Пример #1
def generate_cloud(tile_info, do_offset=False, utm_zone=None):
        tile_info: a dictionary that provides all you need to process a tile
        do_offset (optional, default: False): boolean flag to decide wether the
            x, y coordinates of points in the ply file will be translated or not
            (translated to be close to 0, to avoid precision loss due to huge
    print "\nComputing point cloud..."

    # get info
    tile_dir = tile_info['directory']
    x, y, w, h = tile_info['coordinates']
    img1, rpc1 = cfg['images'][0]['img'], cfg['images'][0]['rpc']

    #height_map = tile_dir + '/local_merged_height_map.tif'
    height_map = tile_dir + '/local_merged_height_map_crop.tif'
    crop_color = tile_dir + '/roi_color_ref.tif'
    if not os.path.exists(crop_color):
        crop_color = ''

    z = cfg['subsampling_factor']

    # Compute the homography transforming the coordinates system of the
    # original full size image into the coordinates system
    # of the crop we are dealing with
    # col and row have been divided by z inside 'finalize_tile' for
    # convinience; col*z and row*z allow to get the initial values back.
    A = common.matrix_translation(-x * z, -y * z)
    z = cfg['subsampling_factor']
    f = 1.0 / z
    Z = np.diag([f, f, 1])
    A = np.dot(Z, A)
    trans = tile_dir + '/trans.txt'
    np.savetxt(trans, A, fmt='%9.3f')

    # compute coordinates (offsets) of the point we want to use as origin in
    # the local coordinate system of the computed cloud
    if do_offset:
        r = rpc_model.RPCModel(rpc1)
        lat = r.latOff
        lon = r.lonOff
        off_x, off_y = geographiclib.geodetic_to_utm(lat, lon)[0:2]
        off_x, off_y = 0, 0

    # output
    cloud = tile_dir + '/cloud.ply'


Пример #2
def generate_cloud(tile_info, do_offset=False):
        tile_info: a dictionary that provides all you need to process a tile
        do_offset (optional, default: False): boolean flag to decide wether the
            x, y coordinates of points in the ply file will be translated or not
            (translated to be close to 0, to avoid precision loss due to huge
    print "\nComputing point cloud..."
    # get info
    tile_dir = tile_info['directory']
    x, y, w, h = tile_info['coordinates']
    img1, rpc1 = cfg['images'][0]['img'], cfg['images'][0]['rpc']

    #height_map = tile_dir + '/local_merged_height_map.tif'
    height_map = tile_dir + '/local_merged_height_map_crop.tif'
    crop_color = tile_dir + '/roi_color_ref.tif'
    if not os.path.exists(crop_color):
        crop_color = ''

    z = cfg['subsampling_factor']

    # Compute the homography transforming the coordinates system of the
    # original full size image into the coordinates system
    # of the crop we are dealing with
    # col and row have been divided by z inside 'finalize_tile' for
    # convinience; col*z and row*z allow to get the initial values back.
    A = common.matrix_translation(-x * z, -y * z)
    z = cfg['subsampling_factor']
    f = 1.0 / z
    Z = np.diag([f, f, 1])
    A = np.dot(Z, A)
    trans = tile_dir + '/trans.txt'
    np.savetxt(trans, A, fmt='%9.3f')

    # compute coordinates (offsets) of the point we want to use as origin in
    # the local coordinate system of the computed cloud
    if do_offset:
        r = rpc_model.RPCModel(rpc1)
        lat = r.latOff
        lon = r.lonOff
        off_x, off_y = geographiclib.geodetic_to_utm(lat, lon)[0:2]
        off_x, off_y = 0, 0

    # output
    cloud = tile_dir + '/cloud.ply'

    triangulation.compute_point_cloud(cloud, height_map, rpc1, trans, crop_color,
                                      off_x, off_y)

Пример #3
def generate_cloud(img_name, exp_name, x, y, w, h, height_map,
        img_name: name of the dataset, located in the 'pleiades_data/images'
        exp_name: string used to identify the experiment
        x, y, w, h: four integers defining the rectangular ROI in the original
            panchro image. (x, y) is the top-left corner, and (w, h) are the
            dimensions of the rectangle.
        height_map: path to the height_map, produced by the process_pair of
            process_triplet function
        reference_image_id: id (1, 2 or 3) of the image used as the reference
            image. The height map has been resampled on its grid.

    rpc = 'data/%s/%04d.png.P' % (img_name, reference_image_id)
    im = 'data/%s/%04d.png' % (img_name, reference_image_id)
    im_color = 'data/%s/%04d.png' % (img_name, reference_image_id)   
    crop   = '/tmp/%s_roi_ref%02d.tif' % (exp_name, reference_image_id)
    crop_color = '/tmp/%s_roi_color_ref%02d.tif' % (exp_name, reference_image_id)
    cloud   = '/tmp/%s_cloud.ply'  % (exp_name)

    # read the zoom value
    zoom = global_params.subsampling_factor

    # colorize, then generate point cloud
    tmp_crop = common.image_crop_TIFF(im, x, y, w, h)
    tmp_crop = common.image_safe_zoom_fft(tmp_crop, zoom)
    common.run('cp %s %s' % (tmp_crop, crop))
    A = common.matrix_translation(-x, -y)
    f = 1.0/zoom
    Z = np.diag([f, f, 1])
    A = np.dot(Z, A)
    trans = common.tmpfile('.txt')
    np.savetxt(trans, A)
#    compute_point_cloud(common.image_qauto(crop),
#            height_map, rpc, trans, cloud)
    sz = common.image_size(crop)
          common.image_crop(height_map,0,0,sz[0],sz[1]) , rpc, trans, cloud)

    # cleanup
    while common.garbage:
        common.run('rm ' + common.garbage.pop())

    print "v %s %s %s" % (crop, crop_color, height_map)
    print "meshlab %s" % (cloud)
Пример #4
def generate_cloud(out_dir, height_map, rpc1, x, y, w, h, im1, clr,
        out_dir: output directory. The file cloud.ply will be written there
        height_map: path to the height map, produced by the process_pair
            or process_triplet function
        rpc1: path to the xml file containing rpc coefficients for the
            reference image
        x, y, w, h: four integers defining the rectangular ROI in the original
            panchro image. (x, y) is the top-left corner, and (w, h) are the
            dimensions of the rectangle.
        im1:  path to the panchro reference image
        clr:  path to the xs (multispectral, ie color) reference image
        do_offset (optional, default: False): boolean flag to decide wether the
            x, y coordinates of points in the ply file will be translated or
            not (translated to be close to 0, to avoid precision loss due to
            huge numbers)
    print "\nComputing point cloud..."

    # output files
    crop_ref = '%s/roi_ref.tif' % out_dir
    cloud = '%s/cloud.ply' % out_dir
    if not os.path.exists(out_dir):

    # ensure that the coordinates of the ROI are multiples of the zoom factor,
    # to avoid bad registration of tiles due to rounding problems.
    z = cfg['subsampling_factor']
    x, y, w, h = common.round_roi_to_nearest_multiple(z, x, y, w, h)

    # build the matrix of the zoom + translation transformation
    if cfg['full_img'] and z == 1:
        trans = None
        A = common.matrix_translation(-x, -y)
        f = 1.0/z
        Z = np.diag([f, f, 1])
        A = np.dot(Z, A)
        trans = '%s/trans.txt' % out_dir
        np.savetxt(trans, A)

    # compute offset
    if do_offset:
        r = rpc_model.RPCModel(rpc1)
        lat = r.latOff
        lon = r.lonOff
        off_x, off_y = geographiclib.geodetic_to_utm(lat, lon)[0:2]
        off_x, off_y = 0, 0

    # crop the ROI in ref image, then zoom
    if cfg['full_img'] and z == 1:
        crop_ref = im1
        if z == 1:
            common.image_crop_TIFF(im1, x, y, w, h, crop_ref)
            # gdal is used for the zoom because it handles BigTIFF files, and
            # before the zoom out the image may be that big
            tmp_crop = common.image_crop_TIFF(im1, x, y, w, h)
            common.image_zoom_gdal(tmp_crop, z, crop_ref, w, h)

    if cfg['color_ply']:
        crop_color = '%s/roi_color_ref.tif' % out_dir
        if clr is not None:
            print 'colorizing...'
            triangulation.colorize(crop_ref, clr, x, y, z, crop_color)
        elif common.image_pix_dim_tiffinfo(crop_ref) == 4:
            print 'the image is pansharpened fusioned'
            tmp = common.rgbi_to_rgb(crop_ref, out=None, tilewise=True)
            common.image_qauto(tmp, crop_color, tilewise=False)
            print 'no color data'
            common.image_qauto(crop_ref, crop_color, tilewise=False)
        crop_color = ''

    triangulation.compute_point_cloud(cloud, height_map, rpc1, trans, crop_color,
                                      off_x, off_y)