Пример #1
def pacback_hook(install):
    '''Installs or removes a standard alpm hook in /etc/pacman.d/hooks
    Runs as a PreTransaction hook during every upgrade.'''
    PS.Start_Log('PacbackHook', log_file)

    if install is True:
        PS.MK_Dir('/etc/pacman.d/hooks', sudo=False)
        PS.Uncomment_Line_Sed('HookDir', '/etc/pacman.conf', sudo=False)
        hook = [
            '[Trigger]', 'Operation = Upgrade', 'Type = Package', 'Target = *',
            '', '[Action]', 'Description = Pre-Upgrade Pacback Hook',
            'Depends = pacman', 'When = PreTransaction',
            'Exec = /usr/bin/pacback --hook'
        PS.Export_List('/etc/pacman.d/hooks/pacback.hook', hook)
        PS.prSuccess('Pacback Hook is Now Installed!')
        PS.Write_To_Log('InstallHook', 'Installed Pacback Hook Successfully',

    elif install is False:
        PS.RM_File('/etc/pacman.d/hooks/pacback.hook', sudo=False)
        PS.Write_To_Log('RemoveHook', 'Removed Pacback Hook Successfully',
        PS.prSuccess('Pacback Hook Removed!')

    PS.End_Log('PacbackHook', log_file)
Пример #2
def clean_cache(count):
    '''Automated Cache Cleaning Using pacman, paccache, and pacback.'''
    PS.Start_Log('CleanCache', log_file)
    PS.prWorking('Starting Advanced Cache Cleaning...')
    if PS.YN_Frame('Do You Want To Uninstall Orphaned Packages?') is True:
        os.system('sudo pacman -R $(pacman -Qtdq)')
        PS.Write_To_Log('CleanCache', 'Ran pacman -Rns $(pacman -Qtdq)',

    if PS.YN_Frame('Do You Want To Remove Old Versions of Installed Packages?'
                   ) is True:
        os.system('sudo paccache -rk ' + count)
        PS.Write_To_Log('CleanCache', 'Ran paccache -rk ' + count, log_file)

    if PS.YN_Frame('Do You Want To Remove Cached Orphans?') is True:
        os.system('sudo paccache -ruk0')
        PS.Write_To_Log('CleanCache', 'Ran paccache -ruk0', log_file)

    if PS.YN_Frame(
            'Do You Want To Check For Old Pacback Restore Points?') is True:
        PS.Write_To_Log('CleanCache', 'Started Search For Old RPs', log_file)
        metas = PS.Search_FS(rp_paths, 'set')
        rps = {f for f in metas if f.endswith(".meta")}

        for m in rps:
            rp_num = m.split('/')[-1]
            # Find RP Create Date in Meta File
            meta = PS.Read_List(m)
            for l in meta:
                if l.split(':')[0] == 'Date Created':
                    target_date = l.split(':')[1].strip()

            # Parse and Format Dates for Compare
            today = dt.datetime.now().strftime("%Y/%m/%d")
            t_split = list(today.split('/'))
            today_date = dt.date(int(t_split[0]), int(t_split[1]),
            o_split = list(target_date.split('/'))
            old_date = dt.date(int(o_split[0]), int(o_split[1]),

            # Compare Days
            days = (today_date - old_date).days
            if days > 180:
                PS.prWarning(m.split('/')[-1] + ' Is Over 180 Days Old!')
                if PS.YN_Frame(
                        'Do You Want to Remove This Restore Point?') is True:
                    PS.RM_File(m, sudo=True)
                    PS.RM_Dir(m[:-5], sudo=True)
                    PS.prSuccess('Restore Point Removed!')
                    PS.Write_To_Log('CleanCache', 'Removed RP ' + rp_num,
            PS.prSuccess(rp_num + ' Is Only ' + str(days) + ' Days Old!')
                            'RP ' + rp_num + ' Was Less Than 180 Days 0ld',

    PS.End_Log('CleanCache', log_file)
Пример #3
def pacman_Q(replace_spaces=False):
    '''Writes the output into /tmp, reads file, then removes file.'''
    os.system("pacman -Q > /tmp/pacman_q.meta")
    ql = PS.Read_List('/tmp/pacman_q.meta', typ='set')
    PS.RM_File('/tmp/pacman_q.meta', sudo=True)
    if replace_spaces is True:
        rl = {s.strip().replace(' ', '-') for s in ql}
        return rl
        return ql
Пример #4
def remove_rp(rp_num, nc):
    PS.Start_Log('RemoveRP', log_file)
    rp = rp_paths + '/rp' + rp_num + '.meta'

    if nc is False:
        if PS.YN_Frame('Do You Want to Remove This Restore Point?') is True:
            PS.RM_File(rp, sudo=False)
            PS.RM_Dir(rp[:-5], sudo=False)
            PS.prSuccess('Restore Point Removed!')
            PS.Write_To_Log('RemoveRP', 'Removed Restore Point ' + rp_num,
                            'User Declined Removing Restore Point ' + rp_num)

    elif nc is True:
        PS.RM_File(rp, sudo=False)
        PS.RM_Dir(rp[:-5], sudo=False)
        PS.prSuccess('Restore Point Removed!')
        PS.Write_To_Log('RemoveRP', 'Removed Restore Point ' + rp_num,

    PS.End_Log('RemoveRP', log_file)
Пример #5
def upgrade_to_hardlinks(rp_path):
    # This is a Total Hack Job. Don't Judge Me :(
                    'Unpacking Old Restore Point For Conversion', log_file)
    if os.path.exists(rp_path + '.tar.gz'):
        PS.GZ_D(rp_path + '.tar.gz')
    PS.Untar_Dir(rp_path + '.tar')
    PS.Write_To_Log('HardlinkUpgrade', 'Unpacked Restore Point', log_file)

    # Read and Parse Meta Data
    meta = PS.Read_List(rp_path + '.meta')
    meta_old_pkgs = PS.Read_Between('======= Pacman List ========',
                                    '<Endless>', meta)
    meta_dirs = PS.Read_Between('========= Dir List =========',
                                '======= Pacman List ========', meta)[:-1]
    PS.Write_To_Log('HardlinkUpgrade', 'Read RP MetaData', log_file)

    # Find Existing Package
    pc = PS.Search_FS(rp_path + '/pac_cache')
    found = PU.search_paccache(PS.Replace_Spaces(meta_old_pkgs),

    if len(found) == len(pc):
        PS.prSuccess('All Packages Found!')
                        'All Packages Where Found Elsewhere', log_file)
        PS.RM_Dir(rp_path + '/pac_cache', sudo=False)
        PS.MK_Dir(rp_path + '/pac_cache', sudo=False)
        for pkg in tqdm.tqdm(found, desc='Hardlinking Packages to Pacback RP'):
            os.system('sudo ln ' + pkg + ' ' + rp_path + '/pac_cache/' +
                        'Hardlinked Packages From Other Locations', log_file)

    elif len(found) < len(pc):
            'Not All Packages Where Found. Mergeing With Hardlinks', log_file)
        duplicate = PS.Trim_Dir(pc).intersection(PS.Trim_Dir(found))
        for d in tqdm.tqdm(duplicate, desc='Mergeing and Hardlinking'):
            PS.RM_File(rp_path + '/pac_cache/' + d, sudo=False)
            for p in found:
                if p.split('/')[-1] == d.split('/')[-1]:
                    os.system('sudo ln ' + p + ' ' + rp_path + '/pac_cache/' +
                        'Successfully Merged Restore Point Packages', log_file)

    if len(meta_dirs) > 0:
        PS.Write_To_Log('HardlinkUpgrade', 'Detected Custom Files Saved In RP',
        f_list = set()
        rp_fs = PS.Search_FS(rp_path)
        for f in rp_fs:
            if f[len(rp_path):].split('/')[1] != 'pac_cache':

        with tarfile.open(rp_path + '/' + rp_path[-2:] + '_dirs.tar',
                          'w') as tar:
            for f in tqdm.tqdm(f_list, desc='Adding Dir\'s to Tar'):
                tar.add(f, f[len(rp_path):])
        PS.Write_To_Log('HardlinkUpgrade', 'Added Custom Files To New RP Tar',

        for d in meta_dirs:
            PS.RM_Dir(rp_path + '/' + d.split('/')[1], sudo=False)
        PS.Write_To_Log('HardlinkUpgrade', 'Cleaned Unpacked Custom Files',

    PS.RM_File(rp_path + '.tar', sudo=False)
    PS.Write_To_Log('HardlinkUpgrade', 'Removed Old Restore Point Tar',
    PS.prSuccess('RP Version Upgrade Complete!')
    PS.Write_To_Log('HardlinkUpgrade', 'Restore Point Upgrade Complete',
Пример #6
def create_restore_point(version, rp_num, rp_full, dir_list, no_confirm, notes):
    PS.Start_Log('CreateRP', log_file)
    # Fail Safe for New Users
    if os.path.exists(rp_paths) is False:
        PS.MK_Dir('/var/lib/pacback', sudo=False)
        PS.MK_Dir(rp_paths, sudo=False)
        PS.Write_To_Log('CreateRP', 'Created Base RP Folder in /var/lib', log_file)

    # Set Base Vars
    rp_num = str(rp_num).zfill(2)
    rp_path = rp_paths + '/rp' + rp_num
    rp_tar = rp_path + '/rp' + rp_num + '_dirs.tar'
    rp_meta = rp_path + '.meta'
    found_pkgs = set()
    pac_size = 0

    # Check for Existing Restore Points
    if os.path.exists(rp_path) or os.path.exists(rp_meta):
        if no_confirm is False:
            if int(rp_num) != 0:
                PS.prWarning('Restore Point #' + rp_num + ' Already Exists!')
                if PS.YN_Frame('Do You Want to Overwrite It?') is False:
                    PS.Abort_With_Log('CreateRP', 'User Aborted Overwrite of RP #' + rp_num, 'Aborting!', log_file)

        PS.RM_File(rp_meta, sudo=False)
        PS.RM_Dir(rp_path, sudo=False)
        PS.Write_To_Log('CreateRP', 'Removed RP #' + rp_num + ' During Overwrite', log_file)

    # Full Restore Point Branch
    if rp_full is True:
        PS.Write_To_Log('CreateRP', 'Creating RP #' + rp_num + ' As Full RP', log_file)
        print('Building Full Restore Point...')

        # Set Vars For Full RP
        dir_size = 0
        rp_files = set()
        pac_cache = rp_path + '/pac_cache'

        PS.prWorking('Retrieving Current Packages...')
        pkg_search = pu.pacman_Q(replace_spaces=True)

        # Search File System for Pkgs
        PS.prWorking('Bulk Scanning for ' + str(len(pkg_search)) + ' Packages...')
        found_pkgs = pu.search_paccache(pkg_search, pu.fetch_paccache())
        pac_size = PS.Size_Of_Files(found_pkgs)

        # Ask About Missing Pkgs
        if len(found_pkgs) != len(pkg_search):
            PS.Write_To_Log('CreateRP', 'Not All Packages Where Found', log_file)
            if int(rp_num) != 0:
                if no_confirm is False:
                    pkg_split = pu.trim_pkg_list(found_pkgs)
                    PS.prError('The Following Packages Where NOT Found!')
                    for pkg in set(pkg_search - pkg_split):
                        PS.prWarning(pkg + ' Was NOT Found!')
                    if PS.YN_Frame('Do You Still Want to Continue?') is False:
                        PS.Abort_With_Log('CreateRP', 'User Aborted Due to Missing Pkgs', 'Aborting!', log_file)

        # HardLink Packages to RP
        PS.MK_Dir(rp_path, sudo=False)
        PS.MK_Dir(pac_cache, sudo=False)
        for pkg in tqdm.tqdm(found_pkgs, desc='Hardlinking Packages to Pacback RP'):
            os.system('sudo ln ' + pkg + ' ' + pac_cache + '/' + pkg.split('/')[-1])
        PS.Write_To_Log('CreateRP', 'HardLinked ' + str(len(found_pkgs)) + ' Packages', log_file)

        # Find Custom Files for RP
        if dir_list:
            PS.Write_To_Log('CreateRP', 'User Defined Custom RP Files', log_file)
            # Find and Get Size of Custom Files
            for d in dir_list:
                for f in PS.Search_FS(d, 'set'):
                        dir_size += os.path.getsize(f)
                    except Exception:

            # Pack Custom Folders Into a Tar
            with tarfile.open(rp_tar, 'w') as tar:
                for f in tqdm.tqdm(rp_files, desc='Adding Dir\'s to Tar'):
            PS.Write_To_Log('CreateRP', 'Tar Created For Custom RP Files', log_file)

            # Compress Custom Files If Added Larger Than 1GB
            if dir_size > 1073741824:
                PS.prWorking('Compressing Restore Point Files...')
                if any(re.findall('pigz', l.lower()) for l in pkg_search):
                    os.system('pigz ' + rp_tar + ' -f')
                    PS.GZ_C(rp_tar, rm=True)
                PS.Write_To_Log('CreateRP', 'Compressed Custom Files RP Tar', log_file)

    elif rp_full is False:
        PS.Write_To_Log('CreateRP', 'Creating RP #' + rp_num + ' As A Light RP', log_file)
        if len(dir_list) > 0:
            PS.Abort_With_Log('CreateRP', 'Custom Dirs Are Not Supported By LightRP',
                              'Light Restore Points DO NOT Support Custom Dirs! Please Use The `-f` Flag', log_file)
        print('Building Light Restore Point...')

    # Generate Meta Data File
    current_pkgs = pu.pacman_Q()
    meta_list = ['====== Pacback RP #' + rp_num + ' ======',
                 'Pacback Version: ' + version,
                 'Date Created: ' + dt.datetime.now().strftime("%Y/%m/%d"),
                 'Packages Installed: ' + str(len(current_pkgs)),
                 'Packages in RP: ' + str(len(found_pkgs)),
                 'Size of Packages in RP: ' + PS.Convert_Size(pac_size)]

    if notes:
        meta_list.append('Notes: ' + notes)

    if len(dir_list) != 0:
        meta_list.append('Dirs File Count: ' + str(len(rp_files)))
        meta_list.append('Dirs Total Size: ' + PS.Convert_Size(dir_size))
        meta_list.append('========= Dir List =========')
        for d in dir_list:

    meta_list.append('======= Pacman List ========')
    for pkg in current_pkgs:

    # Export Final Meta Data File
    PS.Export_List(rp_meta, meta_list)
    PS.Write_To_Log('CreateRP', 'RP #' + rp_num + ' Was Successfully Created', log_file)
    PS.End_Log('CreateRP', log_file)
    PS.prSuccess('Restore Point #' + rp_num + ' Successfully Created!')