Пример #1
    def forward(self, images, image_scales, transitions=None):
        feature_list = self.encoder(images, image_scales)
        image_features = feature_list[0]
        assert len(
            feature_list) == 1, 'current model only support batch size 1'

        sample = Sample()
        sample.dataset_name = "coco"
        sample.dataset_type = "test"
        sample.image_feature_0 = image_features
        # it seems answers work as a place holder here
        # hence, it does not matter what it's size is
        sample.answers = torch.zeros((1, 10), dtype=torch.long)
        sample_list = SampleList([sample])
        sample_list = sample_list.to(device)
        # set_trace()
        if transitions is not None:
            sample_list.transitions = transitions

        output = self.decoder(sample_list)
        tokens = output['captions']
        caption = tokens.tolist()[0]
        caption = self.decoder.caption_processor(caption)['caption']

        return caption
Пример #2
    def predict(self, url, feat_name, get_features=False):
        with torch.no_grad():
            detectron_features = get_detectron_features([url],
                                                        False, feat_name,
            # returns a single-element list
            detectron_features = detectron_features[0]

            sample = Sample()
            sample.dataset_name = "coco"
            sample.dataset_type = "test"
            sample.image_feature_0 = detectron_features
            sample.answers = torch.zeros((5, 10), dtype=torch.long)

            sample_list = SampleList([sample])
            sample_list = sample_list.to(self.cuda_device)

            tokens = self.caption_model(sample_list)["captions"]


        if not get_features:
            return tokens
            return tokens, detectron_features
Пример #3
    def test_nucleus_sampling(self):
        vocab = text_utils.VocabFromText(self.VOCAB_EXAMPLE_SENTENCES)

        model_config = self.config.model_attributes.butd
        model = TestDecoderModel(model_config, vocab)

        sample = Sample()
        sample.dataset_name = "coco"
        sample.dataset_type = "test"
        sample.image_feature_0 = torch.randn(100, 2048)
        sample.answers = torch.zeros((5, 10), dtype=torch.long)
        sample_list = SampleList([sample])

        tokens = model(sample_list)["captions"]

        # these are expected tokens for sum_threshold = 0.5
        expected_tokens = [
            1.0000e+00, 2.9140e+03, 5.9210e+03, 2.2040e+03, 5.0550e+03,
            9.2240e+03, 4.5120e+03, 1.8200e+02, 3.6490e+03, 6.4090e+03,

        self.assertEqual(tokens[0].tolist(), expected_tokens)
Пример #4
    def test_caption_bleu4(self):
        path = os.path.join(
        with open(os.path.abspath(path)) as f:
            config = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)

        config = ConfigNode(config)
        captioning_config = config.dataset_attributes.coco
        caption_processor_config = captioning_config.processors.caption_processor
        vocab_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(__file__), "..", "..",
                                  "data", "vocab.txt")
        caption_processor_config.params.vocab.vocab_file = os.path.abspath(
        caption_processor = CaptionProcessor(caption_processor_config.params)
        registry.register("coco_caption_processor", caption_processor)

        caption_bleu4 = metrics.CaptionBleu4Metric()
        expected = Sample()
        predicted = dict()

        # Test complete match
        expected.answers = torch.empty((5, 5, 10))
        predicted["scores"] = torch.zeros((5, 10, 19))
        predicted["scores"][:, :, 4] = 1.0

            caption_bleu4.calculate(expected, predicted).item(), 1.0)

        # Test partial match
        expected.answers = torch.empty((5, 5, 10))
        predicted["scores"] = torch.zeros((5, 10, 19))
        predicted["scores"][:, 0:5, 4] = 1.0

            caption_bleu4.calculate(expected, predicted).item(), 0.3928, 4)
Пример #5
	def get_item(self, idx):

		data = self.vqamb_data[idx]

		current_sample = Sample()

		# store queston and image id
		current_sample.img_id = data['id']
		current_sample.qa_id = data['qa_id']

		# process question
		question = data["question"]
		tokens = tokenize(question, remove=["?"], keep=["'s"])

		processed = self.text_processor({"tokens": tokens})
		current_sample.text = processed["text"]

		# process answers
		processed = self.answer_processor({"answers": [data['answer']]})
		current_sample.answers = processed["answers"]
		current_sample.targets = processed["answers_scores"][1:] # remove unknown index
		# Detectron features ----------------
		# TODO: read in detectron image instead if detectron is to be built
		detectron_path = self.detectron_folder + str(data['id'])
		if self.config.spatial:
			point = data['point']
			# current_sample.point = point
			detectron_path += ',' + str(point['x']) + ',' + str(point['y'])
		detectron_path += '.pt'
		detectron_feat = torch.load(detectron_path, map_location=torch.device('cpu'))

		# Pad features to fixed length
		if self.config.pad_detectron:
			if detectron_feat.shape[0] > 100:
				detectron_feat = detectron_feat[:100]
			elif detectron_feat.shape[0] < 100:
				pad = torch.zeros(100 - detectron_feat.shape[0], detectron_feat.shape[1])
				detectron_feat = torch.cat([detectron_feat, pad], dim=0)

		current_sample.image_feature_0 = detectron_feat
		# ---------------------------------------------

		return current_sample
Пример #6
    def predict(self, url):
        with torch.no_grad():
            detectron_features = self.get_detectron_features(url)

            sample = Sample()
            sample.dataset_name = "coco"
            sample.dataset_type = "test"
            sample.image_feature_0 = detectron_features
            sample.answers = torch.zeros((5, 10), dtype=torch.long)

            sample_list = SampleList([sample])
            sample_list = sample_list.to("cuda")

            tokens = self.pythia_model(sample_list)["captions"]


        return tokens
Пример #7
    def get_item(self, idx):
        data = self.questions[idx]

        # Each call to get_item from dataloader returns a Sample class object which
        # collated by our special batch collator to a SampleList which is basically
        # a attribute based batch in layman terms
        current_sample = Sample()

        question = data["question"]
        tokens = tokenize(question, keep=[";", ","], remove=["?", "."])
        processed = self.text_processor({"tokens": tokens})
        current_sample.text = processed["text"]

        processed = self.answer_processor({"answers": [data["answer"]]})
        current_sample.answers = processed["answers"]
        current_sample.targets = processed["answers_scores"]

        image_path = os.path.join(self.image_path, data["image_filename"])
        image = np.true_divide(Image.open(image_path).convert("RGB"), 255)
        image = image.astype(np.float32)
        current_sample.image = torch.from_numpy(image.transpose(2, 0, 1))

        return current_sample
Пример #8
 def load_item(self, idx):
     sample = Sample()
     image_id = self.annotations[idx][0]
     image_folder = image_id.split('_')[0]
     caption = self.annotations[idx][1]
     tokens = tokenize(caption)
     tokens = ['<s>'] + tokens + ['</s>']
     # use text_processor to process caption
     # pad sequence, convert token to indices and add SOS, EOS token
     # text_processor already contains a pre-processor to tokenize caption
     caption_p = self.text_processor({'tokens': tokens})
     sample.text = caption_p['text']
     sample.caption_len = torch.tensor(len(tokens), dtype=torch.int)
     # sample.target = caption_p['text']
     sample.answers = torch.stack([caption_p['text']])
     # generate image features
     image_path = os.path.join(self.image_dir, image_folder, image_id)
     image, image_scale = self._image_transform(image_path)
     with torch.no_grad():
         image_features = self.feature_extractor([image], [image_scale])
     image_features = image_features[0]
     sample.image_feature_0 = image_features.cpu()
     return sample
Пример #9
	def get_item(self, idx):

		data = self.vqamb_data[idx]

		current_sample = Sample()

		# store queston and image id
		current_sample.img_id = data['id']
		# current_sample.qa_id = data['qa_id']

		# store points
		current_sample.point = data['point'] # data['points']
		bbox = data['bbox']
		current_sample.gt_bbox = torch.Tensor([bbox['x'], bbox['y'], bbox['x'] + bbox['w'], bbox['y'] + bbox['h']])

		# process question
		question = data["pt_question"]
		tokens = tokenize(question, remove=["?"], keep=["'s"])

		processed = self.text_processor({"tokens": tokens})
		current_sample.text = processed["text"]

		# process answers
		processed = self.answer_processor({"answers": [data['ans']]})
		current_sample.answers = processed["answers"]
		current_sample.targets = processed["answers_scores"][1:] # remove unknown index

		# Detectron features ----------------
		# TODO: read in detectron image instead if detectron is to be built
		detectron_path = self.detectron_folder + str(data['id'])
		point = data['point'] # point = data['points'][0]
		if 'pt' in self.detectron_folder:
			detectron_path += ',' + str(point['x']) + ',' + str(point['y'])
		detectron_path += '.pt'
		detectron_feat = torch.load(detectron_path, map_location=torch.device('cpu'))

		# Pad features to fixed length
		if self.config.pad_detectron:
			if detectron_feat.shape[0] > 100:
				detectron_feat = detectron_feat[:100]
			elif detectron_feat.shape[0] < 100:
				pad = torch.zeros(100 - detectron_feat.shape[0], detectron_feat.shape[1])
				detectron_feat = torch.cat([detectron_feat, pad], dim=0)

		current_sample.image_feature_0 = detectron_feat
		# ---------------------------------------------

		# read in bounding boxes (hardcoded for now)
		bbox_path = ''
		bbox_path  += str(data['id']) + ',' + str(point['x']) + ',' + str(point['y']) + '.pt'
		bboxes = torch.load(bbox_path, map_location=torch.device('cpu'))

		if bboxes.shape[0] > 100:
			bboxes = bboxes[:100]
		elif bboxes.shape[0] < 100:
			pad = torch.zeros(100 - bboxes.shape[0], bboxes.shape[1])
			bboxes = torch.cat([bboxes, pad], dim=0)

		current_sample.pt_bbox = bboxes

		# read in image bounding boxes
		bbox_path = ''
		bbox_path  += str(data['id']) + '.pt' # + ',' + str(point['x']) + ',' + str(point['y']) + '.pt'
		bboxes = torch.load(bbox_path, map_location=torch.device('cpu'))

		if bboxes.shape[0] > 100:
			bboxes = bboxes[:100]
		elif bboxes.shape[0] < 100:
			pad = torch.zeros(100 - bboxes.shape[0], bboxes.shape[1])
			bboxes = torch.cat([bboxes, pad], dim=0)

		current_sample.img_bbox = bboxes
		# Context features --------------------
		if self.config.use_context:
			context_path = self.context_folder + str(data['id'])
			context_path += ',' + str(point['x']) + ',' + str(point['y'])
			context_path += '.pt'

			context_feat = torch.load(context_path, map_location=torch.device('cpu'))
			context_feat = context_feat.squeeze()
			orig_dim = context_feat.shape[0]

			if self.config.pad_context:
				if context_feat.shape[0] > 100:
					context_feat = context_feat[:100]
				elif context_feat.shape[0] < 100:
					pad = torch.zeros(100 - context_feat.shape[0], context_feat.shape[1])
					context_feat = torch.cat([context_feat, pad], dim=0)

			current_sample.context_feature_0 = context_feat
		# ---------------------------------------------

		return current_sample
Пример #10
    def get_item(self, idx):

        data = self.vqamb_data[idx]

        current_sample = Sample()

        # store queston and image id
        current_sample.img_id = data['id']
        current_sample.qa_id = data['qa_index']

        # store points
        current_sample.points = data['points']

        obj = data['all_objs'][0]
        xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = obj['x'], obj[
            'y'], obj['x'] + obj['w'], obj['y'] + obj['h']
        current_sample.gt_bbox = torch.Tensor([xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax])

        # process question
        question = data["question"]
        tokens = tokenize(question, remove=["?"])

        processed = self.text_processor({"tokens": tokens})
        current_sample.text = processed["text"]

        # process answers
        processed = self.answer_processor({"answers": data['all_ans']})
        current_sample.answers = processed["answers"]
        current_sample.targets = processed["answers_scores"][
            1:]  # remove unknown index

        # Detectron features ----------------
        # TODO: read in detectron image instead if detectron is to be built
        detectron_path = self.detectron_folder + str(data['id'])
        bbox_path = self.bbox_folder + str(data['id'])
        if 'pt' in self.detectron_folder:
            point = data['points'][0]
            detectron_path += ',' + str(point['x']) + ',' + str(point['y'])
            bbox_path += ',' + str(point['x']) + ',' + str(point['y'])

        detectron_path += '.pt'
        bbox_path += '.pt'

        detectron_feat = torch.load(
            detectron_path, map_location=torch.device('cpu')).squeeze()
        # bbox_feat = torch.load(bbox_path, map_location=torch.device('cpu')).squeeze()
        '''if detectron_feat.shape[0] == 2048:
			detectron_feat = detectron_feat.unsqueeze(0)
			bbox_feat = bbox_feat.unsqueeze(0)
		if self.config.grid:
			 detectron_feat = detectron_feat.view(detectron_feat.shape[0], -1).T
        # x_down = max(int(round(pt['x']/600)), 18)
        # y_down = int(round(pt['y']/800), 25)

        # preproessing for grid features only
        # detectron_feat = detectron_feat.view(detectron_feat.shape[0], -1).T

        # Pad features to fixed length
        if self.config.grid:
            MAX_FEAT = 608

            MAX_FEAT = 100

        if self.config.pad_detectron:
            if detectron_feat.shape[0] > MAX_FEAT:
                detectron_feat = detectron_feat[:MAX_FEAT]
                # bbox_feat = bbox_feat[:MAX_FEAT]
            elif detectron_feat.shape[0] < MAX_FEAT:
                pad = torch.zeros(MAX_FEAT - detectron_feat.shape[0],
                detectron_feat = torch.cat([detectron_feat, pad], dim=0)
                pad = torch.zeros(MAX_FEAT - bbox_feat.shape[0],
                bbox_feat = torch.cat([bbox_feat, pad], dim=0)
			if detectron_feat.dim() > 1:
				detectron_feat = torch.zeros(2048)
        # current_sample.bbox = bbox_feat
        current_sample.image_feature_0 = detectron_feat
        # ---------------------------------------------

        return current_sample
Пример #11
    def get_item(self, idx):

        data = self.objpart_data[idx]

        current_sample = Sample()

        # store queston and image id
        current_sample.img_id = data['id']
        # current_sample.qa_id = data['qa_id']

        if data['ans'] == 'part':
            current_sample.part = 1

            current_sample.part = 0

        # store points
        current_sample.point = data['point']

        # process question
        question = data["question"]
        tokens = tokenize(question, remove=["?"])

        processed = self.text_processor({"tokens": tokens})
        current_sample.text = processed["text"]

        # process answers
        processed = self.answer_processor({"answers": [data['ans']]})
        current_sample.answers = processed["answers"]
        current_sample.targets = processed["answers_scores"][
            1:]  # remove unknown index

        # Detectron features ----------------
        # TODO: read in detectron image instead if detectron is to be built
        detectron_path = self.detectron_folder + str(data['id'])
        if 'pt' in self.detectron_folder:  # hacky way of assessing point supervision
            point = data['point']
            detectron_path += ',' + str(point['x']) + ',' + str(point['y'])

        detectron_path += '.pt'

        detectron_feat = torch.load(
            detectron_path, map_location=torch.device('cpu')).squeeze()

        # hardcode bounding box and read it

        # x_down = max(int(round(pt['x']/600)), 18)
        # y_down = int(round(pt['y']/800), 25)

        # preproessing for grid features only
        # detectron_feat = detectron_feat.view(detectron_feat.shape[0], -1).T

        # Pad features to fixed length
        MAX_FEAT = 100

        if self.config.pad_detectron:
            if detectron_feat.shape[0] > MAX_FEAT:
                detectron_feat = detectron_feat[:MAX_FEAT]
            elif detectron_feat.shape[0] < MAX_FEAT:
                pad = torch.zeros(MAX_FEAT - detectron_feat.shape[0],
                detectron_feat = torch.cat([detectron_feat, pad], dim=0)
			if detectron_feat.dim() > 1:
				detectron_feat = torch.zeros(2048)
        current_sample.image_feature_0 = detectron_feat
        # ---------------------------------------------

        return current_sample