convolve(h[::-1], h) htY = np.r_[[np.convolve(h[::-1], y_, mode='valid') for y_ in y]] lipsch_cst = lipsch_cst_from_kernel(h, n_times_valid) step_size = 1.0 / lipsch_cst lbda = 1.0 def grad(x): return _grad_t_analysis(x, hth, htY) def obj(x): return _obj_t_analysis(x, y, h, lbda=lbda) def prox(x, step_size): return np.r_[[tv1_1d(x_, lbda * step_size) for x_ in x]] x1 = fista(grad, obj, prox, x0, momentum=momentum, max_iter=max_iter, step_size=step_size) assert _obj_t_analysis(x0, y, h, lbda) >= _obj_t_analysis(x1, y, h, lbda)
def test_convolution(): """ Test the convolution. """ t_r = 1.0 n_time_hrf = 30 n_time_valid = 100 n_samples = 10 h = double_gamma_hrf(t_r, n_time_hrf) H = make_toeplitz(h, n_time_valid).T u = np.random.randn(n_samples, n_time_valid) h_, u_ = torch.Tensor(h), torch.Tensor(u) np.testing.assert_allclose(hu_numpy(h, u),, rtol=1e-2) np.testing.assert_allclose(hu_tensor(h_, u_).numpy(),, rtol=1e-2)
def test_rev_convolution(): """ Test the reverse convolution. """ t_r = 1.0 n_time_hrf = 30 n_time_valid = 100 n_samples = 10 h = double_gamma_hrf(t_r, n_time_hrf) H = make_toeplitz(h, n_time_valid).T u = np.random.randn(n_samples, n_time_valid) x = hu_numpy(h, u) h_, x_ = torch.Tensor(h), torch.Tensor(x) np.testing.assert_allclose(htx_numpy(h, x),, rtol=1e-2) np.testing.assert_allclose(htx_numpy(h, x), htx_tensor(h_, x_).numpy(), rtol=1e-2)
def test_hth_id_convolution(): """ Test the hth-convolution. """ t_r = 1.0 n_time_hrf = 30 n_time_valid = 100 n_samples = 10 h = double_gamma_hrf(t_r, n_time_hrf) H = make_toeplitz(h, n_time_valid).T u = np.random.randn(n_samples, n_time_valid) hth = np.convolve(h[::-1], h) hth_, u_ = torch.Tensor(hth), torch.Tensor(u) np.testing.assert_allclose(hth_id_u_numpy(hth, u), u -, rtol=1e-2) np.testing.assert_allclose(hth_id_u_numpy(hth, u), hth_id_u_tensor(hth_, u_), rtol=1e-2)
def test_loss_coherence(): """ Test the loss function coherence. """ t_r = 1.0 n_time_hrf = 30 n_time_valid = 100 n_time = n_time_valid + n_time_hrf - 1 n_samples = 10 h = double_gamma_hrf(t_r, n_time_hrf) u = np.random.randn(n_samples, n_time_valid) x = np.random.randn(n_samples, n_time) u_ = check_tensor(u) x_ = check_tensor(x) lbda = 0.1 kwargs = dict(h=h, n_times_valid=n_time_valid, n_layers=10) net_solver = LpgdTautStringHRF(**kwargs) loss = float(net_solver._loss_fn(x_, lbda, u_)) loss_ = _obj_t_analysis(u, x, h, lbda) np.testing.assert_allclose(loss, loss_, rtol=1e-3)
print(f"Archiving '{__file__}' under '{args.plots_dir}'") shutil.copyfile(__file__, os.path.join(args.plots_dir, __file__)) ########################################################################### # Parameters to set for the experiment hrf_time_frames = 30 nx = ny = nz = 10 lw = 7 ########################################################################### # Real data loading t_r = 0.735 n_times_valid = args.n_time_frames - hrf_time_frames + 1 h = double_gamma_hrf(t_r, hrf_time_frames) D = (np.eye(n_times_valid, k=-1) - np.eye(n_times_valid, k=0))[:, :-1] H = make_toeplitz(h, n_times_valid).T # load data sub1_img = 'data/6025086_20227_MNI_RS.nii.gz' sub2_img = 'data/6025837_20227_MNI_RS.nii.gz' masker = NiftiMasker(standardize=True, detrend=True, low_pass=0.1, high_pass=0.01, t_r=t_r, memory='__cache_dir__') # noqa: E128[sub1_img, sub2_img])