def test_get_port_docker_allow_fallback_docker_offline(): with mock.patch('subprocess.check_output') as check_output: check_output.side_effect = [ subprocess.CalledProcessError( 1, 'the command', b'the output', ), ] check_output.returncode = 1 gen = docker_services('docker-compose.yml', docker_allow_fallback=True) services = next(gen) assert services.port_for('abc', 123) == 123 # Next yield is last. with pytest.raises(StopIteration): print(next(gen))
def test_docker_services_failure(): """Propagate failure to start service.""" with mock.patch('subprocess.check_output') as check_output: check_output.side_effect = [ subprocess.CalledProcessError( 1, 'the command', b'the output', ), ] check_output.returncode = 1 # The fixture is a context-manager. gen = docker_services( 'docker-compose.yml', docker_compose_project_name='pytest123', docker_allow_fallback=False, ) assert check_output.call_count == 0 # Failure propagates with improved diagnoatics. with pytest.raises(Exception) as exc: print(next(gen)) assert str(exc.value) == ('Command %r returned %d: """%s""".' % ( "the command", 1, 'the output', )) assert check_output.call_count == 1 # Tear down code should not be called. assert check_output.call_args_list == [ 'docker-compose -f "docker-compose.yml" -p "pytest123" ' 'up --build -d', shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ), ]
def test_docker_services_unused_port(): """Complain loudly when the requested port is not used by the service.""" gen = docker_services(COMPOSE_FILE, docker_compose_project_name='pytest123', docker_allow_fallback=False, docker_compose_project_dir='.') services = next(gen) # Can request port for services. with pytest.raises(NoSuchService) as exc: print(services.port_for('abc', 123)) assert str(exc.value) == 'No such service: abc' with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc: print(services.port_for('hello', 123)) assert str(exc.value) == 'Could not detect port for "hello:123".' # Next yield is last. with pytest.raises(StopIteration): print(next(gen))
def test_get_port_docker_allow_fallback_docker_offline(): with mock.patch('') as check_output: check_output.side_effect = [Exception('')] assert check_output.call_count == 0 # The fixture is a context-manager. gen = docker_services(COMPOSE_FILE, docker_compose_project_name='pytest123', docker_allow_fallback=True, docker_compose_project_dir='.') services = next(gen) assert isinstance(services, Services) assert check_output.call_count == 1 # Can request port for services. port = services.port_for('hello', 80) assert port == 80 # Next yield is last. with pytest.raises(StopIteration): print(next(gen))