Пример #1
    def normalize_hic(self, iterations=0, max_dev=0.1, silent=False, factor=1):
        Normalize the Hi-C data.

        It fills the Experiment.norm variable with the Hi-C values divided by
        the calculated weight.

        :param 0 iteration: number of iterations
        :param 0.1 max_dev: iterative process stops when the maximum deviation
           between the sum of row is equal to this number (0.1 means 10%)
        :param False silent: does not warn when overwriting weights
        :param 1 factor: final mean number of normalized interactions wanted
           per cell (excludes filtered, or bad, out columns)
        bias = iterative(self, iterations=iterations,
                         max_dev=max_dev, bads=self.bads,
                         verbose=not silent)
        if factor:
            if not silent:
                print 'rescaling to factor %d' % factor
            # get the sum on half of the matrix
            norm_sum = self.sum(bias)
            # divide biases
            target = (norm_sum / float(len(self) * len(self) * factor))**0.5
            bias = dict([(b, bias[b] * target) for b in bias])
        self.bias = bias
Пример #2
    def normalize_hic(self, iterations=0, max_dev=0.1, silent=False, factor=1):
        Normalize the Hi-C data.

        It fills the Experiment.norm variable with the Hi-C values divided by
        the calculated weight.

        :param 0 iteration: number of iterations
        :param 0.1 max_dev: iterative process stops when the maximum deviation
           between the sum of row is equal to this number (0.1 means 10%)
        :param False silent: does not warn when overwriting weights
        :param 1 factor: final mean number of normalized interactions wanted
           per cell (excludes filtered, or bad, out columns)
        bias = iterative(self,
                         verbose=not silent)
        if factor:
            if not silent:
                print 'rescaling to factor %d' % factor
            # get the sum on half of the matrix
            norm_sum = self.sum(bias)
            # divide biases
            target = (norm_sum / float(len(self) * len(self) * factor))**0.5
            bias = dict([(b, bias[b] * target) for b in bias])
        self.bias = bias
Пример #3
    def normalize_hic(self, iterations=0, max_dev=0.1, silent=False):
        Normalize the Hi-C data.

        It fills the Experiment.norm variable with the Hi-C values divided by
        the calculated weight.

        :param 0 iteration: number of iterations
        :param 0.1 max_dev: iterative process stops when the maximum deviation
           between the sum of row is equal to this number (0.1 means 10%)
        :param False silent: does not warn when overwriting weights
        self.bias = iterative(self, iterations=iterations,
                              max_dev=max_dev, bads=self.bads,
                              verbose=not silent)
Пример #4
    def normalize_hic(self, iterations=0, max_dev=0.1, silent=False):
        Normalize the Hi-C data.

        It fills the Experiment.norm variable with the Hi-C values divided by
        the calculated weight.

        :param 0 iteration: number of iterations
        :param 0.1 max_dev: iterative process stops when the maximum deviation
           between the sum of row is equal to this number (0.1 means 10%)
        :param False silent: does not warn when overwriting weights
        self.bias = iterative(self, iterations=iterations,
                              max_dev=max_dev, bads=self.bads,
                              verbose=not silent)