Пример #1
def for_of_statement_to_gast(node):
    gast = {}
    gast["type"] = "forOfStatement"
    gast["init"] = pr.node_to_gast(node.target)
    gast["iter"] = pr.node_to_gast(node.iter)
    gast["body"] = pr.node_to_gast(node.body)
    return gast
Пример #2
def dictionary_to_gast(node):
    takes a dictionary converts it for the generic AST 
    gast = {"type": "dict", "elements": []}

    for i in range(len(node.keys)):
        prop = {"type": "property"}
        prop["key"] = pr.node_to_gast(node.keys[i])
        prop["value"] = pr.node_to_gast(node.values[i])
    return gast
Пример #3
def aug_assign_to_gast(node):
    takes python ast and converts augmented assignment into generic AST
        exampleIn: AugAssign(target=Name(id='x', ctx=Store()), op=Add(), value=Num(n=1))
        exampleOut: {'type': 'augAssign', 'left': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'x'}, 'op': '+=', 'right': {'type': 'num', 'value': 1}}
    gast = {"type": "augAssign"}
    gast["left"] = pr.node_to_gast(node.target)
    gast["op"] = augop_to_str(node.op)
    gast["right"] = pr.node_to_gast(node.value)
    return gast
Пример #4
def call_to_gast(node):
    takes python ast call node and converts to generic ast format
    example print('hello'):
        exampleIn Call(func=Name(id='print'), args=[Str(s='hello')], keywords=[])
        exampleOut {'type': 'funcCall', 'value': {'type': 'logStatement'}, 'args': [{'type': 'str', 'value': 'hello'}]}
    gast = {}
    gast["type"] = "funcCall"
    gast["value"] = pr.node_to_gast(node.func)
    gast["args"] = pr.node_to_gast(node.args)

    return gast
Пример #5
def bin_op_to_gast(node):
    converts a python ast BinOp and to a readable string recursively 
    example 3+4:
        exampleIn BinOp(left=Num(n=3), op=Add, right=Num(n=4))
        exampleOut {'type': 'binOp', 'op': '+', 'left': {'type': 'num', 'value': 3}, 'right': {'type': 'num', 'value': 4}}
    if pyop_to_str(node.op) == None:
        return {"type": "error", "value": "unsupported"}

    gast = {"type": "binOp", "op": pyop_to_str(node.op)}
    gast["left"] = pr.node_to_gast(node.left)
    gast["right"] = pr.node_to_gast(node.right)
    return gast
Пример #6
def arg_helper(arg_list, default_list, param_list):
    # if arg_list empty return
    if not arg_list:
        return param_list
    # if default list empty arg not assigned
    if not default_list:
        param_list.insert(0, pr.node_to_gast(arg_list.pop()))
        return arg_helper(arg_list, default_list, param_list)
        gast = {"type": "assignPattern"}
        gast["left"] = pr.node_to_gast(arg_list.pop())
        gast["right"] = pr.node_to_gast(default_list.pop())
        param_list.insert(0, gast)
        return arg_helper(arg_list, default_list, param_list)
Пример #7
def compare_helper(node_list, op_list):
    if pyop_to_str(op_list[0]) == None:
        return {"type": "error", "value": "unsupported"}

    gast = {}
    gast["type"] = "binOp"
    gast["left"] = pr.node_to_gast(node_list[0])
    gast["op"] = pyop_to_str(op_list[0])

    if len(node_list[1:]) > 1:
        gast["right"] = compare_helper(node_list[1:], op_list[1:])
        gast["right"] = pr.node_to_gast(node_list[1])

    return gast
Пример #8
def for_range_statement_to_gast(node):
    Converts for statement of the structure for i in range() to gast
    Notes about functionality
        - only works with 2-3 range args
        - only works if arg nodes are of type ast.Num (in case of positives) or 
        ast.UnaryOp (in case of negatives). Does not work with vars.
    gast = {}
        gast["type"] = "forRangeStatement"
        args = node.iter.args
        start_num = get_start_num(args)
        end_num = get_end_num(args)
        step_num = get_step_num(args)

        gast["init"] = for_range_statement_init_helper(node.target, start_num)
        gast["test"] = for_range_statement_test_helper(node.target, start_num,
        gast["update"] = for_range_statement_update_helper(
            node.target, step_num)
        gast["body"] = pr.node_to_gast(node.body)

        gast = {"type": "error", "value": "unsupported"}

    return gast
Пример #9
def bool_op_helper(node_list, op_str):
    Recursively handles case where Python creates a list of literals
    if op_str == None:
        return {"type": "error", "value": "unsupported"}

    gast = {}
    gast["type"] = "boolOp"
    gast["left"] = pr.node_to_gast(node_list[0])
    gast["op"] = op_str

    if len(node_list[1:]) > 1:
        gast["right"] = bool_op_helper(node_list[1:], op_str)
        gast["right"] = pr.node_to_gast(node_list[1])
    return gast
Пример #10
def assign_to_gast(node):
    takes python ast assigns and converts them to generic ast format
    note, that this assumes only a single assignment (i.e. x = 4)
    for now, it does not work for things link x,y = 4,5
        exampleIn Assign(targets=[Name(id='x')], value=Num(n=5))
        exampleOut {'type': 'varAssign', 'kind': 'let', 'varId': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'x'}, 'varValue': 5}
    gast = {}
    gast["type"] = "varAssign"
    gast["kind"] = "let"
    gast["varId"] = pr.node_to_gast(
        node.targets[0])  # FIXME: understand when targets won't be 0
    gast["varValue"] = pr.node_to_gast(node.value)

    return gast
Пример #11
def expr_to_gast(node):
    Takes python ast.expr node and converts them to the generic
    ast format
    example print('hello')
        exampleIn Expr(value=Call(func=Name(id='print'), args=[Str(s='hello')], keywords=[]))
        exampleOut {'type': 'funcCall', 'value': {'type': 'logStatement'}, 'args': [{'type': 'str', 'value': 'hello'}]}
    return pr.node_to_gast(node.value)
Пример #12
def array_to_gast(node):
    takes an array of elements and recursively calls node_to_gast on each element
    gast = {"type": "arr"}
    list_elem = []
    for elem in ast.iter_child_nodes(node):
        if type(elem) != ast.Load:
    gast["elements"] = list_elem
    return gast
Пример #13
def module_to_gast(node):
    takes ast node of type module and returns
    a generic ast for that node
    example print("hello"):
        node (input): Module(body=[Expr(value=Call(func=Name(id='print'), args=[Str(s='hello')], keywords=[]))])
        gast (output): {'type': 'root', 'body': [{'type': 'funcCall', 'value': {'type': 'logStatement'}, 'args': [{'type': 'str', 'value': 'hello'}]}]}
    gast = {"type": "root"}
    gast["body"] = pr.node_to_gast(node.body)
    return gast
Пример #14
def unary_op_to_gast(node):
    takes node of type unaryOp and converts it to our generic ast represenations
    pyop = pyop_to_str(node.op)
    if pyop == None:
        return {"type": "error", "value": "unsupported"}

    return {
        "type": "unaryOp",
        "op": pyop,
        "arg": pr.node_to_gast(node.operand)
Пример #15
def py_to_gast(python_input):
    takes pyton code and converts it to a node
    node is then dealt with by node_to_gast 
    input_ast = ''
        input_ast = ast.parse(python_input)
        # this will signal to translate that error occurred
        return None

    return py_router.node_to_gast(input_ast)
Пример #16
def for_range_statement_init_helper(var_node, start_num):
    Takes a node representing start of loop and the variable node.
    returns a gast node representing value for the init key in forRangeStatement gast
    Example: ast.parse("for i in range(0,10,2)")
        input: var_node = ast.Name(i), start_num = 10,
        output: {'type': 'varAssign', 'kind': 'let', 'varId': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'i'}, 'varValue': {'type': 'num', 'value': 0}}

    gast = {}
    gast["type"] = "varAssign"
    gast["kind"] = "let"
    gast["varId"] = pr.node_to_gast(var_node)
    gast["varValue"] = num_to_gast(start_num)

    return gast
Пример #17
def node_list_to_gast(node):
    takes a node that represents a list of nodes.
    returns a list of gast
    example print("hello"):
        node (input): [Expr(value=Call(func=Name(id='print'), args=[Str(s='hello')], keywords=[]))]
        gast (output): [{'type': 'funcCall', 'value': {'type': 'logStatement'}, args': [{'type': 'str', 'value': 'hello'}]}]
    example array of strings:
        input: [Str(s='hello'), Str(s='world')]
        output:[{'type': 'str', 'value': 'hello'}, {'type': 'str', 'value': 'world'}]
    gast_list = []
    for i in range(0, len(node)):

    return gast_list
Пример #18
def attribute_to_gast(node):
    handles attributes for python expressions
    gast = {"value": pr.node_to_gast(node.value)}

    # The tool only currently supports the built in functions below
    # TODO add other built in function translations
    attribute = node.attr
    if attribute in {func.name for func in built_in.py_built_in_functions}:
        gast["type"] = "builtInAttribute"
        gast["id"] = built_in.py_built_in_functions[attribute].value
        return gast

    gast["type"] = "attribute"
    gast["id"] = attribute
    return gast
Пример #19
def for_range_statement_test_helper(var_node, start_num, end_num):
    Takes a variable node, start node and end node. Returns gast node
    representing value for the test key in forRangeStatement gast
    Example: ast.parse("for i in range(0,10,2)")
        input: var_node = ast.Name(i), start_num = 10, end_num = 2
        output: {'type': 'binOp', 'left': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'i'}, 'op': '<', 'right': {'type': 'num', 'value': 10}}

    # first need to figure out whether to use "<" or ">"
    if start_num <= end_num:
        op_str = "<"
        op_str = ">"

    gast = {}
    gast["type"] = "binOp"
    gast["left"] = pr.node_to_gast(var_node)
    gast["op"] = op_str
    gast["right"] = num_to_gast(end_num)

    return gast
Пример #20
def for_range_statement_update_helper(var_node, step_num):
    takes a variable node and an integer that represents the step. Returns
    a gast node representing value for the update key in forRangeStatement gast
    Example: ast.parse("for i in range(0,10,2)")
        input: var_node = ast.Name(i), step_num = 2
        output: {'type': 'augAssign', 'left': {'type': 'name', 'value': 'i'}, 'op': '+=', 'right': {'type': 'num', 'value': 2}}

    if step_num < 0:
        op_str = "-="
        right_gast = {
            "type": "num",
            "value": -1 * step_num  # FIXME: this feels very hacky
        op_str = "+="
        right_gast = {"type": "num", "value": step_num}
    gast = {}
    gast["type"] = "augAssign"
    gast["left"] = pr.node_to_gast(var_node)
    gast["op"] = op_str
    gast["right"] = right_gast
    return gast
Пример #21
def while_statement_to_gast(node):
    gast = {}
    gast["type"] = "whileStatement"
    gast["body"] = pr.node_to_gast(node.body)
    gast["test"] = pr.node_to_gast(node.test)
    return gast
Пример #22
def subscript_to_gast(node):
    gast = {"type": "subscript"}
    gast["index"] = pr.node_to_gast(node.slice.value)
    gast["value"] = pr.node_to_gast(
        node.value)  # TODO expand to cover slices of a list
    return gast
Пример #23
def function_def_to_gast(node):
    gast = {"type": "functionDeclaration"}
    gast["id"] = pr.node_to_gast(node.name)
    gast["params"] = pr.node_to_gast(node.args)
    gast["body"] = pr.node_to_gast(node.body)
    return gast
Пример #24
def arg_to_gast(node):
    takes argument from function declaration and makes into gast node
    return pr.node_to_gast(node.arg)
Пример #25
def lamda_to_gast(node):
    gast = {"type": "arrowExpression"}
    gast["params"] = pr.node_to_gast(node.args)
    gast["body"] = []
    return gast
Пример #26
def return_statement_to_gast(node):
    Turns return statement into gast
    return {"type": "returnStatement", "value": pr.node_to_gast(node.value)}