def __init__(self, title, jsp, num_rows=0): super(JointStatePublisherGui, self).__init__() self.jsp = jsp self.joint_map = {} self.vlayout = QVBoxLayout(self) self.scrollable = QWidget() self.gridlayout = QGridLayout() self.scroll = QScrollArea() self.scroll.setWidgetResizable(True) font = QFont("Helvetica", 9, QFont.Bold) ### Generate sliders ### sliders = [] for name in self.jsp.joint_list: if name not in self.jsp.free_joints: continue joint = self.jsp.free_joints[name] if joint['min'] == joint['max']: continue joint_layout = QVBoxLayout() row_layout = QHBoxLayout() label = QLabel(name) label.setFont(font) row_layout.addWidget(label) display = QLineEdit("0.00") display.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight) display.setFont(font) display.setReadOnly(True) row_layout.addWidget(display) joint_layout.addLayout(row_layout) slider = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal) slider.setFont(font) slider.setRange(0, RANGE) slider.setValue(RANGE / 2) joint_layout.addWidget(slider) self.joint_map[name] = { 'slidervalue': 0, 'display': display, 'slider': slider, 'joint': joint } # Connect to the signal provided by QSignal slider.valueChanged.connect( lambda event, name=name: self.onValueChangedOne(name)) sliders.append(joint_layout) # Determine number of rows to be used in grid self.num_rows = num_rows # if desired num of rows wasn't set, default behaviour is a vertical layout if self.num_rows == 0: self.num_rows = len(sliders) # equals VBoxLayout # Generate positions in grid and place sliders there self.positions = self.generate_grid_positions(len(sliders), self.num_rows) for item, pos in zip(sliders, self.positions): self.gridlayout.addLayout(item, *pos) # Set zero positions read from parameters # Synchronize slider and displayed value self.sliderUpdate(None) # Set up a signal for updating the sliders based on external joint info self.sliderUpdateTrigger.connect(self.updateSliders) self.scrollable.setLayout(self.gridlayout) self.scroll.setWidget(self.scrollable) self.vlayout.addWidget(self.scroll) # Buttons for randomizing and centering sliders and # Spinbox for on-the-fly selecting number of rows self.randbutton = QPushButton('Randomize', self) self.randbutton.clicked.connect(self.randomize_event) self.vlayout.addWidget(self.randbutton) self.ctrbutton = QPushButton('Center', self) self.ctrbutton.clicked.connect(self.center_event) self.vlayout.addWidget(self.ctrbutton) self.maxrowsupdown = QSpinBox() self.maxrowsupdown.setMinimum(1) self.maxrowsupdown.setMaximum(len(sliders)) self.maxrowsupdown.setValue(self.num_rows) self.maxrowsupdown.valueChanged.connect(self.reorggrid_event) self.vlayout.addWidget(self.maxrowsupdown) self.setLayout(self.vlayout)
def __init__(self, content): super(SliderPublisher, self).__init__() content = content.replace('\t', ' ') # get message types self.publishers = {} self.values = {} pkgs = [] # to keep track of key ordering in the yaml file order = [] old = [] for topic, info in yaml.load(content).items(): pkg, msg = info['type'].split('/') pkgs.append(__import__(pkg, globals(), locals(), ['msg'])) self.publishers[topic] = Publisher(topic, getattr(pkgs[-1].msg, msg), info) order.append((topic, [])) for key in info: self.values[key] = info[key] order[-1][1].append((content.find(' ' + key + ':'), key)) old.append((content.find(' ' + key + ':'), key)) for bound in ['min', 'max']: self.values[key][bound] = float(self.values[key][bound]) self.values[key]['val'] = 0 order[-1][1].sort() order.sort(key=lambda x: x[1][0][0]) # build sliders - thanks joint_state_publisher sliderUpdateTrigger = Signal() self.vlayout = QVBoxLayout(self) self.gridlayout = QGridLayout() font = QFont("Helvetica", 9, QFont.Bold) topic_font = QFont("Helvetica", 10, QFont.Bold) sliders = [] self.key_map = {} y = 0 for topic, keys in order: topic_layout = QVBoxLayout() label = QLabel(topic) label.setFont(topic_font) topic_layout.addWidget(label) self.gridlayout.addLayout(topic_layout, *(y, 0)) y += 1 for idx, key in keys: key_layout = QVBoxLayout() row_layout = QHBoxLayout() label = QLabel(key) label.setFont(font) row_layout.addWidget(label) display = QLineEdit("0.00") display.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight) display.setFont(font) display.setReadOnly(True) row_layout.addWidget(display) key_layout.addLayout(row_layout) slider = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal) slider.setFont(font) slider.setRange(0, RANGE) slider.setValue(RANGE / 2) key_layout.addWidget(slider) self.key_map[key] = { 'slidervalue': 0, 'display': display, 'slider': slider } slider.valueChanged.connect(self.onValueChanged) self.gridlayout.addLayout(key_layout, *(y, 0)) y += 1 #sliders.append(key_layout) # Generate positions in grid and place sliders there #self.positions = [(y,0) for y in range(len(sliders))] #for item, pos in zip(sliders, self.positions): # self.gridlayout.addLayout(item, *pos) self.vlayout.addLayout(self.gridlayout) self.ctrbutton = QPushButton('Center', self) self.ctrbutton.clicked.connect( self.vlayout.addWidget(self.ctrbutton)
def __init__(self, title, jsp, num_rows=0): super(JointStatePublisherGui, self).__init__() self.jsp = jsp self.joint_map = {} self.vlayout = QVBoxLayout(self) self.gridlayout = QGridLayout() font = QFont("Helvetica", 9, QFont.Bold) ### Generate sliders ### sliders = [] for name in self.jsp.joint_list: if name not in self.jsp.free_joints: continue joint = self.jsp.free_joints[name] if joint['min'] == joint['max']: continue joint_layout = QVBoxLayout() row_layout = QHBoxLayout() label = QLabel(name) label.setFont(font) row_layout.addWidget(label) display = QLineEdit("0.00") display.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight) display.setFont(font) display.setReadOnly(True) row_layout.addWidget(display) joint_layout.addLayout(row_layout) slider = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal) slider.setFont(font) slider.setRange(0, RANGE) slider.setValue(RANGE/2) joint_layout.addWidget(slider) self.joint_map[name] = {'slidervalue': 0, 'display': display, 'slider': slider, 'joint': joint} # Connect to the signal provided by QSignal slider.valueChanged.connect(self.onValueChanged) sliders.append(joint_layout) # Determine number of rows to be used in grid self.num_rows = num_rows # if desired num of rows wasn't set, default behaviour is a vertical layout if self.num_rows == 0: self.num_rows = len(sliders) # equals VBoxLayout # Generate positions in grid and place sliders there self.positions = self.generate_grid_positions(len(sliders), self.num_rows) for item, pos in zip(sliders, self.positions): self.gridlayout.addLayout(item, *pos) # Set zero positions read from parameters # Synchronize slider and displayed value self.sliderUpdate(None) # Set up a signal for updating the sliders based on external joint info self.sliderUpdateTrigger.connect(self.updateSliders) self.vlayout.addLayout(self.gridlayout) # Buttons for randomizing and centering sliders and # Spinbox for on-the-fly selecting number of rows self.randbutton = QPushButton('Randomize', self) self.randbutton.clicked.connect(self.randomize_event) self.vlayout.addWidget(self.randbutton) self.ctrbutton = QPushButton('Center', self) self.ctrbutton.clicked.connect(self.center_event) self.vlayout.addWidget(self.ctrbutton) self.maxrowsupdown = QSpinBox() self.maxrowsupdown.setMinimum(1) self.maxrowsupdown.setMaximum(len(sliders)) self.maxrowsupdown.setValue(self.num_rows) self.maxrowsupdown.lineEdit().setReadOnly(True) # don't edit it by hand to avoid weird resizing of window self.maxrowsupdown.valueChanged.connect(self.reorggrid_event) self.vlayout.addWidget(self.maxrowsupdown)
def __init__(self, node_ns, controller, urdf=None, *args, **kwargs): super(JointPositionControllerWidget, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._controller = controller self._urdf = urdf loadUi('Controller.ui', self) self.controller_name.setText( self.controller_type.setText(controller.type) controller_ns = rospy.resolve_name(, node_ns) joint_name_widget = QLabel() joint_position_widget = QLineEdit() joint_position_widget.setReadOnly(True) joint_position_widget.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight) joint_position_widget.setText(str(0.0)) extras_layout = QGridLayout() extras_layout.addWidget(joint_name_widget, 0, 0) extras_layout.addWidget(joint_position_widget, 0, 1) extras = QWidget() extras.setLayout(extras_layout) self.layout().addWidget(extras) slider_range = (0, 10000) limits = {'min': 0.0, 'max': 3.14} if self._urdf is not None: joint_name = next(iter([ resource for interface in controller.claimed_resources if interface.hardware_interface == \ 'hardware_interface::PositionJointInterface' for resource in interface.resources ]), None) if joint_name is not None: joint_name_widget.setText(joint_name) joint_limit = self._urdf.xpath( '/robot/joint[@name=$name]/limit', name=joint_name) if joint_limit: l = joint_limit[0] limits = { 'min': float(joint_limit[0].get('lower')), 'max': float(joint_limit[0].get('upper')) } pub = rospy.Publisher(controller_ns + '/command', std_msgs.msg.Float64, queue_size=10) def on_value_changed(value): value = limits['min'] + value / float( slider_range[1] - slider_range[0]) * (limits['max'] - limits['min']) joint_position_widget.setText(str(value)) pub.publish(value) slider = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal) slider.setRange(slider_range[0], slider_range[1]) slider.valueChanged.connect(on_value_changed) extras_layout.addWidget(slider, 1, 0, 1, 2)