Пример #1
def build_voronois(xValues, yValues, shapename=None):
    Create an new Layer with Voronoi Polygons from clusters
    print 'building Voronoi Polygons from Cluster Centroids'
    layer = mem_source.CreateLayer('VoronoiLayer', WGS84, ogr.wkbPoint)
    layer.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn('lon', ogr.OFTReal))
    layer.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn('lat', ogr.OFTReal))
    layer.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn('cluster', ogr.OFTInteger64))
    voronois = pytess.voronoi(zip(xValues, yValues))

    print 'wirte features in Voronoi Layer'
    for label, (centre, coordinates) in enumerate(voronois):
        wkt = 'Polygon (('
        for x, y in coordinates:
            wkt = '%s %f %f,' % (wkt, x, y)
        wkt = '%s))' % wkt[:-1]

        feature = ogr.Feature(layer.GetLayerDefn())
        feature.SetField('lon', centre[0] if centre is not None else 0)
        feature.SetField('lat', centre[1] if centre is not None else 0)
        feature.SetField('cluster', label)

    if shapename is not None:
        ut.CreateShapefile(shapename, ogr.wkbPolygon, layer)
    print 'Voronois Done'
    return layer
Пример #2
def from_voronoi(n=3, verbose=False):
    _, areas = generic(n=n)
    points = np.random.rand(n, 2)
    vor = Voronoi(points)

    # hack to move voronois about a bit
    import pytess
    vor2 = pytess.voronoi(points.tolist())
    vor2 = {tuple(x): np.asarray(y) for x, y in vor2 if x is not None}
    rpm = np.zeros((n, n, 2), dtype=int)
    # construct cij matrix from vor-adjacencvy
    if verbose:

    # keep track of bounds
    bnd_lr_ud = np.zeros((n, 2), dtype=int)

    for r, (i, j) in enumerate(vor.ridge_points):
        # ridge index, adj
        i, j = sorted([i, j])
        reg_i_pt = vor2[tuple(points[i].tolist())].mean(0)
        reg_j_pt = vor2[tuple(points[j].tolist())].mean(0)

        dx, dy = np.abs(points[i] - points[j])
        # print(points[i], points[j], ' -> ', reg_i_pt, reg_j_pt, )
        if dx >= dy:
            # Left/right
            if points[i, 0] >= points[j, 0]:  # i to right of j
                rpm[i, j, 0] = 2
            else:  # i
                rpm[i, j, 0] = 1
            bnd_lr_ud[[i, j], 0] = 1
            # Up/down
            if points[i, 1] >= points[j, 1]:
                rpm[i, j, 1] = 1
                rpm[i, j, 1] = 2
            bnd_lr_ud[[i, j], 1] = 1

    for i, (bnd_lr, bnd_ud) in enumerate(bnd_lr_ud.tolist()):
        if bnd_lr == 0:
        if bnd_ud == 0:

    return None, areas, points, rpm, vor
Пример #3
def test_voronoi(points):

    # Run test

    polygons = pytess.voronoi(points)

    # Visualize

    import sys
    sys.path.append("/Volumes/karim/Desktop/Python Programming/site_packages")
    import pydraw
    crs = pydraw.CoordinateSystem([0, 0, 500, 500])
    img = pydraw.Image(500, 500)

    for i, (center, poly) in enumerate(polygons):
        #print i, poly

        ##        def pairwise(iterable):
        ##            a, b = itertools.tee(iterable)
        ##            next(b, None)
        ##            return itertools.izip(a, b)
        ##        for line in pairwise(poly):
        ##            (x1,y1),(x2,y2) = line
        ##            img.drawline( x1,y1,x2,y2, fillcolor=(i/1.3,111,111),
        ##                            outlinecolor=None )
        ## img.view()

                        fillcolor=(i / 1.3, 111, 111),
                        outlinecolor=(0, 0, 0))
        ##        img.view()

        if center:
            img.drawsquare(*center[:2], fillsize=2, fillcolor=(0, 222, 0))

##    for point in points:
##        img.drawsquare(*point[:2], fillsize=2, fillcolor=(0,222,0))

Пример #4
def test_voronoi(points):
    # Run test
    polygons = pytess.voronoi(points)

    # Visualize

    import sys
    sys.path.append("/Volumes/karim/Desktop/Python Programming/site_packages")
    import pydraw
    crs = pydraw.CoordinateSystem([0,0,500,500])
    img = pydraw.Image(500,500)

    for i,(center,poly) in enumerate(polygons):
        #print i, poly
##        def pairwise(iterable):
##            a, b = itertools.tee(iterable)
##            next(b, None)
##            return itertools.izip(a, b)
##        for line in pairwise(poly):
##            (x1,y1),(x2,y2) = line
##            img.drawline( x1,y1,x2,y2, fillcolor=(i/1.3,111,111),
##                            outlinecolor=None )
            ## img.view()

        img.drawpolygon( poly, fillcolor=(i/1.3,111,111),
                        outlinecolor=(0,0,0) )
##        img.view()

        if center:
            img.drawsquare(*center[:2], fillsize=2, fillcolor=(0,222,0))

##    for point in points:
##        img.drawsquare(*point[:2], fillsize=2, fillcolor=(0,222,0))

Пример #5
def get_s0_approximation(
        block: Polygon, centroids: Sequence[Tuple[float,
                                                  float]]) -> PlanarGraph:
    """ approximates the initial connectivity graph by partitioning 
    the block into a voronoi decomposition and feeds those faces into
    a planar graph """

    boundary_points = list(block.exterior.coords)
    boundary_set = set(boundary_points)

    # get internal parcels from the voronoi decomposition of space, given building centroids
    intersected_polygons = []
    debug("generating Voronoi decomposition")
    decomposition = pytess.voronoi(centroids)
    debug("intersecting Voronoi decomposition (N=%s) with block geometry",
    for (anchor, vs) in decomposition:
        if anchor and anchor not in boundary_set and len(vs) > 2:
            anchor_pt = Point(anchor)
                polygon = Polygon(vs).buffer(0).intersection(block)
                intersected_polygons.append((anchor_pt, polygon))
            except shapely.errors.TopologicalError as e:
                debug("invalid geometry at polygon %s\n%s", vs, e)

    # simplify geometry when multiple areas intersect original block
    debug("simplifying multi-polygon intersections")
    simplified_polygons = [
        polygon if polygon.type == "Polygon" else next(
            (segment for segment in polygon if segment.contains(anchor)), None)
        for (anchor, polygon) in intersected_polygons

    debug("building planar graph approximation")
    return PlanarGraph.from_polygons(
        [polygon for polygon in simplified_polygons if polygon])
Пример #6
def corner_voronoi(buildings, boundary):
    building_points = buildings["geometry"].apply(
        lambda poly: list(zip(*poly.exterior.coords.xy))).sum()
    # building_points_x, building_points_y = list(zip(*building_points))
    # voronoi = Voronoi(building_points + list(zip(*boundary.exterior.coords.xy)), qhull_options='Qbb Qc Qx Tv')
    # spatial.voronoi_plot_2d(voronoi, ax=plt.gca())

    voronoi_points, voronoi_polygons = zip(
        *pytess.voronoi(building_points +

                               for p in voronoi_polygons]).plot(ax=plt.gca())

    gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=[Point(p) for p in voronoi_points
                               if p]).plot(ax=plt.gca(),

    buildings.plot(ax=plt.gca(), zorder=5, facecolor="red")
        PolygonPatch(boundary, fc='#999999', ec='#999999', alpha=0.1))

npd34Lats, npd34Lons = npd34[1], npd34[0]

coords = []
for i in range(len(npd34Lats)):
    lat, lon = npd34Lats[i], npd34Lons[i]
    out = {'lat': lat, 'lon': lon}

dfcnt = pd.DataFrame(coords)

# --
# use centroids to do voronoi tesselation

subset = dfcnt[['lon', 'lat']]
points = [tuple(x) for x in subset.values]
vPolys = pytess.voronoi(points)

# --
# limit polygons to finite polygons within ROI rectangle (must improve method)

region = dfCorners[['lon', 'lat']]
bounds = [tuple(x) for x in region.values]
ps = [Point(i) for i in bounds]
boundary = geometry.Polygon([[p.x, p.y] for p in ps])

finite_polygons = []
for i in range(len(vPolys)):
    verts = vPolys[i][1]
    cent = vPolys[i][0]
    pList = [Point(i) for i in verts]
    val = 'in'
Пример #8
                sites[point] = c.division

        points = [loc for loc in list(sites.keys()) if len(sites[loc]) == 1]

        # Gross hack to put Gilroy in Division A
        Gilroy = (37.005782, -121.568275)
        sites[Gilroy] = 'A'

        # And another gross hack for Rancho San Antonio
        RanchoSanAntonio = (37.321972, -122.096326)
        sites[RanchoSanAntonio] = 'B'

        voronoipolys = pytess.voronoi(points, buffer_percent=200)

        # Compute the union of polygons for each division and write it to the file
        polygons = {}
        for (point, poly) in voronoipolys:
            if point in sites:
                div = sites[point]
                if div not in polygons:
                    polygons[div] = []

        def dopoly(outfile, outline, div, num=0):
            if num > 0:
                varname = '%s%d' % (div, num)
                varname = div
Пример #9
def voronoi(rows):
    def edge(x0, x1):
        if x0[0] < x1[0]:
            return (x0, x1)
        if x0[0] > x1[0]:
            return (x1, x0)
        if x0[1] < x1[1]:
            return (x0, x1)
        if x0[1] > x1[1]:
            return (x1, x0)
        return (x0, x1)

    def edges(pts, first):
        if len(pts) == 1:
            yield edge(pts[0], first)

        yield edge(pts[0], pts[1])

        if first is None:
            first = pts[0]
        for e in edges(pts[1:], first):
            yield e

    kindx = {}
    centroids = []
    for pt, kind in rows:
        kindx[pt] = kind

    minx = float_info.max
    miny = float_info.max
    maxx = float_info.min
    maxy = float_info.min
    for (x, y) in centroids:
        if x < minx: minx = x
        if x > maxx: maxx = x
        if y < miny: miny = y
        if y > maxy: maxy = y

    def oob(polygon):
        for (x, y) in polygon:
            if x < minx: return True
            if x > maxx: return True
            if y < miny: return True
            if y > maxy: return True
        return False

    polyx = dict(pytess.voronoi(centroids))
    centroids = []
    polygons = []
    edgex = {}
    for centroid, poly in polyx.items():
        if centroid is None:
        if oob(poly):
        for e in edges(poly, None):
            edgex.setdefault(e, []).append(centroid)

    n = len(centroids)
    lattice = {
        "types": list(kindx[c] for c in centroids),
        "polygons": polygons,
        "adjacencies": [],
        "shape": (n, n)

    centx = {}
    for i in range(len(centroids)):
        centx[centroids[i]] = i

    for adj in edgex.values():
        if len(adj) == 2:
            i = centx[adj[0]]
            j = centx[adj[1]]
            lattice["adjacencies"].append((i, j))
            lattice["adjacencies"].append((j, i))

    return lattice